I was with my girl-friend, Maggie, a long standing relationship for me of nearly 2 years. She was an experienced skier, having been to many Swiss and Austrian slopes, as well as several in the US. It was her idea to try New Zealand, and I must admit, though nowhere near her ability, I was enjoying the country and the skiing a lot. The après-ski was pretty great as well, and many was the night when after meeting new friends for food and drink, Maggie and I staggered back to our rented room and continued the festivities. She was a great fuck, and had no inhibitions, or at least I hadn’t found any limit to her, which kept me happy and satisfied, if a bit tired. Her mouth, pussy and ass were all well practised and my cock always had the choice of places in which to have fun. We were equal partners in sex, with the usual games of dominance and subservience, but really we just enjoyed getting off and getting each other off as often and for as long as possible.
We decided for our last major event before we were due to return to our English summer to take a helicopter ride up to some mountains to the north of Queenstown. We were to be met by a guide, who would then take us down some quite difficult slopes and runs to the base camp, where we would eat and drink before taking the helicopter back. There were 7 of us on this trip, Maggie and I, two other couples and a woman on her own. It was noisy in the ‘copter, so we didn’t get much chance of chatting, other than to exchange names and comment on the glorious scene below.
When we landed, there was our guide, a native Kiwi called Liam, a 6ft 4 well build guy who had come up on a snowmobile. He sorted us into two skill groups, and gave us some basic safety instructions, especially about what to do if we were separated, or if we had a mishap. Of course, none of us thought that anything was going to happen to us, we were young and fearless, and the world was our oyster.
So off we went, Maggie in the more skilled group, and me just with Emily, as the lone woman’s name turned out to be. We were all told where to meet after the first stage, and they went off on their own while Liam stayed with Emily and I. The skiing wasn’t easy, and both of us fell a couple of times, but with no real problems, and we met the other group as arranged. It was noticeable then that the skies were clouding, and a few flakes of snow were falling. Liam said that it wasn’t a problem, but we probably should keep together for the next stage, just in case it worsened.
Within about 10 minutes, it certainly did worsen, and Liam got us quite close together so that line of sight could be kept. Almost without warning, there was a thundering noise, and the ground shook. Liam waved frantically for us to stop, which we tried to do, but before I could do much, a great sheet of snow swept over me, and I was carried for what seemed like ages, but probably was only a minute or so. When it all stopped, I didn’t know which way was up or down, so tried to make a space for myself which fortunately I did. I had one ski pole with me still, and, uninjured apart from a few bruises, and started to probe at the snow around me. It was on the tenth try that I felt that I had broken through something, so frantically dug with my hands in that direction, and managed to finally see daylight. I think that if I hadn’t managed this, the oxygen in the small cavern I had made would quickly have run out.
I staggered out of the hole that I had created, and looked around. Not knowing the landscape, it didn’t look a lot different except that I was alone. Where were the others? Was I the only one who had been engulfed? Or, more scarily, the only one alive?
That question was soon answered for me as I spotted about 50 yards away the end of a pole poking out of the ground. I rushed (well as best as I could) over, and started to dig with my gloved hands and saw that it was Emily. I got her out and we just hugged, from, I think, the relief of finding someone else. Then I said we should look further, and also listen. We started to cover the area in an ever increasing circle, watching and listening, and every so often shouting as loudly as we could, and then listening hard in the silence that followed.
When we had got to about 100 yds from the centre of where we had started, we got a sound just after we’d shouted. Yelling and screaming as hard as we could, we listened again, and located where the sound was coming from and just dug. Gasping as the fresh air reached her, it was Maggie’s ashen face that we saw and then pulled up to ground level. She’d been losing consciousness as her air had got very stale, so it was a miracle that we found her. We hugged and kissed, and then suddenly remembered that Emily was their too, so sort of included her in the three way hugs.
We continued searching then for about an hour and a half, without success, and sat down on a boulder to decide what next to do. By then it was late afternoon, and we should have been back at the base camp by then, so we expected that someone would come and find us. Obviously we hoped that it would be the helicopter, Liam and the other four members of our little expedition. To pass the time, we asked Emily to tell us about herself, and we responded in kind. He story was quite simple. She was a Kiwi from the warm part of the North Island, near the Bay of Islands, and having split from her husband of 5 years, she wanted to do something different. Well, it certainly was!
When we concluded that no-one was coming immediately for us, we decided we had better start to walk, as we’d lost most of our ski equipment, apart from a couple of poles. It was very slow going and I doubt if we had made more than a few miles of exhausting tramping in the deep snow before it was getting rather dark and very cold. We had got to some rather rocky areas, with trees starting to appear, but open enough as yet so that any rescuers could find us.
Emily said that we shouldn’t go on, but I was worried that not moving would let us get even colder and possibly freeze to death.
We sat huddled together, and odd though it seemed, the temperature in the cavern went up. After an hour or more, it was getting quite warm, and rather moist and stuffy, though we weren’t in danger of suffocating. I stripped off my snow suit, and laid it on the snow floor, and the girls did the same. I was amused at how they looked at each other once their thick padded outer layer had gone. Maggie is slim, though with a large firm bust, and Emily, who we hadn’t seen before like this, was broader in the hips, but with a tiny waist and a small but firm pair of breasts set off by wide shoulders. Emily’e eyes were fixed on Maggie’s big tits, and Maggie’s on her waist, I think.
Though it was perhaps not the time to do anything physical, but Maggie who is anything but inhibited, slid over to me and cuddled into me, pulling my am over her shoulder and placing my hand on her left breast. I started a bit at that, but Emily just laughed and told me not to be silly, she could see we were a couple and she was pretty broad minded.
This started Maggie off. She wanted to know just how broad minded she was. And she not only interrogated the poor woman, but she became more and more overt about touching me, until I certainly was highly aroused, forgetting totally where we were, as I think the others did as well.
When Emily said that one of the reasons that she and her husband had parted was because he couldn’t get comfortable with the idea that from time to time, she might like to explore her sexuality with another woman or maybe a man, I could see Maggie’s nipples perk up like sentries on alert.
Maggie told her that she had no problem with that and neither did I. She then said that this night might be the last we ever had, if we weren’t found, and wasn’t going to spend it in fear of her life. She took off her sweater and bra, and grabbed Emily and stripped her as well. She kissed Emily, and quickly found she was getting a response, which grew in intensity and before long they were making out under my very eyes. I watched them, undoing my jeans and started stroking my cock. I’m quite long, though not excessively thick, and I saw Emily’s eyes widen as it grew to full size.
She broke off from Maggie, to her slight annoyance, and grabbed hold of me, and with a smacking of her lips, highly exaggerated for effect, she started to suck me down. She gagged as my cock passed into her throat, but she took it well, and soon was sliding me almost out before sucking me deep again. Maggie moved over too, and massaged Emily’s back as she knelt there, and then slid one finger under me and into my asshole, and the other under Emily and into her pussy. I lasted as long as I could before releasing my cum down Emily’s throat. There was a lot, so some dribbled out of Emily’s mouth, which Mage licked clean. She still had her hands inside the two of us, and against my better judgement I was getting hard again from the continued prostate massage. Once I was rigid again, Maggie just slid up me, her hands free now, and impaled herself on me. Emily somehow squeezed round to squat on my face, so I found my cock being fucked by my girlfriend while tonguing an equally lovely woman from clit to asshole. And yes, she made it very clear that her asshole was up for grabs that night.
Well, we rang the changes right through. I had each of them three ways, and they fucked each other, licked each other’s pussy, and in a highly contorted position managed to lick each other’s asses as well. We didn’t have anything to insert other than fingers, tongues and my cock, but we used all of them very well.
I don’t know when we passed out through sheer exhaustion, but we woke to the sound of some sort of vehicle rumbling close to us. I had just sat up as the snow wall we had built was pulled away by strong hands. Liam and a couple of other people were there, looking down into the cavern we had made, and grinning as he saw the scene of three naked bodies below him.
“A good night, then?” he asked.
“Well, you do have to keep warm, and body heat is the best way” I responded, “How did you find us?”
“It was the plume of moisture from your air-hole, white in the cold air that suggested there was something going on inside. Now I know what to do, if I get stranded next time”.
“Only if you have women like Maggie and Emily” I grinned.
“You lucky bastard”.
The local papers were full of the rescue the next morning, but thankfully no mention was made of our condition when found.
Emily had refused to go to her own lodgings and insisted she didn’t want to be parted from us, which we put down to needing to be with friends after such an ordeal. But it was not that at all, she just wanted to fuck some more, and that we did for the next few days until it was time for us to return to our own country.
She pleaded with us to stay a while longer, and we gave in, but didn’t stay in Queenstown, we went back with Emily to the Bay of islands. Her house was fairly isolated on the sea shore, and we spent the next few weeks in a sexual paradise.
We’d taken to swimming naked, and being naked in the house as well, so it seemed that whenever a couple of us we in the same place, sex followed, whether it was Emily trying to get my 9” down her throat and then her ass, or Maggie using a dildo on Emily while easting her out, while being fucked from behind by me, or whatever combination came to mind.
I’ve got a job now in Opua, our residency visas are approved, and Maggie and Emily are pregnant, so our threesome is going to expand. Fortunately for me, their girl’s libidos seem to have increased since their pregnancies were confirmed, so I’m just as knackered as I was before, maybe more so. No peace for the wicked, they say.
The locals have got used to us, though I often hear that phrase first spoken by Liam as I nurse a beer in a local bar.
“Lucky Bastard”.