Love Thy Neighbour: Part 3 – The Unexpected Ally

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Robert woke up early feeling revitalised and the happiest he’d felt in a long time. The heatwave had broken, and so he’d slept well, dreaming of the most beautiful woman in the world – Sharon. But however much he wanted it to, he couldn’t see their relationship lasting more than a few weeks. Almost all of his previous relationships had been casual flings, none of which had survived more than a month.

He dressed and then quickly breakfasted on toast and marmalade with a large mug of strong black coffee. In his studio, he transferred the photos and video he’d taken yesterday while he finished his coffee and was soon scrolling through the images, editing as he went.

After a couple of hours of looking through the photographs, picking out his favourites and refining them, he finally got to the video. He became horny as he watched their two bodies entwine on the sun lounger. Then, without thinking, he started masturbating. Remembering her soft, ebony skin against his body made him ready to cum within minutes. But before he could, there was a knock at the door.

Sharon’s husband typically stayed in London during the week (no doubt with whatever young woman he was having an affair with at the time). Still, there was always a chance he might decide to come home. So to avoid a massive argument – he could be a mean drunk – Sharon had reluctantly gone home after their day-long tryst.

She, too, had dreamt of her new lover and was desperate to see him again. So, over a breakfast of muesli and tea, she thought about excuses to pop round – more for the benefit of neighbours who might be suspicious if they saw her keep going over. Then, as she cleared up, it occurred to her – biscuits! Sharon loved baking, so she selected a suitable recipe from one of her many recipe books and got to work.

The phone rang just as she’d put them in the oven. It was her 90-year-old neighbour, Mrs Davies.

‘Hi, Edna.’

‘Hello dear.’

‘How are you? The heat’s not been bothering you too much?’

‘All those fans you lent me were a godsend, dear.’

‘At least it’s cooler today. Did you need anything from the shops?’

‘No, dear. But I was hoping for a bit of assistance. Unfortunately, the bulb in my downstairs loo seems to have given up the ghost. You couldn’t change it for me?’

‘I can pop round later if that’s ok?’

‘How about a cup of coffee at eleven?’

‘Well… I…’ Sharon had been hoping to be with Robert then.

‘And would you be so kind as to invite that handsome young man who’s moved in over the road?’


‘Splendid. See you at eleven.’

Sharon was left dazed as the phone went dead. They’d been neighbours for a good decade, and Mrs Davis, or Edna as she insisted everyone call her, was someone you didn’t refuse. So while the biscuits baked, she went to change.

Her panties were wet, the byproduct of just thinking about Robert. She took them off, lay back on her bed, and fingered her clit, cumming quickly. After drying herself with a towel, she changed into a light summer dress with a citrus fruit pattern. By the time she returned to the kitchen, the biscuits were done, and while they cooled, she went to find Robert.

There was no answer at the front door, so Sharon went to the studio. She watched him through the window masturbating to the video he’d taken of them yesterday for a few minutes before going in. Robert quickly moved to cover himself but stopped when he realised who it was. He bolted towards her, cock protruding from his trousers, and they kissed passionately.

‘Would you like me to finish you off?’ She asked when they finally broke apart.

‘Now, there’s a tempting offer.’

‘How about earning it?’

‘Earn it?’ He asked, grabbing her arse.

‘You’ve been summoned.’

‘I didn’t think I knew anyone else here.’

‘You don’t, but Mrs Davies has said she wants to meet you. Probably curious about you, being new.’

‘Mrs Davies?’

‘Yeah, although she’ll insist on you calling her Edna. She lives next to me at number 2.’

Robert lifted the hem of Sharon’s skirt, pushed past her panties, and gently caressed her clit. She moaned with pleasure.

‘Well, if I have to feel horny all the time we’re there, then so must you.’

‘That seems fair.’

They kissed again, but before they succumbed, Robert went to change while Sharon collected the biscuits to take to Edna’s.

Mrs Davies’ front room was not what Robert had expected. He’d assumed she would have the kind of twee chintz favoured by both old ladies and care homes – the sort of thing both of his grandmothers would’ve chosen. But instead, the room was, to his eye, very tastefully decorated in a nineteen-sixties Scandinavian style. So while Sharon made a pot of coffee in the kitchen, he sat on the sofa opposite the elderly Mrs Davies, who occupied one of the two armchairs by the window.

‘So you’re the new fellow, are you?”

‘Yes, I moved in a few days ago.’

‘I see you’ve had quite a lot of work done.’

‘The previous owner’s decorations weren’t really to my taste.

‘Ah, yes. Mr Carroway. The fellow had dreadfully poor taste.’

‘Also, I needed a studio built.’

‘I was wondering what they were building round the back. So you’re an artist then?’


‘What sort of art do you do?’

‘Paintings. Landscapes, mostly,’ he sort of lied. Both sets of grandparents were so puritanical they didn’t even approve of married couples kissing in public. They made the fictional Blackadder’s puritanical uncle and aunt, Lord and Lady Whiteadder, look like sexual deviants. So, he thought it best not to tell her that his landscapes also included nude women.

Before Mrs Davies could ask more questions, Sharon returned from the kitchen. She bore a tray with a large pot of coffee, a jug of hot milk, three cups and saucers, and a plate heaving with her homemade biscuits – white chocolate chip and pecan.

‘Thank you, dear,’ said Mrs Davies. Sharon poured and handed round cups before sitting next to Robert. Everyone helped themselves to a biscuit, and Mrs Davies sipped her coffee. She surveyed the couple before her, eyes twinkling with delight.

‘So, are you two sleeping together?’ She asked.

‘I… what… well,’ sputtered Sharon as Robert choked on a biscuit crumb.

‘Well, from what I saw yesterday afternoon from my bedroom window, I’d say you were.’

Sharon and Robert were dumbfounded. They were sure no one could’ve possibly seen them.

‘My bedroom has a spectacular view of your magnificently thick trunk,’ she said to Robert, ‘your wonderful oak tree, that is.’

Mrs Davies smiled and sipped her cup, obviously pleased with her double entendre.

‘Please don’t tell Eric,’ Sharon pleaded, putting her cup down. The last thing she wanted was her husband getting riled up.

‘Oh, don’t worry, dear, that dimwit husband of yours won’t ever hear anything from me.’

‘We only met yesterday,’ said Robert, ‘it just sort of happened.’

‘It always does. Anyway, it isn’t anything I’ve never done. I was what we used to call a “goer” in my youth.’

Sharon and Robert were stunned.

‘When I was your age,’ continued Mrs Davies, ‘I had a very active, shall we say, lifestyle. I was even in a few saucy movies.’

‘I had no idea,’ said Sharon, disbelieving.

‘Well, it wouldn’t do to advertise the fact,’ said Edna, ‘can you imagine if I put up a banner outside my house for all the village to see? Just think what my friends at the WI would think? Although some of them are even filthier than me.’

‘I’d never have guessed that you…’ said Robert.

‘…enjoyed the more carnal delights?’ Mrs Davies smiled.

‘Well, yes.’

‘Just because I’m ninety doesn’t mean I didn’t once enjoy sex. On the contrary, I’ve always had very healthy appetites.’ Mrs Davies took another sip. ‘My dance card was always very full, even hitting seventy didn’t slow me down. That’s why Thomas moved into the home – he’s nine years older than me and couldn’t keep up. I had a few regular gentlemen and lady callers for about a decade. This house saw a lot of good pounding action, as I believe the young people say, but lately, I’ve felt too tired for it, so now I just like to watch. I’ve become quite adept at private browsing on my computer to watch blue movies.’

Robert’s erection had softened since they’d arrived, but listening to Mrs Davies was getting him hard again. He saw Mrs Davies had noticed, too, so he crossed his legs to try and hide his bulge.

‘And don’t think I can’t see that delightful-looking package of yours,’ said Mrs Davies to Robert. ‘Would you mind showing it to me?’

Robert didn’t know whether to be embarrassed or flattered, so he looked at Sharon. She looked shocked.

‘Well, Mrs Davies…’ he began.

‘Oh, don’t worry,’ said Edna, cutting him off quickly, ‘Does it look like I’d be nimble enough these days to try and jump you? Although I must admit, the thought had crossed my mind! And do call me Edna.’

Sharon leaned over and whispered in Robert’s ear, ‘I wouldn’t mind seeing it again, and perhaps we could go back to my place and have a bit more fun.’

‘Really?” He whispered back.

She nodded.

‘Ok, Edna,’ he said, standing, ‘if you’re sure.’

‘Oh goody, I haven’t seen anything this good in at least a decade!’

He unbuckled his belt when a thought occurred to him. He went over to the window and drew the curtains.

‘Good thinking, young man,’ said Edna, ‘I certainly don’t want anyone else to enjoy my treat.’

Robert turned round and faced the two ladies, who looked delighted at the turn of events. He let his trousers drop to the floor, revealing the unmistakable bulge in his underpants. His hard cock sprang out as he slowly slid them down.

‘Oh my,’ said a delighted Edna. ‘In my day, they didn’t make them that big. If only I was twenty years younger!’ This last comment was said almost dreamily.

Robert appreciated the compliment as he started to stroke his cock. Sharon looked on, wishing she could enjoy it up close. As if reading Sharon’s mind, or her expression, Edna threw a cushion down on the floor.

‘You look like you want to suck him off,’ said Edna, ‘so just go for it. There’s no point standing on ceremony when you could be kneeling.’

Edna had barely finished before Sharon knelt on the cushion. She and Robert positioned themselves so Edna could get a good view. As Edna watched, Sharon gently kissed the tip before her tongue explored down the shaft. Then, holding his legs for stability, Sharon gently sucked his balls.

Once she’d made a small amount of pre-cum appear at his tip, she returned and lapped it up. Edna smiled as Sharon started to take Robert’s full length down her throat. Robert moaned contentedly as he was expertly blown. Unsurprisingly, considering he’d been feeling horny all morning, it didn’t take long for him to be ready to blow his load.

‘Now, where would you like me to shoot my load?’ Robert asked.

‘Oooh,’ said Edna, ‘I’d love to see you ejaculate all over Sharon’s breasts.’

Robert smiled.

‘Your wish is our command,’ he replied and looked down at Sharon, who made a small nodding motion. ‘I think I’m nearly there.’

Sharon sucked it a few more times and then released it, causing a small dribble of cum to come out of her mouth. Next, she pulled her dress over her head, revealing that she wasn’t wearing a bra, and squeezed her breasts together as Robert masturbated vigorously. Moments later, a massive load of cum covered Sharon’s breasts, which dripped down her body.

Edna applauded and giggled, ‘thank you, dears, that was wonderful.’

Sharon licked some of the cum from the top of her breasts and smiled at Robert.

‘Our pleasure,’ said Robert as he helped Sharon stand. She put her dress back on, letting it soak up his cum, as Robert pulled up his trousers. Together they sat, closer this time and holding hands, chatted with Edna, and drank coffee. It was as if two people having an affair and fucking in front of an elderly woman was the most natural thing in the world.

It was nearly half past one before they made to leave, but before Enda let them go, she really did need the lightbulb in her downstairs lavatory changed. Robert volunteered since it was the least he could do after getting the opportunity to be sucked off, and 10 minutes later, they were back at Sharon’s house.

As soon as Robert had closed the front door, Sharon led him by the hand to the kitchen. They stripped each other, and Robert helped her onto the kitchen island, where she spread her legs to let him eat her pussy.

Once she came down his throat, Robert helped her back down and bent her over the counter. Then, as she looked out towards the back garden through the conservatory, Robert fucked her vigorously from behind. It didn’t take long for him to cum again, deep inside her soaking pussy.

They held their positions for several minutes. Sharon loved the feeling of Robert’s weight on top of him. Robert gently caressed Sharon’s breasts, and neither of them wanted to end the ecstasy they were both in. When they finally released each other, they dressed and prepared lunch.

‘I’ve been thinking. Would you be interested in a job?’ Robert asked forty-five minutes later as they were clearing up.

‘It depends what it is,’ she said with a smirk, ‘but I can think of one or two jobs I’d like to do for you!’

He gave her his proposition. Sharon said nothing as she listened. Then, when he’d finished, she responded with a kiss before leading him upstairs to her bedroom to continue their lovemaking.

Published 2 years ago

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