Love & Nature Pt.41

"Ragden meets up with Aria, Emily and Sarah for lunch..."

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“Get a room,” someone said as they walked past. All four of them burst out laughing. They embraced for a moment longer, then Sarah backed away. Aria and Emily also let go of Ragden, but still stood close to him. Emily rested her head against his arm, while Aria leaned against his side. Ragden adjusted his arm so that Emily could slip underneath it. Sarah giggled. 

“I guess they see us now,” she said softly. Her eyes gleamed wickedly for a moment, and she licked her lips. The other women giggled, and Ragden sighed.  

“Lunch?” Ragden asked, eyeing Sarah carefully. Emily and Aria nodded.  

“I got all I need right here,” Sarah said, rubbing her tummy. Then she looked at Ragden’s groin and grinned, “But… maybe I could have some more?” 

Ragden laughed, then shook his head, “Later. Promise.” 

“Fine, but I’ll hold you to that,” Sarah insisted. Ragden smiled and nodded his consent. Aria giggled, and Emily shook her head, wondering if this was going to be their life now. Emily patted Ragden’s chest gently, catching his attention. He turned to her and smiled. Emily could not help but smile back, feeling his gaze on her face, the sparkle in his eyes when he looked at her. Emily felt her heart swell with love. She blinked for a moment, trying to remember what she was going to say.  

“Can we go to your place for lunch?” Emily asked quietly. Sarah and Aria both lit up at the question, nodding eagerly. Ragden smiled back at her, then leaned down and softly kissed her on the lips. Emily felt her heart start to race a bit faster at that touch. She felt herself growing damp again and shivered in pleasure. 

“Sure,” Ragden responded, noticing the brilliant smiles on Sarah and Aria’s faces, “Of course.” 

Sarah danced away from them, bouncing down the hall towards the edge of campus that led to Ragden’s house. Ragden laughed as he pulled Aria to his left side, and Emily along his right. They circled his waist with their arms and walked in step with him. Aria blushed as she watched Sarah, who swung her arms wide, catching the edges of her skirt and flashing her ass to the three behind her. 

 Aria turned to Ragden and whispered, “What if someone sees she isn’t wearing any underwear?” 

Ragden chuckled, “I don’t think she cares, as long as we get to see her bare ass.” 

Emily grinned, and Aria giggled. Ragden watched Sarah walk, his eyes on her perfect ass as she flashed him periodically. He felt his manhood starting to harden as he thought about what it felt like to slide up into her tight ass, her bowels squeezing the length of him. Emily felt the waves of arousal coming off Ragden. She shivered slightly as her panties grew damp between her legs. She noticed the growing bulge in his pants and had to stop herself from reaching out and grabbing it. She looked at him and saw him watching Sarah. Emily giggled, knowing where his thoughts went. She could not blame him, Sarah had a beautiful ass, and she, too, felt her arousal growing as she watched Sarah walking in front of them.  

Aria, too, watched Sarah walking in front of them. Her eyes caught glimpses of Sarah’s perfect ass. She, too, felt her arousal growing. Aria wanted to run up and tackle Sarah, then slip her tongue into the other woman’s beautiful folds and taste that sweet nectar inside of her. Aria wondered if this made her a lesbian. Then she turned and looked at Ragden, and saw his gaze on the same thing. She could feel the heat coming off his body and noticed the growing bulge in his pants. Aria licked her lips. She wanted to suck on that big cock, feel it sliding into her throat. She wanted to feel the sensation of his cum exploding in her mouth and flowing into her body. Aria shivered, remembering how it felt. She looked over and saw Emily looking at the same things she was. Aria giggled, marveling at this strange life she had stumbled into. She could not be happier. 

Ragden’s mind whirled. He had to fight not to run up and grab Sarah, bend her over the nearest hard object, and fuck her like a wild stallion. He was not sure how much longer he could resist. He could feel the growing arousal of both the women on either side of him. His pulse picked up a beat, knowing they were just as aroused as he was.  

Then, he remembered the strange occurrences of that morning. He needed to talk to them about it. Ragden knew he had some things he needed to explain, and questions he needed answers to. His life was no longer all about him. He smiled to himself. A week ago, he would not have had to discuss anything with anyone. He could just do what he wanted. Now, he needed to let the women he loved know what his plans were, consult with them, and see how they felt about those decisions. They were important to him, and their opinions mattered. He loved them so much he could not imagine trying to do all the things he needed to do without them by his side. 

“Sarah,” Ragden called. She stopped and turned to face him, “Can we talk for a moment?” 

Sarah smiled beatifically and walked over to stand closer to the three of them. Aria and Emily turned, forming a small circle around Ragden. He looked at each of them and smiled. 

“There are a few things we need to discuss before we get to my house.” 

Emily nodded, Aria smiled, and Sarah giggled. Ragden eyed Sarah for a moment, then shook his head. 

“Not what you think, love,” Ragden said to Sarah. Sarah pouted. Ragden continued, “First, I had a conversation with my mother this morning. As most of you know, she has been trying to seduce me.” 

Emily’s smile widened. Her eyes glowed, and she suspected she knew where this was going and it made her feel excited. Sarah smiled demurely, hoping it was what she thought it was. Aria looked aghast, then shook her head. She was not sure about this topic of conversation, but after seeing the expression on the other women’s faces, she held her judgement in check. 

“I agreed,” Ragden said softly, not entirely sure it was a good idea, but committed to the path he had selected. Emily clapped her hands excitedly, silently cheering. Sarah laughed and licked her lips. Aria’s eyes got as large as saucers.  

“But,” Aria said, feeling her heart skipping a beat, “She’s your mother! That is… How can you…” 

Sarah giggled. Emily had a sad look on her face. Ragden turned to Aria and took her hands in his. Aria immediately felt her pulse calming as she noticed the look of concern on everyone’s face. This was not right. She could feel the excitement at the prospect. Aria felt shaken almost to her core. This was not something people did. Yet, some small part of her felt jubilant at the idea. She paused for a moment and examined that thought. The idea of watching Ragden and his mom having sex. She wanted to see that. Jennifer was one of the most beautiful women she had ever seen. Her heart beat a little harder; her mouth felt dry. This was insane, but she wanted to see it. She could not believe she was agreeing to this. 

Aria looked up into Ragden’s eyes. She felt his inner turmoil; yet felt his resolve, his strength, and his love. This would be okay. It was insane, but she felt comforted just looking into his eyes. Aria bit her lip and nodded. 

“Ok,” Aria said, “But, can I watch?” 

As the words slipped from her lips, Aria felt herself grow damp at the idea. Her heart thumped hard in her chest. Sarah giggled and clapped her hands. Emily smiled at Aria. Ragden smiled, then kissed Aria softly on the lips. She felt his thanks, even though he did not say the words. Ragden stepped back, looked at all three girls again, and smiled. 

“I told her not today, but if it is something you want to be included in, then that is what we will do.” 

All three women nodded in response. Feeling that matter resolved, Ragden felt a weight lifted off his shoulders.  

“After school, I am going to take study materials to Roy McCormick. He missed class today and a very important test. If he fails it, he will be off the football team. I know, he is a bit of a monster, but I think he can change. So, I’m going over to his house to help him study for his make-up test on Friday.” 

“I’ll go with you,” Emily said and smiled. The idea felt right to her. Sarah nodded. Aria looked from Emily to Sarah and nodded as well.  

“You all wish to come along?” Ragden asked. All three women nodded. Ragden chuckled, “Okay then. Great. We will meet up after school at Emily’s locker. Shall we get some lunch then?” 

Sarah giggled, then spun on her heels. Her skirt flared again, and all three of them got a wonderful view of everything underneath. Aria and Emily giggled, and Ragden sighed. Sarah laughed and danced up the sidewalk to Ragden’s house. Aria, Emily, and Ragden followed. Sarah ran up to the door, opened it, and waited at the open door for the rest of them. Ragden was the last to enter. Sarah waited at the door for him, smiling happily as he came in. Ragden nodded and thanked her as the other women slipped off the shoes. Ragden and Sarah did the same. Then, the four of them walked through the living room and into the kitchen.  

Jennifer was in the kitchen, making sandwiches. She looked up and smiled as they came in. She did not seem surprised to see all four of them. Sarah ran up to the counter and jumped up on a stool. She leaned forward over the counter, watching Jennifer intently. 

“When are you and Ragden going to…” Sarah trailed off, watching Jennifer. Jennifer looked up at her and raised an eyebrow. Then she turned and watched Ragden walk over to the island.  

“He told you? Of course, he did. No secrets between you four,” Jennifer smiled and giggled to herself. She then looked at Sarah, and turned to include Emily and Aria as they walked up the island, “Whenever Ragden is ready. I am guessing you three either want to watch, or participate?” 

Aria blushed, and Emily smiled and nodded. 

“We would like to watch if you are alright with that,” Emily said, blushing slightly. Jennifer smiled and looked at Ragden.  

Ragden nodded, “If you are okay with it, Mom.” 

Jennifer smiled. “Yes, that sounds lovely. Just let me know when you want to do that.” 

Sarah bounced on her stool excitedly, then she looked over her shoulder at Ragden and slid her backside a little farther off the stool and bit her lip. Jennifer laughed. 

“Sarah, dear, are you wearing anything under that skirt?” Jennifer asked. Sarah giggled and shook her head as she watched Ragden walk up behind her. Ragden stood behind Sarah, his erection straining against his shorts. Jennifer giggled, then spoke softly to Sarah, “Are you enjoying teasing my son?” 

Sarah giggled and smiled, “It’s not a tease if I want him to fuck my ass, is it?” 

Jennifer laughed, “No. I suppose not.” Then she looked at Ragden, met his eyes, and smiled, “Well dear, are you going to?” 

Aria gawked. She blustered, her face turning red. She managed to shut her mouth, lick her lips, and find her words, “Wait. You are okay with him fucking her right here in your kitchen?” 

Jennifer smiled, a clearly amused look on her face. “It’s only sex, dear. Would you like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, or would you prefer turkey and provolone? We also have some smoked ham slices if you prefer that.” 

Aria blinked, clearly confused. She looked over at Sarah, her eyes on her exposed bottom. Then Aria looked at Ragden, her eyes fixed on the swell in his pants. Then she blinked and looked back at Jennifer. 

“Peanut butter and jelly sounds fine. Thanks.” Aria said sheepishly. Jennifer smiled and pulled some bread out of a bag on the counter. She held up the bread. 

“Would you like your bread toasted?” 


Jennifer smiled and dropped the bread into the toaster. Emily, who had been standing there with an amused smile on her face, walked to the stool next to Aria. First, she slid her underwear off; then, she climbed up on the stool. She placed her lace underwear on the counter. Aria looked at her underwear and started to reach for them, then drew her hand back. Jennifer saw them, then looked at Emily and smiled. 

“Those look beautiful, and quite comfortable,” Jennifer said, looking at Emily. Emily blushed and looked at her panties on the counter. “What would you like for lunch, Emily?” 

“The smoked ham sounds amazing. On toasted bread, please.” 

“Of course,” Jennifer got out two more slices of bread and put them on a plate next to the toaster. Jennifer looked over at Ragden, then laughed, pulled out two more slices of bread, and put them on another plate by the toaster. 

Ragden had only been paying half attention to the exchange going on in front of him. Most of his focus was on Sarah’s plump ass hanging off the back of her stool. Sarah looked over her shoulder and winked at him. Then she bounced on the seat, her ass jiggling enticingly. Ragden tried to ignore his mother watching him as he undid the front of his shorts and dropped them to his ankles. Then he dropped his boxers and stepped out of them. His cock sprang free, throbbing in the open air. Sarah looked over her shoulder and her eyes widened. She slid herself back a little further, waiting for Ragden to take her. 

Aria turned and saw Ragden standing behind Sarah, his large dick hard and fully erect. She had to resist the urge to jump off her stool and go to him. She felt her heart racing, and her body quivering in desire. She forced herself to look over to the toaster, waiting for her lunch to be prepared. Jennifer turned to look at her and winked. Aria was struck by how incredibly beautiful Jennifer was. She was reminded of a billboard supermodel but curvier and sexier. More real. Jennifer absolutely oozed sex appeal. Aria was overcome with the desire to see Jennifer naked. To put her hands on the other woman’s body. To feel those incredible breasts under her fingers. To taste the perfection of her flesh. Jennifer seemed to sense Aria’s desire. She blew her a kiss and winked. Aria felt a shiver of desire run down her back. 

Emily watched the exchange between Jennifer and Aria and giggled to herself. She also could not wait to see Jennifer naked and all the things that she might learn from the other woman. The years of experiences. The things she might teach her. Her heart thundered in her chest at the prospect. Then she looked over her right shoulder and saw Ragden’s thick cock inches from Sarah’s ass. Emily’s heart skipped a beat, and then beat harder in her chest. She felt herself growing damp, the fluid collecting on the stool beneath her tight pussy. She closed her eyes, so she could stop herself from hopping off the stool and jumping on Ragden. She could feel his desire, his need, his power, and love flowing through her. She knew how badly he wanted Sarah at that moment. She wanted to see his big dick going up her ass.  

Ragden felt all the eyes on him. He felt nervous for the first time since all this had started. He had to pause for a moment. Why was he nervous? He wondered. Then it occurred to him, the one thing that was different was that his mother was there, watching. Ragden reached out and placed a hand on Sarah’s hip and the other on his dick, guiding the tip of it to her ass.  

Sarah placed her hand on Ragden’s and smiled. As their skin touched, an electric charge passed through them. Sarah gave a small yelp of surprise, then looked over her shoulder and bit her lip as she smiled at Ragden. She could feel the warmth of his skin against hers, and she shivered in delight. She felt the sudden heat of his hard dick pressing against her ass and she felt the pressure of him pushing into her. Sarah pushed her hips back a little further, pushing herself against him. 

Ragden closed his eyes and savored the feel of her smooth skin under his hand. The tip of his dick pressed hard into her ass. He held his dick steady as he leaned against her, pushing it slowly deeper into her. Then the head of it popped in and both of them sighed in pleasure. Emily watched, biting her lip, feeling herself getting more wet by the moment. Aria moaned softly as she fingered herself while watching them. Jennifer turned toward Sarah and Ragden. She giggled and smiled, then turned back and pulled out the first two pieces of bread. She slid another two pieces in and took the first two to the island where she had laid out all the different ingredients. 

Ragden leaned against Sarah, wrapping his arms around her. He slid his hands up under her shirt and grasped her firm bosom, pulling her back against his chest. He kissed the back of her ear while she moaned in pleasure. He gently slid his hips…

Published 8 months ago

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