Love & Nature Pt.31

"Ragden gets home and finds Emily waiting in the driveway..."

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Ragden sat in the backseat of the car, reading his math book. He paused occasionally, closed his eyes and worked over the problems in his mind, feeling the numbers and how the equations fit together. As the car slowed, Ragden looked around and realized they were back in town. He stowed his book back in his backpack and watched the neighborhood slip by.  

“Is that someone in our driveway?” Michael asked.  

“Is that Emily?” Jennifer asked.  

Ragden leaned over to the window and saw the young woman sitting in the driveway, her knees pulled to her chest, rocking back and forth. As the car pulled into the driveway, Michael stopped it and Ragden jumped out of the car, running over to her.  

Emily sat in the driveway watching the car coming. Her heart thumped heavily in her chest. She felt him growing nearer and knew he was there, unharmed. She knew something had changed and had felt it the previous night. The memory of it was seared into her brain.  


Emily had been sleeping peacefully when suddenly she was wide awake, staring at the ceiling. It took her a moment to realize why she was awake, but very quickly she sensed something was wrong, terribly wrong. She could not feel Ragden’s presence anymore. One moment she could feel his love radiating through her and the next, it was gone; yanked out of her like someone pulled the tablecloth out from under a table crowded with dishes, sending them crashing to the floor. She felt like she was the crystal glasses and dishware shattering.  

Tears leaped to her eyes as she cried out into the night, “NOOOooo….”  

She threw the blankets from her bed and fell out of it in her mad rush to find him. She crashed heavily to the floor. As her eyes closed at the pain of hitting the ground, a picture flashed through her mind. Ragden.. in the ocean, the water rising around him, his body slipping under the waves…   

She felt like her heart was going to explode. The tears streamed from her eyes as she cried out again. She heard movement in the house as someone called to her, but it was not Ragden. It was not his voice and she did not care who it was, or what they wanted.  

Her door crashed open and someone came running to her. Arms wrapped around her, but she tried to push them away. She tried to pull herself to her feet and found someone helping her. She could not see who it was through the tears in her eyes. They tried to pull her back to bed, but she fought them. She pushed, shoved and broke loose. She ran for the doorway, someone in hot pursuit behind her. She ran down the hall, her robe flapping around her as she ran down the stairs towards the front door.  

Someone behind her called her name, but she ignored them. She had to go to him. She had to find him. The only thought in her head was of the man she had fallen in love with, whose presence had been omnipresent with her since that Wednesday night but was now gone. She did not know how or why it had happened. She ran down the sidewalk. She heard footsteps behind her, that voice calling out to her.  

All she could hear was the pounding of her heart and the pulse in her ears. She had to know. Had to find him. She saw his house, ran down the sidewalk and turned up the way. The plants reached out to her and caressed her bare legs, lovingly, soft and gentle. She ignored them as she ran up and started pounding on the door.  

“Ragden!!! RAAAGDEN!! Oh God… Please,” She collapsed against the door, slumped to the mat in front of it, her voice breaking and hitching as she sobbed, “Please… God… Ragden.”  

Warm hands embraced Emily from behind. She tried to shrug them off, but they were insistent, wrapping around her, comforting her. She turned into them, buried her face in the chest of the woman holding her and sobbed uncontrollably. She let herself be pulled to her feet, but when they tried to pull her from the door, she tried to push them off, tried to get back to the door.  

Then something changed. She felt warmth in her chest. Like the tide flowing back into a cove, she felt his love filling her again. Her eyes swelled and fresh tears spilled down her cheeks.  

“Ragden?” she asked softly. She closed her eyes and let herself be guided as she tried to probe her heart, the place where she always felt him. He was there, but there was something different about the way it felt. There was something else there too. She puzzled over it. She could not feel him the way she had before. It was like there was something in the way. She closed her eyes tightly, tried to reach out to him, tried to feel where he was, what was going on.  

She saw him standing in the ocean. The water receded away from him, leaving a clear path up the beach. She watched as he slowly walked up the beach to where his parents stood. She sighed, her heart swelling with love as she watched the muscles in his back ripple with his movements. She pulled back and felt strong hands guiding her back to her room. She heard comforting words, hands guiding her back to bed, pulling her covers up. None of that mattered. She could feel his presence in her heart and soul. She did not understand how he had disappeared out of her, but he was there now. That was all that mattered.  

Emily settled into her bed and felt the warmth and comfort of her blankets, but more importantly, she felt his love and comfort filling her soul. Content, she slipped back into dreamland.  

When Emily awoke, the first thing she did was look inward, searching for his presence within her. Her heart swelled with joy when she felt his familiar presence in her soul. His love and warmth spread through her. As she lay in bed, she felt his presence swell within her. She felt his arousal. She giggled, as his arousal made her damp. She reached down and felt her damp mound, her fingers slipping between her wet folds.  

She looked inward, following the line to his presence. In her mind’s eye, she saw him in bed with a voluptuous dark-haired woman. She watched as he pulled his cock from her pussy and slipped it up her ass, rocking her body with his massive thrusts. She felt the heat on her cheeks, her pulse increasing. She watched as they climaxed together, feeling her own body responding to the intensity of the moment.  

She gently fingered herself as she watched him break from her and step into the shower. She sighed with affection as she watched him clean up and then come back into the room. She saw them embrace again. She felt his attraction, his love, his passion, and his desire. She watched as his cock swelled larger than anything she had seen before. She felt her eyes going wide at the sheer size of his manhood.  

“Oh, God,” she whispered, wondering if she could handle something so large. She watched in fascination as he tried to put it into the woman. The woman’s name slipped into her mind: Selina. She smiled to herself; a pretty name for a pretty woman. She watched as Ragden forced his oversized cock into Selina’s ass. Emily moaned, watching it. She could almost feel her ass stretching to fit something so large. She slipped a finger into her ass, feeling her tightness, stroking herself as Ragden fucked Selina.  

She pulled back to herself. The imagery in her head filled her with arousal and desire. She slipped her other hand down her abdomen and stroked her clitoris as she slipped two fingers into her pussy and stroked herself. She moaned with pleasure as she brought herself to climax. Then she pulled herself out of her bed, slipped her nightgown off, and walked into the shower.  

She paused in front of the mirror and looked at herself. She stared at the woman in the mirror. Her hair was full of natural waves and beauty; her eyes sparkled with intensity. Her cheeks were flushed, her lips plump and full. Her breasts were large and perky, her stomach flat, her hips round and full. She turned and looked at her ass and giggled. Her ass was perfectly round, toned, and jiggled with her movements. She blew herself a kiss.  

This was not the body she remembered having just weeks ago, but she was in love with what she saw in the mirror. She stepped into the shower and stood under the hot water. Her mind wandered as she cleaned herself up. Being able to see where Ragden was and to feel his presence was… something new. She felt like she was eavesdropping on him, but she did not suspect that he would mind. She was curious about Selina, but not jealous. She was happy that he had found someone to have fun with, and she was eager to see him later that day. The sex was always amazing, but she just wanted to feel his skin against hers, hear his heart beating against her chest.  

She got out of the shower and toweled herself off. The texture of the soft towel against her skin felt wonderful. She cupped her large breasts and marveled at their weight and tenderness in her hands. She looked in the mirror, giggled, and blew herself another kiss; then, she grabbed a brush and brushed her hair. As her hair dried and brushed it out, it started to build its waves and body again. The color was a vibrant red. She had thought it duller once, but now it was shiny and vibrant.  

She giggled again, as she walked back into her bedroom. Walking around the house naked was not something her family allowed, but she did not care if they saw her. Once in her room, she shut the door and fished through the new underwear she had gotten with her mom. She picked through the different ones, wondering what she wanted to show Ragden later that day. Finally, she settled on a black lace set that was slightly transparent in all the right places. She fastened the bra on, then looked in her mirror, admiring how it looked over her chest, her nipples visible through the sheer fabric.  

She looked down at her pussy, noting the apparent lack of hair. She did not shave there, never had. She had remembered having pubic hair, but now there was only a fine layer of transparent fuzz there. She slipped her fingers through it, feeling its softness. She moaned softly at the feel of it, then slipped the matching pair of panties over her body. Again, she looked in the mirror and giggled at the near-transparent lace over her pussy. It looked solid enough over her labial lips but was translucent over the rest of her. She turned and looked at her ass, giggling as she saw her ass crack.  

She grabbed a pair of pants and a T-shirt, then she pulled out a sweatshirt and zipped it up the front over her chest. Again, she turned and looked in the mirror, and admired how incredibly beautiful she looked. Then she headed downstairs to breakfast.  

“Darling,” her mother called out as she came into the kitchen, “What happened last night? Why did you go running off in the night?”  

Emily blushed and looked at the floor. She was not sure how to explain what had happened in a way that would make sense to her mother, “It… I… I had a bad dream.”  

“That must have been one hell of a dream. Feeling better now, I hope?”  

“Oh, yes. Very much so. I am so sorry for last night.”  

“Okay. Let’s just… not do that again, please?”  


“Get yourself some breakfast. I have a few things to do today, shopping to get done, and the like. You can come with me if you want or stay home. Your call.”  

“I will stay home. I have some things I need to do. Thanks.”  

Emily walked into the kitchen, got a bowl and a spoon out, then found the box of cereal and got some milk out of the refrigerator. She ate casually, her mind drifting as she did. Her mother came by and gave her a gentle hug.  

“You look beautiful today. Special occasion?”  

“No. Ragden gets home today, and I will probably meet up with him later.”  

“Well, that is special enough. Have fun then, dear. I will see you later then.”  

Her mother gathered up her keys and headed out the door. Once she was gone, Emily finished eating, cleaned up her dishes, and put them away. Once she was done with that, she put on her shoes and walked over to Ragden’s house. Once there, she sat down in the driveway and waited. She could feel him drawing nearer. She tucked up her knees to her chest and waited.  


As Ragden jumped out of the car and ran towards her, Emily jumped to her feet and ran to meet him. They collided midway up the driveway, hugging fiercely. Ragden pulled her to the side as Michael pulled the car into the garage. Emily buried her face in his chest, her breath hitching softly. Tears leaked out of her eyes. She looked up at him and felt her heart swell.  

Ragden looked down at Emily and felt her warmth against him. He felt complete with her in his arms. He saw the tears on her face and leaned down to kiss them gently from her cheeks. She smiled, then pulled his head down to kiss him fiercely on the lips. She slipped her tongue into his mouth, tasting him. Ragden smiled and pulled back from her, catching his breath.  

Emily licked her lips and looked up at him questioningly, “You taste salty, like the ocean.”  

Ragden chuckled, “I need to explain a few things. Come, let’s go inside.”  

Emily smiled happily and circled his waist with her left arm, walking by his side up the way. Ragden dragged his fingers through the bushes, their leaves curling around his fingers. Emily noticed, watching. Then she reached out as well and felt their soft caress. She smiled up at Ragden as they approached the door.  

They heard the locks turn from the inside, and Michael pulled the door open. He smiled down at Emily and offered her his hand. She stepped away from Ragden, and Michael pulled her into the house and hugged her gently. She gasped softly in surprise, then hugged him back. Ragden smiled as he came through the door and shut it behind him.  

“Come, join us in the living room,” Michael said softly. Emily looked back at Ragden, a quizzical look in her eyes. He nodded as he followed them. Michael released Emily and sank into the loveseat next to Jennifer, who was already seated. Ragden and Emily sat on the couch across from them.  

Emily turned to Ragden, “What happened last night? I couldn’t feel you anymore. I thought you died.”  

Ragden smiled softly, placing an arm around her shoulder, pulling her against him. She rested her head on his chest and heard the solid thumping of his heart against her ear. Her breath hitched as she took a deep, calming breath.  

“I very nearly did. It is hard to explain, but that danger is past us now.”  

“I was scared. I thought I was going to die, then I felt you again.”  

“I know. I am sorry. I did not mean to scare you like that.”  

She lifted her head off his chest and kissed him softly on the lips, then smiled at him, “Please don’t do that again.”  

“I’ll do my best.”  

“You better!” She softly, playfully, punched him in the arm. She felt the solidness of the muscles there and looked up at him, “What really did happen?”  

Michael leaned forward. Spoke softly, his voice gentle, “That was our fault, sort of. Ragden is not a normal young man. I am not even a man. Not really.”  

Emily looked from Ragden to Michael, confused. “What are you saying? Are you some kind of Alien?”  

Michael laughed softly. Jennifer giggled beside him, patting his shoulder. She looked at Emily and shook her head. “No, silly.”  

Michael sighed and looked at Jennifer. She shrugged back at him. He turned to Emily and took a deep breath, “This is never easy to explain. The forces of nature, as you think of them, occasionally take human form. I am Love.”  

Emily giggled. She looked at Ragden and saw the serious look on his face. She furrowed her brows and looked at Jennifer, who smiled back at her and nodded.  

“You are joking, right?” Emily said softly.  

Ragden gently squeezed her shoulder, pulling her body against his, and shook his head. “It is not a joke.”  

Michael smiled softly. “This can be hard to grasp, but we have rules among us. The forces of nature, that is. Our children are not permitted to run free without being tested. After their eighteenth birthday, any child of a force of nature must meet the four Prime Forces. Last night, Ragden met Mother Ocean. She tested him, and he passed, or he would not be here with us now.”  

“It is possible,” Michael continued, “That that test interrupted your bond.”  

“The Ocean?” Emily asked, she looked from Michael to Jennifer, then Ragden. Ragden nodded.  

“That is why I taste like salt water and the ocean. She left a mark on me. Though, that happened later.”  

Emily raised an eyebrow. Ragden held up his right hand, the light catching the small fish scale on the inside of his wrist. Emily furrowed her brow and brushed her finger across it. Ragden closed his eyes; the sensation of her touching it sent a shiver down his spine. Emily tried to hook a fingernail under the edge but could not find an edge to it. She ran her finger over it again.  

“Is that a fish scale?”  


“Why is there a fish scale in your wrist?”  

“Oceana… Mother Ocean gave it to me.”  


Ragden nodded. “That is what she asked me to call her when she came to me in her physical form.”  

“She… went to you?”  

“Yeah… She wanted to… feel the touch of a man.”  

Emily giggled, “Are you saying you had sex with… the Ocean?”  

Ragden nodded. Emily saw that Ragden was serious and tried to stop giggling.  

“What was that like?” Emily asked softly.  

Ragden leaned in and kissed Emily softly on the lips, then smiled, “Unreal. She did things with her body that I have a tough time putting into words.”  

“And what about me? After an experience like that, do you still want… normal women?”  

Ragden laughed and pulled her close, then kissed her softly on the lips. He whispered huskily to her, “I’ll always want you, love.”  

Emily blushed and smiled softly, returning his kiss. She leaned back and peered up at him, “Who is Selina?”  

Ragden blushed and spoke softly, “How do you know that name?”  

This time, Emily blushed, looked down into his lap, and spoke quietly, “I might have… spied on you… through our bond.”  

Ragden laughed, then kissed her on the forehead.  

“You aren’t mad?” Emily asked, looking up into his face, seeing the humor there. Ragden shook his head.  

“No, of course not. Are you jealous?”  

Emily shook her head, “No. But… how did your cock get so big? I have never seen it get that large before.”  

Ragden shrugged. Jennifer sat forward on the couch, looking at Emily. She licked her lips, “How big was it, Emily? Would you take a guess?”  

Ragden turned to look at Jennifer and saw the heat in her gaze. He blushed and felt his loins stirring. Emily giggled softly and looked at Jennifer, “I don’t know, at least a foot long, probably two or three inches in diameter.”  

Jennifer sighed softly; her eyes big. She looked at Ragden, considering for a moment. Then she spoke softly, “Physical changes are not unheard of among the Love-touched or Earth-touched, though that does seem quite dramatic. I would be curious to see what you can do, Ragden.”  

Emily looked at the intensity on Jennifer’s face and giggled. She looked up at Ragden and saw the heat on his face. She saw the growing bulge in his shorts. She reached down and put her hand on it. Ragden moaned softly at her touch, his gaze turning to her. She felt the heat of his gaze and felt her own body growing aroused.  

Michael laughed. “If you keep doing that, things are going to get very interesting.”  

Michael leaned over and kissed Jennifer softly on the lips, one large hand fondling her breast. Jennifer moaned softly into his lips. His other hand slid down between her legs, which she spread, letting him rub across her crotch. Both Emily and Ragden watched her shiver with ecstasy under his touch. Michael drew back and laughed lustily. Jennifer blinked, closed her legs, and giggled, then leaned in and kissed Michael passionately on the lips.  

Emily blushed, watching them as she looked down and saw her hand still on Ragden’s throbbing cock. She pulled her hand back and looked up to see the heat in Ragden’s gaze. She leaned in and kissed him softly. He pulled her against him, his tongue slipping into her mouth. She moaned softly, feeling his passion and desire wash over her. Then he released her, catching his breath. She took a deep breath, feeling her body quaking with desire.  

Emily looked up at him again, batted her eyelashes, and asked coyly, “So… who is Selina?”  

Ragden laughed, “Family friend I ran into while we were at the beach. I had not seen her in five years.”  

Emily giggled, “Ran into? You fucked the shit out of her.”  

Emily covered her mouth and saw Jennifer and Michael chuckling softly. Emily pointed at Ragden, talking to his parents, “Well, he did.”  

Michael nodded, “I know. I felt the energy throughout the whole house. You would have laughed if you had seen the look on her father’s face. The poor man could not decide what to do with himself. That man has issues.”  

Jennifer giggled, then leaned forward, “Overprotective.”  

Emily smiled, looked up at Ragden, and licked her lips, “Oh. Got it. He did not want Ragden’s big dick to ruin his precious little slut of a daughter?”  

Ragden’s eyes got wide. Michael and Jennifer laughed. Ragden relaxed as Emily giggled. Jennifer nodded, agreeing, “Something like that, yeah.”  

Emily smiled and hugged Ragden, then turned and looked over at Michael and Jennifer, “This… nature thing… that’s why I can feel him even when you folks are hours and hours away? That’s how this bond got formed?”  

Michael nodded. “When he nearly killed you that first night, he gave you part of his soul. You two are connected in ways most mortals will never understand. You will always be able to feel the other. Their moods, their feelings, their pains, their strength. You can see the other if you concentrate on them. See where they are, feel what they are feeling. There are some other benefits as well. Some of which you have already noticed.”  

Emily looked down at her chest, and giggled, “I wondered how that happened. Not sure how to explain that to my mother.”  

Michael chuckled, “Don’t bother. One other thing you need to know is that he can only make you pregnant if it is something you both agree upon. If that is not something you are TRYING to do, it cannot happen. Something about the way the forces of nature work. I never really understood it myself.”  

Emily blushed and looked down into her lap, “Right, good to know.”  

Jennifer smiled and spoke softly, “The same is true for you now, Emily. If you were to sleep with another man, you would never get pregnant, unless that was what you wanted. It is now a conscious decision you must make.”  

Emily looked up at Ragden and laughed. “I cannot see myself sleeping with another man. I… No,” She laughed again.  

Ragden smiled at her, placing his hand on hers. “If you wanted to sleep with another man, I would not stop you.”  

Emily blushed and shook her head, “I don’t see that happening, but if it does, we can discuss it.”  

Ragden smiled at her. Michael grasped Jennifer’s hand firmly and squeezed it, then he turned to Emily and smiled, “You took this better than I had expected you to. Welcome to the family. Our home is yours whenever you need it.”  

Jennifer smiled and stood. “I’ll get you a copy of the key.”  

Emily smiled, then furrowed her brow, “Wait, I have a question… Ragden’s bedroom. It did not have a king-sized bed the first night I slept in it. But then it did. Can you explain that?”  

Jennifer stopped, turned, and smiled. “Yes. I made it bigger.”  

Emily gawked at her for a moment. “How?”  

Jennifer giggled softly, “I am earth-touched; I can manipulate things made with natural materials. It is part of my gift.”  

Emily’s eyes lit up, “Really? Like what?”  

“Well, like changing the size of his bed because it is made from wood. Come, let me show you how I make a new key.”  

Emily stood and followed Jennifer into the garage. Ragden stood to follow, but Michael gestured for him to sit down. Once the garage door closed, Michael winked at Ragden.  

“You picked a winner with that woman,” he smiled, “You do still have to meet the other Prime Forces. They are not to be trifled with. Each could just as easily snuff out your life. Treat them with respect and kindness, and you will be fine.”  

Ragden nodded. His heart beat a little harder with nervousness.  

Michael continued, “Next weekend, you will go to meet Earth. I cannot tell you much more than I already have. Jennifer will tell you where to go. She has a surprising relationship with Earth. Most of her ancestors have passed away and she is probably the oldest earth-touched alive today. As such, she has a closer connection to Earth than anyone else. You would do well to heed her words.”  

Ragden nodded. Just then, the garage door opened, and Emily came running into the room. In her hands, she held a shiny silver key. She held it out to Ragden. He had never seen a key quite like it before, not that he spent a lot of time checking out his parents’ key chains. The key was made of a silvery metal that changed color as the light hit it. The teeth were irregularly shaped. Only the teeth had hard edges; the rest of the metal was smooth, like a river-polished stone.  

“Feel it,” Emily said giddily pressing it into his hand. The key was warm to the touch. It radiated its own heat. Jennifer smiled casually and kissed Emily on the forehead as she walked past her to settle into the love seat next to Michael. He wrapped an arm around her, pulling her against his side. Jennifer leaned over and rested her head on his chest.  

“That is really cool,” Ragden said, handing the key back to Emily. With a huge grin on her face, Emily slipped the key into her pocket. She turned to Jennifer and smiled broadly, “Thank you so much. That was amazing.”  

Jennifer waved her hand dismissively, “Don’t worry about it. Nothing to it. Ragden, don’t you have a test to study for?”  

Ragden’s eyes got wide as he remembered. “Yeah… I do.”  

“Well, go study then.” Jennifer said softly, then followed it up sharply with, “And no sex until you finish studying!”  

Ragden stood, chuckled, and pulled his backpack up over his shoulder. Emily stood next to him and slipped her arm around his waist. Jennifer looked at Emily and shook a finger at her, “You better not distract him too badly. He needs to pass this test.”  

Emily giggled, then saluted, “Yes, ma’am.”  

Jennifer smiled happily and waved them out of the room. As they walked into the foyer, Ragden cast a glance back and saw Jennifer lift herself into Michael’s lap, grinding her hips against his crotch. Ragden paused for a moment watching Jennifer’s ass grind against him. Then Emily giggled and pushed him up the stairs.  

“Perv,” Emily whispered, as she giggled at him. “Trying to watch your parents have sex.”  

“You know… Jennifer wants to have sex with me, too.”  

“Really? She said that?” Emily rushed past him, put her back against his door, standing in his way. She looked into his face, searching, “You refused her more than once. Wow… Why?”  

“She is my mom!”  

Emily laughed. Poked him in the chest, “With everything else going on, that seems like a small thing. You totally need to fuck her. Rock her world, big man. She is so beautiful. I bet she is a monster in bed.”  

Ragden’s jaw dropped open. He stared at Emily. Emily giggled and stepped up against him, placing one hand against his groin, feeling his cock throbbing, the other she placed on the back of his neck as she pulled him down to kiss her. Their lips met with a spark of energy. Emily stroked the length of his manhood through his shorts as she kissed him passionately, her tongue dancing with his. She stepped back breathlessly, licking her lips.  

Emily grinned wickedly as she opened the door and backed into the room, her eyes on Ragden’s, “I would love to watch you fuck her. I bet it would be so goddamn hot.”  

Ragden blushed darkly. He felt the heat in his cheeks, his cock throbbing in his pants. He wanted to protest, but her insistence crushed the barriers left in his psyche. He nodded to her. She grinned ear-to-ear. Ragden lifted his backpack and shook it. Emily laughed, turned, jogged into the room, and dove onto the bed.  

“God, I love your bed,” She rolled onto it, throwing out her arms and laid on her back. She craned her head back and looked at Ragden. He laughed, shaking his head as he went to his desk and sat down, his back to the bed. He fished through his backpack and pulled out his math book.  

“Ooh. Math.” Emily giggled, rolling over onto her chest, kicking her feet in the air, her hands on her chin. Ragden looked over his shoulder and looked down the front of her shirt. His eyes got large, as he saw the black of her bra. She looked down and giggled, then looked at him, smiled and licked her lips.  

Emily shook her head, “Nope. No looking until you are done. I will show you everything WHEN you are done.” Emily giggled and zipped the front of her sweatshirt to her chin.  

Ragden sighed and turned back to his desk. He opened the book and flipped through the pages until he found the right chapter. As he read the material, he could hear Emily humming to herself as she watched him. It was something tuneless, just noise in the background, but it warmed his heart to hear it.  

Ragden bent over the pages, pulling out a piece of note paper and writing equations down. He read the chapter and took some more notes, then flipped through the book to the page of the test on that chapter. He wrote down the questions, slipped a bookmark into the page, then worked through them.  

Emily rolled over on her back on the bed, relishing the soft comfort of laying in Ragden’s bed. She pulled out her phone and sent a message to Sarah, informing her of Ragden’s return and well-being. They bounced messages back and forth while Ragden worked through his test. Sarah wanted to come over, but Emily asked if she could wait until dinner time. Sarah grudgingly agreed.  

Then Emily flipped through her phone to find Aria’s number. She paused. Her relationship with Aria had always been a little strange. They had been best friends once, but once they had gotten into high school, things had not been the same. Aria had been the attractive one. She had used those looks to garner fame and became the bully everyone feared. Emily had never wanted to be a part of that but had been swept up in it. Once it had started, she could not figure out how to break free.  

Until Ragden turned everything on its head. She thought about that day and felt herself growing damp again. It had been so incredible, watching him fuck her in front of everyone. Then she had had her chance, and nothing was ever the same again. She looked at Aria’s number again and decided to shoot her a message. Aria responded immediately. Emily let Aria know Ragden had returned, and she wanted to come over as well. Emily pondered that for a minute, then craned her head to look back at Ragden.  

“Shall I invite Aria over?” Emily asked.  

“Hm?” Ragden responded. He turned in his chair and looked at Emily. “Sure, after dinner.”  

“Okay,” Emily smiled, looked back to her phone, and sent the message to Aria. She agreed. 

Published 10 months ago

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