I’m here.
I waited for a moment.
Then my phone buzzed.
So am I, meet you at the front.
My heart raced as I read the words from the text. The screen of my cell phone closed. I put it in my purse and got out of my white Pontiac.
The summer’s night was suspiciously cooler than usual. The wind blew leaves and shook the trees. The full moon was bright and high above in the cloudless star-covered sky. I paced through the parking lot filled with cars.
My boyfriend doesn’t know where I am. He would freak if he knew that I was here; he can be very over protective at times. But it was innocent enough, really. I’m meeting a friend — a guy friend — I haven’t seen or heard from in a month.
As I approached the sidewalk just a short distance away from the front door, I noticed a group of people standing in a circle. All male and smoking cigarettes. They catcalled and blew smoke in my direction as I walked by; a skinny little blonde woman like me was an easy target for a gang of boys.
I ignored them, focusing on what really mattered to me.
There was a big neon sign that read Ricky’s Bar with an arrow pointing to the front entrance. I stood by the door and looked around. Nothing but a couple of cars passing by and a few people entering the building. I had half a mind to text him once more. But then, an all too familiar voice called for me.
There he was in the flesh walking up to me from the street. He looked just as I remembered. Messy dark brown hair with deep blue eyes, tall muscular build wrapped in pale skin and a perfectly white smile.
I smiled back, “Hey Zach, how are you?”
“Oh you know me.” He was wearing a black v-neck with dark brown cargo shorts; black ankle socks invisible against black shoes and a leather bracelet accessory on his left arm. “How have you been?”
“Pretty good.” I felt like giving him a quick hug, but I needed to keep myself in check. A taken woman hugging a single guy may be getting close to a boundary, in my boyfriend’s eyes at least.
“That’s good. Shall we go in?” He opened the door and held it for me.
I smiled and nodded, walking through the door and into the building. It was full of people and the atmosphere was penetratingly loud. Hundreds of conversations floated around, coupled with music. I had to dodge between groups of people in the small corridor before the main room opened up.
As he caught up to me, he said, “So how are you and-“
“Great,” I had to cut him off. I didn’t want him to ask about my boyfriend. The two of them were friends long before I came into the picture and now they weren’t very fond of each other. “Things are great.”
“Glad to hear it. I haven’t talked with him in a while.”
I attempted to reply, but as we approached the bar counter, a man’s voice shouted, “Is that Zachary?! The living legend himself?!”
Zach laughed, “How are you doing, Ricky?” Obviously, it was the bar owner. He was an older gentleman, with a balding head and thick mustache.
“I thought for sure I wouldn’t see you again after that Friday night, what…two weeks ago now?”
“Oh no, I recovered. Had a massive headache Saturday evening though.”
Ricky laughed hard, “I’m sure! I’m sure! Who do we have here?” He focused his attention on me now. “Damn she’s a looker…nice find!”
Zach shook his head, “It’s not what you think, we’re just here to have a couple drinks as friends.”
“Well then maybe you can hook me up?!” he laughed again, “I kid of course! Sit down, first round is on the house!”
“Thanks Rick, you’re the best,” Zach said. Ricky may be nice, but he was kind of creepy.
“Hey, no one attracts more customers than you and your antics! I’ll be right back with your best friend — Jack Daniels.”
Zach laughed under his breath, “Sorry about that. Ricky can get a little excited sometimes.”
I took a seat on a bar stool and immediately questioned, “Living legend, huh? Where did you get that name?”
He sat down in the seat to my left, “Well, if you must know…people say I left the bar one night with four girls. I blacked out, can’t remember a thing.”
My train of thought came to a halt, “Really?” Knowing this added to my frustration with him.
“That’s what they say. Gave the nickname right after.”
“Well that’s…um?” I didn’t know what to say. I will admit, it hurt to hear that he was doing these things. I’d always thought much more highly of him.
He changed the subject, “How’s the store doing since I left?”
“Struggling, but we manage. What do you do now?”
He shrugged, “I make bullets.”
“Go on.”
“Well, I operate the machinery that casts them. Then they’re shipped off for the Navy to use.”
Ricky came up to us and dropped off the drinks, “Let me know if I can get you anything else.”
“Will do,” Zach replied, then took a sip.
I had to get this conversation moving forward. The idle chat was not going anywhere. “So the reason I asked you to have drinks with me is because I’m worried about you.”
His eyebrows knitted, “Why are you worried about me?”
“When she cheated on you…I felt so bad.”
He took a deep breath and looked away from me, “Why? It’s not your problem.”
I took a sip of the Jack, “Well I remember you told me that you couldn’t live without her. And after I saw your-“
“I’m over it.”
I didn’t believe him. “Are you sure? Because I know how much you’ve been sleeping around. This destructive behavior with other women isn’t healthy.”
“I remember the stories you told me. You don’t get to lecture me about self-destructive behavior.” He took another sip.
That was kind of mean, “I’m not trying to lecture you. I’m just here as a friend.”
In the past, Zach and I have shared many very personal secrets. We had a strong understanding of one another and trusted each other.
I have to admit, back when he and I were very close, I had developed a sexual attraction to him. I secretly craved his attention, his opinion and most of all his presence. At the time I didn’t know what had caused it and I loathed having those feelings. But after the events of his now ex-girlfriend, I buried them deep inside and only cared about his well being, not wanting to lose him in any way.
“Well, thanks. But I’m fine and I have moved on.”
“Who are you trying to convince? Sleeping with a different woman each night isn’t moving on. It’s a temporary mend to whatever you’re feeling.”
He was silent, taking larger sips of the Jack.
I continued, “I don’t think you realize how much you mean to me.”
“Probably don’t,” he whispered.
“Zach, you and I have a very complex friendship.
He interrupted me, “Not true. I still talked to Nick.”
“Yeah the guy that doesn’t care,” I rolled my eyes.
He turned to me, “Why do you care so much?”
I spoke softly, “Because we were…are best friends and I want you in my life. You always know how to make smile and feel better.”
“You have him for that.”
I blurted out quick honesty, “Is it wrong to want the both of you?”
He gave me an odd look.
I realized what I said instantly. “I’m sorry, that came out wrong.” I took another sip.
“Don’t worry about it.”
We were silent for a few minutes. I eventually took a deep breath and asked, “Will you promise me that we will go back to the way things were? And you will come to me if you need anything?”
“I don’t want to promise anything. A part of me wants to go back to normal. Another part wants to leave this town and never come back.”
“Don’t leave,” I demanded, “Please.”
He was silent for a long while.
I ultimately continued, “I just want to say I’m sorry for what she did to you. There was nothing you did to deserve that.”
“Don’t apologize for her.”
I took one last sip, “Someone has to. You’re such an amazing person — when you’re not being an ass, that is.”
He laughed softly, “You’re amazing when you’re not being a bitch. He’s very lucky to have a girl like you.”
I smiled, but was completely speechless. It was the first time in the three years I’ve known him that he gave me compliments like that. I disregarded the bitch part, knowing it was only a joke.
“Your birthday is in March, right?” he asked.
I nodded.
“I’m sorry I missed it. I’ll do better next year.”
That was sweet. “It’s okay.”
He pulled out a black leather wallet from his back pocket and dropped a twenty dollar bill on the counter. “I’m ready to get out of here. Are you?”
“Yeah, I should probably get home. He might begin to wonder.”
“I’ll follow you out.”
Suddenly, Ricky’s voice shouted, “You kids leaving for the night?”
Zach replied, “Yeah, we’re outta here. Thanks again Ricky! I’ll see you later!”
“Alright, you guys have a goodnight!”
I smiled to Ricky and checked to make sure I had everything, then got up and walked out of the bar.
Zach escorted me to my car. When I unlocked it he moved to the driver’s side door and opened it for me. “I guess I’ll text you then?”
I was surprised, no one has ever done this to me before. I wasn’t used to the pampering.
In that moment, I gazed into his blue eyes, rendered speechless again.
The feelings I had for him long ago had awakened. Every nerve in my body ached to be closer to him. To take control of him. Before I was even aware of it, my lips were against his. They were warm and consumed my energy. My hands were wrapped around his neck and I was up on the tip of my toes. All of the tension that had been building for years was finally getting a release.
He tried to push me back and whispered, “What are you doing?”
I forced myself onto him, “Please let this happen. I’ve wanted this for so long.”
Our lips locked again and nothing but an inferno rushed through my body. I’ve read books where the characters lose control in blind lust, but I’ve never believed it was real. Until that moment.
The kissing became wet as our tongues overlapped, adding fuel to the flames. “Take me to your place.”
“I really don’t think…” he began, but I stopped him.
“You’re driving.”
He questioned me, “What about your car?”
“Leave it, I can pick it up tomorrow.”
From that point, on he was no longer reluctant. As we kissed, his hands dropped down to my hips and he pulled me closer.
We quickly made our way to his car and got in as fast as possible, then shot like lightening through the streets. I couldn’t keep still; my body desperately begged for him. My hands roamed his body, feeling every inch of him and soaking in as much of his energy as I could.
He pushed me up against the door to his apartment, kissing me and running his hands down my body. I jumped on him, wrapping my legs around his waist and he caught me, holding me up as he carried me through the apartment — our lips never leaving the embrace.
I fell onto his bed as his lips attacked my neck with kisses and his teeth with bites. My body surged with an unquenchable arousal. I needed him in me.
He quickly took of his shirt and helped me get mine off. He dove for my boobs, ripping off my bra. As he played with them, I took off his belt, then pushed the cargo shorts and boxers down his waist. He stood up to kick the clothes to the side. When I looked at the weapon that was built to satisfy, my jaw dropped.
I have heard stories about how big he was, but nothing could have prepared me for his package. It was at least eight inches in length and as hard as steel.
He got onto his knees and pulled off my shorts with his hands, then bit down on my thong, ripping it off with his teeth. I spread my legs and he gave a long, slow lick up my already wet and completely shaved pussy.
A pulse of uncontrolled pleasure surged through my body like electricity. I wasn’t used to receiving oral sex, but I wasn’t going to stop him.
He whispered, “You have the sweetest pussy I’ve ever tasted.”
“Do you mean that?” I whispered back.
“Every word.” He positioned himself over me, and slowly slid his cock into me.
I cried out in a moan as his monster penetrated me like no other man has, breaking apart the walls with pleasurable tense pain. He hit my cervix.
My own cries and moans made me go deaf as I swam in the tsunami of untapped and numbing pleasure. Every push into me was like a wave, hitting my g-spot with perfect accuracy. I gripped his back, and occasionally, his thighs.
There was nothing more than this in the world. It was only his body and mine, creating an aura of heat that burned through our lust. When I reached my orgasm, I was flying like a goddess above. But I wasn’t alone. His cock thrust and throbbed, unleashing himself into me, the sound of his grunts and moans like a perfect symphony.
We were the king and queen of our own domain, and it was only the beginning.