“So, I was wondering… would you… go out with me?” I held my breath, waiting for the answer. Butterflies were doing dive bomb runs in my stomach. I had waited all semester to ask her out and today was the last day. I would likely not see her again, so today was my last chance.
My name is Tom. I am a college student in my fifth year. I know, why five years? I changed majors twice, so I have a lot of extra units. I am majoring in Kinesiology. That is where I met Lisa. Cute, funny Lisa. My partner in the classical dance class we had just finished. It was part of the major. So, we spent the semester doing the Foxtrot, Rumba, Tango, Two-Step, and Waltz. I held her in my arms all semester and was too shy to ask her out, till now.
She looked at me with those big, brown eyes. I tried to read her reaction. Was it going to be the classic, ‘Oh, let’s just be friends…’ that I had heard all through high school. She began to speak and my heart stopped.
“I would love to.” She smiled at me and a wave of relief and excitement washed over my body, sending the butterflies into happy loop-de-loops. “But I am going away for two months. It’s a family trip to Italy, to visit relatives. Call me when I get back, the first week in August.”
She grabbed my hand and took out a pen, writing her number on my palm. She gave me a hug and said she would see me when she got back. I watched her tight little ass walk away. I was happy, but a little disappointed. Two whole months? I guess I had waited all semester, so I could wait a little bit longer.
I looked at the door, those damn butterflies doing dive bomb runs again. My family was waiting for our good friends to come up from San Diego to caravan to a rental house in Bass Lake for a week of sun and water fun. But the kicker, and the reason for my nervousness, was the guest they were bringing. Kathy, who was the daughter of my mom’s best friend had invited her best friend Melinda. Newly single, I was told she was really nice. My parents had met her but I had not. Mom assured me she was really, really nice. God, that was the death knell. That was code, meaning she was actually plain looking and you should concentrate on her personality. I was a horny 23-year-old who wanted to meet a hot girl. But I was still nervous.
Lisa was in the back of my mind. I hadn’t seen her in almost two months, since the last day of school. In the meantime, I had not had any dates. But that was not unusual. I had no success in the dating arena in high school and just a little more in college. Why? I was 6′ 1″ and 175 lbs. I played three sports in high school. I was smart, with a 3.75 GPA in high school without studying. So why little dating success? I was shy. And all my friends were really good looking, like the types the girls all drooled over. I was not ugly, but not exactly Brad Pitt. And I lacked confidence.
A red car pulled up and a female figure got out. She walked up the driveway, sunlight wafting through the leaves of the trees next to house, dappled and soft. It was like the scene out of Fast Times, when Phoebe Cates gets out of the pool. It was in slow motion in my mind and she was a vision. About 5′ 7″. Long, straight brown hair. A tight tank top that covered a pair of firm breasts. And cut-off jean shorts. As she got closer, I could see her piercing green eyes.
She walked into the house and introductions were made. My younger brother made a bee-line for her. He was blonde, a surfer type and got any girl he went after. So, I figured she was gone. But Melinda shook his hand quickly and then took mine and held it, giving me a long look with those eyes and smiled. Maybe I had a shot.
We were caravanning, so I drove, Melinda drove, my parents drove and Kathy’s mom drove. Melinda’s little red Toyota sped off and my Honda followed. We quickly outpaced the others as we jockeyed back and forth on the freeway, waving and laughing. I had three kids in my car and she had the same. The younger siblings and their friends. It was an extended family trip.
Four hours later, we arrived at the house. It was amazing. Owned by the pastor of Ronald Reagan, it sat in a private cove on the lake. Split level, there were several floors that each had an amazing view of the lake with floor to ceiling glass windows offering a panoramic vista. We were lucky to get it, as it usually was rented far in advance. My mom had waited until the rental season started and reserved it on day one. Like waiting in line for Springsteen tickets (which I had done, wrist bands and everything). We headed down to the lake.
Mike, my brother, Keith (Kathy’s boyfriend) and I waited for the girls to change into swimsuits. Melinda walked out and I had to work really hard not to stare. She had on a red bikini. It was small, barely restraining her large, firm tits. They must have been almost a D cup. Perfectly round, they sat on her chest like ripe fruit with only the slightest pull of gravity. She was 18 and gravity was still her friend. I made eye contact, but by her smile, I could tell that I was just a moment too late. She noticed me checking out her cleavage. She gave me a wink and asked if I was ready to hit the water. I mumbled something that I hoped was clever and followed her round ass down the steps to the cove.
The house was in a private cove with only one other house on the other side. We had the water to ourselves. Melinda grabbed a raft and headed out, saying she wanted some sun. Like a puppy, I followed. We floated in the warm water. We talked. From the first moment, there were no awkward pauses, no searching for another topic. Words flowed easily like we were old friends just hanging out.
Melinda rolled over on the raft and her top shifted. I caught just the edge of her left areola. She adjusted the small piece of fabric and the moment was gone. I think she knew I saw something, but there was no outward sign from her other than her captivating smile. I alternated between just talking to a wonderful person, so smart and funny and trying to catch glimpses of the body of a hot girl. Fortunately, they were the same person.
The last girl I dated was physically hot. I had broken my long slump and hooked up with the sister of a friend. She was three years older than me, petite with DD tits. The group all called her a Playboy Bunny (which she used as a Halloween costume one year). Her body was off the charts. One evening at a bar, I walked her to her car as the evening wound down. She had been flirting with me all night. I tossed caution to the wind. At her car, she turned to say goodnight. I leaned in, took her in my arms and kissed her. She broke the kiss and said, “Wow, did not expect that. But I liked it.”
We made out for several minutes and eventually dated for two months. I played with those luscious mounds, but could never get into her pants. She hesitated, having been burned by a couple of guys in the past who wanted only to fuck her. I did too, but I did care about her. The lack of a real intellectual connection eventually ended the relationship.
So, I had just enough success to keep me from being a total nerd. As we floated and talked, I felt very comfortable with Melinda. I was witty and charming, at least in my mind. She laughed at my jokes and touched my arm often. All the signs pointed to her being attracted to me. I sure hoped so. As the afternoon sunlight waned, the rest of the group waved us in. We had been talking for over three hours. As we dried off, the adults gave us ‘The Look’. Smiles and nods. Dinner in the village was planned as soon as everyone was cleaned up and dressed.
Dinner was a group affair, with the adults on one table and the kids on another. Melinda and I were with the adults. Her best friend Kathy and her boyfriend Keith rounded out the foursome. Kathy, who I had known since she was born, kept smiling at me all through dinner. As we made our way back to the house, she pulled me aside.
“So, you and Melinda seem to be getting along pretty well.” She held onto my arm. “Let me give you a word of advice. She is coming off a relationship with a star quarterback. Not too bright and an egomaniac. I never liked him, but she was blinded by his looks and notoriety. Once she realized he was a real dick, she dumped him. So be yourself. I know you; you are smart and funny and kind. That is what she told me she was looking for in the next guy before we came here. If you don’t fuck it up, I think you will be the right guy.”
“Well, Kath, thanks for the advice. I do really like her. Wait, was her last boyfriend that guy going to USC?”
“Yeah. A real stuck up jerk if you ask me. Read too many of his own press clippings. She wants someone at least as smart as she is. You are smarter, but if you tell her I said that I will deny it and make you pay…” She smiled, but I knew she was serious.
“Gotta get back to Keith. Good luck. I am rooting for you, cause I am tired of her being jerked around. Also, I would love to be a foursome with you guys. Love you!” She gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. She was like a sister to me. I watched her walk over to Keith and grab his arm. Melinda walked over and nudged me.”
“What did Kathy have to say?”
“Not much. She just wanted to know how things were going. I said you were ok company…” I grinned, waiting for her response.
A quick jab to my ribs was the response. “Best you have had, I bet, buddy. Don’t get cocky on me, I don’t like cocky.”
“I prefer quietly confident.” I reached down and grasped her hand. It was small, in my large hand and felt so soft. Our fingers interlocked. My feet barely touched the ground as we walked back to the cars for our short drive to the house.
In the study area, Melinda sat back against the couch and rubbed her neck. My old nature said to do nothing. My recent aggressive self said to make a move. Recent Tom won after a short but intense battle. Years of rejection are hard to just ignore.
“Come over here,” I said. I was sitting in a chair. “Right here, sit on the floor.
Melinda looked at me, seeming to consider my offer and moved over, sitting between my legs. I reached out and began massaging her neck and shoulders.
“Mmm, you have magic fingers. Uh, oh god that feels good. Don’t stop.”
Words like that perked up my cock. I was getting hard as my fingers massaged her flesh.
After about twenty minutes, she turned and said, “you want to take a walk?”
“Sure.” I stood and followed her out the back door. As we walked out, we were followed by a group of little kids.
“Where are you going?” They all cried in unison. They giggled and tugged at our shirts.
“Just for a walk. Go back in the house.” Melinda softly replied. The little group, like paparazzi, continued to follow.
Melinda grabbed my hand and we ducked around the corner and behind some bushes. The little gang ran right past.
“I have a lot of younger siblings and cousins, so I know how to ditch them.”
“Nice move.”
We continued down to the cove. The moonlight shone on the water and the reflections gave us a wonderful show of light. Melinda turned and looked up at me, her green eyes sparkling.
I remember the move that had been successful on another night in the bar parking lot. I moved in, took her in my arms and kissed her. Electricity is such a cliché, but that is what it was. Her lips were soft and pliable. Tongues snaked out and danced. Hands roamed. Her ass was firm and responded to my touch. She grabbed mine as well. Emboldened, I reached for her left breast. It was so soft, yet firm. As our tongues snaked in and out of our mouths, I continued to knead her flesh. My fingers slipped inside her blouse and found her nipple, which stiffened at my touch. Rolling it between my fingers elicited a soft moan that escaped her lips, which were still locked with mine.
My mind raced. The water was softly lapping on the beach. An owl hooted. The lightest of breezes blew across our bodies, evaporating the beads of sweat that dampened my shirt. The mild scent of her perfume filled my nostrils. I couldn’t get enough of her.
Breaking our kiss, Melinda murmured, “Well, that was kinda nice.” She smirked at me.
“Yeah, it was ok, I guess…” I giggled like a little kid. I couldn’t keep a straight face nor play the disinterested ladies’ man. “I have to be honest; I really like you. You drive me crazy.”
“Good. I like you too. But let me be honest. I broke up with my last boyfriend because he was an arrogant ass. And he was not really smart, just a dumb jock.”
“Well, lucky for you I am a smart jock. And I joke, but I am not arrogant and hopefully not an ass. You deserve to be treated like a queen. Anyone who thinks otherwise does not deserve you.”
Was it cool? No. Was it being a player? No. Was it honest and how I felt? Yes. I think at that moment she sensed my sincerity.
“I like that. And I like you. But we should get back, the kids are probably still looking for us.”
We headed back and slipped into the house. The adults were playing a board game and gave us knowing looks. The kids asked where we had been. We smiled and mumbled something about looking at the stars.
After that, we were inseparable. I was a lovesick puppy. I followed Melinda everywhere. Whatever she wanted to do, I did. Why? Because I was happy to just be with her. I never tired of just the way the light shone on her hair, the slight cock of her head when she was thinking, and the smell of her skin. I could not get enough. If someone could bottle it, I would buy it by the gallon. Maybe it is pheromones. Nature’s way of getting males to bond to females. Whatever, I was an addict. We would lay on the couch, with her next to me and she would read a book. I would just be her full body pillow. And maybe play with her breasts when no one was looking. She would initially push my hand away, but not with any real determination. When I persisted, she did not complain and moaned softly, so no one else would hear.
Two nights later, we snuck out at night for another walk. We had become adept at dodging the kids and the adults never questioned us. Kathy and Keith did their own night-time excursions, so neither would ask if the other couple was incognito. I held her hand as we made our way down the little trail to the water’s edge. Melinda spread out a blanket for us to sit on as we ‘watched the stars’.
Her lips were soft and moist. The smell of her skin was an aphrodisiac as I nuzzled her neck. She pulled her t-shirt over her head and removed her bikini top, exposing her breasts to my view. In the moonlight, they were spectacular. Brown areola, a little larger in diameter than a silver dollar. Nipples that stiffened in the cool night air. I just stared.
“What are you looking at?” Melinda smiled at me and cupped both tits with her hands, pushing them up and letting them go. They bounced up and down, which drove me crazy.
“You. You are so beautiful. I can’t figure out why you are with a guy like me?”
She reached out and caressed my cheek. “You still don’t understand, do you? I think you are sexy. But more importantly, you make me laugh. You make me think. I have never dated a guy who is smarter than me. You are.”
“Yeah, I am pretty smart…”
“Don’t ruin the moment, dick-head…” She never would let me get away with too much.
I moved in and kissed her again. I ran my tongue across her cheek and thrust it into her ear. This drove her crazy. I continued to her left nipple. Lazy circles, then sucking it and finally biting it.
“Uh…OH! Fuck that feels good, don’t stop.”
I figured that this was the extent of our play. It had always stopped at this point, not only with Melinda but with Evette and other girls I had dated. She reached down and grasped my rock hard cock.
“Mmm, that feels amazing, but…”
“Shhh,” She put her other hand to my lips. “I want you. Now.”
She continued stroking my cock. She loosened my shorts and pulled them off. My t-shirt followed. Naked, she pushed me back onto the blanket. Rising to her feet, she shimmied out of her cutoffs and then her bikini bottoms. A small triangle of hair sat on top of a perfect pair of lips. I had watched porn, but these were right in front of me and belonged to someone I was falling for.
Melinda straddled me. I could feel her wetness as she slid down my torso, towards my throbbing member. My hands went to her hips. I looked into her green eyes and fell into the abyss.
For a moment. I felt like I was floating and watching someone else. It didn’t seem real. But then she moaned and her slickness rubbed over my cock. When her lips caressed my swollen head, I thought I could not feel anything better.
“Oh, oh, oh…” I couldn’t say anything else as she slid up and down on my tortured shaft.
“Mmm, feel good baby?” She bit my lower lip.
“Uh-huh. Oh god, it feels so good.”
Melinda raised her hips and aligned my purple head with her dripping opening. Lowering, I entered her for the first time.
“Ungh…” If I thought I felt good before, this was another level. So warm, so wet, so soft… I could not imagine anything feeling this good. I didn’t want it to end.
Melinda kept lowering, slowly until her cheeks met my thighs. “God your thighs are so thick and strong, like rocks.” She grunted when she bottomed out.
“Uh-huh. Cyclist. Ran track. Football. Tennis… uhh!” Up and down, so slowly, my cock was being massaged by her silky walls.
Up and down in the mast wonderful rhythm. She knew what she was doing as my cock was caressed, stroked and milked. She would pause, every so often and squeeze her pussy walls. The first time I gasped and she giggled. Then she laughed each time she did it again. A kiss followed it and she would whisper, “Like that?”.
“Mhm… oh fuck…”
After what seemed like hours, but what was probably 20 minutes, I rolled her over. I managed to stay inside her.
“Mmm, nice move.” Her green eyes were dusky and cloudy with desire. “Fuck me.” It was a plea, a request, a demand.
I put my elbows on each side of her head and thrust deep, eliciting a gasp.
I thrust into her with powerful contractions of my thighs. At the bottom of each one, I grunted and she gasped. The sensations were intoxicating. I was drunk. I kissed her lips, sucking on her bottom lip. I crouched back, taking each nipple into my mouth and biting.
Melinda raised her heels and wrapped her thighs around my back. I increased my tempo. On the one hand, I never wanted this to end. On the other, I wanted to cum. I needed to cum.
“Um, I am going to cum soon…”
“Oh baby, I’m on the pill. Cum in me, please…”
Grunting, I plunged into her three more times and then erupted. Time stood still. My vision dimmed. I had cum, many times but never like this. And never this much. I pumped into her sweet and tight pussy over and over. She grabbed my ass and pulled, in an attempt to get me even deeper. I felt like our bodies had become a single entity. There was simply a mass of flesh that belonged to both of us.
I collapsed on her chest. My breathing was labored and it took several moments for it to return to normal. She hugged me and stroked my hair.
“That’s it baby, just breathe.” Her voice was soothing and intimate.
I finally rolled off her. She continued stroking my hair. We sat up and looked at the cove, with the moonlight reflecting off the water.
“So how was it for you?” I turned, searching her eyes.
She smiled. “Amazing. You were wonderful.”
“Not bad for my first time?”
Her eyes grew wide for a moment. “What. No. Really? You are joking, right?”
“No. That was my first time.”
She reached up and turned my face to meet hers. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean…wow. I had no idea.” She looked into my eyes. “I feel so honored. That you would have your first time with me.”
I looked back into those deep green pools and fell. Gladly. “No, I am the one who is honored. I could not imagine my first time with anyone else. I. I. I think I am falling for you…”
She grabbed my face and pulled in for a kiss. Pulling back, but keeping hold of my face she whispered, “So am I.”
I held her in a tight embrace. My heart fluttered, like never before. Was I in love? I was rolling down the slope that led there, I was sure of that.
She had to go leave after one more day, cutting the vacation short for her since she had to get back to work. I sent her a bouquet of roses to her at work. I went down to see her in San Diego the weekend after we got back from Bass Lake. I had to work every day at the bike shop in order to get the weekend off. It helped that the manager was my best friend.
I would close at the shop on Friday and drive straight to her apartment. I broke speed records. I would walk into the door, take her right there, on the floor. The rest of the weekend was spent in bed, at the movies, in bed, eating out, in bed until I had to drive home.
I proposed that same year, on Christmas Day. We were married one year later, in August. That was 31 years ago. BTW, I never did go out with Lisa.