Love (and Sex!) In The Time Of Zombies (Part 3)

"A Zombie Apocalypse doesn't mean you can't still party..."

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Chapter 8 – The Party

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The Masters boys were dressed but looked a little sheepish. The Johnson sisters were beaming, their faces a little flushed. Must’ve been a pretty good time on the knife case, I presumed.

“So what’s the deal?” I wanted to pack up and get out of here.

“Well,” said Lizzie, the eldest. “The men here have fulfilled all of our needs–“

Erin laughed out loud and Kristin smacked her own forehead.

“…and we’ve got shoes, socks, and clothing for every one. And, Daddy man, we got you this awesome hat! Try it on!”

It was kind of a flat brim cowboy-type hat. Like Clint Eastwood wore in High-Plains Drifter and a few others.

“I like it! I love it! What’s our price? Ok shoes we’ve got… yep… hey… Are we short a couple pairs? Who’s not getting shoes.”

Kristin answered. “We all got shoes, but, well… we’re going to stay here. If that’s okay.”

Holy shit! So that was the price? Well I don’t know if it’s okay or not. I had to think fast.

“Look, we aren’t trading people for stuff. We’ll be fine without–“

“No Michael! Daddy… it’s not like that. We really, really like them.”

Things move quickly in the New World.

“Well, not so fast. This place is very vulnerable. Glass windows all over, the back door lock couldn’t stop a seven-year-old…” Shit. What to do?

“Ok, boys. You’re coming with us. You need to get Mama Gayle’s approval. If you pass that test, then tomorrow we’ll come back and fix this place up.”

That seemed to sit okay with people. We were packing the Jeep with the clothing, when Morgan noticed the mound of fresh dirt. He stopped and stared at it, tears welling up in his eyes.

“When we come back tomorrow,” I said. “We’ll get him a nice cross and have a proper service, ok? I promise, kid.”

He nodded, then hugged me. Kid had just lost his dad and brother. Poor guy.

We called up to the house, told them “Plus Two” for dinner.


– – –


There was great excitement at the house as the new boys were examined, admired, hugged.

But the Johnson sisters made it very clear; these boys were off-limits. And they seemed smitten with the sisters, so that was good. Then the girls discovered their new clothes, and the shrieking was nearly intolerable. Shoes that fit! Pants that fit! Underwear!

Erin and I immediately set to re-loading the magazines and cleaning the weapons. Always be ready for the next fight, you don’t know when that will be. She wasn’t too concerned about the new underwear.

“Only during the bad week,” she said. “Rest of the time, I like to go commando. Speaking of which, who said you could go shooting sperms inside me?”

“Little slut!” I replied as I finished off another 30-round magazine. “Your period just ended, you’ve got a few more days until you ovulate. Thought you might like that.”

“I did, Daddy-man. And whatever happens here, you can fuck whoever you want, I don’t care. But you can always fuck me. Okay Daddy?”

“Okay, Little Tiger.” We hugged and kissed.

“Maybe you should pay Mama Gayle a visit?”

“Ha, yeah. Well I’m not sure I’m too high on her list right now. She’s not so pleased with some of

the uh, whaddya call it, ‘fornication’ going on around here.”

“You’re such a dumb man. Although you did seem to be pounding Kaitlyn’s ass pretty hard that night. And Gayle saw it all. Maybe we could try that sometime?”

“Yeah, sure, love to fuck you any where you want it!”

We heard someone coming down the hall and started talking business.

“So yeah, just push the patches through, without dinging the side of the barrel–“

“Hey guys!” It was Lorrie, Gayle’s daughter. “Whatcha doing?”

“Hey girl!” said Erin.

“Just cleaning the guns,” I explained. “When they fire, they leave residue and gunk. Gotta keep them clean so they will always work for us.”

“Can you show me? I want to start doing this kind of stuff with you guys! I’ve shot before. And I’m feeling all better.” Lorrie gave me her sweetest smile she had, which was a fucking nice one that could very well send a thousand ships to war.

So I started explaining the various parts of the broken-apart AR-15 and what they did. Erin winked at me, then left to go take a shower.

Lorrie scooted in closer, obviously to get all the information she could. Never mind that her breast pressed into my arm. Her breast that was barely contained in the cotton T-shirt. The breast that was unfettered because a bra would upset the stitches on her back.

“You guys have killed a lot of zombies, haven’t you.”

“Yeah, about a hundred just today.”

“Well I want to pull my weight around here. Can you teach me?”

“Well, Lorrie… sweetie… we’ve got to get you all healed up first. Killing Zachary can be easy, with a gun, but it can also get real tough real fast. How’s your back been doing?”

If you recall, she was nearly unconscious when I first found her. She had a sliced up back that started around her left neck and went all the way down to her pantline on the right side. I sewed her up, but her mom had been seeing to her ever since.

“It’s good! Look!”

And she pulled up her shirt, and took it off and handed it to me. She quickly covered her nipples with her hands and turned around to show me her back. But mostly all I could see was the side of her tits, even from behind her. They were that big. I threw her shirt over my shoulder.

“Well?” she asked coyly. “How am I doing?”

Fucking great is how you’re doing.

“Jesus um, uh, where’s your mom? She should be checking this for you.”

“Oh she’s all talking to those new guys. They’re hitting it off. So?”

So I looked at the stitches. She took the bandages off yesterday to let it breathe. I never stitched anything before. The job itself looked terrible, but the skin was holding and wasn’t infected.

“I think you’re going to live,” I pronounced.

She turned around and hugged me, gently. But her tits pressed firmly into my stomach.

“Lorrie–” I began, but she cut me off.

“Daddy, I mean… Michael… I just wanted to thank you for saving me.”

I held her gently on her lower hips. Her bare hips. Jesus Christ her skin is so soft and warm…

“Um, Lorrie…” She looked up at me and pulled away slightly. I tried to look into her eyes. Really,

I did. But all I could see was about 3 miles of cleavage disappearing into my chest.

“Yes Daddy?” she said, ever so sweetly. My cock was struggling inside my jeans. It sucks when it’s all crinkled up in there and then decides to get fully hard. She kept smiling at me.

“I didn’t mean to embarrass you. You probably think I’m just a kid. But I’m not. I turned 18 last month.”

“I don’t think you’re a kid…” With a body like that? She’s all woman, all the time. “But, you need to take it easy with that back. I don’t want any stitches to come out.” I couldn’t think of anything else to say. I mean, people are likely to come back at any moment. Yes, I fucked some of the other girls, but their mom’s weren’t here! Jesus.

“Arms up.”

She raised her arms, her breasts still pressed against me.

I took her t-shirt and fiddled with it until I got it lined up, Then I slid it over her arms, head, then over her tits until it was fully on.

“Thanks for checking me out, Daddy.”

“Anytime, hon.”

“You know,” she started. “Mom likes you. and she’s really good in bed. She’s an expert. And I’ve seen lots of porn. Mom’s as good or better.”

Um, holy shit? Why is she telling me this?

“Mom likes it all ways. Every way. I’ve seen her with two guys. And also with another girl and a guy. You know, Menage-a-twat or something.”

I chuckled inwardly. Menage-a-twat! I’d like to menage her twat… We heard a commotion as people were coming back inside.

Lorrie leaned in and whispered to me, “Mom masturbates at night when she thinks I’m asleep. She whispers your name.”

“Come on, you’re just saying that.”

“No, she does. Honest. I’ll be masturbating tonight. Thinking of that big dick everyone says you have. Get ready for Payton, it’s her turn tonight.”

And she left to rejoin the others. I stood there like, What the fuck? They are taking turns? With me? Well that’s just… well it’s not the worst thing that could happen, I guess…

Gayle came in to say hi.

“Those boys are Very nice. Very nice. They tell me they want the sisters to live with them. What do you think?”

“I’m a little concerned. We have to strengthen their building area, it’s not very secure right now. And we need to train those boys up. They need to get a little, uh, ‘harder’. And no, not in the way you think!”

Gayle punched my arm.

“But yeah, in a few days I think it would be fine. We need to start taking back the town anyway. Would be good to have a forward base there. We’ve got radios. We could hook them up with a set of solar panels. It could work.”

We had a nice dinner of beef stroganoff, from my supply of dehydrated food. Canned peaches for dessert. Also had lots of vodka and fruit juice.

Erin found the tablet, touched the screen a few times, and the next thing you know, Rihanna is blasting from the speakers. It’s a party!

The boys shoved the table to one side, and we had a dance floor. Rihanna’s beats were thumping, and Tina and everyone was pulling me out. Now, I’m not a dancer or anything, but I do have rhythm. So I was able to pretend I had some moves. It didn’t matter much, Everyone was hooting and hollering and shaking with the beat.

Everyone yelled the chorus:

“Now I may be bad, but I’m perfectly good!

And it’s, Sex in the Air

I don’t care I like the smell of it!

Sticks and stones may break my bones

But chains and whips excite me!”

Gayle grinded on my leg, somebody was holding my ass, and I had one arm around Payton. Tits bumped into me from all sides. Fuckin’ A!

Then Erin put on an oldie, “Push it” by Salt ‘N Pepa.

With all the “Ooh baby, baby” verses, it was getting crazy. Erin jumped up on the table and took off her T-shirt and shook her happy little boobs for everyone to see! The boys were dancing with their girls, but it was kind of a free-for-all. We weren’t really partnered up, just mashing all together. And there was lots of bumping and grinding, and ‘getting all up’ on me, the boys, and the girls on each other in some serious dirty dancing.

We started throwing our drinks around, and it was becoming a wet T-shirt night. Payton took off her shirt next, and danced around in her new bra. I could read the tag. 36C. Nice! And she filled it all up.

Lorrie got bumped accidentally, and I roared at everyone to stop while we checked her out. I was about to declare “Party On!” when we heard the shitty sound of a zombie moan, coming from outside. Those fuckers.

Erin grabbed her shirt and put it back on, grabbed her AR and dashed upstairs to the roof. I followed with the suppressed .22.

“Hold on, Tiger!” I called to her. “Let’s do this quiet-like.”

She took the .22 from me. Apparently, she seemed to think she was the best shooter for the job. She’s probably right, but still, it felt funny.

Three Zeds were at the wall of the house. Somebody hadn’t locked the gate.

Erin dispatched them with three shots. Efficiency at its best.

We got back downstairs and the party was gone. The girls were cleaning and wiping up everything. The guys were doing the dishes.

We had to re-arrange things a little to accommodate the boys for the night. It was looking like Payton didn’t have anywhere to stay. Imagine that.

Gayle gave me a sad look as Payton just kind of sidled up to me. Lorrie looked a little put out, also.

Everyone started saying their good-nights and drifting to the bathrooms and bedrooms. I was the last to use a restroom. Got myself a shower, finally. Got to remember to check the water levels tomorrow in the storage cisterns, I reminded myself.

When I opened the door to my little computer room, I found Payton waiting for me. She was stark naked, sitting on the air mattress with her back up against the pillows and the wall. Her right hand was lazily playing with her shaved pussy while her left hand toyed with a nipple.

“Hey,” she said. “Hope you don’t mind… there’s nowhere else to sleep.”

“Hey yourself. No, don’t stop! Keep doing what you’re doing.”

I got undressed, mentally thanking myself for storing up so many razors. When I pulled my shorts off, my 8 inch cock sprang out to it’s usual 45 degree angle.

Payton began to come over to me, but I stopped her again.

“Keep going,” I said. Watching a woman masturbate is one of my great pleasures in life. I don’t get to see it often enough.

“But, I was just warming up for you–” she protested.

“–And I love it. Just keep doing it. I want to see you cum.”

“But I…” she protested more. “I’ve never done this… had somebody just watch me…”

I settled into the office chair. “Just talk a little. Tell me what you want me to do.”

“Ok. Um… I want you to lick me.”

“Where? Show me.”

She spread her pussy lips for me. “Here.”

“Mmm Hmm. What else.”

“I want you to, to shove your tongue inside me.”

“Yesss… and?”

“And I want you to lick me hard… and put your tongue on my clit… and bite it a little…” She was getting the hang of it. Her finger slipped inside her pussy as she talked.

“And I want your cock. I want you to… um… fuck me.” She slipped in two fingers. “I want you to fuck me good. Fuck me hard. Fuck me a lot. Fuck me harder. And harder.” Three of her fingers fucked her cunt now.

“Go on, beautiful.” I encouraged.

“And I want to suck your cock and mmmmmmmm…” She pulled her fingers out of her cunt and daintily put one in her mouth. Her lips enclosed around it. She slowly pulled it out, sucking it clean of her juices. She did that to the other two.

“You like that… Daddy?” I chuckled at the Daddy. Maybe it’s a big running joke with all of them.

“Yes baby, tell me more.”

I went and stood on the air mattress, straddling her, my cock just a foot from her face. Pre-cum oozed from the tip. I ran my finger up the main vein, a few drops dripped onto Payton’s leg.

“God yes I want that cock!” she said as she frigged herself hard.

“I want you to fuck me… please you have to fuck me… please…”

I got down on my knees in front of her, her fingers were making such a slurpy noise as they drove in and out of her puss.

“I fucked Erin today.”

“Oh Jesus that slut!” she cried. But she was excited.

“I fucked her from behind.”

“Fuck yes!”

“I fucked her while she shot the zombies.”

“Oh fuck fuck fuck! Yes!”

“I came in her cunt!”

“Oh my fucking God cum in mine! Yes? Please?”

Payton lifted her leg up and held it with her left hand, so it was sticking almost striaght up in the air. Like some kind of Rockette or something. This allowed her fuller access to her cunt and she furiously banged herself. It was taking everything I had not to get involved, but I loved watching her.

“God, you’re beautiful,” I said. Hey, she looked great. She wasn’t the prettiest of the bunch by a long shot. But who the fuck cares. She was awesome.

“Tell me,” she gasped. “Tell me something else or just fuck me.” She was getting close to the edge.

“I fucked Kaitlyn in the ass. Gayle and some others saw my cum dripping from her butt.”

“Jesus that was true?”

“Yes. I’ll hold your leg up, put a finger in your own ass.”

Without hesitation she reached around and put a finger in her own butthole, with her other hand rubbing her clit hard.

“Oh god YES!!! FUUUUUUUCKKK! YES!!!!!”

She writhed in pleasure as she convulsed from her orgasm. When she was spent, I grabbed her legs and dragged her down fully on to the mattress so I could fuck her good. And I did. I shoved my cock all the way up her dripping cunt so good she didn’t know what hit her. I had to turn her over, face-down, so she could scream into the pillows.

I had never fucked anyone this tall before. It was cool to bang someone almost as big as me. But her strong legs were like jelly as I pounded her pussy into submission.

I pulled my cock out and threatened her ass with it, pressing into her rosebud a little. But she flinched really hard, she wasn’t ready for that. I dropped it back into her cunt and fucked the daylights out of her. I fucked her for ten minutes like that, she moaned and screamed into her pillow.

At one point, the door opened and Erin stuck her head in and smiled at me. I motioned her in but made the ‘shush’ sign with my finger to my mouth. She nodded and sat on the floor. Pulling her little sweat pants aside, she rubbed her pussy as she watched me fuck Payton.

She, Payton, had no idea anybody else was in there as she was in the throes of ecstasy. I rolled Payton on her back again so I could see her face when I fucked her. She held on to me tight, never opening her eyes. I squeezed her tits as I lay on her, the nipples hard as fucking rocks. Then I reached around and grabbed her ass cheeks, pulling her tightly and going deeper into her cunt. I easily slipped a finger up her ass. She responded by kissing me hard.

I risked a glance to the side; Erin was in full masturbation mode as her hand dove in and out of her pussy.

“I’m going to fuck your tits, baby!” I warned Payton.

She opened her eyes for the first time in about 10 minutes as she watched me settle in between her luscious jugs. She then noticed Erin sitting to her left. Payton kind of laughed but didn’t seem to mind.

“What’s she doing here?” she asked.

“Just watching. Maybe she thought I needed some help…”

Payton pushed her tits tight around my dick, I could just see the tip sticking out at the top of her cleavage.

“Erin,” gasped Payton. “Lick my pussy or get out of here.”

To my surprise, Erin scrambled right over and got between Payton’s legs. She lapped at her cunt as I fucked the shit out of her tits.

I love tit-fucking. The girl is mashing her own tits for me, my cock is enveloped by soft and firm tit-flesh… mmmm… and they don’t have to be all that big, either. It works with A-cuppers, even. But Payton had her C-cups in full force tonight. As I stroked her tits, she licked my cock each time it came to the top.

I was about at the end of my rope. I reached down and pulled on her nipples as Payton squeezed her tits. Pulled on the fuckers pretty hard. Payton yelped as my cum shot into her mouth and on her chin. She moaned more as Erin’s tongue made her cum. I shot some more cum onto her face, then pulled back and dropped some loads on her big soft tits.

Erin crawled up from behind. “How’s she doing?”

Payton just lay there in sexual fulfillment, enjoying her natural high. She swallowed the cum in her mouth, but the rest of it was streaming down her face.

“That cum’s going to waste,” I said.

Erin bent down and greedily licked it from Payton’s cheeks, lips and neck. She then drooled it into Payton’s mouth, who swallowed it easily.

“There’s some on her tits, too.” I pointed out. I like to be helpful.

Erin sucked up the cum and swallowed it down. But then she stayed there, sucking on Payton’s tits.

“Jesus Christ, Daddy,” said Erin. “I really like this! I’ve never touched a woman before this.”

I was surprised because she didn’t hesitate to eat Payton’s puss out earlier.

“Oh my God!” Erin giggled as she pulled off a nipple for a second. “Oh my God!! Daddy!” She greedily re-attacked Payton’s tits.

Payton roused out of her stupor to notice Erin.

“Baby, you do that so good!”

I was taking mental notes. Erin had a way… between her kissing and fondling and suckling, she was driving Payton crazy.

I reached down and rubbed Payton’s clit; she came again in about a minute.

Erin never let up or let go of those glorious tits. I slopped up some pussy juice onto an exposed nipple, Erin saw that and just dove on it.

I began to feel a bit superfluous… but then, later, they made up for it.

– – –

The next morning we had powdered eggs, freeze-dried ham, and pancakes. All courtesy of Momma Gayle, with some help from Lorrie, of course. That shit is not bad, pretty tasty, even. Considering the circumstances. The IHOP was, after all, run by Zach and Zed and Zena, at this point.

So this day, we hooked up the snow plow to the Unimog. Too many dead bodies in the street, you know. We scored tons of plywood at the hardware store to barricade the Master’s store. Then we implemented ‘The Plan’.

We parked the Unimog at the east end of Main street. It already had some followers. The cool thing about the Mog is its height. No matter what the Zeds do, they can’t break in. They can’t break the glass. They can’t climb into the cab. So we Parked it in the middle of the street. Erin climbed on top, along with Lorrie. They had the .308 for serious long range and stopping power. Also had an AR, and the suppressed 22. The idea was, they would start shooting at Zach, which would bring more Zachs, and they would keep shooting. Lorrie would get some real on-the-job training.

Then we had Tina and Payton in the Clock tower, firing at Zed also. But never towards the Mog. Only down the streets they could see.

Meanwhile, myself, Gayle, Morgan, and Wyatt went down to a side street at the whole other end of the small town. We pulled up to the last house. Gayle had the AR. I had my Crovel, and the boys had pitchforks. We also had pistols, all of us. The idea, though, was to go quiet and check the houses.

The first one was a piece of cake. Tapped on the door, all quiet. The house was unlocked, nobody inside. We checked for medicines and food, found a pretty good stash of cans. Some good food in the fridge, too, but it was all rotten. No medicines. No weapons. Some old lady clothes, that’s about it. We stacked the cans on the porch for later pickup.

Second house, we could see Zach standing inside, trying to get out through the door. Erin, and Lorrie, were shooting pretty regularly at the end of town. We saw a couple Zachs here and there amble along in their direction.

I wanted the boys to get some training, so we had Gayle stand behind the door, and she yanked it open. Morgan went first and jabbed the fucker right in the eye. He dropped. Morgan let out a whoop and went to high-five his brother when I clamped him hard on the shoulder.

“Shut the fuck up!” I whisper-hollered at him. He was sorry, wouldn’t do it again.

Found a little food, a .38 revolver with nine shells, some 42-year old Playboys, and some dirty clothes. But we took everything we could find. Candles, aluminum foil, baggies, toilet paper, matches, dog food.

Next house, we tapped on the window. We couldn’t see through the windows as the curtains were drawn.

“Who is it?” a female voice called out.

We were stunned. I motioned for one of the boys to answer.

“It’s us! Morgan and Wyatt Masters. From the store!”

The lady came and opened the door cautiously, then let us in. The lady was probably 65+. She eyeballed us.

“You the ones making all the racket?”

“Yes,” I answered. “I’m Michael. This is Gayle. We’re just trying to clean up the town. You uh, you ok? you need anything?”

“Naw. I’m good for the winter. Come springtime, I’ll be needing some supplies, though. You reckon we’ll get some power and food by then?”

“Uh, no, Missus…”

“It’s Miss. Thompson. Never had much need for no man. Although, I do kind of like your style, Slim.” She let that hang. I wasn’t sure what to say. Wasn’t expecting to be hit on today, least not by an old lady. She wasn’t bad looking, for 65.

“Hmph… well… Miss Thompson, we’ll be around a lot. If you see us, flag us down if you need something, okay?”

We left, Gayle snickered and patted me on the butt. “Stud,” she whispered and laughed.

We went through 30 more houses, but no other living folks. Lots of dead bodies, though; human and zombie. Did find a decent 1911 like mine, four hunting rifles in various calibers with a few boxes of shells for each.

Suddenly, the radio crackled to life.

“Michael! It’s Erin! We need you NOW!”

We piled into the Jeep and shot back towards main street. We got some more info from Erin; they had moved the truck to try and get a better location to shoot from.

“I told you not to do that!”

“I know Michael, I’m sorry. But Lorrie’s trapped. Hurry!”

We pulled up next to the Unimog, running over a couple Zachs. It was now more in the center of town. It was supposed to be away from the buildings.

“She’s up on the second floor. hurry!”

We broke into the lower floor of the real estate office. I killed two zeds with my Crovel. I could hear more of them moaning upstairs. Racing up the stairs, I hollered, “Look out below,” and threw a couple more zeds down the stairs. Gunshots followed as Erin or someone killed them dead.

Gayle came up behind me. The Zeds were now converging on us. We each fired our pistols until they were empty. The floor was slippery from all the ichor and gore, but I charged forward, hacking and slashing at Zed heads. I worked my way into what seemed a bedroom, and there was Lorrie.

She was between the bed and a wall, holding back two zombies with just her rifle barrel. Crying and screaming, she was going to lose the battle in the next few seconds as the combined weight of the two big man zombies was probably 400 pounds.

I hacked at a nearby zombie, then leapt on to the bed. I hacked with all my might on the zed closest to Lorrie, burying my Crovel so hard I couldn’t get it back out from Zach’s body. I yanked out my USMC Ka-Bar and buried it into the skull of the second Zed. I pulled Lorrie out from under both of them as they began falling. Clutching me for dear life, Lorrie sobbed into my neck.

Everyone just stood around as I came downstairs.

“Come on! Form a perimeter! What have I been talking to you about for the last 4 days? And somebody go get my Crovel!”

We finally formed a walking convoy and made our way down to Master’s Hardware. Wyatt drove the Jeep, running down zeds while I carried Lorrie. Erin and Gayle covered us as Morgan followed in the Unimog. We finally got inside the store.

We laid Lorrie on the counter, checking for bites, but she was clear. Her mom held her, they rocked together slowly in an old rocking chair by the front door.

I sat down and held my head in my hands. Jesus I almost fucked up again! We need more training before we can do this kind of thing!

Erin came over to me. “Michael… Daddy… I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have–“

“No,” I snapped back at her. “You shouldn’t have. You should have done what I said. I can’t be everywhere. You need to think!”

Ashamed, Erin went up to the staircase. Probably to the clock tower so she could shoot more zeds.

“What should we do?” asked Morgan.

“I don’t know right now, bud. Just… let me be for a few.”

I think it was in that moment where I realized how much I cared for these people. I looked at Gayle and Lorrie. Gayle was whispering softly to Lorrie, who seemed really small right now. They shouldn’t be fighting zombies. They should be helping or something, but they weren’t warriors. This wasn’t fair.

But it wasn’t just them. It was Erin. And the Sisters. And Payton, and Kaitlyn, and Tina. And the boys, too. I can’t let anything happen to these people.

Zombies moaned outside.


– – –

I took everybody back to the cabin a little after that. We ate an early supper of chicken corn chowder. The mood was a little somber. Erin was very down on herself. Lorrie was not doing so well, neither was Gayle. Lorrie seemed to want to be hugging or holding on to her mom or myself, she didn’t want to be alone. Everyone else just picked up on the vibe and didn’t make a lot of noise.

I talked with the local boys after dinner. I wanted to find out what commercial enterprises were in town or nearby. Gas Stations, stores, welding shops, sporting goods stores, engine repair shops, I wanted it all. Erin tried to go to her room. I told her no, sit down with me and listen. I apologized to her. She cried. We made up. Then we talked strategy.

After a couple hours, we did more P90 training, except for Lorrie. Well, she did a modified version. She isn’t all that flexible yet from her initial wounds.

Then everyone went to bed.

There was scratching at my door. I didn’t open it.

I didn’t deserve any happiness right then.


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Chapter 9 – The Recovery

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The next three days raced by. I took a team of Wyatt, Erin, and Payton with me and we went to two other nearby towns, just a little bigger than ours. They were as bad or worse than our little town. There’s a larger town to the north of us, but I imagine they are inundated with Zeds.

Anyway, we found what we were looking for; paintball and lacrosse gear. We liked the Lacrosse helmets best as they had a tough face screen and you could talk with them. They were much lighter than Motorcycle helmets. Plus, you could still hear talking with them. We found all kinds of pads and protective equipment for the legs and arms, also. The object was to make ourselves hard to bite.

Back at the ranch, we all put on our gear for real live training. First, everyone got used to hitting me on the head with broomsticks. Didn’t even reach me through my helmet, but everyone got lots of licks in.

At the Lawnmower repair shop, we got lots of lawnmower blades. We trimmed up one end to fit the gals smaller hands,then wrapped it in paracord to make a nice handle. We sharpened the other end to a razor-like finish. Now everyone had their own personal Zed-Hacker. We also got some yard rakes, the tough kind, not grass rakes. We cut off some of the tines, and bent the middle ones facing forward. I thought this would come in handy.

Then we had one-v-one training, with live zombies.

Many had come up our way over the last few days, we let them be as they circled the fence. Then, carefully, we’d let in one-at-a-time through the gate. We didn’t try to pair them up with a like-sized person, if it was your turn you got what you got.

Being generally shorter, except for Payton, the girls were having a tough time with a one-shot kill; Zed’s arms were too long. The girls learned to hack off an arm or two first, then go for the kill. Or kick them in the knee so Zed fell down. Then it was an easy kill shot.

Then they tried it with the rake. Much better! Hard swing to the knees, down they went. Then they were easy pickins for a rake-shot to the head. So that became our primary tactic; rake them out in the open, blade them when up close.

Lorrie was the most zealous of girls, surpassing even Erin. After she killed one, she would often hack it more, and spit on it. She didn’t like them much. Good.

All the girls did pretty well. And the boys turned out to be much tougher than I first thought. We were finally getting in shape.

– – –

Reports from the outside world were disheartening. Entire cities like New York had fallen into complete shambles. The internet was pretty limited. Only Google and Gmail seemed to be working anymore. Those Silicon valley guys always had great security.

The HAM radio reports were awful. Mostly just lonely calls from people in trouble. We couldn’t go help them, nobody was around us. After a while we quit turning it on.

– – –

Next morning, after our P90 workout, Gayle and Lorrie went to make breakfast while I studied the web. Then, girls and guys all sat me down at the table.

“What’s going on?” I asked, baffled. It was mid-October something, not a holiday or anything.

Gayle spoke up.

“Well Michael. Father’s day is a long ways away. But you’ve been like a father to all of us, and we wanted to say thank you!”

And they brought out all kinds of good stuff. Including Hostess Donettes! And Hostess Cherry Pies!

“But… but.. how? They went out of business a year ago!”

Erin laughed. “Remember the Circle K store? I swiped some goodies for you then.” She hugged me hard and I hugged her back. She cried a little, then everyone else gave me a little present. They were mostly from the hardware store in town, but it was awesome. I got a new neckerchief, folding knife, hunting socks, a canteen, some other odds and ends. Some Drakkar Noir from Gayle and Lorrie.

“Where’d you get this?” I chuckled. I didn’t know they still made this. It was kind of an 80’s thing.

“From the Baskins house. Mr. Baskins didn’t need it anymore…”

I laughed at that one. Everyone was just smiling at me. I felt all uncomfortable.

“Ok thank you everyone. I will use all these in good health. Although I may not wear the Drakkar until we get back tonight!” They all laughed. Zed had a good nose, didn’t want to give him any extra hints.

“As for you guys… Well I’m so proud of you. You could have fallen apart, but you didn’t. This mess is… well it just sucks. But we’re gonna make it better! Right?”

“RIGHT!” they all yelled in unison.

And we went to town, and we stuck together instead of spreading out, and we kicked a shitload of Zed’s ass. And nobody really got into trouble. And the lawn-mower blades worked as hoped, and we hardly fired the guns at all. It was a good day.

– – –


As we entered the house, I was told to shower first since it was “Daddy appreciation day.”

I said “Whatever” and went to get my shower on. Would be nice to get clean first, for once.

I was just getting some black blood off my arms when the door opened. I was pleased! We were so focused lately that there hadn’t been any ‘fornicating’ for quite a while. As long as it wasn’t one of the guys, I would be happy with whoever it was.

Gayle pulled back the curtain, hiding herself with it, but staring at me in all my naked glory.

“Scrub your back, mister?” she asked sweetly.

“Absolutely!” Holy shit, it’s Gayle!

“Face the other way, then.” Aww, she’s shy with me!

“Ok,” I said, turning towards the shower head. “To tell you the truth, I wasn’t expecting you… where’s everyone else?”

“They all seem to be really busy outside, sharpening, reloading, digging holes for the Zekes. Don’t worry, it’s still daylight, they’ll be fine.”

She stepped in the shower. I tried to turn around.

“Uh-uh-aahh! Face forward!” she commanded. I looked down, I could see her feet at least. They were pretty.

Something very warm and fleshy squished into my back as she reached around me for the soap and that scrubby, fluffy thing that you wash with. It could only be her tits. Jesus, they covered a lot of real estate, I thought. She pulled back and lathered my back, slowly but firmly pushing. My cock was lengthening a little with anticipation.

She washed my arms as they hung by my side.

“Arms up,” she said. And washed my pits.

Then she reached around and washed my chest, first with the scrubby and then with her bare hands. She spent a lot of time on my nipples. Why do men have nipples? I don’t know, but I was glad I did. That felt wonderful.

She lowered her soapy hands down to my stomach. I was fully hard at this point. I tried to wiggle a little, to get my dick to hit her in the hands.

“Easy big fella. Easy, Big Daddy.” I held still.

I was disappointed as her hands traveled back around to my lower back. But then, I was pleased as she rubbed my ass cheeks.

“Oh that feels nice…. yessss…”

She reached between my cheeks with the scrubby thing, washing my asshole and taint. I hung my head down, letting the hot water cascade down my back.

“Wow Daddy,” she said. “You’re all hard even back here!”

And with that, she dropped the scrubby and massaged my butthole. She leaned into me again with her tits and body. She reached around with her other hand and gently traced her fingers along my impossibly hard shaft. But that finger on my ass… it went inside…

“You like this, Daddy?”

“Ummm… I guess…! But what, have you got three fingers in there?” It felt kinda good, but also pretty fucking weird.

“No lover. Just one. Up to the first knuckle. So about one inch or less…” Well it felt like Johnny ‘The Wad’ himself was back there. Jesus. I’ll be a little more careful with girls in the future when fucking their asses.

Gayle gave my cock a good squeeze then suddenly let go. She slid down on her knees, and began to kiss my ass cheeks. She pulled them apart, then stuck her tongue in the naughtiest of places. I couldn’t believe it.

“Holy Fuck,” was all I was able to mutter.

Her tongue slid up my ass, she wriggled it around and rimmed me some more. Can my dick get any harder? It was already 110% but now it felt even harder. I was having difficulty breathing. She continued tonguing me for another couple minutes. If she had touched my cock I would’ve cum right then.

“Now wash my back?” she asked.

She turned and leaned against the tiles, like she was getting arrested. Her massive tits hung down, and her beautiful ass stuck out towards me. I admired her light olive skin.

“Everything ok?” she asked.

“Holy fuck. I mean. Yes! Of course! Just admiring the view!”

I firmly grasped her ass cheeks and planted my cock right in between them. My cockhead stuck out the top of her ass cleavage. He seemed very happy.

I forgot all about style and gentility and the soap, I just grabbed her and held her from the back, running my hands all up and down her hanging tits, stomach, down to her pulsing wet cunt.

My left hand massaged a tit as my right hand’s fingers slipped up inside her. Jesus she was so wet inside. Her stiff nipple tried to stand up to my tweaking, but I pinched and rolled it all around, causing Gayle to moan softly.

“Am I…” she began, tentatively. “Is my body okay?”

“Oh Jesus yes Gayle, why would you even ask that?”

“Well, you’ve got all these teenagers to fuck, and they’re so much… tighter than me…”

I spread her ass cheeks and buried my face between them. I licked and nuzzled her ass and pussy, mmmm she was sopping wet. I alternated my shoving my tongue up her ass and up her cunt, she seemed to like that. I kind of settled in with my thumb in her butt and concentrated my lips and tongue on her pussy. Her tangy flavors covered my face as I tried to burrow into her cunt. Again, I was glad I had stocked up so many razors, not a hair in sight.

“Jesus… Michael!” Gayle moaned.

I squeezed the shit out of both her ass cheeks as I continued eating her out. Tight little skinny girls are great. No doubt. But a woman with curves, that’s the one for me!

After a few minutes of this, Gayle was having trouble standing.

“Oh shit Michael… oh shit… it’s here Michael!”

I moaned into her cunt, sending vibrations up her pussy. I felt her contractions begin.

“FUCK! I’m cumming cumming oh fuck I’m cumming oh fuck oh fuck!”

I swallowed down her creamy juices that flowed down her cunt and into my mouth.

Then I slumped down, and sat in the shower-bath tub. Gayle turned around and sat on top of me, impaling herself on my raging cock. With the waters till beating down on us, she kissed me hard, and she licked up her own juices off my face. She rose up slightly and settled back down, my cock sinking further up her twat.

I fondled her lusciously large tits, and then clamped my mouth down on one as I fucked her. I sucked her tit hard, drawing as much as I could into my mouth.

“I love that Michael! Suck them harder! Pinch them!”

So I squeezed the hell out of the one I wasn’t sucking, pinching and kneading her tit and nipple roughly.

“God Michael that goes straight to my cunt! More Michael!”

I hefted one breast in my left hand, and lightly patted it with my right.

“Come on, don’t be a baby!”

So I slapped her big tit. She yelped with pleasure. So I slapped it again. And again. Each time, Gayle yelped like a little girl.

I got more aggressive, slapping both her tits with both my hands. These slaps weren’t hard enough to knock anyone down or anything, but her skin was turning a healthy shade of red. Gayle alternated between yelping and laughing as I continued to molest her swaying boobs.

I was getting a huge charge out of this. Gayle kept rising and falling on my cock, and watching those tits jiggle with each slap was too much for me.

“Gayle, get off, I’m going to cum!”

She leaned back, and said “My tubes have been tied. Give it all to me, Daddy!”

I couldn’t hold it. I came.

As always, that first shot felt phenomenal; my hot cum shooting through my vein. Each subsequent spurt felt incredible, too. Gayle felt my red-hot shots enter her cunt as I pumped more and more sperm into her.

She collapsed on top of me, her tits crushing into my chest. Her cunt quivered and spasmed as she, too, came with a frenzy. She grimaced in agony/pleasure, gritting her teeth and then letting out a giant “Ahhhhhhhh…”

My cock began to shrivel a bit. Gayle rose up, then scrambled down to lick my cock before the shower washed us clean. I could see she got a good portion down her throat.

“Come, on, old man!” she called as she helped me up. “Others need a shower, too!”

“Probably won’t be any hot water left for them!” I half-joked.

We soaped up and actually washed ourselves and finished the shower. We dried ourselves and Gayle sat at the little chair to fix her face. She looked so cute, legs crossed, tits hanging, puckering for the mirror. I felt like a young boy watching mommy get ready. My cock felt like that, too.

“Gayle, honey?”

“Yes, dear?”

“Would you mind if I jacked off, just a little bit? You’re so beautiful I can’t stand it.”

She laughed and turned a little so I had a better view. I stroked myself, watching this beautiful creature.

Gayle stood up, and grabbed a tube of body lotion. She squeezed a generous amount on to her tits. She talked to her tits, as if I wasn’t there, while she rubbed lotion all over them.

“Oooo… does that feel better girls? Mmmmm… yes it does… poor things… mmmmm… that mean old man was slapping you poor girls… oh but this feels sooo gooood.”

Gayle got down on her knees, continuing to rub her boobs.

I squirted a pretty large load right onto her tits, then a couple smaller ones, too. Gayle rubbed it all into her breasts as she leaned over and licked my cock clean.

Beautiful and not selfish. Wow. She could be a keeper…

…except for her daughter…


= = = More to come = = =




Published 7 years ago

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