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Chapter 1 – The Beginning
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Claire looked gorgeous as she rode up and down my raging cock. Her tousled blonde hair partially covering her face she lolled her head from side to side as her orgasm wracked her entire body. Her beautiful breasts quivered and shook like only big breasts can. Shortly, she collapsed on top of me as her orgasm left her spent of energy.
Without pulling out, I managed to roll her onto her back and continued fucking her. She took it like a champ, although she wasn’t much more than a rag doll. All she managed to do was gasp and moan as my cock slammed into her time and again.
“Oooooh… yes… yes…” she cried out, along with the occasional “Michael”, which was good because that was my name. Once, my ex-wife called out “Thomas!”, which struck me as odd. She’s gone, now.
I’d chased Claire for almost three months, although that really wasn’t my style. After my divorce, I played it pretty fast and loose with the ladies. Nothing too deep, nothing too serious, just kept it light. If the lady was into me, then, great! If she wasn’t, no worries, there’s more.
But Claire showed up in the office one day selling some software, and she hit me like a ton of bricks. I turned into jelly around her. I tried everything, and eventually, we dated. And finally, we fucked, this night.
I squeezed one tit hard as my other arm supported me. Her soft flesh felt wonderful in my hand. Just beautifully squishy and yet firm, with very responsive nipples. I pushed it up to her face and sucked her tit right next to her face. I withdrew slightly and offered Claire her own nipple, to which she accepted and gently drew into her mouth. I kissed her and she released her nipple; we both licked it vigorously as my engorged cock continued to fuck her tight pussy.
“Michael… I’m going to… (gasp)… cum again… cum in me please!”
“You’re on the pill, yes?”
“No, but it’s okay… please Michael.”
Yeah, heard that one before. That’s how I got married the first time. She ended up miscarrying but we were married by then.
“Okay baby, I’m going to cum in you!” I cried out, faking it. I flexed my cock a couple times and her cunt responded with death-grip clenches as she came. I wanted to cum on her tits and face. I wanted to coat her entire body with my sperm. I wanted her to know that she was very special to me. I could barely contain my cum.
“Grab your tits, baby!” I said as I fucked her.
Claire squeezed them for me as I pumped a few more times, then pulled out and straddled her stomach.
I stroked a couple times and felt the fantastic feeling as hot cum began flying out of my cock.
Claire screamed, “What are you doing!?” She immediately released her tits and went to block her face with her hands. My cum splashed onto her tits and a couple streams hit her blocking hands full force. Dammit, would’ve gone right in her mouth, too. She turned her head as far to the side as it would go. Still, a few stray drops and splashes got through and hit her cheek and neck.
I still had a couple shots left when she struggled out from under me, pushing me aside. She ran to the bathroom, holding her hands up in disgust as if they were covered in dogshit or something.
“Why did you have to wreck everything?” she cried.
Jesus, really? My cum ‘wrecked everything’?
The faucet ran for several minutes as she cleaned up. Hell, I’m surprised she didn’t take a bath or a shower. Finally, she came out one of my towels wrapped around her. She had pinned up her hair, apparently so none of my nasty stuff would come in contact with her golden locks. Hey, she did have gorgeous hair, but still, man.
She began gathering up her clothes. She wouldn’t look at me.
“You know,” I began. “I licked your pussy for at least a half an hour tonight.”
“Thank you.”
“Well, I enjoyed it. So… then… it’s okay for me to do that to you, but my sperm is unacceptable?”
“I asked you to cum inside me, remember?”
Yeah, I remember. I also remember your warm-up blowjob was feeble at best and lasted almost a minute and a half. I was just so excited to have you in my bed that I didn’t mind it at the time.
She was now dressed. She stopped and looked at me, a little pleadingly, I thought.
A selfish lover. So many times it’s the great-looking women who are just marginal in bed. I guess they figure their looks are good enough, we men should be grateful just to be with them at all.
“Don’t call me,” I said. She left in a huff.
People should just have signs around their neck. “I suck at blowjobs.” “I don’t do Anal.” “I won’t lick pussy.” It would save us all a lot of trouble in the long run.
I was rather disappointed. We had talked of taking next week off and going to my mountain cabin. Spending a week with her in a cabin, screwing, hiking, fucking, skinny dipping, boffing this beautiful woman. Maybe I could still call her and–
No! Bad! Snap out of it! Who needs a selfish beauty?
Right. I’ll go anyway. By myself.
I packed up my Jeep with a bunch of gear and headed north out of Phoenix, up to Colorado. No, I’m not telling you where it is, exactly. I don’t need a bunch of you people showing up here, especially after all that’s happened.
It’s not so much a cabin, anymore, as it is a castle.
It’s a cooperative venture between myself and three of my high school buddies. One of them, David, had this land above a small town. We decided it would make a cool getaway. So we built a small cabin and took turns using it on weekends. We each contributed a certain amount of money each month for improvements and such. After fifteen years, it’s pretty fricking awesome. The original cabin is gone. Instead, the place looks like a nice southwestern adobe house. It’s rather deceptive, though, as the walls are three feet of steel, brick, dirt, and adobe. The windows are merely decorative; they conceal ‘ports’ that are great for shooting out of. Yeah, it’s kind of a castle.
Add to that we’ve got a partially submerged and hidden storage area where we’ve got three 40-foot containers of food, clothing, supplies, weapons, ammo. Then, in the garage, we’ve got a Unimog (crazy, go anywhere Euro-truck built by Mercedes) two 4-seater Rhinos, a two-seater Razr, and a few motorcycles. I don’t ride the bikes, though; too uncoordinated.
The house/castle sleeps eight comfortably, but you could squeeze in twelve or even more in a pinch. We made it for each of us four, plus one each, for eight. Then, one of my buddies had a baby. Uh oh. If we all have babies, there won’t be any room. So we laid the foundation for another castle just a few feet away. Should take a year or two to finish.
We weren’t exactly paranoid, we just weren’t convinced that the world would keep going along on its merry way.
Turns out, we were right.
I was the “Information Officer” of our group. Meaning, I built us a network with satellite access to the ‘net. I had redundant servers and spare parts to last for years and years. Part of my job was to download stuff, information. So I downloaded Youtube videos of how to make diesel fuel, tutorials on farming, articles on gunsmithing, calf-birthing, goat milking, books on making whiskey, plus I ripped thousands of movies and stored them, too. We had a pretty good encyclopedia of knowledge and entertainment going. Oh yeah. And porn. I downloaded a lot of porn. Videos and stories. Guys gotta have fun, you know? It ain’t all doom and gloom.
So I went up the Saturday after Claire. I got the solar panels out and set them up. Got out the windmills, checked the batteries, checked the fuel levels, checked our water tanks… basically made the place livable.
I was fishing in the creek, I had nabbed a trout already when my cell phone went off. It was David, one of my cabin buddies. He was in New York.
“Dude!” he exclaimed. “It’s on! Code Zebra!! It’s really on!”
“Uh, what’s on?” We had code words for disasters. But I had forgotten what this one was.
“Zombies man! It’s on!”
“Right! I just caught a trout who’s kind of a zombie. I thought it was dead but then it flopped around–“
“No, I’m serious! Go check the site, man!”
So I assured him I would check it out. Reluctantly, I put the nearly dead fish back in the creek, packed up my gear and strolled back to the cabin. I flipped on the browser to our favorite prepper site.
There was ONE Story about a guy eating another guy. I mean, Dahmer did more than that. Then there was some guy in Florida a couple years ago doing that. That’s not exactly a Zombie Apocalypse. I called David back.
“Dude, I’m giving you the big ‘So what’ on this one!”
“No, Michael. I know this guy. A doctor. He said he saw a guy at the hospital rise up after a heart attack. He bit like three nurses and orderlies. The media passed it off as a crazed lunatic.”
“Alright, stand by.” I found the news stories about that, it was like he said. Nutjob on a rampage.
“Yeah,” said David. “The media is covering it up. I know. It’s only one thing. But the guy is my doctor. It’s on. I’m telling you. I’m sounding the alarm.”
“Well, I’m already here, so hurry the fuck up.”
We hung up and I thought about it for awhile. Zombies. If that’s true, I’ll need more of my guns. Here at the cabin, I’ve got only got my required AR-15 and Glock 21, two of each. One was for my wife, now ex. (We decided to have standardized guns for parts etc. So, we had eight AR-15s and eight Glocks stored.) That’s fine, but I want my 1911, my other AR with the fancy scope, my Howa 308, my Benelli shotgun, my other pistols, and more ammo, and some other crap. And, night as well get as much food as I can while the stores are still open.
I’ve got time, right? It’s only twenty hours round-trip. I got going.
So I locked up the place, loaded up the AR and my Glock and a few hundred rounds for each, and took off for home.
On the way, a story came on the radio of a different crazed man on a rampage who attacked three people at a mortuary in Denver. I pushed the Jeep’s gas pedal a little more.
After a grueling trip home, I was exhausted. It was about midnight, after all. However, I had to keep going. I packed up clothes, pictures, trinkets, cameras, anything of value. I have a decent-sized off-road utility trailer, so that got partially filled up with all that stuff. My Jeep I filled with my guns, ammo, other weapons, my gold and silver rounds, all my tools, and cans of gas. Grabbed my local stash of cash, about nine grand.
Then I went to the 24-hour Super Walmart.
Now, we each had over four years of food per person stored at the cabin, but it’s all freeze-dried and dehydrated stuff. Not all that exciting. I wanted some good stuff if the world was ending.
So I literally bought most of Walmart’s canned fruits. Filled up an entire shopping cart of peaches and pears and pineapples. Took that out to the trailer and dumped it. Went back and bought another cart of canned vegetables. Then I went for the canned meats like stews, tuna, chicken, spam, chili. Took two carts for all that.
More trips for soups, vegetables, and then the boxes of potato dishes and pasta dishes. More trips for cooking oil, spices, and more stuff I don’t even know what. At some point, one of the workers started helping me so things went faster. Still, it took almost four hours.
“Uh, sir?” the worker, Stan, had asked me. “What’s all this for, if you don’t mind me asking?”
I thought about it for a moment, then spoke straight up. “Might be the zombies, Stan. You should get ready. Get some food and shit.” I tipped him a couple of hundreds. He was really helpful.
As I was checking out the last cart, a frantic call came over the loudspeaker.
“Code Blue to ladies wear! Code Blue Ladies Wear!”
I looked quizzically over at the helper dude, Stan.
“Medical,” he explained. “Usually means some old lady fell. But could be a heart attack or stroke. We get those sometimes. I gotta go check it out.”
I paid the clerk. We heard screams coming from close by. Coming from the ladies clothing section. Two women staggered out from the racks, large wounds on their arms. Kinda looked like bites.
Time to go.
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Chapter 2 – The Rescue
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I got the hell out of Dodge, err, Phoenix. When the shit hits the fan, you want to be first out or you’ll be stuck in traffic jams forever. Fortunately, it was about 4 am Sunday morning so the roads were basically empty. I began coaxing my heavily laden Jeep up the 5,500 foot climb on I-17 to Flagstaff.
Talked to my buddies on the cell, they were all making their way to the cabin with their wives. Claire called, she sounded panicky. She apologized, and could I please take her to the cabin? I told her to go to the Walmart I was just at and buy a gun and some ammo. She told me to fuck off. I told her to suck a dick until it cums.
Called my parents. They didn’t believe me about anything. Dad did check that the door was locked. Sigh. I’d set them up with as much stuff as I could, but you can only do so much for people. They didn’t want to come over from Vegas. They do have a shotgun, water barrels, MREs… should last them a couple months.
Went up to Flagstaff and turned east on 40, could see some fires burning in the little city. Went fifty some-odd miles outside of town, then found a side road to hide and take a rest.
Many hours later, I finally made it back to the cabin. Had lots of excitement, though. Ran over ten to twelve zombies. Shot a few more. Saved a few lives, for the time being, at least. Lesson for the future: firing your gun INSIDE a car is hazardous to your hearing! The movies don’t prepare you for how loud that can be!
The little town just below our compound in the hills seems to be okay. The news is reporting instances of terrorism on a large scale. No mention of zombies, though. Wow. Thanks for the fair and balanced reporting. Don’t want people to know what’s really happening. The websites are going crazy though. Youtube has footage up that is shocking.
David stopped answering his cell phone. So did Chris and Steven. Maybe the cells went down due to power outages? They are far too smart to get caught up in this crap. I hope. But then, I drove out of only one actual city. They’ve got scores of cities to get through.
I swept the area, all clear. Then I started unloading the trailer and Jeep and got down to the business of survival.
Two more days went by before the first zombie showed up in town. At least, that’s what I figured. I could hear the gunfire and could see cars speeding about the place. Mayhem. I considered going down to help, but, what can one man do? There were hundreds of them. Plus, I didn’t really know the layout well, would probably just get myself killed. Ah, who am I kidding? I was just being a pussy.
I re-considered on the third day.
Now, my Jeep Wrangler already proved to be a pretty good zombie-striker. It’s lifted and sitting on 37-inch offroad tires, M/T’s with serious knobby tread. It’s the 4-door model outfitted with extra gas tanks, 5.13 gears, offroad lights and whatnot, it’s pretty heavy. And it has a big ass bumper in the front which proved great at knocking over Zed and his Zed friends. But for real survival, I’ve got the Unimog. It’s built about four times stronger than the Jeep, has higher ground clearance, has four doors and a camper box on the back-end. They were originally made as a German army-type vehicle, then they became available to the public. This one was originally a command and communications truck. We rigged it up as an emergency truck with a ladder, medical gear, fire extinguishers, gun racks, everything we could think of.
I put on my camo gear. Then I put on Chris’s dirtbike gear. It has hard plastic pieces that cover the chest and back, forearms, elbows, upper arms. I figured it would be harder to get bitten that way. Put on my chest rig which held my 1911 and six magazines for that. It also held 8 mags for my AR, 30-rounders. Pulled on my steel-toed boots, shin guards, knee pads, and a dirtbike helmet and goggles. I’ve also got these Kevlar gloves that are supposed to be knife-proof, I hoped they were teeth-proof. I looked like a confused army man, nothing really matched but what the hell. I don’t need to be camouflaged from Zed, just need to be hard to eat. Grabbed my shotgun, AR, and a suppressed .22 caliber rifle.
Got in the Mog and drove to town.
Much of the town was quiet, I turned down onto the deserted main street and kept a lookout. In my mirrors I could see a strange sight; zombies exiting stores and turning to follow my truck. Was everybody dead?
Suddenly, shots rang out and my blessed Unimog was hit! The shots came from an upstairs window of a house. I returned fire (had my helmet on to protect my hearing this time!) and stomped on the gas. The Mog, rather reluctantly, responded and I turned off to a side street. I zigged and zagged a bit and lost my zombies that were trailing me. I stopped the truck and took off my helmet.
It was quiet. Too quiet for the Zombie Apocalypse.
A Zed rounded the corner and shuffled towards me. I mean, I think he was a Zed. Blood covered face and chest, blank stare… I grabbed the suppressed .22 and fired at his head. Two shots and he dropped, but not before he let out the moan.
The zombie moan. We learned to hate and fear that sound. The moan seemed to be a “Hey Zombie friends, there’s meat over here!” kind of a thing. I knew more were coming soon. I heard some more zombie moans behind me.
Time to go. I got back in the cab and was ready to turn the key when I heard several female screams from a nearby house. Shit. That’s also the direction where the moans came from.
I took the keys (didn’t want to leave them in the ignition and have some live asshole take off in it), put my helmet back on, grabbed my bigger AR-15 rifle, and trotted to the house to investigate.
As I climbed the steps up the porch, I could see many Zeds milling about inside, trying to get up the stairs where the screams were coming from. I took aim and started shooting. Headshots only, you know. Which isn’t that easy considering a head isn’t very big and they are moving, not holding still. So it took me a shot and sometimes two or three to kill one. But the AR is semi-automatic, meaning all I have to do is pull the trigger for each bullet, so I can shoot pretty fast. Full auto would’ve been nice… shoulda got that instead but that’s illegal in Colorado. Thanks, politicians.
As the zombies started dropping, the still living ones… or… still undead ones, turned and saw me and cameĀ in my direction. The moans increased, calling their friends.
My first magazine emptied, I flipped it over and stuck in the second one I had taped to it. Firing steadily, I killed them and the ones on the stairs. I then tried climbing the stairs, but it was full of blood and gore and really dead zombies. The screams continued upstairs, but I couldn’t get there. I could hear some moans up there, though.
Shit! Some zombie motherfucker grabbed my leg! I fell backwards but landed on a couch. The offending Zed reached out from beneath a pile of dead Zeds. The female screams continued upstairs, I figured I could kill this fallen one later.
I ran back outside, started the Mog and backed her right up to the house, destroying the picket fence and garden in the process. But now the top of the rear camper box was pretty much in line with the porch roof, which led to the second story windows. Climbed up the hood, onto the cab, onto the box, up the porch covering, and I landed in the upstairs hallway.
The zeds up here saw me, turned and moaned, and died again in a hail of 5.56 mm bullets. The screams continued in a bedroom. I turned in to see a gal and a woman trying to hold off two zombies with chairs. A bunch of people were backed up in the corners of the room. They weren’t going to last much longer. I reached over my shoulder and pulled out my Crovel, a small but heavy duty combination tool of crow-bar and shovel. The shovel edges are sharpened to act like an axe. It also has a saw edge and a bottle opener, so it’s pretty cool. I hooked one Zed with the crowbar end and pulled him off the young girl.
“Cover your face!” I yelled to the girl. I didn’t want her to get splashed with blood.
I brought down the Crovel and sliced his head like a watermelon. I repeated the action with the other Zed, pulled him away and sliced his brain in two.
Zombie moans outside. They’re coming in the house again.
I surveyed the situation, but there was too much going on. There were several females and one guy whoĀ were all up and standing in semi-defensive stances. Plus a few that seemed to be down. Nobody had any guns, just some garden rakes and pieces of wood, a baseball bat. They were all terrified, whimpering, and seemed ready to give up. They were also mostly in skirts and heels, which seemed odd to me. The Unimog had room for these people. My cabin had room as my buddies didn’t seem to be coming. It is kind of lonely up there… I made a snap-decision.
I took off my helmet to show them I was just a regular guy.
“You guys want to get out of here?”
A chorus of “Fuck yeahs!” and other affirmatives followed until this older woman stepped forward from the others. And by older, I mean she was probably my age. She was the one that was fighting off a Zed earlier but was now tending to a girl on the floor.
“Do you have any medical supplies?” she asked, desperately. “First aid kit? Food? What? I’m responsible for these girls.”
She was stunning. Her medium length black hair was a mess. She was filthy; blood and grime on her face, and I thought she was the prettiest thing I had ever seen. Kind of Latino looking, maybe, or Italian.
“Lady, I’ve got everything you need.” Jesus! Did that sound stupid or what? Let me try that again.
“I mean, I’ve got a secure place, food, first aid, more guns, you’ll be safe. Safer than here.” She thought about it for a moment. I held out my hand. “It’s now or never, sweetheart.”
The zombie moans from downstairs pretty much sealed the deal. “They’re coming up again,” said one of the girls.
“Let’s go,” the lady said.
– – –
“Any of you ever shot a gun before?” I asked with not much hope.
“I have,” this tiny, dirty-blonde haired girl spoke up. “My dad’s a master sergeant in the Corps. I’ve shot M-4s and AR-15s a lot.”
“Okay,” I said, handing her the gun. “Show me. Clear the weapon.”
She dropped out the mag, pulled the charging handle which ejected the round in the chamber.
“Okay, I guess you do know what you’re doing. Here.” I handed her two full 30-round mags. “Watch the stairs. We’re going out the roof here.”
She slapped in a mag and put the other in her blouse. She chambered a round.
“Rock and roll!” she said with gusto. She fired a shot down the stairs. Then a couple more.
“Got em!” she hollered. “Fuck yeah!”
“Good girl! Shot placement, don’t waste ammo. Somebody get my helmet!”
Blake, the dude of the bunch, helped me with the downed girl. She was bleeding pretty badly from a wound to her back, her clothing was in shreds. It was hard to maneuver her because we were trying not to touch her back. The pretty lady was helping too. Turns out this wounded girl was her daughter. We finally got outside and saw more zombies. They saw us, too, and moaned. Just for fun, I guess. They already moaned once. Why are they still moaning?
“Hey!” I yelled to the house. “What’s that chick’s name? The shooter? We need her out here!”
“That’s Erin,” a gal said. “I’ll get her.”
“Okay then. Some of you barricade the stairs so we don’t get caught from behind.” They started dragging a bureau across the floor.
Erin came outside and let out a “Holy fuck” as she saw the Zeds converging on my truck.
“Start shooting, sweetie. Stay on this side, though, I’ll get the other side. And you. Yeah, you.”
“Tina,” a gal said.
“Tina. Hi. Spot for her. Tell her which ones are closest. Kill the closest ones first, then work your way out. Here, hold these two magazines. Don’t throw away the empties.”
Zed was out in full force, but we needed to move. Erin was proving to be a dead-eye, though. Necros were falling everywhere. I pulled out my .45 and clicked off the safety.
“Guys, I’m going down to clear them out over here.”
I hopped down on the hood of the Mog and killed a couple right by the driver’s door of the truck.
Bam Bam! Another one over here… Bam! And here… Bam! Bam! shit missed Bam! Bam! Bam! click! Oh yeah, only eight rounds in my .45. Gotta keep better track when I’m shooting.
Dropped out the mag and slammed another one in. Bam! got the shit head! Then I jumped down on the ground as we now had a little breathing room. I waved down a couple girls, put them in the backseat of the truck as I started it up. Uh oh. Here comes an ugly fucker… Bam! Went to the back of the truck and cleared that area out. Bam! Bam!
“Clear!” I hollered up to the girls. “Bring down the hurt girl! Then everyone else. Erin, you keep watch!”
Not as gently as we would have liked, we got the injured girl down and into the camper box of the truck. The other girls struggled to get down and got inside. Finally, Erin scampered off the top like a pro. She killed a couple more as they neared us.
“You’ve got ‘shotgun'”, I said, meaning the front seat with me.
We pulled out slowly, squishing dead heads and bodies as we went. The truck lurched and heaved side to side as we listened to the sickening sounds. Two or three days ago, these were moms and dads, shopkeepers, barbers, high school kids… today they are just dead meat walking. This world sucks.
“There’s one!” called out Erin.
“Here, try this one instead.” I handed her the suppressed .22. It was quieter. She took aim.
Clack! (miss) Clack!
“Got her!” she exclaimed. She shot a few more on our way out of town.
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Chapter 3 – The Arrival
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We got up to my compound. Locked the gate as I was sure we would have some followers. Found out that the hurt girl was Lorraine and the mother was named Gayle. We brought Lorraine inside to our little medical room. Yes, we actually have a room for this. Like a tiny doctors office. She was barely conscious, but I got her to swallow some water and Oxycontin and amoxicillan. I couldn’t help notice that, underneath her torn blouse, Lorraine had tremendous breasts. Like mother, like daughter, I guess.
I told Tina to take the girls in the kitchen, open up some cans of chili and start warming them up. Told her about the cornbread mix and butter flakes, and that they should all drink a lot of water.
Back to the injured Lorraine. As I mentioned earlier, I’m the data guy. My buddy David was the Medical Man. He took all the Red Cross training and CERT classes and studied the books and shit. I hate blood. Especially mine. But I’m not too fond of other people’s blood, either.
Gayle looked at me as if to say, ‘Well, fix her up!’ I took a deep breath and pretended I was a doctor.
I cleaned the wound as best I could. Got out the needle and suture thread, and stitched her up. Fortunately, Lorraine had passed out by this time. My stitches would have made the Frankenstein creature blush, they were that bad. But they seemed to hold the skin together. I slathered her with antibiotic ointment and bandaged her up. Throughout it all, I couldn’t help but notice that no matter how pretty her mother was, this injured girl was even prettier. I mean stunning. And, hopefully, eighteen. Jesus, I should be thinking that hopefully she doesn’t die!
I had Gayle tell me some of their story, how the girls got here and stuff. I was trying to keep her mind off of what a bad job I was doing.
They were at a funeral home in Denver when one of the dead people got up and started biting folks. They lost some of their people. Gayle was trying to be strong, helping me, trying to reassure me that my doctoring was fine. I finished the last bandage.
“That’s the best I can do, Gayle.”
Now that it was over, she looked at me with tears in her eyes.
“If you hadn’t come along when you did… (sniff)… and killed those… things… (sniff) Jesus… we’d all be… we’d all be dead right now!”
She fell in my arms, sobbing. I hugged her, comforted her, patted her back, told her it was alright. But she really needed the emotional release and just cried for several minutes.
Tina came in to say dinner was ready, I told her we’d be out in a little bit. She nodded, understanding.
Gayle began to come back to normal. “I, I don’t know how to thank you… I don’t even know your name! Oh, I’m such an ass!”
“Shhh… it’s okay sweetie… I’m Michael. Michael Larson.”
“Gayle Sanchez. Well, thank you, Michael. You’ve saved my life and my daughter’s… May I give you a kiss?”
She tentatively looked at me. I smiled and moved in to meet her halfway.
Our lips met in a gentle, chaste kiss. I guess I thought it would go for maybe a second at the most. But we stayed there for several seconds… then I squeezed her a little tighter and our kiss became a little more passionate. She squeezed me back as our lips pressed harder against each other. I became extremely conscious of her breasts pressing into me, and my cock started to stiffen. Her breathing increased, along with mine, our mouths opened a bit, and sure enough, our tongues met at the same time. She was dirty, smelled a little, and her hair was completely dysfunctional; I wanted her badly.
My cock roared to full attention as her moist tongue darted around mine. It pressed into her waist. My hand slid down to her skirt, I could feel the bare skin of her back.
“Are you guys coming or what?” Tina shouted down the hall to us.
We broke the kiss.
“Coming!” I answered back as we disentangled.
Gayle looked at my bulging pants. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have–“
“No no, it’s okay, really!”
“Oh god, what’s wrong with me? My daughter is hurt and I’m acting all trampy…”
“No sweetie, it’s just your emotions are running high right now. It’s fine–“
But she turned and walked towards the dining area.
I needed another minute or two to calm down. I mean, wow, what a kiss! She was so pretty, though. I thought of my history with pretty women who ended up being selfish and tried to get Gayle out of my mind.
When I finally came out, I was greeted by a round of applause, then introductions and hugs and hugs and more hugs. But, I didn’t really remember anyone’s name that I didn’t already know.
They were a pretty good looking bunch, and maybe a set of sisters? Blake and the girls returned to their bowls of chili quickly, though. Found out they had been on the run and hadn’t really eaten much in 3 days. Gayle and I joined in the grub session and the mood was very gay. As in, what ‘gay’ used to mean. Meaning happy. They were happy to be alive, I was happy to have some company, good-looking company at that!
I showed the girls where the shower was, got out some of my ex-wife’s clothes and mine too, and told them to try and find something that fit. They were mostly just camo clothes, my ex took all her street clothes. Also pointed out the ‘feminine products’ to which I got more applause and hugs. Told them I was going to lock down the outside and would be back in a few minutes.
“I’ll come with you,” volunteered Erin, the shooter chick. “I’ll watch your back.”
“Sure, be good to have some more eyes.” She hadn’t showered yet, but she had washed her face and hands. In all the confusion and fighting earlier, I hadn’t really noticed her before; she was pretty fucking good looking. Nice little frame, a little over five feet tall and not giant boobs. But they jiggled nicely in her dirty blouse. Like the other girls, she seemed improperly dressed for the occasion, but she did have some boots that seemed to fit.
We went outside and got the guns out of the Unimog, re-loaded them and walked the perimeter. We spotted a lone zed nearby pushing against the gate. She raised her gun, but I pushed the
barrel back down.
“Look at this,” I said. I pulled out my Crovel, then pulled out a screw-on spike from my pocket. “I should’ve had this on earlier today. Wasn’t thinking. Wanna try it?”
Erin practically slammed the rifle into my hands as she took the Crovel with the three-inch spike on the end. She walked to the fence and watched for a moment as the Zombie tried to get at us. His name tag said “Jerry Davis, Mountain Realty.” His throat was torn up, must have been why he wasn’t moaning. Being a new zombie, he didn’t have that completely crappy look like you see in the movies. He might’ve just become undead today, who knows. But his eyes were all red and splotchy, he stank like shit, and his skin was turning that sallow, pale color.
“Sorry, Jerry,” Erin intoned. “I don’t think we’re interested in selling!”
She rammed the spike right into and through his left eye, piercing his brain. Jerry stopped all his useless motions, hung there for a second, then dropped to the ground.
Erin pulled back the spike and wiped the blackish bloody spike in the dirt.
“You know,” she said. “I don’t know what it is. Maybe it’s the guns. Maybe it’s the shooting. Maybe it’s the power I’ve got now. But I feel… I feel so…” Her voice trailed off.
“Um… yeah?” I don’t know what she was talking about.
“I’m just completely and totally fucking horny right now.”
“No shit?” I’ve heard about men in wartime, their reactions. Some cried, some get heroic, some became animals, and some got very horny.
“No shit. I want to fuck just about anybody right now. But I’m on my goddamn period…”
I didn’t quite know what to say. This situation hasn’t happened to me before.
“Yeah, um… I’m not so good with the whole blood thing… Fuck, there’s another one over there.”
Erin was on it. She hustled over and spiked this middle-aged zombie woman right in the forehead, through the fence.
“Jesus Christ!” She exclaimed. “I just HAVE to cum!”
Erin dropped the Crovel tool and reached for my AR-15. She started rubbing it between her legs.
“Hold on, sweetheart. Let’s empty that first.” I didn’t want to get shot with my own gun.
She emptied the mag and the chamber.
She then knelt down on the ground with the rifle between her legs. She pulled it up into her pussy and grabbed her tits through her blouse. She moaned with pleasure as she gripped the rifle with her thighs.
This was just too good. I got my thickening dick out.
“Jesus Christ, yes! Let me suck that, please? Let me suck your big hard cock.”
With one hand pulling the rifle into her pussy, she gripped my raging cock with the other and engulfed me with her mouth.
Fucken A! She took probably six of my eight inches into her hot mouth. Then she bobbed quickly up and down my shaft, her hand following her mouth and squeezing my cock so fucking hard.
She spoke between her moans. “Mmm, mmm, mmm… you liking this? Mmm, mmm, mmm… this is gonna make me cum… mmm, mmm, mmm, god it’s so big… “
She kept “mmm-ing” as she gave me the most vigorous blowjob I’ve ever had. I was losing my mind.
“You fucking GO, Erin! Yes… you were a fucking animal today… you’re a fucking hard corps killer… suck that cock, suck it suck it suck it oh FUCK I’m gonna cum!!”
I expected her to pull back, but she didn’t break stride at all. She kept sucking my hard cock as it began to pulse and throb.
Fiery shots of sperm exploded into her mouth, down her throat. She kept her mouth on the tip as her hand stroked me, coaxing out more cum and more cum. She swallowed immediately to make room for it all and swallowed some more.
I stopped cumming and she fell back onto the ground. I followed her and pushed the rifle aside. I just grabbed her cunt through her pants and shook and squeezed her.
She hollered “YES” and yanked up her shirt to reveal her gorgeous breasts. With my other hand I grabbed the rifle and placed it on her tits, she grabbed it and rubbed it furiously on them as I continued to shake her cunt.
In just a few moments she clenched my hand with her legs and thrashed about as her orgasm took her.
“F-U-U-U-U-U-C-K!!!! Oh, fuck… shit… SHIT!!!!” she repeated as the waves kept cumming.
I spotted a zombie at the fence. I traded hands so my right was now free to draw my .45.
Boom! And the Zed’s head exploded.
“HOLY FUCK!!!!” Erin screamed as her orgasm seemed to increase in ferocity. “Do it again!”
Boom! I fired at a tree.
“JESUS you’re killing me!!!”
Boom Boom Boom Boom!
And she finally collapsed, her body trembling as her arms hit the dirt.
I dropped the empty pistol on the ground.
I was hard as a fucking rock again. I had never seen such a carnal display in my life. I furiously stroked my cock as she watched. In a few seconds, I shot a small load right on her gorgeous little tits. The sperm was less, but my orgasm was great. Holy shit.
Erin wiped up my cum from her tits and licked it off her fingers. All of it. What a fucking trooper.
“Maybe we’ll kill some more Zeds tomorrow,” I said, putting myself back together.
“Zeds?” she asked, dusting herself off.
“Yeah, Zombies. Zeds. Zees. Zekes. You want to kill some more, right?”
She nodded and hugged me and kissed me, hard. I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around me and all my gear.
“I need you to fuck me, Michael. Seriously. Aunt Flo leaves town in a couple days.”
“You make sure it’s all clear and I’ll eat your cunt till you beg me to stop.”
“That’s not gonna happen! You’ll be licking pussy for days then.”
“Whatever it takes”
We kissed some more, she finally slid down to the ground.
I parked the Unimog in its spot and tidied up the area.
We went back inside.
– – –
“Was that more shooting we heard?” asked Gayle.
“Yeah,” I answered, loosening my gear. “Few more zombies showed up. Right at the fence.”
Some of the girls were all fresh and clean. They looked awesome in mine and my ex-wife’s camo pants and t-shirts. A couple were still dirty, waiting their turn. Blake was all clean too. Guess he didn’t know about ‘ladies first.’
“So uh… I’ve got a computer in this little office over here. And I’ve got a tablet. They’re both connected to the web. Or what’s left of it. Why don’t you do… five minute shifts until everyone has a shot at it, then take ten minute shifts.”
You never saw young people move so fast in your life. Gayle got a chuckle out of it. Nice to see her smile.
“Anyone you want to check on?” I asked her.
“It can wait,” she replied. “Just some friends.”
“There’s no, uh… ‘Mr. Gayle’?”
“Haha!” she laughed. “Not for a few years.” She smiled warmly at me.
“How’s your girl, um…”
“Yeah, Lorraine. Sorry, there’s so many of you. She’s your daughter?”
“Yes, well, she’s resting comfortably. Probably need to change the bandages. There’s still some blood coming out.”
“Yeah. Probably due to my crappy sewing. Maybe we’ll put some super glue on it to help seal up the wound.”
One girl shrieked. “My parents are alive! In Boston!”
Gayle and I chatted a bit as we headed back to the medical room and re-patched her daughter, Lorraine. Found out more of what they were doing when this all started. Turns out they are from the college in Boulder, Colorado. A group of 20 of the sorority girls had gone down to south Denver for a funeral of one of their friends who’d been killed in a car accident. The service was at a funeral home and, during the service, one of the other dead bodies came out of the back room and started to bite folks. This zombie bit five or six people before they subdued it. The girls fled in panic. Gayle, the house mother, had driven the sorority bus down. As they tried to make their way back, massive traffic jams developed as zombies and people ran crazily all over the streets. Then, one of their girls died from being bitten earlier. She turned quickly and bit some of the girls on the bus.
In the ensuing mayhem, they all abandoned the bus, only to get caught up in the shitstorm on the city streets. They finally re-took their bus but were down to fifteen girls at this point. Gayle tried to head north, to go back home, but everything was blocked. She found an opening south and went that way.
Everywhere they went, it seemed to be getting worse. They thought they might hole up in some smaller places like Colorado Springs or Littleton, but they were all in the process of being over-run. They kept heading south.
They ran out of gas a couple miles from here, and hoofed it into town. Not so easy with panicky girls and high heels. In town, nobody would help them, the zombies were picking them off one by one. They found an abandoned house with that kid Blake in it. Then I came along. All told, they lost twelve girls.
“Jesus. I don’t know what to say. I’m glad I took my helmet off at that moment.”
“So am I,” she said. “So am I. You don’t know what it’s like out there.”
We might’ve had another ‘moment’, but the girls were all around now.
I finally got my shower and came back out. The girls were talking quietly, some were crying as they hadn’t been able to get in touch with anybody.
I decided it was time for a little change of pace.
“Alright, ladies. Listen up. We’re having hot chocolate and movies in ten minutes. Get your jammies and get ready for bed!”
I made the hot chocolates and put a liberal amount of Bailey’s in each one. Then I dialed in a movie as the girls found spots on the couches with their pillows. Most were in my boxer shorts and my olive drab T-shirts. They all asked what movie, but I wouldn’t tell them.
The music started as beautiful shots of mountains passed by on the screen. The music built up…
“Is this…?”
“Are we really watching this?”
“Yes we are!”
Julie Andrews appeared on the top of a hill and started singing “The hills are alive, with the Sound of Music.”
I brought out the hot chocolates and passed them around. Went and got some Danish butter cookies that I snagged from Walmart, too.
I came out for the last time, Gayle and Erin had saved me a spot on the couch in between them. Nice. They sort of snuggled against me. I had to concentrate on the flick to keep my erection down.
As the movie played on, we started singing all the songs pretty much at the top of our lungs. Yes. I’m a man who likes musicals. Get over it. I like Metallica and STP and Johnny Cash, too. Expand your mind a bit.
I tried to get up at one point for re-fills but the girls wouldn’t hear of it. They made more hot chocolate and Bailey’s and made sure I had everything I wanted.
I surveyed my little party… bare legs all over, a few nips poking through here and there, two warm females leaning against me… could be worse.
The movie finally ended. Had to wake up a couple girls to get them to their beds. I got hugs and kisses from everyone, even Blake. Well, not kisses, thank God.
I was going to sleep in my computer room. The regular rooms were full and, well, this was fine with me. I got the air mattress out and it was as comfy as the beds.
I just settled down and was almost asleep when I heard fingernails tapping at my door. Maybe it’s Gayle, or maybe Erin wants to suck my cock some more?
I opened the door to find… one of the girls. I couldn’t think of her name. It’s Kathy, or Katherine, or Katie Lynn or something. She was in my T-shirt and boxers. Her head hung down, her face partially covered by her dark hair hanging down. She lifted her head to me; she had been crying.
“Something wrong?” I whispered to her in the near darkness. The room was just barely lit by a couple of LEDs from the router.
She shook her head, but pushed her way inside and closed the door. She pulled off her T-shirt and dropped her shorts to the floor, but all I could see in the darkness was her sad eyes.
I opened my arms and she hugged me like she was holding on for dear life. She cried quietly against my chest for several minutes as I rocked her. I didn’t want to ask what it was, I could pretty much figure it out. She’s lonely, scared, saw many friends die, probably orphaned now… still, my cock got hard because of a naked body pressed into me.
She finally slid her arms inside my T-shirt and raised it up. I took it off and dropped my own shorts. We got down on the air mattress, side by side and kissed long and deep, she still hung on tightly to me.
I moved my hand down to her rather plump ass, her soft flesh so pliable in my strong hands. She moaned and thrust her tongue into my mouth, searching, exploring. Her hand went down to my cock and gently but firmly gripped me and stroked me.
She rolled onto her back. In the dim light, I could see her marvelous tits splayed out to the sides. Christ, I didn’t know she had those! I went to suck them, but she stopped me. Spreading her legs, she whispered her only words to me.
“Just fuck me. Please. Fuck me now.”
I rolled on top of her, my rock hard cock between her freshly shaven legs. With just a little maneuvering, my cock found her pussy. I rubbed myself up and down her slit a couple times, surprised by how wet she was.
I moved so my cock was right at her front door. Then I entered her domain. She gasped as I slowly sank my cock into her. I just pressed, let my weight come down on her. I drove my cock all the way in. Eight inches of love muscle all the way in 8 seconds.
She entwined her legs around mine and we fucked slowly, but powerfully. I withdrew slowly, and re-plunged slowly but pressed her all the way into the mattress. Each stroke brought new moans and gasps from both of us. We slowly increased speed. Little faster. Little harder, too. Her slick cunt walls felt so nice and tight on my steel hard shaft.
We kissed hard, she didn’t want to let go. I grabbed her left tit hard, I didn’t want to let go. But I could feel those feelings heading my way. And fucking this hot teenager (or maybe she’s twenty, who the fuck knows I can’t even think of her name) with her slick cunt is helping the situation way too much. No amount of football thoughts are going to stop this. I thought of Gayle, that did it.
“Baby,” I whispered. “I’m going to cum.”
She only clenched harder, wanting me to cum inside her. Yeah, maybe not right now…
The cums finally got to me, I pulled out (with some difficulty) and shot my load from right there. Long streaks of cum shot out, I’m not sure where they went as it was nearly dark. I stroked until it was all done. Jesus that was nice.
The girl sat up and moved towards my cock, and found it with her mouth. She licked and sucked my cock clean of her and my juices. I’ve GOT to find out what her name is! I don’t want this to be a one-time thing. The obvious dawned on me about this time; she hadn’t cum yet.
I pressed her back down on the mattress and 69’d her, but mostly my cock just hung in her face. But I went to town on her pussy. I just ate her hard, and licked her hard, and grabbed her ass and pulled her apart so I could get my whole face in there. She pumped her clit against my tongue as I jammed most of my hand up her dripping twat. I pumped her furiously with my flexing fingers and thoroughly enjoyed her tasty cunt juices. I slipped my other hand to her ass and pressed in with my pointer finger. Her juices had oozed down there and it went right in.
Without warning, and without any noise, she clamped her thighs together, locking my hands in place in her ass and cunt. I pressed harder on her clit as it pulsed and pulsed. She thrashed around but I held on and kept my face right in there. I wanted this baby to remember this one.
She finally settled down from her cum somewhat. Then she pushed me off and sat up in the full glow of the LED. She dipped a couple fingers of her right hand into her cunt, got them all wet and juicy. Then, she brought her hand up to her right nipple and coated it with her own juices. With her left hand, she raised her tit to her mouth and basically made out with her own nipple for a minute or so. She did the same thing again but to her left tit.
Well, that was new. And fucking cock-hardening. Jesus when I was 69-ing her it didn’t get hard again but seeing this did. Christ. I’ve cum three times in the last few hours, not bad for an old man of almost 40.
But now I’m hard as ever, can’t let this go to waste!
I pointed with my open hand to my cock, to show her what she did to me.
She grinned, then turned and got on all fours, her pussy and ass in plain view of the dim light. She turned her head back towards me and raised her eyebrows. She doesn’t talk much, but we seem to understand each other pretty well without the chatter.
I moved in behind her, preparing to mount her pussy. My head pressed into her pussy lips, still wet from her secretions. She suddenly moved forward, out of range.
She turned and looked at me again, and shook her head. This could only mean one thing.
“You sure?” I asked. This wasn’t something that, in my experience, most chicks enjoyed very much. Certainly not young chicks.
I dropped down a little and played with her pussy, getting my fingers wet so I could lube up her asshole. I drew up as much saliva as I could, also, to add to the mix. After a minute or so I assumed the position again, only a little higher this time.
I dripped a final spittle on my cock and pressed it against her asshole.
The head slid right in.
She stiffened slightly at first, but I worked it back and forth a while and she relaxed again. With some more back and forth action, I pressed a little harder, going deeper into this usually forbidden area. I didn’t want to press to hard, though, and hurt her or scare her off.
Next thing I know she just backed up into me, hard! My cock sank to the hilt, so deep up inside her.
She grabbed a pillow and collapsed into it with her face and arms holding it tight, her ass still pointing into the air to accept her butt-fucking. Time to go to work!
With increasing intensity, I fucked her ass good. It’s different than a pussy, tighter right at the opening but a bit looser once you’re inside. It felt fantastic.
I reached around to frig her pussy with one hand and grabbed a big tit with the other and squeezed the shit out of it. Still not a sound out of her. Hey, I don’t want her to wake everyone up but I also want to have some impact on her, know what I mean?
I fucked her faster, so fast I was like a blur in her tight ass. I grabbed her nipple and made a fist with it inside my fingers. My nails dug into her tit flesh. I pulled against her cunt and raised her body to meet each quick thrust of my cock.
She squealed into her pillow. A little. then more. Then a LOT more as I continued this relentless assault on her person.
She raised up on all fours again, arched her back, and trembled with another orgasm.
I came too, right then. I could feel her cunt quivering and her ass gripped my cock as I shot load after load of hot cum in her ass.
The door to my little computer room burst open and somebody hit the lights, bathing us both in harsh, fluorescent splendor. What the actual fuck?
= = = = =
To be continued!
(Greetings. I wrote this a few years, and it is now okay to publish here on Lush. The style is a little unpolished, perhaps, but I thought it was kind of fun. I will be posting thisĀ over the next several days. The Walking Dead always seemed rather bleak to me. I want to try and enjoy the end of the world…)