On Saturday I went shopping with my mom since I was going to need a new swimsuit for our swimming lesson on Tuesday. I spent a while looking at different bathing suits and bikinis before I settled on three suits and two bikinis. Normally bikinis weren’t allowed during swimming lessons at school, but it had been a while and maybe the rules had changed. I went to the changing rooms to try them on while my mom looked at some clothes for herself.
I started with a simple black bathing suit that my mom chose for me. It was a one-piece that covered as much skin as possible. My mom never liked it when I wore revealing clothes so I completely expected her to choose one like that. Honestly, it looked fine on me, but I wasn’t going to leave with something as simple as that.
The second suit I tried was a light shade of blue. It fit, but it wasn’t my style.
The last one I tried was a high-leg suit with crossed straps across my chest, leaving a little triangle of bare skin in the middle. When I turned around and looked in the mirror I could see my butt cheeks. The suit didn’t cover them at all. Usually, I’m really insecure about my body but at that moment, I felt confident and sexy. I was definitely going to buy that suit.
Next, I tried on the bikinis. The first one was one with vertical black and white stripes. The bottom piece came up to my belly button. It made me a little dizzy but I wasn’t going to stand in front of a mirror all the time so that didn’t matter.
The last bikini was a sparkly pink set. The top piece was strapless and closed with a cute little bowtie on my back. It had padding which made my boobs look bigger and I really liked the soft fabric. The bottom part didn’t cover much. It showed even more skin than the bathing suit. I changed back into my clothes and waited for my mom. She came out of one of the stalls with some blouses and I told her that I wanted two bathing suits and two bikinis. I only took the first bathing suit to keep my mom happy. We walked over to the cashier and paid for our clothes.
The next week started with a boring Monday, luckily it passed quickly. I got home, did my homework, and had dinner. I checked on my new bathroom and saw that the workmen had installed the new shower cabin. I had seen the pictures of the end result and could already imagine how much better it would be. The old bathroom I had was still the one my grandparents had installed when they lived in the house. It was a great bathroom but the old tiling on the walls looked like they were made during the stone ages.
They had also finished some work in my bedroom. My walls were ready to get their first coat of paint and the flooring looked as good as finished. I went to Luna’s room and filled my sports bag for the next day. After a bit of thinking and trying them on again, I chose to bring the cross-strapped bathing suit and pink bikini. I put them in my bag with a hairbrush, a towel, and some perfume and went to sleep.
When I woke up, I put on my leggings and a T-shirt and headed downstairs for breakfast. My dad was already sitting at the kitchen table reading his newspaper while sipping his hot coffee.
“Hey, Loulou, why are you up so early? I thought you only had school in the afternoon.” He said.
I quickly responded and said, “I do, I just wanted to go for a run before my swimming lessons.”
“Oh alright, don’t forget a towel. I put some clean ones in the bathroom closet yesterday.” He said.
“I already filled my sports bag last night,” I answered.
“Okay.” He said while finishing his last bit of coffee. “I have to leave for work now. Have fun today.”
He kissed me on my forehead, took his jacket, and went to the garage. After I heard the car leave, I finished my breakfast and went for a short run.
When I got home, I freshened up, took my sports bag, and left for school. I met up with Audrey and talked for a few minutes until the bell rang. We looked around and when we saw some of our classmates, we followed them to the bus. When we entered the bus, Mr. Peeters was already waiting for us and did a headcount.
I sat down next to Audrey and asked, “Do you know if bikinis are allowed this year?”
“I have no idea,” she said, “I brought one but I’m probably not even going to try it on. It’s an old one.”
“I bought some new ones,” I said while taking the pink bikini out of my bag.
“Oh wow, that looks so cute!” She said with excitement.
Before I could say anything, Jared stood up from his seat behind us and grabbed my bikini out of Audrey’s hands.
“Oh, wow, that looks so cute,” he said with a squeaky voice, trying to make fun of Audrey.
“GIVE THAT BACK!” I yelled.
“Look how sexy I am in my pink bikini”, he said while holding the bra in front of his chest.
Luckily the embarrassment didn’t last too long because Simon stopped him. He just gave Jared an angry look and put out his hand. After Jared gave Simon the bikini, he passed it on to me and I thanked him while quickly putting it back in my bag.
When we finally arrived at the pool, I got off the bus and we went inside. Mr. Peeters explained to us that there were classes from other schools at the pool so we only had a limited amount of changing rooms. This meant we had to pair up in groups of two and share one changing room. Without even discussing it Audrey and I went into an empty stall and locked the door behind us.
We looked at each other and I said, “Let’s just turn around okay?”
She nodded and we both turned our backs to each other. The stall was meant for only one person so we awkwardly bumped into each other a few times.
“I’m ready,” Audrey said.
“Me too,” I answered.
We turned back to each other and Audrey said, “Looks like Jared was right, you look really sexy in that bikini.”
I slapped her arm and we both laughed. We got out of the changing room put our clothes in a locker and walked to the pool. Mr. Peeters told us we had to swim laps in the pool to warm up for the diving exercise. After a few laps, he told everyone to get out of the pool and form a line at the diving board. He explained how we had to dive and told us to start.
A few exercises later we were finished for the day and we went back to the changing room. Audrey and I took our clothes and entered our stall. We dried ourselves off and turned back to the wall to change. I don’t know why, but I kept thinking about that time I saw Audrey naked coming out of the shower. And that’s when I decided to surprise her. This could only end in two ways but I was willing to take the risk.
I took my bikini off and turned back around to try and take another look at Audrey’s body. My eyes immediately went to her butt. I had always been jealous of it because mine was really flat. Audrey put her bra on and when she bent over to put her panties on, I got a slight glimpse of her pussy. I sat down and kept looking at her while she got dressed.
Then she said, “I’m ready.”
“Me too” I answered.
Audrey turned around and saw me sitting there, completely naked. She looked horrified when she saw me and quickly turned back around.
“I’m so sorry!” she kept saying.
“It’s okay, look at me,” I said.
She slowly turned back to face me and that’s how she stood there, for at least a minute. It felt like an hour. Her eyes went everywhere as she looked at every inch of my body. It was like she was trying to memorize it for an exam.
And then I finally broke the silence and said, “It’s only fair.”