Lost But Never Forgotten

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Like Autumn Leaves
My tears fall to the stoney ground.
Your picture shivers in my hand 
And I find myself smiling,
Awkwardly at first,
But seconds later with reverie.
My mind floods with memories
Of times gone by,
Of laughter and joy,
And of those tender moments
That remain hidden between lovers.
The arguments concealed forever 
Like they have been for the last ten, years.

I look on your face one last time 
And causually slip the worn and creased paper copy of you
Under the clothes of my second drawer.
Still smiling, I blow a kiss onto your remaining essence
In remembrance of a life well-lived.
As I stare at your final resting place,
I turn around and face Emily.
A knowing smile coruscates across her face,
A sad smile and a happy smile 
Fight for survival on her lips.
“There’s no need to hide her,”
“She’s part of your life.”
“As am I.”

I look into her dark brown eyes,
Sympathetic and loving eyes,
Her words penetrate me and then the kiss hits me.
Hard at first, but softening to
Velvet caresses and light touches.
My arms encicle her tenderness, Her hand caresses
As she turns me around to reach into the 
Confines of my most secret life.
The very same photograph, removed from its grotto,
To be placed back on the bedside table.
In its direction, a stare that we make, together.
Savoured and cherished smiles, holding hands,
Lost but never forgotten.


Published 7 years ago

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