“The energy doesn’t have to come from you, it just needs to be received by you,” Bella said. She was watching Captain Vex’s back arch against the bed while Will’s tongue worked between her legs. Belita stretched languidly like a big golden housecat, her expression happy and glazed.
“Received?” Tonya asked, not following.
“Well, it has to turn you on,” Bella clarified. “That’s not a completely accurate way to put it, but there’s enough overlap that it will work until you have enough experience to discuss the nuances.” Bella was sitting on the ground cross-legged at the back edge of the circle on the floor, leaning back against the bed frame. Belita jerked a bit and jostled the bed. Bella looked over her shoulder and smiled at the blond captain’s pleasure.
“Well that’s pretty easy,” Tonya grinned. She was standing in the circle on the other side of the mirror, watching intently. Janie stood just behind her shoulder. The circle on the floor wasn’t large, so they were close enough to feel the rising heat coming from each other’s bodies. Tonya could feel Janie’s breath just behind her. The taller woman’s tension was palpable. Tonya glanced over her shoulder for a moment. “Easier for some than others.” Janie didn’t notice. She was too enraptured by the scene on the bed.
“There’s a lot of energy in sexual tension,” Bella continued. “There’s a lot of energy in the release of it too, but how much you can gather and use overall is largely based on the amount of tension that is built up beforehand.”
“Alright, that makes sense,” Tonya said.
Belita let out a small gasp as Will did something she particularly liked. Her breasts rolled in opposite circles, her golden rings glinting in the candle light. Tonya felt herself growing warmer.
“Are you starting to feel it?” Bella asked.
Tonya nodded. “A little. They’re fun to watch.”
“Let it build. As it does, visualize the heat moving up into the pattern instead of staying where it is,” Bella said.
Tonya nodded. This was the hard part for her. Gathering energy was easy. Moving it was hard. She tried to visualize the tension moving through her from her pelvis to her chest. She could feel it moving, but quickly it felt like the energy waned. She concentrated harder and the energy simply dissipated. She sighed and shook her head.
“Tell me what happened,” Bella said gently.
“I tried to move it and it faded out,” Tonya shrugged.
“I’m guessing you aren’t turned on anymore?” Bella asked.
“No, not really. I mean, I guess I could be. They’re still sexy. I just wasn’t focusing on that,” Tonya shrugged.
“You started concentrating on what you were trying to do, and not on being turned on,” Bella clarified.
Belita let out a low groan and ran her hands into Will’s hair. He adjusted slightly and did something that made Belita’s whole body twitch twice. She laughed and held his head in place. “Right there,” she said, her voice low and raw.
Tonya’s frustration overrode her enjoyment of the scene. “It’s a lot easier when it’s happening to me. The energy doesn’t slip away when I start thinking about other things.”
On the bed, Belita’s body convulsed. Her orgasm was small, but intense. She gasped loudly. Her hips lifted and she pushed her head back into the mattress. Another shudder ran through her, then she relaxed like a puppet with it’s strings cut.
Bella continued her lecture as soon as Belita had quieted again. “That’s because the sensations you’re feeling during sex aren’t things you need to think about in order to perpetuate. They’re happening to you, independent of what you’re thinking about at the time,” Bella explained. “Part of learning to draw energy from others is to really appreciate what they are doing. You have to get sexual enjoyment out of sexual pleasure that you aren’t experiencing directly. It’s also a good exercise in multitasking.”
“I might be too selfish for that,” Tonya chuckled. “I can enjoy seeing people have sex, but mostly because I want to be involved too.”
“That’s where it starts,” Bella smiled back. “You just have to be able to keep watching and enjoying while also thinking about what you’re doing with the energy you’re receiving and building up. It’s easiest with things that really turn you on.”
“Well then I’m going to need to see Will’s sexy cock,” Tonya grinned. Behind her Janie made a small choking sound. Tonya turned and met her new friend’s shocked gaze. Janie didn’t look aghast. She looked hungry. Tonya started laughing.
“You heard her, teaching assistants,” Bella said stroking Belita’s tawny mane. “My apprentice needs you to change things up.”
Belita sighed dramatically. “I s’pose that was a good warm up. Your turn, Will.”
Will crawled up Belita’s body and lay down on top of her, their lips joining. Her strong legs wrapped around his hips and her arms draped around his neck as she tasted herself on his mouth. Then they rolled over together so Will ended up stretched out on the bed with the tanned blond draped over him. She put her hands on his chest and pushed herself up to straddle his hips, and rolled them for a moment before knee-walking backwards down his body, dragging her long blond hair over his torso until her face was even with his hips.
“Alright, that was sexy,” Tonya commented. Her tension was back. She felt Janie tremble a bit behind her.
Bella looked over her shoulder to watch just as Belita tossed her hair to her right so the pair in the mirror could have an unobstructed view as she slowly took Will’s erection into her mouth.
“Ready to try again?” Bella asked Tonya.
Her apprentice shook her head, her eyes locked on the bed. “Give me a minute.” Bella chuckled and turned around again to watch the sensual scene unfolding behind her.
Belita’s lips stroked slowly up and down Will’s cock, reaching a little more than half way before she couldn’t go any further and then pulling back until the edge of his crown was just barely visible to their audience. Will groaned and propped himself up on his elbows to watch too.
After a few slow passes down his length, Belita added her hand to the mix, stroking the lower half of his shaft in time with the rise and fall of her lips.
“You wish it was you, don’t you?” Bella asked Tonya in a sensual voice.
“Uh huh,” Tonya said, her eyes never leaving the scene on the bed. She watched Belita’s sensual ministrations, followed the play of Will’s muscles as he sighed. The treasure map tattooed on his chest rippled slightly and she could see his thighs tense as his pleasure grew. Behind her Janie let out her breath like she was trying to keep it from escaping.
“Keep watching them, and feel the heat inside you. Let it build up, but also let it flow upward. Don’t try to just move it. Instead, see if you can think of it like a river flowing from where it starts to the pattern,” Bella said in the same sensual tone.
Tonya nodded and started focusing on the heat between her legs. Watching Belita give Will head had definitely gotten her turned on. Watching Belita earlier had been pretty nice too, but hard cocks and pretty men always got her going the most. She imagined the heat flowing upward. That was easier. It didn’t feel like a river though. She imagined it more like putting a bucket under a water pump. The trick was to make sure the pump didn’t run dry. Manufacturing the energy from watching seemed like a trickle at a time. She really wanted there to be more energy. She really wanted to be the one in Belita’s place. Then she noticed that the thought of wanting seemed to increase the flow from her metaphysical pump.
“Frustration makes it stronger,” she laughed.
“Sure does. That’s why I keep telling you that you need to practice holding back,” Bella replied. “If you can learn to enjoy the frustration, you’ll be a much stronger Witch.”
“I’m not very good at that,” Tonya wrinkled her nose. “Moving the energy is easy when I don’t have to concentrate on where it’s coming from,” she continued. “Like now, talking about it makes the reservoir I’m drawing from weaker because I’m talking about magic stuff and thinking less about how much I want to get fucked.”
“So stop talking about it. Just show me,” Bella shrugged. Tonya nodded.
“She’s not the only one who wants tae get fucked,’ Belita purred. She crawled up Will’s body and positioned herself over his hips again. With a small adjustment from her hand she positioned him at her entrance and slowly sunk down with a throaty moan that sounded like it was half growl. Will’s eyes rolled back in his head. His hands went up to squeeze her full breasts. She pushed them firmly into his hands and began to bounce, lifting with her muscular thighs and dropping back down again. Her whole body rippled with the small impacts. She tossed her golden hair back and closed her eyes, lost in the sensations of Will’s hard cock pistoning within her.
Tonya’s breathing deepened as she watched. She squeezed her thighs together and mewled in frustration. Now that the flow of energy to the pattern on her chest had been established, she felt like things should be easy. Instead, it was getting harder. She could feel the trickle to the pattern, but she couldn’t keep it flowing fast. Every time she stopped thinking about it to concentrate on what she was watching and keep the energy source full, the flow to the pattern waned back to a trickle again. She felt like she couldn’t do both at once, and because she was generating more energy than she was moving, she was starting to feel like she was building up some kind of pressure. It wasn’t the usual kind of sexual tension pressure. It was something else. “I really wish you hadn’t taken Rocky with you,” she muttered.
“You have fingers,” Bella said with a small shrug. “If you need them, use them.”
Janie made another small gasping noise. Tonya looked over her shoulder and into big blue eyes. “You alright with all this?” Tonya asked.
Janie nodded. “Are you going to…?” she trailed off.
“Yeah, are you?” Tonya asked. Janie shook her head quickly. Tonya shrugged and undid the knot of her skirts. They puddled to the floor and she kicked them free of the circle. In moments she stood nude from the waist down. Her hand ran down her smooth stomach to the cleft of her legs. She was already plenty wet. She took a deep breath, finally getting a small amount of release as she touched herself.
Will and Belita rolled again, the captain laughing as Will abruptly repositioned her beneath him. Belita pulled her hair out from beneath her and tossed it up to spill across the pillows. Will lifted himself up, his triceps bunching as he rose into position and started thrusting with his hips. Belita reached down and pulled against his lower back with her hands, adding a little extra to his thrusts. Her hips bucked every time he pumped himself into her. “Mmmmm,” she purred. “Oh, that’s so good.”
“I love the way you squeeze me,” Will said with a grin. Then his brows rose in surprise as she squeezed him on purpose with strong internal muscles developed from constantly having to engage her pelvic floor to keep her balance on a rolling ship. “Holy fuck!”
Bella couldn’t help but look over her shoulder. Her assistants were very distracting. She wanted to touch herself, or to join them, but she had a lesson to focus on.
“Is the pattern charging?” Bella asked. She couldn’t see any kind of glow or other indicator yet.
Tonya nodded. Touching herself helped. Suddenly she didn’t have to concentrate on the energy itself. The sensations were generating it instead of trying to build it up through voyeurism. The channel was open, but it was still just a trickle and no matter what she did it didn’t seem to flow any faster. “I can’t get it to fill quickly. I think I’m building up energy in me faster than I can move it to the pattern.”
“That’s alright. That’s what the circle is for. If you need to, just purge it like I taught you. Nothing will happen,” Bella said in a comforting tone.
Tonya’s brows furrowed as she concentrated. She imagined the channel between herself and the sigil getting wider, deeper. She imagined a slant, like water running down a hill. Nothing changed. The same trickle still moved, like a slow leak, nowhere near fast enough to compensate for how fast she was drawing energy in. Then she imagined the pump pushing harder. That did something. The pressure inside her increased. She wasn’t building energy any faster, but what she already heald seemed stronger somehow. “What the heck?” she muttered to herself.
“Tell me what you’re feeling,” Bella said gently.
“I started thinking of it like a pump, drawing energy from the source, and pouring it into the sigil. That seemed to work. Then I started thinking about pumping harder, and instead of getting more flow, it made the energy I’ve already drawn feel weird.”
“Weird, how?” Bella asked, trying to ignore the sexy breathing and moaning right behind her for a moment and concentrate on what she was trying to teach.
“Like pressure,” Tonya shrugged, her fingers still idly circling between her legs. “Like what I’ve drawn wants to go somewhere but can’t.”
“You’re trying to hard,’ Bella said. “You need to relax and let it move itself. You can’t pump it. That’s what will cause you to lose control of it.”
“When I try that nothing happens. It only wants to move at a trickle no matter how I think about it.” Tonya was clearly frustrated.
“Stop thinking about it,” Bella advised. “Concentrate on the enjoyment. Think of the sigil like it’s a partner you want to please. Give yourself to it.”
Tonya changed what she was visualizing. Suddenly the connection between herself and the pattern wasn’t so abstract. The pattern in her head shifted into a man. Will. He was right in front of her, so he was the easiest one to think about. She imagined herself straddling him, looking down on his strong form and plunging his hard length into her. In her mind his chest bore the pattern that was actually on hers. She wanted him to feel her. To know her. To take her. She plunged two fingers into her wetness and let out a high pitched whine of frustration and release. The sigil on her chest swelled into light that matched the candles on the ground, and so did the circle on the ground. Her thighs shuddered. “Unnnh!” she groaned. She suddenly felt relaxed, but a bit empty. “Wow, that worked,” she gasped as she regained her senses. It wasn’t quite an orgasm. It didn’t have the same big peak of ecstasy, but the aftermath felt similar. Then the swell of energy within her started again, but without any kind of trickle into the pattern. It didn’t empty. It just wouldn’t take anymore. The circle on the ground continued to faintly glow. “The flow is wide open, but I’m not sure it’s working.
“The pattern is full. You’re overflowing and the excess is going into the circle. You need to connect the pattern to the sigil next,” Bella explained. Behind her Will hooked his arms beneath Belita’s knees, arching her back further and making his strokes more forceful. Belita grinned wide and pulled gently on her nipple rings.
Tonya nodded. “How?”
“The mirror’s magic is active, and active magical effects are always hungry,” Bella explained. “You just had to know how to feed them. Remember when I taught you to recharge Rocky?”
“Yeah, but that didn’t require a transfer pattern. I just did that with the energy I’d already drawn up.”
“Exactly. This is even easier because the energy is in the pattern,” Bella said, momentarily distracted by Belita having another small orgasm. She continued once the captain’s sounds of pleasure had gotten quieter again. “You don’t need to concentrate on holding yourself full of energy while you move it. You already did the hard part. Now if your own energy wanes because your concentration slips, the ritual won’t end. The transfer pattern is like a buffer. That’s why they are so useful. They let you perform a ritual in stages.”
“So I just connect to the mirror, and then, what, dump the pattern into it?” Tonya asked.
“You won’t even need to. The mirror will do the work for you. You just have to connect them,’ Bella smiled.
Tonya nodded and concentrated on the mirror while she watched the lovers on the other side of it. She reached out with her metaphysical senses and found what felt like a vibration. “This would be so much easier if I could see auras,” she muttered.
“That’s divination. It’s a whole different skill set. Besides, you need to learn to do things the hard way before you learn the shortcuts,’ Bella shook her head. Belita’s hand found Bella’s hair and started stroking it.
“Hurry up with the teaching,” the captain’s voice was full of temptation and promise.
Bella laughed rolling her head against Belita’s hand. “Almost done.”
Tonya slowly matched her own spiritual vibrations to the one she felt from the mirror until they were indistinguishable. “So this is basically what you did to Will the other day, only I’m doing it to the mirror?”
“Essentially, yes. Good job catching that.” Bella was thrilled that Tonya was catching onto the abstract concepts and how they fit together so well.
Tonya felt something pull. It was like she was being yanked from within. “Woah.”
“Don’t hold onto the pattern. Just let it go,” Bella said quickly.
Tonya imagined herself releasing the pattern itself. Suddenly the glow from the circle on the floor dimmed to inert again. The strange overflow was gone. Instead, she could feel the flow of energy moving from herself to the pattern, but the pattern never seemed to fill. In fact, it felt like it was draining faster than she could fill it. “That was fast!”
“Told you it was hungry,” Bella snickered. “Good job. That was it. Now you can just maintain that for as long as you want to.” She stood up, happily anticipating joining the pair on the bed.
“Oh good, now I can finally- Tonya cut herself off as she glanced behind her. Janie was still standing there, but the pattern on her chest was glowing like a torch. “Guess it’s your turn then?” She shifted to the side so she wasn’t blocking Bella’s view.
“Oh,” Bella said, surprised. “Janie, you want to do something with all that?”
Janie blinked and looked down. She’d been lost in watching Belita and Will and hadn’t even noticed that she’d started glowing. “Oh, my.”
“You said you know how to do an energy transfer? You want to try it?” Bella asked.
“A-alright,’ Janie said shaking off her reverie. “I’ve never done that part. A priest just poured the prayer Lantern into the relic that needed to be recharged. I don’t know how that works.”
“Oh. Hmm. Well, do you know how to read an aura?” Bella asked.
“No. I know how to find them, but I never got good enough to read them,’ Janie replied.
“Finding them is the important part. See if you can find the mirror’s aura,’ Bella instructed.
Janie focused on the mirror itself. It had been a long time since she’d practiced this. She was extremely distracted. Unlike Tonya, Janie’s problem wasn’t that she stopped being turned on when she concentrated on other things. It was that being turned on distracted her from being able to concentrate on other things. She felt like her head was buzzing. She reached out with her metaphysical senses and tried to find the mirror. She’d trained on people. They had fluctuations, swells and ebbs. They were constantly changing. It made finding their auras easy, but reading them hard. At first the mirror felt like background noise, and her eyes kept flicking to the gorgeous tawny woman writhing beneath the gorgeous tattooed man within the mirror’s frame. Eventually she found what she was pretty sure was the mirror. It was pulsing strangely.
“Why does it feel like it has a heartbeat?” Janie asked.
“You can feel that?” Bella asked, surprised.
“Yes. It’s the easiest part to feel,” Janie nodded.
“That’s Tonya. You’re feeling her connection to the mirror’s energy,” Bella explained. “It usually takes a long time to learn to feel active connections like that.”
“I don’t know what to do now,” Janie said, dismissing Bella’s surprise for the moment.
“Synchronize yourself to the mirror’s aura, like when you did the Lantern prayer,” Bella said.
Janie began to concentrate on her own heartbeat and quietly voicing the prayer mantra that helped acolytes all keep time with each other. There were no other acolytes though. She second guessed herself. Lost her internal rhythm. She tried again, but the anxiety of messing up caused her to dwell on messing up. She felt like a tangled knot.
“What’s wrong?” Bella asked, clearly seeing Janie’s frustration on her face.
“I don’t know how to do it without other people to match with and follow,’ Janie said.
“What do you mean?” Bella asked, not following.
“I’ve never done it alone. There’s always someone else to keep rhythm and lead the chanting,” Janie said, her frustration mounting.
“Oh! That’s clever. The Magistrate turned group aura synchronization into part of their prayer rituals! You probably didn’t even realize what you were doing!” Bella’s eyes lit up as she considered a facet of spellworking she never had before.
“I’m not sure I can do it by myself,’ Janie said.
“Here, try this…” Bella said, thinking out loud. “Take Tonya’s hand. You can feel her through the aura, right?”
Tonya slipped her free hand into Janie’s. Janie squeezed harder than the apprentice expected. Tonya smiled up at her. “It’s ok. You’re doing great.”
Bella looked around, then her eyes fell on Will and Bella. She smiled deviously. “Janie, you need something to help you keep time and synch up with, right?”
“I think so, yes,” Janie nodded.
“Use Will,” Bella grinned. Janie’s eyes went wide. Will stopped what he was doing. He and Belita both looked at Bella, not sure what she was talking about.
Tonya laughed. “Oh, that’s gooood.”
“What am I doing?” Will asked. Belita squeezed his cock again with her internal muscles. His eyes flicked back to her. She smirked.
“Keeping time,” Bella said sweetly. “Just keep going, but try to maintain a steady rhythm.”
“Like rowers,” Belita chuckled, starting to follow Bella’s logic.
“Guess that makes you the drum?” Will asked the Captain, returning her smirk.
“Aye. You know what to do with a nice tight drum…” she purred.
Will began again, keeping a steady pace that drove Belita into the bed hard at the end of each thrust.
Tonya looked up at Janie’s surprised and paralyzed look. “Is this alright?” she asked again.
Janie nodded. “I just don’t know if I can do it. It’s hard enough not be distracted by them, and now I’m supposed to use them in place of a mantra pace. I don’t know if I can watch them, and do the spellwork, and maintain the energy buildup all at once.”
Tonya squeezed her hand again. “Do you want some help?”
“How?” Janie asked, looking down at the smaller girl for a moment. Tonya gave her a look that was impossible to mistake. “Oh!” Janie gasped. “I don’t… we only met today, I-”
She looked up at Bella. The witch gave her knowing look. “You want her too, you just don’t know how to ask?”
Janie gave a small nod.
“Ask her again.” Bella told her apprentice. “Tell her what you want to do to her.”
Tonya pressed herself against Janie’s side, sliding her other hand around Janie’s waist. “Sister Evangelina, I want to make you cum. Can I?”
Janie’s eyes widened and she smiled with a confidence and hunger that hadn’t been there a moment ago. “May you,” she corrected.
“May I?” Tonya asked, licking her lips.
“You may.”
Suddenly Bella wasn’t sure which scene to watch. Tonya untied the layers of lace that made up Janie’s dress, carefully lowering it to the floor without smudging the chalk circle. Janie daintily stepped free of the pooled skirts. The moment Tonya had fully removed the dress she tossed it clear and ran her hands up Janie’s stocking-clad thighs. Janie stood wider, watching the apprentice witch’s eager face get closer and closer to her wet mons.
Janie was as turned as she had ever been. The long slow buildup had her feeling like she was ready to burst. Tonya’s fingers slid gently up the inside of her thighs and brushed along her hot, wanting nether lips. Janie nearly buckled from just that. She grabbed Tonya’s head, her fingers sliding into the small woman’s hair. Janie let out a strangled whine of pure need. Tonya looked up at her with a smile on her face.
“May I?” she repeated.
“Yes!” Janie demanded.
Tonya’s lips met Janie’s, and Janie’s thighs spasmed like she was having a seizure. Tonya’s small tongue opened Janie’s labia in one long pass that stroked across her clitoris and sent a lance of pleasure and need up her spine. Then Tonya’s fingers slowly slid inside. Janie was almost overwhelmed. If not for her grip on Tonya’s head she might have lost her footing. Tonya’s probing fingers slowly synchronized to the sounds of Will rocking the bedframe with the strength of his thrusts.
“Do you still have the connection?” Bella asked.
Janie’s eyes were closed. She couldn’t answer.
“Janie!” Bella barked with just enough sternness in her voice to break through Janie’s lust. Bright blue eyes snapped open and met Bella’s.
“The connection to the mirror?” Bella asked. Janie nodded weakly and tried to focus. The emblem on her chest was blazing and the circle on the floor had started glowing from absorbing the overflow. She concentrated on the pulsing rhythm from the bed, and inside her, and the heartbeat she’d felt from Tonya’s connection to the mirror. It was hard to concentrate, but once she managed to picture it in her head, she had all three and they linked in her mind easily.
“It’s done,” she gasped, shaking from Tonya’s ministrations.
“That was quick. Guess you really just needed a little push,” Bella smiled. “Now connect it to your transfer pattern. Like the Lantern.”
Janie nodded and closed her eyes and used the rhythm of Will’s thrusts and Tonya’s fingers like a mantra to guide her as she reached out and connected herself to the energy.
Suddenly she could feel something pulling and she immediately let go of what she held. She gave herself to the pull without hesitation or thought, gasping as she felt the energy from the pattern on her chest drawn from her, the pressure inside suddenly waning and leaving her relaxed. The overwhelming tension she’d been holding since all this began flowed out of her and let her breathe. The orgasm that hit her wasn’t like others she’d had before. Instead of the tension building up until the dam inside her burst, this felt more like the dam burst and then revealed a pleasure that had been hidden beneath the waters. It was a strange, relaxing bliss that left her feeling boneless and throbbing.
“That feels nice,” she said drunkenly, loving the feel of the depressurized energy flowing out of her.
Bella laughed. “Did you come from letting it go?”
Janie nodded weakly.
Tonya looked up at her, still not stopping the work of her fingers. “You’re going to have to teach me that.”
Janie nodded again, then opened her eyes, looking down suddenly unsure and embarrassed. “You can stop if you want to.”
“Do you want me to?” Tonya asked, nuzzling into Janie’s soft pubic hair.
“I… guess not,” Janie smiled.
“Oh good,” Tonya said, adding her tongue back into the mix. Janie sighed and looked up at Bella, who was grinning happily.
“I’m going to join these two now,’ the witch said. “You want to watch Will fuck me?”
Janie nodded hungrily. Tonya looked over her shoulder and whined in frustration, trying to decide between watching the show and licking Janie. For the moment Janie won. The little apprentice’s eager tongue found Janie’s clit and started lapping enthusiastically.
Belita and Will separated, the blond captain groaning at the feeling of emptiness as he removed his cock from inside her.
Bella crawled onto the bed over Captain Vex and swung her leg over the captain’s head. Belita’s hands came down on her cabin girl’s plush bottom with a resounding smack that sat Bella bolt upright with a squeak. Then Belita’s mouth found Bella’s labia and the witch groaned. Janie’s eyes went wide again at the sound of the impact and Bella’s happy reaction. A strange, never before felt kind of desire rushed through her sending her mind tumbling into a new kind of conflict between what she felt and what she thought she was supposed to feel. Will took advantage of Bella’s position to bring their lips together in a loving kiss. Their tongues intertwined and Bella moaned her pleasure into Will’s mouth. Her hand reached down began stroking Will’s hard cock. “I want to give them a real show,” she said with quiet mischief.
Will nodded and took two fist fulls of her dark curls. Her eyes lit up as he gently guided her head to his manhood. She opened her mouth, ready to take him in, but he held her in place. She looked up at him for a moment. He winked at her and turned to look at Janie.
“Remember when you walked in on us?” Will asked.
Janie’s eyes went a little wider and she squirmed against Tonya’s tongue. She nodded. Bella reached with her tongue and ran it along the underside of his cockhead, straining against his grip and trying to reach him.
“Do you wish you had stayed?” He continued, holding Bella firmly by the hair. Janie took a deep breath and nodded again.
“Do you want to see what we did right after you left?” he smiled.
“Yes,” she gasped.
Will pushed himself into Bella’s mouth and she moaned in satisfaction. Inch by inch his cock disappeared into her mouth. When it reached the back of her throat she relaxed and let herself half-swallow, taking him past most everyone else’s threshold for comfort. He kept pushing his hard manhood all the way down her throat until her lips were flush with the freshly shaved skin of his stomach.
Janie had seen Bella do this trick before, but not from this angle. Her eyes were wide and staring. She could see the bulge in Bella’s throat. Then Will pulled back out again and Bella took a deep breath through her nose before plunging back down again. She watched Bella’s throat expand and then release again, over and over. It seemed impossible. Janie couldn’t imagine a way in which what she was seeing wasn’t painful, but Bella made no indication that she was uncomfortable. In fact, she seemed to be enjoying it.
Will controlled the pace. He was trying to be careful, but Bella pulled on his thighs letting him know it was alright to be a bit more forceful. Soon he was stroking himself down her throat while she writhed on Belita’s tongue and used her fingers to pleasure her captain.
When Bella groaned Tonya looked over her shoulder again. Her fingers went to her own throat without her realizing it. “Damn. I wish I could do that.”
“Me too,” Janie said quietly.
With a deep breath Bella pulled herself free. She was panting. “Gotta come up for air sometimes,” she laughed. She raised herself up taller and hefted her prodigious breasts, squeezing Will’s cock between them. He let go of her hair and gently held each of her nipples, pulling and squeezing while he slid his cock between her soft valley.
“Oh my,” Janie smiled, hiding her smile behind her mouth. “I didn’t even know that was possible. I mean, it’s obviously possible. It just never occurred to me before.”
Tonya looked over her shoulder again and huffed her eyes. “For her, it is. Me, not so much.”
Janie looked down at her own breasts. “I’m not sure.”
“I bet it isn’t that fun anyway,” Tonya said tritely, returning to what she’d been doing to Janie before being distracted. Suddenly her previous enthusiasm wasn’t quite as present.
“Are you upset?” Janie asked.
“No, not really,” Tonya sighed. “Maybe a little. I don’t like it when I see something I wish I could do that I know I won’t ever be able to.”
“That’s understandable,” Janie said with a shrug. Inside her mind she couldn’t help but think how funny and strange it was that they were having such a normal conversation while comparing the sizes of their chest. Also while having sex. She was having sex with a woman. “Oh,” she muttered.
“What? You alright?” Tonya asked, suddenly worried that she’d done something to ruin the mood.
“Yes, I- Well, I just realized that now I have had sex with more women than men,” Janie said, blinking in surprise.
“Because of me?” Tonya grinned.
“You make woman number three,” Janie shrugged.
Tonya’s eyes lit up. “Better make it good then.” She dove back between Janie’s legs, her enthusiasm suddenly back again.
“A few days ago I couldn’t even really admit I was interested in women, and now…” she trailed off, laughing as she bit her lip from what Tonya was doing. Her eyes went back to Will’s rampant manhood pushing through the channel of Bella’s enormous breasts. He was moving faster now, really driving. Bella took it with a grin on her face, shuddering through a small orgasm as Belita’s tongue worked her clit. Janie looked down at her own chest, trying to imagine the sensation. A ripple of pleasure ran through her as Tonya’s fingers pressed somewhere particularly sensitive inside her while circling her clitoris with extra firmness. “Oh, that’s wonderful,” she moaned.
She watched Bella release Will’s cock and plunge her lips back down it, burying it down her throat in four quick passes, wetting it again before releasing it and trapping it between her breasts again. Will resumed fucking Bella’s breasts, shuddering again on Captain Vex’s tongue.
“There. Right there,” Janie said, holding Tonya’s head in place and trembling as the tension inside her built to a crescendo. Tonya stayed right where she was an pushed a little harder with her tongue and fingers. Janie gasped and shook as the cascade of pleasure ripped through her. Standing was suddenly very hard. Trembling, she lowered herself to a knee. Tonya stopped and looked at her, suddenly face to face. Janie’s hands cradled the sides of the young apprentice’s face and brought their lips together in tender thanks. “I really needed that,” she giggled against Tonya’s lips.
Tonya kissed her back and nodded. “I could tell.”
“Your turn,” Janie smiled.
“Oh goodie, where do you want me?” Tonya asked, her eyes lighting up.
“Turn around so we can both watch,” Janie said. Tonya nodded and turned, still on her knees. She pulled her skirts up around her waist, spread her knees and sat down on her haunches with her heels against her butt. Janie knelt behind her and cupped Tonya’s small breasts. “I really do like them. They’re so perfectly round.” She tugged Tonya’s corset down enough that her small breasts were free and then gave them a firm squeeze.
“Mmmm, they do feel pretty nice.” Tonya admitted begrudgingly. “I guess that’s the important part.
One of Janie’s hands slid down between Tonya’s legs and traced back and forth along her wetness. She looked over Tonya’s shoulder just in time to see Bella release Will’s cock again. It bounced free and stood tall.
“That’s so nice,” Tonya commented. Janie nodded her agreement into the apprentice’s neck and ran shivering kisses from Tonya’s collar bone to her ear.
“Help me make Belita cum, she’s being neglected,’ Bella said a short while later. Will grinned. Bella took ahold of Will’s cock swirled her tongue across it to wet it. She rubbed it back and forth against the Captain’s wet slit, dragging his cock head gently along her rows of golden rings, down one side and up the other. Belita moaned in anticipation, biting gently into Bella’s inner thigh. Bella pressed Will’s cock against Belita’s clit and pushed it down slowly until the head slipped into the blond woman’s hot entrance. The witch winked at Will and guided him forward until his cock head was almost pushing into their Captain, but stopped. The Captain squirmed her hips, straining to push herself down on Will’s cock, but Bella backed Will off, keeping him just out of reach, teasing, threatening to push into her and open her up, but not quite doing it. Belita huffed and relaxed again and Bella pulled Will forward again, just barely slipping him further between the two rows of rings. Again the Captain tried to push herself further onto Will’s cock, but Bella backed him off. The witch licked her fingers and started making small circles on Belita’s clit as she continued to use Will’s cock like a teasing toy.
A string of muffled profanity came from between Bella’s legs. “Ye godsdamned wagon, ye git tha’ bolix of a man tae fuck me right or I’mma lash ye both tae th’ mast!” A resounding smack ran out as Belita brought her hand down on Bella’s plush rear hard enough to sting.
Bella yelped and Will burst out laughing. Tonya’s mouth opened wide in amused shock. Janie pressed her face into Tonya’s neck, unable to stop her impulse to hide from the outburst, and to hide her smile.
“Aye, Captain,” Bella laughed. She hooked her hands behind the blond woman’s knees and pulled back so that her hips were lifted. It put the Captain’s body into a position where her weight rested on upper back, her hips high, her gold ring-studded pussy aimed skyward and on display. “What th’ feck?” came another muffled outburst. Bella repositioned Will’s cock as he rose higher on his knees. Bella her encouragement. He slid in between the golden rings into the Captain’s hot depths.
With Belita’s hips so high up and held in place, Will’s angle was ideal for maximum depth and force. The head of his cock pushed firmly against the most pleasurable spots inside her. He grabbed the sides of her hips and started driving into her hard and deep. Bella repositioned so the instead of holding the Captain up by the backs of her knees, she put one of the captain’s strong legs beneath her arm so that the blond’s calf was resting against the witch’s shoulder blade.
Bella licked her fingers and reached down to spread Belita’s labia open even wider. The rings made it easy. The witch’s fingers played with Belita’s clit, swirling, flicking, teasing, sending small shocks of intensity up her spine as Will’s length felt like it was going to drive right through her into some kind of molten center she didn’t even know she had.
“What th’ fuuuuuck!!!?” Belita moaned, amazed at how pleasurable the combined sensations were. She’d never been in such a strange position. She was practically standing on her shoulders, her lower body curled up above her. She could barely move. Her mouth was muffled by Bella’s smooth mons. Her vision was completely obscured by the globes of Bella’s ass. She could still move her arms pretty freely, but she really wasn’t sure what to do with them. It was hard to think with Will’s forceful pounding and Bella’s skilled fingers overwhelming her mind with pleasure.
It didn’t take long. Belita’s arms flailed then locked around Bella’s waist, holding on for dear life as Will fucked her straight through one orgasm and into another. Her clenching, spasming internal muscles only heightened the sensation. A third orgasm set off in the middle of the second, this one from her clit as Bella’s fingers finished their work. Finally, Bella pushed Will free just as Belita was beginning to come down. The witch pushed two fingers into her captain, hooked them against that hidden, internal knot of bliss, and began to pull against it fast and hard. Belita was caught completely off guard. Her eyes went wide and a breathless moan escaped as she tried and failed to form words. She exploded with pleasure one last time, her hands locked helplessly onto Bella’s thighs and her whole body straining. Then she went completely limp.
“Can I be next?” Tonya asked, wide-eyed from the other side of the mirror. Janie nodded in agreement, her expression matching the apprentice witch.
“Once I figure out how to mirror-walk, sure,” Bella smiled. Her fingers slipped out of the captain and wrapped around Will’s length. She stroked him gently, smiling up at him, the guided him back into her mouth, savoring the taste of Belita on him.
“That’s a thing? People can do that?” Tonya asked excitedly.
Bella popped off Will’s cock again and turned herself around so she was in between Belita’s spread knees, laying down the length of her Captain’s body.“I don’t know of anyone whos successfully done it,” she said toward the mirror. “ Caine’s trick earlier reminded me that I’ve read about it. I’m going to ask him about it later.” Then she kissed her Captain.
Tonya and Janie looked at each other, sharing a thrill of wonder and excitement and hope. Janie rolled Tonya’s small nipple between one set of fingers fingers and her small clit in between the others. Tonya leaned back into Janie’s shoulder and squirmed.
Belita sleepily draped her arms around Bella’s neck. Their lips met again, sensual and happy. “Bes’ cabin girl there e’r was,” Belita muttered.
Bella smiled. “Really, because I’m pretty sure you called me wagon a few minutes ago?”
The captain had the good grace to look sheepish as she licked her lips, tasting herself on Bella. “Ye got me all worked up. I cannae be held accountable for my mouth when I’m like that.”
Bella chuckled and looked over her shoulder at Will with a salacious grin on her face. “I think it’s my turn now.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Will said with an imaginary hat tip. He positioned himself and ran his cock head back and forth through Bella’s nether lips to open her up a bit, then slid himself into her in one long push. That initial feeling of wet, hot penetration was one of his favorite things.
Bella sighed at the feeling of fullness. “Let me know when you’re getting close.”
Will didn’t ask what Bella had in mind. Whatever it was, he knew he’d enjoy it. He dug his fingers into the softness of her rounded hips and pulled her back into him, thrusting forward firmly. Her whole body rocked with the impact. She squeaked and nestled into the neck of the blond beneath her.
“D’ye like that?” Belita asked, nipping at the witch’s ear. Bella nodded into Belita’s neck as another hard thrust took her breath. Belita ran her fingers up the witch’s neck and grabbed a double handful of luxurious black curls. She pulled back, arching Bella’s head up and then slightly to the side. Bella gasped at the sensation, a silly grin of surprise playing over her face. Belita licked Bella’s neck and bit down sending shivers down her spine that seemed to crash into the pifferent, hotter shivers that ran up from her molten core as Will drove into her.
Belita pulled the panting witch’s hair back even more, arching her back. She gathered a tighter fist full of black hair holding her in that position with one hand while Will continued to pound his cock into her. Belita trailed the fingers of her other hand down Bella’s neck and to her breasts, hefting one large orb of flesh and kneading it, bringing her lips to Bella’s rosy nipple.
“Mmm, yesss!” Bella hissed. Belita moved to the other tightening nub, rolling the first between her fingers while her mouth worked on the second. Will continued to drive into her, each thrust mixing with the little shocks and twinges emanating from her nipples and building up that familiar, lovely pressure within her.
Belita wrapped her strong legs around Bella’s waist, crossing her ankles to hold her tight, bracing her against Will’s forceful thrusts. Will grinned and grabbed her ankles, using the blond captain’s legs for additional leverage to pull Bella’s bouncing bottom back into him.
Janie was in a near constant state of small shudders. She was working Tonya’s clit in small circles, but her eyes were locked tight to the trio on the other side of the mirror. Will’s strong, lean form was slick with a light sheen of sweat. His cock was hammering into Bella hard enough to send ripples across Bella’s soft backside and into Belita’s tanned thighs. The gorgeous witch looked utterly wanton,. Her back was arched and her massive breasts were hanging down to be sucked and mauled by the smirking blond beneath her.
Tonya pressed herself against Janie and squirmed out a breathless orgasm. “Hnnng, oooh, yes. Oh, mmmm,” Tonya managed to gasp out. Janie’s eyes flicked down and she smiled with pride as the small apprentice witch slumped down. Janie kept her fingers going, lighter and gentler and kissed Tonya’s neck.
“Damn. They’re still going,” Tonya shook her head impressed with how long the scene they were watching had kept up.
“They’re very impressive,” Janie nodded.
“I don’t think I have that kind of stamina. I usually have a big one, and then I’m done for a while,” Tonya said. “Guess I need more practice.”
Bella’s occasional squeaking became one long high pitched note. Her whole body shook. Her arms buckled and her trembling legs splayed out and she would have collapsed completely if not for Belita supporting her. The blond beneath her let the witch’s head relax. She pet her hair and purred out a whispered encouragements as Bella lay there quivering bonelessly as her orgasms continued to wrack her.
After hours and hours of spellwork, Bella had been tense and tired. As her orgasm left her she was left feeling like she was floating. Her head was pillowed on the Captain’s golden breasts and she felt like she could sleep for days. She was somewhat surprised to realize that there was still a hard cock slowly and gently pistoning in and out of her. She blinked, looking at the mirror, remembering that this was something of a performance now. Tonya and Janie were playing with themselves and each other, pressed together and moaning as they watched the tail end of the display. They looked completely enthralled.
Bella got a second wind. Or third. She’d lost count. She pushed herself up and back onto Will’s cock, wagging her rear back and forth for a minute. “You getting close, handsome?” she asked.
“Aye. Not sure how I managed not to go off when you did. What did you have in mind?” Will asked.
“Do you mind getting a little messy?” she asked Belita.
“I’m a sea captain. If I dinnae like gettin; messy I’d be out a job,” Belita chuckled.
“Good,” Bella grinned. She gave Belita a quick kiss and rolled over. She sat up on the edge of the bed, tossed a couple of pillows to the floor and knelt down on one of them. “You, here,” she pointed to Belita and then down to the pillow next to her. “You, here,’ She pointed to Will, and then to the spot in front of the pillows. The pair still on the bed looked at each other, grinning.
“You have a bossy cabin girl,” Will said moving to where he was bid. His cock stood out before him still glistening with Bella’s wetness.
“Ye better do somethin’ tae shut her up then,” Belita shrugged, sliding down onto her pillow.
“If only there were some way of filling my mouth…” Bella said, opening wide.
Will took a small step forward and turned to look at the naked pair on the other side of the mirror. His eyes locked with Janie’s. He raised his brows questioningly. He watched her breath stop for a moment as she realized he was asking her a question. She blushed bright red again, and gave him a small, excited nod. He slowly fed inch after inch of his shaft into Bella’s eager mouth, never breaking eye contact with Janie. She bit her lip and squeezed one of her own breasts while she shivered in frustration and voyeuristic delight.
Bella’s lips sucked and kissed at the freshly healed skin at the base of his cock. She moaned low in her throat in a way that sent a vibration through him. He slowly pulled out of her mouth again. She came free with a small popping sound. “Your turn!” she said with an evil laugh as she pulled Belita’s head in line with Will’s cock.
“Wait I dinnae- mmmph!” Belita resisted for a moment, then rolled her eyes and took Will as deep into her mouth as she could. It was only about half of what Bella was capable of but she gave it her best shot. When Will came free of her mouth she gave the Witch a small glare and grabbed Bella’s head and Will’s cock and firmly shoved one into the other. Bella’s surprised laugh was cut off halfway through. She took Will’s hard length all the way down and started to come back up again, but Belita pushed her back down again and kept her trapped there. She bobbed at the base of Will’s cock for another five seconds or so before Belita finally released her. When Will’s cock escaped Bella’s lips again she grinned triumphantly while laughing and coughing slightly.
“Teamwork is so much fun,” she said bouncing on her haunches. Her huge breasts rolled and swayed.
Belita couldn’t help but join the infectious laughter. With another amused roll of her eyes she looked up at Will and opened her mouth. Will obliged her.
Bella looked over at Tonya and Janie again and blew them a kiss. “Ready for the big finish?” The pair on the other side of the mirror nodded. Janie’s was small and a bit embarrassed still, but enthusiastic. Tonya’s was big and exuberant. Bella turned away again and whispered into the Captain’s ear while she bobbed on Will’s length. Belita managed to smile and nod without letting Will out of her mouth.
They switched. Belita came off of Will with a final lick and aimed his hard cock at Bella. The insatiable witch took his entire length in one long push. Will groaned. She bobbed there, pushing his last few inches into her throat over and over.
Belita repositioned herself slightly, pulling Bella’s hair back out of her face and holding it in a fistfull again. She added small amounts of pressure to Bella’s expert blowjob, pushing the witch down and then pulling her back off again.
“I’m almost-” Will groaned.
Bella’s head came free with a gasp and Belita’s hand took over, stroking Will’s shaft hard and fast. Will groaned. Janie could see his legs and butt muscles tense just before his orgasm hit him. A veritable shower of hot spend erupted from his pulsing cock and splashed across Bella’s laughing face. She opened her mouth to catch as much as she could, but most of it ended up across her cheeks and nose, or raining down onto her breasts. She lifted her breasts up with her hands to help catch every drop. Will felt like his soul was being exquisitely pulled out through his cock. Belita didn’t stop her stroking until the torrent had been reduced to a tiny leak running down her thumb. Then she pushed Bella’s head back down onto Will’s cock again. The wanton witch squeaked in surprise and then groaned happily as she took Will to his root one last time. Will was overcome. He doubled over slightly, trying to push Bella off of him, but Belita swatted his hands away. He had no choice but to lean on the Captain’s shoulder and endure the pleasure that bordered on pain. Finally Belita let her Cabin Girl come up for air. Will sat down on the edge of the bed, panting.
“Holy fuck,” he muttered, a silly, amazed smile plastered across his face. Bella bit her lower lip and winked at him. Then she licked his hot seed off her lips and turned to look at their audience.
Bella’s smiling, cum-covered face and chest was the most salacious thing either of the viewers on the other side of the mirror had ever seen. Tonya’s mouth was wide open, either from awe, or from imagining herself in Bella’s place. “Well, I know what I’m doing with my next client,” she said quietly. All Janie could do was stare. Both of them were so taken aback by the display that they’d completely forgotten that they were pleasuring each other.
Then Bella topped herself. She leaned back into Capitan Vex, turned her head, reached up to wrap her arm around the surprised blond’s neck, and gave her a sensuous, writhing kiss.
“Mmmp-” Belita protested for a moment, then once again gave into the witch’s impulsiveness. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the salty kiss. When they finally broke, Bella licked Will’s spend off the Captain’s lips and cheek. Belita just shook her head. “Usually I’m the one catchin’ folks off guard with my debauchery. Ye make me feel like a right prude.”
Bella smiled wide and proud. “Best Cabin Girl ever?” she asked.
“Aye.” Belita laughed, sounding playfully begrudging.
Will had started to go soft after his intense orgasm, but watching the tanned blond captain and the dark-haired witch messily kiss his own cum back and forth between them had him painfully hard again. He glanced down at himself, surprised.
Bella noticed his expression and followed his gaze. She grinned and nudged the woman next to her.
Belita looked over her shoulder. “Damn, Sterling. Doesn’t that thing ever go down?”
“I can’t even blame Bella’s magic this time,” Will shrugged. “You two are very inspiring.”
“Oh, I think ye can still blame her,” the Captain said, running her finger through a particularly large drop of semen that was slowly running down Bella’s chest. She put her finger into Bella’s mouth. The witch moaned wantonly and locked eyes with Will as she sucked the Captain’s finger like she was giving it head.
“See. Magic,” Belita shrugged.
“Guess we should recharge the mirror again?” Will asked. Will and Belita both looked at to Bella, who shrugged her agreement.
“I have to go back to work,” Tonya complained. “Besides, I don’t think I have another energy transfer in me tonight. That was hard.”
“I’ll do it,” Bella said. “I don’t think I could concentrate on another lesson anyway. You did great. Class dismissed.”
Tonya pouted, not wanting to leave. Janie stroked her back in sympathy.
“So what do we need to do for the ritual?” Will asked.
Bella laid down in the middle of the circle on the floor. She tossed her hair out from beneath her back so it spread behind her like a black cloud. Her knees spread wide and she traced Will’s slowly drying cum across her rosy nipples. “I’m going to need one of you to clean me up with their tongue while the other one fucks me until I’m glowing with quintessence.”
Will and Belita looked at each other. “Ye’re lucky I dinnae have a coin handy. I’d make ye flip for it.”
Will laughed. “How about I just owe you one?”
“Deal.” The Captain was smiling like a demon holding a contract. Will sighed, resigned to his fate.
The pair converged on the Witch between them. Tonya let out a frustrated whine and turned around. She gave Janie a tight hug. “You’re fantastic,” she said into the startled Acolyte’s ear. Janie hugged her back, not knowing what to say.
“You coming with me?” Tonya asked as she started gathering her clothes.
Bella wrapped her legs around Will’s hips and helped guide his hard length back into her. She moaned happily as the Captain’s tongue traced through the splatters on her chest and came to rest swirling around one hard nipple.
Janie felt her breath quicken and catch in her chest again as she watched the trio in the mirror start another lusty display.
“I’m staying right here.”