“Michael,” Loretta said softly, “Michael?” She bent over and kissed his cheek.
He pulled her close to him and wrapped his arm around her. “What is it, Baby?”
“It’s six-fifteen and we haven’t loaded one tub,” Loretta chuckled because she knew what his reaction would be.
“Well, that’s a problem. Let’s neck,” I whispered into her ear.
“Michael. Oh, what am I going to do with you?” Loretta tried to sound flustered.
“Roll over, Baby. I have a few ideas,” I teased her.
Loretta got out of bed and stood there with her hands on her hips.
“If it’s lovin’ you’re after, it’s over here,” she teased. But when I got out of bed her eyes widened.
“Michael, you’re, you’re, um, a, almost ready to,” Loretta was surprised. Her voice quivered.
“I told you I can’t be trusted on this side of that door,” I just grinned.
“Ah, well, can I owe you one?” Loretta begged.
“Well, okay. But the interest is compounded hourly,” I couldn’t help but laugh. “By the way, I can’t help it that you turn me on. You make me crazy, woman,” I smiled.
We got dressed. Loretta filled two tubs and we headed to our apartment. Once there, Loretta wanted to take her bath. That was perfect, I still had to bring the tubs up from the car.
While I was getting the last tub, I saw the manager. I told him Loretta was moving in with me and we would get to the office and make the necessary changes. He asked for Loretta’s name. He said he would add her and there wouldn’t be a reason to go to the office.
I put the last tub in the second bedroom, I heard Loretta in the living room. She was stretched back on the couch with a beer in each hand. I took one and then she handed me the lotion.
“Please,” she purred. “You can add it to what I owe you,” she was using her sexy voice.
I sat on the couch and massaged her leg. Loretta purred as she relaxed under the massage. I would stop and take a sip of beer, she would do the same. I am certain this is going to become one of our nightly rituals. But I have to keep in mind the difference between attentive and adhesive.
I finished my duty as a private masseuse and refreshed our beverages. I was on my way to the shower, but I asked Loretta if she wanted the remote for the TV. She said she would prefer some quiet music. I happened to catch a station that was playing one of her favorite songs. Off to the showers.
As I showered, I thought, tomorrow is Friday. I’ll be interested to see how Loretta’s mood is as Saturday approaches. I know she is still self-conscious about the shorts. But she has made a lot of friends there, especially Annie.
I finished my shower and went into the living room. It seemed very quiet. My little lady was asleep on the couch. She has been a very busy girl with packing, moving, unpacking, and going to work. Not to mention, she has always been ready to make love.
She told me once that she promised to keep my tummy full and my balls empty. She has never broken that promise. She looked so peaceful, I hated to wake her up, but in the position she was in, no amount of three-in-one oil would save her.
“Loretta? Loretta, Baby? Let me take you into bed, Baby,” She groaned in her disagreement.
“Sweetheart, you’re going to be stiff as a steel rod in this position,” I whispered.
“Oh, okay,” she yawned. “I want you to take me and bring my sticks, please,” even her voice was sleepy.
We walked to the bedroom. I sat her on the edge of the bed and put her sticks next to the nightstand. I laid her head on the pillow and covered her. “I need you next to me,” she yawned.
I crawled into bed next to her. She pushed her little butt against me and waited. When I reached over her and held her breast, she pulled the covers back over us. Loretta was ready to sleep.
The next morning, I got up to get our coffee, as usual. I didn’t realize what I was in store for. I handed Loretta her coffee with my eyes closed. She took the coffee, but there was dead silence. Finally, Loretta spoke:
“Michael, why are you standing there with your eyes closed?” She sounded confused.
“Well, Baby, I don’t know if you have had time to put your makeup on so I wasn’t going to look until,” I didn’t get to finish.
“Michael O’Shaunessy! You have seen me with my hair soaking wet, my makeup running down my face, and standing on one leg in a shower. You take me out of the shower, put me in bed, make mad passionate love to me, bring me a warm washcloth for my coochie, then cuddle next to me with my tit in your hand. I think you can see without my makeup now,” Loretta gave me a stern look.
I bent over and kissed her then fluffed her pillow. We sat and had our coffee, and then Loretta had to get ready for work. I took her cup to refill it, and she used her sticks and went into the bathroom. I handed her a fresh cup through the door, then started a little breakfast for us.
While she dressed, I threw myself together with a quick shave and a hot towel. I got dressed and we went into the kitchen. The breakfast was just ready to come out of the oven, my timing was perfect. We got to have a leisurely morning together.
I walked her to her car, opened the door, and then kissed her. I went to my car ready for a conversation about a corner of the building we were working on. It was just a small detail, but who knows where that could go.
Work Friday was just about over when my phone buzzed. It was my Baby.
“Hey Sweetheart, how was your day? What’s on your mind?”
“Baby, how about if I stop at the store and get some appetizers and popcorn? Then we can watch a movie. Kind of a stay-in date night? What do you think?” Loretta sounded excited.
I thought we were going to move some more things, but a break was a great idea. We still had two months on her lease. On the first, she was going to turn in her papers on nonrenewal. We were in good shape.
Loretta wasn’t home when I got there, but arrived about twenty minutes later. I heard a fumbling at the door, so I opened it. I could hardly find Loretta behind the bags.
“Baby, why didn’t you call me? I would have come down to help,” I was somewhat scolding her.
“It’s okay. I’ve done this a few times. But now I realize, I don’t have to struggle anymore. I kind of did this for my last time. It was a way of reminding me how good my life has become. Does that make any sense?”
“Yes, Loretta. I think I know what you are saying. There are things I have done alone, now I have you to share them with,” I hugged her.
“Let’s put the groceries up, then shower. We can make the appetizers together, then get ready for the movie. I hope you like it. It’s a murder mystery, I love mysteries. There is one condition my lover.” Loretta purred.
“And that is?” I knew she was up to something. She had that twinkle in her eye.
“We make the appetizers and watch the movie naked. No hankie pankie until after the movie. And you can’t wipe the butter on my boobs. After the movie, you can drizzle the butter on them if you want but not before,” Loretta was teasing.
“I knew there was a catch. When do you want to massage your leg,”
“That’s just like you. Me first then you. Would you do it while we have the appetizers?”
“Sure, Sweetie,” I could only smile at her. She has a way of melting my heart.
Loretta got ready to take her shower, I’m beginning to let her do as she pleases. If she needs me, she’ll call. When she is here permanently, we will make a specific place for her blanket, pillow, and her crutches.
I grabbed a beer from the fridge when I heard Loretta moving about. I walked into the bedroom, she had her bathrobe on. She still looked sexy sitting there combing her hair.
“Sweetie, can I make a beverage for you or a beer? What strikes your fancy?”
“Hmmm, I think since we are going to watch a mystery with appetizers, I would like beer. Would you watch a romantic movie with me?” she continued combing her hair.
“On the TV or the DVR?” I started to tease her.
“On, the DVR? How are we going to do that?” Loretta was confused.
“Well, we have to make the movie, first,” I raised my eyebrows at her.
“It wouldn’t surprise me if you would hire a production staff. You are a handful, and I love it,” Loretta chuckled.
I was in the kitchen getting some of the things ready for the appetizers, and the oven was preheating. Loretta came in and took over so I could hit the shower and shave. But then I got a good whiff of her perfume and hugged her from behind.
She reached behind her and pressed her hand against my head. We hugged like that for a minute or so, then Loretta turned around and kissed me. I held her hands and stepped back looking at her up and down.
“You’re beautiful, Loretta. A beautiful, wonderful woman,” I hugged her close to me. She had her head on my chest and sighed a happy sigh. “My man,” Loretta sighed.
I finished my shower and went back into the kitchen. The appetizers were just about to come out of the oven. She handed me a pair of oven mitts, I opened the oven, and the rush of her stuffed mushrooms attacked my tastebuds.
“Baby you have four versions, I get the impression these are your French onion mushrooms,” I smacked my lips.
“You are correct, my love, and your favorite hickory smoked ham roll-ups. I know you love them both. Would you put the mushrooms on the plate, please,” she asked with a kiss on my cheek.
I got our little Styrofoam carrier and put a few beers in it. Loretta put the appetizers on our cocktail table and she started the movie.
The movie had just started, and I gave Loretta a big kiss. “That should last me for ninety minutes,” I chucked. Loretta kissed me back, “Same for me.” Then she squeezed me.
The movie was a good one. We only stopped once for necessity. Toward the end, it was getting very exciting and scary. The good guy was almost going to be killed by the good guy Loretta huddled next to me in the fetal position. When the good guy’s girlfriend shot the meanie in the back, Loretta jumped.
“Did she kill the bastard,” Loretta demanded an answer. I muffled a laugh.
“Yeah, Baby. She killed him. She was a good shot,” I sounded serious.
With the movie over, I turned on some quiet music. Loretta’s heartbeat was returning to normal. I refilled our little beer cooler. She handed me the box of popcorn.
“Do you want what’s left? I’m sorry but I got a bit carried away during the movie.”
I shook the popcorn into another bowl and then straddled Loretta. I tipped the box to drip some butter onto Loretta’s nipple. She held her tits for me and a few drops of butter landed on her nipple. I did the same to the other nipple.
“I can always count on your memory, my love,” Loretta cooed.
I firmly caressed her tits as I lapped the butter from her nipples. Loretta purred as my tongue made her nipples harder. My cock slid across her tummy as it hardened waiting to slide into her sweet pussy.
Loretta held my cock and picked up the popcorn box. She fondled my cock until it was good and hard. Loretta’s smile was seductive as she tilted the box. It took a little time for the butter to drip onto my cock. Her expression and the waiting for the butter added to my arousal.
“Now, my beloved husband-to-be, it is my turn to lick and suck the butter from you,” Loretta’s voice was pure sex.
She slowly licked my cock. She deliberately licked very little butter from it with each pass of her tongue. She smiled and licked her lips then swallowed my cock. She moved up a bit on the couch so she could suck my cock to the back of her throat. I was already panting and shaking.
“Mmmm, you taste delicious with or without butter. Does this feel good for my man?” Loretta’s voice was sultry.
“I can hardly keep from cumming. You make me crazy Loretta,” I panted.
She was stroking my cock and licking the head. Then she would swallow it and I could feel the throat massaging my cock head. She looked up at me and it seemed as if there was nothing but lust in her eyes.
I could feel my precum juice spilling from my cock. Loretta was still attempting to suck the life from my soul. She went back to stroking me and just sucking and licking my cock head. I shot my first stream down her throat.
Loretta pulled my cock from her mouth and pumped my cum so it covered her tits. When nothing else came out, she sucked my cock just to be sure she had emptied my balls. I used the back of the couch for support as Loretta cooed and purred as her tongue collected my cum from her tits.
“Mmmm, much better than butter, much tastier,” Loretta went back to cleaning my cum from her body.
She smiled and licked her lips as she swallowed my cum. Loretta wrapped her hands around my balls to pull me toward her. She sucked my half-limp cock and rolled her tongue around it. I was so crazy, that I didn’t know if I should pull out or try to shove it down her throat again. I decided to pull out and sit on the couch. Loretta pouted.
“I was having so much fun, Baby,” she purred.
“And I was having a coronary. Woman, are you trying to kill me? Loretta, you are a wonderful lover,” I was still panting.
“Just returning the wonderful feelings your tongue gives me. God, I love what you do to me, Michael,” Loretta sat up and held me tight.
“You are amazing and beautiful. I’m a lucky guy,” I wrapped my arms around her.
“Honey, how about a little cuddling? It’s getting late and we have a long day tomorrow.”
“Good idea, and as much as I hate to admit it, I am getting tired,” then I yawned. Bad timing.
“Me, too. Let me make a quick stop and I’m ready for bed,” Loretta’s eyes were sleepy.
I was lying in bed, loving my little world. Loretta came in and pushed her little bare butt against me. I reached for her breast and caressed her. Sleep came quickly for both of us.