Looks Can Be Deceiving – Part IV

"Turnabout is fairplay. Bret gets some revenge on Jacqui."

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In the morning, I am in for another surprise.

As I emerge from my shower, I find Jacqui in the bedroom. She is completely naked, on her knees, hands clasped behind her back, head bowed, dog collar around her neck, leash dangling between her breasts. Laying in front of her is a sheet of paper inscribed in bloody letters: DOMINATE ME. I AM YOUR SLAVE.

“If this is your desire, then I will be your master. Spread your thighs and take your ankles in your hands.”

She complies immediately. In this position, with her head tilted back, she offers herself completely. Her arched loins emphasize her flat belly and already erect breasts.

Between her spread thighs, her shaven mound allows me to make out the pinkish folds of her sex.

I pass behind her and, placing my sex on her face, grasp her breasts without gentleness.

“Are you ready to obey me, slave?”

“Yes, Master,” she articulates as I viciously pinch her hardened nipples.

“Good. Now stand up. Hands behind her back.”

She obeys and I quickly bind her wrists with the rope looped around the beam. Then I pull, until her arms are stretched vertically, and tie everything securely at the foot of the bed.

Bent in half, legs spread to maintain her balance, she shows me the perfect curves of her muscular buttocks. I pass my hand between her thighs and slowly work my way up to her sex. My fingers delicately open the tender lips and graze her clitoris.

Jacqui moans with pleasure as my index finger works its way into her already-soaked vagina. She wiggles in her bonds and gives gentle lifts, while I slowly move it in and out of her. When I find her sufficiently aroused, I withdraw my wet finger and present it to her. She greedily takes it in her mouth and sucks her own secretions with delight.

“You’re a good girl.” 

“Thank you, master.”

“But you get excited too quickly..”

“I’m sorry, master.”

“You should be… But I have a way to calm you down.”

I take an instrument from the bed and come back to stand in front of her. I see the apprehension in her eyes as she discovers the wide leather belt in my hand. Yet, obediently, she bows her head and places a kiss on the instrument that will chastise her.

“Well, since you’re obedient, you can choose the number of strokes.”

She thinks for a moment, then makes up her mind.

“Eight,” she murmurs, looking up.

I shake my head.

“You’ve just made two mistakes, slave… You forgot to say please master and you looked me in the eye… This will multiply your punishment by four… That’ll be thirty-two strokes of the belt on your pretty buttocks…”

I position myself behind her, loop the belt around my hand to secure my grip, and adjust my target.

“Don’t forget to count, slave… If you forget or make a mistake, we’ll start all over again… Is that understood?”

“Yes, master.”

“Good, let’s begin.”

At these words, Jacqui’s whole body stiffens, preparing to endure the searing pain. I cock my arm, leather whistling in the air.

Head bowed, shoulders drawn in, she’s ready for the worst.

At the last moment, I hold back my arm and the belt stops in mid-air, without touching her. Surprised that nothing had happened, she raises her head and relaxes. It’s at this precise moment that I strike when she’s no longer expecting it.

The leather pinches her offered rump. She shrieks in surprise and writhes in her bonds. However, despite the pain that pierces her, she remains lucid enough to count the first blow.

The belt bears down relentlessly on her buttocks and upper thighs, leaving stinging marks on her tender flesh. I alternate my strokes, left and right. Sometimes they come in quick succession, like a flurry. Other times I wait several seconds before striking.

For Jacqui, it’s a real ordeal. She doesn’t know what’s coming. There’s nothing regular about the rhythm and she can’t anticipate what’s coming next. This makes her totally helpless and vulnerable. All she can do is endure.

Her face grimacing with pain, she screams at the top of her lungs, trying to escape from the leather that tans her. But to no avail, the bonds hold her firmly in place. Big tears roll down her cheeks and crash to the floor. But she keeps counting, without making a mistake. I’m proud of her, despite her suffering, she obeys. Good for her.

Since the fifteenth stroke, her cries have become one long wail, but I continue untiringly.

Before the last three strokes, I stop for a good minute, letting her catch her breath. Her legs are barely able to support her and she’s struggling to stay on her feet. This forces her to spread her thighs even wider, offering the pinkish folds of her soaked sex to my eyes.

My arm comes up and the belt whistles mournfully through the room. The leather crashes violently against her crotch. Caught off guard, Jacqui suddenly raises her head. A mingled moan of pain and pleasure erupts from her throat as the instrument slams three times in rapid succession into her exposed sex.

The last stroke is an explosion. The orgasm overwhelms her. Her legs give out and she lets herself go, supported only by the bonds that hold her arms in the air.

“T-Thirty-two,” she manages to murmur in the midst of her delirium of pain and pleasure.

I untie the rope, and Jacqui collapses to the floor, her body still shaking with spasms of pleasure. Her buttocks and thighs are now a lovely shade of pink.

As she slowly comes to her senses, I release her and make her sit up. Then I quickly tie her ankles and wrists to the legs of the chair. She lets me do it without a word. Her big green eyes are bathed in tears, but she smiles at me when I force her to lift her head and look at me.

“This was just a warm-up, slave. Your ordeal is far from complete. Are you ready to continue?”

She nods.

“Yes, master.”

“Well… Since you forgot to thank me for whipping you, I’m going to have to be strict with you, do you understand?”

“Yes, master, forgive me.”

“No, I don’t forgive you… I’m going to punish you.”

“I’m your object, master,” she said, bowing her head. ‘Do with me what you will.”

“That’s exactly what I’m going to do, slave.”

I kneel before her and begin to caress her breasts. At the touch of my hands, her sensitive breasts react immediately. They swell and stand up between my fingers. Gradually, the nipples harden and lengthen as I play with them. I take them in my mouth, roll them between my teeth, and nibble lightly.

Jacqui feels a familiar warmth rising from her lower abdomen as she arches her back, offering herself even more to this soothing caress. She moans softly as my tongue plays with her hard nipples.

When I stand up, her chest is proudly erect, the tips of her breasts hardened to the point of pain. I take them between my fingers and slowly stretch them. Then, taking hold of the clamps, I close them over the taut nipples. Jacqui cries out in surprise as the steel jaws crush her tender flesh.

I then present her with the chain connecting the clamps. Docilely, Jacqui opens her mouth and takes it between her teeth. Tightly stretched, the chain viciously pulls her breasts upwards, making her wince in pain.

I take a step back and watch her. Tied to that chair, forced to inflict the pain on herself, she looks ravishing. Her round breasts, swollen with pleasure, rise steadily to the rhythm of her breathing, which becomes faster and faster with the pain.

Jacqui’s eyes widen and a gleam of anguish passes through her gaze when she sees me return, the martinet in my hand. An icy shiver runs down her spine and little drops of sweat bead on her temples and at the nubs of her breasts.

I stand up in front of her and, without a word, whirl the martinet in front of her. With a continuous whistle, the thin leather straps whip across her erect chest. Reflexively, Jacqui tilts her head back to protect her face. And as she does so, she pulls a little harder on the chain, causing her breasts further pain. Tears begin to roll down her cheeks again and muffled cries escape her lips.

Mercilessly, the martinet’s supple leather fuses her breasts and belly. The nipples, tortured by the pliers, are not spared by the blows. Jacqui trembles in her bonds. She wants to scream, but cannot. She knows all too well what would happen if she let go of the chain. Her punishment would be even worse. So she resists, valiantly.

The pain is unbearable; she feels as if millions of white-hot needles are sinking into her chest. Through the tears, I can see the look on her face, begging me to stop. She’s reaching her limits. I smile back.

A quick flick of the wrist and the martinet slams against her breasts. The leather straps yank the clamps from her nipples. Jacqui’s scream echoes through the room.

Like an electric shock, the pain struck her like a bolt of lightning and her head fell heavily on her chest. The chain still dangles between her teeth. Without giving her time to catch her breath, I release her and carry her to the table. She’s panting. Her body, trembling with pain, bathed in sweat, gleams in the light. She looks magnificent.

I lay her on her back and tie her wrists and ankles to the uprights of the table. I pass my hand between her thighs. Her soaking-wet sex gives me an idea. After all, it would be a fair return… But not just yet. First, I have another idea.

I go down to the living room to get what I need and come back up. When I return, Jacqui has come to her senses and gives me a questioning look.

“I’ve got a surprise for you, slave… You’ll love it.”

Her face freezes in terror as she sees me light a long candle.

“Not that, master… I’m begging you!”

“Oh yes… you’ll like it, I’m sure.”

I make the flame dance above her, moving up and down her body. Soon, the first drops of wax drip down and crash onto her belly.

The sudden burn makes her jump with a scream. She struggles in her bonds, trying to escape the rain of fire. But to no avail. Droplets scatter over her belly, her breasts, her sex. Each time, she cries out and jerks in pain.

I abruptly stop pouring the wax.

“Your cries bother me, slave!”

“P-Pardon me, master,” she gasps. “It’s too hard… I can’t help it.”

“We’ll see, I’ve got another idea for your lips.”

I bring my erect sex close to her face. Submissive, she opens her mouth and swallows it greedily.

“I don’t want to hear you anymore. Your torment will last until I’ve come. But if you bite me, I promise you hours of pain. Do you understand?”

She nods, slowly lowering her eyes and running her tongue over the tip of my penis.

“Good, let’s get on with it.”

I bring the candle back over her body and slowly start dripping again. The beads of burning wax continue to fall viciously onto her offered chest and belly. But now she’s content to twitch slightly, concentrated as she is on her task.

Artfully, she moves my penis in and out between her lips, as if in a vagina. From time to time, her tongue wraps around my taut member and tickles the tip of the glans, then she resumes her back-and-forth movements. Fervently sucking on the member that stretches her mouth.

I can feel the pleasure rising inside me. Unable to hold back any longer, I extinguish the candle and, taking her face in my hands, imprint stronger and stronger strokes of my loins. My sex reaches her throat, threatening to suffocate her, but, obedient to the end, she keeps me between her lips and lets my hands guide her.

Pleasure shoots through my loins. I feel my penis swelling under the pressure, then moan with pleasure as semen spurts from my taut sex and invades Jacqui’s mouth. I withdraw and wipe my sex on her chest, while she swallows every last drop of my semen.

“Ah, that was good… You’re a good sucker, slave.”

“Thank you, master.”

I look at her, she’s a mess. Her face is smeared with semen, her chest and belly covered with cold wax. Maybe it’s time to take a break. Give her time to recover before getting down to business.

“Slave, I’m going to free you…”

“Thank you, master.”

“Don’t interrupt.”

“Sorry, master.”

“I want you to get a good shower and take some rest. No pleasuring yourself. Then you’ll come back to this table and ask me to be your master again. Is that understood?”

“Yes, master.”

“Then go.”

I untie her and she leaves the room.

Jacqui returns half an hour later. I watch her goddess-like body as she stands before me, legs spread, head bowed and arms behind her back. I note with satisfaction that she has put the dog collar back around her neck. She’s holding the leash between her teeth.

My gaze lingers on her round, taut-tipped breasts, already standing proudly in front of her. Then it moves up her long, perfectly curved legs, detailing her calves and thighs with their fine muscles. Finally, I stop on the triangle of her shaved sex. The pink slit of her vulva contrasts with the rest of her skin.

I get up and walk around her. Her buttocks bear the scars of the spanking earlier. The firm globes have a red tinge that they’ll keep for a while. I pat them lightly, then return to sit opposite her.

“Do you have something to tell me?”

By way of reply, she walks over to the table and lies down on her back. One by one, she passes her ankles through the nooses attached to the uprights and tightens them herself. Then she does the same with her right wrist, leaving me to tie her left wrist myself.

“I’m your slave, Master,” she says at last. “I’m yours, body and soul.”

I place a kiss on her forehead and move between her open thighs. Her shaven sex is as smooth as can be. The delicate lips open slowly under the gentle caress of my tongue. Gradually, the clitoris reddens and swells between my teeth.

A familiar warmth invades Jacqui and she gives gentle strokes, offering herself more and more to this intimate caress. I run my tongue back and forth along her pearly slit, now bathed in her juice. She moans softly with pleasure as I graze her pleasure-swollen clitoris.

I excite her like this for several minutes, then my fingers replace my tongue. First the index, then the middle finger. Gently, they enter between her labia and push effortlessly into her vagina. I then make a slow piston movement. Jacqui rolls her hips and surrenders to this delicious penetration. Rumbles of pleasure escape from her throat.

She lets out a little cry of surprise when a third finger joins the first two, but continues to thrust herself against these charming intruders. Her sex is soaked, and it’s with ease that my little finger sinks into her. Her breath is shorter now. She’s understood where I’m getting to, and lifts her loins so that I can penetrate her even further.

Responding to her expectations, I align my thumb in the palm of my hand and push powerfully. Like a sword in its scabbard, my whole hand slides into her vagina.

Gradually, I accelerate the piston movement. Jacqui shakes frantically and cries out hoarsely as my fist thrusts in and out of her. Suddenly, there’s an explosion. A bestial wail escapes Jacqui’s lips as primal pleasure shakes her whole being. I wait a few more seconds, then withdraw my hand and present it to her. She licks it greedily, cleaning my wet fingers one by one.

“Good girl. Was it good?”

“Yes, master,” she replies hoarsely.

“Good. But coming when your master hasn’t is a fault here. And a fault must be punished, you know that.”

“Yes, master. If I’ve been bad, you must punish me.”

“Perfect. However, since you’ve been so cooperative, I’ll leave you the choice of instrument and position for your punishment…”

I release Jacqui. She rises and, submissive, kneels before me, head bowed, awaiting my instructions.


Jacqui rises silently and opens her wardrobe. She takes out a fine-plaited leather riding crop and holds it out to me with both hands, head bowed.

“Good choice,” I say, taking the instrument.

“Thank you, master.”

“Now for the position.”

Jacqui grabs a pair of leather handcuffs and ties her own hands in front of her. She then positions herself under the beam and hooks the handcuff chain to a hook set in the wood. With her arms stretched high above her head, she is forced to stand on her tiptoes. Thus quartered, she offers her whole body to my blows.

I observe at my leisure her proudly erect breasts, her firm, rounded buttocks, and her shaved sex still dripping with pleasure.

“Here are the conditions, slave. Since you’ve chosen the riding crop, you’ll only receive ten strokes. However, I don’t want to hear the slightest scream… For each scream, the sentence will be doubled. Agreed?”

“Y-Yes, master,” she murmurs.

“Good, then let’s begin.”

Jacqui holds her breath, her whole body tense, preparing for the pain. She closes her eyes, all her senses alert.

I raise my arm. The whistle of the riding crop tears the silence. Braided leather slams against flesh.

Jacqui suddenly raises her head, her whole being wracked by nervous tremors. She clenches her jaws to prevent herself from screaming. But the first tears are already beading at the corners of her eyes.

I smile. She’s brave, I’m proud of her. I cock my weapon again and strike. Relentlessly, the blows rain down on her buttocks, her thighs, her breasts, her stomach, her sex. The crop leaves long red marks on her skin.

Despite the pain that pierces her, she resists so as not to scream. Only a muffled moan escapes through clenched teeth. Her face is a grimace of pain. Tears stream from her big green eyes.

The riding crop comes down one last time across her exposed sex. Her mouth opens in a mute scream, held back only by her strength of will, then her head falls heavily back onto her chest.

She sobs in pain, her whole body shaking with nervous spasms. I run my hand gently over her chest, flattering her breasts with my fingertips.

“I’m so proud of you, you’re so brave.”

“Thank you, master,” she manages to articulate amidst her sobs.

“There’s just one more test and your ordeal is over.”

I release her from the hook and, like a good slave, she kneels before me, head bowed. I leave the handcuffs on her wrists.

“To reward you for your courage, I’d like to do you another favor. I want you to choose the position in which I’ll take your ass.”

“Yes, master.”

“Then choose.”

She gets up and walks over to the table. She begins by tying her legs to the uprights, taking care to bind the rope tightly around her thighs and ankles. Then, stretching her arms forward, she attaches the handcuff chain to a snap hook at the other end of the table. She finds herself bent over, her arms stretched to the limit, her chest crushed against the rough wood, her rump offered up.

I stand behind her. I admire the perfect roundness of her buttocks, the fine muscles of her thighs, with the pinkish slit of her sex in the middle and the dark corolla of her anus above. I approach her, my sex erect. I take her muscular buttocks with my full hands and gently spread them, revealing a little more of her intimacy.

I start by sliding my tongue into the crack of her buttocks, enjoying teasing the tender flesh of her little hole. Slowly, the muscles relax under the effect of this warm caress and, soon, my tongue ventures a little further inside her. Muffled moans escape Jacqui’s lips as a wave of pleasure travels up her spine.

As I withdraw, her anus gradually begins to open and I present my taut member in front of this enchanting entrance. Instinctively, Jacqui tries to tighten her buttocks, but it’s too late: the reddened head of my penis is already pressing against her tender opening.

My loins exert relentless pressure. Gradually, my sex pushes aside the dark corolla and the sphincter muscles give way. Jacqui cries out hoarsely, feeling as if this pulsating rod is going to tear her apart, cleave her like a flesh sword.

I place my hands on her hips and, in a final thrust, my penis forces its way through her last defenses, penetrating to the very depths of her being and wringing a cry of pain and pleasure from her.

Slowly at first, then faster and faster, I thrust between her loins. Jacqui’s cries of pain quickly turn to rales of pleasure and, soon, she’s the one throwing herself against my erect sex as I penetrate her even more ferociously.

Our union is an animal rut, primal and wild. I ride her without restraint, ploughing her skillfully.

Jacqui is lost in a delirium of pain and pleasure. Her belly is on fire, her pleasure-swollen breasts rub painfully against the rough wood and terrible pain tears at her anus. Yet despite all this, she’s happy.

Pleasure strikes us all at once. A hoarse moan escapes from our throats in unison. Jacqui feels a stream of burning sperm invade her bowels as a violent orgasm shakes her whole being. I collapse on her back, as heavy as a dead horse, overcome by orgasm.

After a few minutes, we come to our senses and I release Jacqui. Then, once we’ve both washed up, we discuss our new experience. Jacqui confides in me that she enjoys being submissive, but much prefers to dominate. I tell her that personally, both positions suit me perfectly.

So we decide that from now on, whenever we feel like making love, we’ll play a game first to see who’ll be the master…

Published 2 years ago

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