The feel of you is such a complete and physical rush.
I look upon the full moon above my head,
and remember your body next to me in our bed.
The way my skin quivers underneath your cold alabaster hand,
as it glides slowly down my breast, belly, hips that are perfectly, golden tan.
The touch of your moist full lips upon my neck excites me.
as your full black lashes flutter upon my blushing cheek.
So much time has passed since we last touched.
I miss your love ever so much.
Tears slowly make meandering paths down my cheek from my swollen eyes.
feeling the caress of my face, “Sweetheart, please don’t cry, I’m always here inside.”
A tender touch over my heart pangs like a knife.
reminding me he’s the love of my life.
So much time has passed since we last touched….
My eyes flutter and open wide…
This really isn’t a dream….
You’re finally home and standing in front of me.