Just a few seconds before the school bell signaled the beginning of the lesson Livia sat down next to her best friend, Henry. They had been friends ever since getting seated next to each other in their English class on the first day of high school. Henry was the one that accompanied Livia during so many first times in her life. The first time she cheated on a test, the first time she got drunk or the first time Livia got broken up with. She did not tell Henry why, that was way too embarrassing, but he still supported her all the way through. Clement, the ex-boyfriend, had dumped Livia. Solely because she refused to give her virginity to him.
Henry had always disliked Clement. It did not come as a surprise to him that Livia eventually got dumped. He was not sure why, but he decided to not press any more information out of Livia, as she was in a very fragile state at that time. If things had gone the way Henry wanted them to, Clement and Livia would have never gotten together in the first place. He had been in love with Livia ever since they became friends but decided to keep his mouth shut in order to preserve the friendship.
He could not have prevented falling for her, even if he tried. Livia was one of the most beautiful girls in the city. She had long and wavy auburn hair that accentuated her bright blue eyes. Even at only sixteen, her breast had developed into a substantial size. She accentuated them with the lacy bras and cropped tops she usually wore. Today she had chosen a white statement crop top with a red brand slogan on it and paired it with some short jean shorts. When Henry concentrated hard enough he could spot the pink lace of her bra.
The class they were currently sitting in was Mr. Holcomb’s Geography class and Livia was bored to no end. The thing about Mr. Holcomb was that he lacked every bit of passion for the subject he was currently teaching. He had only taken it up because he could not find any job just teaching gym class. Normally all the boring teachers were older but Mr. Holcomb only turned thirty a couple of months ago. It was truly astonishing what a thankless job could do to you. Livia turned her attention away from the mountains of Europe and to Henry. She pulled out a blank piece of paper and began to scribble down a message.
Are you as bored as I am?
She slid the paper across the desk and turned her face to Mr. Holcomb to look like she was still paying attention. That only lasted until Henry slid his answer back.
Ya bet I am! The only thing keeping me awake is my aversion to detention.
Livia had to hold back a giggle as she started to answer.
I still ask myself why on earth they decided to hire a talking cardboard box instead of a teacher.
“Well, I can’t answer this question for you. But the time you and Henry are going to spend cleaning up the gym storage room during detention can give you time to think.”
Livia looked up and realized Mr. Holcomb was standing right behind her. There was no chance to deny it. She and Henry could forget their plans for the afternoon. They would spend their time in detention.
When her classes for the day ended, Livia left the school building but instead of turning to the parking lot, she walked towards the school gym. Henry was already waiting out in front and Mr. Holcomb arrived only a few minutes after Livia.
“Your job today is quite an easy one,” Mr. Holcomb explained. “You two are going to spend the next hour and a half unpacking all the new equipment that arrived yesterday and cleaning the room everything is stored in. Follow me.” The three of them walked through the gym and back out of the back door. Mr. Holcomb had lined up six large delivery boxes that he had already cut open. He explained they contained new nets, bars, bats, and shuttlecocks for the Badminton group that he planned to build up. Livia and Henry were supposed to unpack and stash everything in the gym equipment room. After that, they would sort through the skipping ropes and wipe down the floor and lockers.
“Okay kids, that’s about everything. Be careful with the storage room door, the lock is broken and it won’t open from the inside once it falls closed,” said Mr. Holcomb before he left them to work. He had to do some more grading and would return in about one and a half hours.
Without wasting any time Henry began to lift the bars out of the longer boxes but quickly realized they where a bit too long to carry around on his own. Livia pulled her hair up into a high ponytail and grabbed one end of the bar, Henry grabbed the other. Together carrying the bars was quite easy but maneuvering around the doors proved to be tricky. Everything went quite well until they carried in the fourth bar. When turning around behind the open door Livia’s foot got caught on the doorstop. In the blink of an eye, the door slammed shut.
“Fuck!” cursed Livia. She tried to open the door again but as Mr. Holcomb had explained, it had locked itself. They were trapped together until someone opened the door from the outside.
“That’s going to take a while. I guess we have to wait until Mr. Holcomb returns to let us out.”
“At least they also store pretty comfortable mats in here,” Livia noted as she let herself fall onto the soft surface. Henry was quick to join her.
After a few minutes, Henry broke the silence, “While we are locked in here you could maybe tell me what happened between you and Clement. Why did you guys break up?”
Livia was quick to blush. “I really don’t like talking about it. I am embarrassed.”
“I’m sure you don’t have to be. It can not be that bad.”
“Okay,” said Livia, feeling like she was going to cry. Encouraged by Henry’s soft, calm voice, she continued. “Clement asked me to sleep with him after we went to prom together.”
“And did you?”
“No, I wasn’t ready and Clement was so aggressive about it. When I hesitated he got pushy and wanted to grab me. I got scared and tried to leave the house. He insulted me and said he wanted to break up.”
“That sucker is so lucky I am locked in right now! Otherwise, I would drive right to his house and beat that fucker up! You don’t do that to a person. If someone doesn’t want to do something you don’t fucking do it.” Henry got incredibly worked up about it. Livia did not expect that kind of reaction but it made her feel like she was important to Henry. Because he could not go anywhere with his anger Henry quickly calmed down. Instead, he focused himself on comforting Livia. He told her how much he valued consent in relationships and how important Livia was to him. They hugged until Livia did not feel like crying anymore and Henry’s rage faded away as he felt Livia’s soft skin on his. Henry stroked Livia’s back, after a while, he began to draw small circles on her shoulder blades.
“You know how important you are to me Liv, right?”
“Yes, I do. You are one of the most special people in my life Henry. I love you, you know”
“I love you too,” said Henry.
Livia let their hug go loose and lifted up her head to look Henry in the eye. She lost herself in the dark brown that had always reminded her of her favorite chocolate, discovering new depths the longer she stared. Henry kept holding the eye contact until he could not hold himself back any longer. He leaned forward and kissed Livia.
While she was surprised at first Livia enjoyed the feeling of her best friend’s lips on hers. They tasted like caramel with a slight hint of salt. After remaining motionless for a few seconds Livia began to slowly move her lips, turning the kiss more passionate. Henry’s tongue moved into her mouth. Livia let out a soft moan.
Henry and Livia only parted lips to not lose their breath. Livia weaved her hands into Henry’s hair, pulling his face closer. He started to feel Livia up. At first, his hands only moved on top of her shirt, tracing the shapes of her shoulders, collarbones, and breasts. Soon he got more confident and grabbed her back under the shirt. Livia made it known how much she enjoyed it by gasping into Henry’s mouth.
“Could I take it off?” Henry asked.
Livia only smiled and nodded, closing her eyes as her shirt got pulled over her head. She was wearing a pretty pink, lacy bra that made her perky breasts look full and round. Henry could not avert his gaze.
“Do you think they look nice?”
“Nice?! Are you kidding me? You are fucking beautiful Livia!”
Henry leaned back in to kiss her again. His hands wandered around her boobs and he slid his thumbs under the band, removing it from her body. Livia hummed out of enjoyment and eagerly pulled Henry’s shirt over his head. She traced around his toned chest muscles and abs. She didn’t imagine being that attracted to her best friend’s body. Even though she had never been interested in any form of sexual contact before, she wanted to be as close to Henry as humanly possible in this moment.
Henry stopped kissing Livia and, just as she was about to complain about it, he lowered his head and took her pink left nipple into his mouth. He gently suckled and Livia could not help but moan out loud. This was pure pleasure, a kind of pleasure Livia had never felt before. All that was holding her back vanished the second Henry pulled down her shorts and panties. He revealed a cleanly shaven pussy, only a thin landing strip of trimmed hair was left on the soft skin.
Henry first rubbed her clit with his fingertips before laying his lips on her labia. Keeping up a gentle circular motion with his fingers, he stuck his tongue into her vagina and began licking. Feeling the licking on her flesh Livia grabbed his head, pushing him closer towards her pussy.
“Oh, fuck yes! I love this! You are amazing, Henry! Fuck!” Livia could not hold anything back anymore. Her pussy tingled and she felt it getting wetter and wetter. She was dripping.
Henry’s tongue and fingers continued their steady motion and Livia could feel pressure mounting. Her belly filled with a tingling sensation. Her muscles contracted. Her fingers cramped around Henry’s hair as her first orgasm by another person swept over her. As the orgasm ebbed away her grip loosened again.
“Thank you, Henry, that was amazing,” Livia said with a smile. “Is there a way I could return the favor?”
Henry grinned and sent a meaningful look down to his pants. A significant bulge had already formed. Livia slowly brought her hands to the waistband of his trousers. She undid the button and let the zip slide down. Henry stood up and let his pants fall down to the storage room floor. Now Livia’s head was on the same level as Henry’s penis. She grabbed Henry’s boxers and yanked them down revealing Henry’s half-hard penis. It was uncut and about as long as her hand with the fingers stretched out. She could not help but stare. This was the first real penis she had ever seen. It was so much bigger in real life then what she had pictured it from the porn she had watched.
“I haven’t ever done this before. You will have to explain what you want to me.”
“Don’t worry about it Liv. I am sure you will do great. Just take it into your mouth and lick and suck. Imagine this was a Popsicle.”
Livia carefully laid her lips around the tip. She hesitated a moment, surprised by the warmth of the skin. Then she continued down the shaft until her gag reflex kicked in, preventing her from taking it in any further. While moving her head back up she extended her tongue underneath the shaft and licked. Pulling her tongue in as her head went down and out again as it went up.
“Look at me,” Henry said. “You are doing amazing, please keep going.”
Livia, encouraged by his words, locked her eyes with Henry’s. While bobbing her head up and down she reached up and grabbed his balls, gently massaging them. Henry hummed and groaned. Livia moved her head down and sucked one of Henry’s balls into her mouth while she stroked his dick with her hands. After a good amount of licking and sucking, Liv took Henry’s tip back in between her lips. He reached down and gabbed Livia’s hair, pushing her into a faster pace as his desire grew. Suddenly he let go.
“You should stop now. I will cum into that sweet mouth of yours if you keep going.”
He pulled her up to kiss her again. Placing one hand on her boobs and the other on her clit. Gently massaging her soaking wet pussy lips.
“I want to be closer to you, Henry. I want to have sex with you!”
“Are you sure? You don’t have to if you aren’t ready yet.”
“I want it. I want you.”
Henry hesitated only a second longer. He took a step to the left, where his pants were laying, and grabbed a condom out of the back pocket.
“You are always prepared, aren’t you?”
“It’s just safer that way. You never know what is going to happen,” said Henry, grinning from ear to ear.
Henry ripped open the golden wrapper and rolled the condom onto his erect dick. Then he turned his attention back to Livia.
“Okay, lay down on this mat for me baby. I’m going to be as gentle as possible with you. Tell me if it hurts, I will stop immediately.”
Livia nodded her okay as she placed herself on the soft gym mat. Her legs were placed slightly apart from each other providing Henry with an amazing view of her virgin pussy. Presenting herself open to the new experience, Henry could clearly see how nervous she was but was assured of her enthusiastic consent by her wide smile.
Henry laid his hands on her legs and gently pushed them apart. Now everything laid out in the open. Henry instructed Livia to grab a hold of her knees, keeping the legs apart. He massaged her breasts as he maneuvered his cock closer and closer towards her pink hole. When he entered into Livia, her eyes and mouth opened wide. Henry pushed himself into Livia until he felt the resistance of her cervix. He stopped moving for a few seconds before he pulled himself outwards. When he pushed back in he did it with considerably more force than the first time.
“Oh god, oh god, oh god. It hurts so good! I never felt like this before.”
“It hurts?” Henry asked worried, “Should I stop?”
“No! I love this so much. I want you to fuck me harder!”
And so he did. Once he had pushed his dick as far into Livia’s pussy as he could, he pulled out everything but his tip. Then he pushed back in with all the force he could gather. Livia reacted to that thrust with an excited scream. The enthusiastic reaction he was getting from the girl he had fallen in love with made Henry feel things he never had before. He leaned forward and kissed Livia once again, their lips clashing together united in a passionate kiss.
As Henry kept pounding into her, Livia let go of her legs to lay his finger on her clit. This intensified her lust to no end. Her fluids coated Henry’s cock and began to flow down into her butt crack. Her vaginal muscles began to tense up as she approached her second orgasm.
“Henry! I’m cumming!” Livia screamed out as her legs clamped around Henry’s butt. She felt all her muscles contract and came. Harder, than she ever did before.
While Livia was still coming down from the high the orgasm gave her, Henry pulled out his cock.
“What are you doing Henry? Please don’t stop!”
“Don’t worry sweetheart! I just want to try something different,” Henry explained. He grabbed Livia by the hips and flipped her around. Then he asked her to get up onto her hands and knees. While Livia was still wondering about the position change Henry quickly thrust back into her.
For Livia, the feeling was just as amazing as the first time Henry had entered her. Only more intense. Having her legs closer together and the extra pressure of her body weight made her pussy even tighter than before. She felt every thrust of Henry’s big dick twice as intense. Livia was screaming and moaning out of pure pleasure.
After a while, the two of them found the perfect rhythm between Henry’s thrusts and Livia pushing her pelvis back to add pressure. The exhaustion of her constant arousal made it impossible for Livia to hold her body up. Eventually, her arms gave out and she collapsed onto the mattress. At that point, the constant thrusting continued and the sensory overload that came with losing her virginity made it impossible to do anything but moan.
Henry could not push his orgasm away any longer. He thrust into Livia one last time and held onto her as he felt the orgasm sweep over him. He came inside the condom and Livia could feel the pressure of the sperm filling her up even more. Another new and exciting feeling.
Before this afternoon of detention, Livia had never even thought about kissing Henry, let alone having sex with him in the school gym. Still, nothing had ever felt so right. It only took one moment for her to understand what she really felt for Henry. She was filled with pure bliss as Henry slowly retracted from her and laid down beside her. They both said nothing as they struggled to catch their breath.
“Thank you.”
“For what?” Henry asked.
“For kissing me. Without that I would never have realized what I really felt for you. And also the sex was great. I guess you were also responsible for that,” Livia explained, grinning from ear to ear.
“Was it anything like you imagined?”
“Not really, no. My fantasies generally didn’t involve our school’s gym storage and getting fucked from behind. But this was better then anything from my fantasies could have been.” Livia leaned back towards Henry to kiss again.
At that moment they heard heavy footsteps walking toward their room. Mr. Holcomb was back.
Livia and Henry jumped up and scrambled to put their clothes back on. Livia rushed around in search of her panties but could not find them. Listening to the footsteps getting closer and closer she decided to fuck it and just pulled her shorts over her bare pussy. It was just the right moment because Mr. Holcomb had finally reached the door and opened it from the outside.
When their teacher walked in it looked like they were just two students annoyed to have been locked in a storage room for the last hour. Except for Livia’s panties lying a foot away from Mr. Holcomb behind the door.