Liz had developed a friendship with Vicky who managed the Correctional Punishment Centre for Women. She was also the Head Punishment Officer at the Centre. Vicky had now been beaten Liz twice. Liz liked the experience of being at the Centre and being caned. Vicky liked caning Liz.
Liz was somewhat depressed. She did not have a job at the moment and was bored and frustrated. She was trying to think of a way that she could be involved with the Correctional Discipline Centre for Women. She thought that she could not be involved because she was a submissive. All of the women at the Centre were dominant.
‘How could I fit in as a submissive?’ she thought.
Then, after a few days, she received a phone call from Vicky.
Vicky sounded excited as she told Liz that she had an idea to overcome Liz’s problem.
“How could you do that?” said Liz.
“Easy,” said Vicky “You come and work for me as my personal assistant.”
“And what would I do?” asked Liz.
“I have already thought about that,” said Vicky. “You would help me with my workload and be the liaison officer between the Centre and the women there to watch the Judicial Canings. You could help me with the one on one caning for high profile women and girls under eighteen years old.”
Vicky continued, “As my assistant, you could also be inside the changing rooms and the punishment chambers when Judicial Canings are given. You could clean the canes and benches between groups of women. Best of all after hours, we could be together in the Centre and I could cane you. No one else would be there.”
“Wow, that sounds fantastic. When can I start?” Liz replied.
Vicky put things into motion and a week later Liz started at the Centre with the title “Personal Assistant to the Manager”.
On this first day, thirty-two women had been scheduled to receive a Judicial Caning by order of a Court. It was to be a busy day.
Vicky, or “Miss” as Liz was to call her inside the Centre, was scheduled to personally supervise the caning of sixteen women today. As the Head Discipline Officer, she would personally cane four of the women. Liz was disappointed when she found out that there were to be observers at the Centre today. These were women that by order of a Court were to receive a single cane stroke so as to deter them from further offending.
Liz remembered the procedures well having been beaten with a cane in the Centre herself on two occasions. She was overjoyed that she was going to see sixteen women being beaten. Miss wanted Liz to learn each facet of the procedures inside the Centre. Accordingly, Liz was at the Reception Counter watching as the Correction Officers processed the woman as they arrived.
She then followed the progress of the women from the general waiting area to the changing rooms. As usual, eight women at a time were taken from the waiting area to a changing room by four Correctional Officers. There they were ordered to completely undress, taking off all their clothes and baring their bottoms so they could be beaten by a cane.
Eight women undressed in the changing room and then were taken to the Caning Chamber. There, all eight were beaten (four at a time,) by a number two or a number four cane depending on the size of their bottoms. The number of cane strokes varied depending on the number of strokes ordered by the Court. Some received eight strokes, some twelve strokes and two received eighteen strokes.
In the first batch of four women, Liz watched one particular woman who looked to be about twenty-years-old.
‘She has a really good figure and I love her trimmed pubic hair,’ Liz thought to herself.
Her eyes were transfixed on the bottom of that woman who was to receive twelve strokes. She watched as the cane bit into her bottom at each stroke. She loved the way she grunted at each of the first two strokes and cried out loudly at each of the next six strokes. Then came the four strokes that were given in rapid succession. The woman continuously shrieked as there four strokes were given.
‘I wish that was me,’ Liz thought to herself.
In the second batch of four women, Liz once again selected a particular woman to watch being caned. This woman was about the same age as Liz and had a similar figure.
‘She looks just like me and her dark pubic hair is trimmed just like mine. That could be me. I wish it was,’ Liz thought to herself.
By now her nipples were erect and she could feel the dampness between her legs.
The caning of that batch of women was finished. All of the women and the Centre staff had left the Caning Chamber. Liz got to work cleaning down the benches and wiping all the canes that had been used. Then Liz reported back to the Manager’s office where Miss was seated at her desk. She had a huge smile on her face.
“I have just been instructed to carry out our first Judicial Caning on our first high profile woman. We will make the arrangements together. You can also be present when I cane this woman. Isn’t that wonderful?”
Liz could not contain her excitement. “Who is she? When will it happen? How many strokes will she get?” Question after question popped into her mind.
So the appointment for this woman’s Judicial Caning was made. It was to be on the next Saturday afternoon when the Centre was normally closed. The woman would be accompanied by her Personal Assistant a lady called Linda Fellows.
Linda was making all the arrangements for the woman that was to be caned.
The Centre was not going to be informed of her identity until the day of the caning.
All the arrangements were being made in the strictest secrecy. The only employees at the Centre to know were Vicky and Liz. The Court hearing that had ordered the Judicial Caning was an out of session closed hearing. The judge had determined that a prison sentence or a fine were not appropriate. Accordingly, he had ordered a Judicial caning of twelve strokes. He had also marked the file as a closed file, meaning no one but him could have access to it even the staff at the Court.
A few days before the Saturday Linda met with Miss and Liz at the Centre.Linda was a strikingly attractive woman aged in her thirties. Her friendly pleasant manner immediately attracted Liz to her. The three of them discussed every detail about what was to happen on the coming Saturday.
Miss was adamant that the caning of this high profile woman was, as closely as possible, to follow the manner in which any other woman received a Judicial Caning at the Centre.
Linda appeared particularly interested in caning generally and asked many questions.
‘Is Linda a submissive woman who also want’s to be caned?’ Liz wondered to herself.
Linda referred to her employer as Jackie. This was the first name of the high profile woman that was to be caned. It was decided that Linda would drive Jackie to the side door of the Centre at 2 pm on Saturday. They would be met by Miss and Liz. Miss would take Jackie to her office.
To be less conspicuous, Linda would park her car a short distance from the Centre and then walk back to the side door where Liz was waiting. Liz and Linda would then go to the office where Miss and Jackie were waiting.
Knowing the ropes, Liz thought that Jackie would probably be caned with a number four cane. This cane was used to cane women with larger more well-padded bottoms.
Miss immediately took control and Liz saw that Miss was now exerting her dominance.
“Linda, I have been instructed that you may remain as an observer but please do not speak or become involved in any way. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Miss,” Linda replied meekly.
Liz thought that she detected a submissiveness in Linda’s voice. Opening an envelope which was on her desk, Miss addressed Jackie.
“I am the Manager and the Head Punishment Officer of this Correctional Punishment Centre for Women. You will refer to me as “Miss” while you are in this Centre.”
Miss read the paper which had been inside the envelope.
“Are you, Jacqueline Mary Gordon?”
“Yes, Miss,” replied Jackie.
“You have been sentenced by a Court to a Judicial Caning of twelve strokes. You will receive twelve strokes of the cane. Although we are here outside the normal hours to protect your identity, you will be treated exactly the same as any other women who is caned here. Shortly we will take you to a changing room where you will get undressed, take off ALL your clothing and get your bottom bare ready for the cane. You will put your clothes in one of the open lockers.”
Miss continued, “I will then inspect your bottom. This is to determine the state of your bottom so as the beating will not cause you injury. The caning is meant to cause you pain but not any injury. I will decide which cane is to be used on your bottom. There are two types of canes. One is known as a number two cane and the other is a number four cane. The number four cane is thicker than the number two cane. A number four cane is used on larger more well-padded bottoms.”
Miss carried on, “Be assured that the thickness of the cane will not make any difference to the pain you will feel. This inspection of your bottom may cause you further embarrassment but I can assure you it is necessary. A number four cane could cause an injury to a smaller bottom but will not cause injury to a larger more, shall we say, well-padded bottom.”
Miss concluded with, “We will then take you to a Caning Chamber which has a caning bench. Once inside the Caning Chamber, you will be strapped to the bench. I will then administer the twelve cane strokes as directed by the Court. The first eight will be given will be given with gaps in between but the last four will be given in rapid succession. Those four are the ones you will really feel. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Miss,” replied Jackie.
With that, all four women left the office and went to the changing room. Liz and Linda took seats in the changing room. They watched as Jackie got undressed and put her clothes in a locker. Liz saw that Jackie had a good figure for her age and did not appear to be shy about being nude in front of them. They watched as Miss examined Jackie’s bare bottom and decided to use a Number four (the thicker) cane. Then all four women walked from the changing room to the Caning Chamber.
Liz watched Jackie’s bottom as she walked behind her to the Caning Chamber. She was excited about what was the happen. On arrival, Liz and Linda sat down. Jackie was secured to a caning bench with her nude bottom positioned high in the air ready for the cane. Liz was now feeling aroused and noticed that Linda’s eyes were glued to her employer’s bare bottom. Her gaze was very intent.
‘I bet she never thought that she would ever see her boss in this position.’ Liz thought to herself.
Her boss, for her part, did not seem to be particularly embarrassed by her predicament. Miss selected a number four cane, swished it through the air, then tapped it lightly on the upturned bottom to get her aim.
Then came the first swish and thwack of the cane. Jackie grunted loudly. The second cane stroke also caused her to grunt but at the third stroke she cried out. Each time the cane bit into her bottom her body jerked but the straps held her securely in place. She found that she was unable to move. The caning continued with the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth stroke causing her to cry out increasing more loudly.
Miss then paused and announced, “Now for the last four in rapid succession.”
Four extremely hard strokes of the cane in rapid secession bit into her bottom. Jackie shrieked in pain giving out one long continuous shriek.
‘That is the shriek I remember well from other women,’ thought Liz.
All of a sudden it was over. Jackie was released from her bonds and was sobbing loudly. Nothing was said as the four women walked to the changing room. Liz was walking directly behind Jackie. She could see that her bottom had many single red lines caused by the cane. In places, the lines merged together causing one larger welt. On arrival at the changing room, Jackie quickly dressed.
All four women then returned to the Manager’s office and Liz and Linda then walked through the Centre to the side door on the way to retrieving Linda’s car. Liz felt that Linda was acting strangely and wanted to ask her something but couldn’t quite bring herself to do it.
Linda finally plucked up her courage and said to Liz, “Have you ever been caned?”
“Yes, twice in this very Centre,” Liz replied.
“Wow! What was it like?” asked Linda.
‘Linda may be interested in receiving a caning herself,’ thought Liz.
“I love being caned and the ritual that surrounds it. The caning itself hurts but then the pain eventually goes away. Then, I am ready for another caning.” Liz replied.
“What ritual?” asked Linda.
“You know, being dominated by the Punishment Officer. Being made to undress. Having your bottom inspected. Being strapped to the caning bench. All this happens before your actual caning. That is the ritual.”
“Linda, do you want to be caned?” Liz boldly asked.
“Well, I might be but the caning seems to be so hard. Maybe if it wasn’t so hard.”
Liz replied, “Miss might give you a caning. Maybe one not quite so hard. I will approach her on your behalf. How will I contact you?”
Linda stopped and reaching into her bag produced her business card upon which was her telephone number. At the side door, Linda gave Liz a lingering hug. She pressed her body very tightly and for a long time to Liz causing Liz to feel a tingle of excitement. Then Linda was out the door to collect her car. When Linda returned with the car she left the Centre with Jackie.
Liz now pondered how to get Miss to cane Linda. Before she could bring up the subject, Miss appeared and took her roughly by the upper arm and guided her quickly along the passageways to the Caning Chamber.
“Now to deal with you,” Miss said.
“But I haven’t done anything.” Liz blurted out.
“I know,” Miss said. “But you know that you want it.”
‘I do,’ thought Liz.
Asking Miss about about Linda’s caning would have to wait for another time.
to be continued…