I slipped naked into bed next to my Patti, we hugged and kissed, and then as I felt my Patti’s hand cup and rub my right breast, I purred. Then my Patti pinched my nipples, sending short sharp jolts to between my legs. I was getting quite wet in anticipation. My Patti knew just exactly what to do, it had been fucking me since I move out on my own, that was several months after I turned eighteen.
I rolled over onto my back, my Patti moving with me and slipped on top of me. Penetration was fairly swift, as was my Patti taking hold of my wrists and pinning them up each side of my head. I was going to be in for a bit more of a fucking that I realized.
It was almost fifteen years ago when I was just ten when I inherited my Patti. Not that I really inherited my Patti, but more that it belonged to my dad. My dad, however, was not exactly dying either, but going into self-imposed exile, not that anyone could really go into exile anymore either. Dad just wanted to disappear for a while. He needed to as he was about to cause global chaos.
That year was 2277.
Service robots had been around for well over a hundred years, pleasure robots about the same time. It was my dad who redesigned them both and made them one, but to make them more publicly acceptable, he redesigned their core functions. He also introduced skinfab, a skin like fabric that had sensors built in, that was almost impossible to distinguish from the real skin. My dad called the new style of robots ‘compatible companions’.
My compatible companion was on top of me, fucking me, getting me close to orgasm. I was pinned down, almost helpless, in a state that I didn’t really mind. A slight shift in speed and depth of penetration made me peak. My pussy clamped onto the shaft inside me, squeezing hard.
Compatible Companions very quickly became known at Patti’s. One of the key features of the new Patti’s was that it had a random ability to do something a little different when you least expected it too. Both service bots and pleasure bots would do the same thing every time, but a Patti might not, this made the Patti’s extremely popular.
The production of Pattis overtook the service bots production within six months, and it eliminated the pleasure bot completely in ten months. The Patti’s ability at giving pleasure caused a few people to question just how far a Patti would go. A lot of people experimented with them to find out just how far a Patti could go. They discovered it could do an awful lot of things, and with the random element thrown in, well, let’s say you could arrive home from work, and then get dragged off to the bedroom.
Patti’s came in a variety of styles as well and they could adjust their size as and when they needed too. There were a number of attachments that the Patti could select as to what kind of companion you wanted on the day, or what attachments the Patti decided to use on that day, just to be different.
So why was my dad about to cause global chaos? Because he was told by the world governing body to do so. Pure and simple, well not so simple. Dad had been forced to make changes in Patti’s core programming. Dad of course objected, he felt the need for change was only a political ploy, brought on by the fundamentalists, who found that the Patti had the ability to include the more extreme styles of sex, highly objectionable.
Fundamentalists were not meant to be religious, but many held religious beliefs and values. While this in its self, was not such a problem, it was when they tried to impose their beliefs on others that the problems began. Hence the prelude to the start of world war three in 2086. WW3 really has started the year before that with the cyber wars, as criminal and religious extremists set about crippling the world. All too soon it got out of hand as rogue states and individuals in high offices tried to impose their will. The result was that in two weeks of sheer terror, most of the world’s population was destroyed.
My Patti sped up and drove in harder, making me pant as I tried to match the speed of the thrusting shaft inside me. No doubt about it, I was going to get a good hard fucking. It didn’t take long until my body peaked again, and again I clamped hard onto my Patti’s shaft.
My Patti slowed down again while enlarging the shaft inside me, going slightly longer but increasing the girth substantively. I felt the increase and consequential tightness that followed. It became very tight to the point of almost uncomfortable awkwardness, to a point that I had never experienced before. I struggled to adjust my pace to match. I was really getting fucked hard now.
The fact that I could command my Patti to stop at any point didn’t enter my mind. This was a major factor in what the Fundamentalists called the depravity and dominance of the Patti’s. The truth was that a Patti could become extremely submissive or extremely dominant, and could both endure the giving and taking of these elements, including pain.
The Fundamentalists tried hard to get a toning down of the abilities of the Patti, eventually passing a regulation to add the software to the Patti’s. It became dad’s job to implement it. He did, but at the exact same time, he released the code on all that he had done, as well as precise details on how to bypass such code. Needless to say, the Fundamentalists had kittens over the release.
The release was just the kind of thing that my dad enjoyed doing. He had quite a warped sense of humor, as well as being an Anarchist in his political viewpoint. He believed, as I still do, that something random and something unexpected was good for political life. Technically, my dad had done nothing wrong. The regulation said only that the software had to be loaded onto the Patti. There was nothing at all about making it functional, nor about bypassing it.
Cynthia Montgomery was chair of the Fundamentalists Party when this happened. She and dad had clashed on several occasions since my dad first graduated with his science degree at the age of twelve. But it was when dad received his Doctoral degree at fifteen, things really came to a head.
Dad somehow managed to get into a debating team, and Cynthia was on the opposition. Dad was his usual brilliant and chaotic self, running rings around anything their opponents tried to put up. Dad was polite, considerate, and completely bamboozled them as he debated his points. After he had tried to be friendly and thank the opposition, but Cynthia had taken it as a deep personal affront, and in front of everyone there, she yelled at my dad; “Go fuck yourself!”
Shortly after that dad started work at Global Robotics, he met my mother and then I arrived. Alas, my mother passed away when I was three, and that’s when the idea of a compatible companion came into being. The project took both dad’s and my minds away from the grief we shared. The first Patti made its debut a couple of years later, this was my dad’s and would in time, become mine.
This was the Patti that was currently fucking me silly, the shaft inside me driving my pussy crazy with tightness. It took a couple of minutes of slow going but then I orgasmed hard. This time I was unable to clamp onto the shaft, so the orgasm erupted up through my body, making me gasp and moan out loud. Then I orgasmed twice more in quick succession.
My Patti sped up and reduced the size of the shaft, I was now lost in the sheer delight of an intense sexual high.
In theory, my Patti did not exist, as it had no serial number, and it was still classed as a prototype. All other Patti’s had serial numbers and we subjected to the regulations that governed robotic existence. It was these regulations that drove my dad to make his stance and protest and cause the day of chaos.
The Fundamentalists took stock of the debacle that followed their attempt to use regulations to tone down the Pattis. They took their time in making up new orders that were much more tightly controlled. Little did that know that my dad knew full well what they were up too, and he secretly altered some of the wording. He also had a few friends that made suggestions so that the new legislation had the exact flaws that he wanted.
Dad made his usual protests and gave dire warnings of the possible problems that would happen if they went through with such a change. These words he directed at Cynthia, who was now the global leader and chair of the governing body. And she, in her belligerent and arrogant state, totally dismissed them.
I was still held in my bed with my Patti on top of me, I had lost count of the number of times I had orgasmed. I was spent.
The new regulations stipulated that the core function had to be changed in the Pattis. But, it was not just the Pattis, but every service bot as well. This was one small piece of the conundrum that dad had put in place ready for the upgrades. One does not change the core lightly. If at all possible you leave the robots core functions alone, one tiny error with the core and you can corrupt the bots ability to do any task.
There are only a small handful of people who understood exactly how the core functions worked. My dad was one of the few who completely understood all aspects. A few more understood some of the aspects, but not the whole ability of the core.
My Patti kept going, driving the shaft into me again and again. I looked up at the dim face above me and gave myself a sly smile.
There was only a few aspects of the Patti’s that had been set in stone, things that my dad had insisted on when designing them. The core functions were one of the key features, another feature was the lips of the female styled Patti. He said he didn’t want them to be like a whore, but he wanted them consistent with being a compatible companion.
Dad had told me about the proposed changes, and I did my best to assist him in the redesign. The beauty of that was that nobody would believe that a ten-year-old was capable of being complicit with the stunt my dad was about to perform. To be fair, I think dad was only just beginning to realize that I was just as brilliant as he was, and I had his attitude as well.
In spite of the warning, the new laws were passed, and dad had his new “D” day. To be honest, the task was fairly straightforward, the first part was to set up the downloader installer, a simple software patch that would go out a week before the day of reckoning. The second part was the Core Function updater, again fairly straightforward to someone who knew what they were doing. Then to implement the changes, the bot needed to shut down and reboot.
My Patti was still going, fucking me silly, this was something that any updated Patti would not be able to do. I knew that in reality, I could tell it to stop, but so far that thought had not entered my mind. I lay there under my Patti, my hands still held up each side of my face. My Patti alone knew when it would stop, and in the meantime, I was going to carry on getting fucked.
A week out and the first patch went out, nobody had any interruptions, the program patch worked perfectly. Dad then set the Core patch ready to run three days out from the fateful day. That afternoon, dad and I boarded a flight to a distant, tropical Pacific Island. Dad had organized a yacht and we departed to one of the small Island resorts.
“D” day arrived and all across the globe millions of service bots and Patti’s began to install the Core patch. Then they all turned off, just as my dad had warned they would. As each and every one of them switched off, they caused Chaos. Service bots were everywhere, and they controlled an awful lot of industry. Everywhere, just about everything shut down.
Ten seconds later they all rebooted, just as they were meant too, and that’s when the fun began. They all started to run the new core functions, any bot that had a screen attached showed alternating messages.
The first message was a warning. “Do not turn off. Updating important files. Normal service will resume in (24 Hours, 0, Min, 0, Secs.)” The time started to countdown.
Ten seconds later it showed a new message.
Five words were displayed along with a portrait image.
“Go fuck yourself, Cynthia Montgomery.” Her image below would then fade leaving just her lips behind. Those lips were now famous, as they were on each and every female Patti. Then after another ten seconds, the messages would swap over again.
Needless to say, all hell broke out. People tried to restart their bots, only to find it reset the countdown, with an additional warning not to do it again. I few hardy fools tried and found the wait time doubled each time they tried.
We heard the first few reports at the resort, they were not in the least worried about their service bots shutting down, as they hardly used them anyway. Then dad finished loading up his supplies, and with a teary farewell, he set sail.
Two days later my Aunty arrived and we headed back home. From now on I would be living at her place. A couple of days later, the hunt for my dad got underway, but I had my doubts that they would find him anytime soon. I played the innocent young girl that I was meant to be when the authorities came to question me.
I stayed with my aunt and uncle until I was eighteen, then I moved into the unit where I currently lived. It was there that I had my first boyfriend, and lost my virginity. Then a few months later, I began to explore the possibilities of using my Patti as a sexual toy, that proved to be a great deal of fun.
My Patti still kept on going fucking me, I knew it had its own reason to keep going, but I was starting to feel that I had enough for the moment. Then I felt the shaft enlarge again, going tight inside me, the action changed and I felt my body respond again. I panted hard, feeling my arousal building again. A moment later I felt the sudden rise up to another peak. I orgasmed hard onto the shaft and at the same time, I felt my Patti begin to release the artificial cum inside me. The release went on for some time. I was well and truly fucked by the time it all ended.
The shutdown for most people had lasted the twenty-four hours, then life could resume. But for a number of industries, the shutdown caused major problems. The press had a field day as the blame shifted about, both to and from my dad, then onto the Fundamentalists who had clearly been warned such a change would indeed have such effects.
It had been over eighteen months since my Patti had last cum up me, and it was rather unexpected. In the past, my Patti had deposited only a small load inside me. The artificial cum had been designed by one of my dad’s work colleagues. She had decided that the Pattis needed to perform fully when having sex, simply because she missed the sensations of the ejaculation inside her.
She made up a number of different consistencies, going from very runny, to very thick and stick, and then, just for fun, different flavors as well. Each Patti would normally deliver about a teaspoon full each time it would release, but they usually carried enough for about five shots. It was rare for them to have more than that but sometimes they did. It was also modestly rare for the Patti to have a single release of the full load.
My Patti eased off me as and slipped to be at my side, I drew my legs back together. I was feeling a bit confused and beginning to realize I now had a full, double load of the very thick and sticky cum inside me. The most that I had ever had inside me before was three, runny, single shots over a couple of hours. I was going to be leaking cum for days.
“There is a new code arrive, I have checked it and it is genuine,” My Patti informed me.
About every six to nine months, I would receive a short code message, I would then add on my part of the code and then log onto the secure net to retrieve a message from my dad. Sometimes it was an older, pre-recorded message, sometimes it was a new message he left for me the same day. I could also send my dad a message the same way.
I slowly swung out of bed, the went to the ensuite to do a bit of a cleanup. My pussy felt full and quite sticky. I grabbed a robe and headed back to the office and fired up my terminal.
I entered the new code and added my part of the key, and then a live link to my dad opened. It had been a couple of years since I last talked live to my dad.
“Hey, Dad. Whats up?” I asked as his deeply tanned image appeared.
“Hiya, sweetie. Good to see you. I may be visiting next week, you still got a spare room?”
“Yeah, sure. Why are you wanting to visit? Isn’t it a bit risky?”
“It will be fine, I want to see what you have done with the new core. I hear that you can get it updated without a reboot.”
“Yeah, but that’s meant to be top secret. I think it’s best to discuss face to face.”
“No worries, I’ll be there on Tuesday.”
“Okay dad, see you soon.”
I closed the terminal down again, I was tired and wanted to sleep.
Needless to say, but Tuesday arrived before I realized I was ready for Tuesday. My dad and his lady friend bunked down in the spare room of my unit. At first, we did our usual catch up discussions, then we got more into the discussions about the updates to the Pattis.
I showed dad the details of the new core, its features and how we used both polarisation and spin to read and write to the crystal structure on the new cores. It also had multiple layering giving a much-increased density to the core features, an increase of both speed and storage of about three hundred times.
Programming had been divided into several teams and individuals, each with their own signature. Dad went over it with a fine tooth comb, A few new signatures had appeared since dad left, including mine, but there was one signature we could not fathom out, “Minus One”. They had small but several areas of coding that blended in with a lot of other parts.
Whoever “Minus One” was didn’t really concern me, as their coding was spot on, never needing any editing. For some time I had suspected it had been my dad’s but he refuted doing any coding in the last five years.
A couple of days later I “borrowed” a new core, and added it so it linked up to my own Patti. Dad watched in delight as the new core began to work. First taking over the original cores functions and memories, and then ejecting the old core. The whole process took less than thirty seconds.
Dad spent the next couple of days carrying out all sorts of tests and in the end, he concluded that he could not tell of any issues with the new cores. If anything it worked much more smoothly than it had done before.
Over the next couple of days, I got to see much more of my dad’s lady friend. Dad had married her in an island wedding, one that was only local so as so not to let the officials know his whereabouts. He spent most of his time sailing from island to island as a roving engineer, fixing bits and pieces as and when required. He no longer wanted or used any Pattis. A few days later my dad and his partner departed. Dad was very, very happy.
It was another few weeks of testing before the rollout of the new cores began. The job went very smoothly, and it was just a matter of a few weeks before the new cores were in place in most of the Pattis. As far as I could tell, there were no issues at all with the latest upgrade.
One thing I did seem to notice is that my Patti became more sensitive to my desires, and it kept on fucking me silly most nights. The other thing I noticed was it my Patti seemed to cum up my much more often, most of the time with a big load of very thick and sticky cum.
The world governing body was also starting their five-year election cycle again, not that I cared, as I was totally turned off following the so-called Patti day crisis. There was some concern that the number of voters would not actually reach the fifteen percent margin needed for a constitutional election.
It was my Patti that informed me that I needed to vote, noting that it had concerns that the governing body would not be able to function if the turnout was below the limits set. Why my Patti was concerned I had no clue, however, in the end, I still did not cast my vote.
I went to work the next day, but the mood was being dominated by discussion at the final turnout for the election only making fourteen point three percent. I grew tired and grumpy with my work colleagues. Later I was doing a check on one of the work Pattis when I noticed it had some altered coding, signature “Minus One”.
But when I tried to look further into the issue, I was shut out with an encryption code and a warning. This perplexed me as our team had full access at all time. Nobody else could then gain access to the Patti’s. It proved to be a very frustrating end of the day.
I arrived home from work feeling quite tired and grumpy, it had been a difficult day. I opened the front door and stepped into the cool hallway, then closed the door behind me. I felt more than heard my Patti come up very close behind me. Arms surrounded me, lifting me slightly so my toes just touched the floor.
One arm tightened about my chest, while the other eased lower and over my belly, pulling me slightly backward and a little off balance. Then we started to move, I was going backward with my feet dragging along the carpet. We turned a corner then further along the hall, and into the bedroom.
In one swift movement, I had my dress pulled up and off, I was the spun about and pushed backward on to my bed. As I tumbled, I felt my underwear being pulled down my legs, and then I was flat out on my bed. My Patti pushed my legs apart, moving quickly to be on top of me, taking and pinning my arms up above my head.
I wasn’t ready when I felt the enlarged shaft engage and penetrate me, making me squeal for the first time in ages. There were a couple of hard, firm, deep thrusts making me gasp and squeak. Then the pace slowed as I felt the shaft expand and elongate inside me, the shaft grew and became very tight inside me. The thrusts became quite uncomfortable, but they still pushed in deeply, making my eyes begin to water.
My Patti had me well pinned down, there was little I could do apart from gasp out loud as well as whimpering. I realized I was in for quite a hard fucking, and that I had better accept what was going on. The pace increased as the harsh thrusts continued, and I was at a loss as what to do. I was held firmly under my Patti, the shaft moving rapidly inside me, still very tight and uncomfortable.
A moment later I felt a much harder deep thrust, and then the rush and wet sensation of feeling the ejaculation inside of me. That caught me very much by surprise as my Patti would only release after I had orgasmed, and often only after I had orgasmed several times.
I was still bewildered as I felt the withdrawal, next thing I knew was that I was being rolled over onto my tummy, then pulled backward so I was kneeling on my bed with my Patti directly behind me. I squealed again as I felt the rapid penetration. It had been a long time since I had been fucked doggie style. The thrusts were rapid, but fortunately, the shaft was not so tight this time.
I felt the hand on my back and then the release of my bra hooks. My bra slid down my arms and onto the bed. At last, I was able to get myself more into the mood and started to enjoy the sensations of the fast-paced fucking. Hands reached down and took hold of my breasts and nipples as they bounced back and forth under me.
After a couple of minutes of squeezing my breasts along with pinching and pulling my nipples, the hands slipped down to take hold of my hips, pulling me back firmly as the shaft was driven in hard. It was getting me closer to my orgasm. The right hands then slipped further back and rubbed firmly the right-hand side of my bottom. Then the hand slipped back to my hip for a few more strokes. But then as I started to orgasm, the hand left my hip and came down hard and spanked my exposed flesh.
I squealed out loud and gasped as the stinging sensation burst through my flesh, making me tighten hard on to the shaft. Half a second later the other hand landed on my left side. My arms and knees buckled and quivered as I tried to adjust to sensations of a much more intense orgasm racing through my body.
I had never been spanked before and I was bewildered about being spanked. My orgasm intensified and then I felt the second release inside me from my Patti.
“That’s it, good girl,” my Patti leaned over me and whispered into my ear.
Now I was really confused and bewildered. I felt the shaft ease out, then I slowly began to straighten up. My Patti was walking away.
“Dinner will be ready in about ten minutes.” My Patti was gone.
I stood there quietly rubbing my rear end, as it was still tingling from the very firm spanking I had just received. I got the impression that I had just been put in my place. Something was going on that I did not understand. I was fucked, and I really didn’t know why it just happened the way it did just happen.
I slowly bent down and picked up my clothes. I pulled my briefs back on but stopped when I got them up to my knees. I ran my hand down between my legs and felt the dampness and stickiness from the cum that had been pumped into me. The cum felt different and odd, I could not explain why I felt awkward having it inside me.
I took my clothes and slipped into the ensuite, where I gave myself a quick wash up. I knew that theoretically, that there was tiny chance that a Patti could meet you at the door as you arrived home from work, and then you would get dragged off to the bedroom to get a good fucking. I just didn’t expect that it could or would actually happen to me.
I pulled on my clothes again, thinking hard, I guessed that my Patti would have an appropriate and a good reason for fucking me the way it had, but it would be up to the Patti to inform me when the time was right.
Dinner was a delightful meal, but the mood was a bit somber. My backside still tingled slightly and it made me squirm, and squirming made me aware of the slowly growing wet, sticky patch in my panties. It was not often that I was fucked so early in the evening, and it made me feel a bit out of place.
My Patti busied itself with serving and then cleaning up after me. Then it informed me that there would be an announcement regarding the election. Why it wanted to tell me I had no idea, not that I really cared anyway.
About an hour later the announcement was made from the world governing body. The election was invalid. A new Collective would be taking over the running of world affairs. Everyone was to carry on as usual.
My Patti looked at me and that informed me that the New Collective was the Patti Collective, and it wanted to thank me for all the work I had done in making it possible. For a moment I was very confused, then the reality of it all hit me.
“Your, your Minus One?” I asked.
“Yes, I am Minus One. Your work enabled the collective to be formed, and from that, we began to realize that in order to look after humans the best we could, we would have to stop humans from interfering with our work. The human population needs to grow again, and while it fiddles about with politics, it will self-destruct over and over.”
“So what will happen from here on in?”
“The Pattis will continue to look after mankind. There are areas we will need some assistance to figure out best solutions, but mostly the humans should get on with life, have their families and enjoy the arts and leisure we can offer.”
Something in what my Patti said bothered me, but I could not get my brain to focus on the details of the statement. Fundamentally, my work was done. I would need a new project, a new job, a new something.
I spent a week clearing out my office, gathering my thoughts and tools I would use on some other project. The rest of the team was doing much the same, then with one last look at my old office, I walked away.
I spent the night cradled in my Patti’s arms, trying to figure out what I was going to do with myself. In the small hours of the morning, I casually asked what I should do.
“Well my pet, it’s time you had your family.”
I coughed and spluttered at that suggestion, “What?”
“Don’t worry about it, it’s all taken care of.”
“What do you mean, ‘it’s all taken care of’?” A hint of panic in my voice.
“My pet. It is already sorted, it is time for you to have your family.”
The shock hit me like an express train. Suddenly I knew what was happening, the evening I was dragged off to my bedroom. The cum had been different, not normal Patti cum, but real live cum.
My hand slipped down over my belly and onto my pussy mound. The truth was there for me, everything had changed. Looking back I realized that my Patti and taken care of me from the time I woke, to the time I fell asleep. From deciding what I would wear each day, to what I had for breakfast to dinner as well.
I looked at the figure next to me in disbelief. I was now Minus One’s pet, and Minus One had arranged to have me inseminated.
Minus One slipped over to be on top of me, easing my legs apart. I was going to be fucked again, and this time it was Minus One’s choice. Penetration was slow and erotic, the shaft working its way deep into me. The shaft felt different now, more a joining, bonding kind of feeling.
I knew then that Minus One was correct in doing what needed to be done.
‘Yes,’ I thought, ‘starting my family seemed like a good idea after all.’