We spent the next two days exploring Tokyo as wide-eyed tourists. The sights, sounds, and smells of such a vast city with so much history was nearly overwhelming.
Playtime was limited as we kept ourselves busy. But that didn’t mean that Jan wasn’t able to find moments to tease me. From little whispers in my ear, to touching me or holding me with firm grips – she made sure to keep me under her watchful touch and gaze. It helped that she was also keeping me locked up every night. I would wake up having had my mind full of dreams of both pleasing Jan and being pleased by her.
The night before we were due to leave for Osaka, she sat me on the end of the bed, crawled up to the top of the bed and forced me to sit without touching myself, or her, while she began to pleasure herself in front of me. I could see how wet she was while my own cock ached inside the cage keeping it captive.
Jan’s moans were deep and intense as she edged closer and closer to climax, telling me that she had something planned for us when we arrived in Osaka. Speaking of how much she enjoyed her control over me. I deeply wished that I could feel my own orgasm building within me as her sounds filled the room. The intensity of the moment was heightened by Jan’s gaze, which stayed firmly fixed on mine throughout. With one final cry, Jan bucked and shuddered through a quick orgasm, while still managing to keep her gaze locked on me.
Our breathing began to return to normal, mine deep and fast simply from the ache of my cock in the cock cage and the joy of watching her pleasure herself. She left her legs wide open for me. Jan spoke about some of the details of her plan for Osaka. She told me that we would be visiting a traditional teahouse. But it was that night that she had something special planned. Despite my asking, or some might say begging, she kept tight-lipped about it all.
‘You’ll see,’ she purred, ‘you’ll see.’
The train journey to Osaka was as simple and enjoyable as could be. We shot along the countryside and reached our destination in what felt like no time. The city had a similar vibe to Tokyo but at the same time felt a lot more intimate in comparison. Our accommodation was simple and did the job.
We explored some temples and had a quick lunch until it was time to visit the teahouse. We arrived at the teahouse and were greeted by a beautiful Japanese host named Suki. My mouth was open at how beautiful she looked in light makeup and a traditional outfit. She welcomed us warmly and showed us to a small room with tatami mats on the floor. The room was filled with traditional artworks, scrolls and lanterns which gave it a peaceful atmosphere. The air was scented with incense, which only added to the overall ambiance. Suki brought in all of the items necessary for the tea ceremony which included matcha tea, sweets including mochi and senbei biscuits, as well as traditional utensils such as chasen (tea whisks) and chawan (tea bowls).
Suki proceeded to show us how to properly prepare the ceremonial grade matcha powder which involved whisking it into a thick frothy liquid before serving it into individual cups. Jan and I both looked mesmerised as Suki skillfully demonstrated her technique for preparing various drinks.
‘Very good for babies,’ she said in a matter-of-fact tone.
Her English was much better than we expected and we understood what she meant. I looked at Jan who was savouring the experience of the tea.
Suki offered us to extend our stay for some food if we would like. We gladly accepted the offer and were both ushered to another room.
After tidying up the various tea items, she stood and said, ‘I will change now. Please wait.’
We waited while making small talk about the different teas and began to smell food. Despite our lunch, I found myself to be starving and my mouth began watering.
Suki returned to the room and my jaw hit the floor. She was dressed in what could only be described as a “sexy kimono”. The kimono was made of light purple and black fabric with delicate floral patterns running along it. It clung to her body perfectly, moulding the curves of her figure and showing off her ample cleavage. The no-so-traditional clothing had been modified in an interesting way as there was a cut-out section in the front for nearly all of Suki’s breasts to be proudly on display.
I glanced at Jan who had a satisfied smirk on her face, knowing that she knew all along what would be waiting for us today. With a clap, another beautiful woman entered the room with a large tray and presented us with various dishes of sushi, tempura, grilled fish and vegetables.
We devoured the food while taking in the atmosphere created by Suki’s sexy attire mixed with the traditional teahouse setting. As the food was running out, Suki sat straight and began speaking.
‘Tonight, you will be a guest at my club. Jan, you know the rules.’ Her tone once again matter-of-fact, but now with a subtle hint of sexiness. She pointed to the doors to her left and said, ‘Go to the room and change.’
‘Yes, mistress Suki,’ Jan replied. I was in shock.
‘Um, yes… sorry… yes, mistress Suki,’ I stammered, understanding what was happening and quickly catching on.
We both stood. Bowed slightly and entered the room. Inside there were three racks of clothing, if you could call it that. They could be best described as “fetish clothing”. Much like the shop we visited in Tokyo. My shock was still apparent to Jan.
‘Don’t worry Tiger,’ she hugged me, ‘Suki will look after us. I thought it would be great for someone with far more experience to help guide me a little bit more. And who better than an absolute babe?’
I smirked and replied, ‘You’re not wrong there. I just wasn’t expecting this at all.’
We took a few minutes to peruse the racks before pulling out two outfits to wear. Jan was the first to choose as she pulled out a deep purple latex mini dress and asked me what I thought, holding it up to her body. All I could do was stare and nod in agreement. She stripped down and I got another surprise to see she was wearing a full set of tight black lingerie under her clothes. I was the luckiest man alive.
Once I had helped zip her up Jan helped me to choose and she settled on a similar tight latex dress with a pleated skirt that had a high neck and straps for suspenders. I tied up my hair in pigtails again, which was quickly becoming Jan’s favourite way of seeing my hair. I slide the dress onto me. Careful to make sure my caged cock didn’t tent out the skirt too much. Jan handed me some stockings which felt amazing as I rolled them up my legs and clipped them to the suspender straps. Next was a pair of low heels that were blood-red in colour. The two of us took another few minutes adjusting ourselves as we both looked in the mirror; Jan looked absolutely stunning in her outfit and I could feel my heart racing at the sight of her.
After we were ready, Suki reappeared now wearing stunning high heels, thigh-high laxtex stockings, and a latex outfit of her own showing off her figure in all its glory. I had to stop myself from staring. She smiled as she saw us in our outfits and began leading us outside to where a car with blacked-out windows was waiting.
We drove the short journey in silence and as we got closer it became evident that this was not going to be a typical club experience. Low glowing lights greeted us as we made our way in. Thumping music in another not-so-distant room and vibrant colors filled the rooms we could see with life while other patrons dressed in various fetish attire ranging from leather corsets to latex catsuits mingled around laughing and talking loudly. There were maybe two or three other men here from what I could see.
One was currently sat next to what I assumed was his mistress. He was dressed in a leather harness suit and attached to his neck was a coller and it was tightly held in her hand. His eyes were downcast.
On the other side of the room, my eyes fell on the scene of a very big Japanese lady with a small man over her knees. She was in the process of spanking him with a paddle. His cheeks were red which could be seen as he was wearing a pair of assless chaps and a mesh top. I stood transfixed until Suki grabbed both our hands and dragged us to the bar.
She ordered some drinks in her native tongue. This somehow made my already swollen cock swell even more.
We were given a full tour of the club, stopping in every room to take in all of the available activities and see that there was more going on in each room. There was a room for all forms of BDSM play, with various pieces of equipment like shackles, spanking benches, and other tools. In another room were two large cages, one with a selection of whips and crops, and the other containing several different types of bondage furniture. We passed by a special dungeon area which had a wide variety of props such as stocks and chairs set up for those into role-play or devilish games. We also passed through an exotic room that had beds covered in velvet sheets where members could explore their kinks to their heart’s content. Finally, we came across an area containing four smaller rooms used for more “private” exploration but with glass walls where other customers could experience voyeurism or simply watch others indulge in their own fantasies.
Next to these rooms was a large open shower room and some individual bathrooms for people to clean up, freshen up, or simply go to the bathroom.
‘Tiger. Go clean,’ said Suki. I was a little confused. I didn’t think that I was in need of a shower. I stood without moving.
Jan leaned over and asked if I had heard Suki. I said I did but didn’t understand.
Suki then slapped me on the face. It wasn’t hard but it was a shock as I wasn’t anticipating it.
‘Do I need to tell you again?’ she said.
I looked at Jan and back and Suki. She pointed to one of the shower cubicles. I entered and when I saw what was there I quickly understood. I was to give myself an enema.
I stepped in and closed the door. I unclipped the suspender straps, raised my dress and proceeded to open a fresh enema kit to clean myself. Preparing for this procedure with mixed emotions of trepidation and excitement, I carefully looked at the visual instructions and followed them to the letter. After a moment of preparation, I slowly inserted the lubricated tube into my anus while taking deep breaths to relax my body. The sensation was intense but as I let go off my body and tried to drift away in fantasies. It didn’t take long and when it was done I felt completely clean and relaxed from within.
I exited the shower feeling refreshed with an even greater sense of anticipation for what lay ahead. Jan gave me a hug and thanked me while Suki simply nodded her head in approval with a satisfied smile on her face. With that we returned back into one of the side rooms ready to embark on our journey together.
In this room was a bench with shackles at various points. Clearly, this was to tie someone down to. Suki proceeded to the bench and started to prepare it. She beckoned Jan over and was clearly demonstrating things to her.
It was my turn to go next. I slowly walked over to the bench and paused.
Suki looked up at me with a stern yet kind face and said ‘get in position.’
Not needing to be told twice felt my heart pounding as I hesitantly stepped forward, positioning myself on the bench. My stomach was on the cushioning padding and my knees on a lower level. My head and chest were at a 90-degree angle while my ass was out supported by my knees on the padded rest. I felt an adrenaline rush as I experienced the thrill of what was about to come, feeling completely exposed in this vulnerable position that seemed so erotic and inviting all at once. I waited expecting anticipation for whatever lay ahead, but not knowing exactly how Jan or Suki would use me or what might happen next.
Jan and Suki fastened my ankles and wrists to the bench. They worked as a team. Suki showed Jan various knots and kept her mouth close to Jan’s ear. As I lay there, I stared ahead at the large mirror on the wall. Trying to quell the sensation of my cock throbbing in its cage as these two beauties fastened me down. In the background I could see shadows of people walking by, most not paying any attention. Suddenly Jan stepped forward and took a long length of rope. She slowly wrapped it around my chest in an intricate weave which tightened as it went along until it was snugly tied against me through the latex. Each time she pulled, the rope dug in slightly, making me aware of its presence while still being comfortable enough to stay in place without causing me pain or discomfort.
Once she was done, Suki stepped forward in front of me and proceeded to strip down. She started off with her shoes, then her stockings and finally worked her way up to the tight-fitting dress that she was wearing. I watched in amazement as this beautiful woman revealed every perfectly toned curve of her body so close to me that I could practically smell her sweet scent. She lifted my chin with one hand, forcing me to watch as she stripped down completely until all that remained was a tight latex thong that barely contained all of her curves and assets and the shiny stockings. I felt a sense of embarrassment, unsure if I should be staring at this beautiful woman the way I was. Suki must have sensed my feelings and gave me a reassuring smile before Jan stepped in front of me.
‘What do you think Tiger?,’ she asked, not expecting an answer, she continued. ‘She’s beautiful isn’t she?’
With the limited movement I had I shook my head in agreement.
‘I’ve already learned so much from her since I’ve been in touch with her. This night is just the icing on the cake,’ she proclaimed.
Both Jan and Suki stepped to the left of me and Suki opened a box. I strained but couldn’t see what was inside. Jan and Suki took their time but eventually pulled out two red harnesses and various large dildos in some packaging.
I felt my heart pound and cock throb again as I watched Jan and Suki, expertly helping one another fasten their respective harnesses. After exchanging a knowing look of pleasure, they turned to me with wicked grins that promised all kinds of forbidden delights.
Jan and Suki stepped closer together, the strapon dildos resting between the both of them as they pressed against each other. Suki was the one to reach out first, grabbing Jan’s face in her hands and pressing her lips against hers. I felt a wave of pleasure flooded my body as I watched them taste each other, their tongues dancing together in a passionate frenzy. The jealousy that I thought I would feel wasn’t there. Instead, I felt a strong sense of pride with what was happening. I was comfortable that someone was showing Jan pleasure and teaching her the ropes. I chuckled at this pun in my head which caused them both to part. They parted but not without Suki giving Jan one final peck on the cheek.
‘Start,’ she told Jan.
Jan moved behind me and unclasped the straps attached to my stockings before pushing the dress up my hips as far as it would go. Suki pulled over a stool and sat in front of me, holding her thick red dildo in her hands, absentmindedly stroking it as she watched. In that moment, I had the fleeting thought of what it would be like to open my mouth and have her fill it with her dildo. That thought quickly evaporated as I felt Jan pour lube on my exposed ass.
‘Ooh, look at that,’ she exclaimed, ‘It is winking at me. You’re eager, aren’t you, Tiger?’
‘Yes, mistress… I am so ready for this.’ I muttered earnestly.
‘Good girl,’ said Suki in front of me.
Watching in the mirror I saw as Jan looked up and exchanged a glance with Suki and then locked eyes with me again. With that, I felt as two fingers started to slide slowly into me. My eyes instinctively closed and my mouth opened in pleasure as Jan began exploring my ass.
‘You’re doing very well,’ said Suki. ‘He wants it. Do you?’
‘Yes Mistress,’ I said meekly, embarrassed to make eye contact.
Jan fingered me slowly, occasionally stopping to add more lubrication. I wanted to rock my hips in the air, to try to meet her fingers, but the restraints wouldn’t let me.
‘That’s it, take it easy,’ said Suki. ‘You’re doing well, just relax and take it.’
As I felt my body give in to the feeling of Jan’s fingers inside me. I started to think that it may in fact have been easier than I thought.
Suki must have sensed my earlier thoughts as she stood and stepped in closer, holding the dildo in front of my face.
With a knowing smirk, she said, ‘Lick it.’
I felt my heart pounding in my chest, unsure at first whether I could do this. But to my surprise and pleasure, after a few moments of hesitation, I found myself eagerly licking the dildo as Jan continued to finger me. Every time her fingers entered me deeper and deeper, I lapped harder and more quickly at the dildo until eventually, all that was left were moans of pleasure from both Jan watching and myself.
‘Now suck,’ instructed Suki.
I opened my mouth and took the head of the dildo in. It was thick and I couldn’t take much but I tried my best.
Hearing a laugh as I strained my eyes up Suki was chuckling and looked at Jan.
‘He is a natural,’ she simply said.
Never in a million years would I think I would have envisioned myself sucking a dildo while my wife was preparing to fuck my ass.
I could feel Jan stand behind me, and Suki stepped away. The dildo made a slight pop as it left my mouth. Jan steadied herself and lined up the dildo with my ass. The gentle pressure of the dildo was mind-blowing as it began to press into me.
Taking a deep breath I opened myself up even more to her as she pushed it in slowly, inch by inch. As I felt it sink deeper into me, my body relaxed even further into the pleasure of the experience. Jan was gentle but firm as she pushed it further and further inside with slow deliberate thrusts that had me screaming out her name.
Suki stepped back in at this point, watching us intently as I experienced the sensation of being filled. She then stepped forward and grabbed hold of Jan’s hips and started guiding them until she was in a nice rhythm, moving in and out of me deeply. Jan and Suki stayed like that for what seemed like hours but was in reality probably only a few minutes.
As she guided Jan I could guess, but not fully see, that she had removed Jan’s panties and was grinding up against her. I assumed the dildo that I was sucking previously was pressing against her.
‘Tell me Jan,’ asked Sui, ‘Do you want to feel as good as Tiger?’
The anticipation in the room peaked as Jan slowed her movements as she was all the way inside me. My ass throbbed slightly at the slower motions and I felt some more pre-cum drip from my cage.
‘OH GOD,’ cried Jan.
I strained but couldn’t tell what was happening.
‘OH GOD. Yes! Yes, mistress!’ cried Jan again. ‘Oh tiger,’ she breathed as she bent over my back. ‘She’s pressing her fingers into me. I’m so wet.’
At this point, my ass was still filled with the strapon but very little movement came from Jan. Suki was clearly fingering my wife and Jan was lost in the sensations.
With a few more thrusts, Suki guided her strapon to Jan’s pussy and slid in with ease. This forced Jan forward as she bottomed out on me. Every thrust from Suki sent Jan forward which caused a wave of pleasure through my body and I felt myself edge closer and closer to orgasm. My breathing grew ragged as Jan finally found her rhythm. Suki pushed in and out faster and faster of Jan and the resulting pounding that my ass was enduring.
This continued until eventually with one final shuddering thrust, we both came together in a spectacular earth-shattering orgasm that left us all completely drained. My cock swelled and exploded cum out of my cage onto the bench below me. Jan was continuing to slide in and out of me as her own orgasm ripped through her.
We lay there panting for a few moments before I watched in the mirro as Suki pulled out of Jan which resulted in a satisfied groan and another shudder from her. She rounded the bench in front of me. I could see the dildo slick from Jan as she deftly pulled at the ropes holding me down and they fell away.
‘Good boy, or should I say girl,’ she smiled, her tough exterior completely gone and a caring look in its place. ‘Well done, you two,’ she remarked, wiping away some sweat from Jan’s forehead before kissing her on the lips.
She stepped back around the bench and knelt in front of me, pulling my head into her firm breasts.
‘Well done, Tiger. You did well.’ With that, she stroked my hair as my head rested on her chest enjoying the feeling of her soft body against my face.
Her breathing started to slow as her hand gently massaged my head. I could hear the faint sound of her heartbeat. I could smell her perfume mixed with her sweat and feel her soft skin against my face.
‘Good girl,’ she repeated, continuing to stroke my head and my hair. I felt completely relaxed. She started to whisper ‘Good Tiger’, into my ear a few times. ‘You’ve done very well. I’m so proud of you.’
‘Mhmm,’ I mumble back, unable to form words. Her breasts felt so warm and soft. I could feel her still-hard nipples pressing against my cheeks.
She let me up and I noticed that Jan had removed her harness and dildo, both of which were now in a basket on the floor. Without speaking I stepped to her and embraced her. All my love flooded into her in this moment that we had just shared.
Suki stepped back and grinned, saying, ‘Well, I think it’s time for a shower!’
Grabbing our hands and she led us out of the room towards a large bathroom at the end of the hallway. We entered and were immediately met with a spacious shower room, filled with multiple shower heads. Suki first walked to Jan and started to help undress her as I stood in awe of this moment. With ease, she stripped away what remained of Jan’s clothes until she was standing there completely naked.
Suki hugged her close before spinning around to me. She grabbed the dress that clung to me with sweat and we struggled until it eventually came away over my head and was quickly discarded onto the floor. This was the first time that all three of us stood nude in front of each other, Jan smiling as she looked between us both. Suki stepped forward and kissed me gently on the lips before moving away again to do the same to Jan. When she was done I grabbed Jan and kissed her deeply.
After finding a master key for my cage, Suki handed it to Jan who unlocked me and with the two glistening naked women in front of me I could feel my cock growing again.
As all the excitement of the last few hours was catching up to me, I felt my knees begin to buckle. Suki seemed to notice this and quickly directed us over to a showerhead, turning it on and waiting for it to warm up. Suki asked, ‘Who wants to go first?’
Jan stepped forward and put her hand under the running water. ‘Perfect,’ remarked Suki, and stepped in under the water shower with her.
Jan gently began to lather soap over Suki’s back, running her hands over her toned body. I on the other hand stood watching and staring with my mouth agape at the fact that my wife was running her hands over the firm body and ass of another woman.
‘I think you both need to pay me some attention,’ demanded Suki. ‘Both of you. On your knees.’
With a quick look between us we both obediently obeyed and dropped to our knees. Me in front of Suki and Jan behind.
Suki spread her legs slightly and looked down at me, ‘Start with my legs,’ she whispered.
I began to plant gentle kisses on her thighs before slowly moving up towards the inside of her legs. Jan mirrored every movement that I made, kissing the back of Suki’s legs while I kissed the front. We both worked our way up as Suki’s breathing started to deepen and quicken, until we reached her hips.
I continued to kiss my way up over her stomach while Jan moved to trace circles around Suki’s backside with her tongue before finally making her way between her ass chees. By now it was almost too much for us all as Suki moaned in pleasure and caught hold of our heads as we both continued our work on each side of her body. I dipped my tongue between her smooth folds as I could sense Jan diving deeper into her ass behind her.
The water continued to fall on us, but I could still hear the sounds of Jan clearly licking Suki’s ass. Her moans loudly filled the room as she pushed her ass backwards onto Jan’s face. I could feel her fingers digging into my head as my tongue traced her clit over and over. Suki’s moans increased as with worked together to attack her pussy and ass. With both our tongues working Suki over I could feel her shuddering with pleasure. Her legs shaking as she cried out.
She pressed herself against us harder as she violently shook before releasing our heads. Jan and I both sat back on our feet as she came down from her high while leaning against the wall.
After she had composed herself, Suki guided us back to our feet and we shared kisses amongst ourselves. Eventually, we all finished washing, my cock once again locked up and began dressing in normal clothes before being led to the entrance. The rest of the club had died somewhat down but people still remained in various states of undress and in different scenarios.
Outside, the night was dark and still.
‘If you ever come back,’ said Suki, ‘I would like to make you my slaves for a while. You both have so much potential.’
With a final kiss to us both, there was a feeling of peace and calm that surrounded us as we said our last goodbyes and were driven back home. each of us lost in our own thoughts. I felt relieved to be done with the night as I was so tired. I felt overwhelmed with gratitude for having had such an incredible experience.
Falling into bed a while later Jan and I embraced each other deeply. I stared into her eyes and without any need for words we drifted off to sleep.