Lipstick Lesbian – Part Two

"Not so much a liar now, just totally in denial…"

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Early to bed, early to rise. I repeated this mantra after Mora left me. I wanted to wake early to go for a jog to clear my head. Why the hell did I dream of being with Mora’s client? Why was I starting to question my sexuality after all these years being stubborn and most definitely straight? I didn’t know what was happening to me and after I finished my run. Contemplating life’s greatest questions, I jumped into the shower before getting ready for Mora’s day of teaching.

Applying the last layer of lipstick, I stood back to appreciate my outfit and make up. Today was a simple lunch. I did not understand how I could get paid for this, but I was instructed to dress casually and did as I was told. I eventually decided on a cream lace playsuit with brown tan gladiator sandals. My hair was curled and bounced with every step I made. My makeup complimented my outfit, simple and nude.

Just like you want to be with the client,” the repressed lesbian in the subconscious part of my brain jested.

I laughed at my own inner thought, and shook the idea from my head

Soon Mora was knocking at my door and as I let her in, I did a double take.

“You’re wearing the same thing as me!” I remarked while tugging a lapel on the collar.

“Shit, we need to be going in five minutes! Where’s your wardrobe?” She quickly ran to my bedroom and I followed, pissed that she was trying to change my outfit.

Well that is what I thought before she unzipped the playsuit and stood only in her skimpy underwear, a very girly floral bra and matching thongs.

“Mora, give me some warning next time,” I asked whilst covering my eyes. I was not a prude, by any means. Just with the recent feelings I was having I did not want to dream about my best friend.

Too late.

The image was burnt to my memory. Great! In the darkness of my hand covered eyes my brain started it’s own movie, with Mora the lead.

“Back to earth Tee, I’m dressed.”

She brought me out of my fantasy and I blushed over the sordid thoughts I had.

“Come on, time to meet our client,” Mora announced before wiggling her plump ass in the black skin hugging bandage dress.

“Goddamn tease,” I muttered just out of earshot. 


Mouth wide. Eyelids back. I adopted this position as soon as I felt myself mould into the armchair I sat in. This client meeting did not feel right at all. It was mid-afternoon and I sat in a trance from the hypnotic dance my friend was executing flawlessly, her hips swaying with fluidity, whilst she turned with the grace of a ballerina. This was the sordid dance of two lovers in their own world and I was just a mere fly on the wall.

It was practically like they had forgotten I was here. I was instructed before I went in the hotel room to sit and watch, which I did as I was told; she just failed to mention that they’d ignore my existence.

I soon phased out, my mind elsewhere in a fantasy of my own. The burnt in memory of Mora returned.

I was the client, the person my friend was dancing on, my gaze laying on her breasts with my hands everywhere else. I could imagine the feel of the soft, supple skin that laid beneath and I moaned. Mora would then push me down to the bed and slowly remove my sandals, brushing her hands down my legs to marvel the silky soft skin that awaited her. She would then kiss up each leg. Delicate kisses, almost like a feather. Then rather abruptly, she’d separate my knees, slowly inching closer and closer and then …

“Ahhhhh Mora!” screamed the client as I jolted right out of my fantasy.

“What the fuck,” I said, pissed that I had fantasied that. What was happening to me?

“What’s wrong Tee?” Mora asked as she turned away from her client’s moist offering.

“I’ve got to go, sorry.” I quickly stood and nodded to Mora that I was all right but very pissed off. I needed to get out, and I needed a stiff drink.

Yes! That was a good idea. This hotel had a decent bar that was not overpriced. One drink and it will clear my head. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to look at Mora again though.

I walked on shaky legs, the near orgasm I had almost experienced made me a little sensitive and the lace panties were not helping.

“Whiskey on the rocks please,” I asked the bartender. He quickly got to the order but I guess he would not take me for a whiskey drinker.

“Pretty little girl like you drinking stuff like that? I would have taken you as a cosmo kinda girl,” a man beside me said whilst I was served my drink.

Why the hell did I recognise that voice?

“Oh great,” I said when I met the face of Ken, my landlord.

“Ouch, nice to see you too,” he replied, obviously offended. I on the other hand didn’t care.

“What do you want Ken? Seriously, I am not in the mood.” I turned to my drink and took a swig of the amber liquid, feeling it’s warming journey down my throat.

“Shit, even when you drink you can turn a guy on.” Yuck, filthy man.

“Look, I was trying to enjoy this so,” I shot the remainder of my drink, “I’m leaving.”

I went to turn off the barstool but Ken’s fist clasped around my wrist.

“Up bup bup, you still owe me rent. So in a way you are in my debt. We could easily arrange something … else? You’re kind of dressed for the part anyway and you’ve probably slept for cash before.”

What the fuck? The actual cheek of him! My eyes went wide and before I knew it my free hand gripped his throat and my knee connected with his balls.

“Ahh you fucking bitch!” he screamed whilst security came to escort me out of the building. I was glad I was out of there but it meant I was also out of a home. 


My door slammed shut and my ass quickly connected with the cold tiled floor as I brought my knees into my chest. I always reverted into the foetal position when I was upset or angry and both resulted in me crying.

My shoulders were numb from the involuntary spasms of my crying. My eyes were sore from the mascara-tainted tears. I fucked up, really fucked up. I just know I am not going to apologise to Ken. No chance. I had way too much pride and I wasn’t some slut who would be there at his beck and call with the promise of money.

“How long have I been here?” I spoke aloud to the emptiness of my apartment.

“Long enough for me to finish with my client and get a taxi down here. Let me in.” Shit, Mora was here and at the other side of the door.

“Fuck,” I spat. She would have heard me, and the sound of me tripping over a lose floor tile.

“Just let me in, Tee.”

I sighed heavily, and released the catch on the door allowing her entrance to my apartment.

“Care to explain?” she asked as the door clicked shut.

“Nope.” I shook my head and went to the balcony. I hated the habit of smoking and kicked it in the ass for a good four months, but now was the moment I needed the packet I kept in the flowerpot outside.

“Talk to me Tee,” Mora warned as I lit the cigarette with a match.

“For one, why the fuck did you start eating that chick out? You said stripping, I didn’t know that meant sexual favours as well,” I spat at her. Okay I overreacted, as it didn’t bother me that much. I was too busy believing she was doing it to me.

“Look, I’m sorry. I completely forgot it was this particular client and it’s a special request she asked me to do and I agreed. I haven’t really been honest with you though. I am not a lesbian; I did not lie about that. I just failed to mention that I’m bisexual.”

Explains a lot.

“Hm, well. Explain why in the first ten minutes you were already on first course.” I sucked on the cigarette to calm my nerves; I hated the close proximity I was in with Mora after such an intense fantasy.

“Shut up, don’t think you got away scot-free. My client said she saw you with your eyes shut, and you looked as though you were panting. Explain that one Miss. I don’t like chicks.” She squinted her eyes and turned her head cockily to the side. She got me.


My silence answered all.

“So you did enjoy it! Oh my god!” She started to laugh, as I stayed shell-shocked.

Mora stood in front of me and bent so she was at eye level.

“Kiss me,” she muttered.

“What? No, you’re my best friend Mora,” I blurted, with no confidence at all in my voice.

She moved closer and I just stayed still. Her lips brushed mine and as soon as they did, I leapt up from my chair throwing the cigarette aside before I pushed my hands into her hair, taking her by surprise as well as ownership of the kiss.

Published 10 years ago

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