The reason why I never accepted an offer, or succumbed to the advances of one of the women I entertained was because I was straight, completely and utterly straight. I had never had a sexual experience with a girl, and the thought never crossed my mind, that was until I started university. That was when the real problems started.
Well that was the door, again, an angry landlord probably waiting at the other side most likely wanting the last two months’ rent.
“For fuck sake Hattie, this is the last time I do you a favour. Pay the money and everything will go back to normal,” he barked through the keyhole.
“Sorry Ken, I’ve been advised not to open the door as I’ve got the norovirus. It’s really infectious and I think I’m gonna … ” I stopped for emphasis as I mimicked gipping sounds as I pretended to throw up.
I screwed up my eyes and breathed a silent sigh as I just realised how far I had sunk, just so he’d lay off about the rent.
“I’m sick of your shit. Pay by Friday or get the fuck out,” he spat before I heard his heavy and repetitive footsteps walk away from my door and down the stairway.
I was relieved, elated in fact. That man was my saviour at times, although he was a perverted arse. He had given me a few days so I could get my act together and get some serious cash, hopefully before I lost my home.
“What are you going to do, Tee?” Mora asked when she rang, adding the nickname I’d acquired through my name and my love of Earl Grey Tea.
“I’ve no clue, Mora. I might as well just whore my body out, I might get a buck or two,” I sighed, deflated.
“Well funny you should mention that,” she quickly responded.
“What? No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. I was kidding, and it’s not even legal. I’m not some sort of prostitute.” I was slightly hurt she had even considered that career route for me.
“Wait, hear my out. You always jump to conclusions when what I have in my amazing mind could quite simply sort out your money problems, and social life,” she quipped before laughing.
“I have a social life!” I defended quickly, but she sniggered and continued.
“Yeah, okay then. I know I’ve never really divulged any information about my job or anything but it’s a lucrative business and one which I think you’d be amazing at.”
“Go on?”
“It’s simple really, be an escort.”
I scoffed; escorts were just a nicer way of saying prostitute and a legal title that won’t slap you with a jail sentence or community service.
“It’s the same goddamned thing,” I strained.
“It’s far from the same as a prostitute, you haven’t even let me finish. You wouldn’t just be any old escort, hired to do with as the client pleases. You’ll be arm candy for the businessmen; and women alike.” She added the last part quickly.
“Hold on. Women?” I inquired. “I’m not a lesbian Mona,” I added.
“I know Tee, neither am I. However, they are not like the sleazy, egotistical, chauvinistic pigs that usually hire escorts. Trust me, I feel like a queen when I’m hired by my usual, Casey. She’s an art dealer and always likes to hire me for company, and also a show.”
“So you have sex with her?” I was shocked; this was news to me.
“No, no. Again jumping to conclusions, there is such a thing as stripping you know! The client can’t touch and it’s the rules, agreed upon before the meeting even takes place. I may be a little lenient with the rules, but for you it’d be purely stripping.”
I stayed quiet for a while. I found the idea intriguing but I just didn’t think I could misguide people like that. I’d be a ‘fake’ and that’s what I spent my entire college life fighting and protesting against.
“You’d be great y’know?” she said, breaking the silence.
“And why, pray tell, would that be?”
“You’re flawless. You have perfect skin, a perfect smile; you’re just beautiful okay. You could be the angel from above or the seductress from below. Eeither one you’d be fantastic at and you’d get clients left, right and centre. Trust me, Tee, I’m a part of that world and know it like the back of my hand. You’d be perfect. You could even work for me if you wanted.” Her voice trailed off as I realised what she was saying.
“You have an escort agency? I’m your best friend and you keep something like that away from me,” I pouted and she laughed.
“Yes. However, I just offered you a job. I’ll help along the way. Heck you can even come with me on one of my usual appointments, so you can learn the ropes. Just consider it, okay?”
“I’ll do it.” I hardly believed the words came out of my mouth.
“Wait, what? Just like that, you’re accepting? You don’t even know the salary.”
“I don’t care. It’s better than being unemployed.”
We finished our long winded but surprisingly revealing conversation with plans to meet the following day. I had to dress sexy and mysterious. I was going to be an escort for women, and I was honestly a tiny bit excited.
I spent the next day preparing myself for our plans. I ran a bath and infused the boiling water with my favourite juniper and raspberry oils so it would create a fluffy white lather that would ease my apprehensive muscles.
Happy with my beauty regime, I stepped into my black lace panties, placed the suspender belt neatly on top before I rolled on a pair of black silk stockings, attaching them securely. I donned the matching black lace balcony bra to complete the section of my look. I looked in the mirror and simply gazed at the women standing before me. I refused to believe it was me. The suspender belt framed my tiny waist, whilst the panties hugged my hips. I loved my hourglass figure and it meant I had a pert backside as well as plump and full breasts. I guess I’m just blessed.
Adding the final touch of eyeliner my look was complete. My hair had dried with a natural soft wave and kissed my lower back as it fell. My black skater dress fell just below the tops of my stockings and framed my curves beautifully. I quickly adorned my favourite Ruby Red lipstick, as I pouted in the mirror barley recognising myself. My two expensive possessions, a pair of black Louboutin heels and a black Burberry trench coat completed my attire and I was ready to meet Mona, happy in my disguise.
I was running down the stairs so no one in the apartment building saw me, but as luck would have it, Ken was exiting his apartment.
“Hattie? Fuck,” he hissed, lust filling his perverted eyes as he examined me from head to toe.
“I’m late Ken, and thank you for giving me till Friday,” I smiled as I walked up and kissed his cheek leaving a slight smudge of red as I left.
I think the guy almost had a heart attack. As I turned through the revolving doors I saw him rearrange his snug jeans before breaking the trance and retreating to his room.
“Hattie! Oh my god, you look fantastic! Way to put a girl to shame,” she frowned as we embraced before sitting in the warm hotel.
“Thanks but you are tough competition,” I smiled and she beamed at the compliment.
She was right too; she was exactly like me, just of a Latino decent with dark skin and darker hair. She wore a tight backless dress and sandals that laced around her calves, emphasising their toned beauty.
“Admiring my shoes? She likes to watch me unravel them.” She nodded her head in a direction as if referring to the shoe before I could ask.
The woman who joined us was beautiful, no doubt about that. However, could I go lesbian for her? Nope. If that happened, she would have to be … Wait, what was I thinking? This was my job, not my way of life. I hadn’t even started and I was already reconsidering my life decisions.
“Okay, ready Hattie? All you have to do is sit and watch.” Mona said, already stepping from her seat to embrace her client.
“Sure.” I followed instinctively, trying to keep the screaming girl inside from escaping.
“You’re meant to slowly gyrate. You’re not in a bloody Miley Cyrus concert,” Mona chastised.
I could help it; the client was having a good laugh though. I’m so glad Mona warned her beforehand.
“Look hunny, I’ll guide you,” the client, who I found to be called Brenda, spoke.
“Oh, okay.” I froze when she grabbed my hips and started to move with me to the rhythm of the music.
Although I was terrified, I started to grasp what I was supposed to be doing and I was soon lost in my own world, where I was moving hypnotically, in a the calming unguided trance.
“Wooo, well done Tee. I’m so proud!” Mona cheered me on and broke the spell.
“W..What? Oh thanks.” I blushed.
“Come on, lessons over for today. I’ll meet you at your place okay Tee? I need to finish with my client.” The two women smirked at each other while I promptly threw on my coat and left the suite.
“There’s something that girl isn’t telling me,” I thought aloud as I made my way to my apartment.
She grabbed my hips and thrust into me, this time not teaching me how to sway my hips. This was the sordid dance of two lovers, a plastic appendage, the accomplice which delivered the relentless onslaught.
I moaned, begged, pleaded for release. I was edging closer and closer, seeing the top of the cliff I was about to throw myself over in the horizon.
Ever so slowly moving closer and closer … .
“What the!” I woke with a sweat drenched forehead to the banging of my front door.
“Tee let me in!” Mona shouted.
I sat up from my couch and felt betrayed by my own body. How would I explain this happening? I’m straight goddamn it! Now all I can remember is Brenda fucking me.
I undid the latch and opened the door to two arms flying around me,
“Nice to see you too,” I choked. The women was strong.
“You are bloody amazing! My client paid double because she got to teach you, apparently they get off on that sort of thing! Ahhh!” She squealed whilst still choking me.
“Brain. Deprived. Oxygen. Can’t. Breathe.” Mona released me and I breathed in the sacred air I required.
“Sorry. Here’s you share anyway, nice work,” she said.
“But Mona, I didn’t do anything. How can I accept payment for being taught how to dance?”
“Easily, and you didn’t just get taught how to dance. You made my client’s evening. She thrust money in my face and who was I to refuse it? Buy yourself something nice. We’ve got a day visit tomorrow. Oh and get some sleep, you look terrible.”
I gawked at her and she just laughed, little did she know her client was the star of my wet dream and the reason I looked like crap.