Line Steppers – Episode 4 – Making Moves

"Maya tries to come to grips with Tyrone's news. Their father/stepfather returns from his mini-vacation."

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The second biggest workout Maya’s facial muscles engaged in outside of her busy day of fucking came from the multitude of expressions she coursed through after the bombshell Tyrone just dropped.

“Excuse me, moving out?” She sat up fully and scooted to the edge of the bed until her feet touched the floor. “Moving where?”

“To my mom’s.” Tyrone zipped up a suitcase, then padded in Maya’s direction and sat next to her. “There’s a community college close there that’s got a communication studies course I’ve been interested in for months now.”

“Wow, this is something you… thought about for a minute, huh?” Maya’s face dipped.

“Yeah. Always kept brushing it off, thinking it was a waste of time. Dropping out of college and second-guessing my decision to didn’t help my confidence either.”

“Does she know you’re coming?”

“Yep, I called her, and she fussed about me calling after midnight – When she realized I was okay, of course.”

“Well, duh, calls that late only come if something bad happened.”

Tyrone lifted her chin. “Hey, you cool?”

“Yeah, it’s just…” Maya stood and walked toward the one completely packed suitcase and haversack on the ground, then turned to look at him. “I feel like for the first time in a really long time, we were on the same page – If even for just a bit.”

“Better to end things on a high note, I guess?” Tyrone hopped to his feet and padded toward her, then placed his hands on her shoulders. “I mean, it’s not like I’d vanish from your life completely. We can still talk over the phone and shit.”

“I just had some of the best sex of my life…”

“Aight-aight.” Tyrone smiled and nodded.

“Don’t let ya melon get too big. It’s already big enough.”


“Being serious now: I don’t know, maybe you’re right. We’d probably just grate on each other’s nerves again.”

“Plus, fucking around while living in the same house… with Dad. Not the greatest idea.”               

Maya sighed. She figured it was just her luck for this to happen as soon as she felt a semblance of peace. Not wanting to turn Tyrone into a full egomaniac by informing him, but it actually was the best dicking down she ever had. He didn’t need that knowledge though, because mystery was good for the soul.

“Well,” she said, “I’m glad for you, taking your life into your own hands for once. You know it’ll be a while before school starts, right?”


“I think it’s the second semester now.”


“Plus, there’s no guarantee they’ll let you in.”

“Damn, you glad for me or trying to talk me out of it?” He raised a brow.

“Sorry… sorry, you’re right, I’m sorry.”

“Hey, it’s alright.”

Maya held Tyrone’s hands, and they both peered down at the connection and then up simultaneously as if their brains linked via Bluetooth. Their smirks synchronized, and she giggled, then looked at the bed, then at him.

“You uh…” Tyrone glanced over his shoulder, then at her. “… wanna go a final round?”

“My pussy has taken enough of a pounding for the day, thank you very much.”

“We only had sex once.”

“I was out with Dee and friends, remember?”

“Should I be jealous?”

Maya shook her head, then released his hands and sauntered over to his bed, removing her oversized tee. “You didn’t do what I told you earlier.”

“And what was that?”

“I wanted you to finish on my face, but you nutted on my ass instead.”

“Heat of the moment.”

Maya dropped back first onto the bed and beckoned him with her fingers so he followed, and she instructed him to straddle her. Tyrone hovered over her with his knees on either side of her arms and the expanding column of his big cock over her chest and neck. As it grew, the pink head rounded out, and she stared into the eye, which would shed the creamy tears of lust she craved, and hopefully not a moment too soon.

“So how you wanna do this?” Tyrone asked.

“Just beat off until you hose me down.” Maya licked her lips, then opened her mouth wide and maintained her stare.

“Damn.” Tyrone’s dick jumped. “I got a better idea.” He reclined, sucked his first three fingers, then used the tips to massage her clit and labia. Maya cooed and closed her eyes, absorbing the electricity that sparked in her nether regions upon his touch. He massaged in unpredictable arcs, which left her expectations bewildered. She honestly thought her orgasm counter shut shop for that night, but Tyrone proved that wrong as pressure built within her loins, and the precipice soon approached.

“Shhiiit!” Maya bucked like a Cowboy breaking in a wild horse. After her orgasm sent her into orbit, she tapped him to knee-stand briefly so she could free her arms, and he sat down onto her midsection. She spit into both palms and proceeded to two-hand stroke his cock In opposing revolutions while kissing the tip. His pink head mushed against her pinker lips on several smooches, and when his breathing quickened, she widened her maw and pointed his bulbous glans in its open direction.

“God, shit, fuck!” A low growl emanated from his diaphragm as ropes lined her from hair to nose hook. Some landed on her cheeks, lips and chin, with the remainder dripping into her cavernous mouth as she giggled, then closed and swallowed.

“I love how vocal you are.” She gaped her mouth to show the absence of his seed, then smiled. “I hate when guys think they’re too cool or stoic to make a lil noise. Like hello, I wanna know I’m making you feel good.”

Tyrone’s breathing regulated almost to normalcy, and he caressed her cheek, then twirled her long, dark hair between his fingers. “Shit feels too good sometimes for pretense.”

“Word.” Tyrone leaned over and kissed her forehead again, then got off of her and the bed.

“Help me finish pack?”

Maya sat up, wiped her mug with her shirt and bit her bottom lip. “Sure, why not.”


The jeep backing into the driveway meant one thing and one thing only: Dad was home. Tyrone preferred to not have the upcoming conversation, but he had enough of putting things off and avoiding difficult situations. The time to man up had arrived.

When the door opened, in came his father, rolling two large suitcases and wearing a frown. From the dour entry, Tyrone could tell he was well-prepped and ready to lay it all out on him.

“Son…” His father put the suitcases to stand, “… we need to talk about what happened when I wasn’t here.”

Although Tyrone knew what he meant, for a moment, the thought of his father referencing the previous twelve hours sent a shiver through his nervous system. A ridiculous notion, of course, so he steadied himself for the reality – a wasteful, ineffectual lecture.

“I told you to look out for your stepsister, and you failed. All you had to do was make sure she didn’t get herself into anything she wasn’t supposed to, but you couldn’t even do that.”

“Dad, I have something to tell you.” Tyrone straightened his posture.

“More important than the conversation we’re having now?” His father hunched forward while furrowing his brows and placing his hands on his hips.

“As a matter of fact, yes.”

Tyrone’s dad rocked back with a guffaw, staring into the heavens, but when he returned to Earth and saw Tyrone’s expression unchanged, his face went neutral. “Oh, you were being serious?”

“Yes.” Tyrone shifted around and cleared his throat. “I’m moving in with Mom.”

His father stood motionless, and briefly, the 2016 mannequin challenge had arisen from the dead. As if working with an out-of-date operating system, he finally unfroze and said laughingly, “And what are you gonna do differently over there than you’re doing here?”

“Gonna try school again – Communication studies.”

Another guffaw escaped his old man. “You don’t communicate here!” He shook his head and widened his gaze as if still believing this section of conversation was a rib.

“That’s because you don’t care about what I have to say… like right now.”

“Now you listen here.” Tyrone’s father got serious. “I’m your father an–”

“And you don’t believe in me. So alright, I messed up and dropped out of college. I’m lost, so what? I’m young and trying to figure this stuff out. All of it. It… it’s hard, but I really wanna try my best this time.”


“I know you’ve given up on me, but I can’t give up on my damn self.” Tyrone’s voice rose. “I can’t. I just can’t. Sitting around, doing nothing all day?” Tyrone pointed at the couch and TV. “That’s no way to live. So okay, you’re not wrong about that. But you are about your son being a loser.”

“I never said that.”

“Everything you say doesn’t come out of your mouth, Dad.”

The atmosphere grew sterile to the point an ant’s sneeze would’ve resonated.

“How’re you getting there?” Tyrone’s dad spoke barely above a whisper.

“Maya’s giving me a ride.”

His father went to question it, but Maya appeared from her room in daisy dukes and a tight blue midriff.

“Hey, whoa-whoa, where you going wearing that now?” her stepfather asked.

“Giving Tyrone a ride like he said.” She closed the distance and held her stepfather’s hand. “Also, Dad, I’m eighteen now. Making Tyrone responsible for what I do isn’t fair, and you know that. I’m legally an adult.”

“What the hell is going on here?”

“I’ll text you when I get him there.” She tip-toed and kissed her stepdad’s cheek, then skipped out through the door. Tyrone disappeared into his room and rolled out with his suitcases and haversack over his shoulders.

“Wish things could’ve been different,” Tyrone said. “This doesn’t mean I hate you. I still love you, just hated that you stopped believing in me.” He exited the premises, closed the door gently and shut his eyes tight, fighting any tears that dared form. As much as his father got on his nerves, he truly meant every last word he spoke.

After loading up his luggage, he jumped into the passenger seat and observed an already buckled-up Maya, ready to go.

“You sure an Uber or taxi wouldn’t be better for this?” he asked. “This is gonna be a two-hour drive at least.”

“Hell no, we’re family.” Maya shuddered. “Okay, probably the worst phrasing, considering what we did last night.”

“True, let’s maybe ease up on the ‘F’ word for a bit.” He swiveled his palm from north to south, and they shared a laugh.

“Plus, I can’t give you my farewell present if you caught either of those.”

“And what is my goodbye present, pray tell?”

Maya swung the engine and looked over at him while folding her lips inward. “Threesome with me and Dee.”

“Ayo, what?!”

Published 9 months ago

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