When Tyrone woke up, the TV still ran old cartoons; thus, he picked up the remote and clicked it off. It wasn’t like he contributed to the light bill, so better to avoid exacerbating the argument that would follow on that front. The remote switched places in his hand with his mobile, where he saw several missed calls from his father. Dealing with him was something he had no desire to rush, so instead, he opened Instagram and scrolled his feed to enjoy some eye candy.
Getting high sent his libido into overdrive, but he couldn’t finish masturbating earlier when watching lewd videos, so he rested. Hot women on Instagram at least stimulated his imagination, which he found more intriguing. The plethora of skimpy bathing suits and booty shorts proved top-tier. One fine pair of unexpected ass cheeks that popped up belonged to Maya, who from observation, took a picture with her bestie, Dee; hands on their knees, round bottoms pushed out toward the camera and sticking their tongues out at each other. Dee wasn’t a big girl, but her bubbly, compact ass encased in pink booty shorts with the lower portions of her glutes exposed caused his cock to jump. He didn’t know how her plump labia didn’t tear through the fabric but dreamt that sampling her must’ve been synonymous with heaven. He pulled his meat out and slowly stroked, imagining her pants peeling over her juicy, caramel buns, dick-slapping them, then slipping into her steamy cunt. Freshly, eighteen? That had to be volcanic-type heat.
Then he looked over to Maya.
He paused his stroking to soak in his step-sister’s nude, light brown booty jutted out as a string of denim flossed her crack so well, it blotted out the bikini bottom thong underneath. The jeans were ridiculous, but the intended appeal didn’t escape him. Their bagginess made him chuckle, but when he refocused on her buttocks, a moment slipped into his recesses where he wondered if anyone had the pleasure of hitting it from behind. His cock jumped at the thought of his stepsister’s ass rippling and someone holding her slim waist as they pounded her. The stroking he paused after taking his eyes off of Dee slowly resumed for Maya, but then he hopped to a standing position, yanked his pants up and threw his phone onto the couch.
“Fuck! The fuck is wrong with you, you fucking sicko?” He slapped himself several times and shook his head while pacing up and down with a disgusted countenance. That’s when his phone started to ring.
Who the fuck is this now?
He picked it up and groaned at the caller ID. It then occurred to him that what he just saw on the internet, the person calling may have seen, too. But they didn’t have social media, so they couldn’t have seen, right? He answered.
“Hey, Dad.”
“Tyrone, what is this nonsense I’m seeing on the web?”
Tyrone stayed silent for a while and asked, “What are you talking about?”
“Boy, don’t play dumb with me.” His father’s annoyance rose. “Why is Maya’s backside all over the goddamn Instagram or whatever ya call it?”
Tyrone facepalmed. “Alright, look, what happened wa– ”
“No! Everything’s an excuse with you, and I don’t wanna hear any more of them. I told you to keep an eye on ya sista, and ya didn’t.”
“That’s not true. I told her not to leave wearing that, but she went ahead anyway.”
“I thought I told you I didn’t wanna hear any damn excuses?”
“Dad, come on.”
“We’ll talk about this when I get home tomorrow.”
“Wait, you don’t have IG. How’d you see what she posted?”
“My new girlfriend that ya don’t care for showed it to me on hers. You know I ain’t got time with that nonsense.”
Tyrone audibly sighed.
“Should’ve known you not liking her meant she was good company to have around.”
“Dad…” The line disconnected. Tyrone sent a text to Maya, which said, “Thanks a lot,” and he closed the app, throwing the phone onto the couch for the second time that night. It seemed the universe enjoyed messing with him because moments after, Maya unlocked the front door and waltzed in.
“What’s your problem?” she asked. “Why’re you looking at me like that?”
“Guess who just tore me a new asshole.”
She checked her messages and saw Tyrone’s. “What were you thanking me for?”
“The new asshole I got thanks to ya lil booty pic on IG.”
“No way.” She shook her head in confusion. “Dad doesn’t go on social media.”
“Yeah, but his girlfriend does.”
“Shit.” Maya bit her lip and squeezed her eyes tight. “I don’t get it, though. I’m eighteen now, so what gives?”
Tyrone walked up to her, furrowing his brows and shaking both fists in front of him. “For a girl that kills it with her grades, you ain’t got a lick of fucking common sense.”
“Fuck you.”
“No, fuck you! All you had to do was listen, but nooo. Now that man has another reason to be mad at me.”
“Hey, I’m my own woman now and can wear what I want.”
“Your own woman.” Tyrone rocked back in laughter and walked a few steps off before turning around and getting right in her face. “You just turned eighteen, and suddenly, you’re this big adult now? That’s not how it works. You’re still in high school under the man’s roof. But go ahead. Tell him you’re your own woman.”
“I will.” Maya stormed off.
“You do that. Dumbass.”
“Ya know…” Maya sauntered back into frame, “… you got a lot of nerve to call me that after dropping out of college and not even bothering to look for employment. Now you’re acting like you wanna spank me for misbehaving.”
“Yeah, well, maybe I should!”
Maya’s eyes widened, and she looked down and folded an arm across her torso, holding the elbow of its opposite that lay straight at her side. Tyrone also averted eye contact, then brushed past her, heading to his room.
“Fuck this,” Tyrone said with his voice lowered and calm. “I’m done talking to you ‘cause you don’t care about anybody but ya damn self.” Those words came while he backed her and entered his room, slamming the door.
For the following thirty minutes, Tyrone lit up another bowl and watched funny videos on YouTube to destress. Two doors slammed, which he assumed belonged to the bathroom and Maya’s bedroom. He scoffed and continued with his videos, but halfway through an amusing skit, a background noise ran parallel. He thought it was part of the entertainment, but after it finished, the noise continued – buzzing, to be precise. He shrugged and went to click another video until another noise, which could only be interpreted as moaning, began.
“What the hell? She serious right now?”
Her decibels increased, so Tyrone shouted, “Hey, keep that shit down!”
“I’m selfish, so that means I don’t give a shit who hears me getting a nut!” She continued moaning after and slipped a few cuss words. Tyrone reared to shout again but decided against it when his scope caught the baby oil sitting on top of his counter.
“Two can play at this game, bitch.”
He snatched the bottle and switched to the browser for the video he bookmarked earlier. When he clicked play, the loud, slapping flesh from the onscreen backshots filled the space along with the woman’s wails. Tyrone removed his pants, poured oil on his cock and stroked while watching glossy, dark-skinned cheeks bouncing to his delight. In that moment, he wished to plow into the pornstar’s big, jiggly backside. The grunts and growls he’d usually keep under wraps because of his housemates flew out the window as he fully expressed his auto-erotic pleasures.
“Yeah, take all that, you sexy muthafucka.” The slippery fap-fap masturbatory sounds, plus the growling, were loud enough that Maya had to have heard him.
“Fuck, this feels good,” Maya moaned through the walls. Tyrone tried to remain focused on the porno, but Maya’s vocals, accompanied by him visualizing her facial expressions and positioning, interested him. His stroking split between the video and his imagination of her, but he tried to shake it off to pay attention to the former.
His orgasm drew closer, so he held off for a few seconds and resumed. The buzzing from Maya’s room ceased as well as her moaning. Had she already finished? Unlikely as he heard no grand finale. No way, after all of her loud moaning, that screaming her head off from climaxing would fail to occur. Maybe she realized that he couldn’t be outdone and gave up. Her performance aimed to get under his skin, but it worked differently than expected. Quite pleased with himself, he smiled and calmly stroked, no longer incentivized to put on a show.
Maya flung his bedroom door open.