Lindsey’s Story Pt 2

"Lindsey and Alexis meet up with the two men."

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The next day at work, Lindsey’s friends commented on how much they had liked Alexis and hoped she would join them again. They said they would be happy to have her go clubbing with them some time as well. Karen gave Lindsey a wink and asked if the ride home to Alexis’s was fun. Lindsey felt her face turn red and said it was just fine. The other girls laughed and she felt herself getting even redder.



Karen patted Lindsey on the back and said, “It’s ok hun. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. It was pretty obvious she seemed rather into you.”


“But it wasn’t like that! I just drove her home. We had a drink and just talked for awhile. Nothing happened. Really.”


Marie said, “OK, if you say so. But there would be nothing wrong if something did.”


All of this talk got Lindsey to thinking. More than ever, she wanted to be with two men. Alexis’s description of the feeling of two men inside her at the same time sounded wonderful. She had experienced it a bit with her toys, but Alexis had said it was so much better with actual men. She decided that she would take Alexis’s advice and try it with some larger toys, trying to stretch herself out a bit. If she ever did get together with two guys and was unable to take one in her ass, she would die of embarrassment.


At the same time, she could not get the kiss off her mind. And what Alexis had meant by her comment about pursuing the kiss further. Actually, she knew exactly what the comment implicated. She just was not quite sure why Alexis thought she might be interested in something like that. She never had considered herself to be gay or bisexual. She had had a friend in high school who was a lesbian and had never felt anything sexual towards her, nor had her friend ever made any advances toward her.


Oh well, one thing at a time. That weekend, Lindsey saw an ad for a place called Love’s Lane. It was advertised as a place where fantasy clothing and sexual toys could be purchased. It sounded very respectable; certainly better than the adult bookstore where she had purchased the other two toys. So while she was out running errands, she found the store nearest her and stopped in.


The store was bright and clean. There was a large selection of sexy underwear and other lingerie, both men’s and women’s items. There was other costuming as well and a large selection of various toys. Lindsey started looking at all the toys and was completely lost. A sales person came over and offered her assistance. Though embarrassed, Lindsey managed to explain what she was looking for and finally decided on a variety pack that included five different toys.


When she got home, she could barely wait to try them out. There were two butt plugs, both larger than the one she already had. There was also a set of beads and two vibrating dildos. Both vibrators were soft, rather than the hard plastic of her original toy. After she put away her groceries, she got out the new toys and stripped naked. She felt positively decadent doing this in the middle of the afternoon.


Lindsey took Alexis’s advice and used her well lubed fingers to stretch herself out a bit, then inserted the smaller of the two vibrators. It slid right in. She began fucking her ass and between the feel of the soft skin-like dildo and the vibrations, soon climaxed. She removed the vibrator and inserted the larger butt plug. It was a bit hard when the widest part of the plug reached the ring of muscles, so she removed it and added more KY to it. This time, it slid in much easier and was soon deep insider her ass. Then she climbed on top of the dildo suctioned to the chair and rode herself into another orgasm.


She felt she was ready to at least try it with two men now. If she had difficulty, she could always just let them take turns fucking her pussy, or she could give one a blow job. Then she began to wonder how to go about attracting two guys, and also wondered if either of them would actually be into anal sex. Though they had discussed the subject in general, Alexis had not gotten real specific about the details. Lindsey decided she would have to talk to Alexis more about that as soon as she had the chance.


Due to an approaching deadline on a project at work, everyone was working overtime, so no one was able to go out for over a week. Lindsey did stop in at the bar one night for a quick drink, but Alexis was not there. When the project was finally done, they all went out to celebrate. They were at the bar for over an hour when Alexis came in. She came over to the tables where they were all sitting. She kissed everyone hello, but it seemed to Lindsey that her kiss was just a little longer than the others.


They all had a very good time and the next day at work, everyone was just a little quieter than normal. Since it was Friday, their boss came over and told them they could all leave early. The group headed for one of the clubs that had a buffet and early happy hour. After several rounds of drinks, they decided to call it an early night and leave. With the overtime everyone had been putting in, personal errands had been neglected and they all had things to do on Saturday.


Lindsey ran her errands and cleaned her apartment. There was laundry to be done and floors to be washed. After some chores were finished, she took a break to have something to eat. She was almost through when her phone rang. It was Alexis wondering if Lindsey wanted to meet her for a drink at the bar. Lindsey said that would be nice, so they made plans to meet in a few hours. After she completed her chores, Lindsey took a shower and selected a pair of jeans and a clingy pullover shirt to wear. She was about to walk out the door, when she decided to throw the bottle of KY into her purse.


Alexis was already there when she arrived. She was really glad Alexis had called, since she had all these new questions to ask her. Alexis greeted her with a smile and another kiss. Again it seemed like the kiss was just a little longer than it needed to be. Alexis’s hand also brushed against Lindsey’s breast and it did not seem accidental. From the look on Alexis’s face, she was up to something and Lindsey wondered just what it was. She was to find out very soon.


They ordered a drink and Alexis began, “Do you remember those two guys you saw me with that first night?”


“Yes I do. It was watching the three of you and that got me started down this road in the first place.”


“Well, they were in here again last week. We hooked up again and afterward started talking about some things. I kind of mentioned I had a friend with a fantasy about being with two guys at the same time. They were very interested in hearing more.”


Lindsey turned red, “OMG! You told them about me? Oh my God. What did they say?”


“Take it easy. I did not give them any other details. I just said it was kind of a recent fantasy, and that my friend might like to meet them and talk.”


“What did they say? Are they going to come here tonight? This is so embarrassing! I don’t know…..”


“There is nothing to be embarrassed about Lindsey. They were very understanding. And they won’t come unless you want to meet them. If you want, I have their number. They are waiting for me to call and let them know if you are interested in meeting them. If they come, there will be no pressure. If you feel uncomfortable with anything they do just tell them to stop, or give me some sort of signal and I will put an end to it.”


“I would not even know how to start.”


“Just talk to them Lindsey. You’ve talked to guys before, right? Maybe even picked a guy up in a bar or somewhere? This is no different.”


“I suppose. But it is different. I’ve never been with two guys, and what about you if I go with them?”


“Well, I’ve thought about that as well. If you want to go off with them alone, I will just fade out of the picture. Or, if you are not sure about being alone with them, we can make it a foursome. You would still have the chance to be with both of them, either one at a time or both together.”


“And it would be up to me?”


“Yes. So what do you say, should I call them and tell them to come over or not?”


“Yes, go ahead and call.”


About 20 minutes later, the two men walked into the bar. Lindsey felt herself immediately get nervous and turn red again. Alexis moved over one seat and after each of them greeted her with a kiss, they took a seat on either side of Lindsey.


The guy to her left introduced himself as Brad, and the one on her right said his name was Tom. Tom bought a round of drinks for everyone and they decided to move to a quiet table in a dark corner of the bar. Lindsey sat in against the wall, Tom and Brad on either side of her and Alexis sat opposite her. At first it was mostly just general bar type talk, but slowly the subject turned to sex. Both guys started getting closer to her and rubbing her arm and her back. Brad began to lean in closely and talk softly in her ear.


“So, I hear you want to experience two guys at once, baby. Feel a cock in your pussy and one in your ass. Would you like that?”


Tom had his hand on her thigh and was rubbing it, slowly working his way up her leg. He leaned in and licked her ear, then kissed her neck. Brad kept whispering things into her other ear. All this was having an effect on her. Lindsey felt herself open her legs ever so slightly, but Tom noticed and immediately moved his hand so it was now right on her pussy. He was softly rubbing it and Lindsey felt herself getting wet. Brad reached over and turned her head toward him and gave her a long slow kiss on her lips.


“We’d love to get out of here with you baby,” Tom whispered in her other ear. He had increased the pressure on her pussy and she was sure the wetness could be felt through her jeans by now. Brad had moved closer and had his hand under her blouse and was rubbing her stomach. The tips of his fingers were just at the edge of her bra. Lindsey felt herself nodding her head. She looked over at Alexis who stood up and said she was going to the ladies room. Lindsey got up as well and said she needed to make a stop there too.


”Well, you seem to be doing ok. Do you like them Lindsey? They seem quite taken with you.”


“Yes, they both seem nice and quite frankly, they have gotten me rather worked up! But what do I do now?”


“Do you want to go off with them? Or would you be more comfortable if we all went back to my place?”


“I just don’t know. But I think I would be more comfortable if we all went back to your place. Is that ok?”


“Sure, I’ll take care of it.”


Then girls walked back out to the table where the guys were sitting. They sat down and Alexis said that maybe they would all be more comfortable back at her place.


“You remember the way boys? Lindsey, can I grab a ride with you?”


They all got into their respective cars and drove the three blocks to Alexis’s townhouse. On the way over, she tried to assure Lindsey that the guys would not do anything she did not want to do. If she was uncomfortable, they would just do something else or stop altogether. She should just relax and enjoy the experience. When they arrived, Tom paired off with Alexis and Brad turned his attentions to Lindsey. Alexis had some beers for Tom and Brad, while the girls had some wine. It was not long before they were all making out and articles of clothing were being removed.


Alexis suggested they move into the bedroom where she had a king size bed. The remaining clothing was soon removed and the guys began playing and licking the girls clits and fingering their pussies. Alexis reached over and began squeezing Lindsey’s breast, then leaned over and kissed her. Lindsey found herself responding to Alexis’s touches and also to Brad’s attentions. It was not long before both girls climaxed. Brad continued playing with Lindsey’s pussy and she barely noticed when Alexis quietly got up and left the room. She was only vaguely aware of her return to the room where she placed something on the night stand and then left again. Tom soon began to play with her tits, sucking and squeezing them. She reached over and began stroking his cock. He moved into position so she was able take it into her mouth and soon it was very hard.


Tom rolled over onto his back and Lindsey straddled him, lowering herself onto his cock. She was very wet and had no problem taking it into her. Brad moved over and put his cock near Lindsey’s mouth and soon he was hard as well. She was sill riding Tom and Brad moved behind her. She felt Brad’s tongue between her cheeks, then felt something wet and warm dripping down her ass. A finger soon penetrated her ass and then a second. More of the lube was added, then she felt the tip of Brad’s cock pressing against her hole.


She relaxed her muscles to allow him access. He pushed in an inch or so, then back out. He squeezed more lube and pushed in again. This time his cock entered her completely. He began to move his cock slowly in and out of her, while Tom matched his pace. Tom was also playing with her tits, pinching and pulling on her nipples. Lindsey could not believe the amazing number of different sensations she was feeling. While she had had her tits sucked on before, it had always just been gentle play.


The pinching Tom was applying to her nipples was not that hard, but it was just enough to make her wince a bit. But each squeeze also made her pussy twitch. That along with a cock stroking her pussy and another stroking her ass, and she soon found herself tensing up into one of the most amazing orgasms she had ever experienced. Both men slowed their actions a bit until she caught her breath, then began to fuck her hard once again. It brought her right back up and within just a few minutes, she had another incredible orgasm. This time she heard both Tom and Brad begin to breathe heavier and felt both of them get even harder.


She could feel the pulses in her pussy as Tom’s cock filled her with his cum. She felt the warmth in her ass as Brad did the same. After both men came inside her, they slowed their strokes once again, and she could feel them slowly getting softer inside her, until they finally both slid their cocks out. Lindsey rolled over next to Tom, while Brad lay on the other side of her. Both men kissed her. Tom asked her if she was ok.


“So I hope we did not disappoint you on your first time,” Tom said.


“Yeah, we are honored you let us be your first,” Brad added.


“You two were fantastic and that was the most amazing sex I have ever had in my life!”


“Mmmmm, so maybe we can do this again sometime?”


“Well, that is a distinct possibility.”


Brad got up and went into the bathroom while Tom dressed and went out to the living room. Brad returned, grabbed his clothes, dressed and left the room as well. Lindsey got up and went into the bathroom to clean up as best as she could. She put on her panties. But her jeans, shirt and bra were still in the living room. She was just about to walk out when Alexis walked into the room with them. She handed then to Lindsey along with a glass of wine. Lindsey noted that she had not gotten dressed, but was wearing a short silk robe, tied at the waist.


She climbed onto the bed and sat down cross legged. Lindsey immediately saw that she had nothing on under the robe. Alexis had a glass of wine and patted her hand on the bed next to her as she took a sip of the wine. Lindsey put her bra on, but did not have her shirt or jeans on yet. She set her clothes down and climbed onto the bed, placing herself opposite Alexis. She took a large gulp of her wine.


“So, did you enjoy yourself tonight?”


“It was amazing! I never thought it would be that enjoyable. Just the feeling of having them both inside me…, well I just never would have guessed.”


“I know, it is a pretty awesome feeling. I hope you didn’t mind my leaving the room, but you seemed to be doing ok and I wanted you to enjoy it without a fourth person around.”


“To be honest, I barely noticed when you left.”


Alexis laughed loudly. “Yes, you did appear to be very preoccupied with them. Well I’m really glad you enjoyed your first experience with two men at once. Do you think you would ever do it again?


“Hell yes! It was really quite incredible.”


“Good. And maybe one of these days, we can think of a few other things to try that you have never done before.”


To be continued…



Published 13 years ago

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