Chapter 7
They both stood up and turned the shower back on to actually rinse off all the semen running out of and down Jill’s ass and down her leg, the sweat from the steam shower and everything else. It was glorious.
Jill began to recondition her hair as it had got a bit tangled in the sexual melee of the storm in the shower. Frank happily helped her again. As he was rinsing out her hair he said to Jill, “May I braid your hair for tonight?”
Jill was taken aback in surprise. She never braided her hair, she’d never had anyone braid it, so she didn’t really understand why Frank would or could do so. Jill smiled and said, “Of course my love.” The smile on Frank’s face was instant and he sprang into action.
He got Jill and himself out of the shower and dried off and put towels around Jill and himself. He sat her down in the large bathroom with her face away from the large mirrors all along one side of the bathroom. He grabbed two wine glasses, pouring each a healthy splash of the Sancerre and proceeded to brush and comb Jill’s hair.
He then started telling Jill a story. “When Evelyn and I used to vacation we used to love to go to the Caribbean, anywhere in the islands really. It was close to DC and when we got there, we left the world behind us. As the kids got older we’d sometimes bring them along as a family vacation. One of the things Evelyn and my daughter Mariah loved to do was to get their hair braided by the island women. They’d braid their hair and place beads, feathers, sometimes shells and other pieces to accent the braids. The girls would then wear their hair braided during the trip, only reluctantly undoing the braids when they returned home. Over time, I had the island women teach me, so when we all got home I could continue to braid their hair.”
Then Frank was quiet as he worked on Jill’s hair. Frank’s wonderful hands continued to knead and caress Jill as he worked. For Jill it was mesmerizing and sensual. She felt incredibly blessed. She couldn’t imagine how quickly the two of them had become bound and inseparable.
Jill said quietly, “Frank, I owe a lot to Evelyn. I can tell that your love for her is strong and everlasting. Our love will be different but in my love I want to honor Evelyn.”
Frank said, “Evelyn would love you.”
With one last caress of Jill’s hair, Frank said, “I’m done. You can turn around now.”
Jill had never had her hair braided by anyone. She normally wore her hair in a ponytail for swimming or working out or just down long. She didn’t know what to expect when she turned around.
When she turned she gasped, sobbed and then started to softly cry.
Frank thought he had done something wrong.
Jill stood up, letting her towel drop to the side, pulled Frank to her and gave him a long, long, long kiss. She was still crying.
“It’s beautiful,” she said.
Jill’s hair was beautiful. As if she wasn’t beautiful enough, the braiding accentuated her face. She looked like a goddess, Frank thought to himself.
Jill said, “I’ve never had anyone touch me like this, do anything quite like this or made me feel so beautiful. No words of thanks would ever be enough. I hope my love will be.
“My love, I went off birth control the day I met you. I want to have a baby with you as I can’t wait to see you be a father to our child.”
They kissed softly and sweetly again, for a long time. Frank was hard again.
Just then, they heard a commotion outside the windows with Alex shouting he needed some help as the Twins were arriving and had lots of goodies…
Frank and Jill kissed and unwound themselves, got quickly dressed and headed downstairs to help.
They saw the front doors were open. There was much shouting and laughing and they headed outside. Frank saw and recognized Katie from the party at Alex and Caley’s but thought he was seeing double when her exact match came around the corner of their catering truck. “Andy” was in fact, Andrea, who went by Andee, and was Katie’s exact match. They were even wearing the same clothes.
And Andee was also six to seven months pregnant just like Katie.
Everyone was hugging and kissing, kissing and hugging, rubbing the twins’ bellies, telling the twins how beautiful they looked, introducing Frank to Andee, and just generally catching up like friends do. Also, everyone was fussing about Jill’s hair; everyone loved it and Jill couldn’t say enough about how Frank had done it for her and now all of the women wanted their hair braided by their new champion. It was great fun and soon all the hands had got all the boxes into the house, safely put the food away for the coming days, and all had headed back to the pool area with glasses, a bottle of rose wine and bottles of water for the twins.
Jill had a simple linen top with spaghetti straps, no bra (she didn’t need one as her breasts stood out proudly) and soft cotton shorts. Frank noticed she didn’t have any underwear on, which again gave him an uncomfortable hard-on which he tried, with little luck, to hide unobtrusively. Caley was the only one who saw him try to get comfortable, and she just smiled when he saw her looking at him. Busted was all that Frank could think of, and he just stopped worrying about it.
Frank now took in the scene. He remembered Katie at the party, but he was so smitten with Jill, he hadn’t really noticed how pretty Katie was, and by the same measure Andee. They were about the same height as Jill, and at six to seven months pregnant, they had maintained their weight well, and were very, very pretty.
Frank picked up that their restaurant was doing well. The team they had in place was fabulous, allowing them more time to rest with the babies on the way and focus on a new project, that they promised Derek and Belle that they wouldn’t divulge until they arrived.
Cheers went up for the babies, to the new marriage of Frank and Jill, to the restaurant where Alex, Caley, Katie and Andee had met and started their friendship and to life in general. It was going to be a joyous evening.
Alex interrupted everyone and said he just got a text from Derek and Belle and they should be arriving shortly. Andee said, “Then let’s get dinner started and leave something for them to hear.” Everyone laughed but got up and headed to the kitchen. Dinner tonight was already prepared, so getting ready was pretty much getting ovens to warming temperature, pulling out all of the salad makings, getting the wine from the locker—a job Alex gave to Frank who gleefully accepted—getting already cooked veggies plated, table set and so on and so on.
Just as all this was being wrapped up, and wine bottles opened and decanted, Derek and Belle came in from the garage.
Much, much more whooping and hollering occurred, as more hugs and kisses were shared, more tummies were rubbed, more oohs and ahhs on Jill’s hair proclaimed, more pats on the back to Frank for the beautiful and thoughtful braiding were echoed and just everything was full of joy and welcoming.
Belle and Derek had come from the office and were attired as such. Belle was itching to get out of her dress; Frank happened to be the closest to her, so she asked him to unzip her. Frank, though a bit nonplussed, happily lent a hand. After he got her unzipped, Belle pushed her dress to the floor, and stepped out of it, and quickly undid her bra which left her only wearing her thong. She gave out a long breath, “Whew.” She turned and gave Frank a big hug and a kiss for helping her. Jill was close by; she giggled and pointed at his crotch. Yes, Frank was hard again. At this point he didn’t even try to hide it.
Belle walked around in her thong, helping like nothing was amiss. She did leave a bit later and return with a light, nearly see-through, long and fitted cotton dress that left absolutely nothing to the imagination. No thong this time. Frank’s penis pulsed again. Seeing his discomfort, Jill came over, hugged him, kissed him and said, “Welcome to the family.”
They were still all bustling around when Belle walked up behind Andee, hugged her, reaching down to embrace her pregnant belly and said to her, “I can’t wait to hold my grandchild.”
Now Frank was really, really confused.
Jill, seeing Frank’s confusion, grabbed Katie, brought her over to Frank and asked, “Frank, could you braid Katie’s hair?” Frank could see that Katie was obviously excited, so he said yes. Katie grabbed his hand and guided him to her room which she was sharing with Andee. The room had another large bathroom so there was plenty of space for Frank to work on her hair.
Katie was so appreciative. She started asking Frank questions about his background and as she learned more, Frank got more relaxed. Katie admitted that she and Jill were really close friends, so she and Andee had heard Jill’s story about falling in love with Frank. Frank blushed a bit at that. Frank then asked how Katie and Andee had met Alex and Caley.
Katie started the story, “We ran away from home as soon as we could. We vowed not to let anyone come between us ever. We did odd jobs but mostly what we could find that didn’t require too much proof of age were restaurant jobs—bussing tables, cleaning, waiting tables, cooking—basically all the worst jobs. As we got older and got better, we started working at better restaurants. Since nobody could tell us apart, we’d interchange jobs. We worked all the time. We lived very cheaply and started saving money as we had a crazy idea to open a restaurant together. We didn’t want anybody’s help.”
“We didn’t have any interest in other men or women. We had each other and that’s all we needed.”
“We scraped together a bit of money, found a cheap, cheap hole-in-the-wall joint at the edge of Georgetown and opened up. We didn’t have any money for advertising, so we just opened and started posting on telephone poles and bulletin boards all over the area. We didn’t have any friends either, so we had nobody to help us. The first night we didn’t have a single person walk into our restaurant. Just as we were getting ready to close Alex and Caley walked in.”
“Here was this amazingly beautiful couple, walking into this new tiny joint… What could we do? As I’m sure you know now, they are something special. They asked us to bring out whatever we wanted to serve. They wanted to try everything. They ended up staying and eating, and drinking, and talking and… well everything. They left and came back the next evening. This time, they had four of their friends. Those friends returned the following evening. They brought another four friends. The friends that had come the first night each with them brought four of their friends.”
“It just started that way. We never had to advertise. We just treated people like we had never been treated, like how we wanted to be treated, and it grew and grew.”
Katie was now crying. Frank reached down and hugged her. It was so natural and he totally understood.
Frank went back to work on the braid.
Katie continued, “We got close to Caley and Alex. From two kids who hated people and were afraid of people, we became close. We became lovers. As Caley can’t have children, I am carrying Caley’s child. And as Alex can’t have children by Caley, Andee is carrying his child.”
“We are renovating the remainder of the floor at the condo and are moving into that space so everyone will be together. And Derek and Belle are adding another wing to this house to accommodate a growing family. You see, next time, I’m going to have Alex’s baby and Andee is going to have Caley’s.”
Frank was stupefied. He did the only thing he could think of and braided and braided. Finally he was done. He motioned for Katie to turn around. She did and she shrieked and said, “Oh Frank, this is so beautiful.” And she stood up and kissed him hard, like a lover, wrapping her arms around him and not wanting to let him go.
Frank did what Frank does, and he got hard.
HIs brain was mush. He’d never experienced this feeling of love and acceptance and love and lust and love and caring and love and repairing.
He just knew he was right where he wanted to be.
Chapter 8
Katie and Frank went back to the kitchen arm-in-arm. Seeing Jill first, Katie did a pirouette to show her what Frank had done. Jill shrieked with pleasure, grabbed Katie and gave her a huge passionate kiss, then grabbed Frank, pulled him into a three way hug with Katie, kissed him and thanked him for this wonderful effort. Frank was being kissed on both sides by two beautiful women. He was liking it. Very much.
Then it was everyone else’s time to oooh and ahhh over Frank’s work. During all that, Frank agreed to do Andee’s hair, “Just exactly like Katie’s!” after dinner.
Dinner was served as everyone was hungry and couldn’t wait to try whatever Katie and Andee had prepared. The wine was poured, tastings were shared, food was applauded, more wine was poured, dessert was deliciously eaten, more wine was poured and a great time was had by all.
Frank sat between Jill and Belle. Jill held Frank’s hand almost the entire time. Belle asked Frank many questions about his kids, his business, his life, his goals… just the normal things as one was embracing a new addition to the family. Frank was flattered and approving, though he couldn’t help and languish his gaze on Belle’s beautiful breasts through the transparent cotton dress. And then every time he looked the other way at Jill, he was struck by her absolute beauty, grace, kindness and fuckability. Frank had a hard-on almost the entire meal. Between thoughts of the next time he was going to get Jill into bed and the sheer curvy, sexy Belle, his head was spinning, Add to that the fine wine and conversation and cheer all around, Frank was in heady company and everyone was delighted to have him join.
Dinner was over, and nobody was going to allow Katie or Andee to do any of the clean up, so Andee grabbed Frank’s hands and asked him to do her hair. Katie encouraged him and Jill got out of any work by saying she wanted to learn how Frank did his wonderful braiding. So the four of them went off to where Katie and Andee were staying.
Andee pulled up a chair in front of the king-sized bed so Katie and Jill could watch how Frank was doing the braiding. Andee jumped into the shower to get her hair wet emerging with a towel wrapped around her.
Frank began. Then the women started asking Frank how he did the braiding, so Frank launched into a spiel and got many oohs and aahs from the assembly. Frank was really into the work and moved around the side and to the back of Andee to help with the braiding process. The conversation from the bed had gotten quiet, and Frank noticed that Andee was squirming a little in her chair. He looked over, and the top of Katie’s dress was off and Jill was kissing her while caressing her breasts. Jill’s hands then dropped down to her pregnant stomach and as she massaged she elicited moans from Katie. Andee removed her towel and began to massage her own breasts while Frank was braiding her hair.
Frank got hard.
Katie reached over and slipped the spaghetti straps off of Jill’s shoulder, and pulled her top down to expose her magnificent boobs while still kissing her.
Andee pushed the towel from around her off and dropped one of her hands between her legs, moaning all the time. Jill pulled her linen shorts off at the same time Katie pushed her dress below her knees and kicked them off. All three women were naked.
Frank kept braiding.
Katie leaned back in the bed and Jill put her head between her legs and started kissing, sucking and slurping her which Frank could tell as Katie immediately started to moan. Andee moaned in unison.
Andee took the hand that was massaging her breasts and pushed them up inside of Frank’s shorts and she started to stroke his penis. Andee signalled for Frank to stop braiding for a moment, turned to him, unzipped his pants, pulled his underwear down, gasped at the size of Frank’s member, and turned back around to watch Katie and Jill while still stroking his hardness.
Frank kept braiding. With difficulty.
It got even harder to concentrate when Katie had her first orgasm followed almost immediately by Andee’s. Andee kept stroking Frank’s penis; she didn’t miss a beat as she came.
Katie rose up and got behind Jill, one hand under her and grabbing one of her breasts, the other between her legs and driving into her pussy. Jill came quickly followed in unison by Andee. Katie kept plowing Jill’s pussy with her fingers as Frank watched and admired his wife getting ravaged by another woman. The woman whose hair he was braiding was stroking herself to her third orgasm in five minutes and his aching hard-on wasn’t going away.
Frank kept braiding. With difficulty.
He was done braiding. He hoped it looked okay.
Andee stood up, totally naked now of course, ran into the bathroom to see her braiding in the mirror, and shrieked, “It’s so beautiful.”
Andee then ran…