Though up with the lark, I have so much to give
I see the day with my eye, pointing around
Though I seem to, mostly, stare at the ground
Then all of a sudden, its damp and its wet
There is so much liquid, I am starting to fret
I cough and splutter, I am soaked in gel
And I seem to be polished, as bright as a bell
So the mornings are fun, and see me in full glory
But events of the day, shroud the rest of my story
Sometimes, for me, it is such a pain
To be covered in cotton without any gain
Forced into darkness, I develop resent
This is not the world I want to frequent
I try to gain the attention of him…
But I know, I will have to wait until…
Forced to breath, through fabric that’s stale
I am squashed against me, and I look so pale
But something is up, I can feel a stir
An associated friend, is in need of me here
As I am removed from this eternal prison
I stare at the ground, I have a mission
Though its not a task that I am going to revel
As I’m provided with liquids that I have to dispel
My time will come. I know this for sure
And my life will be vibrant, I won’t be demure
The feeling is growing, and I will be licensed to kill
I will stand up tall, even if, assisted by pills
I am growing within, these confined inner spaces
Becoming cramped and tight, as through my veins, blood races
I can breath again, I can see the day
My confines removed, I have been brought out to play
I have a new friend, or so it would seem
The prettiest thing that I have ever seen
It does appear I am liked, just as much
I do so love that feeling, that rush
I am now looking forward to whatever’s in store
With eagerness, readiness and lots, lots more
The smoothness, the scent,of what she brings
I really do hope she likes my ring!
So here I am, as pleased as punch
As I’m offered this delicate, fruity, packed lunch
I know, you were thinking, there would be more banter
But your gonna have to wait, I’m about to re-enter
As I am put away lightly, it has been such fun
I rest myself now, my praises sung
It was a good outing, I have to say
Proud to be me, At the end of the day