Life is Wonderful

"Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful"

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His intention is to make me smile 
And the song is really a happy one. 
But when the song started to play 
And the lyrics with the melody flows
To my ears, it reaches to my heart.
Tears started to flow freely from my eyes 
And my heart is breaking.

“Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful
Ah la la la la la la life goes full circle
Ha la la la la la life is wonderful”

What is wrong with this song?
Every word of the lyrics sinking in.
Why can it make my tears flow?
Every beat of the melody killing me.
Why I so wanted to cry like a baby?
Every fiber of my being giving up.

“Ha la la la la la life is meaningful
Ha la la la la la life is wonderful
Ha la la la la la life it is…so… wonderful”

I am convincing myself now
It is a happy song to sing along,
It is a song not for me.
I have to smile or laugh.
I have to think happy thoughts,
I have to stop listening.

But I love the song!

Published 9 years ago

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