Dawn woke as I got out of bed. I had the coffee ready when she walked into the kitchen and began to prepare breakfast. I didn’t know if she had forgotten we had company, didn’t care, or was finding her exhibitionist side. Whatever her reasoning, the only thing she was wearing was a thong and a wife-beater. Her tits bounced deliciously as she moved about in the kitchen. I was sipping my coffee with my eyes glued to my wife when Zach walked in smiling. “Good morning, Dawn and Dave!”
Dawn turned and gave him a sexy smile. “Good morning, Zach. Did you get plenty of rest?”
He sat down on my side of the table so we could share the view. “Eventually. Kim is quite insatiable when she gets going. We had a wonderful time, and I’m sure there will be a nap in my future.”
He looked at me as he reached out his hand to shake mine. “Are you doing okay with all of this? I don’t want to cause you guys problems.”
I shook his hand. “Look at her, Zach. She’s happy, and you had a lot to do with that. It’s true that I’ve had to make some mental adjustments, but I assure you that I’m glad we met you.”
He chuckled. “I remember when I had to make a few mental adjustments of my own. The first time Sybil fucked another guy, I nearly had a panic attack. It was the hottest and scariest thing I’d ever seen. I think Sybil and Dawn share a lot of qualities, one of which is unconditional love. Sybil had a wonderful time and her love for me shined like a beacon through it all.
“Since then, we occasionally meet people we connect with, and sometimes that develops into more intimate activities. Sharing is special to us and we are discriminating about who we share with. I know Sybil will love all four of you. I can’t wait until she gets to meet you.”
Dawn served us both breakfast while ensuring that we had enticing views of her bits and pieces. She sat down between us and ate her breakfast one-handed. Every so often, she would switch hands. I don’t know what her hand was doing on Zach’s side, but I sure know what it was doing on my side. Her fingertips teased up and down my raging erection, convincing me to adopt one-handed eating as well.
I put my hand on her thigh and slid upward until the back of my hand met the back of Zach’s hand. Dawn blurted out a laugh while trying not to spit the last bite of her breakfast across the table.
She stood and gathered her dirty dishes while making a production of looking at two very erect cocks. She shrugged her shoulders as she turned to the sink. “Hmm, I wonder how that happened?”
We both groaned as she swayed her sweet ass to the sink. Apparently, washing a breakfast plate takes a lot of hip movement because her ass had Zach hypnotized. He looked at me and whispered. “Do you mind?”
I knew exactly what he was asking. “Go for it.”
He stood and approached my wife from behind. Her hands were in the dishwater when he pressed his body against hers. His hands came around and cupped her tits, and she moaned softly. He caressed her tits while kissing her neck and tracing his tongue along her ear. He pulled her away from the sink enough to slip his hand down, and within moments, he had his mouth on her neck, an arm around her chest, and a nipple between his fingers. His hand cupped her pussy, and he pulled her ass against his groin, making her moan with arousal. He played with her pussy as she rubbed her ass against what had to be the second-hardest cock in the room.
There certainly was something about Zach that aroused her, and I was fine with that. I knew who she loved. She was having a wonderful time, and I knew she was anticipating feeling his hard cock again. I wanted that for her. I wanted to see her joyfully embrace this new facet of our lives. It’s a good thing I felt that way. Otherwise, what happened next would have been one hell of a surprise.
Zach pulled her away from the sink, spun her around, and bent her over. Her wet hands slapped onto the kitchen table. He moved her thong aside with one hand while pushing his cock into her with the other. She must have been dripping by that point because when he slid in deep, the look on her face was pure lust. It didn’t take long before he had a pretty good pace going, and my wife was receiving a royal fucking. Her hands grabbed mine on the table, and her hooded eyes looked into mine. “He’s fucking me so good, Baby. Thank you. Thank you. Th… Oh Shit!”
She came so hard I think if I hadn’t held onto her hands, she would have pulled the table right over on top of them both. I’ve rarely seen her orgasm so intensely. A day ago, that would have bothered me. Today, she was experiencing something wonderful, and I wanted wonderful things for her. I also wanted my cock in her mouth as soon as possible. “Hey, Zach. Let’s move to the couch.”
Zach used the hands on my wife’s tits to pull her up and against his chest. He gave her a couple of good thrusts as she leaned back against him, then slowly pulled his cock from her pussy. Dawn headed to the living room at a near run while Zach and I followed, grinning behind her. She stood near the couch looking so damn hot it was unbelievable. I leaned back on the end of the couch, spread my legs, and pulled my wife toward me. “I need your mouth on my cock.”
She grinned at me and moved between my legs. On her knees, with her ass aimed enticingly at Zach, she took my cock in hand. She teased me with her tongue until Zach sank his cock into her from behind. Her mouth engulfed me while Zach’s cock filled her. Soon, her moans added to the sensations her mouth was already creating, driving me insane with desire. When Zach made her cum again, her screams around my cock were too much. I exploded in her mouth while I completely lost my mind.
I lay there panting while my lovely wife took every drop, gave my cock a kiss, then looked up at me with a lustful grin on her face. She pulled away from Zach’s cock and kissed me hard. We shared a heated kiss, and then she turned toward Zach. She pushed him off the couch with a smile, then lay back on the other end with her legs spread invitingly. “Come on, Zach. Fuck me and fill me.”
I stood up to give them room and myself a good view. Zach slipped his cock into my wife, and I watched as the two very attractive people fucked. It was as erotic as anything I had ever imagined. There was no doubt that Dawn was loving his cock. He was a skilled lover, and I knew she was hot for his body. He was just as obviously hot for her.
Dawn pulled his head down, and they kissed passionately. Zach was getting close now and broke their kiss as he stroked as deep as he could. Dawn had both hands on his ass, encouraging his plundering of her pussy. “You’re fucking me so good, Zach! Give me your cum. Fill me, Baby. Fuck meeee!”
It wasn’t hard to tell when he blasted his cum into my wife’s wanton pussy. She was orgasming hard, and her pussy had to be milking him like crazy. His body was rigid, his cock as deep as it would go, and my wife was moaning in ecstasy under him as Zach filled her pussy with his cum. His thrusts slowed to a stop, and the two were frozen in the moment while the euphoria held sway.
I shook myself out of my erotic daze and went to get them warm washcloths. They were still connected when I returned, so I leaned on the wall out of view. I didn’t want to interrupt the sweetness of the afterglow kisses and loving words. Words that I knew were sincere, caring, and no threat to me whatsoever.
This time, Zach showered by himself while I showered with my wife. It took us a while longer because we spent most of it kissing and touching. When we walked into the living room, our guests were waiting for us. Zach gave Dawn and Kim goodbye kisses that weren’t seductive or heated. Instead, they were warm and affectionate. I thought it was a classy thing to do.
I did it. I can’t believe that I did it, and I fucking loved it!
It wasn’t that easy at first, far from it. I was torn between fear for my marriage and the sexual side of me that wanted to come out and play. What David and I have with Bob and Kim seems natural and wonderful. The four of us have become more than friends. We’ve loved each other for ages and are attracted to each other, so why the hell not?
Fucking another man is different, and not just a little. I had to ask myself why I needed to know if I could do it. It’s not like fucking another man is a requirement or something. David would drop the idea immediately if I told him I wasn’t interested. So, why take the chance?
I knew why. I just had to admit it to myself. Before I could do so and accept what would come from that, I needed to know more first. There was more than a little chance that the first time some guy hit on me, I would freak out and ditch the whole idea. Even if I had fun with the seduction, further intimacy wasn’t a done deal. I wouldn’t be surprised if I backed out at any time, but I owed it to David to at least peak behind the curtain.
It wasn’t lost on me that my fear of losing David had held us back. Bob and Kim were proof enough of that. Our experience with them convinced me to give it an enthusiastic shot. I decided to do that, but I was still going to be careful and always aware of David. If our little experiment didn’t make both of us happier, it would be over in a heartbeat.
I also had to admit to myself I was excited about the possible adventure with Kim. The trip to Milford and Pete Parsons could end up being a nice vacation, or it could be something more than that. Whatever it turned out to be, I wanted to be able to do it without reservation and without harming my marriage.
All of that was swirling around in my head when the four of us went out to dinner. Dinner was so much more intimate and fun for all of us now that we were lovers. By the time we arrived at the club, I’d made myself horny with thoughts of the four of us later that night.
Kim and I were dancing together while giving our hubbies a break when two guys started dancing with us. Knowing Kim like I do, there was no way she was walking away. The guy dancing with me had a great smile and seemed kind, so I kept dancing. The two of us were trading subtle glances, trying to take in the view without giving ourselves away. I’m not sure what he thought of his view, but mine was very nice. He was just a little shorter than me, with curly blonde hair and mischievous blue eyes. Broad-shouldered, manly, and obviously very fit. He was definitely hot.
The song ended, and I was thinking how much fun my little flirtatious dance had been when he touched my shoulder. A slow song had started, and he wanted to dance with me. I was a bit in shock when I looked at David. I still am not sure whether I was asking for permission or a rescue. His reaction was perfect. I felt an illicit thrill when I let my partner take me in his arms. I quickly learned that his name is Zach and we had a nice conversation as we danced. The conversation was mundane on the surface. His soft, sexy voice and hard body rubbing against mine hinted at a deeper subject.
I remember thinking, Well, I’m dancing with Zach and haven’t run screaming for the door. This feels really good so far.
I knew what the next step had to be if I was going to test myself. I had to introduce Zach to David. It only made sense. If I were really planning to take a man home with us, he would have to meet David at some point and get his approval. I might as well do that part and see how David and I feel about it. When I asked Zach if he would like to meet my husband, he surprised me and readily agreed. It thrilled me that he was so interested in me that he would risk meeting my husband. I wondered what his expectations were, I wondered if he was fantasizing about me, and I wondered if I was swimming into the deep end.
Not tonight, I wasn’t. This was a little experiment, and that’s all it would be. We were out with our friends, and I wasn’t going to ditch them so some guy could try and seduce me. (Sorry, I meant to say, try to seduce me—a little mental lapse. There’s nothing to see here; move along.)
Zach was very attractive and seemed like a wonderful guy. I soon found out he was also a gifted seducer. Our next slow dance got a bit intense, and I found myself returning his kiss with some heat. I was so aroused when the song ended I was seriously thinking about taking the experiment further.
Zach led me off the dance floor in a daze. I realized that things had gone far beyond what I had expected. Now was not the time to let my sexual animal take over. I needed to get a grip and end this experiment. Zach tried to lead me into the parking lot, but I stopped him. “Zach, I’ve really enjoyed dancing and talking with you, but I’m not going to leave my husband in here while I sneak off with you. It was a pleasure meeting you, and I liked the kiss a lot. Goodbye, Zach.”
He smiled gently. “Please don’t say goodbye. I really wasn’t trying to steal you away. I fully intended to return you to Dave after I finished the kiss we started. I’m sorry if I misread things, and I would hate for our new friendship to end so soon. Hopefully, I will see you all again. Have a good night, Dawn.”
Why did he have to be so damn nice? I was so tempted to call him back and ask him to join us, but I knew I couldn’t do that. That would be an unmistakable invitation to something more. Something I found myself excited thinking about and knew wasn’t going to happen.
I turned around, horny, excited by the success of my experiment, and ready to drag my husband out of the club. When I saw him and Kim watching me, I followed my instincts and attacked his mouth. I was so fucking horny he could have taken me right there on the bar, and I would have happily let him. Of course, we would then have to find a new club to hang out at, but it would have been worth it.
When David suggested bringing Zach home with us, I was taken completely by surprise. I will admit that the idea sent a jolt of arousal straight to my already-soaked crotch. I was torn. I was aroused and excited, but my reservations tempered my visceral reaction to Zach. By the time we arrived home, I was nearly shaking with nerves and arousal.
Zach took so long to show up that I had pretty much decided he’d had second thoughts. I assumed that I had misread everything and was well on my way to sinking into depression. It isn’t fun to think someone finds you irresistibly attractive only to find out they aren’t interested at all. I’m usually confident that I’m a pretty sexy woman, but at that moment, I felt like an idiot for fooling myself.
Then he showed up and immediately impressed David and Bob. The nice guy I thought I had met turned out to be not only hot but a pretty cool person on top of that. When he dropped the bomb about being married, I felt my stomach sink. There was no way I was going to take the next step with a married man. The last thing David and I needed was an avenging wife landing on our life with both feet. No fucking thanks. That would be as much fun as a hot curling iron to the ear.
Zach continued to amaze me when he got his wife on the phone. I couldn’t believe he did that, and I struggled to believe her response, especially her interest in David and Bob’s cock size. I had the feeling after that call that we were going to be great friends. I would find out when she returned, and we met in person.
When Dave started rubbing my back, I didn’t think anything of it except that it felt nice. I began to wonder what he was thinking when he put down his drink and began using both hands and his lips. When he spun me around and kissed me, the arousal that had faded into the background came raging back. I was ready to fuck and was considering how best to escape with my husband when David turned me back around. I can’t describe how hot it was when he began teasing my body and removing my clothes in front of Zach. The heated gaze Zach gave me set my pussy on fire. My husband made his thoughts clear with his actions, and that made my knees weak. The love I had for him at that moment was almost overwhelming.
I was soon distracted from romantic thoughts when Kim began showing me what was behind door number one. Each inch of Zach’s body she revealed made me hotter. His body was spectacular, and when she revealed his hard cock I felt my mouth water. I thought it was beautiful; not too big, and definitely not too small, with a nice curve that I suspected would hit my g-spot wonderfully. My decision was made as soon as Kim and my husband stepped back. I ached for the hot man standing in front of me with his desire erect and throbbing. That throbbing desire pressed against my stomach as the heated kiss we shared removed any remaining doubts I might have had.
What followed was a blur and intensely clear at the same time. I couldn’t tell you how I ended up on the couch. I can describe in precise detail the feel of his mouth on my pussy, while my fingers at first ran through, then grasped his curly blonde hair. He gave me a wonderful orgasm that left me gasping and wanting his cock in me as desperately as I needed air to breathe. I watched him rub his cock up my labia and against my clit, driving me insane with need. He settled the head of his cock at my entrance and began to push.
Guilt hit me like a ton of bricks, and I clenched my pussy to stop his progress. I looked for David in a panic. What am I doing? I want this so bad I can taste it, but what about David? Oh, please don’t hate me, David!
I was bracing myself to push Zach away when David’s eyes met mine. His words and his smile made my heart nearly burst. He truly wanted this for me. He knew it was making me happy, and he was happy for me. He could have written a ten-page letter and not reassured me as much as that look, and those few words did. I turned my attention back to Zach, knowing my husband wanted this for me. From that moment on, Zach had my undivided attention.
Zach is a skilled lover, and he made me feel wonderful. I couldn’t have asked for a better man to introduce me to wife-sharing, a term I had only recently discovered. He fucked me wonderfully and was very sweet in the afterglow. His soft words and kisses felt amazing and ended our coupling in a very nice way. We showered together and shared a few kisses. My newfound sexuality wanted me to suck his cock, then fuck him again in the shower. The loving wife in me took control instead. That part of me has ultimate authority.
When David and I went to bed, I was suddenly overwhelmed with guilt and grief. What had been a wonderful sexual experience had suddenly turned into a marriage-ending nightmare. I wasn’t a loving wife anymore. I was a whore that fucked other men, and I’d ruined our lives.
David again showed me why I love him so very much. By the time he was done reassuring me, I felt confident and happy again. I was shocked at the difference in perceptions between us when Zach and I were enjoying the afterglow and shower afterward. That opened my eyes a lot and reinforced the need to talk openly, honestly, and immediately every step of the way on this journey of sexual discovery.
I woke the next morning feeling wonderful, sexy, and horny. I dressed slutty because I was feeling slutty. I had every intention of seducing somebody that morning.
I loved teasing my husband while I puttered around the kitchen. When Zach showed up, I took things up a notch. It was so much fun getting them both hard. I came like crazy on Zach’s cock when he bent me over the table. David’s hands held me, and his eyes captured mine as we shared the moment. Sucking my husband’s cock while Zach fucked me from behind was so fucking hot. I loved it when Zach filled me with his cum.
Now, I knew why I was willing to experiment. I finally admitted to myself that what we had just done was what I had wanted and hoped for all along. A joyful and orgasmic fuck unburdened by guilt or remorse. That morning set my soul free.
David and I spent the remainder of the weekend alone. Kim and Bob had been where we were, and they understood completely. We had dealt with our concerns at each step of the way, and that meant we didn’t have much to clarify. What we did have was a deeper connection than before. We touched constantly, not for reassurance, but because we felt the need to share some tiny bit of our love through our touch. I told David that it was our second honeymoon. He told me that he couldn’t wait for our third, fourth, and fifth.
Hey, everybody! I hope you are enjoying reading our story. I can promise that we’re having an amazing time living it. Anyway, it’s my turn to share some fun stuff. I could go on and on about how in love I am with Dawn. I could wax poetic at the joy of making love to her and Bob, not to mention my studly hubby. The reality is that I don’t have much to add to the story so far outside of adjectives and graphic language. Suffice it to say that we are all ecstatically happy. Now, on to the good stuff.
Dawn and I talked on the phone on Sunday evening. Any concerns I had were completely blown away. She was so happy and so excited about her new sexual freedom. She’s my Dawn, and I knew she hadn’t gone off the deep end. Her commitment to David was even deeper than before. Knowing that her marriage wasn’t threatened allowed her to think about the possibilities. I had every intention of expanding those possibilities significantly. I’m generous like that.
The first interesting event of the week was lunch with Sherry. She emailed Dawn and me and asked us to join her for lunch. We both liked the executive secretary and unofficial wrangler of our occasional girls’ nights and immediately agreed. I had the feeling this wasn’t the usual random lunch date.
We settled in the back booth at our favorite gossip restaurant. To be clear, a gossip restaurant may not have the best food, but it does provide a place where we can talk about stuff without the other patrons listening in. It’s hard to screw up a luncheon salad anyway.
Sherry was excited and could barely wait until our salads were served. “You’re not going to believe it. I get to go on the Milford trip! It’s going to be so much fun hanging out with you guys!”
Dawn and I looked at each other in shock before I took the bull by the horns. “Are you going alone?”
She shook her head. “No, Mike and his wife are going too.”
I could see the disappointment on Dawn’s face. This wouldn’t do at all. I had to do something to try and salvage this. “We have some things to tell you, Sherry.”
Dawn nodded her approval and I launched into a rather unbelievable story about two married women considering a bit of fun with men other than our husbands. That kind of led to telling her pretty much everything so far. Dawn added some hot details as the story progressed until we found ourselves out of time.
Sherry called Mike and told him she was taking the rest of the afternoon off and was taking us with her. She paid the check and stood. “Meet me at my apartment in twenty minutes. I’ll supply the wine.”
Dawn and I went back to the office long enough to close our offices and get the car. We pulled into the guest parking lot and were ringing Sherry’s doorbell with four minutes to spare. The door flew open, and a grinning Sherrie invited us in. “We have another guest coming. She’ll be here in a few.”
Dawn did the raised eyebrow thing at me, and I shrugged. I had no idea what Sherry had in mind, but I knew her well enough not to worry about it. We settled in the living room with wine in hand while Sherry shared with us the travel plan, which happened to include a chartered business jet. The four of us were included as passengers, and that excited both of us. A direct flight in a luxury jet without the airport bullshit sounded wonderful.
The doorbell rang, and Sherry went to answer it. I couldn’t figure out who it might be, which inflamed my curiosity. You could have knocked me over with a feather when Mike’s wife, Anne, walked into the room. “Sherry tells me this trip might be a whole lot more fun than I thought.”
My first thought was, What the ever living fuck? Neither Dawn nor I knew Anne very well. We had dinner with her before, both with and without our husbands, and we liked her well enough. We didn’t really know her, though, and to find out that Sherry had obviously shared some pretty private information with her really threw me a curve. I decided to let Sherry play out whatever plan she had before I roasted her ass.
Sherry poured Anne a glass of wine and then stood while she talked to us. “Kim, Dawn, I know right about now that you both are ready to kill me. Please let me explain, and I think you’ll be reassured. Anne, the same thing goes for you.
“Ladies, we have a golden opportunity in front of us. You see, it wasn’t all that long ago that Pete and Anne began a journey similar to yours.”
I immediately turned my attention to Anne. The classy, nearly six-foot-tall blonde looked like the perfect trophy wife at forty-three. She was a statuesque beauty with a set of thirty-eight Ds that were possibly fake but sure didn’t look it. She appeared to be the perfect corporate executive wife, as prim, proper, and gorgeous as the day is long.
I knew that wasn’t the case. We didn’t know her well but we had shared a few meals. I expected a stuck-up bitch the first time I met her, but I got a vivacious, funny, and friendly woman instead. I had enjoyed her company during the meals and had idly fantasized about her sex life. She sure looked like sex. Now, Sherry is telling us that Anne’s a hot wife? Suddenly, I was very interested in this conversation.
Being the shy and unobtrusive person I am, I took the bull by the horns. “We’ll share if you will, Anne. You go first.”
Anne’s laugh was one of her best features. It was so friendly and joyful that I couldn’t help but smile. She took a sip of her wine and leaned back on the couch. “All things considered, you have every right to know.”
I almost stopped her right there with my obvious next question but didn’t. I let her continue in the hope that all would become clear, and boy-howdy did it!
“Mike and I have always had a wonderful sex life. A few years ago things had started getting a bit predictable, and we started sharing fantasies to stir things up a bit. One thing kind of led to another, and on Mike’s fortieth birthday, I set up a threesome with another woman. The experience was eye-opening, to say the least. We had a wonderful time, and I learned that I liked some things that I had never considered before.
“Unfortunately, the young woman decided that she was in love with my husband. She tried to seduce him away from me, and that ended badly for her. If I weren’t secure in my marriage, I never would have set up the threesome in the first place. Still, it was a lesson we needed to learn. People will naturally develop feelings for a lover, and that’s fine as long as the boundaries are maintained. I wouldn’t have minded if she loved my husband as a good friend. When she tried to steal him away, she didn’t cross a line; she broad-jumped over it.
“That experience made me hesitant, and it took a while for Mike to convince me to try another threesome. This time, he set it up, and I found myself in bed with two lovely men. To say I enjoyed the experience would be a gross understatement. I have no idea how many orgasms I had, but I’ve never been so wonderfully exhausted.
Mike and I reached an understanding. We could have lovers together or alone, as long as we both agreed before either of us did anything. Since then, we’ve limited our activities to a few special occasions and have had a great time.”
“That brings us to the trip to Milford. Mike has lusted for two particular women for a long time. The problem is that he’s never had the chance to see if they have any interest. He thinks this might be his chance since both women will be there.
“His problem has always been two-fold. First, both women are married, and second, both work for him. He would never want them to think their response to his interest would impact their employment. The informal atmosphere of the Milford event might be the one chance to let the two women know of his interest without them feeling like they are being coerced.
“I’m sure that you have figured out by now that the two women are you, Dawn, and you, Kim.”
She paused to let that sink in. For myself, I was concerned about the work-related aspects, but not too concerned. Mike had always acted respectfully and ethically around Dawn and me. The reality is that I would love to fuck that man. He’s a few inches over six foot tall, with that salt and pepper hair thing going, deep brown eyes, broad shoulders, and a deep, sexy voice. He was definitely a ten, and I’d often speculated about his prowess in bed. Questions and concerns flooded my mind, but I held my tongue.
Sherry decided to throw some more craziness at us. “When you told me at lunch today that you were both open for some sexy fun, it immediately occurred to me that Anne and I could have some fun as well.
“I happen to know that two male employees will be there that I’ve had my eye on for quite some time. I’ve never tried anything because their wives are my friends. Since both will be at loose ends due to the fact that their wives will be with other men, it occurred to me that they might enjoy the company of two hot women. I figure that if the wives are having fun, they probably wouldn’t mind if their men did, too.
“Basically, Anne and I want to spend time with your husbands while you two have your fun.”
I had no problem with that. I’d tried often enough to get Bob to have sex with other women. He had never seemed interested until Dawn. He might not want to have sex with Anne and Sherry. If he didn’t, I was going to get him to a shrink in a hurry. That’s when I looked at Dawn.
She had this scowl on her face that made it very clear what she thought of Sherry’s idea.
I grabbed her hand and pulled her to her feet. “Give us a second to talk.”
I dragged her pissed-off ass into the kitchen. “Look at you all jealous and shit. So, what’s good for the goose is off the table for the gander? Is that what you’re doing right now?”
Her face turned the deepest shade of red I’ve ever seen on a human being. “I know, dammit! I know! I never expected to feel this way.”
I tilted her chin up and gave her a peck on the lips. “You need to figure this shit out right now, girlfriend. This is huge. You’ve already been with two other men, and now you can’t stand the thought of Dave getting equal time? What the fuck, Dawn!”
“Spill it, bitch. What is it that has you so upset?”
Her mouth gaped as she struggled for the words, and I let her take all the time she needed. A tear ran down her cheek, and that nearly broke my heart. The look on her face was a confused mess of emotions. I pulled her into my arms and held her. “Calm down, my love, and tell me what’s bothering you.”
“I’m afraid I’ll lose David. I mean, just look at them. What guy wouldn’t want to give up everything for either one of them? He’ll fall in love and leave me. I just know it.”
I took the hand that was rubbing her back and smacked her on the ass hard. “You are really pissing me off, Dawn. What has David done while you’ve got your fuck on with me, with Bob, and with Zach? Hmm? Tell me he didn’t give you unconditional trust. Tell me he didn’t swallow his own worries because he trusted you enough to return to him. In return, you’ve decided a hot woman will steal him away. After everything, you still don’t trust him to do what’s right. I would never believe I would say what I’m about to say… I’m ashamed of you, Dawn.”
She started bawling her eyes out, and I left her standing there. I went into the living room and saw the worried looks on Anne and Sherry’s faces. “Until a few days ago, Dawn had this fear that if she opened up sexually, she would lose her husband. He convinced her that she wasn’t going to lose him over something that they both had agreed to. She’s had a few experiences and liked them a lot. Her problem now is that her fear has returned. She thinks one of you will make Dave want to leave her. She needs time to think and an attitude adjustment. Give me a little time with her. She’ll come around once she realizes how selfish she’s acting.
“I’ll call you and let you know what’s going on. If she can’t deal with this, the four of us will be staying home.”
They were worried but understanding. I turned to go to the kitchen and nearly ran into Dawn. I was so pissed off that I almost pushed her away when she reached for me, but I just couldn’t. I love her too much to ever refuse her. I gathered her in my arms, and she kissed me desperately without giving Anne and Sherry a second thought.
She calmed in my arms and I held her as she gathered herself. I let her go and gave her a long look. I wasn’t sure what to expect from her next. She took a deep breath and stepped in front of Anne and Sherry. “I’m deeply ashamed. I was totally out of line, and I panicked. That’s no excuse. I never meant to insult you or accuse you at all. I never dreamed that I would react that way. I’m very sorry.”
Sherry and Anne stood and gave Dawn a double hug. Anne tilted Dawn’s chin toward her and looked her in the eye. “Unlike my husband’s first lover, I would never try to take your man. I have one of my own, thank you, and I plan on keeping him. I was perfectly willing to share him with you. I’m not so sure about that now.”
Dawn nodded her head as the tears trickled down her cheek. “I understand. I am so very sorry.”
Sherry wiped a tear away. “Stop that now. We aren’t happy with you right now, but we still care about you. You need to think this through and make a decision. If you aren’t willing to let your husband have the same freedoms he’s given you, then you need to spend the trip with your husband, not Pete, or Mike, or whomever.”
Dawn took a deep breath. “Will you help me figure this out? Can I invite David here? I would like you two to be with him. If I panic again, kick my ass out, but if I don’t, then take things as far as you are comfortable.”
I had to put in my two cents. “That actually makes sense. It would be better to get to the bottom of this in a private setting.”
Anne gave Dawn a stern look. “I can’t speak for Sherry, but I’ll do it on one condition. No more drama from you. If you don’t like what you are seeing, then ask us to stop.”
Sherry didn’t hesitate. “I’m definitely in. I’ve wanted to climb that man for a long time.”
I watched Dawn, knowing that Sherry had just deliberately tried to rile her up again. I thought it was a smart move. If Dawn reacted badly to her statement, there was no sense in asking David to come over.
Dawn surprised me when she blurted out a laugh. “If I told David you wanted to climb him, he’d show up with a rope ladder hanging off him and both hands cupped to give you a boost.”
I grabbed my phone from my purse. “If we all agree, I’ll call David. Dawn, you sit down and have a glass of wine. Sherry and Anne can do whatever they think best to prepare.”
Sherry held up her hand. “You know it would be perfectly acceptable to invite Bob as well.”
“My, you are a horny girl, aren’t you? I promise you’ll get a shot at him, but not today. Let’s stay focused on Dawn’s problem and leave the orgy for another day.”
I walked outside and called David. He truly is a remarkable man. He should have been pissed at Dawn’s reaction, but he was more concerned than anything else. “Look, David. The only way she’s going to get her mind right is if you pretend she’s not here and focus your attention on Sherry and Anne. You’ll know when the time is right to touch base with her.”
He needed half an hour to get free, and he would be over. I gave him Sherry’s address, thinking it might come in handy if he ever wanted to show up at the right place.
Now, all I had to do was keep my friend and lover from losing her shit. I took a few minutes to call my long-suffering husband and fill him in. I promised to call him if we ran late. The sweet man told me not to bother. He didn’t want to interrupt our fun. He knew where I was and had a pretty good idea of what I would be doing. He did make me promise to call him if David needed some help. His claim to willingly sacrifice himself for the greater good made me laugh.
Bob has been a jewel throughout Dawn’s sexual awakening, putting his own wants and needs aside so I could focus on my friend and lover. I owed him big time, and I needed to find a way to reward his loving patience.
I went back inside and found Dawn refreshing her wine glass. Sherry and Anne were off somewhere, getting ready. I’m sure that Sherry was happy to share her clothes, but the options were limited, considering the difference in height and cup size between them. They hadn’t returned to the room yet when the doorbell rang. I let David in and escorted him to the living room.
I should have known. Did I not tell David to ignore Dawn until the time was right? He decided the time was right as soon as he saw her. She practically leaped into his arms and held onto him for dear life. “I’m so sorry, David. I don’t know what came over me. Please don’t be angry.”
He stood back far enough to look at her. “I’m not angry at all, but I am concerned. This fixation you have isn’t healthy. It makes you feel horrible, and it makes me feel like you don’t have faith in me. If you don’t want me to be with another woman, then I won’t. I thought we were on this journey together. Are you telling me now that you don’t want to share it with me? Does that seem right or fair to you?”
She shook her head. “No, it isn’t fair at all. I do love you, and I do trust you. It’s time for me to deal with my shit. That’s why you are here now. One way or another, this gets dealt with today.”
I handed David a glass of wine and had Dawn sit on the loveseat. When he went to sit next to her, I pointed at the couch and sat my ass down next to Dawn. As frustrated as I was with her, I wasn’t about to let her deal with this alone. David sat down on the couch and sipped his wine while we waited for Sherry and Anne to make their entrance.