Dawn and I needed to talk about everything that had happened, and I thought the best place to do that was in our bed. I wanted our conversation to be loving and intimate, not two people sitting on a couch separated by clothes, distance, and guilty thoughts.
We lay facing each other while we touched and talked. “Dawn, let me say something first. I want you to know that I love you with all my heart. I am so happy for you and Kim. The two of you have finally discovered your true feelings for each other and have become lovers. I think that’s wonderful. I’m also happy that you and Bob had sex. I knew that it would be wonderful for both of you if you embraced it.
“The only thing I ask is that you be honest about your feelings and what you want. I hope that the last few days have opened a new chapter in your life. One that will make all of us happy.”
She didn’t say anything for a minute that felt like an hour. “I can’t imagine that I would have ever done any of that if it weren’t for your encouragement and Kim’s help. You want honesty, and that’s all I’ll ever give you, my love. If it had been anyone else in the world, I doubt that I would have done anything. Kim broke down my barriers with love and not a little lust. I could kick myself for resisting my true feelings for so long.
“My biggest fear all along was that once the fantasy became real, you would stop loving me. I didn’t want to risk losing you. The more you talked about sexy fantasies, the hornier I got, and the more I hid behind my fear of losing you.
“I am in love with Kim, but I want you to know in the deepest part of you that she isn’t your competition or replacement. My love for her isn’t the same as it is for you. It’s not more or less; it’s what it is meant to be. Only time will tell how it all works out. I do know one thing for sure. You both love me, and I love you. That will always be a wonderful thing.”
I responded with a kiss and thought for a little while. “I hope that I’ve relieved your fears.”
She nodded against me. “You have. I know as long as I’m honest with you and respect our marriage, you will stay right here with me, where you belong, where we belong.”
I was very happy we were finally over that major speed bump in our lives. I needed my wife to know that I wasn’t some jealous monster who would let my wounded pride destroy our marriage. “Let’s talk about this new aspect of our lives. First things first. I think it’s safe to say that we will be having sex with Bob and Kim again. As far as I’m concerned the only limits are if it has a negative impact on you and me. I don’t want to use all my energy with Kim and have none left for you. I hope that you feel the same. I suspect in these early days, we’re going to be gluttons for this new and exciting meal. Let’s not lose us because of it.”
Dawn nodded. “That’s especially true for Kim and me. We have each other, each other’s husbands, and our own husbands. That’s a lot of sex, but I’m not complaining one little bit. As a matter of fact, I’m looking forward to seeing what my limits are. I’ve had more orgasms in the last week than I have in the previous month, and that is definitely not a complaint about you. You are the most wonderful lover I’ve ever known. It has been amazing so far, and I want more. I promise you that I won’t ever forget us in all of the excitement. I’m sure things will settle down after the newness wears off.”
I knew what she was trying to say, and I agreed with her completely. Both of us were enjoying amazing sex with our friends, and of course, we wanted more. It didn’t feel threatening to me at all. If anything, I think it made our marriage better. Telling Dawn that I trusted her was one thing. Showing her that I did by letting her be with others was proving it. We weren’t just saying the words. We were living them.
“Let’s agree to let things happen with Bob and Kim and see how it goes. I know they have our best interests at heart, just as we have theirs. We’ll reach a nice balance soon enough as long as we communicate.
“I would like for you to take advantage of this trip. Treat it like you and Kim are free to have fun and enjoy yourself. Pretend I’m not your husband, and I’ll do my best to make myself scarce. I don’t want to inhibit you.”
She sat up so she could look at me. “I refuse to treat you that way. If you can’t be there… If you can’t stand to watch over me, then it won’t happen. I will never do something that would cause you pain. I most certainly won’t do something that you would rather leave than see.
“Kim is really excited, and she’s got me excited too. I want to go, and I want to have fun. I won’t be able to if you aren’t there. I expect you to have fun too. I also expect you to tell me if I’m doing anything that would hurt you in any way. I will do the same. Deal?”
We snuggled and napped for a few hours. We hadn’t gotten much sleep the night before, but we certainly weren’t complaining about it. Dawn’s phone ringing woke us, and I left her to talk while I hit the shower. I was toweling off when she skipped happily into the bathroom. “Wear those hot boxer briefs I bought you and dress sexy. We’re going out to dinner with Bob and Kim.”
We were soon dressed and on our way. The four of us had always enjoyed our evenings out, but this evening was something new. It was remarkable to me how much each of us had held back before. There had been many times that I had a sudden urge to give Kim a kiss, even a peck on the cheek, but I didn’t for obvious reasons. I knew that the others had felt the same way.
It isn’t like we were making out with each other’s wives in public. I shared touches and signs of affection with Kim that I never would have before. Dawn was doing the same with Bob while giving Kim and me equal time. The change was not only welcome but made it one of the most enjoyable dinners we had ever shared.
I did want to touch base with Bob and took advantage of our wife’s shared bathroom visit to do so. “I’ll be blunt, Bob. You know, I’m genuinely curious. How did you two get to a place where you let Kim have sex with other men?”
He knew I meant no offense and was well aware that Dawn and I had just begun testing the waters. “It started when Kim was traveling, and there was this guy she was totally hot for. She called me and told me that she loved me more than anything and would do what I wanted. She said she would never ask again if I didn’t want her to. I finally got her to tell me exactly what she was asking, and she informed me that it would be a lot of fun to fuck a sexy man she would never see again. I told her to go for it, and she did. Then, I waited for it all to fall apart, and it didn’t.
“When she asked me to let her fuck another guy, I figured that my marriage was probably over. It seemed obvious to me that I wasn’t giving her what she needed. I had this vision in my head of her finding the next guy and the guy after that until she either dumped me or I was forced to leave her. I could have refused, and I’m sure she would have tried to forget about it, but I knew she wouldn’t be able to. For what was left of our marriage, she would know I had refused her. Eventually, the resentment would build, along with the temptation, until bad things happened. So, I told her to do it. I pulled the band-aid off and hoped for the best.
“Let me tell you for the record that I couldn’t have been more wrong. I underestimated Kim’s love for me and her commitment to us. She came home from her first hotwife experience while I was out of town. When I got home, she was waiting for me with open arms and total honesty. She had fun with the guy, had really enjoyed the sex, and would love to do it again sometime. Just when I thought the hammer was going to drop, she said, “I won’t do it again if you don’t want me to. I sincerely mean that. I don’t want to hurt you or lose you. Plus, it’s your turn now anyway.”
“I didn’t know there were turns. Hell, with one notable exception by the name of Dawn, I had never seriously considered having sex with another woman. The whole thing happened so spur of the moment that we hadn’t ironed out the boundaries. We had taken a huge chance and gotten away with it because we really do love each other.
“Anyway, she wanted to hook me up with some ladies, but I never took her up on it. There was only one other woman I was interested in, and Dawn wasn’t on the menu. It took me a while before I wanted to hear about her lovers. I came to the realization that she needed to share that part of her life with me, not treat it like some shameful secret. When she shared the details the first time, I let her fall asleep afterward, then went to the living room and wept.
“She knows me too well. She hadn’t been asleep. She was waiting for me to let my real emotions show. She let me know that the last thing she wanted was for me to sacrifice my happiness. We talked about it a lot, but the hands-on demonstrations really sealed it. She showed me in so many ways how much she loved me and how much she appreciated me as a lover.
“She’s never made me regret letting her have her adventures. I’ve learned I like hearing about the details. They have helped me become a better lover. It’s not like she takes it to the extreme. Her trysts are nearly always spontaneous and not all that common. Once or twice a year seems pretty conservative for a shared wife. It certainly doesn’t qualify as an abuse of the privilege in my book.
“I make sure that she gives me the guy’s details, where she’s going to be with him, when she’ll check in with me, and so on. She rarely has sex without a condom, but it does happen. She’s been with a few married guys that have known sexual histories. As far as the guys go, she’s not out to be a home wrecker, but she’s not going to be the married guy’s conscience either. She never pursues the man when she travels. If he’s married and wants to seduce her, then it’s on him. She makes it very clear that it will be a one-time thing.
“She gave me the passcode to her phone and told me to check it anytime. Since we share phone providers, I can see her call log and phone location anytime I want. The fact that she’s committed to transparency is good enough for me. I’ve never felt the need to check up on her. I either trust her or I don’t. I choose to trust her because I love her.”
Dawn and Kim were walking toward us, and we dropped the subject. It was much more fun to focus on our beautiful wives. Our next stop was a local nightclub we liked. The house band was excellent, and I often speculated about how long it would be before they got a tour gig and moved on to bigger things. They had a great mix of dance and slow songs that suited us. I’ll happily slow dance every chance I get. I love to hold my wife close, and if she’s a little tipsy, feel her up a bit. I enjoy a good fast dance, but neither Bob nor I are as dedicated as my wife and Kim are.
Bob and I took a break from the dance floor and continued our conversation while our wives danced nearby. I noticed they were drawing a bit of attention from a couple of guys at the bar. It wasn’t long before the bar guys were dancing nearby, then in front of them. They looked hunky to me, and I suspected that our wives thought they were hunky as well. Remarkably, Dawn continued to dance and was having a good time until the slow song came on. One of the guys touched her shoulder as she turned to go and said something to her. She looked at him, then turned and looked at me. Her eyes were huge, and I could tell she was torn. I smiled and winked. She returned it, then turned back to him. Soon, they were dancing closely, and I turned to talk to Bob.
“That was probably the hardest thing I’ve ever done. It’s one thing to have a fantasy and quite another to feel it in your gut. I need to know if I’m able to deal with this before we go on the trip. I don’t want her going off with the guy she’s dancing with, but I think both of us need to find out what this feels like.”
Bob raised his glass. “I think you both have a healthy approach to this. I want you to know that you and Dawn mean the world to us. We are both excited about the change in our friendship, and we hope that you both are too.”
I clinked my glass against his. “Oh, that’s already been decided. We are happy and excited about the four of us. It’s other men I’m trying to wrap my head around. Before this evening, I was convinced that I would love for Dawn to experience sex with other people. I wanted to watch her orgasm over and over with talented lovers. I wanted her to experience the ultimate in pleasure.
“Right now, I’m getting a taste of that. I’ll let you know how it goes.”
I watched as Dawn danced through the song. His voice was in her ear throughout as he held her close, but he kept it respectful. They looked like any other dating couple on the dance floor. That thought threw me for a moment. She did look like she was enjoying a date. I could see her smile and nod up at him. She was enjoying herself, and that made me smile.
Alright then. I’m good so far. Let’s see what happens when he gets amorous. My focus was totally on Dawn. I was startled when Kim sat down next to me instead of Bob. She snuggled up against me while I watched my wife dance. I looked at her. “How come you aren’t out there with the other guy?”
“His fiancé came and yanked his ass off the dance floor. I would rather be here with you anyway. It doesn’t look like Dawn needs my help at the moment.
“So, Dave, how far are you going to let this go?”
“I’m letting Dawn feel her way, and I’m thinking about how I feel about it. At some point, I might step in, or I might not. It depends on what Dawn wants.”
She kissed my cheek. “It depends on what you want too, David. She would never want something that hurts you. If something bothers you, then man up and tell her that very second. Don’t bottle shit up and wait until it explodes.”
“Good point. I am so glad that you are in her life, and I know you’ll be there for her. You’ll help her walk away if that’s what’s best for her. I also trust you to help her over any inhibition humps if she decides to go for it. I want her to be fully committed to enjoying the experience. I can’t say I like the idea of her spending the night with another man. It seems too intimate. It’s what lovers do, not people having a recreational fuck. Am I quibbling here, Kim?”
“You wouldn’t let her spend the night with Bob?”
“Oh, I forgot. You weren’t here when I told Bob. Dawn and I feel the same way you both do. The four of us are going to be wonderful together. I’m convinced of that. What I’m trying to understand now is how I really feel about Dawn being with another man.”
Kim gave me a sweet smile. “Well, in that case, I don’t think you’re quibbling at all. It’s the way you feel, and Dawn will want to know that. I have to say I don’t think she would do that anyway, at least not on purpose. I suppose if she was worn out enough, she might fall asleep, but you can erase that picture you have in mind right now. She would never sleep with another man like she sleeps with you.”
I knew she was right, and I also knew this wasn’t about what Dawn would do. This was about my own insecurities combined with my devotion to my marriage. Stuff like that will put your guard up in a hurry.
The slow song ended, and a fast song started. Kim grabbed Bob’s hand and dragged him back out onto the floor. Dawn and her partner had separated, and they began walking to our table. I smiled at my wife because that’s easy to do, and it kept the confusion off my face. Why is she bringing the guy over here?”
I stood as they arrived and let my wife do whatever it was she was doing. The guy reached out to shake my hand. Dawn was smiling happily. “David, this is Zach. Zach, this is my husband, David.”
With that said, Dawn sat down close to me. I was a bit surprised when Zach sat down next to her. I figured he would go on about his business after the introduction. Apparently, he wasn’t ready to give up yet.
Dawn turned her head toward him. “Zach, would you be kind and get us refills on our drinks?”
He smiled at her and quickly stood to do her bidding. When he walked away, she turned to me. “I’m not doing anything with Zach except flirt and dance a little bit. I’m trying to figure out how I feel about all of this. Is that okay?”
I kissed her lips. “Great minds think alike. I’m doing the same thing. I’ll admit that I was apprehensive at first, but when I saw how much fun you were having, I began to enjoy watching you. How are you doing so far?”
“Confused, excited, scared, horny. Yes, I think that about covers it. How about you?”
I chuckled. “I think you said it perfectly. So, what’s next?”
“I would like to dance with Zach a bit more before we leave. We are out with Bob and Kim, and that’s where my attention should be. It would be rude and inconsiderate for me to do anything else with Zach.”
“Are you considering something else?”
She shook her head. “No, Babe. This is very exciting, but I’m not planning to have sex with him. Baby steps, Honey. Baby steps.”
Her response was perfect. Zach was, without a doubt, a great-looking guy, and he obviously had a game. Dawn hadn’t succumbed to his charms. She hadn’t lost focus on us, and I found that very reassuring.
Zach returned with our drinks just as Bob and Kim returned from the dance floor. He introduced himself and sat back down next to Dawn. Bob and Kim looked on with thinly disguised curiosity as Zach wowed the ladies with his charm and conversation. I have to admit the guy was likable, even if he did make it obvious that he was attracted to Kim and very attracted to Dawn.
As soon as the next slow song came on, he asked Dawn to dance. She looked at me, I nodded my approval, and off they went. Kim grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet. “Come on, Stud. Let’s watch this up close and personal.”
We danced nearby, and neither Zach nor Dawn noticed us. Dawn was looking into his eyes while Zach was so focused on seducing her that he was oblivious to the dancers around them. Midway through the song, I saw him kiss Dawn’s cheek. It wasn’t long before he kissed her neck, then her lips. I could tell by her body language that she was enjoying herself.
I felt Kim’s lips on my neck and her leg pressed against my rather surprising erection. “She’s so hot, Dave. This is really turning me on.”
We continued to watch as we barely remembered to dance. The song was approaching the end when he kissed Dawn again, only this time he didn’t hold back. I could see her hesitate at first, shocked that things had gone that far but she continued to let him kiss her. Then, she kissed him back, and it was on. My cock throbbed against Kim’s belly as I watched my wife totally commit to that kiss. If that kiss had started at the beginning of the song, I’m not sure what would have happened next. The thirty seconds or so that they kissed before the song ended left Dawn with erect nipples and a face flushed with arousal. She gently pushed Zach away and talked to him as they walked off the dance floor. Kim and I followed behind, although they still hadn’t seen us.
We watched as Zach tried to direct Dawn toward the exit door. She stopped him, and they spoke for a few moments. I saw him nod and ask her something. She shook her head, kissed his cheek, and watched him walk away. She turned, lost in thought, and nearly ran into Kim and me.
Dawn has never been one for public displays of affection more exciting than a peck on the lips. When she saw me standing there with Kim, she grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me into a kiss that curled my toes.
I was ready to toss her on the bar and fuck her brains out when she broke the kiss. The three of us walked back to our table to finish our drinks. Dawn tilted her glass back and downed her drink. She set her glass on the table and grabbed her clutch. “Drink up, and let’s go home. I need fucked.”
Three empty glasses slammed onto the table a few seconds later. I held up my hand to hold everyone up. “Would everyone be okay if I asked Zach to come with us?”
Three sets of googly eyes looked back at me. “I’m being serious.”
Kim took Dawn’s hand and looked at her. “He seems like a great guy, and it might be a lot of fun, but it’s your decision. We’ll do whatever you decide.”
Dawn was in a position that she had never dreamed of. This was the kind of life-changing decision that she had rarely faced. I could see it scared her and excited her. She was no doubt attracted to Zach but fearful of doing something she could never take back. She looked at me as I knew she would. “Dawn, I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t want you to have the choice. If you want him, then talk to him. Let him know that the four of us are inviting him to our home. He needs to understand that it’s all of us or none of us. Does that work for you?”
She pressed up against me and kissed my lips. “Are you sure? I don’t need to be with him. I just want to.”
“That’s why I think you should do it if you want. You’re not looking for romance. You’re looking for some good sex, and I’m okay with that. I’m just not comfortable sending you off alone with him at this point. Plus, I really want to fuck you myself.”
She grinned. “Whenever you want.”
I felt her shiver as she bit her lip. “Okay, let’s do this. Kim, you’re coming with me.”
She grabbed Kim’s hand, and the two of them walked away. Within a few minutes, they were back, with Zach walking between them. I wasn’t surprised in the least. He would have had to be the world’s biggest idiot to turn down Kim and either one of them. Both were too much temptation to resist. We gave him our address in case we got separated and took off for home.
Zach knocked on the door half an hour after the rest of us had arrived. I was beginning to think that he’d gotten cold feet. I answered the door, and he greeted me with a smile. “I picked up a few things on the way. Mind giving me a hand?”
I followed him to his car, which happened to be a 71’ Chevelle resto-mod. I instantly fell in love with that car. “Holy shit, Zach! This car is awesome!”
He grinned. “Yeh, she’s pretty cool. It took me three years to build her. It was a body-off restoration. It has a rigid full frame with four-link suspension and an LS motor pushing eight hundred horses on pump gas.”
I had never seen a finer car in my life. It was perfection. The box pushing against my chest brought my attention back to the task at hand. Zach had just handed me a case of wine. Then he stacked some other stuff on top. He loaded up his own arms, and we made our way to the house.
Three shocked people scrambled to help us sort things out. Zach had a mix of red and white wines, cheeses, fresh fruit, some other stuff I hadn’t figured out yet, and vegetables. He set about cutting up the vegetables in perfectly bite-sized chunks so rapidly I was stunned he had any fingers left. Before we knew it, he’d assembled an assortment of hand foods, poured glasses of very good wine, and served us.
I held my glass up in a toast. “To Zach. Color me impressed.”
Bob was shaking his head. “Dude, this is awesome. Thank you very much. You sure do rock a chef’s knife.”
Zach chuckled. “I wouldn’t usually work that fast with a strange knife, but Dave’s are excellent quality, and I could tell he takes care of them. It’s all about the knife and practice.”
Looking back on it, the situation was bizarre. We had invited a handsome younger guy home to have sex with my wife, and I had to assume Bob’s wife as well. Instead of wild sex, Bob and I wanted the guy’s life history. I was very curious about his story.
It turns out that Zach owns three signature restaurants and a catering business. I recognized the names of all three, although Dawn and I had only eaten at one of them, and that was a special occasion. I had to ask. “How old are you, Zach?”
“I’m twenty-eight.”
Five years younger than us and that successful? “You’re twenty-eight and own three very successful restaurants, a catering business, and the finest car I’ve ever seen. How?”
Zach chuckled. “I get that a lot, and the answer is I’ve been blessed in the brain department.”
Kim blurted, “That’s not the only place it looks like you’ve been blessed!”
He shot a grin at her before he continued. “I’ve always learned fast. I graduated from high school when I was fourteen and had my master’s in finance by sixteen. I went to France and became a chef, and along the way, I developed some ideas about how to run a fine restaurant. My parents had given me some money when I graduated high school and some more when I finished college. I invested the money and used the gains to finance my first restaurant. The first one financed the second, and so on.”
Bob nodded, impressed. “You’ve positioned yourself well for expansion. What’s your long-term growth strategy?”
Zach chuckled. “At the moment, it’s three restaurants and a catering business. I like balance in my life. I don’t want the endless workdays that too much growth brings. What I have now is successful. I have a great staff, and I pay them well. We may not be growing, but we aren’t stagnant. The business is focused on continuous improvement as part of the culture. Everyone has a voice and shares ideas. I’m happy, my employees are happy, my customers are happy, and I have a life. I’m one of the luckiest guys alive.”
Zach asked us about our lives and was enthralled with the story of the four of us. That led to the upcoming travel, which in turn led to why my lovely wife was experimenting with Zach.
Zach reached out and took Dawn’s hand. He kissed the back of it and smiled at her. “Let me assure you that you have a very willing lab rat at your service. Please feel free to experiment with me at your leisure.
“You remind me very much of my wife, Sybil. I’m sure that she would love to meet all of you. She would have been with me tonight, but she’s in France until next week.”
Dawn looked a bit crestfallen. “I didn’t know you were married. You don’t wear a ring.”
Zach rushed to reassure her. “I didn’t mean to mislead you. I spend so much time working in kitchens that I don’t wear it often. To your real point, Sybil and I play with other people on occasion. You’ve done nothing wrong, Dawn. Even if my wife disapproved, that would be on me, not you.
“I tell you what, why don’t we call her?”
Dawn looked at him in shock. “You want to call your wife?”
“Sure, it’ll be fun. Give me a second to see if she’s available.”
He pulled out his cell phone and walked into the hallway. Two minutes later, he was back with his wife on speaker. She sounded lovely, and after talking with us for twenty minutes, she set a date to have dinner with us after her return. “Zach, I have to get off the phone soon. I can’t wait to meet everyone. Darling, you must call me and share all the details later. Pay attention to Bob and Dave, too. You always forget that part. I get infinite detail on a pretty pussy and nothing on cocks. Details dear. I need details.”
Zach chuckled. “I’ll see if I can find that metric measuring tape. Millimeters are so much more impressive sounding than inches.”
Bob and I both said, “Hey now!” For some reason, the women thought that was funny.
Zach got off the phone after reassuring his wife that he would provide all of the pertinent details upon her return. While he finished his call, I stepped behind my wife and casually rubbed her back with my free hand. As we continued to sip our drinks and talk, I gradually increased the area I was covering with my back rub. After a while, she leaned back against me, and I moved my gentle caress to her shoulder.
I set my wine glass down and pulled her hair back so that I could kiss her neck. She pretended that she didn’t notice and, outside of a slight hitch in her voice, continued talking.
I landed soft kisses on her neck, then nibbled her ear. The goosebumps popped up on her arms, and I stepped things up another notch when I pressed my hard cock against her ass. I traced my fingers down her arms, then spun her around. She looked at me in surprise until I kissed her. She returned my soft kiss and soon found my tongue caressing her lips, then her tongue. My goal was to build her arousal gradually, so I ended the kiss when she really started to get into it.
I turned her back around to continue conversing while everyone else pretended that nothing had happened. I went back to work on her neck and used both hands to rub her arms and then her tummy. Her blouse had five buttons, of which the top two were already free. I unbuttoned the third button and ran my fingertips over the cleavage I had revealed to the room. The conversation continued, but all eyes were on Dawn. I released the next button and ran my hands inside her blouse. The blouse gaped open, and her sexy bra, complete with two very erect nipples, was revealed. Dawn was starting to breathe a bit heavily. Zach was standing just a few feet away, and their eyes caught each other. I could see the arousal in his eyes as he watched me play with my wife.
I released the last button and slid her blouse down her arms. I then caught Kim’s eye and glanced toward Zach. She set her wine glass down and walked behind Zach. She mimicked what I had done with Dawn so far, including the kiss. She turned him back around to face Dawn, then pulled his shirt up and off.
I rotated my hips to rub my cock against my wife’s ass, and she bit her lip as she stared at Zach. The guy was in great shape, and I could tell that she was impressed with his washboard abs and muscular chest.
I released Dawn’s bra and cupped her breasts under the loose cups, gently squeezing and running my palms over her nipples with a feathery touch. Dawn lowered her arms and let her bra slip down her arms and fall to the floor. I let Zach get a great view of her wonderful tits as I caressed them and played with her nipples. She was moving against me now, unable to stand still. Her skirt hit the floor next, and I cupped her thong-clad pussy with my hand. I teased her breast with one hand while the other rubbed her clit through her thong.
Dawn watched with rapt attention as Kim removed Zach’s slacks. Kim knelt to help him step out of them and remained there with her hands poised over the waistband of his boxer briefs. His erection was obvious and had Dawn’s undivided attention. I slipped a hand under the silken cloth covering her pussy and began to run my fingers over her clit.
Kim continued the slow tease by taking what seemed like forever to put her fingers in the waistband of his underwear. She peeled them down slowly until his rigid cock popped free. She quickly removed them after that, and Zach stood in front of my horny wife in all his naked glory. I must admit that I was a bit relieved that his cock wasn’t some monster. My mind went back to Sybil’s comment. I secretly hoped that it would turn her on when he told her I was a bit bigger. He certainly wasn’t under-endowed. Dawn couldn’t take her eyes off his cock and was biting her lip something fierce.
I took a step back and left things up to Zach. I’d warmed her up for him. Now, he needed to take her to the next level. His eyes were locked with Dawn’s as he stepped forward and took her in his arms. He kissed her softly, and the heat between them continued to build. It wasn’t long before his hands were holding her ass and pulling her tightly against his erection.
When their lips parted, she took his hand and led him into the living room. She turned back to him, and he kissed her passionately. When their lips parted, he led her to the couch, and she lay down while looking up at him, clearly very aroused. He didn’t hesitate to move between her legs, and he didn’t spend a lot of time kissing his way up her thighs. They were both way beyond the need for seductive play. She wanted his mouth on her pussy as much as he wanted to put it there. I watched as he ate her to perfection.
Dawn was so aroused that it didn’t take him long to bring her to orgasm with his tongue and the two fingers inside her pussy. She looked so beautiful writhing on the couch as another man made her cum. He stopped before she got too sensitive and moved up between her legs. Dawn watched as he rubbed his cock up and down her soaked labia. He rubbed it against her clit for a moment, then positioned his cock at her entrance.
This was a huge moment for Dawn and me. Another man was going to shove his cock in her. The glans slipped inside her, and she caught her breath. For the first time since Zach lost his clothes, she remembered I was in the room. She looked around for me, and her gaze caught mine. I could see the turmoil, and I could also see the arousal. It was clear that she wanted Zach to fuck her. It was also clear that she was ready to push him away if that’s what I wanted.
I didn’t leave her hanging. “I love you, Dawn. I can’t wait to see how beautiful you look when he makes you cum.”
I could see how much she loved me in the look she gave me. She turned her attention back to Zach, and he began to slip inside her. When he was fully inside, he kissed her hard, and she began to move with him. They broke the kiss so that they could both watch his hard cock as it slid in and out of her. His cock glistened with her wetness as I watched in fascination. The sight of his cock fucking my wife blew me away. I wasn’t upset or panicked. I was excited. I never would have believed how much watching my wife get fucked would turn me on.
Kim dropped to her knees in front of me and had my cock in her mouth in no time. My eyes bounced between watching my wife and watching Kim suck my cock. Zach picked up the pace, and soon they were fucking each other hard. Dawn was on the verge of an epic orgasm, and when she finally went over the edge, I followed her. I filled Kim’s mouth with cum as my wife screamed out her ecstasy on another man’s cock.
Zach kissed her softly in the afterglow. Bob, Kim, and I went to the kitchen and freshened our drinks. I watched from the doorway, out of my wife’s line of sight, as they kissed and held each other. Soft words were spoken between them, and I wondered if she would ever share with me what they said to each other. I had no problem with her fucking Zach. I enjoyed watching her, and I know she enjoyed herself. This part of it worried me. I was glad that Zach didn’t cum and run. He should be doing what he’s doing, letting my wife know how much he appreciated the gift she had given him. At the same time, the loving nature of it struck at my heart. I mentally slapped myself. There was no sense in letting my fears take me at this point. I trusted Dawn. She didn’t deserve my doubts.
He helped her up from the couch, and she took his hand. They walked down the hallway, and I turned back to Bob and Kim. I stood there sipping my drink, lost in thought. Were they going to our bedroom? Was my wife so enraptured with Zach that she took him to our bed without a backward glance at me? That didn’t ring true to me. Dawn would never treat me so callously. I chased the evil thoughts away and freshened my drink. Kim and Bob were both silent. I’m sure they had the same questions running through their heads as I did.
I was snacking diffidently and sipping my wine when Zack and Dawn returned to the kitchen fifteen minutes later. Their hair was wet, and I could smell the soap. They hadn’t gone off to bed but had left to clean up after their first time together. Zach walked up to me and reached out to shake my hand. “Dave, I am humbled that you would share such a treasure with me. Dawn is a lucky woman to have you, but not nearly as lucky as you are. She is an amazing woman.”
Dawn took my hand. “Come with me, my love. I’m sure that Kim and Bob can entertain Zach just fine.”
Kim came over and gave Dawn a loving kiss. “You two go. As soon as Zach recharges, he’s going to help my husband fuck my brains out.”
Dawn led me down the hall to our bedroom. She closed the door and flipped the lock. I washed up, and she was waiting for me in bed with her arms open when I walked back into the room. We held each other close while we wrapped our heads around what had just happened.
I felt her body shaking and realized that she was crying. “Dawn, sweetheart, what’s wrong?”
She couldn’t answer me for the longest time. I settled in to hold her and wait until she was ready. Eventually, she sob-talked about what had her so upset. “I’m sad because I was never supposed to be with anyone but you, and I did it anyway, and I’ve ruined our lives.”
I hugged her tightly. “That isn’t true at all. I love you with all of me, just as I did an hour ago or a month ago. You looked so hot and beautiful with Zach. You enjoyed him very much, and there is not a single thing wrong with that. Hell, I even helped make it happen.
“Tell me what else is bothering you.”
“I really liked it.”
I chuckled. “Well, I would hope so. It sure looked like he knew what he was doing. Are you worried like might become something more?”
She wiped her eyes as she sat up in bed. “I really like Zach, but I’m not worried about falling in love with him or anything. I’m more worried about you falling out of love with me.
“Okay, here it is. I’m afraid you think I’m a whore now and won’t want me anymore!”
I sat up next to her and turned to look her in the eye. “You are not a whore. We’ve recently learned that sometimes it’s fun to be a bit of a slut, and that hasn’t been a bad thing. Think about it. You’ve had sex with Bob and really do love him, yet you’re not worried about that. Why Zach?”
“Because we love Bob and Kim, and we’re finding our future with them. Zach is just fun. It doesn’t seem right to risk your love for some fun.”
“If you were sneaking around behind my back with him, I would agree, but you aren’t. Every step of the way, I’ve been with you and let you know I supported whatever you wanted. I am very happy that you enjoyed the experience and that I could be a part of it. If anything, I love you more now than before, however impossible as that sounds.”
I kissed her soft lips. “I love you, Dawn, and that won’t change. I understand your worry, and I don’t take it lightly. There were a few moments when I fought negative stuff that popped into my head. I reminded myself that it was you, and you would never do anything deliberately to hurt me.”
“What kind of stuff?”
“You’re going to think I’m totally weird…
“Okay, it didn’t bother me when he fucked you. I thought it was hot as hell, and you looked so damn beautiful and happy. Watching you orgasm made me feel wonderful.”
I hesitated, and she dug an elbow in my side. “Don’t ever hold stuff inside. You have to tell me everything, or this won’t work. I have to believe you are telling me what you want and need, or I can’t do this stuff. I just can’t.”
I had a shocking thought. “Dawn, are you doing this because you think it’s what I want and not because you want it?”
She straddled my lap and cupped my face with her hands. “Did I look like I was making a huge sacrifice when I came on his cock? I absolutely wanted it, but I’m not willing to trade you for it. Now, tell me the rest.”
“I watched from the doorway when you two were kissing and talking in the afterglow. I wondered what he said to you and if you would ever share that with me or even tell me about it at all. Then, when the two of you walked down the hall without saying anything, I wondered if you were leaving to be alone with him for the night. I felt like an ass because I know you better than that. It was my own fears doing that to me, not you.”
She kissed me and smiled gently. “So, I’m not the only one that has scary thoughts. I wasn’t planning on sharing what he and I said to each other, but not because I didn’t want you to know. He told me that he thought I was beautiful and sexy. Then he told me he really enjoyed fucking me. I told him I enjoyed fucking him too, but cum was running down my butt crack, and I really needed to get cleaned up before I stained my couch. We got off the couch and got cleaned up, just like you and I do every time we have sex.
“Still, I get the difference. What I thought was nothing to worry about at all worried you. That’s the kind of stuff we have to talk about. It has to be a priority, too. If you see something that bothers you, say something. I don’t care if you have to jump up and down and holler, “Stop!” You and I always come first, always.”
I kissed her soft lips, and things escalated from there until she was wiggling her hips and rubbing her pussy against my erection. What’s a guy to do? She showed me.