Life Is Strange Ch. 05

"It's girls night, then time for some fun away from home"

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The night at Zach and Sybil’s was amazing. I couldn’t believe how good it felt to have fun without that fear hanging over me, and I definitely had fun. The dinner blew my mind, but not nearly as much as Sybil did. She’s so beautiful and kind. We hit it off right away and had a wonderful dinner at Zach’s restaurant. The real revelation happened when we were invited to their house.

The house is simply amazing, and I hope we’ll be invited again soon, but it pales in comparison to the amazing sex. Kim and I had a blast with Sybil, and the three of us are going to make a habit of getting together. Now that we’ve made a similar connection with Sherry and Anne, girls’ night is going to be epic!

Life was a whirlwind of trying to prepare for the trip without knowing where we were going, the four of us having fun together, and lastly, a girls’ night out. Normally, I would have canceled the girl’s night with a trip coming up the next day, but not this time. Kim and I were way too excited about the five of us getting together.

Anne and Sybil were new to our little group. There are a couple of other girls, but we didn’t think they would appreciate us lezzing out without giving them a chance to prepare for that little revelation. We would have a chance to talk at the next one. Sherry was hosting at her place, which made it nice. We wouldn’t be out clubbing, so there wasn’t any danger of one of the other girls seeing us and getting pissed about being excluded.

Kim and I left our loving hubbies at home to contemplate what we were going to be up to and drove over to Sherry’s in my car. Our husbands knew we would likely spend the night there, and we had strict orders to be home no later than nine in the morning, sooner if the flight dictated it. We both felt kind of bad leaving our husbands alone the last night before the trip, especially considering what might, no, probably, would happen on the trip. I almost turned the car around, but Kim talked me out of it. “It’s important that Dave has a chance to feel what it’s like to deal with you being away from him and having sex with someone else. I know it’s with the girls, and he gets off on that, but tonight should give him some idea of what it’s like before we leave.

“Who knows? Maybe nothing much will happen, but we need to plan for a lot and deal with things accordingly, don’t you think?”

I couldn’t argue her point, and we had committed to girls’ night. The others would be very disappointed if we didn’t show up. Plus, I needed details from Sherry about the trip. The women needed to talk about the trip as well and figure out how to help each other out if needed. I think it went without saying that, as far as I was concerned, David could be with any of them, but they needed to hear that from me. I doubted that any of them assumed they would have sex with him again just because they’d been with him before.

“I don’t know about going off alone with Pete. It’s one thing to share the experience with David. It’s quite another to be with another man without him. I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”

Kim studied my face for a moment. “Is that your fear speaking?”

“No, it’s not. Surely you can see the difference. If David is there, I’m sharing the experience with him. If I’m off alone with Pete, it becomes personal between the two of us. When I tell David all about it afterward, it won’t feel like I’m sharing the experience. It would feel like I’m rubbing salt in the wound.”

Kim considered for a moment, “What if I were with you? Wouldn’t that make it more of a party than a romantic interlude?”

I pulled the car over and stopped. “It might if David thinks that way.

“Kim, I love you, and I want us to be together forever, but we have to establish some boundaries. You and Bob have reached an understanding that works for you. You’ve been alone with lovers far away from Bob. That’s fine for you, but not for me. I don’t want to start fucking other men when we travel or without David’s approval in advance. I hope that doesn’t cause problems between us.”

She leaned over the console and kissed my cheek. “I love you too. I’m going to be your biggest supporter, whatever you decide. I want the four of us to be happy together.

“Plus, I’ve decided that fucking guys while on the road doesn’t fit in my life anymore. I have something so much better now with the four of us. The last thing I want to do is screw that up. Hell, it’s not like I need the extra sex!

“I think you should talk to David about the what-ifs. Figure out how you’ll communicate when you can’t see or hear each other. Bob and I can help with that. Set your boundaries together and stick to them. Whatever you decide, I’ll always be there for you.”

The kiss on the cheek wasn’t nearly enough, and we spent a few minutes kissing passionately. Honking horns brought us back to earth, and I pulled back on the highway. We arrived at Sherry’s a few minutes later.

Anne was already there, and Sybil arrived a short time later. She had decided to drive herself so that Kim and I wouldn’t need to take care of her. I think a big part of her reasoning had to do with having a way to get home if she didn’t hit it off with Sherry and Anne. I wasn’t a bit worried about that. I knew they would get along great.

That soon proved to be the case. We were sipping on our second glass of wine when Anne walked up to Sybil, and the two of them shared their captivating gazes. Their eyes must have communicated something profound because their lips met in a soft kiss without a word being said. Sherry walked over to them and quietly took their wine glasses from their hands. Their freed hands immediately reached out to touch.

It was beautiful to watch as each touch invited more. Their kiss turned passionate as their world shrank until it was the two of them, and nothing else mattered. I motioned to Kim and walked over to Sybil. I unzipped the back of her skirt and dropped it to the floor. I’m not even sure that Sybil noticed.

She and Anne couldn’t help but notice when I pulled Sybil’s top over her head. Kim took advantage of the opportunity to slip Anne’s dress off her shoulders and help her step out of it. Anne took Sybil’s hand and led her down the hall to Sherry’s bedroom. The three of us excitedly followed but stopped in the hallway. What was happening between them was beautiful, and while we were eager to watch, we didn’t want to interfere in any way. They needed to keep their focus on each other. We would watch from the hall.

I could see myself as one of them and how wonderful it would be. It was no surprise to me that they both wanted to savor this first time together. Their kisses were making me wet, and that’s when Kim took things up a notch in the hallway.

She watched over my shoulder as we stood in the doorway. Her hands came around and started caressing me, her lips meeting the back of my neck. Her soft voice whispered, “They look so amazing together, don’t they?”

I bit my lip and nodded my head as Kim’s hands continued doing amazing things to my nerve endings. She seduced me, following the rhythm that Sybil and Anne were setting. What was a romantic sexual moment between Sybil and Anne was a slow tease for me. By the time Anne and Sybil had lovingly stripped each other, my legs were made of Jello, and Sherry had decided to get in the game.

Sherry and Kim make a good tag team. One would distract me with kisses and touches while the other worked on my clothes. It wasn’t long before I was standing nude and extremely aroused in the hallway. Sybil was making love to Anne’s pussy with her mouth. The sheer erotic beauty of the moment will always remain a favorite memory.

I decided some payback was in order and soon had Kim and Sherry turned on each other. I alternated between them, helping as needed, until three naked and very horny women stood in the hallway. We watched the amazing scene in front of us as the two new lovers brought each other to ecstasy. Anne’s mouth was bringing Sybil rapidly to orgasm. In moments, Sybil would cum on Anne’s face. Suddenly, I was anticipating what might happen next.

The two of them kissed and whispered in the afterglow, still the only two people in the world. I was battling Kim’s tongue with mine while Sherry squeezed my nipples. I was spun around, and it was Sherry’s turn to kiss me. I gently pushed them both away so we could watch the couple on the bed. We must have looked like quite the sight when Sybil and Anne finally noticed us. They both grinned, then laughed as they invited us to join them.

Sybil gave me her perspective later. “Anne and I had shared something wonderful, and I was feeling so loving and happy. I think Anne and I both came back to earth about the same time. When we looked over at you guys, we couldn’t help but laugh.

“You looked like three horny thoroughbreds anxiously waiting for the starting gate to open. It wouldn’t have surprised me if you all didn’t drop into a sprinter’s stance. It was funny, but it was also erotic as hell. Anne and I had experienced something special, but the night had barely started. You three were sending the message that it was time to fuck.”

I thought she hit the nail on the head with that one, because that’s pretty much how things turned out. The five of us on the bed together, sometimes moving between each other in our erotic dance and sometimes banging heads. We determined rather quickly that the best ratio was two girls working on one girl. It got my endorsement when Sherry and Anne worked me over. My first orgasm took seconds. I have no idea when the other two happened. I wasn’t exactly clock-watching at the time.

We worked the various permutations until we were a post-orgasmic mess sprawled on the bed. Then Kim proved to me yet again how much she cared for me. “This is wonderful, but I think that Dawn and I need to go home. We need to spend the rest of the night with our husbands.”

Anne gave her a kiss. “I’m relieved you feel that way. I don’t know what the trip will bring, and I want to be in my husband’s arms as well this last night.”

Sherry gave us information packets before we left. We were going to a private resort on the island of Antigua and the plane was leaving just before noon. The rest of the packet would keep until we could read at our leisure. There were no last-minute adjustments to make or special things needed. We were well-armed with beachwear already. If anything, I could leave some things behind that I had planned to pack for a colder climate.

I dropped Kim off, went home, and parked in the driveway. I let myself in and went looking for my husband. David was on the couch with the television on and an e-reader in his hand, both ignored as he stared off into space. “Hi, Honey. I’m home.”

His head swiveled toward me, and a smile lit his face. “I wasn’t expecting you home tonight. Did you have a good time?”

I walked over, straddled his lap, and took his e-reader from his hand. “I did. Sybil fit right in like I knew she would. She and Anne really hit it off. We had a lot of fun, but it didn’t feel right staying, knowing you were here waiting for me.”

His hazel eyes met mine. “You know that wasn’t a problem, Dawn. I understood that this evening was very special for you before you left this evening. I would have said something if I had concerns.

“Babe, I can imagine what might happen on this trip just as well as you can, and I’m working my head around it just as you are. I can’t keep you entirely to myself, and I wouldn’t if I could because that would smother you. There are going to be times when I willingly set my wants aside so you can be elsewhere. That’s how life works.

“What is really on both our minds is what happens when we get separated. I am sure we will get separated over the coming days, and there will be temptations. I want you to fully enjoy yourself. You’ll know in your heart if you’re crossing a line, just as I will. You don’t need me to tell you that or be your chaperone, either. My biggest fear isn’t losing you to another man. My biggest fear is something bad happening because I wasn’t there when you needed me.

“I’ve been thinking about that nonstop all evening. On the one hand, I want you to have fun, and on the other, I want you to be as safe as possible. I’ve reached an accommodation with myself that I hope we both can live with.

“So, prepare yourself because this Pete guy and his people are going to get a lot of scrutiny from me, and if things don’t smell right, I will call a halt to things. I would rather embarrass us both than risk what we have.”

I had to kiss him for a while after he said that. When we came up for air, I let him take a sip of his drink. “We could just tell the truth about being married.”

He nodded. “We probably will at some point, but why not enjoy the opportunity? We aren’t hurting anyone by not being forthcoming, and odds are we are worrying about nothing. We can toss it out there if needed or when we feel the time is right.

“We’ll feel our way and see how things go. It’s good that we’ve talked about the possible pitfalls and how best to protect us. The truth is, I believe we’re going to have a lot of fun. I seriously doubt that anything really crazy will happen.”

It’s funny how our concerns were different, yet our approach to dealing with them matched so well. I wasn’t nearly as concerned about my safety as I was about my husband, and he wasn’t nearly as concerned about himself as he was about me. I had met Pete and liked him as a person. Not only that but there were a lot of people at his company and mine who would react badly if he did something nasty. He had a lot to lose.

Just because I was sure my husband’s concerns were unfounded didn’t mean I made light of them. He was concerned because he loves me, and I will always respect that. For my part, the last thing I wanted was to make him feel less of a man or humiliate him in some way. That gave me the answer I needed. I wouldn’t do anything that would hurt my husband or my marriage. “I love that you want to protect me. Please keep in mind that Pete has a lot to lose if he does something stupid. He impresses me as a kind man and a smart one. I don’t think I will be in any danger, but I will be careful.

“You have to promise me that if there is anything at all that you don’t like for any reason, you will tell me. I think we need a safe word, maybe two: one for stop and one for when we need to talk. What do you think?”

“That sounds like a really good idea. There’s no sense in blowing up the fantasy if we can talk about whatever it is. What words can we use in front of everyone that wouldn’t cause a stir?”

I laughed. “How about, ‘Stop!’ and ‘I need to talk to you, honey’?”

David chuckled. “Yeah, that would probably work as well. Let’s go with that.”

I climbed off his lap and grabbed his hand. “Let’s go to bed. I need you to love me.”

My sex life had become magical, and that was only because of the man I love. Being with him, feeling his arms around me, and the sheer manliness of him as he made love to me was what it was all about. The new sexual experience was wonderful, but only because it made the two of us better with each other. It opened my mind and my heart, and while I was aware of the pitfalls, I was also secure in my marriage. We had each other’s back, and we always would.

We made love not because it might be the last time before I had sex with another man. It would happen, or it wouldn’t, but either way, we were good. We made love because we love each other. I can only hope that I give him a small fraction of the joy he gave me.

It was nice to wake up in the morning, have some breakfast, then go back to bed for a little fun. We showered together, and I managed to suck one more orgasm out of him before we had to get serious about leaving.

The jet was awesome, and we snuggled during the flight between my frequent visits with the other passengers. At one point, the pilot had to come on the intercom and ask some of us to move toward the front of the plane. Kim was demonstrating her deep throat technique on Bob and had drawn a crowd. Since they were in the back of the plane, I guess it got a bit tail-heavy. Who knew?

There were vans waiting for us, and our convoy meandered through scenic mountains and not-so-scenic urban areas before arriving at the resort. Security guards opened the gates, and we were soon exiting our transportation at reception.

There wasn’t much to do at reception except get key cards, and soon, we were following one of the staff as the baggage train followed us. The property was gorgeous, and I’d never seen anything like it. There were common areas, pools, bars, and buildings as yet unknown. I fully expected to have a room, likely close by the others in our party. I definitely got that.

We stood at the wrought iron gate that our keycards could unlock. A short and wide passageway led us into the walled courtyard. The pool, hot tub, bar, and loungers created a fun atmosphere. Six sets of sliding glass doors fed onto the area from the first floor, with an entryway centered between them. The second floor was laid out the same way, with the center-arched opening giving access to the balcony.

Bodies began rising from various loungers as the Milford folks gathered. Pete Parsons stepped forward to greet us. I knew he was handsome, but until that moment, I didn’t know he was hot. His broad shoulders sat upon a tall and fit frame. His muscle definition defied the salt and pepper in his brown hair, a look I found very attractive. His trunks weren’t Speedo style but fit him snuggly enough to make out the substantial bulge of his package—a bulge that began to swell when he looked at me.

He smiled at me in welcome before sharing it with the others. “It’s wonderful that you are all here. I’ll save the ass-kissing for later and get the introductions out of the way.” He motioned toward the gentleman to his left. “This is Jeff Dennis my CFO and best friend.”

Jeff was a very handsome brown-haired man of around forty. He was a slender man who stood a little over six feet tall. His piercing green eyes were almost hypnotic. Pete then motioned toward another slightly younger man with red hair who was built like a brick wall. He was a few inches under six feet tall, but he seemed nearly that wide. “Rich here is my COO and is one of the nicest people I know, in spite of his intimidating presence.”

Clearly, Pete insisted on his executives being in shape. The last man he gestured toward was a blonde-haired, blue-eyed stud muffin of the highest order. He couldn’t hide the biggest bulge I’d ever seen in a pair of board shorts that should have been baggy but weren’t. “Chance is my CIO and is probably happier than I am that we engaged Ditco.”

I saw movement out of the corner of my eye and turned to see two women walk out from inside the house. Castle? Plantation? I didn’t have the words to describe how big the place was. The two women were walking arm in arm and smiling as they approached us.

“Ah, there they are! The lovely lady with the brown hair is Felice, and the other lovely lady with the red hair is Jennifer, my executive assistant.”

Both women were striking. Jennifer stood a little over five feet tall, and she looked like every man’s dream of a hot cheerleader—except that she looked to be in her late twenties and much sexier with maturity than she probably was in high school.

Felice was a class act and just a few inches shorter than me. Her tight body made me think she must have been a gymnast. She looked closer to Anne’s age, and I wondered what she did for Milford. Pete hadn’t mentioned that, and I found it a bit strange. I was sure that I would find out eventually.

Mike introduced our group, and Pete led us to the bar. It had a tiki bar theme, with a thatched round roof over a bar that had to be twenty feet in diameter. You could easily seat thirty people around it. Mike began mixing some concoctions while Jennifer went around handing out room assignments. She had Kim and me rooming together and winked before whispering, “You may decide not to sleep there much.” Our room was on the ground floor at the end.

David and Bob were given a room on the second floor right over Kim and me. Anne and Mike were two rooms down from us. Jeff, Rich, and Chance took the other three rooms, leaving the one next to us for Pete. Felice and Jennifer had rooms on the second floor.

Bob and David didn’t take long before they went exploring, and the rest of us from Ditco followed along. The hallway that fed to the inside was through the arch in the center. The service elevator to the second floor was midway along the hall but the thing that caught my eye was at the end of that short hall.

As we reached the end of the hallway, automated glass doors opened to a great room that looked like something out of a hedonistic bedroom scene. Everywhere I looked, there was some piece of furniture or pile of pillows or something that invited the body to relax. That in and of itself would have been very nice, but the giant room was much more than that. Some of the furniture was designed for one very obvious use, and it wasn’t sleeping. The room seemed to exude sex but in a deep, romantic voice of temptation and seduction. I can honestly say that was the first and only room that ever made me horny.

We moved through the room to the kitchenette, which was intended as a convenience rather than a necessity. There were several full baths, a sauna, and a gym. I was stunned at the opulence of the place. We gathered at the bar and refreshed our drinks while enjoying the air conditioning. People began to cluster in little conversation groups, and I found myself separated from David.

I saw him and Bob heading to the stairs to the room they had been given, and that’s when it truly hit me. My husband was walking away, pretending not to be what I so much love him to be, my husband. He was doing that for me. He was leaving so I wouldn’t feel inhibited. I grabbed Kim’s hand, thinking that we could go to our room and give myself a minute to think.

Pete chose that moment to approach me with a welcoming smile. Chance was with him, and they immediately made me feel at ease. I don’t know what I expected. Did I really think he was going to throw me to the floor and fuck me as soon as I arrived? It’s probably a good thing that I didn’t get the chance to escape to my room. I would have stressed over things that David and I had already discussed and agreed to. My phobia was trying to rear its ugly head, and I was resolved not to let it lose in my life again.

Kim and I finished our drinks and Pete suggested we all meet back at the pool. I thought that was a wonderful idea. Kim and I set off to our room for a different purpose this time.

My new bikini was just this side of scandalous, tasteful, but very sexy and revealing. The light blue matched my eyes. Kim, of course, went full-on Wild Weasel right out of the gate. “Kim, baby. Maybe you should consider building up to that. You don’t want to blow your wad early.”

She laughed. “Yeh, I know. I just had to try it on again. I’ll follow the plan to introduce a more revealing outfit as things progress. It will be fun making the guys wonder what we’ll show up wearing next.”

I chuckled. “Yes, indeed. We’re just two vacationing wives who would probably, maybe, never let themselves be seduced by hot, handsome men.”

“Why, of course not! The very idea! I would never let such men seduce me, make me suck their big cocks, or eat my innocent, sweet little married pussy. I can’t imagine letting them put their big fat cocks in me until I cum my brains out. I’m just not that kind of girl… At least not right this minute.”

Kim cracks me up sometimes. “I’m wondering about the dynamic. What’s the deal with Felice? He didn’t say anything about her except her name. She’s hot, and so is Jennifer. What do you suppose those two are expecting?”

Kim finished putting on her version of what I was wearing in green. “We’ll find out soon enough, I guess. Anne has already said that she’s free to do what she wants. Which I hope means Mike will be available for some fun. Sherry is a free agent, and there are certainly enough guys to go around.”

I shrugged. “I know one thing for sure. Someone had better hook up with David, or I’m done. I won’t enjoy myself if he’s not having fun too.”

Kim nodded. “Ditto for me. I don’t think it’s going to be a problem, though. Our husbands aren’t exactly chopped liver. I say we just go with the flow as we planned and hope someone isn’t too possessive. I mean, who knows? Maybe Felice and Jennifer see this as their chance to get close to the boss.”

I nodded. “I can think of worse things than a tropical vacation and fucking my husband.”

She laughed. “And mine, for that matter!”

We giggled as I pulled the curtains open, and the huge glass doors lit up the room. We could see the entire pool deck, and anyone on the pool deck could easily see us. It occurred to me that it might be fun to conveniently forget to close the curtains and put on a show.

We walked out onto the pool deck and made our way to the bar, where Pete waited with the blender ready. We settled on the roomy padded loungers, set our drinks down, and began putting on sunscreen. I couldn’t help but notice the rapt attention of the Milford guys. You would think they had never seen a woman put on sunscreen before.

Sunglasses in place, we kicked back, sipped our drinks and entered into a lively conversation with the guys. It wasn’t too long before we were joined by the rest of the girls, who also got well-deserved appreciative looks. I was beginning to wonder where Bob and David were when they walked out onto the deck with Mike. They grabbed beers from the bar and settled on loungers near the other girls.

It wasn’t long before the crowd morphed into two conversation groups. Kim, me, Pete, Chance, Rich, and Jeff were in one group. Mike, David, Bob, Felice, Anne, Sherry, and Jennifer formed their own group.

Mike, David, and Bob were soon enlisted to put sunscreen on the ladies’ backs. They took their time, and hands began to wander to side boob before Anne grabbed both of David’s hands. “Your turn!” Anne and Sherry returned the favor. Anne decided David needed help putting lotion on his chest and stomach, and it didn’t take Sherry long to follow her example with Bob. Mike adopted Jennifer while Felice watched with obvious interest as the two women ran their hands over our husbands’ muscular chests and washboard abs, and Mike made Jennifer’s nipples hard. I nudged Kim, and she looked over at them. The Milford guys couldn’t see what was going on because of the angle and their focus on Kim and me. I watched my husband’s cock rapidly swell, turning his modest trunks into a hot display of manhood. He looked so hot that I wanted to jump his bone right then and there.

Bob was in a similar condition and didn’t seem to mind. Sherry smiled mischievously at Anne as she ‘accidentally’ ran her fingers across Bob’s erection. Anne smiled at David and did the same thing. “Sorry, Dave. It wasn’t sticking up like that when I started.”

Anne stood and arranged the loungers so that each guy had a lady on either side. Felice ended up next to David, with Anne on his other side. With Bob similarly situated and Mike on the end by Jennifer, they all settled into conversation. The show was over for the moment, but the damage had been done. I was getting horny and decided a dip in the pool was needed. “Come on, Kim. Let’s get in the pool.”

She grinned. “You mean get wet?”

I leaned in and whispered, “I’m already wet. I need to cool off.”

She stood and grabbed my hand, and instead of diving in from the side, she led me to the steps. We put on quite the show, walking to the steps and then slowly stepping down into the water. Of course, we had to submerge at the shallow end, then stand and throw our hair back. Our bikinis had lost their lining somehow, and our hard nipples were obvious. We used our peripheral vision to watch the Milford guys’ reactions. They all seemed to have a problem with their swim trunks at the same time. Odd how that happened.

Kim and I cavorted for a while, both of us continuing our teasing. We got into a splash fight and had to hug and make up when it was over. Kim gave me a light kiss on the lips as our boobs rubbed together. It was all I could do not to stick my tongue down her throat. I decided that cooling off in the pool hadn’t cooled my growing arousal. I grabbed Kim’s hand and led her over to the steps. We made our grand exit, water dripping from our bodies. Our wet bikinis were like a second skin that failed to hide the cleft of our pussies, or the fact that we both had well-trimmed landing strips. My nipples were a good half-inch in the lead as we walked over to our loungers.

I grabbed a towel and started drying Kim off, and she returned the favor. We then set about putting lotion on each other’s backs. Neither of us could contain an occasional soft moan during the process. From the time we stood to get into the pool until we laid down on our stomachs, the Milford guys had been totally silent and totally focused on Kim and me. I was so aroused that I could barely lay still.

Pete broke the spell when he got up and went to the bar. He soon returned with a pitcher of delicious alcoholic goodness and refreshed our drinks. We sipped and listened as the guys did their best to contain themselves. After all, Kim and I were married, and they didn’t know what the rules were.

We’d been in the sun for a while, and I didn’t want to get drunk this early. “Kim, let’s go inside for a while. I need to wash this stuff off and take a nap.”

Her lascivious grin was all the answer I needed. I stood, and Kim joined me. Pete caught our attention. “Let’s meet in the great room at six. Dinner will be at seven, and the dress is resort formal.”

Kim put a hand on her hip. “What’s resort formal?”

Pete grinned. “You’ll see. I’ll have your clothes delivered by five.”

Kim arched an eyebrow. “You bought us clothes?”

“All part of the package. You both deserve to be catered to in every way. If you want or need anything, just ask, and it’s yours.”

I gave him a smile, and he returned it. Kim and I walked hand in hand to our door and walked inside. I closed the glass door, grabbed the curtain, and started pulling it closed. Kim stopped me when there were about three feet left open and molded her body to mine. She kissed me as I swept the curtain closed. There was no doubt that the guys saw us kissing, and I would bet any amount of money that all of them were thinking about what we were going to do next.

Kim had to be as horny as I was, and she proved that pretty quickly. Our oiled bodies were soon naked on the bed. It felt so wonderful to feel our slick skin rubbing so sensually as we kissed, and our need for each other grew out of control. We soon nestled into a wonderful sixty-nine and, within a few minutes, were orgasming explosively. Even with our mouths somewhat muffled by each other’s pussies we were very loud.

Kim shocked me when she quickly jumped out of bed and pulled the curtain back a few feet to peak out. I let out a yell when she revealed four very aroused faces just inches from the glass. Kim stuck a naked hip sideways and opened the door a crack. “You guys need something?”

Four lascivious smiles lit their faces as their heads nodded slowly in unison. Kim slid the door closed and grabbed the curtain. “Good luck with that.”

She slid the curtain closed and returned laughing to the bed. “That got them stirred up. You ready for a shower and a nap?”

I was, and we did. After our nap, I texted David and asked him to call me. My phone rang seconds later. “Hi, Baby. Are you having any fun?”

His sexy chuckle made me tingle. “I couldn’t help but notice your admirers checking out your sliding doors. I’m sure there’s ear prints, handprints, and probably, dick prints smearing up your doors. I’m amazed you can see out of them!”

“Kim and I got a bit horny and did something about it. The guys seemed to be interested for some reason.”

He chuckled again. “I can see how they would be. I understand we are all meeting for dinner at six.”

“Yes, I have to start getting ready soon. What have you been up to?”

“Anne and Sherry got a little frisky on the pool deck. I was surprised that Felice and Jennifer didn’t freak out, but they seemed to take it in stride. I can’t get a read on them yet. Both are talking but not revealing anything about themselves. I’ll admit I’m curious, especially about Felice. I can’t figure out how she fits in all of this.

“You don’t suppose that she’s doing the same thing we are, do you? Maybe she’s married to Pete, Rich, or Jeff. They seem to be in the same age group.”

The idea was interesting, but we didn’t have nearly enough information to judge the situation. “Could be, I guess, or it could be any number of things.

“Babe, I have to get ready. I love you, and I have to say it’s really weird pretending you aren’t my husband. I’m proud to be married to you, and it seems disrespectful to pretend we’re just work friends.”

His deep voice reassured me. “Relax, sweetheart. We’re just role-playing a little and having fun. If it stops being fun, we’ll come clean. I can’t imagine Pete will be offended, and even if he is, you’re way more important to me than his opinion.

“Now, you go get ready, and I’ll try not to molest you when I see you dressed for dinner.”

I had to laugh. “Yeh, I can see it now. Pete walks up to me, and you zip in front of him, throw me on the couch, and fuck my brains out. Pete is standing there thinking, what the fuck?”

We ended the call in good humor when a staff member knocked on our door. Kim opened the door to find a staff member carrying two boxes. She took them from him, thanked him, and closed the door. The boxes were labeled, and she handed me mine.

The box held various other boxes that had Kim and me excitedly digging. I pulled out a lovely cocktail dress that was very sexy but hopefully not too revealing. I could tell that he wasn’t out to dress us up as sluts. From the looks of things, he was going for elegant and sexy. The four-inch heels were amazing, sexy, and super expensive, as was the matching pull-up hosiery. I looked over at Kim in shock when I found the thong. “He must be pretty sure of himself if he’s giving me a thong!”

Kim held hers up. “Yeh, I say we show them who’s boss. Instead of wearing them, let’s take them with us and give them back at the right moment.”

I shrugged because I wasn’t appreciative of how devious my friend was. “It’s too bad, really. They do match the dress.”

Kim grinned. “You know what else matches the dress? No panties at all.”

I looked at her in surprise. “Oh! I’m thinking, hand them back and say no thank you. You’re thinking, hand them back and say I won’t be needing them. Big dif!”

She just kept grinning at me. She knew she had me. “Okay, naked pussy it is.”

Kim jumped up with her arms in the air. “Yes! Fuck yes! You and me, Babe. We’re gonna have so much fun!”

It wasn’t until we were dressed that I noticed a small box I had missed. That sent Kim on a search, and she found one as well. The earrings in mine were half-carat Sapphires set in platinum. They were elegant and matched my eyes. I couldn’t imagine how much they must have cost. Kim’s were emeralds set in gold. They looked magical with her red hair and green eyes.

My dress was quite slinky and felt wonderful on my skin. The top showed a significant amount of cleavage, while the hem just covered the lace of my stockings. When I walked in front of the mirror, the lace tops would flash as the dress moved. It hugged my butt perfectly and made me feel sexy as hell. The fact that I was naked underneath added an additional thrill. I’d never gone out without underwear in my life before now.

I followed Kim out the door and admired her as she walked down the hall. She was smoking hot and I almost ran into her when she stopped abruptly. “How does my ass look”?

I laughed. “It looks fucking awesome. You are one hot woman in that dress. My turn!”

I moved in front of her and walked until we were just around the corner from the great room. “So, what do you think, Kim?”

She molded her body against mine and nibbled my ear. “If it wouldn’t ruin our lipstick, I would be kissing you so fucking hard right now. I want to fuck you so bad.”

We were the last to join the group, and all eyes were on us as we put some sway in our hips and made our way across the room. The Milford guys were practically drooling, but I was looking at David. He was standing just behind and to the right of Pete. His mouth formed a silent ‘Wow’, followed by an ‘I love you.’ I gave him a lustful look because I really wanted to fuck him. It didn’t occur to me until it was too late that Pete may have thought I was looking at him. Oh well, who knows? Maybe I would be looking at him lustfully at some point.

That look must have affected Pete because he looked a little stunned when I walked up to him and kissed him on the cheek. “Thank you very much for this amazing outfit. The earrings are very beautiful but much too expensive. I can’t keep them, but I would like to wear them for you. We’re ready when you are.”

He took my arm in his and walked toward the hallway. “Please consider the earrings a bonus. Believe me when I say the amount of money your company is going to make me will more than make up for it. Since integration was completed, we’ve been doing crazy good—enough work-talk. I won’t bring it up again except to say that you, Kim, David, and Bob have done me and my company a huge service. If any of you ever need me for anything, don’t hesitate to call.”

Chance walked next to us when there was room and followed behind when there wasn’t. The dining room we entered was elegant and we had it to ourselves. Pete held my chair for me, then sat to my left. Chance sat down to my right. I noticed that Kim was similarly surrounded by Rich and Jeff. Mike, Bob, and David weren’t suffering. Felice and Anne sat on either side of David, while Sherry sat between Bob and Mark, with Jennifer on the end. Jennifer looked as smitten with Mark as Anne was with David.

I knew Anne had really connected with my husband. David and I talked about it. I told him that I couldn’t blame her and that I was okay with it. I told him that I didn’t have a problem with a loving relationship between them either, given that the two of us always came first. I have a loving relationship with Kim, and I’m sure that I will with Bob. They aren’t taking anything from my marriage and are making our lives better. I definitely don’t have a problem with that. I knew Anne’s marriage was strong, and she wasn’t going to steal my husband. I’m glad he makes her so happy. I couldn’t wait to talk with him about Felice. I didn’t know what her story was, but it would all come out eventually. Until it did, it was a fun little mystery.

It’s impossible for that many people to participate in the same conversation. I noticed that multiple conversations were going on until the next course arrived. The food was great, the champagne was tasty, and the company was fun.

We were all in a great mood when the meal finished. Pete stood and addressed our group. “I’m not what you would call a traditional guy. I don’t believe in throwing money at people as a thank you for doing things that make my life, and those that depend on Milford, better. I would much rather give them something that they would never dream of. Something wonderful. With that in mind, I’ve planned some adventures that I hope you enjoy. You aren’t obligated in any way to participate, but you are certainly welcome. If you would prefer to relax and enjoy the venue, you are more than welcome to do that. If you would like to experience some things that you had never imagined in your wildest fantasies, please join me.

“I like erotic adventures quite a bit, and I invite you to join me in them. Our next stop on that adventure is a live sex show. You are all welcome to attend, but there is no obligation to do so. We’ll be leaving in the next few minutes for another area of the resort. For those of you interested, please stay and we will leave shortly. I assure you that regardless of your interests, this is all for you, and you are not obligated in any way to do anything you don’t want to.

“So, who wants to have some fun?”

I didn’t find out until later why, but David’s group elected to return to the villa, hacienda, tower, or whatever the fuck it was called. I managed to catch David’s eye, and he shrugged apologetically. I was certain that the guys would have loved to see the show. Sherry and Anne would have enjoyed it as well. There wasn’t anything I could do except bow out and return with them or enjoy the show. The decision was momentous: run away or embrace the adventure. I had already made that decision before we left home. David would want me to go, even if he couldn’t.

The idea of watching live sex excited me, and I knew Kim was all in. It wasn’t lost on me that David and I were now separated. I was remarkably accepting of that, considering where my head was at a few weeks ago. That didn’t mean I wasn’t a bit apprehensive. We finished our drinks as the others left. A few minutes later Pete escorted us to our next adventure.

A short walk took us to another building on the property. The inside was much like a dinner theater, with tables in a semicircle around a low stage. We sat at two tables centered in front of the stage while other couples shared the remaining tables. Champagne was delivered, and the lights dimmed. Stage lights swelled, and an exotic island beauty stepped onto the stage.

“Welcome, adventurous lovers! We are about to begin an erotic adventure together. That’s right, together! Our performers are exotic, gorgeous, and medically cleared!

“Some of you will be given the opportunity to take part in the performance. You are under no obligation to do so, but oh, what fun you’ll have if you do. Here you are in paradise, and only you and your lover will know. Do you think your lover would enjoy watching you? Would you like to watch your lover? We would all love to watch you!

“Relax, enjoy your drinks and your companions. The only rules are that the ladies are in charge, and no means no. Now, on with the show!”

She walked off the stage as two black gods walked on. I’ve never seen two men so astoundingly hot. Both were well over six feet tall, and their bodies were sculpted to a ridiculous degree. I wanted to run my hands over those amazing abs. Then, they began to dance sensuously. Their bodies moved so smoothly and erotically as they divested themselves of what little clothing they wore. When they reached the point where their impressive bulges were barely contained by their man-thongs, they stepped off the stage.

They began dancing around the tables, teasing the women and gauging the couple’s reaction before moving to the next table. They made their way around the room until they arrived at the table to my right. A stunning blonde woman sat there with her husband. They were a very attractive couple and she seemed a bit shy. The two dancers began to dance near her while her husband grinned. She looked at him with some apprehension but endured what was obviously something way out of her comfort zone.

The dancers got closer, and she could no longer look down and pretend she didn’t see them. Their undulating bodies drew her eyes, and I could see the effect the two men were having on her. Soon, they were touching her with light caresses. One would dance a few inches away while the other would kiss her neck or shoulder from behind.

The one in front of her pulled her to her feet and pulled her against him as he undulated his body. There was no way she didn’t feel his impressive bulge. The second dancer began to rub his bulge against her ass while kissing her neck. She may have been shy, but she was all woman, and those two men were impossible to resist.

The one in front kissed her lips gently at first, then with desire. She was shaking between the two men while her husband looked on with undisguised lust. When the dancer in front took her hand and tried to lead her away, she looked at her husband in a kind of desperation. I understood completely. She knew if he didn’t stop things right then, she would do something with these two men that she could never take back. She would experience something that would forever change her relationship with her husband. She could have stopped it, but she left the decision to him, and he didn’t hesitate. I saw his mouth form the words, “Have fun.”

She didn’t resist when they led her to the stage. I think she was having a bit of trouble believing what was happening, but I could also see the desire building in her.

They weren’t aggressive, just inexorable in their seduction of the shy woman. It wasn’t long before they had her writhing between them, the crowd completely forgotten, as the two men took turns kissing her mouth and exposed skin. They peeled her clothes from her until she was standing between them in her thong. The man in front cupped her breast and lavished her nipple with his tongue. He kissed her mouth deeply as his partner stood next to him.

Their lips parted, and her lidded eyes looked into his with a desire that was ready to boil over. He took a step back, and the two men slipped their man thongs off. Their erections sprang up, causing a well-deserved gasp from the smitten blonde. Each man took one of her hands and placed it on his cock. I think she was in shock at the size, and fascination alone kept her hands on them. Both men had very impressive cocks, both in length and girth. Dangerous cocks if not handled correctly. It appeared to me that she was quickly becoming adept at handling them from her end. She was completely focused on the big black cocks in her hands as she slowly stroked them. The massive cocks must have felt amazing in her hands.

One of the men picked her up and set her down on the chaise lounge centered on the stage. He knelt and pulled her thong down, and she raised her ass to assist him. I saw that as a definite yes. No sooner had her thong left her foot than his mouth found her pussy. By her reaction, I thought it was safe to assume he not only looked like a major stud but also ate pussy like one.

His partner didn’t hesitate to start rubbing his cockhead against her lips. She didn’t hesitate to open them and dart her tongue out to lick his cock. He didn’t force her, but instead, let her gradually suck his cock deeper into her mouth. Her body belonged ninety percent to the mouth that was making her orgasm so very hard. The cock in her mouth served as a treat just for her. She wasn’t trying to make him cum. She was so lost in her own ecstasy that the cock in her mouth increased her arousal. At least, that’s the way I saw it. I might have been projecting a little.

I do know that I was captivated by the eroticism of the display. I think from that point on, the players on the stage forgot about any script and went with their instincts. The blonde wife was absolutely gorgeous and so obviously aroused by the two men. The three of them looked amazing together. The stud eating her pussy kissed his way up her stomach and captured her nipple, sucking it between his teeth. She gasped as he bit her nipple with the perfect amount of pressure. He moved up and captured her mouth with his, kissing her like a man that wanted to fuck her. Their lips parted, and he rose above her with his cock in his hand. He rubbed it between her labia, and she moved her legs further apart as she submitted to his cock. She looked down her body and watched him slip his cock into her pussy. Her chest heaved as he slipped deeply inside her body. I’m sure she’d never had a cock that big in her before. I know I sure hadn’t, and I probably didn’t know anyone who had.

I’ll give the guy credit, though. He was good at his job. His movements matched her body’s signals. He wasn’t trying to dominate her or abuse her. He was using his cock as he should, as an instrument for her arousal. The other guy’s cock was still in her hand but pretty much forgotten at the moment. Her entire being was focused on the cock that was invading her pussy, and she was fucking loving it.

I could read her mind through her facial expressions and body movements. She was experiencing something mind-blowing, and when that big cock finally slid in as deep as she could take it, she began to convulse on it. He slid that piece of meat slowly out and slowly back inside her while she watched with huge eyes that fluttered. I could tell that one side of her wanted to close her eyes and bask in the sensation while another side wanted to watch that big cock ravage her pussy.

I was seriously considering pulling my dress up and masturbating furiously when I felt Pete’s hand on my thigh, just below the hem of my dress. A few seconds later, Chance put his hand on the other thigh. Pete began nibbling on my ear and my neck as his hand slid under my dress. I did absolutely nothing to stop him, or Chance, for that matter. For one, I wanted their hands on me, and for the other, I wondered how they would react when their hands met at my pussy.

Stage stud number one continued to fuck the blonde through an orgasm that left her gasping before pulling out and lifting her effortlessly and flipping her onto her hands and knees. He shoved that big black cock back into her pussy from behind while his partner stuck his cock in her willing mouth. They were going at it hard when Pete and Chance’s hands met at my pussy. Neither man hesitated. Chance buried a finger in me and found my G-spot like the digit had sonar while Pete rubbed a wet finger on my clit.

Chance pulled the strap of my dress down and exposed my right breast. His mouth found it, and when his tongue began flicking my nipple, I orgasmed on their hands. I didn’t fully realize where my hands were until I started to come down from my orgasm. I was rubbing both of their cocks through their pants. I eased up on my caresses of some pretty serious man meat, and they followed my example. They knew I needed a minute to return to earth.

I sipped my drink while I took a minute to get myself under control. Things were happening way faster than I ever expected and I was having a wonderful time. Still, the others leaving left me wondering how my husband was doing. I’ll admit that I felt a bit guilty having fun while he was missing out. I looked over to see what Kim was up to and was shocked to see her sitting calmly, smirking at me. Rich and Jeff were touching her but not overtly sexually. I knew damn well she had to be horny as hell, and I’ll admit my shock that she wasn’t at the very least trying to swallow at least one of their cocks. When did I become the sexually adventurous one?

She turned her attention back to the small stage, and I followed her example. The threesome on the stage had reached the grand finale. The blonde was in an orgasmic bliss like I’d never seen nor felt as the two men emptied their balls in her. She swallowed the load from the cock in her mouth as the guy fucking her emptied his in her pussy. Both cocks remained inside her until they were all fully spent.

The guy she’d blown pulled his cock from her mouth, and she gave the tip a kiss. When the guy with his cock in her pussy began to pull out slowly, she moaned. He repositioned her a little, then spread her legs. Her husband had a great view of her well fucked pussy as the cum began to leak from it. He sprang to his feet, his trousers at his ankles and his hand on his dick as it sprayed cum across the table.

His euphoric wife grinned at him happily as the stud that had just filled her pussy picked her up in his arms. He looked over at her husband. “Shows over, but we’re not done yet. You coming?”

The husband scrambled to pull his pants up and followed the two men and his wife from the room.

The hostess stepped back onto the stage, looking a bit stunned. “Well, that was a bit unplanned, but wow! We had a bit more scheduled, but it looks like that’s out the window for tonight. Please come back tomorrow, and I’ll have something special planned.”

She left the stage through the same door the others had left through. I had a suspicion she was trying to catch up with them. Kim apparently had the same feeling because she was laughing at the fast exit. She grinned at me. “Bet I know where she’s going!”

I had to laugh. “I can’t say I blame her. That was hot!”

Published 11 months ago

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