LIfe Is Strange Ch. 04

"Dawn faces her fear"

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I found myself sitting on Sherry’s couch in her apartment, which, when I thought about it, was probably very high on the list of places Dawn would never want me to be. At least, not alone. Yet, here I sat, worried about my wife and her latest revelation. I should have known. The mind isn’t subject to our pretensions in psychiatry. As optimistically brilliant as we may think we are, it’s best not to take for granted you have someone else’s head figured out.

I fought the urge to worry about what that meant for the openness I thought we had embraced. The funny thing is that sex with other women isn’t important to me, certainly not as important as Dawn is. I had no problem being exclusive with Dawn, with a couple of conditions. I wasn’t about to give up on our open relationship with Bob and Kim without a fight. More importantly, I wasn’t going to live in a marriage where my wife had sex with others while I lived under another set of rules.

I couldn’t believe that Dawn wanted it both ways. I will admit there was a shadow of a doubt, but I really didn’t believe Dawn would want to continue having sex with others while denying me the same privilege. I didn’t care whether it was fair or not. What struck me about that scenario was the selfishness of it. That isn’t Dawn, and that wouldn’t be a marriage. That would be two people living in the same house and living separate lives. I forced myself away from those negative thoughts as best I could by studying the décor for some insight into Sherry’s at-home persona.

Sherry was a star in some of my best fantasies. She’s hot, for one thing, but her wonderful personality is what really does it for me. I like her more than I want to fuck her and boy, do I want to fuck her. I never expected I would, and I wasn’t expecting it now. Kim hadn’t been very clear about what exactly I was doing in Sherry’s apartment. I pretty much assumed I was there to help Dawn through her crisis. Kim separating us didn’t make a lot of sense, but I trusted her understanding of the situation better than my own.

I glanced over at Dawn and Kim. They were snuggled together, and Dawn seemed much more relaxed. I heard two sets of thigh heels coming from the hallway and looked on curiously. Two sets of heels? Who else is here?

When Sherry walked into the room, I lost my ability to breathe. The sudden rise in my pulse when Anne stood next to her should have ended me, but apparently, it got my lungs working again instead. Both wore some seriously spiked heels, thigh-high nylons, and a thong. “Holy shit!” escaped my mouth before my brain had any chance of kicking in. Uh oh, I just screwed up big time!

In a panic, I immediately looked at Dawn, who happened to be staring right at me. She was snickering along with Kim at my reaction. My boss’s wife walked toward me like sex on two feet, and I learned something that every guy in the office would give a left nut to know. Anne’s D-cup tits were definitely real and definitely awesome. They were round and firm, but not fake firm. In fact, they wiggled and wobbled in the most wonderful way as she walked toward me. It took an act of extreme will to pull my eyes from her tits and meet her gaze. I’m sure by the time I did, my face had turned a shade of red as yet undiscovered.

Standing in those heels, she had to be nearly a head taller than me. Her legs were magnificent, and the cleft of her pussy pressing against her thong had my mouth watering. I found myself getting distracted again, and the smile on her face told me she was well aware of that.

She stopped in front of me and put a knee on the couch next to my leg. She tilted toward me and brushed a nipple across my lips before wrapping her arms around my neck. She landed a quick kiss on my startled lips, and then her blue eyes captured mine. She smiled salaciously. “Hi, David. Wanna fuck?”

I was saved from answering that question by Sherry’s arrival and the fact that I didn’t think I was capable of talking. Sherry climbed onto the couch and draped herself against my other side. I felt her hand on my cheek as she rotated my head toward her. She kissed me on the lips, then leaned back to see what effect she had on me. Apparently satisfied at the initial response, she leaned in and planted her lips on mine.

I know that I should have been totally focused on Dawn and dealing with her issues. At that moment, I found myself being distracted to a ridiculous degree. Sherry’s lips were on mine, and her tongue was saying hello. I was just trying to be polite when mine said hello back. It didn’t help any that Anne was unbuttoning my shirt. I needed to keep the kiss short so I didn’t get more carried away than I already was.

The next thing I knew, Sherry was running her hands over my bare chest and stomach while nibbling on my ear. Somewhere along the line, Anne had managed to get my shoes and socks off. That wasn’t so bad in and of itself, but she hadn’t been satisfied making my feet comfortable. She was now busily pulling my slacks and underwear down my legs. I don’t remember raising my hips to assist her, but I must have.

When Anne’s warm tongue licked my cock my entire body stiffened in surprise. The eyes I hadn’t realized I had closed flew open, and I looked at Dawn in a near panic. I will never forget that moment. Kim had her arm around Dawn, holding her close, while her other gently caressed Dawn’s arm. I watched a storm of emotion cross Dawn’s face—anger, followed by hurt, followed by thoughtfulness. Then the sun came out, and she smiled tentatively. Kim’s hand moved from her arm to her leg. My attention was a bit diverted when Anne ran her tongue up my shaft again.

Sherry got on her knees next to Anne, and the two of them looked up at me with my cock between them. I had a curved steel beam between my legs, and it was bobbing up and down in time with my heartbeat. I had to stop looking at them, or I was going to cum right then. I wasn’t so sure that was something Dawn wanted to see. I looked over at her again, concerned about her reaction.

Kim was sucking on Dawn’s neck and her hand as far up her dress as it would go. Dawn wasn’t smiling now. She looked as horny as I’d ever seen her. Her tongue darted out and licked her lips. “I love you, David. Now, give them that big cock. Show them why you’re the best lover I’ve ever known.”

I looked at her while two amazingly hot women held my raging erection. “I love you, Dawn McGraw!”

“I love you too, David McGraw!” Her voice had a hitch in it, most likely caused by Kim’s hand on her pussy.

Then, Sherry’s mouth on my cock brought my attention back to the two women kneeling in front of me. Anne got onto the couch with me, and our lips met in a heated kiss. The next thing I know, I’m on my back on the floor, and Anne’s pussy is rapidly approaching my face. I sent my tongue out to greet her pussy because I’m all about some diplomacy. Her pussy tasted as good as she looked, and I would have been perfectly happy to dine until my tongue cramped.

I had just settled in for a lovely repast when I felt Sherry climb onto me, then the amazing warm tightness of her pussy sliding down my cock. I had to pause my meal to grit my teeth. It took all the focus I had to keep from cumming right then and there. No way was I going off this early. Who knew If I would ever get another chance with these two stunning women? I wasn’t about to let it end any sooner than absolutely necessary. It was a struggle of biblical proportions.

Lovely Anne wiggled and thrashed on my face until her hips bucked and her clit mashed hard against my tongue. Her orgasm left my face wet and my cock throbbing in Sherry. Anne didn’t climb off my face so much as she fell off it.

Anne had barely cleared my face when Sherry leaned forward and kissed me with heated desperation. She was tight, hot, and so very enticing. When she broke our kiss to lean back and grind on my cock my hands found her pert c-cups. I played with her lovely tits while looking into her hooded and lust-filled eyes.

“You’re too fucking hot, Sherry! I’m not gonna last much longer.”

Her response was a series of grunts and moans, followed by a hip thrust that signaled the arrival of her orgasm. That was it for me. I exploded inside her over and over until I had spent my ecstasy. She collapsed onto my chest as we struggled to get our breath back. I rubbed her back softly and relaxed in the aftermath of an epic threesome. At least it was epic for me. I kind of assumed it was at least okay for Anne and Sherry.

Dawn’s near scream of ecstasy drew my eyes to the loveseat. My wonderful wife was sprawled on the loveseat, her dress bunched above her waist, and Kim’s head buried in her crotch. Her eyes were glued on me as I mouthed the words, “I love you.” A single tear ran down her face, but I could tell from her expression that it wasn’t a sad one.

I gently rolled Sherry off and went to my wife. Kim was looking up at Dawn and saw the expression on her face. She quickly moved aside, and I pulled my wife into my arms. “I love you so very much, Dawn. I’m not going anywhere.”

We lost ourselves in each other for a while. When we finally came up for air, three smiling faces greeted us. Kim, being Kim, was the first to speak.

“I think our experiment was a resounding success.”

Dawn sighed and smiled happily. “It most certainly was. It was really hard at first, but Kim got me over the hump. Once I realized my world wasn’t ending, I loved watching. it was so fucking hot.”

Anne walked over, leaned down, and kissed my wife. It was a soft and loving kiss that Dawn returned without hesitation. The two women looked at each other with newfound intimacy. I had the distinct feeling that there was a new addition to girls’ night and that girls’ night was going to take a new and erotic direction.

Dawn surprised me with what she said next, “You didn’t get any of my husband’s big cock. We need to fix that.”

Anne grinned. “Oh, yes, we do, and I’m looking forward to it very much.”

Sherry walked over with a hand cupped on her pussy. “Dawn, would you mind if I borrow your husband for a bit? I need someone to wash my back in the shower.”

Dawn laughed. “I think that maybe you have other areas you would like washed as well.”

Anne stood and looked at Dawn. “Can I help?”

Dawn looked at my stunned face and grinned at me. “Sure, but before you hit the shower, honey, you might want to call Bob. Kim and I need fucked too, and I think you could use the help.”

I quickly grabbed my slacks and pulled my cell phone out. Bob answered on the second ring, “What’s up, Dave? Is everything okay with Dawn?”

“Couldn’t be better, Bob. Listen, I need some help over here. There are four horny women and only one me. I think I’m in over my head.”

There was a pause as Bob contemplated. “Four? Kim, Dawn, and Sherry make three, not four.”

I chuckled. “We have a surprise guest that I promise you won’t want to miss.”

“Give me an address!”

Anne told us later that Mike laughed when Bob ran into his office and blurted out, “I have a personal emergency, and I need to go right now!”

“I’m aware. Have a good time with your emergency.”

Gary had told her that the look on Bob’s face was priceless. Too bad he didn’t get a picture.

Sherry, Anne, and I made our way to the bathroom. It was a tight fit, which I will admit was very nice. The hot, soapy bodies of two beautiful women rubbing against me quickly restored that steel beam between my legs. Anne and I focused our attention on Sherry. We covered every inch of her with our soapy hands while taking turns kissing her and each other with deep desire. Anne cleaned Sherry’s pussy by hand with enthusiasm, only stopping when Sherry clamped Anne’s hand between her thighs as she orgasmed so hard her legs gave out. I held her up until she recovered enough to stand on her own.

Anne kissed her deeply, then looked at me. “I’m clean enough. Let’s dry off and get dirty again.”

We toweled ourselves off in record time. Anne grabbed my hand and tugged me toward the bed. I stopped and pulled her to me. I kissed her wonderful mouth, then looked into her beautiful blue eyes. “I want you so badly right now, but can we check on Dawn first?”

She smiled gently and gave me a peck on the lips. “Of course.”

The three of us walked nude into the living room. From what I could tell, Dawn seemed to be doing okay. Not that I could tell by her facial expression. At that moment, her face was covered by Kim’s crotch. Body language wasn’t much of a clue, either. Bob was pumping his cock in and out of her pussy, and I suspected that any body language she was speaking was in response to the conversation between her body and his cock.

Sherry walked over to get a closer look. I took Anne’s hand and led her back to Sherry’s bedroom. We seemed to float onto the bed, and our bodies slid together. Our mouths met in a romantic and erotic kiss as our hands caressed and teased. My hand found her wetness as her hand found my steel beam. She pulled back from our kiss and studied my face for a moment while her hand slowly pumped my cock. “Please fuck me, David. I need you in me.”

I slid between her amazingly long legs, and she gripped me with her hand, guiding me where she needed me. I sank into her velvet furnace, and our mouths met again with a level of lust and affection that nearly overwhelmed me. She felt perfect. We felt perfect.

We didn’t fuck, at least not at first. We made love and let our desire grow from a fire to an out-of-control blaze. The feel of her body, the heat of our connection, and the battling of our tongues all led us inexorably to that wonderful and toe-curling explosion. We orgasmed together, and I felt it to my very soul. Anne wrapped her legs and arms around me and held me tightly as her orgasming pussy took all I had to give.

We stayed connected in the afterglow, basking in our connection and minds awhirl with how amazing our coupling was. As my steel beam turned into a wet noodle and threatened to slip from her, she clenched her pussy to keep me inside. She looked absolutely stunning. Her beautiful face was glowing from her orgasm and her happiness. “David, something very special just happened. Do you feel it? Do you feel the connection between us?”

“I do. As sexy and beautiful as you are, I never imagined it would be like this. We’re going to be great friends, Anne.”

She smiled at me. “Yes, we are. I can’t wait to see Mike and Dawn go at it.”

I grinned back at her. “Hell, I can’t wait to see you and Dawn go at it.”

We shared a smiling kiss, and she let my noodle slip from her. I helped her to her feet, and we took a quick shower. Both of us wanted to linger and enjoy the new connection between us, but the others were waiting, and we needed to join them.

When we walked into the living room, we were met with quite the sight. Bob was lying on his back on the floor. A very well fucked Sherry was on top of him, resting her head on his chest with his cock still inside her. Dawn was sprawled next to him where she had obviously fallen from his face. Kim was spread on the loveseat behind Bob. It didn’t take Einstein to put it all together. Dawn had been eating Kim’s pussy while sitting on Bob’s face. What Sherry had been doing was a no-brainer.

Bob looked over at us with bleary eyes that suddenly went wide. “Holy shit! Anne? Anne Richards?”

We both laughed when he rubbed his eyes, then looked again. Dawn looked at us standing there and stood. She walked over to us and gave me a soulful kiss. I caressed her cheek as the breath caught in my chest. “I love you so very much, Dawn.”

Her loving smile made my heart melt. “I love you, too.”

She let go of me and pulled Anne into her arms. She looked up into Anne’s smiling eyes. “Bend down here and kiss me, beautiful.”

Anne complied with enthusiasm, and I felt my spent cock twitch. They looked so fucking hot together that it was unbelievable. They separated, and Dawn studied Anne’s face. “It was very special, wasn’t it?”

Anne smiled gently. “Yes, it was. David and I connected in a way that I never expected. It was wonderful. Thank you so very much for sharing such a precious gift. I can’t imagine what I could give you in return that would come close to what you gave me.”

Dawn grinned at her. “Oh, I don’t know. I can think of a few things.”



Thank God for great friends. If not for Kim, Anne, and Sherry, I would have fucked up the love of my life. When Sherry talked about fucking my husband, I had no control over my instantaneous jealousy. I am still deeply embarrassed about how I totally failed to handle my emotions. Kim saved me from me. When she smacked me on the ass, I felt horrible for upsetting her. I felt ashamed because the way I was reacting would make David think I didn’t trust him. I was being selfish and unfair, and that further devastated me.

When Kim walked away from me, it felt like she was walking out of my life. I nearly gave in to the devil on my shoulder. NO! You stupid bitch, get a grip. You know David loves you. Stop ruining your own life!

I wasn’t confident at all when I suggested they have sex with David in front of me, but I was fed up with the fear that was controlling my happiness. It was time for a showdown between me and the ridiculous fear trying to possess me.

Kim’s gentle touch was the final bit of support I needed to fight my demon. When those two devastatingly beautiful women started seducing my husband, my anger soon turned to arousal. I was so proud of the way he made them orgasm. They were so obviously into him, and he was just as obviously into them. What would have driven me insane with worry an hour ago was making me seriously hot now. What followed was amazing.

I’m sure that David was concerned about how I would react to the new intimacy between him and Anne. The thing is that I understood it. I had made the same kind of connection with Kim and Bob and, to some degree, with Zach. It was a loving connection for sure, but not a deep romantic love. It was wonderful in large part because it didn’t threaten our marriage. It enhanced it. I knew my husband had experienced something wonderful and like me, it had made him appreciate what we have even more. I felt a great weight lifted from me, and truly free for the first time in my life.

I was a bit giddy and couldn’t stop grinning. David noticed right away. “Dawn? Are you okay? You’re acting a little strange.”

I threw my arms around his neck. “I’m fine, Baby. You have no idea how wonderful I feel right now. My fear was holding me down more than I ever realized. It wasn’t until this afternoon that, with your help and the help of some wonderful friends, I got that monkey off my back. I feel liberated, I feel free, and I feel so much love for you!”

He insisted that I relax with another glass of wine. I was so giddy I was shaking when I sat down. I wanted to do something, anything, but sit. I did what he asked, though, and by the time he refilled my glass, I had calmed enough to realize I had been acting a bit manic. (Note from David: When I read this, I told Dawn that manic wasn’t the word I would have used and suggested she change it to ‘like a crazy lady.’ She politely refused and may or may not have illustrated her point with both middle fingers.)

An hour later, Kim, Bob, David, and I piled into Kim’s car and headed home. Before we left Sherry’s house, we agreed to a girls’ night out on Thursday. Wednesday was already booked. We were having dinner with Zach and Sybil. Friday, we were flying out for our adventure. I had no idea where we were going, but Sherry promised to tell Kim and me during girls’ night. All of that meant we had a lot of shit to do tonight and tomorrow evening to prepare for the trip.

Fortunately, Kim and I had already done our serious shopping. We might have a bit more to do, depending on where we ended up. I was inclined to think somewhere warm. The last thing I wanted to do was haul around a bunch of winter clothes.



I guess it’s my turn. I’m not much of a writer, so please cut me some slack. It looks like the emotional stuff has been covered, which is good because I would much rather talk about the fun stuff—specifically, dinner with Zach and Sybil.

I expected a quiet dinner at Zach’s place. Instead, we ended up in his restaurant in a downtown high-rise. The view of the cityscape at night was amazing, as was the venue. I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve been in a place of that caliber. Hell, I can count with one finger, and that’s after we had dinner.

The food had names I couldn’t pronounce; in languages, I had no clue as to their origin, but it tasted wonderful. I tried my first glass of Bordeaux from a five-hundred-dollar bottle. (I cheated and looked it up on the wine list when nobody was watching.) It was very good, but I’m not sure it was five hundred bucks good. I guess if you have wealth, you don’t really care about the price. I could see why folks were willing to pay that much for it, even if I wouldn’t.

Dinner was a ton of fun, as was Sybil. She was a wonderful co-host and kept us entertained while Zach kept running back to the kitchen. I was fascinated with the raven-haired beauty. She stood around five and a half feet tall with a slim body that was round in all of the right places. Her tits were about Kim’s size, so I figured thirty-six C-cup. It didn’t matter all that much. It wasn’t like I was going bra shopping for her. They looked like they would feel great in my hands or against my lips, and that worked for me just fine. Her ass was stellar, her face gorgeous, and her eyes a piercing blue that shone with whatever emotion she was feeling at the moment. Her eyes were a window to her soul. I expect that bugged the crap out of her sometimes. I’m sure there were times that she would have preferred that her eyes not give away what she felt.

What I did know for sure was that she was hot as hell, and I sincerely hoped I would get a chance to eat her delectable pussy.

Oh, hell. I just read what I wrote, and I sound like a major dick. I’m really not some crazed horndog. I swear I’m not, but recently the temptations have been extreme, and I’m a bit drunk on horny. I mean, come on! Dawn is a dream come true, and I’m in love with her. She isn’t my Kim, but she is wonderful. I hope that Dave thinks of Kim the same way I think of his wife. Then Sherry and Anne? Really? If you were a guy and women of their caliber were hot for you, wouldn’t you get a bit sex crazy? Dude, if you said no, you are a big fat liar or gay. I’m okay with gay. I don’t care who you love, as long as you love. I’ve got no use for liars, though, so cool your judgmental jets.

Look, let’s keep this between us, okay? The thing is that I love the connections Kim and I are making more than I love the sex, and I fucking love the sex. I’m a romantic at heart. Why do you think I agreed to let Kim have fun with strange guys? It doesn’t do a thing for me, but it makes her happy. The way I was raised if a wife even flirted with another man, it was a huge fight at minimum. Somehow, it became acceptable to smack her around, you know, to sink the lesson in. As likely as not, the husband would kick her to the curb. Fucking neanderthals. She’s a person, a human being, and not your fucking slave or a slave to your twisted morality. Fucking cavemen don’t want a wife, they want a slave.

Sorry about the venting. I do feel a bit better. I worship the essence of women. I cannot fathom abusing such beauty. I don’t care if she’s a negative one on the ten scale. If she’s a decent human being, she deserves to be worshiped by her man. Women create life and nurture that life. If men could figure out how to satisfy their urges and get babies as needed, a bunch of idiots would eliminate women cause they’re idiots. I give the world a week, two at most, after that before it’s all over.

Where were we? Oh, yeah, dinner. Anyway, dinner was awesome, and even though there was silverware on the table for purposes unknown to me, I managed to stumble my way through without any outright laughter from the other guests. I’ll take that as a win. (Note from Kim: He’s really not as dumb as he’s letting on. He has a master’s in electronics engineering and has an IQ of around 160.)

Are you done in the peanut gallery? No more parenthesis, or I’ll let you guys write this stuff down.

Sorry for the interruption. I gotta get Dave to edit this shit before he posts it.

As I said, dinner was awesome. The Crème Brulé was paired with an aged brandy and was by far the best dessert I’ve ever eaten. Although, the guy with the torch got my attention when he lit that sucker up. Blue Mountain coffee ended our meal, and I prepared for the drive home. That’s when Sybil invited us to their home instead.

I figured that it was getting a bit late to visit since we had to work in the morning. Dave apparently knew something I didn’t. He responded to Sybil’s invitation for all of us. “We would love to. It’s not like we have to work tomorrow.”

I poked him with a finger as we headed outside. “Dude, what are you talking about?”

Dave grinned at me. “Did I forget to tell you that Mike told us to bail for the rest of the week? Oops, my bad!” The sawed-off bastard got me again. Speaking of which, how does a guy standing five-nine (according to him. I suspect he’s stretching things a bit) pack a cock that big? It doesn’t seem right. I’m a good six inches taller than he is, but he has me beat in the cock department. Kim sure loves the damn thing. Dawn seems to like mine well enough, so I’m not complaining. It would be nice if I could fuck with him about being two times short, but that’s off the table.

The drive to their house was in the same general direction as ours and turned out to be only a few miles from our own. The four of us live in nice homes that we are proud of. Dave is an excellent woodworker and jack of all trades. The two of us have remodeled our homes extensively, and we consider them our castles. When we went through the gate to Zach and Sybil’s house, I learned what a castle really was.

It didn’t have battlements or a moat. The place was very modern, and I fell in love with the architecture as soon as I saw the place. Rather than vertical and horizontal lines meeting in stark contrast, the lines flowed through curves. The place looked like it was in motion, like the soft lapping of waves. I really wanted to explore how they built it. Dave was standing in rapt attention, drooling all over the place. The ladies were already in the house when I grabbed his arm and tugged him toward the entrance. When we went inside, I think Dave may have cum in his pants a little. The interior was open and airy. One room flowed into the other. The entire place was one floor that should have sprawled across the landscape but instead seemed to flow in harmony with the land it sat on. The decor was understated yet fascinating. The art and displays were tasteful and invited curiosity. I loved the place and hadn’t taken a crap there yet. That’s high praise as far as I’m concerned. (Note for Kim: Okay, enough caveman shit, or we’ll write your part and say you wrote it. How about that?)

Fine, whatever. Dave, you had better remember to take this extra stuff out.

Sybil led us into the great room while Zach went to the bar and started opening wine bottles. Dave and Dawn were walking around the room admiring stuff. They completed their tour in front of the bar, and Dave took advantage of the moment to ask a bazillion questions about the place. I could understand his fascination. I shared it, but I wanted to set the tone for some serious chain yanking later, so I pretended that it wasn’t any different from any other house I had ever been in.

I wasn’t paying attention to Dave’s questions, so I vaguely remember some of the details. The house had ten thousand square feet of living space, plus a four-season pool, plus hot tub plus, plus, plus, all sitting on twenty acres of meadow and old-growth forest. Zach was the architect, and Sybil was the designer. They had built it with the idea of housing multiple families. Long term the couple wanted to meet sympathetic souls and live as a group. I envied his ability to be that optimistic. I doubted that once he filled his house, all the people in it would get along as well as he had hoped, but you never know.

We all gathered around the bar as Zach handed out glasses. The women gradually clustered together, leaving us guys to satisfy Dave’s need for excruciating detail regarding the house. I’ll admit that the place was amazing, but damn, Dude, give it a rest.

Growing rapidly bored with talk of retention straps and tornado-proofing, I glanced over at the ladies. They had moved to the rug in front of the fireplace and were stretched out talking. While Dave and Zach waxed poetic about laminated beams, I admired the fireplace and the ladies sitting in front of it.

The room didn’t have a flat or vaulted ceiling. It was more of an elliptical dome with the end cut off at the fireplace wall. The ceiling was over ten feet high and should have made the room feel massive. Instead, the curved ceiling and side walls made it feel intimate and not as large as it really is.

The fireplace wall was floor-to-ceiling field stone, and the mantle over the fireplace was a huge live-edge slab of Walnut. The fireplace opening was roughly four feet high and twelve feet long. It was fed by natural gas, but you could burn actual logs as well.

I saw Sybil lean over my reclining wife and kiss her softly on the lips. They looked into each other’s eyes for a moment, and then their mouths met again. This time, the kiss continued for some time. The conversation between Dave and Zach began to sound like two adults in a Peanuts cartoon, then faded out of my mind completely as my undivided attention landed on the ladies.

Sybil turned her attention to Dawn, and their lips met. Sybil ended the kiss at about the same point that she had ended her kiss with Kim. I saw what she was doing. She was gradually building interest and desire in an attempt not to rush things. Dawn wasn’t having that. Her hand held the back of Sybil’s neck as she began to pull away, and their lips met again. This time, Dawn was in control.

In no time at all, Dawn had Sybil on her back and her tongue buried in her mouth. Things were escalating quickly. Kim settled on Sybil’s other side and began kissing her shoulder, waiting for her turn to kiss Sybil. She didn’t have long to wait. Dawn released Sybil’s plump lips and used her fingertip on Sybil’s chin to rotate her head toward Kim. As soon as Kim started kissing Sybil, Dawn went to work on her clothes, kissing and licking her skin as it was exposed.

They were rapidly reaching the tipping point between a make-out session and outright fucking and showed no indication of slowing down. When removing Sybil’s clothes got awkward with all the moving around, they separated long enough to get naked. I shook myself and turned back to the bar. Dave and Zach were still in house discussions and hadn’t noticed the change in our wives. I was about to fix that little oversight.

“Excuse my interruption of the House Lovers meeting, but would you mind refilling my wine and joining me for the show?”

They looked at me, confused and a bit put out by my rudeness. I just pointed at the fireplace, then watched their faces change when they took in the view. Dave shoved my shoulder. “Dude, why didn’t you say something?”

“You were enjoying your house fetish. Anyway, I shouldn’t need to tell you to keep an eye on three beautiful women. Who, I might add, are known to be very horny and have drunk quite a bit of wine.”

Dave had to nod at that. Zach quickly refreshed our glasses, and we strolled over to get a closer look at our wives. The last thing we wanted to do was interrupt, so we settled on extremely comfortable chairs nearby. We watched as our wives got deeper and deeper into each other. It became evident that they didn’t need male attention for the time being. Zach motioned for us to follow him.

Zach took us on a tour of the house, and I will admit I was fascinated. That didn’t stop me from rolling my eyes at Dave every chance I had just to fuck with him a bit. I knew there would be payback at some unspecified future date. That’s okay; that’s how we roll. I wasn’t about to miss this chance to yank his chain.

I especially like the suites that were integrated into the place. They were intended as single-family units contained within the house, and they were as widely separated as possible. The layout reminded me of an indoor neighborhood, with the living areas in the house being the public square. Outside of meals, a family could live within their suite or choose to join others in the common areas. I wished him well with his vision. I wasn’t sure I would want to live with a bunch of random people, there by Zach and Sybil’s invitation and not my own. I could see the potential for disaster.

The need to replenish drinks ended the tour and we returned to the bar. Kim and Dawn were double-teaming Sybil and she wasn’t putting up a fight by any definition. Dawn was holding her thighs with her mouth on Sybil’s pussy, licking her rapidly toward what was surely going to be an epic orgasm. Kim was kissing her and caressing her tits. She broke the kiss long enough to take Sybil’s nipple into her mouth and suck it hard. Sybil screamed out her joy as she came explosively on Dawn’s face.

I told myself, “Fuck it,” and started stripping my clothes off as I walked over to the naked woman. I got myself naked, dropped to my knees behind Dawn, and pulled her up into doggy. I found her wet opening and slid in deep. I’ll admit it was a bit rude, but the moan she let out indicated she didn’t mind all that much.

The sound of other bodies soon joined ours in an orgiastic chorus. Dave was fucking Sybil in missionary while Zach was pounding my wife’s pussy on a nearby couch. I was rapidly approaching the point of no return when Zach’s voice rang out, “Switch!”

He pulled out of my wife and walked toward me. I didn’t need a picture painted for me. I regretfully slid my aching cock out of Dawn and knee-walked over to Sybil. Dave finished a rather long kiss with Sybil before pulling out and moving the hell out of the way. I quickly replaced him between Sybil’s legs, ready to bang the hell out of her.

I looked into those blue eyes, and I was lost. Suddenly I didn’t want to bang her, I wanted to worship her. I kissed her in an attempt to break the spell she had cast on me but it didn’t work. Now I understood why Dave took his time with that kiss. I felt her hand pulling me to her and I entered her softly. When I was fully inside her, I kissed her deeply.

She broke the kiss, and those eyes caught mine again. The tale they told wasn’t one of romantic love. It was one of a heat that required a ravishing cock. She didn’t need Prince Charming, she needed fucked. Her hands gripped my biceps, and she thrust her hips at me.

“Fuck me, Bob. Give me that big cock hard and fast. Fill my pussy. Bob!”

We fucked like over-caffeinated rabbits, and it was fucking awesome. I’ve never fucked anyone like that in my life. If I tried that shit on Kim, she’d make sure I never did it again. I was concerned that I was doing Sybil some damage, but she fucking loved it. I was on the verge of exploding when she screamed and sprayed my crotch. I plunged in deep, then again, then shot everything I had deep inside her. Spent, I rolled onto the floor next to her and tried to fill my lungs again. We lay there panting and our hands slid across the floor and clasped together. I felt a lot more through that touch than I would have thought possible. Then the applause started.

I opened my eyes and rotated my head to look at Sybil. She grinned tiredly, then rolled those beautiful eyes at the antics of the others. I managed to tilt my head up and saw them standing nearby.

Amy, being Amy, was first to speak. “Holy shit, Honey. You fucked the crap out of her and she fucking loved it! She even squirted!”

Dawn looked shocked. “No way, dude. Don’t even think about it.”

Zach looked down at his freshly fucked wife and smiled. “That was amazing. I don’t know how you do it.”

She giggled. “I guess I have a cast iron pussy. All I know is I love it.”

She rolled over onto my chest, her lips and those amazing eyes inches from mine. “Nobody has ever made me squirt before. I hope we can do it again soon.”

The next while was spent kissing until she decided we were done. If it had been left up to me, I would still be lying there tasting those wonderfully soft lips. As it turned out, everyone else was dressed by the time her lips reluctantly left mine.

It was very late, and we had been drinking all evening. Zach set Amy and me up in one of the suites and led Dave and Dawn away to another. We slept like the dead and were treated to an amazing breakfast. Hugs, kisses, and promises to get together again soon were shared and we drove home in the morning light.

There. I wrote my part. Happy now? Dave, don’t forget to take the extra stuff out. I mean it, dude.

Published 1 year ago

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