Life Gets Better Part 3: Night Out With The Girls

"Brian goes out with the girls to make him feel better."

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“You’re so lucky,” one of Brian’s friends said to him as they sat drinking a beer at their local bar.

“Well I don’t feel lucky,” Brian said taking another sip of his beer. He had just gotten fired. He knew it was coming. After all the things that had been happening in his life, he was aware that it was in the cards.

“Yeah, about that,” the friend said. “Sorry.”

“I don’t blame you at all,” Brian shrugged. “In fact, I am glad you got the promotion.”

“Thanks,” the friend said bowing his head. “What are you going to do now?”

Brian took a deep breath then took another long swig of his beer. “I doubt I will be drinking beer with you guys anytime soon,” he smiled. “Doubt I will be able to pay for my car.”

“The beer is on us,” the friend said patting his other friend on the shoulder.

“What?” the friend said taking his eyes off his phone. “Yeah, sure we got you,” he shook his head as he looked at the picture on his phone. “You seriously live in the same apartment as this woman?”

Brian looked over at the picture on his former coworker’s phone. “Yeah, that’s my roommate,” he smiled. “Without her, I wouldn’t have a place to stay.”

“You have to introduce us,” the second friend said. “I have always wanted to meet a model.”

“She is just a human being,” Brian shrugged.

“A sexy one at that,” the first friend said.

Now they were both looking at the photo app on their phones. Amanda had started posting pictures of herself on her social media photo page. Within the first week, she had over five thousand followers. Now just over a month later the number had gone through the roof.

Which was good for Amanda. Due to her recent popularity, there had been a lot more magazines and modeling agencies calling and emailing her to book appointments.

“Well I will leave you guys to your phones,” Brian said. He finished the last of his beer then walked out onto the streets.

He drove slowly home thinking of what he was going to say. Things had gone from bad to worse for Brian in the past three months. Amanda had taken over most of the bills as well as all of the rent. Brian’s paycheck had dwindled every month as his boss gave him fewer hours each week. Sometimes even sending him home early in the day.

Scarlett was still not talking to him, even going as far as blocking him on many of the social websites. Brian knew that their friendship was finally over. The strange thing was he didn’t blame her. It was bound to happen.

Stacy was still on an extended vacation with her now husband; they had finally remarried. She had taken a picture of a letter that they both had signed stating that Brian would always be the second man. Brian thought he would be more of a third wheel.

He took a deep sigh as he pushed his key into the door. The door slowly opened, and he walked into the apartment.

“Call you back, my roommate just walked in,” Amanda said putting down her cell phone as Brian walked towards the couch.

Amanda was on her treadmill that was in the far corner of the room. Her long black hair tied back into a ponytail bounced back and forth as she ran.

Amanda stopped the treadmill then picked up her water bottle then joined him on the couch. She wore a hot pink sports bra that barely held her massive tits inside and black short shorts.

“So spit it out,” she said.

“I got fired,” Brian said.

“Really,” Amanda said.

“Yeah, I will start looking for a new job right away,” Brian said.

“Okay,” Amanda shrugged. She got up and made her way back to the treadmill.

“You’re not mad?” Brian asked.

“Nope,” Amanda said picking up some black mini barbells. “I am happy for you,” she said as she began to exercise. “Now you can find a job that you will like.”

“It might take some time,” Brian said.

“Good, take your time,” Amanda said.

Brian stood up and walked over to her. “I could hug you right now.”

Amanda smiled then put down her barbells. “Come on,” she said as they hugged. “Some of the girls and I are going out tonight. Do you want to come?

“I think I will start…”

“That was a trick question, you’re coming,” Amanda said as she continued her work out.

Brian nodded. He knew he wouldn’t win an argument with her. She usually won them all.

There wasn’t much to do except update his resume and post it online. When he began to look at websites to post his resume he decided to change some of the things that were on it. It took him longer than he thought it would. Finally, he decided it was good enough and then posted it.

“How do I look?” Amanda asked.

She was standing in the doorway, wearing a little white dress, the straps were tight across her shoulders the front of the dress was a mesh design that showed a lot of her cleavage. It stopped just above her knees. She wore high heel shoes that had straps going up her feet and around her calves. Her black hair hung low and past her shoulders.

“Stunning,” was all Brian could say.

“Good. Why aren’t you dressed yet?” Amanda scorned him.

“It’s just that I have nothing to wear,” Brian said as he tried to come up with an excuse.

“Bullshit!” she yelled throwing her small white purse onto his bed. She went to his closet then began to look through his clothes. “We need to get you some better clothes,” she said as she started to move the hangers back and forth. “Ah this will do and this,” she said as she took out a pair of black dress pants and a blue button-down shirt.

“I didn’t even know I had those,” Brian said looking at them.

“Now get dressed!” she said picking up her purse.

It took Brian a while to get ready as he decided to shave his head as well as other areas. Finally, he came out of his room. “Well?” he asked standing there.

“Wow, you clean up nice,” Amanda said standing and looking at him. She walked around him dusting a few parts of the shirt off.

“You think?” Brian asked. He hadn’t felt this good in a while. Even when he looked in the mirror, he didn’t recognize himself.

“Absolutely,” she said with a large smile. “I might have to get my bitch be gone spray out, to keep all the skanks away from you,” she said shaking her head.

Stacy had given Amanda the job of keeping undesired women away from Brian until she returned. A job that Amanda did a little too well. She had scared a delivery woman that flirted with Brian all the way down the stairs. Then there was a waitress that had wrote a heart on his receipt that Amanda said she would have a “talk with” which ended up with Brian getting an apology from the manager.

“You know she meant that as a joke right?” Brian said.

“Yeah, and when the time comes, and I think a woman is right for you I will retract the claws, but until then none are worthy,” Amanda shrugged

They walked out of the apartment then got into Amanda’s sports car. “With you not having a job, we should sell your car,” she said as she turned the engine. “We don’t want it to get repossessed.”

Brian nodded. He hadn’t thought of selling it, but it did make sense. The drive took them downtown; Brian hadn’t been into the city itself for a long time. Everything seemed different. The lights seemed brighter and even though it was nearly Ten o’clock the place seemed alive.

“Haven’t been here in a while huh?” Amanda smiled.

“No, I thought where I worked was the city, this is much different,” Brian said looking up at the tall buildings.

“You work in a minor town, this is the major part,” Amanda smiled. “I love this place.”

They pulled up to a night club that was busy with people, most of them waiting in line to get in. Others were there taking pictures of the people walking in. Giant spotlights shot streams of light into the night sky that went back and forth.

Amanda got out of the car, then gave the keys to a man in red and black uniform.

“No donuts in the parking lot this time,” she smiled.

The man smiled back. Then took the keys. Brian began to walk to the back of the line.

“No, no, no,” Amanda said dragging him back to her. “You’re with me, and when you’re with me, you don’t wait in any lines.”

She pushed her arm inside of his and walked towards the door.

“Mandy, baby, what a surprise to see you,” the man at the door said he was a skinny man with dark black sunglasses on, even though it was pitch black outside. He lowered the glasses as he looked Amanda up and down. Standing on either side of him were two large men.

Amanda and the man kissed each other on the cheeks. Then he looked at Brian. He was looking at him the way you would look at a hobo on the side of the street asking you for money.

“And this is?” the man asked as he pointed at Brian.

“None of your business,” Amanda smiled as she walked forward.

“Of course not,” the man said as he opened the door. “Have a good time.”

Brian was stunned at the inside; it was like no night club he had ever seen. The walls were pure black with white trim around them. Stairs were leading up to the upper levels. The rails of the stairs were golden. There was music that was loud but not too loud, but no one was dancing instead everyone had couches with a glass table in front of them.

“No one is dancing,” Brian whispered.

“That’s because no one comes here to dance,” Amanda replied. She motioned to a table on the far side of the path they were walking.

A lady dressed in skimpy clothes that left nothing to the imagination had her hand down a man’s pants. She smiled as she caught Brian looking at them. The man was obviously enjoying her attention. Brian looked at another table where two men were discussing something. But when he looked closer he could see heads bobbing up and down in their laps.

“‘It’s one of those clubs?” Brian whispered.

“It is that club,” Amanda smiled at a few people as she continued to lead him to the back. “You have heard of celebrities getting caught at night clubs doing stupid shit?”

“Yeah,” Brian said.

“Welcome to the club they get caught in,” Amanda smiled again.

They finally stopped at a large circular table. There were other women there. Each of them scantily clad.

“Sorry we’re late,” Amanda said as she sat down. Brian sat next to her.

“Did you see Brandy near the front?” One of the women asked. She was an Asian lady; her top hid nothing. Even though she wasn’t large up top, she didn’t conceal the fact that she wasn’t wearing a bra.

“The guy she was with isn’t that the head of security for that rapper that got caught selling drugs?” another woman asked.

The Asian woman nodded. “Yeah, she has dropped to the bottom of the feeding pool,” they all laughed except Amanda.

A man came up to the table. “Ah the rest of your party is here, shall I put another order of drinks in?” he asked. He wore black pants and black shoes. He wasn’t wearing a top. He was muscular and smelt like baby oil.

“Yes,” Amanda said. She ordered something for herself then the man turned to Brian.

Brian asked for a beer that he regularly drank, to which the man stifled a laugh. “We do not sell that here,” he said as he shook his head.

Amanda put a hand on Brian’s lap, then ordered a drink for him. “His new and if you laugh like that again, I will have your job.”

The man stopped smiling then went on his way.

“So this is Stacy’s friend,” The Asian lady said. “Glad to meet you, the name is Alexis,” she said holding her hand out.

Brian got introduced to the other three women. The blonde with the excessive amount of plastic surgery to the face and body was Tamara, the red head with the blue eyes and the incredible sexy look was Rebecca the other blonde with green highlights in her hair was Jade.

They talked about everything and everyone, soon Brian was caught up with everyone and everything that was happening inside the club. He excused himself after the fourth drink as he had to go to the bathroom.

Brian stood at the urinal as he let the night’s drinks empty from his body. He heard a female moaning behind him. Looking he didn’t see anyone, but could still hear her, she was moaning slowly. He walked towards one of the private stalls peering through a small slit.

He saw a blonde haired lady bent over the sink as a tall man with spiked black hair fucked her from behind. Looking up at the mirror, he could see she was enjoying herself.

The lady’s fake tits barely swayed as the man gave her all he had. He grunted as he pulled on her hips. His pants were rolled down to his ankles. The lady’s skirt was pulled up over her ass.

Brian looked at the man’s face he swore he had seen that face before. Then he remembered, and it hit him like a punch to the face. He backed away from the stall; he washed his hands as quickly as he could then practically sprinted back to his seat

Brian took a long hard swig of his drink. The women looked at him. “I just saw the heavyweight champion of the MMO world just fucking the shit out of some lady,” Brian said in one breath. He looked back at the bathroom hoping the man hadn’t seen him.

“That’s it?” Rebecca asked.

They all laughed. “Sweetie,” Jade said reaching over to hold his hand. “Look over there,” she nodded.

He looked slightly over his shoulder. He saw a woman bouncing up and down on a man’s lap.

“That’s the mayor’s assistant,” she smiled sitting back down.

“And that isn’t his wife,” Amanda smiled.

Brain sat back in his seat a bit more relaxed.

“Did he see you?” Alexis asked.

“No, I don’t think so,” Brian replied.

“Good, he probably would have asked you to join him, there is a good chance that she was faking,” Amanda shrugged.

“Mr. Heavyweight doesn’t last that long,” Jade smiled. “And he isn’t heavy where it counts,” she laughed.

“Switch places,” Alexis said.

Brian and Alexis switched places. Tamara put her phone in the middle of the table. Brian sat in the middle with Amanda and Rebecca on his right. Jade, Tamara and Alexis on his left. They all smiled as the camera flashed.

Tamara picked up her phone and began typing. “What is your name on Instaphoto?”

“He doesn’t have one,” Amanda said. “Tag me, that way his friends will see it.”

“Seriously?” Jade said. She quickly took his phone from his pocket as she was next to him. “He has no apps on here,” she said shocked.

“We will have to take care of that,” Tamara said.

Brain tried to reach for his phone, but Rebecca and Amanda held him back. Between their boobs and their tight tops and the position of the table. Brian couldn’t get past either of them.

They all took turns taking pictures of themselves with Brian’s phone then they gave it back to him. He looked at his swiping through the pages. Within moments his phone began buzzing and chirping.

“People are trying to add you,” Rebecca smiled. “Here let me change the settings,” she said. Of all the others Rebecca was the only one he liked. “Trust me,” she smiled.

Brian handed over his phone. She tinkered with it then handed it back. “Now only people that you add will be able to message you.”

“So is he like your other roommate?” Jade asked. Breaking the ice.

Brian knew that someone would try to put the two of them together. He had heard of the other male roommate Amanda had a few months before she came into his life.

“No, he is much cleaner and more respectful,” Amanda said.

“That’s good,” Alexis smiled. “No more missing bra’s.”

“Or jerking off in your clothes,” Jade shrugged.

“The best was fucking your mouth while you were asleep,” Tamara said.

“What?” Brian said almost spitting out his drink.

Amanda smiled and shook her head. Rebecca turned to Brian. “She didn’t tell you?”

“No, she didn’t” Brian shook his head turning to Amanda.

“I still have the video,” Tamara said picking her phone back up.

“We thought he was stealing her bra’s,” Rebecca said.

“Which he was,” Amanda interrupted.

“So we set up a spy camera in the room, and we caught him in the act, well more than just one act,” Tamara said as she put the phone on the table.

Brian leaned forward to look at the screen. It showed a bedroom. Brian could see Amanda sleeping in the bed. Like her room at their apartment, she had a few of the plug in the wall night lights they cast a faint glow throughout the room. He could barely make her out when another light source came into view.

“He even brought his light?” Brian asked.

“You could play a drum solo in her room, and she wouldn’t wake up,” Rebecca said.

The figure of a man holding a phone with the flashlight app walked into view. The man headed straight for Amanda. He was naked from the waist down.

“Time for you to make up for the shit you said earlier bitch,” the man said. He put the phone down on the nightstand the light lit up Amanda’s sleeping face. Without hesitation, he put his hard dick up to her mouth and pushed it passed her lips. “That’s it you fucking mouthy whore.”

Brian turned to look at Amanda who was sitting back with a smile. “I can’t help that I am a heavy sleeper.”

Brian looked back at the screen. The man had pushed his dick all the way into her mouth. He put a hand on the wall to steady himself as he lifted one leg onto the bed. “Going to fuck that mouth of yours for cursing at me all damn day!”

“All I did was tell him to clean up after himself,” Amanda shrugged.

The man began to fuck Amanda’s mouth hard. Even in the dim light and the reduced angle of the camera that was behind him, they could clearly see his hips going back and forth at a fast pace. Brian could see bits and pieces of Amanda’s face.

“It looks like you’re enjoying it,” Brian said. “Are you sure you weren’t fake sleeping?”

“Told you!” Tamara said.

“Nope, she is a heavy sleeper,” Rebecca nodded. “I was her roommate for a couple of years.

I should know.”

“Damn, you’re a real cock sucker. I bet you suck even better when you’re awake,” the man said as he continued. He shifted to get a better angle to fuck her mouth.

“You sure you’re not awake?” Brian asked.

Amanda shook her head.

“It looks to me like you’re moving with him,” Brian said unable to take his eyes off the screen.

“I have an oral fixation. Haven’t you noticed all the ice pops and the candy suckers in the apartment?” Amanda asked. “It seems that also goes for when I am sleeping.”

“Okay, enough,” the man said pulling his cock out of Amanda’s mouth. He wrapped his dick in a shirt, presumably to cum inside of the shirt and not her mouth.

“Well at least he didn’t cum in your mouth,” Brian said sitting back. As Tamara picked up the phone.

“Not that time,” Amanda said.

“What?” Brian asked. “There was another time after that?”

“Several,” Amanda admitted.

“Even after seeing that you still had him stay as a roommate?” Brian asked shocked to hear that she hadn’t called the cops or thrown him out.

“Why not?” Jade asked. “He has a nice dick, and can last a long time.”

“That’s Jade’s husband now,” Rebecca smiled.

“Plus it wasn’t like he was doing anything wrong exactly,” Amanda shrugged. “So he liked to fuck my mouth when I was sleeping, no big deal,” she laughed. “I got to curse him out, he paid more than half the rent, and he cooked.”

“Hint, hint, Brian, hint, hint,” Alexis smiled.

“No!” Amanda said. “No way,” she shook her head back and forth. “You heard what Stacy said about what he is packing. That would wake me up I am sure of it!”

They all laughed. The time passed slowly after that conversation. Amanda made the comment that it was time for them to go.

“Nice meeting you Brian,” Alexis smiled. “Hope to see you again.”

Brian got up from his seat, then waved to all of them. Rebecca looked up at them then at Jade. “I think I will go to, I have that interview tomorrow,” she looked over at Amanda. “You mind giving me a ride, I came with Tamara tonight.”

Tamara smiled. “I am waiting for someone,” she gave a sly look. She was obviously on the prowl for someone to take home.

“Sure,” Amanda nodded.

Once they all got in the car, Rebecca sighed. “Thank you, so much.”

“I knew you didn’t want to be in there any longer,” Amanda said as she started the car.

“I had to put on the fake face because Tamara got me the interview,” Rebecca said from the back seat.

“I thought it was Monday?” Amanda laughed.

“It is,” Rebecca shrugged. “She doesn’t know that.”

Brian sat in his seat looking at the people still outside waiting to get in. All of them smiling and laughing just to be there. The car pulled out of the parking lot and onto the road.

“So how did you like your night out?” Rebecca asked. Leaning forward through the middle of the two front seats.

“Interesting,” Brian said turning to look at her. He noticed her hair wasn’t entirely red. It was a mix of brown and red.

“Alexis,” Amanda said. “He doesn’t like her.”

“How did you know,” Brian smiled.

“I know you,” she replied.

“Don’t worry, probably won’t see them again for a while,” Amanda said. “I only came to bail my girl out of a bad situation.”

“Thanks again,” Rebecca said sitting back. “One more week and I won’t have to put up with any of them.”

Brian was let in on the situation. Rebecca worked for Alexis in her clothing store which she co-owned with Tamara. Jade also worked in there.

“So change of subject,” Brian said. He looked over at Amanda. “You really didn’t throw that guy out for doing that?”

“Doing what?” Amanda asked.

“Fucking your face every night,” he said. “Isn’t that taking advantage of you, when you’re vulnerable?

“It wasn’t every night, more like once a week, plus if I wanted him to stop I could’ve locked the door,” Amanda shrugged. “And it wasn’t like he was fucking my ass.”

“Not talking about that,” Rebecca blurted out from the back seat.

“What?” Brian said looking back at her.

“My ex-boyfriend thought it would be a cute valentine’s day gift to wake me up, by putting his dick up my ass, while I was sleeping,” Rebecca shook her head.

“What’s with the guys in your lives fucking you while you’re asleep?” Brian asked.

“I am a heavy sleeper, and I like sucking cock,” Amanda shrugged.

“I don’t mind anal,” Rebecca smiled.

“So that’s it?” Brian asked.

“Yup,” they both said in unison.

“By the way she doesn’t just love cock sucking she thrives on it,” Rebecca said as they pulled into a condo complex.

“True, very true,” Amanda nodded. “Okay girlie, talk to you tomorrow.”

“Definitely,” Rebecca said as she got out of the car.

“Walk her up to her condo please,” Amanda said.

Brian got out of the car and walked with Rebecca. In the light of the condos and street lights. Brian got a better look at Rebecca. Her hair hung nicely down to her shoulders. She had an incredible figure. Her ass was nice and tight in the black mini skirt. Her top was tight across her massive chest.

“Thanks,” Rebecca said as they got to her door. She stood on her tip toes as she gave Brian a kiss on the cheek. “I sent you a friend request on the app, they put on your phone,” she smiled as she opened the door.

Brian smiled then ran down the stairs. Amanda was sleeping in the driver’s seat. “I better drive,” he said as he knocked on the window. Amanda nodded and worked her way over to the passenger seat. Shortly after they pulled away, she was asleep again.

As Brian pulled up to the apartment building, he tried to wake Amanda up. She didn’t stir or move. “Crap,” he said to himself.

He pulled into the parking space and began to dread the walk to the elevator, then down the hall to his apartment. “Let’s get it over with,” he said.

He hoped that when he opened the passenger door, the early morning breeze would wake her up, but it didn’t. He took her purse and put it on her lap. Then bent at the knees and lifted her out of the seat.

“Wow, you’re surprisingly light,” he said, but she didn’t stir. He used his foot to shut the door. Then hit the alarm with the hand under her thighs.

As he walked her face fell forward and rested on his chest. She was easy to carry either that or he was stronger than he thought. He opened the door by shifting her weight back and forth from each arm. He did the same as he hit the button for the elevator. The only hard part was getting the keys to the apartment from his pocket.

“Okay,” he said as he put one knee up against the wall. “Rest here for a second,” he said as he balanced Amanda on his knee.

She looked like an angel while she slept. He got the key out of his pocket and put it in the door. The apartment was dark, but he knew the layout well. He made his way to her room, then placed her on her bed. With that done, he went back to the front door to get his keys.

Brian took a quick shower then sat at his computer, for some reason he was wide awake. He heard Amanda in the bathroom; then there was quiet. She knocked on his door.

“Thank you,” she said as she entered. She was wearing her usual bed attire which consisted of a small shirt that barely covered her chest. Brian had gotten used to seeing the underside of her boobs.

“No problem, you are very easy to carry around,” Brian joked.

“I will take that as a compliment,” she nodded. “I meant for coming out tonight. Rebecca and I appreciate someone else around when we must deal with the others. So, thank you.”

“Again no problem, anytime.” Brian nodded. Amanda got up then gave him a kiss on the cheek, then left the room.

Brian checked out the app he had on his phone. The others had already put themselves as friends on there. He swiped his way through a couple of their pictures. There were the usual pictures of them in various rooms of their houses, and of course in the bathroom posing in the mirror. He found Tamara very hard on the eyes. Her plastic surgeries made her look too fake. He wondered if he took her off his friend’s list she would know.

“Who cares,” he said as he took her off. “You know what,” he smiled. As he took Jade and Alexis off as well.

He got a text. Brian shook his head as he looked at his phone. It was from one of his friends.

“Dude! You went out with all of them. And you didn’t call me?” the text said.

“I didn’t know who they were. And how did you find out?” Brian sent back. But he guessed his friend saw him in the picture the ladies had sent flying through the internet.

“I just saw a picture of you with them!”

“Fine, yes I was with all of them,” Brian replied. No big deal, talk to you later.”

“You better, I want details!”

Finally, Brian accepted Rebecca’s request and began to swipe through her pictures. Her pictures had a better class to them. There were a couple of her with friends, some of them with family. And then she had a picture with a huge black dog.

Brian made a comment on the picture. He loved dogs.

A message popped up. “That is my baby.”

“‘Black lab?” Brian asked.

“Yup,” Rebecca replied.

“Can’t sleep?” Brian asked.

“Yes and No,” Rebecca replied. “Thinking of a few things for the interview.”

“Ah ok, I think you will nail it,” Brian replied.

“Thanks,” Rebecca replied. “Hold on,” she said.

Brian waited for a second. Then a video request came along his screen. “Shit,” he said as he pushed up his pillows, then tried to sit up in bed. He accepted the request.

“That’s better,” Rebecca smiled. She was lying down in her bed. “I hate typing.”

“Yeah, it can get awkward.” Brian nodded.

“So I see you took the others off your list,” Rebecca smiled.

“I was wondering if they would see that,” Brian said.

“Nah,” Rebecca shook her head. “I just noticed because you only have two friends, they won’t see that one person from their thousands of followers disappeared.”

“I Could care less either way. The three of them seemed too plastic,” Brian shrugged.

“I thought you liked plastic, being with Stacy,” Rebecca smiled.

“You know what I mean,” Brian said.

“Yes, I do,” Rebecca said. “So which do you prefer?”

“What do you mean?” Brian asked.

“Natural or Enhanced boobs? I know you’re a boob guy,” Rebecca asked.

“Both,” Brian said. “I can’t lie. I like them both. Even though Stacy has been the only woman I have been with that had enhanced.”

“Good answer,” Rebecca smiled. “Amanda’s are great too,” she said with a look.

“They look beautiful,” Brian said.

“You haven’t felt them?” Rebecca said with a shocked look.

“No,” Brian said.

“Wow, thought you would have already,” Rebecca said with a huge smile.

“What’s the smile for?”

“You know you could sneak in her room and give them a squeeze,” Rebecca smiled with a wink.

“Nah, I am not like that,” Brian shook his head.

“She gave you an invitation,” Rebecca nodded. “She could have stopped the conversation anytime, but she didn’t.”

“She was just…” Brian began to say.

“Brian, I have known Amanda since High School. It was an invitation. Trust me.” Rebecca said as she yawned. “I am tired. I am going to sleep.”

“Okay have a good night,” Brian said.

“Oh, Brian for the record these are natural,” Rebecca said as she moved the camera low. She pushed her tits together. They almost popped out of the top of her shirt.

“Holy shit,” Brian said.

“I have a nice ass too,” he heard her say as the video went black for a while, then it showed her ass with a red thong. “Night Brian.”

Brian lay in bed with his dick hard. He put his phone down as he went to the bathroom to get some lotion and some tissue. When he got into the bathroom, he saw the other door was wide open. He could see straight into Amanda’s room.

She usually made a point of closing her door to the connecting bathroom. He couldn’t help but think was Rebecca right about the invitation.

“You’re not that big of a pervert,” Brian said assuring himself. He went to the door and closed it. “There now just…” he began to say before he noticed something on the floor.

Brian bent over to pick it up. It was Amanda’s bra. In all the three months, she had been living there. She had not once left any item of clothing in the bathroom.

Sure, he had seen some clothes in the washing machine or dryer but never any of her undergarments. He turned it over in his hands the cups were huge, he smiled as he remembered the movie with the nerds putting the lady’s bra on their head. Then he saw it the large letter, and the number indicating the size in black print. Brian dropped the bra as if electricity had charged through it and shocked him.

It was an invitation. Trust me, Rebecca’s words rang in Brian’s head.

As if by remote controlled Brian opened the door, he slowly walked into Amanda’s bedroom. The light from the night lights littered around the room. Gave the place a faint glow. He circled the bed.

Go back to your room Brian. You can talk to her about this in the morning. Just go to your room, he said to himself.

Amanda lay quietly on her back. The covers came up to her waist leaving her top uncovered. Even more of an invitation or was it just normal. The apartment was warm, so there was no reason to cover up.

Brian’s hand moved closer to her chest, the small top still showing the underside of her large chest. A quick squeeze then I am out, Brian reassured himself.

Brian raised his right hand and moved it forward slowly. He kept a look at her face as he slowly placed a hand on her chest. “There you felt one,” he said as he pulled his hand away. He began to walk back to his room but stopped. “But you didn’t squeeze it, don’t be a chicken.”

He moved back to where he was this time he moved his hand a little faster. “Holy shit,” he said as he felt the underside of Amanda’s boob. It felt good in his hand he moved the other hand to join it. A few seconds passed, and he was squeezing both of her tits.

“Enough,” he said pulling his hands away. As he pulled them away, Amanda moved slightly. Her shirt rode up exposing most of her chest. Brian stood in shock. They were beautiful. There were hardly any marks left on them, unlike Stacy who had a scar under each boob.

Again, he moved his hands towards them to feel. Squeezing each breast, in turn then pinched the exposed nipples. Amanda lightly moaned. Brian pulled his hands away as he looked at her. She made no sign of being awake. “Come on Brian, what are you doing?” he said as he shook his head.

He tried to cover them back up but stopped. Instead, he knelt near the bed and began to suck on each nipple. Amanda moaned again, but he didn’t stop. He was a man possessed, he squeezed them both, massaging them and licking the nipples. He stood up quickly taking his dick out from his pants and lightly slapped it on her boob. She stirred but didn’t wake up.

“Amanda,” he said slightly louder than a whisper. “Are you awake?”

Amanda didn’t stir or move. Brian lightly nudged her shoulder to no response. He gave her a harder push this time she rolled towards him onto her side. Her huge tits fell on top of each other. Brian looked at them. An idea came into his mind.

Slowly he pushed his dick between the two of them. He let out a low moan as the two massive tits encased his cock in their tit flesh. Slowly he pushed back and forth. “Amanda if you’re awake this is a good time to stop me or tell me you want me to continue.”

Amanda still lay fast asleep. She made no sign of being awake or that she wanted him to stop. Brian started going faster burying his dick between the two enormous tits. He held her shoulder as he ramped up his speed. He was so close to cumming now. He quickly pulled out of her cleavage. With a quick tug, he took off his shirt, burying his dick inside of it as he came.

“Sorry,” he apologized then walked out of the room. He closed the bathroom doors behind him. He threw his shirt into the clothes basket. “Such a fucking idiot,” he cursed as he fell back onto the bed. “You better confess in the morning.”

Slowly Brian fell asleep. Dreading what Amanda might say in the morning.

“Morning sunshine,” Amanda said as she ran on the treadmill.

Brian walked out of his room, slowly nodding then sat on the chair facing her. “I have to apologize to you,” he said.

“Well I was going to say thank you,” Amanda said as she stopped the treadmill. She took the towel and wiped the sweat from her face. She sat at the table next to him.

“Thank me?” Brian asked.

“Yeah, for coming out with us. I haven’t talked to Rebecca this morning, but I am sure she would thank you as well. We can’t stand being around the others, but having you along made it more tolerable.”

Brian laughed. “You thanked me for that last night.”

“I did?” Amanda said, “When?”

“After you took a shower and changed. You came into my room and thanked me.” Brian smiled.

“Wow, I don’t remember,” Amanda shook her head. “I was wondering who got me dressed and into bed. I thought it was you or Rebecca.”

“We dropped Rebecca off at her place,” Brain said.

“I remember that part, I just thought you came down stairs saw me sleeping and asked her to help you,” Amanda shrugged. “So you didn’t get me dressed?”

“Nope, I carried you to bed, and that was it,” Brian said.

“Oh,” Amanda nodded. “And I took a shower and got dressed?”

“You really are a hard sleeper huh?” Brian asked.

“Definitely,” Amanda said. “So why are you apologizing? Did you hit my head on something on the way up?”

“No, not at all,” Brian said. “But something did happen while you were sleeping.”

Published 8 years ago

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