What is it about you that draws me in?
Is it your beauty, body, or something else within?
The air of you is my intoxication,
Libra Lady, I want you bad and not just in fornication.
Your eyes, your smile, they take me to new heights.
How I crave your touch and to feel your warmth on the coldest of nights.
Your breasts, those thighs, your curves, your scent, it makes me crave you, lover.
Oh my God, can it be? I think I might just love her.
Though we’ve never shared even the slightest hint of an intimate moment or space.
I feel wrapped up, lost, lust, love whenever I see your face.
Libra Lady, you are surely a sight to behold.
Your beauty is a thing of which words have yet to be foretold.
It’s in this space that I give way to my heart’s most carnal desire.
To hear you scream to god is what I most desire.
To feel you clench and hear your gasps as I penetrate you deep.
I’m sorry, but tonight neither of us will sleep.
You on top, bouncing as you should.
I’d swear you were a carpenter the way you work this wood.
Feel me as you take me to the places you don’t share.
I’ll give you all of me, my life, my child, I don’t care.
The ecstasy between us has me in a fever and your loving is my cure.
Tonight, I hope it never ends, of this I am sure.
Libra Lady, lay down and let me repay you for the pleasure you’ve poured out.
I want you to know you’ve peaked and never have a doubt.
Sucking on your breasts, feeling on your hips, feeling you get wetter.
Give it to me, cause this feeling I give will only get much better.
Slow strokes first, writing upon your walls, painting mental pictures like a poet.
You belong to me now, and I’m sure you already know it.
Feeling you grind back against me tells to keep going.
The river flow between your legs is your body’s way of showing.
Libra Lady, I’m almost here, to the end of our dream.
Oh my God, yep that’s it, I looked down at your cream.
As I release deep into your womb praying it takes hold.
I awake, Libra Lady, to a bed alone and cold.
You were never mine, and I not yours, I knew this from the start.
But know this Libra Lady, you’ll always have my heart.