Liar 2

"The new normal"

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Sunday, I woke early and took advantage of the alone time to drink my coffee and contemplate my navel. I still had a lot of mental adjustments to complete before I could relax into my new reality. I had to temper my excitement. It would be so easy to get lost in the euphoria of loving two wonderful women and not take into consideration the potential pitfalls.

A couple of things were primary in my mind and of equal importance. One of those things was the relationship between Susan and Beth. Susan appeared to be excited to start a sexual relationship with her best friend. I could understand her excitement since I was pretty excited myself with the sexual relationship I had started with Beth. Still, Susan had never been intimate with another woman, at least before the one night in the truck. I wouldn’t consider that incident proof of concept by any stretch. Kissing someone of the same sex takes a certain amount of adventurous spirit, but it isn’t the same as having sex with them. A few too many drinks and a dare can lead to a kiss. No harm, no foul. Sex is an entirely different animal that you can’t explain away. You have to own it.

The other thing on my mind was Susan’s change in language. When this thing started, it was all about her fantasy of being a cuck queen. The way she talked after I had sex with Beth didn’t match up. I smelled a rat and knew I had to get to the bottom of things with Susan. It worried me that she might still be hiding something from me. I knew better than to go down the guilt path I had already been down once. This wasn’t about me now. It was about us, and especially Susan.

I decided that my best path forward was to be patient and let the two women I loved be my guide. If I saw things taking a turn I wasn’t comfortable with, I would speak up. I wanted to give Susan a chance to explore her feelings about Beth without piling on a bunch of baggage. Whatever Susan was thinking would become clear given the time.

With all of that in mind, I called Beth. She answered on the second ring. “Hey, Baby! I just got out of the shower, but I still feel dirty. Care to come over and help me clean up?”

I laughed. “I would love to do that, but we have more important matters to deal with. Susan’s in the shower and should be down for coffee in a minute or two. Why don’t you come over and hang out with us?”

Her voice was worried. “Is Susan okay? Please tell me we’re all still friends!”

“Everything is fine. More than fine, I think. Things have changed for the three of us, and we need to spend time together, taking it all in and figuring out what we all want. Can I ask you something, Beth?”

“Sure. I have no secrets from you, Ben.”

“Have you and Susan ever been intimate?”

“You mean, have we ever fooled around? Knocked the little man in the boat around with our tongues? Gone muff diving together? Snacked on each other’s bearded clams?”

I chuckled. “Yeh, that.”

Her voice was soft and sensual when she responded. “No, but I’ve wanted to for so long. I don’t even know if I would like it, but Ben, I’m in love with her.  I want that closeness with her. Are you okay with that?”

I rushed to reassure her. “I’m absolutely okay with that. I know that Susan is looking forward to being with you, and I was sitting here wondering how she could be so sure when she’s never been with a woman before. I think I get it now. You love each other, and physical intimacy is a logical next step in your growing affection for each other. Now, get your sweet ass over here. I’ll have the coffee ready.”

Beth let herself in the front door as Susan walked into the kitchen. I had cups of caffeinated goodness ready for both, but they only had eyes for each other.

Beth had a look of trepidation when she walked into the kitchen. Susan rushed to her and pulled her into a hug that made Beth groan. “Easy, woman! You’ll break a rib or something.”

Susan tilted her head back and looked into Beth’s eyes. “I love you, Beth.”

Susan kissed Beth’s lips softly, then closed her eyes and kissed her some more. Beth didn’t hesitate to return it. The two of them stood in our kitchen and made out for a few minutes. Both had tears in their eyes when they finally separated.

Beth fanned her hand in front of her face. “Whew, woman. That was even better than I thought it would be. Can we do it again?”

Susan laughed happily. “Oh, I plan to until you make me stop. I’m going to make you wait for a bit, though, until I’ve had my coffee.”

I stood up as they sat down. “Are you both ready for some breakfast?”

They were so busy looking into each other’s eyes that I didn’t bother to wait for their answer. It didn’t take me long to get breakfast cooked, and I sat down with them to eat. They kept glancing at each other in anticipation between bites of food. I might as well have been eating by myself because I was beyond their notice at the moment.

I managed to separate them long enough to get some help cleaning up the kitchen. I hung the dish towel from the rack and turned to catch them back in each other’s arms. I wasn’t a bit surprised at that. I knew kissing Beth or Susan was magical, and I really couldn’t blame them. Still, I wasn’t about to leave them to it. I stepped up to them and stuck my tongue between their lips as they kissed.

I laughed my ass off at their shocked response. They flew apart and looked at me in shock. Susan wiped the saliva from the side of her mouth. “What the hell was that, Ben?”

“Well, I didn’t have the garden hose handy to spray you both down with, so I improvised.”

I grabbed her hand, then Beth’s, and led them down the hallway to the bedroom.  As we entered the bedroom, Beth turned to me. “You should probably explain what’s about to happen so we can keep our story straight.”

Susan looked at her funny. “What story?”

Beth winked at her. “You’ll see.”

I put my hands on Beth’s shoulders and positioned next to the bed. I moved my wife to face her and stepped back. Beth had a huge grin on her face, while Susan looked confused.

“The two of you face each other for the first time in anticipation of what comes next. You’ve both wanted so much to make love for years. Now, the nervous anticipation has you both giddy.  Your nerve endings are buzzing, and your eyes are focused on each other’s very kissable lips. Your eyes meet, then your lips. Your kiss is filled with the passion you’ve suppressed for all this time, and you moan in each other’s mouths.

It took Susan all of about a second for the lightbulb to light up as Beth kissed her deeply. I watched them get serious about it this time. The walls were down, and their need for each other had been set free. I let them kiss for a while before I continued my narrative. “Beth can no longer…”

Beth’s hand flew up in a gesture to stop. Her lips left my wife’s. She maintained eye contact with Susan as she spoke, “I think we have it from here.”

Well, okay then. I stepped up to them and kissed them both on the cheek. “I’m going to do some running. I’ll be back later.”

As much as I wanted to stay, watch, and participate, I knew that they needed this first time to be between them. They didn’t need me watching or making this into playtime. They needed to complete the connection between them, and at the moment, I was more of a distraction than a contributor. I don’t think they noticed me leaving, and I was fine with that.

I killed the next four hours, starting with nine holes at the local public course, followed by a trip to the home improvement store and a pleasant drive enjoying the day. I hit the grocery store on my way back to the house. Grilled steaks and wine seemed like the perfect way to relax after what I expected was some very emotional lovemaking.

I arrived at the house and was working in the kitchen when they joined me. They were wearing their bikinis, which fit nicely with the cookout theme. Susan walked up to me, threw her arms around my neck, and held onto me for dear life. Beth came over behind me and rubbed my back with her hand as I held my wife for several minutes.

Not so many days ago, I would have been concerned. I would have assumed that she had something terrible to tell me. Today was different. I knew nothing was bothering her. She was overcome with a tsunami of emotions and came to me as her anchor. She wanted to share her joy with me but didn’t have the words yet. Her touch told me everything.

“I’m so happy for you both, Susan. Was it as wonderful as you imagined?”

I felt her head move up and down against my chest. “Well then, don’t you think I deserve a kiss for being so helpful?”

She tilted her head up, and her lips met mine in the most heartfelt kiss she’s ever given me. When our lips parted, she snuggled against my side while I kissed Beth. Her warm lips instantly brought back the memory of our hike and shower. I wanted them both with an urgency that took all of my willpower to fight. It didn’t feel right to rush off to bed and start fucking. They needed time to process, and we all needed time to relax together. The nice thing about having two hands is that I could squeeze both of their amazing asses at the same time. I did so, then moved to the kitchen counter.

“Why don’t you two get the wine poured while I grill our steaks? The potatoes are already baking.”

When I brought the steaks out onto the deck, they were clinging together in the pool, their wine glasses resting on the side within reach and their mouths locked in a beautiful and loving kiss.

I watched from the corner of my eye while I cooked the steaks, and when everything was ready, I called them inside.

They fed each other, shared smiles and kisses, and never spoke a word. They were so lost in each other that the rest of the world didn’t exist. I freshened their wine after I took the plates away, and they walked back out on the pool deck. At some point, while I was cleaning up the after-dinner mess, they disappeared back into the bedroom. I rattled around and did a few chores before kicking back in front of the television. I was contemplating going to bed in the guest room when they plopped down on the couch on either side of me. Susan nestled up against me. “You going to bed soon, Honey?”

I gave her a squeeze. “Yeh, I’ll use the guest room. Let me grab a few things so I can get ready for work in the morning without disturbing you.”

“You are not sleeping in the guest room. You’re sleeping with us.”

I shrugged. “It’s okay, really. You two need time to enjoy each other.”

“We have enjoyed each other and will again, often. There aren’t two of us in love; there are three of us, and we need to be together.”

Susan and Beth stood. Beth grabbed my hand and pulled. “Come on, you. It’s snuggle time.”

I turned everything off and went to the bedroom. They had taken advantage of the head start and were standing naked, waiting for me. They took turns kissing me while stripping me of my clothes. I made a quick detour to the bathroom and returned to bed to find an open spot in the middle. I knee-walked up the middle of the bed and plopped down between them. I immediately had a sexy, warm body nestled up on either side. It was pretty fucking cool, and I smiled happily as I prepared to fall asleep.

It had been a long and emotional day for Beth and Susan. I was sure that they were exhausted and ready to fade into sleep. As is often the case when I’m sure about something regarding women, I was mistaken. Susan rolled to face me and then kissed me softly. Soft and romantic kisses are wonderful. We enjoyed ours a lot. We enjoyed it so much that our tongues got involved. When those two get involved, well, things tend to escalate.  My cock was ragingly erect, and I felt a hand wrap around it. Beth’s soft voice made my cock pulse. “God, Susan, how do you leave this thing alone long enough to do anything? His cock is so beautiful. So big, fat, and hard. You must want it in you all the time.”

Susan hummed a little laugh, and I felt her lips curl in a smile. Her eyes sparkled with affection as she turned her attention to Beth. “I’d never walk again.”

Beth chuckled, and Susan gave her an obviously fake, serious look. “This is a serious issue, Beth. I need help, and that’s where you come in. Save my pussy, Beth! Please save my pussy!”

Beth was all in now. She threw up her hands. “A pussy is a terrible thing to waste, but what can I do? I suppose I can put that big, fat, hot cock in my pussy. I mean, I’m willing to do that for you.”

Susan put her hand over her mouth and gave Beth a comical, surprised look. “You would sacrifice your pussy for me?

Beth leaned down. Her open mouth a few scant inches from my cock. “I’m willing to make any sacrifice for you, my love. Now excuse me while I suck this cock.”

She chuckled, and I heard her mumble, “It feels like Hendrix should be playing in the background.”

Her warm, wet mouth was velvet ecstasy. “Holy shit, Beth! That feels wonderful!”

Susan returned to kissing me while Beth did wonderful things to my cock. She was gifted at building my arousal to a ridiculous degree without sending me over the edge. I was about done being passive when Susan broke our kiss and looked at me. “I love you, Ben. Make love to her. I want to see you together.”

I hesitated when the humiliation thing occurred to me. I couldn’t do that. I just couldn’t. It felt disrespectful not only of Susan but of our new threesome.

Wives are mind readers. I’m convinced of it. It’s a secret each wife carries to her grave, only revealed as needed to a daughter, who is also sworn to secrecy. That’s the only logical explanation I’ve ever come up with. Susan smiled. “I don’t really want you to say mean things. I want you to love Beth. I want to see the two people I love most in this world express their love for each other. That’s my real fantasy. That’s what makes me happy.”

She moved out of my arms and lay on her side. Her hand caressed the back of Beth’s head, following it as it bobbed up and down on my raging erection. That was it. I couldn’t stand another second. I pulled Beth up by the shoulders and rolled her onto her back. I moved between her legs and kissed her passionately while my cock ached to be inside her. Her hand squeezed my shaft and guided me where she wanted me. I slipped inside her warmth and used slow, short strokes to move each inch deeper into her.

I could feel her Kegels doing wonderful things as my erection pulsed deep inside her. We kissed so very passionately as we basked in our intimate connection. I could feel her body shaking, and her legs suddenly wrapped around my waist. Her passage spasmed, and I felt the warm wetness of her orgasm. I held her and kissed her face as she lost herself for a while.  When her breathing steadied, I drew my cock slowly from her, then slowly back inside. Her head tilted back, and her hands grabbed the bedsheet in a death grip. “Oh God, Ben. Please, Baby. You love me so fucking good. Give it to me. Please, please, give it to me!”

I did it again, all nice and slow. The next stroke was a little faster and a bit more aggressive. Beth’s hips rose to meet me, showing me how much she wanted me. We moved together in our erotic dance as our arousal grew. I was making this gorgeous and amazing woman feel wonderful, and that sent a thrill through me. It was all too much for me. The emotional and erotic input was overwhelming. My body stiffened, and I groaned in ecstasy as the cum jetted from my cock deep into her. That orgasm seemed to last forever and yet was over way too soon.

I held myself over her as I gasped for breath. Her eyes were hooded but looking in mine. I’ve never seen a woman’s face look so very beautiful and so very content. I kissed her as soon as I possibly could before rolling onto my back and staring at the ceiling. Susan let me bask in the afterglow for a little while before I saw her face hovering over mine. “You look so amazing together. I can see the love between you. Plus, talk about hot! I need some of that dick just as soon as you’re ready, Baby.”

She crawled over me to get to Beth. She was kissing her way down Beth’s spent body as she looked at me mischievously. “Meanwhile, I’m going to eat your cum out of her pussy. You just lay there and rest. Nothing to see here.” There was absolutely something to see there, and I watched closely. Details are important, after all.

The three of us lay cuddling after Beth’s thorough and orgasmic cleaning by my wife. Susan tilted her head up to look at Beth and me. “I have a confession to make to both of you. I made up the whole cuck queen thing. You two were never going to get together if I didn’t do something. I know it was a lame plan, but it worked, didn’t it?

“Anyway, I don’t really want you to humiliate me, and I definitely don’t want to be locked out of the room while you two fuck. I have discovered that I very much like licking your cum out of her pussy. I’ll readily admit that.”

Now I got it. “So, all this was to get the three of us together? You didn’t think you could just come clean about it?”

Susan snorted. “Are you kidding me? You two are so damn loyal and honorable that you would never admit your true feelings. I felt like I had no choice but to force you into a situation where you couldn’t hide from each other anymore. I think I did pretty well, all things considered. I do regret worrying you, Ben. I hope you think it was worth it.”

It was worth it and still is. Beth is back in our house, in our bedroom, and fully in our lives. The three of us make no bones about being together. As far as we are concerned, if you don’t like it, you can kiss our collective asses.

It has changed the girl’s night out dynamic a bit. Trish and Nancy have a new favorite subject of conversation and want to know all the details. Susan and Beth seem determined to share said details, and as a result, their two friends have become dangerously curious about me. I pointed out to my wives that their two friends just happened to be married, and maybe their husbands might have an issue with me fucking them. Just a thought.

Susan’s response has me torn between apprehension and anticipation. “Did you know that Trish and Nancy share a fantasy? It seems they both want to be cuck queens.”

Published 1 year ago

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