Letter Chronicles: The Business Meeting

"Coming home from a long day...."

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Coming home from a long hard day at work, I reach casually for yesterday’s mail, tossing most of it aside without much thought. Until I came across an envelope addressed to me in familiar handwriting. Smiling in anticipation at who it might be from, I excitedly ripped open the envelope and start reading. I soon realized it was from my dear friend Susan. Settling down on my sofa with my stockinged feet tucked under me and my glass of red wine close by I began to read.

April 15, 2019

My Dearest Amy:

Hello, My Friend! I would have asked how you are doing but I guess I should already know now that you are doing so well or, as you would say, Great! About which I’m happy for you.

When I received your letter just a few days ago I was really surprised to hear from you. I know I was a bit harsh with you on how you were living your life and for that, I’m very sorry. It’s just that you are such a bright, beautiful and, I shouldn’t forget, free-spirited woman and I didn’t want you go to waste on that Neanderthal Dan. I wanted you to live life to the fullest.

Now, after meeting Phillip, I don’t want to hear you complain that there’s no guy who can hold your interest or that they won’t be interested in you. We both know that spark you thought went out has now been turned into a roaring fire and all it took was someone who knew how to stoke your fire the right way.

I must admit the story that you told me really got me thinking twice about you (you know I’m only kidding). I couldn’t believe that shy, inquisitive girl who I have shared all my sexual secrets with has finally learned to let her hair down. You have learned well my grasshopper…. lol

So, tell me what is Phillip like, you know, personality wise? Is he good and a good lover? I hope he isn’t anything like Dan. By the way, what’s the situation with him anyhow? Did you tell him to get lost or what? Yes, I’m interrogating you but also concerned for you and like the concerned friend that I am I want to know what’s going on in your life, just like I share mine with you.

Howling’s bar sounds like an interesting place to check out. The next time I’m in town we should go. Besides, I’m curious about ‘Your Phillip’ and want to make sure that he’s right for you.

Now that you have shared your story with me, I have one for you. So, in your words, no disturbances and get comfortable.

You know about my “Big” meeting with an executive company dealing with a new clothing line. They were considering us for advertising. Well, Amy my story, would you believe it, took place in the boardroom in our office building. So here goes.

This meeting took place last Friday afternoon with our potential client Nu Clothes 4 U. They deal with top-of-the-line clothing for women. Anyway, we’ve been trying to get their account for years (this account would boost our reputation high). The meeting itself was very boring, tiring and excruciating and I couldn’t wait to get it done and over with (wouldn’t you just know that they would be so hard to convince). My partners, Paul and Kelly, were feeling it as well. We couldn’t believe how tough these people were to convince to join with us (I was beginning to think they were testing us to see how badly we really wanted their account). It was sometime after 6:30 before we finally won them over.

Sure, that was good news and we were happy after all that time. However, I wasn’t pleased with myself because deep down I knew we could have had that account a whole lot sooner if I had kept my focus on our presentation.

This is where it gets interesting, What I wasn’t telling you was that during our presentation I was more or less concentrating on the one woman in the group (there were three of them). It was hard trying to keep my head when all I could think about was this woman’s breasts. I could picture in my mind how firm they were, just big enough for my hands, and how her nipples would be rosy pink. Man! I’m starting to get wet just thinking about it now.

Yeah, I know! I couldn’t believe it either that I was making eyes at another woman. I haven’t done that in years, well not since college anyway. Even after all those years of dating men I still get that occasional attraction to a woman but nothing like this.
Oh Amy! I even forgot to tell you her name, sorry about that I can’t even keep a straight head when I’m thinking about her. Let me tell you about her. Well her name is Sandra and she has short black hair cut in a stylish fashion, with the greenest eyes I have ever seen. She is about my height, hmmmmm, give or take, 5’6 or 5’7, and she is very curvy (you know how I love my curves) in all the right places. It’s funny that I even remember the suit that she wore. She wore these black low heel shoes, black stockings, a black skirt that went past her knees and a white lace cami underneath her matching blazer. I could feel my heart beating quicker each time I looked at her.

During the meeting, I couldn’t tell what she was really like because she seemed really cool (almost like ice) and very professional and her two partners were the same way as well (they were two men; I forget their names, though they weren’t bad looking),
It wasn’t until after the meeting when I got a little surprise for myself. I was still in the boardroom putting some papers and reports in my briefcase and writing down notes for the report I must do for my boss by the following Monday.

I was leaning back in my chair rubbing my temples, thinking about the meeting and the upcoming headache to follow, when suddenly I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders. They started rubbing very nicely working out the tension. My immediate thought was you. I know how your fingers can work magic on me and honestly, they felt like your handiwork just knowing where my pressure points are. Feeling my headache going away I groaned, “Whatever you are doing Don’t Stop! This feels soooooo good.” It was the sound of her voice (Sandra’s) that brought me back to earth. It was right low and soft.

I slowly turned around in my chair and there she was in just her black lace-top stockings and matching garter belt. With the door closed and the lights dimmed down a bit she came over and sat in front of me on the table. You wouldn’t believe how dumbfounded I was. There were no words coming to mind at that moment. She told me that (after giving me the once over) she couldn’t take her eyes off me during the meeting and that finding me still here gave her the opportunity to test those feelings. She also mentioned that she couldn’t really show those feelings in the meeting, so she had to use that Cool as Ice expression as a cover-up.

As she was talking, her hands undid my navy blazer and were working the buttons of my white blouse very slowly. After she removed my blouse and blazer from my shoulders, she put her lips to my neck. Her breath was so hot it was all I could do not to squirm. Her hands were very soft and gentle and they were exploring every inch of my body from my neck to my breasts, my stomach and even between my legs. This was making me very hot and bothered but she wouldn’t let me up from the chair no matter what she did to me. To make me more comfortable for the both of us she took my legs and put them on either side of the chair. That position did raise my skirt up my thigh a bit showing my black satin panties.

There she was in between the table and me in the chair, helpless (can you imagine me helpless?) All I was able to do was watch her plant tiny kisses from my throat down to my chest. She already had my breasts in her hands, pinching my nipples until they became pointed and red. She just took one in her mouth and suckled on it. Even just remembering what her tongue felt like on my breasts, so hot and moist, while her free hand was squeezing and rubbing my other breast, well it’s just too much! I like the fact that she didn’t neglect my other breast: as soon as she was finished with one she gave the same mouth treatment to the other.

After that, she began planting more kisses down my flat stomach until she reached my skirt. I thought at first that she would take it off or something but instead, she bypassed it and went to my underwear. She told me that she liked my taste in underwear and that it was a turn on for her. I then felt her hot breath near my feminine charms through my panties I gave a throaty moan, just hoping that nobody was still in the building to hear me.

I was so far gone in ecstasy that I didn’t even realize that she’d quickly taken off both my skirt and my panties and was actually kissing my full, pink and shaved lips (Yes! I actually mentioned shaved) and it felt really good. Just feeling not only her tongue thrusting inside me but to have her fingers (I say fingers because I lost count after two) inside me as well, it didn’t take long for me to reach orgasm. My whole body just trembled at that point, and watching her take my musky juices put me in a frenzy.

Since I had already climaxed, Sandra made it clear that it was now my turn to pleasure her. At first, I thought okay that’s fair and besides I was dying to discover how she would taste. What took me by surprise was that she got up from between my legs and immediately took my hands wanting me to stand up. I didn’t know if it was desire or that I had been so enchanted by her that I became really weak (this has never happened before). If she hadn’t been holding me up I would have fallen over her (that’s a play on words if ever there was one).

Okay, I led Sandra to the table and she lay down in the center with arms by her side and her legs wide open. Amy, her body was so gorgeous I couldn’t wait to ravish her right then and there. I climbed on top of her and started to ravish my beauty.
With both of my legs on either side of her thighs, I placed my hands on her milky white shoulders and I kissed her on the mouth at first with curiosity to see how she would react to it. Before I had the chance to pull away from her she bit at my lower lip and that did it for me. I went down on her, hungrily kissing her, very sensual, letting her tongue play with mine. It became very arousing for both of us.

Then I started to nibble at her earlobes, leaving soft kisses at her neck and throat. My hands were now fondling her luscious breasts, stimulating her ripe nipples until they became erect. It felt good to have her breasts pressed against my own, so I took her hands and placed them on my chest wanting her to fondle mine. Then my lips made their way down and took the place of my hands. With my moist hot mouth, I would suckle at her then I would let the cool air at it. It was such a turn on to see her so responsive like that, so I treated her other breast the same way. It brought back some memories of when we were experimenting with each other.

Anyway, after I took my pleasure from her breasts I went farther down with my mouth — her stomach had a nice swell to it — and went on down until my head was in between her legs. She had a nice little patch of dark hair. The rest was shaved, and it was really smooth. I couldn’t wait to taste this delicious morsel so the first thing I did was to use my fingers (only two now) and inserted them into her moist opening and started to stroke in and out very slowly while using the fingers of my right hand to stimulate her clitoris. Just watching her receiving these sensations made an erotic vision and to hear her moan was very satisfying.

I couldn’t wait anymore; the feel of her now hot, slick entrance was making me hot and wet even more. My mouth went to her lips and I darted my tongue into her opening. I like how she tasted and I went in deeper savoring all that she had. To me, she had a spicy aroma that kept me tied to her. My fingers kept her lips apart, making sure that my tongue wouldn’t miss a drop of her essence.
The more I kept thrusting my tongue the closer I was bringing Sandra to orgasm. It was pure animal lust that we both acted on. She reached it when I put my fingers in with my tongue, her whole body trembling underneath me.

I would say I had enjoyed her immensely. Being with Sandra was very different. I was somewhat disappointed at first, mostly that it didn’t last very long. It had been a while since I’ve been with a woman and I thought that may have had something to do with it.
Anyway, back to my story. After that interlude, Sandra and I got into talking and she told me that she really enjoyed it (I was a bit surprised considering that she didn’t groan, moan, or scream all that much) and she wanted us to be together again, only this time outside the office. She also mentioned that this was her first time being intimate with a woman for quite some time and being with me had reignited a spark that was long forgotten. This really got me thinking and now I understood why I was feeling like I did.

Amy, it has been a long time since I felt strongly about anyone. That evening in the boardroom was an eye-opening experience. When I think of Sandra, I think about how she looked and tasted. Can you imagine that I’m craving for her even now? We talked and we both agreed on seeing each other on a more personal basis. Now, don’t worry this will not affect our business agreement at all (well I hope it doesn’t). We plan on getting together sometime over the next weekend. Just think, I’m getting nervous about it already.

Well my dear friend, I must go. My boss has called a meeting and I am about five minutes late. The next time you write back to me let know (in detail) how your date went with Phillip. I hope to hear from you soon.

Love Always,




Published 6 years ago

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