Lessons In Love

"Married woman teaches a young man the ways of love."

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“She said what?” I shrieked.

“She said, ‘I’d love to go. But not with you.’”

I had invited the boy who mows our lawn in for a cold drink. Dennis was seventeen years old. A shy boy and nerdy, but a hard worker, he had been washing our cars and mowing our lawn since he was thirteen. He was now a senior in high school, on the cusp of manhood. He had grown tall with a nice physique. Handsome and well-mannered, he was a fine young man. He was explaining to me how he had asked a girl to the senior prom and she turned him down with an insult. I became furious.

“That little bitch. She could have declined politely without being so rude.”

My maternal instinct took over. “Let me check around and find a girl for you.”

My husband traveled to Asia a lot, negotiating with various companies about forming joint ventures to develop and manufacture batteries for electric vehicles. He’d be gone for a week, sometimes two. That left me plenty of spare time to play matchmaker.

While he was gone, I played Mahjong with a group of women. Certainly one of those old busybodies knew of an available girl. I soon had a lead.

“My granddaughter is such a pretty girl. And so smart! She’s really amazing.”

Aren’t they all?

“All she wants to do is study and play the piano. She has no interest in boys. My daughter is starting to worry about her.”

“How old is your granddaughter, Mrs. Harrington?” I asked.

“Seventeen. She’s such a nerd. Look how pretty.” Mrs. Harrington brandished her phone and scrolled through endless pictures of her granddaughter.

In this case, Grandma was right; the girl had a pretty face framed by long blond hair. Blue eyes and high cheekbones accentuated her infectious smile. She looked reserved but in her eyes, I detected a hint of a free spirit.

“She’s a pretty girl, Mrs. Harrington. What’s your granddaughter’s name?”

“Elizabeth. She’s such a good girl.”

“I know a nice seventeen-year-old boy looking for a prom date. The prom is next Saturday.”

“Please let’s introduce them,” Mrs. Harrington urged. We arranged a meeting at a coffee shop.

I accompanied Dennis; Grandma was with Elizabeth. Elizabeth was even prettier than her photos suggested. A tall girl with long legs, Elizabeth had presence. People turned and noticed. Mrs. Harrington and I took a separate table and let the kids have their space.

Dennis and Elizabeth seemed to hit it off, and she accepted his invitation to the prom, much to Grandma’s delight. The time came to leave, and Dennis and I got in the car.

“Dennis, listen to me. Elizabeth is a catch. A girl as pretty as Elizabeth won’t last long. Don’t let her get away. Call her. Call her every day and tell her you’re looking forward to Saturday.” I wasn’t finished.

“At the prom, first and foremost, no alcohol. Elizabeth won’t think getting drunk is cool. Second, stay by her side the whole time. No horsing around with the guys. It’s all about Elizabeth.”

“I don’t drink, Mrs. Betz. And I’ll stay with Elizabeth.”

I continued. “Mark my words. If that little bitch who turned you down is there, she’s going to approach you. When a girl rejects a guy and then sees him with another girl, she then wants him. Regret? Jealousy? Who knows. It’s just the way it is.”

“What should I do if she does approach us?”

“Be cordial, but not friendly. Don’t introduce Elizabeth unless the bitch asks who she is, and don’t reveal your relationship status with Elizabeth; it’s none of that bitch’s business. Don’t inquire about her date. You don’t give a damn about him. Be charming, then politely get away from her, and stay away. You don’t want Elizabeth thinking you have a thing for that girl.”

“That’s right,” Dennis said slowly as the logic settled in.

“Make sure you get some slow dances with Elizabeth. She’ll like that. And to the extent possible, slow dance in front of or near that bitch, but keep your back toward her. That gives ample opportunity for the bitch to stare, and Elizabeth will be facing her. Elizabeth will notice her competition, which is good for you, but give that bitch no play. None.”

“I won’t, Mrs. Betz.”

“Now let’s get you a tuxedo.”


Dennis reported back to me the day after the prom. He was exuberant, talking a mile a minute.

“Slow down. Start at the beginning.”

“Everything you said was right, Mrs. Betz. And I did everything you said. I kept Elizabeth at my side the whole night. All the guys ogled her. And sure enough, Jennifer, ‘that bitch’ as you refer to her, approached us, eyeing Elizabeth up and down. She acted cutesy, but I brushed her off. We slow danced near her and her wimpy date, and Elizabeth and I shared a kiss as we did. She noticed. Elizabeth noticed the attention we were getting from her, too. ‘That girl likes you’, she said.”

“What was your reply?”

“I said ‘She’s not my type. You’re my type, Elizabeth.’”

“Perfect! Good answer.”

We were both gloating. “Are you going to see Elizabeth again?”

“Yes. Elizabeth has a piano recital this coming Sunday, and she asked me to attend.”

“What kind of music will she perform?”

“A sonata? I think that’s what she said. By someone named Show something.”

“Chopin. Probably Chopin’s Sonata Number Two. It’s the one most frequently performed for audiences.” Dennis’s face was blank.

“So here’s what you do,” I advised. “First, go to the public library and get a recording of Chopin sonatas. Listen to them all week,” I said as I took one hundred dollars from my purse.

“Second, take this money,” I said as I handed it to him. “It’s a prepayment for the car and the lawn. Buy Elizabeth the biggest and most beautiful bouquet of flowers you can with this. After her performance, present it to her.”

“I didn’t think of that,” Dennis replied in wonderment.

Of course he didn’t; he’s a teenage guy.

“And dress up for Elizabeth. A button-up shirt with a collar, a jacket, and shoes. Make sure you’re shaved. Make the best impression in case there’s competition for her.”

“What would I do without you, Mrs. Betz?”

Probably flounder.


The recital went off without a hitch. Weeks passed, and love blossomed like the Spring flowers. One day after Dennis mowed our lawn, I invited him in for a soda. He was bathed in sweat and was covered with dust and blades of grass.

“Dennis, go take a shower. Hand those clothes out to me, and I’ll put them in the washing machine. I won’t let you go home like that.”

He handed his clothes out from behind the bathroom door, and I passed him one of my husband’s bath robes.

After his shower, Dennis emerged in my husband’s robe, and we sat on the sofa sipping soda while the dryer spun.

“So you and Elizabeth have been dating for more than a month. How is it going?”


“She’s a pretty girl. Does she like kissing?”

“Yeah, she does.” He was being evasive.

I ventured further. “Have you done anything more than kissing?” Hell, I’m the one who set them up; I felt I had a right to ask.

His face blushed. “Not really.”

“She doesn’t want to?”

“I haven’t tried.”

“Why not?”

His face reddened further. “I’ve never been with a girl before. I don’t know how.”

“Let Mother Nature lead you. She’ll guide the way.”

“It’s just that…it’s just that the guys in the locker room know all about sex. I don’t know anything. They use terms like missionary, cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, doggie, deep throat, blow job. I mean, does a girl really blow on a guy when she does that?”

I stifled a laugh. “Don’t be fooled. Those boys don’t know any more about making love than they do about making lace.”

It was obvious Dennis needed some adult education. I resolved to provide it.

“Come here, I want to show you something.”

I led him to my bed. “Lay down,” I instructed. He complied and I pulled my husband’s robe off of him.

I stood before him and stripped off my shorts and top. His eyes bulged and he became instantly hard.

“Mrs. Betz! What if Mr. Betz comes home?”

“Mr. Betz is in Japan.”

I took Dennis’s young erection in my hand and then in my mouth.

“This is a blowjob,” I informed him. “See? No blowing. Blowjob is a misnomer.”

I then took him as deep as I could. “And this is deep throat.”

I began to work his giant erection, going from just the tip to the hilt. It didn’t take long for him to spew a massive orgasm. His eyes rolled, and his breathing became labored. I feared he’d have a heart attack, but he survived his first oral sex. I kept him deep until he finished.

His hyperventilating finally abated, but his erection didn’t; he was as hard as ever.

I climbed aboard and straddled him, took his virgin penis in hand, and situated him at my opening. I slowly settled on him. He was a virgin no more.

“This is cowgirl,” I informed him once he was all in.

I stayed motionless with Dennis’s penis fully immersed. I then leaned forward on his developed pectoral muscles and started to ride. I didn’t want him to finish again so soon, so I kept it slow. After a minute, I drew my feet up underneath me and gingerly stepped around without disengaging. I settled back down on him.

“This is reverse cowgirl,” I said over my shoulder. I spent a minute, then spun back around.

“Cowgirl again,” I said as I leaned back on his pecs and hooked my feet onto his thighs.

I quickened my pace and brought Dennis to his first vaginal orgasm. I pressed into his spasms, which probably registered on the Richter scale. While he calmed, I leaned forward on my elbows and took his face in my hands. I kept him inside me while I explained the need for discretion.

“Dennis, we must keep this a secret,” I insisted. “No one can know what we did. Not those locker room boys and certainly not Elizabeth.” Not to mention my husband. “You must promise me secrecy.”

“I won’t tell, Mrs. Betz.”

“Good. If we keep this a secret, I can teach you more,” I said, my index finger on his lips.

“I swear I won’t tell,” he said emphatically.

We disengaged. I took four tissues off the night table. I wrapped Dennis’s wilting erection in two of them and held two to my vagina.

“This prevents a wet spot,” I informed him as we basked in the afterglow.

We eventually rose and dressed. Dennis was now a man.

“Come back tomorrow to wash the cars. We’ll have another tutoring session then.”


At thirty-two years old and after seven years of marriage, I didn’t expect to be fooling around with a high school boy, but Dennis needed practical instruction if he was going to win Elizabeth. He returned the next day.

“Let’s wash up. You want to be squeaky clean for Elizabeth.” We took separate showers and met in my bedroom.

“Before we start, there are three things you need to know, Dennis.”

I enumerated. “First, respect. You respect Elizabeth. Elizabeth is your queen and you treat her accordingly.”

“Two, communication. To please Elizabeth, you need to discover what she likes and what she doesn’t. Don’t be afraid to ask her during lovemaking.” The shadow of a devilish smile crossed his lips.

“And number three, ladies first. You satisfy your queen before you’re satisfied. Never, ever be selfish in bed.”

He took it all in.

“Let’s get started. How are you going to undress Elizabeth?”

“I guess just take her clothes off.”

“There’s a right way to do that. I’ll show you how. Come here and kiss me.” Dennis did and then I spun around.

“Reach around me and unbutton my blouse. Slowly.” Dennis unbuttoned and removed it.

“Unclip my bra. The clips can be tricky. That’s why you want to be behind Elizabeth when you remove her bra; it’s easier from behind.” Dennis unclipped me, and I wriggled free.

“Stay behind me. Hug me and take my breasts in your hands. Don’t squeeze; caress. Lift them, hold them up, gently run your fingernails over them. Scratch my nipples. And they’re not tits, they’re breasts. Calling them tits is rude.” Dennis did all I said. I could feel his erection pressing on my lower back.

“Kneel down and pull my pants off. My panties, too.” Dennis obeyed.

I undressed him in a similar fashion. His eager erection sprang out. We lay down on the bed.

“Remember, it’s ‘ladies first.’ I’m the lady, so I go first. I’m going to teach you how to kiss my vagina and make me finish before we do anything else.” Dennis nodded.

“First of all, kissing a woman’s vagina is tantamount to approaching an altar and praying. It’s sacred ground. You don’t lick her vagina; you worship it.”

Dennis listened intently.

“You don’t start at her vagina; you end there. You start by kissing her face, then her neck, her breasts, tummy, down her legs and back up, then her mound.”

I had to show him what my mound was.

“It might take ten minutes or more. Finally, you kiss her labia majora.”

I had to show him what they were.

“Then you lick her labia majora to savor her taste. Having done all that, you slowly and sexily drag your tongue between her lips. Loiter there, cherishing her womanhood. Eventually, penetrate her with your tongue, then expose her clitoris.”

I had to show him how.

“Gently rub your lips across it and tease it with gentle kisses. Now you have her pleading with you to make her finish. Use your tongue to take her home. Remember; you’re worshiping. Now go ahead.”

Dennis was a good listener and spent considerable time showering me with kisses. Being a gentle guy, he coddled me with passion, arrived at my vagina, and meticulously brought me to a soaring orgasm.

“Keep your tongue in me,” I gasped as I writhed. Dennis obeyed.

I eventually calmed and ordered Dennis on top of me. He held himself in his hand, ready to pounce.

“Just a second.” He paused. “You never, ever barge into a woman. You enter with respect. Especially Elizabeth. She may still be a virgin. You’ll need to treat her with extra special tenderness. Ask her permission before you enter. She’ll always remember her first. You want it to be a fond memory.”

He thought about it a second.

“Make believe I’m Elizabeth. I’m a virgin. You’re the man. Kiss me. Then enter me gently.”

Dennis entered me with a tenderness uncharacteristic of a teenage boy.

“Slowly,” I reminded him as he progressed. He was finally all in.

“This is the missionary position,” I informed him. “This will probably be your first position with Elizabeth.”

“Now you ask your girl if she likes this.”

“Do you like this, Mrs. Betz?”

I loved it. “Yes, Dennis. I like your style.”

Now confident, Dennis quickened his pace a bit and brought me to another orgasm. He was surprisingly gentle as I panted, caressing my face and kissing me. We disengaged, and I got on all fours, keeping my ass elevated and my knees apart.

“Enter me from behind, Dennis.”

He found his way in.

“This is doggie style.”

“I like this,” he said, his hands firmly holding my hips. So did I.

“To tighten up your girl, have her put her knees together.” I slid my feet between his legs. “Put your knees next to mine. Lock me in place.” Dennis obeyed.

“You feel how I got tighter?”

He certainly did; he immediately orgasmed.

We fell onto our sides and put our tissues in place, cuddling in the warmth.

“Dennis, you’re a good lover. You made me finish twice,” I praised. He beamed proudly.

“Come back tomorrow and we’ll conduct a comprehensive review,” I said as I pet his testicles.

Dennis returned as planned and we repeated our previous day’s activities. Dennis took the lead and treated me with total respect. He gently undressed me, brought me to climax, and entered me missionary style. I decided to add a new twist.

“Dennis, pull out of me.” He obeyed.

“Come up here. I want to show you something sexy.” I tugged on his erection, pulling it toward my face.

“Press your big erection onto my face.”

“But it’s all wet and sticky, Mrs. Betz.”

“That’s what makes it sexy.”

Dennis waddled up and placed his stout erection on the right side of my nose. His testicles hung below my chin, the head of his penis in my hairline.

“Press it onto my face,” I instructed. “Continue lightly pressing for ten seconds.” Dennis obeyed.

“The other side of my nose now.” Dennis moved as instructed and pressed.

“Now reenter me.” Dennis backed up and reinserted his erection into my waiting pussy.

“Do it again.” Dennis withdrew, waddled up, and pressed his big penis onto my face.

“Hit me in the cheek with it.” He did.

“Harder.” Dennis thumped both cheeks.

I took his erection in hand and rubbed it all over my face. Then I hit my cheeks with it. Dennis smiled.

“Back inside me.” Dennis was getting the hang of this. He scooted down and gently entered.

“Repeat!” This time I stopped Dennis halfway up.

“Rub it on my tits.” I scrunched them together.

“Mrs. Betz, you said tits was rude…”

“It’s alright when you’re in the heat of passion.” Which I was.

He rubbed it on one, then the other.

“Spank my nipples with it,” I said, squeezing myself together. Dennis obeyed.

“Force him between my breasts.” He instinctively began pushing and pulling as I kept him enveloped. I stole some licks as he did.

I took his hands and had him press me together.

“Which do you prefer? You squeezing my boobs?” I removed his hands and squeezed myself. “Or me?”

“I prefer when you do it, Mrs. Betz. You look sexy holding your boobs.”

“Thank you!” Thoroughly libidinous with my young lover, I started barking orders like a drill sergeant.

“Now back inside me.” Dennis reentered respectfully, as always.

“Repeat! Gentleman’s choice. Boobs or face.” He chose both, first visiting my boobs.

“Push it in my mouth,” I instructed while he was at my face.

“Pussy! Boobs! Face!”

Consumed by my lustful spirit, I overdid it. Dennis suddenly came to, and I grabbed him and held him in place. I directed his huge orgasm all over my boobs and face. Some landed in my hair.

“Sorry, Mrs. Betz. I didn’t mean to make a mess.”

“That’s no mess, Dennis. Finishing on a girl’s breasts is her second favorite place after inside her. Get me the hand towel from the bathroom.”

Dennis sprang up and returned with the towel.

“But some girls don’t like semen on their face,” I said as I toweled off.


I don’t even let my husband do that, but I heard myself say, “It was so sexy. I liked it.” It was at that moment I realized I had created the perfect lover and now wanted to keep him. I got the fleeting, crazy thought of getting a divorce and running away with my young paramour.

I finished wiping my face and, returning to my senses, I sat up between Dennis’s legs and held his testicles.

“Don’t do that with Elizabeth the first time. You’ll need to wait until you’re both thoroughly familiar and comfortable with each other. I gave you the crash course; you would only gradually advance to that level of activity. But once you do, Elizabeth will be craving your erection pressed onto her pretty face. You won’t even have to touch it. She’ll do it for you. A girl wants her man’s penis on her face. She’ll be impatient to get you between her boobs, too.”

I continued. “But don’t rush Elizabeth. If she’s not yet ready for intimacy, wait for her. In the meantime, you have me to practice with until she is. We have lots more to do,” I promised. I gave his penis a kiss and we dressed.

“You can bring Elizabeth here on Saturday night,” I added. “Mr. Betz will still be away, and I won’t be here either.” I had plans to spend the night with my boyfriend.


It took some weeks for Elizabeth to feel comfortable enough to surrender her innocence. This allowed me additional time in which I taught Dennis a multitude of new positions and techniques. He provided the stamina, I provided the experience. Dennis satisfied me in ways my husband couldn’t.

It was with sadness that I relinquished Dennis to Elizabeth. They make a fine couple, and it’s a joy to see young love flower. I miss our trysts, but I’m proud to have given such a fine young man a solid carnal education.


Copyright © 2022 by Plinytheyounger

All Rights Reserved

No part of this story may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author.

Published 3 years ago

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