Legends of the Fel – Prelude

"An introduction to a piss fantasy saga"

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IN THE PALACE OF THE GODS (atop Mount Venusia)

The Queen of the Gods had been treating her two lovers, the demi-goddesses Herena and Hastashia, to a hot golden shower over their lusciously formed bare tits when she had received her summons from her lord and master.


‘Would you like a sample?’ she offered Lermes, the winged messenger who was smaller than most of her cousins yet still commanded a body built for all manner of sins, her pert breasts playing host to a very erect set of nipples as she stared somewhat abashed at her mistresses’ hairless crotch. It was obvious that she had been aroused by the display of brazen pissing.

‘My lady,’ she said, her eyes suddenly locked on the floor as she dropped to her knees. For Lera, it was an offer too good to miss. She strode over the resplendently polished marble floor to bring her bare pussy slit to within inches of the messenger’s long golden locks. She giggled as she let loose with a new flowing stream of piss, spraying her hot relief directly into the kneeling goddess’ hair.

‘Give me your message,’ she commanded, still pissing over the blond strands that were now awash with pee. Herena and Hastashia arose from the bed where they had been fornicating with the queen and casually sauntered over to enjoy the spectacle. Lermes had never been over liked due to her propensity for bringing bad news. Thus, Herena decided it was too good an opportunity to miss, moving to the queen’s side before directing a stream of her own hot flowing pee to splatter over the kneeling goddess.

‘That looks like so much fun,’ said the red-headed Hastashia, the clump of wiry pubic hairs nestled between her legs hiding her slit from sight.

‘Oh it is,’ assured the queen. Her hot stream was still flowing copiously from her parted pussy lips.

‘Then I best join in,’ said Hastashia and with that started to also relieve herself over the kneeling goddess. Now there were three hot flowing urine streams spraying over the hapless Lermes, who was doing her best not to squirm and twist away from the deluge. She looked thoroughly miserable, her robes soaked to the point of transparency.

‘I want you to taste my pee before you give me your message,’ instructed the queen. Her capacity to urinate far outweighed any mortals. Lermes nodded miserably before raising her head to sample her queen’s clear coloured urine.

‘Not just mine,’ the queen said with satisfaction as Lermes gulped down her hot pee. Unable to disobey Lermes turned to first the raven headed Herena to drink from her pissing pussy before finishing with her lips practically touching the fiery hairs of Hastashia’s muff. She opened her mouth to receive a third helping of divine urine.

‘That was enjoyable,’ said Lera, stepping back from her toilet stance above the piss soaked goddess, her leak done. Herena had also finished but it seemed that the coppery haired Hastashia was enjoying herself too much to cease peeing.

‘That will be enough,’ said the Queen of the Gods. Her voice was laced with a measure of authority that was not to be challenged. Hastashia complied, meekly lowering her head as she finished her leak with one quick squirt from her pussy hole, spraying the piss-sodden messenger with a final hot jet of pee.

‘Now what is your message?’ asked the queen, not able to hide the mirth in her voice. Lermes was the smallest of the divine yet twice the size of any human. She was disliked greatly, the small wings sprouting from her ankles making her a freak amongst her brethren.

‘Our master, Lord Zayeon, King of the Gods, demands your presence at once.’

Lera felt a chill steel away her merriment. With a word of power she vanished from her chambers, reappearing in the throne room where Zayeon was indeed waiting, his sculptured body a thing of utter perfection as though carved from ivory. He was naked and Lera was forced to avert her eyes away from his massive cock that he was stroking absentmindedly, its girth half erect, a matter that suddenly changed as he took in the sight of her naked body. Like her lord and also husband, Lera was the pinnacle of divine achievement, mankind created as a far weaker imitation. Her nipples were hard on her sumptuous breasts, the firm and muscular tones of her creamy belly running down to the deep slit nestled between her slender and powerful legs.

A small pop of displaced air announced the arrival of the piss sodden Lermes. She shook her blond strands from side to side to send droplets of pee to stain the frescoed floor that depicted how the gods had created the living world below Mount Venusia.

‘I see that you have been having fun at somebody else’s expense,’ said Zayeon with a voice that rumbled with a promise of thunder. His disapproval was obvious yet there were matters at hand that would stay his rage. ‘There is a disturbance in the ether,’ he said, the very floor shaking with the power of his voice. ‘Something is coming, something linked to those we thought banished. I need to know when they will arrive and you know what is required.’

‘Yes, my lord,’ answered Lera, turning about on the spot before striding away to where a large marble basin shaped like a clam sat on a pedestal of purest gold. She rounded it before moving to face her husband where he remained seated upon his carved throne that had been fashioned as a massive hand rising from the polished floor, its open palm providing a seat for the most illustrious of all beings.

Zayeon was staring expectantly at her pussy slit, waiting for the moment when she would start to pee for the basin required filling if it was to reveal sights of things to come. After several moments a small clear stream of hot piss began to flow from the queen’s open pee hole, jetting away from her lower lips and spraying into the clam shaped bowl. Unfortunately, her toilet shower lasted mere moments with nothing but a small pool of piss to show for her efforts.

‘I take it that you spent your flow elsewhere?’ demanded Zayeon.

‘Yes, my lord,’ answered Lera meekly with a quick glance to where the piss soaked messenger remained with her gaze set on the frescoed floor. ‘Maybe she should help?’ she suggested.

The King of the Gods gave Lermes a quick disapproving glance before replying. ‘I think not. We need the piss of our purest if we are to divine the future. Quickly, send for all of the immortal females. I want to see them filling that bowl and when they are done we will see what we shall see.’ He motioned for Lermes to depart before beckoning for his queen to draw closer. His gaze was set on her naked form, admiring the sway of her naked hips and the presented show on hand; from her proud and erect nipples on her perfectly curving breasts, to the slit of her pussy that just moments ago had been releasing a stream of hot pee.

As Lera neared the throne she moved to squat down, straddling Zayeon’s feet as she moved her mouth and tongue into position to caress his rock hard dick that had lengthened considerably since her piss into the clam bowl. He moaned with pleasure even as he let loose with a squirt of piss into her mouth. She accepted his gift, swallowing quickly before returning to her licking ministrations applied to his godhood. Lera could feel her need swelling in her bladder, a new stream of piss moving to her pussy lips. Her pee shot from her open pee hole and washed over Zayeon’s bare feet. He groaned again with animalistic delight, treating her to another squirt of piss into her mouth even as she continued to lick his bell-end whilst at the same time cupping his divine ball-sacks with expert hands.

The spectacle continued, interrupted only by the arrival of each new goddess as she flashed into existence before moving to perform her appointed task. Zayeon watched on as they helped to top up the clam-bowl with their hot piss streams. Some stood as Zera had done, at the edge with their pussy lips poised over the edge before starting to pee. Others squatted over the rim with their round, wide bum cheeks on full display as they opened their pee flaps and urinated into the growing pool of godly effluent.

Finally, the bowl was full. Being gods the liquid inside was perfectly clear yet as Zayeon sprayed his spunk over Lera’s face as he came hard, the fluid inside the clam began to swirl and darken. The King of the Gods moved from his throne, passing the still piss-wet messenger who had accompanied the last goddess. He stared into the seeming oblivion offered by the vision, reading what only he could read.

‘It is as I feared,’ he rumbled with growing anger. ‘The Fel are coming. Fel Jardine, the Fallen Garden, will soon appear in the Valley of the Fireflies and inside its dark bowels will be those with the power to unseat us. I will summon a war council but before I do, I require a spy on the moral world to report on the activities of those accursed amazons. Lera, my queen, who do you think would be best be suited to this role?’

Lera’s smirk mirrored that of her immortal husband’s as they both slowly turned their heads to stare in Lermes’ direction, the piss sodden goddess suddenly becoming aware of the stare being levied in her direction.

‘Yes, my lord and mistress,’ she said meekly, the taste of divine piss still upon her lips. With a flash she was gone.


Published 6 years ago

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