The rest of the day passed in misery for Sharn. Pressed against the front of the saddle with her tall warrior guardian behind her, she felt cold, cramped and in a dull state of shock over the loss of her family and friends. The fact that the warrior woman’s armoured steel nipples were biting into her back was not helping matters.
She was too numb to cry. The only warmth apart from the feeble rays of the autumn sun was coming from the pubic patch of her guardian’s pussy, pressed up tight against Sharn’s bare bum cheeks. She nearly cried aloud when without warning the amazon warrior suddenly started to urinate.
A hot wet stream of piss squirted out of the woman’s pussy lips and sprayed over Sharn’s bare skin, running into the groove between her buttocks, past her bum hole to her waiting pussy that immediately became drenched in the other woman’s pee.
Sharn could not help herself and within moments, she was taking a piss of her own her pussy lips parting to allow her pee hole to emit a similar flow of hot urine over the leather saddle. Still blindfolded she had no idea if anybody could witness her shame, let alone if the woman behind her who was still pissing over her bum, had noticed the second stream of pee running off over the horse’s sides. The force of the pee stream squirting over her bare buttocks slowly began to diminish as the amazon warrior finished her leak. Sharn desperately forced closed her own pee hole shut even though she was still bursting to go.
They had been on the road for hours, the mounted troop moving in silence except for the sounds of horse hooves on the earth below. Miserably Sharn wondered if there were infantry walking behind them or if the troops had remained at her village finishing off the slaughter. Suddenly a shout in a foreign tongue came from up ahead.
Sharn tilted her head trying to recognise the voice. Was this the same redheaded warrior who had peed over her earlier in the day? Sharn recalled the cold beauty of the woman. Her fiery redheaded mane of hair, falling past creamy white skin, intense brown eyes and most of all, the patch of bare flesh below the woman’s waist, her beautifully shaved pussy lips with her clit protruding at the top.
The horse she was mounted upon came to an abrupt halt and Sharn would have fallen from her mount had the woman behind her not caught her and roughly pulled her back. Moments later and a second strong pair of hands grabbed her from below, hoisting Sharn from her perch and lowering her to the ground. Fumbling at the back of her head signalled the release of her blindfold. Blinking in the light Sharn took in her surroundings. They had come to stop in a leafy glade, sunlight streaming through the green canopy above. Birds sang their song in the afternoon breeze and from the right came the gentle sound of running water.
The warrior women were dismounting around her. Their patches of pubic hair nestled between their exposed legs catching Sharn’s attention. She had not realized before but they were all considerably taller than her own fair height and each one of them was stunningly beautiful. As a group, they were a complete mixture of different skin tones, from creamy white to dark brown. Most were wearing helmets but when Sharn was not too busy taking in the sight of the various pussies on display, she noticed that each woman had a most piercing stare, as if their eyes were backlit. She shivered and this time, not from the chill of the day.
A sharp push brought her from her thoughts and she staggered forward. Strong hands grabbed her arms and the rag that had been her blindfold was used again, this time to bind her hands. Once bound, she was then made to kneel down facing a tall oak tree her vision now one solely of mottled bark. It was then no surprise to feel a new hot stream of piss shooting into her hair as the woman who had led her here began to use her as a toilet.
The warm strong gushing stream of the woman’s urine played through Sharn’s knotted auburn strands to reach the skin below. If nothing else, the heat of having piss run down her back was helping to put warmth back into flesh, although Sharn was feeling a now familiar feeling of humility and shame. The spray of urine squirting over her hair and back soon started to diminish before stopping entirely. Sharn thought that the woman had finished but then came two last hard squirts of piss that shot from the woman’s uncovered pussy and played over Sharn’s back.
Sharn felt the woman move away and decided now was probably the best time for her to relieve the rest of her own pent up piss. Parting her legs Sharn allowed the burning sensation in her bladder to race its way down to her waiting pussy. Within moments, she was sending a spraying torrent of hot piss over the grassy ground between her legs. She was so absorbed with watching herself urinate over the earth and enjoying the sensation of relief that she did not initially notice the presence at her side.
She spun her head around as she realised that she was not alone. A young girl roughly the same age as herself was intently watching her pee. Unlike the warriors, this girl wore no armour and was dressed in dark brown leggings and matching tunic. The most obvious difference was that instead of being naked around the crotch, this girl’s pubic regions was hidden from sight whilst her large firm breasts were exposed, her tunic top being cut perfectly to expose her assets.
Sharn stared at the girl’s breasts. She had never seen such a well-endowed individual. Her tits were fantastically large but perfectly portioned to the girl’s frame. Rosebud nipples capped the girl’s breasts, fully erect and proudly pointed. Suddenly Sharn realised that she was still relieving herself, her golden pussy shower squirting out of her parted pussy lips. She started to blush, looking up to the girl’s face to see her watching expression.
She had bright blue eyes and a beautiful mane of long flowing blond hair. Unlike the warrior women around them, her face held no expression of cruelty only one of profound interest as she watched Sharn’s flowing golden stream. Sharn saw no sense in stopping so she continued peeing, her urine shower flowing out of her muff until falling away as she completed her leak.
The girl spoke for the first time as Sharn’s toilet ended.
‘I can see why they chose you,’ she said in a soft gentle voice. Startled by the girl’s use of the common tongue, Sharn remained mute. The girl was obviously not of local stock. Sharn had never seen such golden hair before and the girl’s skin was too light in shade to herald from a village of the Telhirst.
‘My name is Felquest,’ she continued giving Sharn a charming smile. ‘You have a lovely pussy.’
Sharn was shocked. Village girls never commented on each other’s pubic parts, but there again; they never watched you while you peed either!
‘What is your name?’ the girl asked not perturbed by Sharn’s continuing silence.
Sharn stole another quick look at the girl’s ample bosom before replying.
‘Sharn. That is a pretty name.’ Another smile and Sharn felt herself warming to this new stranger.
‘Well, Sharn, I have been assigned as your guardian. Until a member of the Felkadakarin claims you as her own, I will be your tutor in the ways of our clan.’
The last comment caught Sharn’s attention. This girl was one of them! She started to speak, words blurting out before she could collect her thoughts.
‘There was so much she needed to know. Why had all this happened? Why had she been spared when the rest of her village had been butchered? What was going to happen to her? Who were these women and why did they show their pussies for all to see?’
‘Quiet!’ urged Felquest as Sharn started to blurt out her questions. ‘All in good time. It is important that you remain quiet and do not draw attention to us. Here, let me free your hands.’ The blond girl moved out of sight behind Sharn and she felt gentle fingers freeing her bonds. As her hands were freed Sharn brought them round to her front and started to massage the blood back into them.
A soft touch on her shoulder caused her to look up and see Felquest waiting for her, her large breasts once again drawing Sharn’s attention. Her own, much smaller breasts felt meagre in comparison. She felt a deep shame to be in the company of such a stunning beauty when her own nakedness was on display, her hair and back covered in splotches of piss where the warrior women had urinated over her.
Managing to take to her feet Sharn followed Felquest through the light foliage down to the river she had heard earlier. On the embankment, Felquest gave her a reassuring smile and motioned for Sharn to enter the water, obviously intending for Sharn to clean herself. She obliged, plunging into the waist-deep water, the shocking cold numbing her senses. Felquest giggled at Sharn’s obvious distress.
‘Hurry,’ she urged. ‘We don’t have much time.’
Sharn tried to oblige. The water was freezing. Nevertheless, she started to wash, desperately scrubbing her back and mangled brown hair in an attempt to remove all trace of urine. Noises from upstream caused Sharn to look up. Just around a slight bend in the stream, she could clearly see a small group of the Amazon warriors. The women were in the process of disrobing, steel armour and pieces of leather clothing falling to the grassy bank.
Sharn gasped as she took in the measure of their regal naked beauty. Long muscular legs rose to perfectly formed buttocks, strong backs, and ample breasts. There was a variety of hair colours on display, brown, blond and midnight black but no sign of the fiery red possessed by their leader. Sharn had no idea why she yearned to see that particular woman again. Maybe it was because she had been the first to pee all over her or maybe because of her shaved pussy which had so entranced Sharn when she had first seen it.
A dark-skinned woman had started to pee whilst stood on the bank. The woman’s shower of golden piss cascaded down to the ground below in a strong flowing stream. As Sharn watched on, another woman took the opportunity to take a leak. From behind, a thick golden stream of flowing urine suddenly appeared under the groove of her peach-like bum cheeks, falling between the space of her legs and down to the earth below.
Did all these women pee standing up?’ Sharn wondered. If nothing else it was a relief to see them peeing in the open without them looking to use her for their toilet!
‘Sharn. Quickly, they must not see you whilst they are urinating. They would kill you for sure.’
Sharn took her eyes from the sight of the two pissing beauties upstream.
‘Come back up here before you are seen,’ Felquest urged desperately.
Wondering why it was so important that she was not caught witnessing the sight of the warrior women peeing, Sharn scrambled back up onto the bank, panting with both the effort and the receding chill as she exited the water’s cold embrace. Felquest pushed her into a crouch with gentle but yet firm hands and motioned for her to follow her to the nearby bushes. Peering through the foliage Sharn was able once again to spy on the amazons.
The first woman had finished her leak and had joined her companions in the river but the brown amazon was still pissing strongly over the ground at her feet. The woman remained with her back to the watching girls seemed too oblivious to the fact that onlookers were intently watching her as she relieved herself. Beneath the base of her bum was still the thick golden stream as the woman urinated strongly from her pussy lips.
As the moments passed, the stream of piss leaving the woman’s crotch began to diminish until it vanished from sight. Having finished her relief the brown woman dropped off the side of the riverbank and into the water. Sharn caught a quick look of the woman’s large breasts as she plunged into the river. She realized that she was actually getting quite horny, the sight of such much-naked flesh exciting her in spite of all that had occurred.
She stole another look at Felquest’s exposed tits and wondered what the girl’s pussy would taste like if she had the opportunity to place her tongue between her lower lips. Felquest was still peering through the bushes and seemed oblivious to Sharn’s wandering gaze. The idea of licking this blond girl’s pussy was firmly lodged in Sharn’s mind along with the thought of playing her moist tongue over her incredible breasts. Suddenly Felquest became aware of Sharn’s gaze and quickly met it, her face flushing with embarrassment.
‘Oh Sharn, you have so much to learn,’ she sighed. ‘However, I too need to go so try and control your urges for now whilst I pee. I have no desire to hurt you but I will should you try to touch my body whilst I am disrobed.’ With that, she stood up and reached down to the cord around her waist.
Undoing it, she quickly slid her leggings down her bare legs exposing in the process the triangular-shaped mass of blond pubic hairs nestled between her thighs. Felquest then squatted down over the ground and spread her legs wide giving Sharn a perfect view at her pussy lips and her little clit poking out at the top. Within moments, Felquest began to pee. Her pussy flaps parted and a thick stream of yellow piss shot out and formed a flowing golden arch that pattered over the grass stems below.
Sharn bit her lip to help her stay her hand from entering into Felquest’s flowing piss fountain. The flowing honey-coloured shower of urine looked amazingly beautiful as it flowed out of the blond girl’s pussy. The pee stream played over the ground dancing between the grass stems and the brown soil, making a gentle pattering sound as it fell.
Felquest’s pussy looked every bit as good as she had imagined, the slit between her legs a perfect receptacle for her tongue. She also had an exquisite bum with large firm cheeks that she would love to hold in her hands whilst she buried her head in the blond girl’s pussy!
The slow diminishing of Felquest’s piss shower over the earth brought Sharn out of her fantasy. Finally, her pussy lips closed sealing off her pee and she stood to dress whilst Sharn watched with great disappointment as her pussy vanished from sight beneath her leggings.
‘Now you have seen me pee as well,’ Felquest said tying the cord around her waist. ‘This does not make us equals, however, and I expect you to follow my commands when I give them.’
‘And if I don’t?’ asked Sharn defiantly.
‘Then the warriors will kill you,’ sighed Felquest. ‘I wish for us to be friends. You have a lovely body and it would be a shame to see it split asunder by Fawn’s rage.’
Remembering she was still naked and in no position to offer resistance, Sharn meekly asked, ‘Who is Fawn?’
‘She is the leader of our party. The warrior with the blood-red hair, but come, I have said too much for now. I must get you back and ready for the journey to Fel Jardine’. She motioned a finger to her lips to signal silence and then motioned for Sharn to follow her up the slight incline and back into the clearing.
Sharn was surprised to find that a large cart had arrived during their time by the river. Two large brown mares were pulling the carriage that had steep wooden walls and mounted iron rails stretched in an arc, side to side. She felt her heart go heavy again. This was obviously a prison transport! She followed Felquest around its side and obediently climbed up the short ladder at the back and into the cage. Felquest followed her in and motioned for her to sit on the straw-covered flooring. The blond girl then joined her, sitting opposite.
With a lurch, the cart started to move. Felquest said nothing appearing lost in a faraway trance that seemed to involve staring intently at Sharn’s naked body. She flinched under the scrutiny, once again wishing she that she had been endowed with larger breasts to equal Felquest’s exposed tits. A soft clink in the straw beside made her turn to discover an earth jar and jug beside her. Inside were clean water and a piece of fresh bread, along with a block of cheese. Grabbing them eagerly, Sharn set about filling her belly, glad of a distraction from Felquest’s intent gaze.
The cart moved on, bumping from time to time over rocks on the dirt track. The wooden sides to the cart were too high for Sharn to watch the outside world but she knew she was already too lost to know the way. In the distance, a peel of thunder heralded the arrival of an autumn storm. Sharn looked up at the darkening skies and shivered at the thought of the pending rain.
As a hunter, she was a hardy girl, but she dreaded the cold lashings of the mountain’s rains upon her bare skin. She looked back to Felquest but the blond girl had fallen…