I was in my office dealing with the mountains of paperwork my occupation unfortunately generates when I heard a soft, almost timid knock on my door. Since I knew that I was alone in the office at that hour of the day (my colleagues are usually in court or doing some other out of the office work in the afternoons), it surprised me that anyone would be knocking on my door at all, much less such a reserved, and cautious one.
I rose from my desk and went to see who was at the door and when I opened it, I was pleasantly surprised to see an attractive woman in her mid-30’s wearing a red dress standing at my door. She was shorter than me, about five foot six inches I would guess, with black hair and very pretty green eyes. My pulse sped up as I saw her and my cock stirred as I looked over my surprise visitor.
“Hello, can I help you? I asked hopefully.
“Yes, I need to speak to a lawyer. I’m sorry but there was no one in the front office…” she said looking over her shoulder and pointing at the receptionist desk. Kim our office receptionist wasn’t at her desk.
“That’s okay, Kim must be away from her desk at the moment. Please come in,” I said, stepping aside and holding the door for her. I shut the door after her, “Please have a seat miss…?”
“Wallace, Rebecca Wallace,” she said.
“Well Ms. Wallace, my name is Thomas Fears and I am one of the attorneys, here. Suppose you tell me the nature of your problem and how you wish me to help you,” I said.
“Mr. Fears, I need the counsel of a very good lawyer. I am being sued for divorce by my husband Mark and he is threatening to ruin me in the divorce if I don’t give him what he wants from it. You see, I am a wealthy woman. Not Rockefeller wealthy, but I don’t lack for money. I got a very large inheritance from my father before he passed away a few years back. But because he passed away well after me and Mark got married, there was no prenup. There was no need for one because neither of us had a reason to make one. And now Mark wants “his fair share” as he calls it and if I don’t give it to him he will take everything from me… including custody of our six year old daughter Emmy.
“I see. And why is your husband going after you for a divorce?” I asked her.
“Well about three months ago, Mark found out I had been cheating on him. Actually I had been seeing this other guy for about three months prior to when Mark found out. He was furious and I thought we were headed for divorce right then. We have been talking it out and I have been trying to work things out between us. But you see, Mr. Fears, he hasn’t paid me any attention for about three years now. I mean nothing, we haven’t even so much as kissed in at least two years. We just pass each other in the hallway on our way to do our own things and rarely even speak except to yell at one another – him usually doing the yelling unless I am defending myself. He’s never hit me, but words hurt too. Words like stupid, dumb-ass, useless. They hurt, and when you don’t get any kind of affection to counter them, they hurt worse.
“Yes they can. I see how words – and the lack of words – ruins marriages all the time,” I said. “So you are saying that because he didn’t show you any kind of affection or attention, you had to find it someplace else?”
“Yes, that’s right. Mr. Fears, I am a woman and I have needs, too. He wasn’t being much of a husband and I certainly didn’t feel like we were in any way married – I mean we didn’t even make civil roommates!” she said.
Well she didn’t need to tell me she was a woman – that much was glaringly obvious! The red dress she wore was tantalizingly short hemmed, barely long enough to cover her. Most obvious from my current viewpoint behind my desk however was the deep V of the dresses neckline and her magnificent breasts that were jutting out from under it! This woman was advertising and what she was selling I was interested in! This was one of those dresses women wear when they are honey-hunting and she was most definitely on the prowl!
“Mr. Fears, it is of the highest importance that I win this case. I cannot emphasize this enough. I am willing to do whatever it takes to win and use whatever means necessary. I HAVE to win this Mr. Fears or else I will lose everything – my house, my father’s money and most importantly, my daughter. I need a shark, Mr. Fears, the top predator. I have been to other lawyers on this matter and every one of them tells me to come here to this office – that the people here are pit bulls in the courtroom. Well I have need of a pit bull… and I have a thick juicy prime rib of a bonus for the one who can win my case!” she said.
“Well Ms. Wallace, I can understand your urgency to win your case and I am glad you came to us to do it. I appreciate my fellow lawyers recommendations that you come here as well – it’s nice to know my reputation as a lawyer is such that they referred you to me,” I said.
“So you can help me?” she asked, point blank.
“Yes, I believe I can help you, Ms. Wallace,” I said.
“Please, call me Rebecca or Becky if you like,” she said.
“And you can call me Thomas or Tom, if you like,” I said. Rebecca smiled at me then and I could see her countenance change as she relaxed a little.
“Now because of the nature of the accusations against you, I will need you to tell me all about your ‘indiscretions’ so that I won’t be caught off guard when I am in front of the judge. One thing we lawyers hate is surprises!” I told her.
“I understand. But before I start, all of this will be kept between us, right? That whole attorney/client confidentiality thing correct?” she asked.
“Rebecca, I can’t promise that none of this won’t come to light. I mean I don’t know how much you husband knows or can find out. All I can promise is that I won’t divulge any of what we are about to say. Wherever he learns about it, it won’t be from me,” he said.
“That’s fair enough. Okay, I met David at a local bar around the first part of September last year. It had been a long week at work and I was in no hurry to go home… I mean what was there to go home to? Mark and I weren’t communicating – hell we could barely stand the sight of each other, so it wasn’t like I was missing my husband.
Anyway, I went to this bar to get a drink and summon up the courage to go home, when in walks this good looking guy and sits down at the bar across from me. The bar counter in this place is a U shape and we were sitting across each other at it. We exchanged a few glances and a smile – it was nice to have someone actually smiling at you for a change. Then he suddenly gets up and comes over to ask me if anyone was sitting next to me. I told him no, that I was alone, and he asked to sit down. We started talking. I hadn’t had a pleasant non-work related conversation in awhile. We chatted and drank our drinks. Then I went home in a better mood than I was when I went in the bar.
We met three or four more times at that bar and each time we had wonderful conversations. Then one day as we chatted, there was something between us – we both felt it – and before I realized what was happening, we were sitting in a corner booth making out like a couple high school kids!
Well I was afraid of us getting caught so I tried to slow things down. Believe me, Tom, I didn’t want to! This was the first time in years that anyone found be desirable and I was relishing it. Then he suggested we go someplace where we could be alone. So we took a drive in his car and ended up parking in a quiet, out of the way part of Robert E. Lee Park. We got back to our necking which inevitably led to me with my head in his lap. I love using my mouth to make a man feel good and I had not had that privilege with Mark lately. So I was completely enjoying myself. But when I had made him finish, he felt bad he couldn’t do the same for me. And I really wanted him to – I was so horny by that time and in need of some kind of comfort that when he suggested we go back to his place, I didn’t need to be asked the first time much less twice!
It was incredible… the things he did to me and the way he made me feel wanted and cared for… and yes even loved I think. Anyway, I couldn’t stand to go back to my shell of a life. So we started seeing each other regularly, snatching moments where we could. I would meet him and we’d have lunch together, or I would have to run to the store for something – anything we could think of to spend a few precious minutes together. When Mark took his trip to Los Angeles for his tech conference it was glorious – we had four whole days together!” she said.
“So how did Mark find out about you and David?” I asked.
“We got careless. We met for lunch at a new place to try it out and someone from Mark’s work saw us, and asked Mark about us. Oh, that night was an awful fight! He came home hot as a volcano and the second he saw me the eruption happened. I had never seen anyone so pissed off! I don’t know which he was madder at – my cheating or for my being seen by one of his coworkers! It embarrassed him and he hates that! I don’t think he gave two shits about what I was doing, only that his precious reputation was damaged. He fancies himself the consummate lover, and to see his own wife in the company of another man proved he wasn’t such a Casanova after all.
I tried to talk to him, to tell him why I did what I did, but it was like talking to the wall. It had been like talking to a wall before, and this sure didn’t make it any easier. Then, about a week ago, I came home to find a yellow envelope on the dining room table with a sticky note saying goodbye. It was divorce proceedings. He had moved out and took up residence at the Camden Belmont apartments, because it’s close to his new girlfriend’s place. And that is what brings me here to you today. He is suing for divorce on the grounds I was unfaithful and threatening that if I don’t sign the papers and give him what he wants financially, he will take as much as he can and sue for custody of Emmy our daughter. He doesn’t really want her – a little girl can throw a wrench into a single guys love life – but he will take her just to hurt me,” she said.
I listened to her story carefully. She seemed genuine… a good lawyer has to be able to read whether his client is lying to him or not and she didn’t seem to be.
“So are you still seeing this David?” I asked her.
“No, right after he found out he went to see David, and he must have said something to him because David called me up and said he’s moving away. I was devastated, but I knew who had caused it. It wasn’t David – Mark must have threatened him or something,” she said.
“I see. Well Rebecca, I think I have enough to get started on this anyway. Why don’t we get together… say next week, and I will tell you what I have found out and if I have anymore questions I can ask you then?” I told her.
“Very well, then. I will call you and we can set up a time to meet, then. Thank you, Thomas for listening and for taking my case. I do appreciate it…” she said, “very much.” Those last couple words were spoken not as a client, but as a woman – a sexy, desirable, and very passionate woman. I felt my cock jump as she breathed them out, her hand running over my chest.
Rebecca turned and walked out the door and I couldn’t help but notice that tight ass as it swayed back and forth under her red dress as if it was waving goodbye itself. Something told me it was only a temporary parting though…
The following week I was to meet with Rebecca and discuss what I had learned. And I learned a great deal. He did in fact have another lady friend and had for some time – much longer than Rebecca had David. I learned that Mark had grown tired of his responsibilities with Rebecca and Emmy and this lady friend of his gave him the sex without the excess baggage of a relationship, marriage or children. Which explains why he was so cold and distant to them. So now I had Mark on alienation of affections and cheating.
Then I started looking at his bank accounts – you don’t keep a sexy young lady like this on just good looks and an occasional roll in the sheets! And sure enough, I found that he had been squirreling away money into a secret bank account – money that was rightfully Rebecca’s.
I found evidence in the form of hotel receipts, witnesses that saw him and lady at a couple different restaurants, and interestingly enough evidence that proved she accompanied him on that Los Angeles trip! It seems that Mr. Mark Wallace had a little fun at that tech conference too!
The day came for our meeting but because we both had very busy days that day, we decided to meet later that evening after work. She invited me over to her house for the meeting which was good – I wanted to see how her and Emmy were living anyway to see if there was something I could use in it.
I went to the address she gave me – it was in the very upscale University Park neighborhood on a street ironically called Lover’s Lane! I pulled up to the immense 4 bedroom 3 bath home and pulled into the paved driveway. I looked at the landscaped yard, the neatly-trimmed hedge surrounding the property and the general condition of the house. “Well I won’t get anything for abandonment here!” I thought to myself. Ms. Rebecca Wallace wasn’t hurting for money! I got out of my car, almost ashamed to park such a clunker in front of this house, and walked up to the front door. I rang the bell and waited for what seemed like a good while before the door opened.
“Hello Thomas, sorry to keep you waiting but I was in the back part of the house. Please come in.” she said. “Please forgive the mess, with this divorce stuff going on, I have had to cut back the maid service to one a week. This is such a big place to care for by myself!”
“I can imagine,” I said, walking through the house in awe. I’m sure that with my eyes trying to take in all in and my mouth agape, I must have looked a sight!
“Please have a seat. Would you like something to drink?” she asked. I sat down on the large cream colored leather sofa she indicated.
“Some tea would be nice if you have some made,” I said. She went off to bring us a pitcher of tea returning shortly.
“Do you have good news on all this mess, Thomas?” she asked, as she poured our tea.
“Actually, I do. I have found some very interesting things out about your husband, Rebecca… things that we can use to our advantage. It seems Mark has been a bad little boy himself!” I said.
As she sat there on the sofa next to me, I laid out the information I had gathered on her husband. She was at first shocked, then she got mad. “He was doing this with this little whore and he accuses me of cheating?” she said, her voice as well as her anger rising with each word.
“Apparently so, Rebecca. It’s no wonder he was cold to you… he had another hottie to run to! One that didn’t put any responsibilities or pressures on him!” I said.
Just then Emmy walked around the corner. “Mommy, when is dinner, I’m hungry!” she said.
“In a little while, honey. Why don’t you go play in your room while Mommy talks to this man, please,” Rebecca said.
“Hello, who are you?” Emmy said to me.
“I am Thomas, a friend of your mother,” I said to the little girl.
“Are you going to stay for dinner, Mr. Thomas?” she asked innocently.
“Oh I don’t know, I just came by to talk to your mother for a minute,” I told her.
“Okay run along Emmy, and let me talk with Thomas,” Rebecca said and Emmy toddled off to her room.
“She is a sweetie,” I said to Rebecca.
“Yes she is. I am trying very hard not to let this get to her and ruin her,” Rebecca said sadly.
“Well from what I have learned it looks very good for you Rebecca. I am sure we can get this to go your way in court,” I told her.
“Really? You think we will win this?” Rebecca asked me.
“Yes I am quite sure. We have him cheating on you first, alienation of affections, and then there’s the financial aspect. I don’t think you need to worry about him anymore,” I said.
Rebecca threw her arms around my neck and held me tightly. “Thank you Thomas, you don’t know how worried and scared I have been since all this started. I know I did wrong by going with David, but I needed someone that cared for me. Mark wouldn’t. I just wanted to feel wanted. Is that so wrong?”
“No Rebecca, that isn’t wrong. And frankly, I can’t see why Mark didn’t appreciate what he had right here. I mean you are a very beautiful, very charming woman, if you don’t mind my saying so, and your husband is a fool if he can’t see that!” I told her.
“Y-you really think I’m beautiful?” she said, sitting back and looking at me. I saw her captivating green eyes dart back and forth, looking for my next words anxiously.
“Rebecca, I think you are very beautiful and very desirable. You have a lovely face and from what I can see, a killer body. I can’t image any man not wanting to be with you and care for you,” I said.
“Thomas, that is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me,” She put her arms around my neck again and this time she leaned forward to kiss me. And not just a kiss of gratitude for doing my job. No, this was a kiss of passion, of wanting. She was letting me know that all I had to do was ask and she would be mine…