Late One Night In Room 206

"the one night stand ... with fuck buddy potential"

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“What the hell kind of a name is Tyrmin?” Gressil asked. 

He was met with a stony glare with a deadpan resting expression as Tyrmin exhaled the last of his cigarette smoke and smushed the butt of it into the plastic microwave container that no one had thrown away from some meal someone ate days ago.  “Are you really going to give me shit about my name, Gressil??”

With a roll of his eyes.  “Touche. So are we going to bang or what?” Gressil replied.

“Oh totally. Your near-insult of my name got me all hot and bothered, I must have you instantly. By all means, take all my clothes off and ravish me, I beg and implore you.”   Tyrmin replied sarcastically, not emoting on his face at all.  

“What can I say, affectionate cruelty is my M.O., when it comes to flirting. You should know that.”

“Should I?”

“No, I was… I was matching your sarcasm. Not good?”

“Oh no, you’re a natural. Don’t worry about it.”  

Gressil frowned, now feeling destabilized in the conversation.  “Sure, okay.  Uhm…  I got some rubbers in the drawer.”

“How long have you been staying at this motel anyway?”

“Just a few days, almost a week. My ex kicked me out and I had nowhere else to go.”

“No family?”

Gressil scoffed, “None I talk to.”

“Well, depending on how good a fuck you are, I got a couch you can crash on for a while, provided I get some dick every now and then while you stay there.”

“Shit, really?”

“Yeah, really. I don’t do well alone. I have couch surfers a lot, the last one… fucked off  and found somewhere else to stay so I got a vacancy.”

“Wow, thanks man.”

“Not so fast. You gotta prove you’re a good fuck first and then we’ll see about you being my fuck-in-residence, afterwards.”

“You really gonna dangle that over my head like that?”

“Are you afraid you can’t measure up to the task of making me cum?”

Gressil stammered a moment and Tyrmin moved from the bed over to the chair and straddled the other man’s lap. “Shh, no more talking unless it is to tell me to stop. I need to get off and  you’re hot as hell. I have a shift in six hours, so we’re gonna fuck so I can get some sleep before my work shift. You got any issue with that?”

Gressil shook his head. “Condoms in the drawer”

“I bring my own,”  he said and Tyrmin got up and pulled a gold wrapped condom out of his jeans pocket. Placing it lightly between his teeth, he took off his tank t-shirt and turned to fold it and place it on the nightstand so he wasn’t looking around for his clothes later, his back turned to Gressil, revealing he had a large tattoo covering his whole back. 

“Nice ink. What is that, a manticore?” 



“I breed and raise them. They are kind of a… personal power symbol for me. I got it on my back to protect me.”  Tyrmin turned back around as he ripped the condom open with his teeth. “You wanna take my dick out and roll on the rubber?”

“Can’t you do it yourself?”

“I like to watch others do it, right before I warm myself up in their mouth.”

Gressil gulped. “Well, when you put  it that way…”   He got on his knees and started to unfasten  Tyrmin’s jeans. The warmth of his bulge under the cotton boxer briefs made him salivate.  

“Did you just growl?”

“Maybe, a little. Sorry.”

“No, it’s okay just… It was kind of hot, honestly.”

Gressil looked up at him, his golden-brown eyes against an olive skin tone framed by a wreath of curly dark hair gave him a lion-esque look and he licked his lips.  “Can I taste you bare before I put on the condom?”

Tyrmin looked nervous.  “No… I’m HIV positive.”

“Oh, okay. Condom it is.”

Tyrmin handed him the opened condom and Gressil took it with a shaky hand.  

“Are you okay? You want to change your mind, it won’t hurt my feelings. Sex with someone who is positive can be outside of some people’s risk profile and that’s okay. I’m used to it.”

“I… I just never met anyone with it. I thought it was some old-timey disease like polio that no one had anymore because of all the medicine out there for it.”

Tyrmin scoffed.  “Wow. How old are you, again?”


“Really? You look… older.”

Gressil rolled his eyes. “Yeah, I hear that a lot.”

Tyrmin tilted his head at Gressil, still on his knees holding the condom.  “Is this your first time with a man?”

“No? Well, kind of? I mean I tried hooking up with a few people at college parties before I dropped out, but otherwise, I haven’t done a lot. And my ex that kicked me out had a lot of things that he didn’t or couldn’t do because of his disability, and I’m not sure if some of the things we did ‘count’ you know?”  Sitting back on his heels, he frowned up at the other man. 

“How old are you? You can’t be that much older than me, can you?”

“Thirty-five,” Tyrmin answered.

“Wow, so… If you don’t mind my asking, how did you — ?”

“Get HIV?”


“I was born with it. My mom had it.”


“She died four years ago.”

“Christ, I’m sorry.  Fuck, I’ve went and killed the mood, huh?”

“A little, but I’m used to it. Bringing up my status has that effect sometimes.”

“Have you ever… accidentally passed it to someone?”

“I hope not. I’m super careful. Condoms break, but as far as I know, no one has gotten it from me.”

“Have you ever slept with a girl?”

“Nah, I’m pretty much only into men.”

Gressil smiled then.  “Me too.”

Tyrmin ran a hand over the dark curls of Gressil’s hair.  “Your eyes… make me so fucking hard…”


“Oh yeah.”

Looking at the way the bulge was rising again, Gressil rolled the boxer briefs down and thumbed the condom out of the wrapper, putting it on the erection bobbing in his face before looking up at the other man as he took his latex-clad dick into his mouth nice and slow. Tyrmin felt like the air was kicked out of him as his whole body flushed with chills and shivers.  

“Oh, fuck….”

Gressil moaned as he started a steady suck on the shaft, closing his eyes so that he could get lost in the flow of bobbing his head up and down. Tyrmin almost wanted to let himself just cum in his mouth but it had been too long since he had been fucked stupid and he needed that tonight. He knew the work shift was going to kick his ass. He ran a hand over Gressil’s curls again til he opened his eyes and looked up at him. “I want you to fuck me,” he whispered. 

Golden brown eyes went so wide as he let the dick slide out of his mouth slowly, his lips puffy from use as he looked up at Tyrmin, doing his best to lean into the touch on his hair.  

“Lube is in the nightstand drawer,” he informed, then cleared his throat from it sounding raspy. 

Half turning to get the lube out of the drawer, smirking when he saw the same brand of condom in the drawer before he closed it, he backed up to the bed and sat down on it, taking off the rest of his clothes.  Neatly putting his socks inside his shoes, he folded his pants and underwear to place them on top of his already folded shirt. 

Other than the scorpion tattoo, Tyrmin was remarkably pale with the kind of flat profile to his forehead that spoke to being mixed with something besides just white. He had a scruffy, blue collar look to him, with lots of stubble around the chin, and eyes that were too pointed when he gave direct attention to anyone, as if they were a reflection of a life-hardened-but once-agile  mind. His hairline was a widow’s peak and there were only a few visible strands of gray in the wispy black hair that barely dusted his shoulders. His lips curved in a Cupid’s bow and his eyes were mismatched, as one was tar black and the other a dull gray-hazel with a striking streak of chartreuse green…  

“Why are you reading the lube bottle’s instructions?”

Looking up, Tyrmin smiled awkwardly.  “I like to read them. I don’t know why. That’s why I only use the condoms I bring, because I would feel unsettled putting on a condom if I couldn’t read the box it came in.”

“Why? I mean, it’s a condom and lube, they all work the same way.”

Tyrmin shrugged, “I enjoy the act of reading the instructions. It… It’s part of the foreplay for me, I guess? It turns me on that someone has written words, instructions, on how to use an item that I am gonna put on my dick or my ass, and then wash away or throw away. It feels like respect in a way, but also… it just turns me on. I know that’s strange, but it is what it is.”

“I dig that.”


“Yeah. I like knowing what turns you on.  Maybe one day, provided I succeed in my quest and get to crash on your couch, I can bring home a new box of condoms… and read you the entire box while sitting on your lap. And then… I dress up your dick to go party in both my holes for as long as he wants…”  Gressil  moaned the words out, then giggled at the way Tyrmin’s expression kind of dropped deeper into more overtly expressed arousal and whatever insecure feeling he had from having revealed such a vulnerable detail about himself, faded away.  

“C’mere…” Tyrmin commanded in a whisper. 

Gressil moved over to him by walking on his knees til he was next to the bed. Tyrmin laughed slightly,  “Onto the bed, silly, you can’t fuck me from on the floor. You can get on your knees on the bed.”

More giggling as Gressil climbed upon the bed with a bit of a bounce, almost like an adorable pet. “You are so hot,” he swooned. 

Tyrmin gave a half smile and leaned in close, his lips barely touching the other man’s  “And you’re overdressed, boy. Strip. Let me see that body of yours.”

“Oh, you wanna see what I’m working with?”

“That’s right.”

“Should I strip slow and give you a show?”

“Yes, striptease me while I open myself up for you.”

The two of them moved on the bed until Tyrmin was laying on his back, propped up on the two pillows, making two fingers sticky with lube and watching Gressil take off his clothes. He had on  a t-shirt and a flannel over-shirt with some dark denim jeans. Once those were all off, he had on just jockstrap underwear with a very big bulge that made Tyrmin swear heatedly. “I didn’t expect you to be that hung, holy shit…” he moaned.  “Go on, take it out. Let me see you put the condom on.”

“You don’t want to put it on me?”

Tyrmin froze, eyes wide again. “I can. B-But can I watch you put it on, just this first time?” 

“Yeah, hand me one from the drawer?”

He reached with his free hand for the drawer again and pulled out a condom, their hands grazing each other as it was passed from one man to the other and something like a spark jolted between them. Gressil gasped.  

“Did you feel that?”

Tyrmin nodded. “Yes.”

Gressil bit his lip, but looked at the naked hot man lying on the bed with his legs spread. He moved between those legs, making sure that Tyrmin was watching and ripped the condom open with his teeth, thumbed the head of the condom out and then pressed it open further, tossing the gold wrapper aside, not caring where it landed, before lowering the strap of his underwear,  showing off the impressive girth and length of himself.  

“Damn… You’re that big and you’re cut. Holy shit…”

“Are you ready for me?”

“Oh, fuck yes.” Tyrmin spread his legs and watched as Gressil rolled the latex over himself and inched closer to his lube-slick and worked open hole.  Angling it down, he slipped one hand under the other man to help with the angle and as he slid inside, they both groaned at the pleasure of being unified, like they were two parts of the same soul and they were finally joined together again, for however brief a time.  

Gressil started pumping into him, distantly aware that his ticket out of this motel was on the line, but also trying to not think too hard about that and to just enjoy the sex for what it was, which was good, and pleasurable. 

Tyrmin gripped the sheets and closed his eyes when he came, his body writhing under Gressil and his breath hard and fast, panting as his dick filled the condom that was still on him. The sight of it was enough to make Gressil start pumping harder, before he came too.  He was doubled over on top of the older man til he caught his breath, then he reached down and pulled himself out. He tied a knot in the condom once he took it off.    

“You have a really tight ass”

“Yeah, I usually top. Ass doesn’t see much play, but I… really needed to get fucked good tonight.”

“So I fucked you good then?”

“Oh, yeah.”

“Couch good?”

“Mmhmm, for as long as you want.”

“Sweet. Thanks man.”

Tyrmin moaned drowsily. His breathing relaxed in a way that said he was out like a light, moments later. Gressil watched him sleep for a moment before he gently reached to take the condom off his dick also, tying a knot in it, and he got up and put both condoms in the trash,  and went to turn off the lights before climbing back in bed. 

It was noon when he woke up. Tyrmin was gone. There was a note where his folded clothes were. Gressil rubbed the sleep out of his eye and opened the note to read it. 

Had to go to work but you definitely earned that couch vacancy. Here is my address, there is a spare key under the mat. Should be plenty of food.

— Tyrmin

And the address listed was in a very affluent, though slightly rural suburban neighborhood.  Gressil’s eyes widened as he let the name roll over in his mind now, with the full scope of post-nut clarity and realization.  The name Tyrmin was in the news recently.  Apparently, it was the name of a very successful welding and metallurgy research company. Gressil wondered if it was just a coincidence or if he’d just fucked a multi-millionaire or billionaire at the very least. 

It had to be a coincidence, right? After all, what kind of billionaire would slum it on this part of town, pick up some college dropout, and invite him to crash on his couch on the condition that he was a good fuck?  A lonely one, possibly.  He did say he didn’t do well alone, and at the very least,  Gressil didn’t have to stay at this motel anymore. He packed up his things, got in his car, and drove to his new crash pad. It wasn’t a mansion or anything, but there was a lot of land, and as he drove up to the circular driveway in front of the house, he saw several scorpions skittering along the open land, speckled cacti on a mostly barren, grassless lawn of dirt. 

“Well, he did say he raised scorpions,” Gressil murmured to himself and slowly got out of the car, moving to get the spare key and let himself in. “Home sweet home… for a while,” he spoke aloud to himself as he closed the door behind him.

Published 7 months ago

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