Austin pulled up to Kelly’s house in his pickup truck. She wasn’t expecting him back from college until next week and he was excited to surprise her. Kelly was finishing her senior year of high school but Austin was two years older than her. They had been dating for two years and Austin had chosen a school that was only a few hours’d drive away so he could stay close to her and come home as often as he could.
Austin walked up the steps and knocked on the door. Kelly’s mom, Sharon, opened it. She smiled at him and opened the door wider, giving him a hug and welcoming him home. They chatted for a moment about his school and how he was.
“I know you’re not here to see me,” she said. “Kelly is out back if you want to go around and surprise her.”
Austin thanked her and went back out the front door, walking around the house to the side gate. He went through and saw Kelly lounging on a lawn chair, reading a book in the shade of one of the trees in the yard.
“Hey, baby,” he said cheerfully.
Kelly’s eyes grew wide and her face lit up. She squealed in delight and jumped up with a huge smile on her face. She bounded toward him, her long, chestnut hair streaming behind her. She threw herself up into his arms and he caught her and spun in a circle, holding her close and burying his face in her hair, breathing her in.
She wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck and bent her face down to his, showering his face with small kisses through her smiles and giggles. He slid one of his hands down her back and to her ass, pulling her tight against him. She moved one of her hands to the nape of his neck and pulled him to her as she lowered her lips to his.
They kissed deeply, feeding at each other as though they had been starving and the other was the sweetest sustenance. Lips and tongues played at each other and their breath mingled until, for a time, their breathing became one. After a minute, Austin released Kelly’s mouth and slowly slid her down the front of his body until her feet touched the ground. They stood for a moment, relearning how to breathe independently and basking in each other’s warmth.
Austin chuckled, “Well, hello to you too.”
“I can’t believe you’re here!” she gushed, “why didn’t you tell me you were coming?”
“I wanted to surprise you,” he replied.
“Mission accomplished,” she laughed, laying her forehead against his.
He placed a soft kiss on her forehead and inhaled the scent of her. She smelled of vanilla and sunshine and home.
“God I’ve missed you.”
She leaned back slightly so she could look at his eyes, “I’ve missed you too,” she said.
“Well, I’m here now and I’m taking you out!” he told her.
She smiled wide and soon they were in his truck with the radio up and the windows down. The sun was shining through the windows and the air was warm as they sang along to the songs and laughed together. Kelly leaned back in her seat, kicked off her sandals, and put her feet up on the dash. She was wearing a short, white summer dress that buttoned down the front and swished and swayed when she walked. When she put her feet up, the soft material of her dress bunched and slid down, exposing almost the entire length of her shapely, tan legs.
Kelly was a cheerleader and on the dance team so her body had always been lean and tight. Her legs were long and defined but not bulky. Her skin was sun-kissed and smooth. Austin couldn’t help but reach over and run the backs of his fingers up the silk of her thigh. He laid his hand on her thigh and ran his thumb in gentle circles on her skin. She closed her eyes and leaned her head back with a smile on her face, basking in the sunlight and his touch.
Austin pulled off the main road onto a small dirt access road that led to the lake. He followed it down and watched for the fallen tree and the almost hidden offshoot of the small lane that he wanted to turn on. The lane led to a small clearing that they had discovered the first summer they had been dating. They never saw anyone else around the clearing and they considered it their own special place.
Austin had come here before going to pick up Kelly so everything was already set up when they arrived. He had laid out a couple of blankets and several large pillows underneath one of the trees by the lake shore. On the blankets were place settings for a picnic for two.
He put the truck in park and hurried around to open the truck door for her while she stared at his set-up with her jaw dropped and her eyes bright.
“Oh my God, Austin! This is amazing!”
“I thought you might like this,” he smiled at her.
Austin reached into the bed of his truck and pulled out a picnic basket which he handed to her while he reached in again and pulled out a cooler. They walked over to the blankets and sat down. Kelly began unpacking the basket while Austin pulled out a couple of sodas from the cooler. She handed him a plate of food she had put together for him and they ate together, talking and laughing with each other. When he finished eating, Austin pulled over a pillow and leaned back against the trunk of the tree. Kelly came and sat between his legs, leaning against his chest with his arms around her and they looked out at the lake and held each other.
After a bit, Kelly stirred and turned in Austin’s arms. She looked up at him with her big blue eyes and he saw a glint of mischief spark in their depths.
He smiled at her, “What are you thinking?” he asked a little warily.
She turned fully and moved to straddle his legs, though she didn’t sit down on his lap.
“I was just thinking,” she said as she drew her hands slowly up the length of her torso to the top button on her dress, “that it’s warm out today.”
“Mmhmm…” he murmured, watching her fingers work the button free and open the dress to reveal a small section of her sun-glow skin.
“And I was thinking it would be nice to cool off…” she undid another button, exposing the creamy mounds of her cleavage.
“Definitely,” he responded emphatically.
“I thought,” she continued, undoing another button and revealing the white lace bra that held her ample breasts and stood in beautiful contrast to her tan skin, “about the best way to get cool.”
Austin just nodded, entranced by the sight of her flesh being slowly exposed bit by bit. Another button undone revealed an expanse of her toned torso. Another showed her flat belly. Another exposed the top of her white lace panties that matched her bra. Two more and the dress was open, her body exposed and beautiful. Austin felt his cock twitch and grow harder and he reached out to pull her to him but she stood before he could wrap his arms around her. She still straddled his legs and, standing, put him at eye level with her lace-covered treasure.
“I decided that the best way to cool down,” she shrugged the dress off, “is a dip in the lake.”
She tossed her dress at him and it tangled over his head and shoulders. By the time he pulled it off, she had her back to him and she was pulling off her bra, which she also tossed to him. He reached for her again, but she was already at the edge of the blankets. She looked at him over her shoulder and hooked her thumbs into the waist of her panties, drawing them down slowly over the curve of her hips and her round, tight ass. She bent at the waist and stepped out of them, giving him a glimpse of her clean-shaved pussy.
She tossed the panties in his direction and then bounded into the water, diving under when she had gotten about waist deep. Austin was frozen for a moment, stunned by her little show. They had been dating for two years, but it was only in the last several months that they had actually become sexually active. Kelly hadn’t been ready and Austin hadn’t pushed. Since he was away at school, their opportunities to come together were very limited and she had never been this brazen before. He was rock hard now and he wanted her bad. He set her clothing down and went to the edge of the water. She had gone under again and he wasn’t sure where she was.
Suddenly, she came up out of the water, standing with the waterline just above her hips. Rivulets of water glistened in streams down her skin and over her bare breasts. Her breasts were full and round, the nipples tight buds from the cool water. The water gleamed in the sunlight, giving her an ethereal look. He didn’t hesitate another second. He tore his clothes off in record time and dove into the water toward her.
He caught her around the waist and pulled her tightly to him. She grabbed him and pulled his mouth to hers and they melted into a scorching kiss. Austin reached down and picked Kelly up as he had earlier at her house, only now there was no fabric barrier between her soft warmth and his rock-hard presence.
He walked her back to the shore and up to their picnic spot as she kissed over his neck and in that spot she knew he liked right at the soft spot under his ear. He knelt on the blankets and laid her down on one of the pillows. Kelly lay on her back, basking in the sunlight filtering through the leaves above. The soft breeze skimmed over her and sent the leaves fluttering, casting dancing shadows over her bare skin.
He kissed her again and let his mouth travel from her lips down to her neck. He kissed softly over her collarbone and traced his lips over the tops of her breasts. He reached up and took one of her breasts in his hand. It was large enough that he couldn’t hold the whole thing in one hand, so he placed his lips on the overflowing flesh. He flicked his tongue over her nipple and she gasped. He sucked the bead of pink flesh into his mouth and she shuddered and moaned softly.
He suckled and mouthed her nipple and then moved to her other breast and repeated his attentions. Kelly felt the pull of his mouth all the way down deep in her belly, warmth starting to grow there. By the time he moved to her other breast, she felt wet and ready for him, but he was taking his time. She writhed slightly under his touch. He was moving his mouth down over her ribs and over her stomach, pausing to play at her belly button. He added a little bit of teeth and nibbled her softly and she jumped at the sensation. He was worshipping her and she felt like the most important person in his world.
He was about to settle himself between her legs when she stopped him with her hands on his shoulders.
“No,” she said, shaking her head.
Austin was confused; she usually loved for him to go down on her. He had learned all of the things she liked most and could bring her several times with his mouth on her most intimate places.
“What? Why not?”
“It’s been too long, I need you now,” she said emphatically.
“But I can make you cum over and over this way,” he told her. He slid his fingers through her slit to help prove his point, only then realizing how very wet and swollen her pussy was.
She squeezed his shoulders, digging her nails into him slightly. “Please, Austin. I’ll cum for you again and again, I promise, but I need to feel you inside me.” She was begging now, “Take me now. Please.”
He wouldn’t make her continue to beg, so he sat up and positioned himself above her. She reached down and grabbed his rigid cock, sliding her hand up and down his length a few times. She loved the way his cock felt in her hands, both hard and soft. Silky skin over steel muscle. She thought she could almost feel the pulse of his power when she ran her hand over him, his pure masculinity calling to her deep femininity causing his cock to twitch in her hand and her pussy to wet itself in preparation to take him in.
She helped guide him to her entrance and had to release him and throw her head back as he began to enter her. She was wet and ready for him yet he still stretched her as he entered her. The warmth in her belly was growing hotter and filling her up as he filled her, threatening to spill over at any moment.
Austin pushed into her a bit and paused, savoring the feel of her. She was so wet! He pulled out the little bit he had gained and then pushed back in a little farther. He repeated this again and again to the sounds of her sighs and moans until he was almost as far as he could get inside her. He pulled all the way out and looked her in the eye. Her eyes were shining and her gaze burned with need. He locked his eyes with hers and pushed into her, seating himself to the hilt.
She arched her back and screamed as her orgasm spilled over, “Yes! God Austin, YES!”
Her inner walls squeezed and pulled at him and he watched her ecstasy ride her body and face in awe. He had never made her cum just by entering her before! As she came down from her orgasm, he started moving his hips slowly. She responded by moving her hips to meet his slow, deep thrusts.
She moaned, “I missed you so much.”
Austin chuckled deep and dark. It was the kind of sound a man makes only when there is deep satisfaction in an intimate knowledge. The sound pulled at something deep in her womb and her arousal started to grow again. She pulled his face down to her and kissed him as he moved inside her. He kept his deep, steady pace. He made slow love to her and they watched each other. They saw the want and need in each other’s eyes and the spark of something primal deep inside.
She came again. It was a smaller one than the first, but he could see the moment that it washed over her before she closed her eyes and moaned. He kept his pace through her orgasm. He savored each stroke while also holding himself back. He wanted to truly take her, but he didn’t want to overwhelm her. He wanted her, but he wanted her to know he loved her.
Her body was ratcheting upwards and she was so close, but she couldn’t get over the edge. She didn’t know how to get there and she was getting frustrated. She pulled at him and ground her pussy into him, but it wasn’t enough.
“Austin, please,” she whimpered, pulling at him.
“I know what you need, baby,” he said to her.
“Please,” she pleaded.
He nodded at her and put his hands under her thighs, pushing up until her legs were splayed and her knees were level with her hips. He put his weight more firmly on his hands and knees so that he had more range of motion in his hips. He changed his thrusts from the slow-rolling push to a deeper pistoning of his hips. He pulled up until just the tip of him remained in her and then pushed back into her hard and fast.
She arched her back slightly and yelled her approval, “Yes!”
They hadn’t done anything like this before. Their lovemaking had always been gentle and romantic and safe. This didn’t feel safe. This felt like she was propelling toward the edge of a cliff and she didn’t know what lay below. She was getting scared, her fingers dug into his shoulders and her eyes searched his, frantic and needing an anchor. She began whimpering and he saw her fear and confusion in her gaze. He slowed his movements and caressed her cheek.
“Shhh, baby,” he soothed her, “it’s okay. Just let go.”
She took a deep breath and nodded. She trusted him.
He began moving again, slowly increasing his pace to let her acclimate. He watched as the uncertainty drained from her eyes, replaced by heat and passion. He pumped faster in long deep strokes. She was not whimpering anymore, but sighing in pleasure. Her eyes left his and she slid her gaze down to where their bodies met, watching him pump in and out of her with fascination and primal hunger.
Her breathing became unsteady and she was moaning louder now. She felt herself approaching the cliff again, but she was lost in the sensations and no longer cared what was at the bottom anymore, as long as he didn’t stop. She clenched her teeth and her breath came in short gasps as their skin slapped together with the force of his thrusting.
“Let go, baby,” he said, and she threw herself back onto the pillow.
Her insides were becoming molten fire and she could feel herself getting closer and closer. She released her control and she flew over the edge of the cliff. Her body was overtaken by the most powerful orgasm she had ever had.
She screamed her pleasure into the trees, “Oh God, Austin! Fuck yes!”
Her body clamped down on him almost to the point of discomfort. He could feel as each wave of the orgasm hit her. Her juices overflowed and he clenched his teeth, trying to prolong her pleasure and not cum too soon. She had her nails dug into his shoulders; the small sting was a piece of his pleasure. He listened to her crying out and found his pleasure piqued hearing his name ripped from her mouth on the waves of her ecstasy. He grunted as he continued to move his cock in her. He lost all control and slammed himself into her as hard and as fast as he could, setting off a smaller orgasm in her on the coat tails of the last.
He arched his back and shouted, “Ah, Kelly! Fuck!”
She had very little voice left and could only manage small moans as their pleasure bled together and he shot load after load deep inside her. She felt the warmth of him deep in her womb and sighed in satisfaction. His body shuddered over hers and he was suddenly completely spent. He managed to roll slightly to the side so as to not crush her beneath him before collapsing down next to her. They lay there together, gasping for air and waiting for their bodies to regain feeling.
Gradually they came back to themselves and he reached over and pulled her into his arms. “You are incredible,” he said with his lips against her forehead.
“That was amazing,” she breathed. “I’ve never felt that before.”
He laughed, “I’m glad you enjoyed yourself.”
“I definitely did,” she smiled.
His face sobered slightly and he caught her chin in his fingers so he could look into her eyes, “I love you, Kelly.”
Her heart thumped and felt like it grew in her chest. “I love you too,” she whispered.
They kissed again, soft and chaste compared to what they had just done. They dozed in the sunlight for a bit before waking up and making love again. When they were finished, they took a quick dip in the lake, ate some more, and talked about their future. As the sun was setting, they packed up their picnic and drove away, satiated and more in love than they had been when they came.