Lake House 3

"White Knight to the rescue"

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Linda woke up to the smell of coffee.   When she entered the kitchen wearing nothing but a T-shirt she found me busy at the stove.   She moved up behind me and hugged me tight.

“Breakfast is almost ready” I said, “why don’t you grab a couple of plates”.

As we ate I said that if I was going to stay very long I needed to go get my truck.   Linda said that I could stay as long as I liked.   I looked at her seriously, and then smiled, saying that I didn’t want to wear out my welcome.

“Brad”, she said, “Can’t you stay for at least the weekend?”


I thought about it for a minute then asked if she had a computer with internet access.   She did, so I said that I would see if I could set up a vpn connection to the office server and a remote connection to my PC.   But first I needed to get my truck and my own clothes.


After breakfast was cleaned up and we were dressed, we went down and launched the canoe.   Linda was wearing some very tight and skimpy shorts and a halter top that didn’t leave much to the imagination, and I couldn’t help but notice.


The morning was cool and we struck up a good pace without working up a sweat.   When we got to the truck the first thing I did was change into a shirt and shorts of my own.   We loaded the canoe into the back of the truck and tied it down.   It stuck out quite a ways behind the truck, but Linda said they were unlikely to run into anyone else on the road.


Twenty minutes later we pulled up in front of the house and found a Jeep parked in the drive way.

“Oh shit” Linda said, “it’s my brother”.  

“Is that a problem?” I asked.

“It definitely can be, we don’t get along very well.   Maybe he isn’t planning on staying long”.


We unloaded the canoe and took it down beside the house to the deck below, and stowed it underneath.   Back at the truck we grabbed everything and went into the house.   Once inside we saw 3 people out on the deck.

“Oh no, he brought his girl friend, and even worse, his buddy Rick.   Rick seems to feel that he has some claim on me.   This is not going to be pleasant.”   Linda walked over to the sliding glass door and asked her brother what he is doing here.  


I’ve come up for the weekend, I have as much right to this place as you do” he said.

Linda frowned as I came up behind her.

“Who is this guy?” her brother asked.

“This is Brad.   Brad, meet my brother Jack and his girlfriend Lola”.

“That’s very funny, but she happens to be 18, I’m not a cradle robber.   Brad, her name is Molly and this is my friend Rick”.

I stepped out on the deck and offered my hand.   Nobody responded, and Rick had an obvious scowl on his face.


Linda grabbed me by the arm and pulled me back into the house.   Jack reached over and closed the sliding glass door, and shortly we were able to hear raised voices outside.   Linda and I stopped at the other side of the kitchen and listened.   We could barely make out the words but were able to hear Rick saying that she was supposed to be alone.   Now he is the odd man out.   Jack said not to worry and to wait until they find out how long I was going to be around.


“God I’m glad you are here” said Linda.   “I hope you don’t mind being my knight in shining armor because I really need a protector right now”

“You are one damsel that I would hate to see in distress.   I’m as happy as you are that I am here.   Let’s stow my stuff in your room and take a look at the computer.”


The computer was in the master bedroom downstairs and it didn’t take long for me to establish a vpn connection and a remote desktop connection to the PC on my desk at the office.   I pulled over some client files and saved them on the local pc.   I already had email access with my iphone, so I didn’t think I would need to spend much time logged onto the work computer.  


At that moment the others came in from the deck.   Both Jack and Rick had unpleasant looks on their faces, and Molly had no expression at all.

“We’re going to take the canoe out on the lake” said Jack, and with that they were gone.

“Let’s take a walk” I said, “I’d like to see the vineyard”.


It was spring and the vines were just beginning to sprout.   After walking for about 10 minutes I remarked that there appeared to be more than 20 acres of vines here.   Linda responded that there were 40 acres, but they only owned half of them, the rest were owned by an old man who lived about a quarter mile down the road.   They managed his vineyards for him and they split the cost of the vineyard manager.   The cost wasn’t a lot because they gave the vineyard manager the cottage to live in.   The man was pretty old and as far as she knew he didn’t have any children, so they didn’t know what was going to happen to his vineyards when he died.


I decided to give that some thought later.

I asked what had happened to the vineyard manager, and was told that he retired when her parents died and moved down to Fresno to be near his kids.   She had been given a couple of references for a new vineyard manager but had not followed up on them yet.


At this point I told her that I was a wine distributor and I might be able to help.   I bought wine from all over the state and had a lot of connections in the industry.   This cheered her up and her face lit up with a big smile.   I said that I would make some inquiries later.

We headed back to the house and once inside, we could see the canoe out on the lake, but it appeared to have only one person in it.   There was a pair of binoculars on the mantel above the fireplace, which Linda picked up and focused on the canoe.


“It’s Jack, and he’s alone” she said.

We looked at each other and listened, but did not hear any sound in the house.   We then looked upstairs and down and didn’t find Rick or Molly.   We went out on the deck and looked around but didn’t see them.   So we continued around the property to the driveway and still didn’t find them.   As we stood there I thought I heard a sound coming from the direction of the vineyard.

“Did you hear that?   I asked, to which she nodded.  


We started across the road and heard the sound again, and this time it seemed to be coming from the cottage.   We walked in that direction and as we got close we began to hear the sound of a woman’s voice.

  We slipped around the back and peered into a window, where we found our missing people.   Molly was leaning over the footboard of the bed, naked from the waist down, with her shirt pushed up to her neck and her breasts hanging straight down.   Rick was standing behind her, also naked from the waist down, and he was pounding his cock into her frantically.


Molly was moaning loudly and Rick was trying to shush her before anyone could hear.   Rick leaned over and grabbed her tits roughly and gave them both a hard squeeze.   I thought that might hurt her, but she seemed to like it and moaned even louder.   As Rick withdrew his cock for each thrust the light hit it just right to show that it was glistening with a profusion of moisture.   Molly was clearly having an orgasm and I doubted it was her first.

I looked at Linda’s face and saw a look of rapt fascination.   I also noticed that her nipples were hard.   “So”, I thought, “she likes watching”.  


Rick must have been getting close because he brought his hands back to grip her hips and quickened his pace.   Then to my surprise, he pulled out, repositioned himself and plunged his cock into her ass.

“No” she cried, “I don’t want it in the ass”.  


But Rick didn’t seem to care as he kept driving into her again and again.   Molly couldn’t move, he had her pinned between him and the footboard.   Rick suddenly got a grimace on his face as he began to shoot his cum deep into her ass.   Molly had gone from moaning to weeping in short order, it was clear she got no pleasure out of being ass fucked.   Rick pulled out of her ass and continued to cum onto her back, milking it out with his hand.  


Linda and I stepped back from the window before he could turn around.   We both looked at each other, Linda’s eyes as wide as an owl’s.   We retraced our steps and hurried across the road and into the house.

We heard the sound of the canoe being dragged out of the water and I suggested we go for a leisurely canoe ride.   Linda eagerly agreed, and we both went out the door and down the stairs.


“Where are Molly and Rick?” Jack asked.

“Haven’t seen them” responded Linda.   “We thought they were with you”.

“No, Molly said she was feeling queasy and the canoe might make her sick, and Rick suddenly had a case of diarrhea, so I went out alone”.

“If you are done with the canoe we’d like to take it out” I said.

He shrugged and started up the steps.   I pushed the boat out and helped Linda get in, then jumped in myself and started paddling.   When we were far enough away that we couldn’t be heard, Linda began to laugh.   I asked what was so funny and she said that it all fit, those 3 deserved each other.


I then asked if she got aroused seeing that, and she shrugged and said she had, but only a little.   She asked if I had and I admitted that it gave me a woody.

We paddled around the lake for about an hour, and then decided it was time for lunch.   When we got the canoe out of the water and stored we heard voices coming from the front of the house.    We walked up there and when Jack saw us he pointed at my truck and said that all of my tires appeared to have gone flat.   And flat they were.   I only had one spare.


Jack said that he and Molly would be happy to drive me into town to get the tires fixed.  

I knew immediately that this was a setup and my mind was turning fast, trying to work out a way around this.

“Brad, there has to be another way to deal with this” said Linda, “don’t leave me here alone”.


An idea came to me and I told Jack that I would take him up on his offer if he would help me block up the truck and get the tires off.    I turned so that no one but Linda could see my face and winked at her.   She still had a look of doubt and fear on her face.


A half hour later we had the tires in the back of the Jeep and started down the road with Molly sitting half on my lap.   When we got around the bend I told Jack to stop because I’d forgotten my wallet and I jumped out and began running back toward the house.   When I got to the front door I could hear shouting from inside and when I opened the door and descended the stairs I found Rick attacking Linda and trying to rip her clothes off.   My rage was instantaneous, and in half a second I was on him.   I grabbed him by the throat with both hands and yanked him back, then propelled him forcefully into the wall, face first.   His nose was flattened and blood spurting, but my rage was not even dulled.   I planted a hard right hand into his stomach, doubling him over, and then proceeded to throw pile driving punches into his ribs.   I knew I had cracked a couple, maybe more.   I pushed him up against the wall to straighten him up, then swung another hard right fist into his jaw.   He crumpled onto the floor and didn’t move.

At that moment Jack came running into the house.   When I saw him my rage was renewed.


“You” I yelled.   “You set your own sister up to be raped.”  

I was taking long strides toward him as I said this, and Jack began to back up the stairs.   I caught up to him as he was trying to get out the door and I pushed him through, following quickly behind.   Jack put up is hands and said that it was all Rick’s idea and he didn’t know what he had planned to do.   He then backed into the Jeep where he had just parked it and he put his hands back to keep from falling.   I hit him hard on the chin, threw two punches into his stomach and another hard one to the right side of his jaw.   He went down on his knees, shaking his head in a daze and I was about to smash another fist into his face when Linda grabbed my arm and stopped me.  


Suddenly the only sound to be heard was of Molly, sitting in the jeep crying.   I walked around and took my tires out of the Jeep and tossed them on the ground.   I then told Jack to get his friend and get out of here while I still have my temper under control.    He said I can’t kick him off his own property, and I said fine, let’s get the police up here and have Rick arrested for attempted rape and Jack for conspiracy.


Jack and Molly went into the house and came staggering out with Rick who was hardly able to walk on his own.   They made it into the Jeep and drove away.

I looked at my hands.   They were bleeding and swollen and very sore.   We went inside and Linda wrapped me up with ice bags.   Her hands were shaking and she was pale.

“I’m sorry about that” I said.   “I guess I sort of took a chance and if my timing had been bad…”

She threw her arms around me and hugged me close, not saying anything at first.   Then she looked into my eyes and just said, “Thank you”.

Published 15 years ago

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