Lady Sarah was so pleased that Rosie continued to play along with the role reversal. Since she had become the maid, and Rosie her Mistress, Lady Sarah had found the hard work of being a maid was more than compensated by the satisfaction she got from it, and the better life she felt she was now having.
Lady Sarah was now very used to be treating Rosie as her Mistress. She showed her Mistress total respect, never spoke first, always avoided eye contact until spoken to, and always waited for her Mistress to acknowledge her and to ask what she wanted to say. Lady Sarah also never disagreed with anything her Mistress said, carrying out instructions immediately, and to the best of her ability. She was very thankful that her Mistress also carried on training her, and Lady Sarah knew that because of that training, her standard of work had increased significantly. Mind you, it continued to be necessary for her Mistress to thrash her, normally two or three times every week, but it was a very good incentive, Lady Sarah always told herself, even as she continued to cry buckets after each thrashing.
What Lady Sarah also knew, was that every time she was under threat of a spanking, and after the spanking had been given, her pussy lips were soaking wet, and, when alone in her bedroom, she fingered herself to huge orgasms.
Rosie was happy enough with the change of roles. Rosie had been a maid all of her working life, and enjoyed the work. She never minded having to obey every instruction, just get on with doing
her work, and be subservient to her Mistress. Now, though, she knew that Lady Sarah wanted to live the life of the maid herself, and so, when the change of roles was requested by her, Rosie saw it as her duty to obey, and take on the role of being Lady Sarah’s Mistress and the lady of the house. She also knew that Lady Sarah wanted spanking to be used as an incentive to make her improve her standard of work, and, again, Rosie saw that as something she had to do because Lady Sarah had requested her to do it.
Rosie saw the benefits to being the lady of the house. Rosie loved wearing Lady Sarah’s expensive clothes, sleeveless and low-cut, showing off her sexy body. That feeling didn’t happen when in the maid’s uniform she previously wore every day, having seven exactly the same maid dresses, and some spares, all exactly the same and certainly non-flattering. They were now worn by Lady Sarah, who, Rosie judged, was very happy wearing the same dress every single day.
In addition, there was a masseuse who came to the house twice a week, who now treated Rosie rather than Lady Sarah. The same happened with the hairdresser. Lady Sarah was always in attendance, invisible, standing silently, looking at the floor, her hands clasped in front of her, there only to do her Mistress’s bidding.
There was also the range of really expensive perfume that Lady Sarah had, now only used by Rosie.
Notwithstanding these changes, as time moved on, and Lady Sarah continued to want to be the maid, she realised other changes had to be made. Wanting to put that to Rosie, her Mistress, she stood silently in the doorway to the living room, with her hands clasped in front of her, looking at the floor because in her lowly position knew that she shouldn’t make eye contact, and waited for her Mistress to acknowledge her and ask what she wanted to say.
Rosie knew that Lady Sarah wanted to say something because she always stood like she did now when that was the case. After the usual two or three minutes that Rosie waited, knowing Lady Sarah wanted that to happen to make her feel even more lowly and submissive, she turned to Lady Sarah and asked. “Do you want to ask me something, Sarah?”
Lady Sarah was then able to look up at her Mistress, and she replied, “Yes please, Mistress. My bedroom is on the first floor, and to get to your bedroom on the ground floor you have to go through the kitchen. Now I am fulfilling all of the maid’s roles, it makes sense if we swapped bedrooms The clothes, fit for a lady, that you now wear, are currently in my bedroom upstairs, and the clothes that I wear, as your maid, are in your bedroom on the ground floor. Also, when I’m working in the kitchen, there is more chance of me making a noise that will disturb you if you stayed in your current bedroom next to the kitchen. Please, Mistress, can we swap bedrooms? It makes so much sense for you, as my Mistress, to move into the main bedroom in any case.”
Rosie could obviously see the sense of swapping bedrooms, particularly as Lady Sarah was the one now working in the kitchen. There was also the very good point that each other’s clothes were currently in the wrong bedroom. Equally, as this was a specific request by Lady Sarah,
Rosie knew it was right to agree. So, she replied, “That does make good sense, Sarah. Please arrange for the changeover to take place.”
Lady Sarah replied, “Yes, mistress, I will.”
Lady Sarah knew that not much had to be moved, other than a few personal items, and that didn’t take long at all. Afterwards, Lady Sarah sat in her new bedroom on the ground floor, clearly a lot smaller than her previous bedroom, but felt far more at home here. She was enjoying her lowly status, and her bedroom now recognised that.
Later that day, after carrying out her cleaning duties upstairs, Lady Sarah returned to her bedroom. She was surprised to see that three hooks had been put onto one of the walls, and hanging from each hook was one of the leather straps that her Mistress now used to spank her with. Just a few moments later, Lady Sarah realised that her Mistress was standing behind her, and she turned around, but made a point of clasping her hands in front of herself, and looking at the floor, waiting for her Mistress to speak.
Rosie smiled as she asked, “I thought you would like the surprise, Sarah. What do you think?”
Lady Sarah looked up and replied, “When you spank me with those belts, it is certainly a very good incentive for me, Mistress. I think that seeing them there, whenever I am in my bedroom, will also be a very good incentive. So, thank you, Mistress.”
As Rosie left Lady Sarah, she told herself that it had been three days now since she had last spanked Lady Sarah, and so she would be doing it again today.
As Lady Sarah loved her new bedroom, particularly looking at the leather straps, she knew that she wanted to make another change, albeit a far more important one. As well as working very hard as a maid, she also had plenty of spare time, when her cleaning duties and food preparation were done, and her Mistress didn’t need to have her around. During that time, Lady Sarah had looked on various websites, and had come to the conclusion that it would be right that, as well as playing the role of Mistress and lady of the house, her Mistress should take on the full role. After all, the estate still had to be managed, and should be by the lady of the house rather than the maid. It was a hard decision to make, but one that Lady Sarah didn’t want to avoid making.
On one of the sites, to do with female-led relationships, she found a contract that gave full control of everything to the female who was in charge. Lady Sarah had downloaded that contract, then made various amendments to suit the transfer of control over everything to her Mistress, and wanted to raise that with her Mistress.
So, she took the contract that she had prepared, went and found her Mistress who was in the living room reading, and, just as always, stood obediently silent, looking at the floor, waiting for her Mistress to acknowledge her.
Rosie knew that Lady Sarah was in the doorway, and, as usual, left it two or three minutes before
acknowledging her presence. When she did, she asked, “Have you something to ask me, Sarah?”
Lady Sarah replied, “Yes, please, Mistress.” Lady Sarah then explained how she wanted to give her Mistress full control over everything. She held up the contract, and said, “This contract requires me to handover full control of everything including bank accounts, credit cards, investments, the house, and the whole estate, to you, to enable you, as my Mistress and the lady of the house, to run all of the affairs that I previously had to deal with. That will leave me simply as your lowly maid.”
Lady Sarah stopped for a moment, to see whether there were any questions coming from her Mistress, but when there weren’t, she continued, “I think certainty is important, and so the contract will not be revocable by me, ever. On the other hand, should you ever want to, you will be able to revoke it. I really do want this handover to happen, Mistress, and I know that it will put increased pressure on you, and stress, just as it did on me, but I still hope that you will be prepared to take all of this on, Mistress.”
That certainly surprised Rosie. It was one thing to role-play the change, but something far different to make it contractual, when only she could terminate the contract, whilst Lady Sarah could not. However, if that was what Lady Sarah wanted, and that certainly seemed to be the case, then she didn’t see any reason to refuse.
Rosie therefore said, “Let us go to the office, and you can run me through the contract, Sarah.”
Rosie then left the living room and went upstairs to the office. Lady Sarah followed a respectable distance behind. Once in the office, Rosie sat down whilst Lady Sarah remained submissively standing, as Rosie read the contract, asked a few questions which Lady Sarah answered, and Rosie couldn’t see anything wrong with the contract.
Luckily, the two gardeners were working in the garden, and Rosie told Lady Sarah to go out and ask them to come in and witness the contract. The gardeners agreed.
Therefore, Lady Sarah and Rosie both signed the contract, witnessed by the gardeners, and so both Lady Sarah and Rosie knew the contract was now binding.
Lady Sarah felt more relieved than ever before, knowing that there really was nothing more for her to do than her full-time duties as a maid, so she couldn’t be happier. There was so much to be said for a lowly position, stress-free, knowing she just had to do her job properly and to the total satisfaction of her Mistress.
Rosie did feel some increased pressure, knowing that she would have to learn how to deal with all of the money matters. However, she also thought that both she and Lady Sarah should celebrate the signing of the contract and the now permanent change in their roles. Rosie knew exactly how to do that, as she spotted just one piece of dust left on a side cabinet that Lady Sarah had only just cleaned. She therefore ordered, “That is an unacceptably low standard of cleaning, Sarah. Go to your bedroom, get undressed, bring the thickest of the three leather straps with you,
and then go upstairs to bedroom number six, the punishment room.”
As much as Lady Sarah knew this was going to be very painful, she still accepted the need to be thrashed by her Mistress. She got so excited when that happened, and she knew she was feeling just as excited right now as she walked to her bedroom. Once there, she quickly undressed, then, now naked, took the thickest of the three straps off the hook on the wall, and walked back through the kitchen. Clearly what had happened before was going to happen again, because her Mistress was waiting for her in the hallway. As Lady Sarah made her way up the stairs, so her Mistress was walking just one step behind, and all the time was smacking her bare bottom, showing Lady Sarah once again that it was her Mistress who was in charge.
Lady Sarah loved walking towards the punishment room whilst having her bottom smacked. She saw it as a walk of shame, but given her submissive feelings she loved it, and knew she got wet whilst at the same time her nipples became taut.
Rosie also looked at Lady Sarah’s breasts, saw her taut nipples, and so knew that Lady Sarah was, as usual, turned on with the anticipation of being thrashed.
Rosie kept on smacking Lady Sarah’s bare bottom as they went up the stairs, and still smacked her bottom as they then walked along the hallway to the sixth bedroom. This bedroom had been made into the punishment room. It was at the back of the house, and had in it a single bed, two high-backed armless chairs, and in various drawers and cupboards a whole selection of wooden-backed hairbrushes, leather slippers, leather straps, and even several canes. These implements had been built up over quite a short period of time, but always at the request of Lady Sarah who wanted and needed to be subject to the pain of her Mistress thrashing her with them.
The bed was also fitted with leather cuffs, attached to each of the four corners of the bed, to secure both Lady Sarah’s wrists and ankles, leaving her with her arms and legs spread apart, with Lady Sarah unable to avoid the leather strap that Rosie now used. There were four pillows, which, when stacked one on top of the other, meant that Lady Sarah could lie on top of them, and her bottom was perched perfectly for Lady Sarah’s Mistress to spank her with the leather straps.
First, though, as usual, Rosie went and sat on one of the high-backed armless chairs, glared at Lady Sarah, and instructed, “Fetch me one of the wooden-backed hairbrushes, and then get across my lap.”
Lady Sarah knew that she was again sexually excited at the prospect of another thrashing. She still couldn’t work out why she got excited by so much pain, but always thought it was that pain, together with the true feeling of submission and obedience, that got her so excited. So, she went to the drawer, got out a wooden-backed hairbrush, brought it over to her Mistress, handed it to her, and then immediately bent down across her Mistress’s lap.
Lady Sarah still found the close-up sight of her Mistress’s upside down legs such a wonderful experience, as was the feel of her Mistress’s hand rubbing her bottom in circles. The scolding also excited her, being spoken to in that way, but when it was all put together, Lady Sarah knew
this was the right incentive for her to improve her cleaning and other maid’s skills, as well as making it so clear just which of them was in charge of the other, and there was no mistake on that score.
Rosie knew from the way that Lady Sarah was so obedient when knowing that she was about to be thrashed, that this was exactly what Lady Sarah wanted to have happen to her. Therefore, in the way that she had done previously, she rubbed Lady Sarah’s bottom in circles, even then scolding her for her unacceptably poor standard of cleaning, but also ran her fingers along Lady Sarah’s pussy lips to confirm they were damp. They were, as always. Rosie then proceeded to spank Lady Sarah’s bare bottom, on alternate cheeks, time and again, enjoying once again how each bottom cheek flattened under her hand, and Lady Sarah gasped as Rosie saw how she forced herself to stay in position as long as she could, at least until she couldn’t stop herself squirming around as each spank landed.
Lady Sarah didn’t mind at all that her Mistress fingered her wet pussy lips, and still found being scolded by her mistress added to her incentive to improve her work. It all somehow helped, along with the spanking, although, once the spanking did cause her bottom to sting more and more intensely, so she wasn’t really able to listen to the scolding any more.
Once Rosie’s hand started to sting, she turned and picked up the hairbrush, tapped it on Lady Sarah’s bottom a couple of times to let her know what was about to happen, and then proceeded to spank Lady Sarah really hard with the hairbrush. Even as Lady Sarah started crying, Rosie knew that Lady Sarah wanted this to have happen to her, and, as usual, there were no requests for the spanking to stop, but just constant apologies coming from Lady Sarah.
Lady Sarah knew that as soon as the spanking started with the hairbrush, as much as she found that her bottom stung when her Mistress spanked with her hand, her bottom stung so much more when spanked with the hairbrush. Of course, that was fully understood to be the case, and the last thing that Lady Sarah wanted was for her Mistress to do anything other than spank her really hard with the hairbrush. That was why Lady Sarah never asked her Mistress to stop, or to go any lighter, and tried her best to stay across her Mistress’s lap and just take every single spank. She felt she was doing just that again today.
Rosie carried on spanking Lady Sarah really hard, loving how her bottom cheeks flattened even more noticeably when spanked with the hairbrush compared to when spanked with her hand, but also enjoyed listening to the much louder gasps. She didn’t need to have any sympathy for Lady Sarah because this was what Lady Sarah wanted, and Rosie always found it amusing to think that by spanking Lady Sarah much harder, she was giving Lady Sarah exactly what she wanted.
Rosie realised she didn’t now have to use the hairbrush for as long as previously, because there was still the leather strap to be used. Knowing that, Rosie stopped using the hairbrush, rubbed Lady Sarah’s bottom, looked at the back of Lady Sarah’s head, and ordered, “Okay, Sarah, get off my lap, and perch yourself on top of those pillows.”
Lady Sarah was already crying with tears running down her face, but she did push herself off the
lap of her Mistress, stood, saw the blurred image of the pillows stacked one on top of the other, knelt on the bed, crawled across, and lay on top of the pillows so that her bottom was perched as the highest point of her body. As much as Lady Sarah knew she was really going to struggle when hit with the leather strap, she knew that she wanted it to happen, and still felt excited about the prospect.
Once Lady Sarah was in place, Rosie first secured both of Lady Sarah’s wrists in the leather cuffs, and then secured both of her ankles. She loved the fact that Lady Sarah was effectively an ‘X’ as she lay on the bed, and was unable to wriggle around even when that leather strap was being thrashed down on her bare bottom. Rosie also saw Lady Sarah’s pussy lips, glistening with her sex juice, so even more confirmation of how sexually aroused Lady Sarah was.
Lady Sarah stayed as still as she could as her wrists and ankles were secured in place in the leather cuffs. She knew that this was her own idea, because she wanted to show her Mistress, in a meaningful way, that she really did want each lash of the leather strap to be extremely hard.
Rosie also knew that when secured in place like she was right now, Lady Sarah couldn’t avoid any lash, because the target was there and would not be able to move.
Once again, that proved to be the case as Rosie proceeded to spank the leather strap down all over Lady Sarah’s bare bottom. As well as seeing both bottom cheeks surrender even more than they had done to the hairbrush, Rosie also heard the increasingly loud yelps that Lady Sarah was making. As lash after lash continued to land, Rosie knew that Lady Sarah would probably be hating every single lash, but, as with the hairbrush, there was no begging her to stop, and so, whilst Lady Sarah was clearly suffering the pain, it was pain that Lady Sarah relished as the best way to improve her standard cleaning and other maid’s duties, and to show her submission.
The normal tariff that Rosie now set for the leather strap was one hundred lashes. That was still a lot, given that Lady Sarah had already suffered a hand spanking and a spanking with the hairbrush. However, this was something that had been repeated several times already, and the first thing that Lady Sarah would say once she had recovered the ability to speak, was, ‘Thank you, Mistress.’ Rosie certainly expected Lady Sarah to say the same today.
As she carried on landing lash after lash on the still naked Lady Sarah’s bottom, Rosie was pretty sure that Lady Sarah understood that the reason for this thrashing was not really one small piece of dust, but a thank you for swapping bedrooms, and putting in place the contract.
At the same time, Lady Sarah was thinking the same, and so thankful to her Mistress for accepting all of the changes in her position, now as Mistress and the lady of the house.
Once Rosie had reached the tariff, she stopped spanking with the leather strap, but left Lady Sarah in place so that she could cry her eyes out, still secured by the leather cuffs. Rosie knew that that would help get Lady Sarah sexually excited again as the pain cascaded across her bottom.
As Lady Sarah did calm down, so she did get excited because of the intense stinging right across her bottom. She knew that, had she not been secured to the bed, it would have been so difficult for her to have stayed propped up on top of those pillows. That was why she wanted to be secured in place, so that each spank with the leather strap would make her suffer in a way that would encourage her to improve her cleaning standards. Lady Sarah was still sure that her Mistress manoeuvred this thrashing as a thank you for putting her so definitely in charge, not just moving to a far bigger bedroom on the first floor with its own bathroom ensuite, but also putting in place the contract, leaving her as the new unequivocal Mistress and with the only say in terminating the contract, ever.
As she lay there, recovering, Lady Sarah was so happy about all of the changes, putting her firmly in the lowly position of the maid, which she was loving so much. Lady Sarah knew she couldn’t be happier, even with her stinging bottom.
As Lady Sarah did calm down, Rosie knew that she still enjoyed giving such a hard thrashing. Why not, given that that was exactly what Lady Sarah wanted.
At the same time, Rosie was thinking about the contract in particular. She knew that when she was just the maid, she actually enjoyed the lack of all responsibility and decision-making. There was something quite nice about just doing as you were told, obeying the rules, and not arguing. She knew that now she had far greater responsibilities, and that did cause her some concern. However, overall, what happened today, with all of the changes, was something that she was really pleased about, serving Lady Sarah in the opposite way to what service normally was. Right then, she set her intent on exercising her control in the best way for Lady Sarah, but knowing that Lady Sarah wasn’t the one in control any more, of anything, and had signed herself up for a life of service as a maid. In fact, Rosie told herself, as her full-time forever maid.
Rosie realised that she was now the one that was getting excited by the prospect of being in control of such a fabulous house and having such a fabulous lifestyle. What had been role-play was now a full and irreversible change of roles, and Rosie knew she was the one in full control. She knew that in Lady Sarah she still had the most fabulous ex-mistress, albeit that Lady Sarah was no longer her mistress, but was now her full-time forever maid.
Lady Sarah knew that she now had the far better role for her. Everything about handing over full financial control and all decision-making, was definitely worth it. She even felt very comfortable as she was contractually bound, forever, to serve her Mistress as the full-time maid. She couldn’t wait to get back to her bedroom and finger herself to another huge orgasm. In fact, several, and knew that feeling would never leave her. Hard work but without any decision-making and just being obedient, submissive, and the maid forever, was so wonderful and unbeatable. Well, unbeatable except when her standards fell below what was acceptable to her Mistress, and then she was beaten, just as Lady Sarah, the maid, wanted to be.