Lady Sarah The Maid

"Lady Sarah changes roles with her maid and gives her disciplinary control"

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Lady Sarah was forty, the fourth generation to live in Marley House, set in several acres of land. Living with her in the house was her long-term maid, Rosie, who was thirty-eight.  

Lady Sarah didn’t have to work because she lived off the well-established and huge family inheritance. She wasn’t married, and while she had no family life to speak of, she did plenty of community work, although did find it rather boring. Also, at the far end of the estate, were a terrace of houses previously occupied by staff, and now by tenants. She found dealing with her tenants very stressful, not because they were particularly difficult as tenants, but just because Lady Sarah wasn’t really a people person.  

Rosie had been the maid for fifteen years. Whilst a very good maid, she was a people person and had lots of friends who she kept in contact with online using her electronics.  

As the maid, with access to the whole house, Rosie also knew some secrets held by her Mistress, particularly her submissive desires. Some years ago, Rosie had found several old magazines hidden deep away in cupboards, all about spanking. She knew from those magazines, particularly where the pages had been highlighted, that her Mistress was interested in women being spanked by other women, which was why she was sure that her Mistress had submissive tendencies. She was even more sure of this because there were even some comments written on the pages next to photographs, with arrows pointing to the woman being spanked, and the comment, ‘I wish that was me.’  

However, Rosie’s quandary throughout all those years was that she never felt her Mistress was submissive to her, happily telling her to do things around the house, over and above her normal duties, and never even gave her any looks that would suggest she wanted to be submissive. Rosie never attempted to find out anything either, because, after all, she knew she was the maid, and it wasn’t her place to bring her Mistress out. Of course, she also didn’t know whether her Mistress might have friends who never came to the house, but who she went to see and submitted to them.  

So, it was just something that played around in her mind.  

Today, Lady Sarah had been to see one of the tenants, and when she got back to the house was clearly very stressed. In fact, so stressed that she said to Rosie, “I can really do without having to deal with those tenants.”  

Rosie therefore suggested, “Mistress, I could deal with them for you, if you would like.”  

Lady Sarah actually loved the idea, and couldn’t stop herself saying, “That would be great, Rosie. We could even swap jobs.”  

As soon as that had been said, Lady Sarah burst out laughing, although Rosie did think that it was a forced laugh.  

Lady Sarah tried to divert attention away from her comment by saying, “I can tell you, Rosie, your life is far less stressful than mine.”  

Rosie tried to help by saying, “I know, Mistress. All I have to do is the same thing every day of every week, plus do whatever extra things you tell me to do. I don’t actually have to think about anything.” Trying to make a joke of it, knowing that her Mistress was trying to divert attention away from the comment that she had made, Rosie couldn’t stop herself adding, “So, if we did swap jobs, you would find that out, Mistress.”  

Lady Sarah caught her breath at that suggestion, because it was one that she had often thought about, in a half-serious sort of way. However, given how stressful that meeting had been with the tenant, and she knew that she had several meetings coming up she was also going to find stressful, she thought that it wasn’t such a bad idea. In fact, she was so taken by the suggestion, she couldn’t stop herself from replying, “Good idea, Rosie. In fact, I’ve got a meeting with one of the other tenants tomorrow. If you take that for me, I’ll do the maid’s work all day.”  

This time, even though Lady Sarah knew it was a mistake to make that comment, she didn’t try to withdraw it.  

Rosie looked at her Mistress, and thought it would be good fun to go to that meeting, and sort out whatever issue that particular tenant had. So, taking the discussion rather more seriously than she probably should have done, Rosie said, “I’m happy with that if you are, Mistress.”  

Lady Sarah realised that she also felt good about that. She really had often thought what it might be like to be a maid, and have that stress-free life, well, stress-free once you accept that you simply have to do whatever you are told, can’t answer back, can’t ever say no, but just have to get on with doing the menial tasks that go with being a maid. So, she didn’t see any harm in trying it out for a day, and replied, “That’s a deal then, Rosie. You go to my meeting, I will be the maid for the whole day, and you will be my Mistress.”  

Rosie realised that she couldn’t actually tell her Mistress how ridiculous that was, and, as always,  

obeyed her.  

Before going to bed, Lady Sarah said to Rosie, “When you get my clothes out, Rosie, please put out the maid’s uniform. We wear the same size clothes, so one of yours should fit me rather well. You can choose any you like of my clothes rather than wear your own clothes. That should make you feel more like being the Mistress.”  

Rosie already knew which clothes she would choose, and, now the offer was made, replied, “Yes, Mistress.”  

Lady Sarah smiled as she replied, “Tomorrow, I’ll be calling you, Mistress. You will call me, Sarah. I think we’ve known each other long enough to make that work.”  

Once again, Rosie told herself that if that was something her Mistress was happy with, then that was how it should happen.  

Lady Sarah then asked, “What would you like for breakfast, Rosie?”  

Rosie was shocked by that question, but, as she had been asked, she gave her answer, which was the normal breakfast that she made for both of them, Lady Sarah first, and then after washing up and clearing away the things, the same breakfast for herself. The only difference was that Lady Sarah ate her breakfast in the dining room, and Rosie ate hers in the kitchen.  

That was how the following day went. Lady Sarah got up much earlier than normal, in fact, the time that she knew Rosie normally got up. She got dressed in the maid’s uniform, went downstairs, and made breakfast, not for herself, but for her Mistress.  

Rosie did get up, got dressed in Lady Sarah’s sleeveless blouse and a skirt, but wasn’t sure about leaving her bedroom. However, as to get to her bedroom she had to walk through the kitchen, she could hear movement in the kitchen, and gained the confidence to go and see what was happening. As she walked into the kitchen, she saw that Lady Sarah had just about finished making breakfast, but Rosie still wanted to know whether that was for her or for Lady Sarah.  

Lady Sarah heard Rosie coming into the kitchen, turned, and said, “Good morning, Mistress. I have made breakfast for you. I will serve you in the dining room, Mistress.”  

Rosie replied, “Thank you, Sarah.”  

Rosie left the kitchen, went to the dining room, sat down at the dining table, which she saw was already laid out with a tablecloth and all the necessary cutlery, and, moments later, was served her breakfast with a cup of tea, by Lady Sarah.  

It was very soon after Lady Sarah had washed up, dried, and then put away all the things, that Rosie said. “I’ll be going to see that tenant, Sarah.”  

Lady Sarah had already briefed Rosie on what was likely to be said, and that she had to take a firm stance denying the tenant’s request, even though Lady Sarah knew that simply agreeing to the request would make things less stressful. That was the way that Lady Sarah dealt with things, anyway.  

Lady Sarah replied, “Okay, Mistress, and I’ll get on with the cleaning.”  

Lady Sarah knew that meetings with tenants usually went on for quite a long time, and expected Rosie to be away for at least three hours. Rosie had given her the cleaning schedule, so Lady Sarah knew exactly what needed cleaning each day, including washing the clothes, ironing, and putting them away. Lady Sarah knew that she had never carried out any cleaning herself, but had often amused herself by thinking how cleaning should be carried out. She even read up on it, bearing in mind that she had so much spare time. Now that she was actually doing the cleaning, she could tell how it really was stress-free. It was hard work, but that was very different to being stressful work.  

When Rosie eventually came back that first day, Lady Sarah had completed all of her morning’s cleaning duties, and had even started preparing lunch. Rosie explained to Lady Sarah how she had got on at the meeting, and it seemed that Rosie had been more successful than Lady Sarah normally was. When she heard the outcome, Lady Sarah said, with a smile, “Maybe we should change roles more often, Mistress, like every day I have a meeting to go to?”  

Rosie laughed at that, but thought, from the tone of voice that Lady Sarah was using, that she might actually have meant it.  

As it turned out, Lady Sarah meant it rather more seriously than Rosie had thought. Over the next few weeks, Lady Sarah asked Rosie to go to every meeting with the tenants, and in exchange, carried out the maid duties on each of those days. Then, there were some afternoon and evening events that Lady Sarah really didn’t want to go to, and she got Rosie to go instead, with the explanation that she was there instead of Lady Sarah because she wasn’t feeling too well. Each time that happened, Lady Sarah carried out the maid duties for the whole day, and had to admit to enjoying it more than being the lady of the house.  

Rosie did check how well Lady Sarah was doing her cleaning duties, and knew it wasn’t being done all that well. So, on one occasion, Rosie decided to point out that some of the cleaning wasn’t up to her own usual high standard. As a joke, Rosie said in a stern tone of voice, “I think that needs doing again, Sarah.”  

That sent Lady Sarah’s mind in a whirl. In her own mind, she didn’t mind at all that she was being submissive to Rosie on such a regular basis, and, while she knew she had never had a reason to be critical of any of Rosie’s work, she knew that her own work wasn’t up to the same standard. Wanting to improve, and linking that to her long-held fantasy of being spanked, Lady Sarah was blushing as she said, “I think that what would really help me improve, Mistress, was if you gave me a really hard bare bottom spanking, not just this time, but whenever my cleaning fell below the very high standards that you have always set.”  

Rosie was really shocked by that, but it brought to life what she had thought for so long, about her Mistress’s desires to be spanked. Even though Rosie was playing being the lady of the house, she knew that she was really just obeying her Mistress, and historically had always done what her Mistress wanted, so replied, “If you are sure, Sarah, then I will do it.”  

Lady Sarah was really up for it, and replied, “I am, Mistress.”  

Rosie thought about boundaries, and so asked, “Do I spank you until you say no, or until I have given you a proper spanking, Sarah?”  

In Lady Sarah’s fantasies about being spanked, she knew that she didn’t want to have any say when the spanking should stop. She also wanted to experience a seriously hard spanking, so replied, “You decide, Mistress, but I think it would be right that I should be crying buckets before you finish. In fact, you may want to use one of my wooden-backed hairbrushes for when your hand might be stinging too much, Mistress.”  

Rosie liked that idea, and, feeling that she should reinforce her position as the Mistress, she gave the instruction, “Go and fetch me your hairbrush, Sarah.”  

Lady Sarah was now feeling so submissive, as well as anxious to obey her Mistress, walked very quickly upstairs, got the hairbrush, came back downstairs, went up to her Mistress, and handed over the hairbrush. She was excited with anticipation as she stood very still waiting for her Mistress to tell her what to do. She was pretty sure that her knickers were already damp with the sexually exciting anticipation of being spanked, as in her fantasies that she often thought about in bed and fingered herself to huge orgasms each time.  

Rosie took the hairbrush, and then said, “Follow me to the dining table, Sarah.”  

Moments later, Rosie had turned one of the dining chairs into the room and sat down, glared at Sarah, and instructed, “Take your knickers off, raise your dress above your waist, and then get across my lap.”  

Lady Sarah immediately did as she was told, and felt the dampness in her knickers. Then, as she bent across Rosie’s lap, she found the submission so exciting, loved seeing Rosie’s upside down legs so close to her face, saw her own legs dangling under the far side of the chair, and then felt Rosie’s hand rubbing her bottom. That was soon followed by the first spank that Lady Sarah had ever received, followed by spank after spank after spank on alternate bottom cheeks, just as she imagined it would happen. However, the reality was better than the fantasy, albeit the actual pain cascading across her stinging her bottom hurt her more than she thought that it would. However, Lady Sarah still felt sexually excited even with the increasing pain.  

Rosie found that she was enjoying spanking Lady Sarah’s bare bottom more than she thought she would, flattening each bottom cheek in turn, watching as Lady Sarah squirmed around on her lap, obviously finding it increasingly difficult to cope.  

To connect the spanking itself with the reason for the spanking, Rosie started scolding Lady Sarah, telling her that her standard of cleaning had to improve pretty quickly or this would become a regular thing to happen. It was whilst Rosie was scolding Lady Sarah that she rubbed her bottom, easing her hand down her inner thigh, brushed her fingers along Lady Sarah’s pussy lips, and felt they were very wet indeed. It confirmed Lady Sarah’s desire to be spanked  

Lady Sarah gasped as she felt Rosie run her fingers along her pussy lips, and knew they were wet. She hoped that Rosie realised they were damp and knew what that meant. Lady Sarah heard the scolding, and loved that as well. After all, it wasn’t so different to being a maid and having to listen to whatever her Mistress said. She could see that as being another benefit of her being the maid with Rosie as her Mistress.  

Rosie was used to doing everything well, and while she had never actually spanked anyone before, she wanted to make sure that her Mistress got the experience that she clearly wanted, which was a very hard spanking. Having said that, Rosie knew that she was actually enjoying giving the spanking, not that it was payback because she knew she had a very good Mistress. Lady Sarah was very fair, treated her very well, and she respected Lady Sarah, but Rosie saw that she could show Lady Sarah how much she respected her by making sure the spanking continued to be a hard one. That was why Rosie continued to make sure that every spank was as hard as she could make it, covering Lady Sarah’s bottom cheeks, and what everyone knew was the sit spot as well as the backs of her legs.  

As much as the spanking was hurting, Lady Sarah made sure that she stayed obediently on Rosie’s lap. In fact, Lady Sarah actually did think that she wanted to be obedient, maybe not just today, but given her experience of being a maid so far, that it might be good fun to do that on a more permanent basis. It’s not that she wanted to lose Rosie, but maybe they really could change their roles more often and for longer each time. Lady Sarah could see the benefit of swapping hard work for all those boring meetings, and, maybe, Rosie would enjoy the change as well.  

Soon enough, Sarah could no longer think about changing roles, or anything other than the pain of being spanked. She certainly couldn’t think of anything other than the spanking when Rosie started to use the hairbrush on her bottom. She thought the hand spanking hurt enough, but being spanked with the hairbrush hurt much more. It wasn’t long before Lady Sarah knew that tears were welling up in her eyes, and then those tears were dribbling down her face, she knew that she was soon crying, and couldn’t stop herself crying. However, what also was clear, was that she didn’t want to spank Rosie in return. On the other hand, she knew that she would be more than happy to be spanked by Rosie again. The pain was awful and so difficult to cope with, but was something that she had wanted to experience for so long, and now she was, she was just sorry that it hadn’t happened a long time ago.  

Rosie could hear Lady Sarah crying, but also, quite remarkably, she could hear Lady Sarah groaning but saying, “Sorry, Mistress, sorry Mistress.” As much as Rosie was so surprised by that, she also thought it was right to continue to spank her Mistress with the hairbrush, because that really did seem to be what Lady Sarah still wanted. If her Mistress had asked her to stop, that  

would have been quite different, but it wasn’t what she was saying.  

Once Rosie saw that Lady Sarah’s bottom was now bruised in several places, she knew that she had given a really hard spanking, and hoped that Lady Sarah wasn’t going to hold that against her. That did worry Rosie as she put the hairbrush down and instructed. “Okay, Sarah, I hope that has taught you to improve your cleaning standards. I will have to spank you again if your work is less than perfect.”  

Rosie wasn’t sure what to expect, but was relieved when she heard Lady Sarah say, between sobs, “Yes, Mistress, I fully understand that is absolutely right.”  

Rosie stayed seated and told Lady Sarah to stand up. Rosie watched Lady Sarah stand up and then clutch and rub what must be a horribly stinging bottom, but there was still no retort or put down. Lady Sarah was just acting like anyone who had been properly spanked for the right reason, even as she calmed down and stopped dancing from foot to foot.  

In fact, once Lady Sarah had calmed down, she turned to Rosie and said, “I’ll redo the cleaning, Mistress.”  

Rosie saw that Lady Sarah didn’t move after saying that, but looked at the floor, avoiding eye contact, and clearly waiting for the instruction to go ahead. So, Rosie said. “Go to it then, Sarah, and I will check once you have done it again.”  

Lady Sarah saw that as correct, and certain it was her incentive to make sure that she did the cleaning to that state of perfection that she knew that Rosie always cleaned to. Lady Sarah certainly made sure that she did clean properly this time, and felt relief when her Mistress told her it was good enough.  

Lady Sarah knew how happy she was just then, even with her stinging bottom, and made a very clear suggestion by saying, “Mistress, thank you for training me, and I would certainly appreciate any more training you could give me as my maid services are concerned. I would like to still be the maid for a while yet, so you can train me to be far better at it.”  

Rosie did see that as an invitation to ask to be clear about what her Mistress meant by that, and did ask, “How long should you take over the maid services for, Sarah?”  

Lady Sarah knew that she wanted to say, forever, but managed to stop herself doing that, but did say, “Perhaps a month, Mistress?”  

Rosie liked the thought of that, wearing her Mistress’s expensive and stylish clothes and perfume for a month, not doing any cleaning for a month, and she knew that Lady Sarah had several meetings and other events to go to, and she would certainly enjoy covering for her mistress on those days, and even more if they swapped their positions. So, Rosie replied, “A month it is, Sarah.”  

Rosie then asked, “Should I still spank you whenever your cleaning standards fall below mine, Sarah?”  

Lady Sarah replied eagerly, “Yes, please, Mistress. It would be so helpful. I can tell from the way that my bottom is stinging right now, it will be a real incentive for me to carry out my maid duties for the rest of the day.”  

Lady Sarah was actually looking forward to carrying out maid duties for a whole month. The hard work that involved was more than compensated by the removal of stress from her life. She even loved it when Rosie answered the house phone and simply made out that she was Lady Sarah, and dealt with all the queries. In fact, Rosie was running things far better than she did herself. That was a benefit all in itself, and even though she suffered being spanked so many times in that month, it satisfied her fantasy more than she could possibly have hoped for.  

After a couple of weeks, Lady Sarah was quickly thinking that a month wasn’t long enough, though, and so when the month had come to an end, and Lady Sarah treated the next day as though she was still the maid, and Rosie loved doing what her Mistress hated doing, the role reversal simply continued, day after day, with Lady Sarah now the full-time maid and Rosie the full-time Mistress and lady of the house.  

Published 2 months ago

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