Ladies Who Lunch

"A naughty introduction to swinging pleasures."

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To outward appearances, Alan and Viv were a fairly ordinary couple in their late fifties. They had married just after they had left college, and with the help of their parents, had bought a small semi in a nice area of Chichester. Within a couple of years their first child was born, a girl, followed by a boy three years later. Alan had done well in his career, and even though Viv had given up work for several years to concentrate on bringing up the children, they were able to move to a much larger detached house a few miles away in a village in the New Forest.

Both children had done well at school and college, and were fortunate to find good jobs in London soon after graduating, unlike some of their peers. After so many years when the house always seems to be full of other people’s children, they found the unaccustomed silence once the children had left home rather unnerving. Like many young people just out of college both would often come home for weekends and mum’s cooking, often bringing a friend with them.

Even so, they both Alan and Viv found that time could weigh heavy, and decided that they needed to find some activity to fill the void left by their children’s departure. Alan had always had a reasonable voice, so he joined a local choir, whilst Viv became involved with the local branch of the Women’s Institute. They had had a fairly unexciting, but entirely satisfactory sex life, although the presence of children in the house had limited their activities somewhat. Once the children had left home, however, they started to become a little more adventurous, making love in what they considered to be unusual places, and sometimes going around the house in the nude.

Alan had always bought one or two top shelf magazines, and Viv found that she enjoyed reading some of the raunchy stories, and even looking at the pictures of scantily clad and naked girls. The Internet allowed them to take this interest in erotica and mild pornography further, and some evenings, when they were feeling particularly horny, they would browse together, often passing comments out on their response to the pictures or videos they were watching. This had the effect of increasing their joint arousal. Their subsequent lovemaking was always more intense, and they would often have several orgasms before falling asleep in each other’s arms. They also discovered that they enjoyed watching each other masturbate, and they bought a few sex toys online, including a couple of dildos and his-and-hers vibrators.

Like many men, Alan found that he was attracted to images and videos of two women having sex, or two women with one man. Viv, on the other hand was particularly fascinated by what she learned was called CFNM for short – clothed female and naked male. She often fantasised what it would be like to spend an evening playing with a sexually aroused naked man in company with a few of her close female friends. These were just fantasies, however, and for many years neither had any intention of bringing them about.

For several years Viv and five of her closest friends from the Women’s Institute had got into the habit on a Friday of having lunch at one or other of their homes, taking it in turns to act as hostess. They discussed what to call themselves, and after weighing up several suggestions, decided it would be fun to call themselves The Spice Girls after the 1990s all-girl pop group. On those occasions when Alan wasn’t at work, he would find an excuse to be out of the house when it was Viv’s turn to be hostess, saying that he felt rather outnumbered, however delightful the company.

Friday evenings were Alan’s choir nights, and sometimes he would be away from Friday to Sunday when the choir was taking part in one or other music festival in another part of the country. Viv used to tease him about all the pretty ladies in the choir, telling him to make sure he behaved himself with all those predatory females. His stock response was that he was more likely to be found propping up the bar, discussing sport with the rest of the men. Anyway, most of the women were far too old, and generally overweight into the bargain.

One Monday morning in early August, Viv asked Alan if he would like to join them for lunch the following Friday at her friend Sylvia’s house. She told him that it would be the usual crowd, but that a few of the other husbands had also been invited. Not wanting to be a spoilsport, Alan agreed, thinking that at least with a few men there, he wouldn’t be too bored. And there was always the chance that the men could escape to another part of the house for a drink or two, and proper men’s conversation. A lunchtime listening to gossip about the latest fashions or the escapades of minor Royals was definitely not his idea of fun.

Viv had always dressed smartly for these lunches, but recently her costume has become more sexy and provocative. Alan assumed that this was just because she liked to show off a little, especially the way that she had kept much of her youthful figure, mainly through careful attention to her diet and regular sessions at the local tennis club. On the Thursday evening, Viv told Alan that she wasn’t going to allow him to let her down and that she would choose what he should wear the next day. He was definitely not going to get away with his usual jeans and a sweatshirt.

The following morning Alan pottered around the garden, dead-heading the roses and dealing with the crop of weeds that always sprang up when his back was turned. He had lost count of time when he heard Viv shouting to him out of the bedroom window, “Alan, it’s nearly a quarter past twelve, and we have to be round at Sylvia’s in just over half an hour, get up here now and change.”

Grumbling mildly under his breath, Alan dropped what he was doing and made his way up to the bedroom. Viv was sitting at the dressing table applying her make-up, dressed in a pale cream basque, which he hadn’t seen before. In the mirror, he could clearly see her dark areolae, and her prominent nipples, were barely concealed by the lacy cups of her bra, which made him raise his eyebrows in surprise.

“You will find your trousers and shirt on the bed, my dear,” she said, “but leave your underpants off, there is nothing worse than visible panty line,” and she giggled.

Alan saw that Viv had picked out the white silk shirt and a pair of close fitting black satin trousers she had bought for him at Christmas for the annual golf club party. He had thought them rather revealing even then, but he had been wearing boxers, and in the semi dark of the clubhouse he didn’t think anyone would notice. But without underwear he knew that every line of his bottom and penis would be visible. That was when he started to wonder just what kind of lunch they were going to.

Viv turned round to face him to put her stockings on and he saw with even more of a shock that she wasn’t wearing panties. She had also given her pussy hair a fresh trim, so that her labia could be clearly seen peeking from the cleft in her vulva. When she saw the look on his face, Viv laughed. “It is so nice to go commando, my love, and the feel of the air on my pussy is really exhilarating.”

Viv completed her costume with a full skirt that finished just above her knees, a soft chiffon blouse that did nothing to hide the charms beneath, and a pair of strapless high-heeled sandals. “There, that’s done,” she said. “Now turn round so that I can get a good look at you.” As Alan did as he was told, she continued, “Mmm, very nice, you are going to be a hit with my friends. I’m certain that they won’t be able to keep their hands off you. In fact, you look so delicious I could eat you right now.”

When they arrived at Sylvia’s, Alan saw that, apart from Sylvia’s husband Jim, there was only one other man there. The other five ladies were all dressed as sexily as Viv and he couldn’t prevent a certain stirring in his groin. He had to discreetly adjust his trousers to make himself more comfortable.

At the lunch table, each of the men was placed between two of the ladies. Alan found that he had the hostess Sylvia on his right and to his left, another slightly younger woman. He thought he had met her before, who introduced herself as Angela. Viv was seated opposite with Jim and her friend Mary.

Lunch started with a delicious cream of asparagus soup, which was followed by a lime sorbet. Sylvia had provided a nice light Italian white wine as befitted the time of day, and after a couple of glasses, the air was filled with the sound of convivial conversation.

It was during the main course of char grilled fish that Alan got his next surprise. He was talking to Jim across the table about the chances of Southampton Football Club in the coming season now that they were back in the Premier League, when he became aware of a hand stealthily tracing its way up his thigh towards his crotch. The hand then started to stroke his penis and fondle his balls through the thin material of his trousers and very soon he had a very hard erection. Looking across at Jim he realised from the slightly dreamy look on his face that he was receiving very similar treatment.

It then hit him like a bolt from the blue that his wife’s weekly luncheon dates weren’t the innocent affairs he had assumed them to be, and he wondered where things were leading.

Sylvia then tapped her wineglass with a spoon, and announced, “It’s time for dessert ladies, which you will be delighted to know, is strawberries and cream,” and she went out to the kitchen, and came back with a tray on which there were three bowls of strawberries but no sign of any cream.

She placed a bowl in front of each group of two women and one man and clapped her hands. “Dessert is served, enjoy.”

Almost as if this was a prearranged signal, each of the six women then stood up and removed their skirts. Aroused as he was, Alan grew even harder when he saw that none of them were wearing panties, presenting him and the other two men with the sight of six delectably groomed pussies.

Returning to her place beside Alan, Sylvia turned to him and murmured seductively, “It’s time to earn your lunch now, lovely man. Stand up and let us take off your trousers so that we can see that interesting package you keep in there.”

By now Alan was growing extremely excited and he groaned quietly as Sylvia and Angela undid his belt, and after sliding his trousers down to his ankles, started to fondle and caress his cock and balls. “Sit on the table, Alan,” Sylvia commanded, “and open your legs so that Angela and I can get better acquainted with that delicious cock.”

What followed was fifteen minutes of exquisite torture for Alan, as his two female companions teased him, sucking his balls into their mouths and licking the length of his throbbing shaft; taking it in turns to slip his engorged head into their mouths. From the groans that barely penetrated his consciousness, he knew that the other two men were receiving the same delicious treatment. With part of his mind, he wondered just how often his apparently innocent wife had given her sexual favours to one or other of their male friends, although by then he was really past caring.

Eventually he could stand it no longer, and cried out, “Ladies, I am going to cum.”

Sylvia and Angela cooed in unison, “Oh yummy, cream is served,” and taking the bowl and holding it in front of his cock, Sylvia started to masturbate his shaft while Angela knelt between his legs so that she could suck his balls.

Alan couldn’t remember cumming so hard in years. He started to ejaculate stream after stream of hot semen over the strawberries, crying out in ecstasy at the intense sensations spreading from his groin down his shaking thighs and across his taut abdomen. At last he was spent and slipping from the table, he collapsed on his chair, exhausted.

Then in front of his excited gaze, Sylvia and Angela proceeded to feed each other cum-soaked strawberries, licking their lips in satisfaction at each succulent morsel. When there were only a few of the bright red fruits left, Sylvia glanced over at him, and said to Angela, “Poor man, he hasn’t had any dessert yet,” and she parted her thighs and put a single fruit between her swollen and glistening labia, and another in Angela’s pussy. Then, looking at him seductively, she said, “Come and get your reward, you delicious man, and when the strawberries are finished, you can feast on our female nectar.”

The tempting sight of these twin delicacies rapidly revived Alan’s energies, and kneeling in front of his two paramours, he spent a happy hour using all his guile to bring them both to several climaxes. At one point he did suffer a small twinge of guilt, but glancing across at Viv, he was gratified to see her in the throes of rapture. She had her head thrown back and her hands entwined in Jim’s hair as he worshipped at the heart of her femininity.

This gourmet feast of female concupiscence soon restored more than Alan’s energies, and a most entertaining lunch ended with Sylvia giving him a long and ultimately explosive blow job while Angela watched and masturbated, her fingers buried deep in her wet heat.

On their way home in the car, Alan was very quiet, and once they were in the seclusion of their bedroom, Viv finally said, “Well, what’s eating you,” and giggled.

“I was just wondering if your lunches, erm, whether your lunches went any further,” he said.

“Not at lunchtime, my love,” she replied, “we save more meaty fare for the evening.”

“And what might that involve?” Alan continued.

“Shall I just say that I have been most delightfully fucked by the husbands of all my friends on those times when you have been away gallivanting with the choir,” she said, “but I thought that it was only fair that they should get the opportunity to satisfy their appetites on your particular piece of prime beefsteak. It really was a little selfish of me to save you for my pleasure alone, and today was just the right occasion to show you off.”

Before Alan had the opportunity to answer she continued, “Sylvia whispered to me as we were leaving that she found your attributes extremely mouth watering, so I have invited her and Jim round next Saturday evening. I’m sure that we can give them a really unforgettable banquet, don’t you agree? Jim has a lovely long cock which reaches all the right places, and I’m sure you are dying to plunge into Sylvia’s delicious pussy.”

Published 1 year ago

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