Ladies Night

"Two friends on vacation goes to a Ladies Night and finds out the true meaning to the words."

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You know how fishermen keep their best spots to themselves? Well, this is kind of the same thing. I will never tell you where this happened, just say it took place in an Eastern European country. Just like fishermen, my friend Kelly and I might go back again to see what’s lurking under the seemingly calm surface. But, enough foreplay, let’s get to what happened.

Kelly lit a cigarette with her brass Zippo and inhaled deeply. “That was one of the best and cheapest dinners I have ever had.”

I covered a small burp with my hand and nodded in agreement. “Where to next?”

“I want a drink, some good music and a nice atmosphere.”

“Really, clubbing? Aren’t we a bit too old for that?”

“Never! I don’t know about you, but this 30 plus body needs to get her moves on and since we managed to escape husbands and children for this weekend, we might as well make the best of it.”

She was right. After a long and tough month at the ad agency we ran, Kelly and I had decided to take some time off and go on a long weekend holiday. We had picked this place just because it was cheap and a friend of Kelly’s told her it was great. She had been right, we spent the first day exploring the ancient city and its surroundings, taking in its rich history so many books had been written about over the years. We even did some wine testing and that turned into a laugh since both of us didn’t realize you should spit but finished the glass. Anyway, this was our second night and I guess Kelly was right, we should go clubbing.

“Hey, that looks promising, Brandy.”

I looked at where she was pointing to and a bit further down the narrow street we were on, neon lights blinked and offered us, Ladies Night.

“ Hm , are you sure about this? You know what will happen once the men are let in. They will be like hungry wolves and I don’t want to spend the rest of the night fending off horny men.”

Kelly laughed. “Hey, when was the last time someone grabbed your ass?”

“A week ago, some dickhead that was behind me at the coffee shop.”

“Did you slap him?”

“No, too many witnesses around. Didn’t want to be hauled off by the cops .”

Another giggle. “C’mon, it will be fine. I will protect you.”

We arrived at the doors that were guarded by two women, one blonde and one brunette. High cheekbones, full lips and hair in tight ponytails. They wore fancy ass tuxedos, and white gloves.

“Hi, it’s just the two of us,” said Kelly.

The two women looked us up and down and one actually scoffed. The other said something in their language we didn’t get and then they both nodded. The brunette tried a smile, but it looked more like a smirk and opened the doors.

We felt the music before we could actually hear it. It was a deep base and as we made our way down a narrow stone staircase set in the wall the vibration turned into actual music.

“I like it!” said Kelly.

I wasn’t so sure. It was too much Dungeons and Dragons for me. Anyway, we made it down and into a sort of lobby area where another woman stood. This one in a quite expensive looking cocktail dress in black. She wore six-inch heels and when she moved in to greet us, I could tell she was used to working in them. Her face was slightly Asian but her skin was darker. Her hair was raven black and her eyes were green. She was a mix of something, but nothing I had ever seen before.

“Ladies, welcome. There is a 50 Euro cover fee.”

“I got it,” said Kelly and produced her gold Amex Card.

“They better not have watered down drinks,” said Kelly when she led the way down the tunnel the Asian girl had shown us. The walls were closing in on us, and I felt a slight hysteria growing inside me from being in such a cramped space. The music was much louder now and the walls vibrated when I put my palm on them.

The tunnel opened into a vast room and I stopped where I was taking it all in. In the ceiling hung enormous chandeliers with real candles and along the brick walls sat more candles. Along the wall to my right was the bar, backlit by purple neon. On the opposite wall was the DJ booth and between them stood comfortable chairs and sofas with thick upholstery in black, white, and dark purple. There were about 50 women in the room and their ages were anywhere from 18 to 60, and maybe higher considering some of the facelifts and boob jobs I spotted. One thing they all had in common, they were dressed for success. Not an off the hanger item in the room, everything was designer or one of a kind. Cocktail dresses mixed with jeans and some evening gowns.

“I think we are slightly underdressed,” said Kelly in my ear.

We wore simple summer dresses and low heels, comfortable to walk in. “Yeah, I think you are right. Let’s get drinks .”

As we made our way to the bar, I saw several of the women smile and lift their glasses to us. I smiled back, but didn’t stop to talk to anyone. I was slightly nervous and wondered what we had gotten ourselves into. After getting our customary vodka tonics we sat down in two bar stools. I leaned in and said, “did you notice there are no men here?”

“Yeah, that’s the point of Ladies Night, you know.”

“Sure, but the ones I have been to back home might have a male bartender or a DJ. I see now men here, at all.”

Kelly shrugged her shoulders, sipped on her drink and moved her body to the music. Another thing, there was no dance floor with spinning lights and a disco ball. The few women that were dancing stood by their chairs or sofa moving their bodies.

I noticed a black drapery on the short wall by the entrance. “I wonder what’s behind there?”

“Probably the manager’s office or a storage room?”

We sat talking and while we did more women began to arrive. I noted that some of the older, often had a much younger woman on her arm, like some men like to show off their trophy wives. This was getting weirder and weirder, I thought.

“Is this your first time?” said a voice behind me in heavily accented English.

I turned and looked into a pair of kind honey colored eyes. They belonged to a girl, not a woman. She must be just over 18, I thought as I looked into the innocence of her gaze.

“Yeah, how did you guess?”

“Never seen you before.”

“Oh, you come here often?”

“Sure, every month, like clockwork. There is nothing like Ladies Night.”

Kelly introduced herself and so did I. The girl’s name was Angelique and she was a student from France she told us. She had heard about the place through friends and decided to come here one night and it had changed her life, she said.

“How so?” asked Kelly.

She giggled and showed perfect white teeth. “Oh, you know. Being young, one tends to want to try new things, and Ladies Night has been good to me.”

When she leaned over the bar to say something to the blonde bartender, I couldn’t help noticing how short her dress was. It had slid up and showed a quarter of a perfectly round ass. If I had an ass like that, I thought, I’d wear a dress like hers.

She must have caught me watching because she lifted a finger in front of my face and slowly wiggled it from side to side. “Not until midnight.”

“What happens then?”

She smiled. “You’ll see.”

“Kelly, I have no idea what we have walked into, but this just feels wrong to me,” I said after Angelique had slid off her chair with a new drink in her hand and made her way over to a couple of older women who welcomed her with huggs .

“What do you mean? This is great. I love the drink, the music is great, no horny men around us to fend off. What could possibly be bad about that?”

“Not sure, but there is something going on. What time is it?”

She checked her phone. “Almost midnight.”

We ordered another round of drinks and Kelly was about to light a cigarette when the music was turned down and a voice came out of nowhere. It was female, husky and sounded like it came from everywhere at the same time, almost like an echo.

”Welcome to Ladies Night. For those of you that are new, there are some rules. No forcing, no payment, other than that, the night is yours. The doors have been closed and will open again at first light.”

I looked at Kelly. ” What’s going on? Are we stuck here until the morning?”

She blew out smoke into little rings, “I guess we are. What about it?”

“I’m not going to drink my way through the night.”

She put a hand on my thigh and smiled. “Look.”

The drapery I had noticed was being pulled up. Behind it there was no door, but a very large cabinet made of wood and glass. It had little doors and behind it there was a sex toy. I counted numerous dildos and vibrators, double dong, geisha balls, double dongs, strap on, cuffs, whips and loads of other things meant to give pleasure.

Kelly hadn’t let go of my thigh, instead, it slid in and under my dress and moved up. I tensed. “Hey, what are you doing?”

“Making you relax a little.”

I pushed her hand away. “No, you aren’t. Do you have any idea what’s going on?”

She took a sip from her drink. “Yes, of course I do. I didn’t just walk into this place.”

While she spoke I noticed some of the women around me moved to the cabinet and began to pick out toys which they brought back to their group or partner. Angelique smiled as one of the women in her group returned with a massive double dong. While I watched, Angelique went down on her knees into a doggy position. One of the other women did the same, so their asses were against each other. The third woman gently inserted the dong into their pussies and then they began to move back and forth.

“Doesn’t that look sexy?” said Kelly in my ear, making me jump.

“What the fuck! Kelly, stop messing around and tell me what you have dragged me into.”

“This is one of many secret sex clubs in Europe. What makes this one special is that it’s only for women, hence the name, Ladies Night.”

“Why did you bring me here?” I couldn’t take my eyes of Angelique and the face she was making while being fucked. Her mouth was half open and her eyes had rolled back in their sockets showing only the whites. The third woman was now helping out by moving the dong back and forth.

Kelly placed her hand on my thigh and spoke close to my ear. Her breath was warm, and she actually nibbled my earlobe. “Ever since we shared that funky dorm back at University, I have wanted you.”

I was shocked, I had no idea Kelly had any interest in women, much less me. As far as I know she was a successful businesswoman with two kids, a husband and a dog.

“What are you talking about?”

“I used to pretend to sleep so I could listen to you masturbate at night. How wet your pussy was back then. I could hear it across the room. Is it the same now?” Her hand slid up under my dress.

I stopped in just before the fingers reach my panties. “Kelly, I had no idea, and I’m sorry if you thought I was into you the same way.”

“Oh, C’mon, Brandy. Be brave, live on the wild side, who will ever know? You might actually love it. Just look at all these women having so much fun.”

I did and she was right. All around me lay women, either in the sofas or chairs. Some even on the floor. There was licking, touching and kissing everywhere. One couple next to us were two women in their twenties. One had a strap on and was fucking her partner slowly and from where I was, I saw her pussy stretch impossibly wide as the thick dildo penetrated her. I had to admit it did look sexy.

My husband and I had a normal sex life. When the kids were asleep, we would shower together and then fuck or make love in the bed, depending on how we felt. He had a nice thick cock, but nothing like the one fucking the girl in front of me.

My hand slipped from where it was holding Kelly’s and her fingers reached my panties where they slipped in between the hem and the skin. I gasped as her finger touched my slit and gently moved up to my love button. I leaned back a bit in the stool so my back was against the bar and I was facing the room. Kelly sat the same way and then began to rub my pussy. I put one foot on the stools footrest and my leg spread a little. She pulled up my dress, so my pussy was exposed to the room.

“You are fucking crazy,” I said over the sound of the music. It was an absurd situation, but her touches made me hornier and hornier. I woman in her 50’s approached us from straight ahead. She wore a beautiful evening gown in peach. Her blonde hair was in a style from the 40’s and her blue eyes bored into mine.

She turned to Kelly. “May I?”


She knelt before me and moved Kelly’s hand away from my pussy and then began to lick me. Her tongue entered my wet hole and my body shook of pleasure. Closing my eyes and scooted down a bit further and she began to finger fuck me while sucking on my clit.

I had never been licked so well before. Jack, my husband might try but this was just amazing. I opened my eyes and looked down at the stranger licking me and for a moment I thought about leaving but it was just too good.

I was surprised when I saw Kelly coming back from the cabinet. She was naked and held her dress in her right hand. I did giggle when I saw the large dong attached to the harness around her waist.

She gently pulled the woman away who licked her lips and then moved on to her next partner.

“You look good with a cock,” I said.

Kelly smiled and lined it up with my pussy. “Let’s see how well I can use it.”

I gasped as her large toy spread my lips and slid into me. It felt like there was no end to it and I was stretched to the point where it almost felt uncomfortable.

Kelly leaned in so her boobs were within reach and I gave one a tentative lick on the nipple which hardened before my eyes. I took it between my lips and sucked a little which made Kelly moan while she began to fuck me.

The music had been turned down and the room filled with the sounds of love and sex. Moaning, gasping, giggles and even laughter could be heard from all corners. There was a distinct smell also, that of wet pussy. While Kelly fucked me, I began to hear the sounds of women coming all around me. Some screamed, some just moaned, some laughed some cried, and within minutes my own voice joined the chorus and I had my first orgasm with a woman. My legs trembled and my pussy tried to suck in more of the thick dildo. I hugged Kelly hard before we met in a deep kiss while she continued to fuck me slowly until I came again.

We moved down onto the floor and into a 69 position, with her on top. I licked her shaved pussy and wiggled a finger inside her anus, using her pussy juice as lube. She began to ride it while I licked and sucked her clit when it was close enough. At one point I turned my head and looked into Angelique’s eyes. She smiled at me while her body rocked back and forth from the thrusts the woman fucking her. I blew her a kiss and then went back to licking Kelly until she came, her pussy pressed against my face.

All through the night we changed partners. After we both came in the 69, we went our separate ways and I don’t know who she fucked, but I tried a few my age, also a really young one who actually squirted onto my face when she came. An older woman wanted me to lie over her thighs so she could gently slap my ass while finger fucking me. A pregnant woman had me suckle her breasts and I drank her milk. It was a sweet and intense experience being rocked by a future mother as I lay in her lap. From there I moved to the bar where I ordered a drink. I tried to see if I could spot Kelly but she was nowhere to be seen. I drank my drink and watched the women around me. I had no idea that time had gone so when the voice from nowhere informed us that the sun had risen, and the doors were open I was a bit surprised. I grabbed my dress that had fallen to the floor and put it on.

When I was about to begin searching for Kelly, I saw her by the entrance, and she waved to me. Outside, she lit a cigarette as women moved past us into waiting limousines and taxis. Then the doors closed and the neon light was turned off, leaving the street in almost darkness if it had not been for the full moon.

“What did you think?” asked Kelly.

What did I think? I felt energized, still a bit horny and my head was a bit woozy from the drinks.

“I feel good.”

“Great. I guess you liked it?”

She took my hand and we began walking back to the hotel. Our steps echoing between the buildings.

“Sure, but I still love a good cock squirting its load inside me or over my body.”

Kelly laughed. “Don’t worry, we can take care of that one of these days.”

I squeezed her hand and kissed her cheek. “Thanks for an amazing and truly exciting experience.”

“Yeah, the words “Ladies Night” will never mean the same thing after tonight.”

She was right, it wouldn’t.

Published 6 years ago

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