This story was related to me by a good mate’s wife. I need to go back a few years to explain our relationship and how it was that she opened up to me.
The first time I met Gina and Jack was at my first wedding in Christchurch. Her full name was Georgina, but I’d never known anyone to call her that. She was an old school friend of my first wife’s. Neither my wife nor I had met Jack before the wedding day. But in the following months, we spent a lot of time with them, trading dinners, going to the movies, etc.
Jack and I hit it off, we had a lot in common, rugby, motorsport, aircraft, and we both had motorbikes. He loved Gina with a passion. She was his queen, and he put her on a pedestal. They were both very Victorian in their outlooks. Jack expected her to be innocent, look after the home and bring up the children. But outside of his marriage, Jack was the total opposite.
In those days, Friday night was boy’s night. Groups of mates would gather at some local pub, get drunk and invariably wind up at a party afterwards, where adulterous affairs were the norm.
Jack and I differed, though; whereas I had many one-night stands, Jack would have affairs that lasted months, if not years. I know that one of his affairs lasted for well over ten years. He loved Sub women, tying them up, talking dirty, and fucking them in the arse. I should point out, in case you are thinking he sounds like he mistreated women, that the women he had affairs with loved it. His biggest problem was finishing affairs, not starting them.
Unlike me, he did not worry about looks or body shape. When I picked him up on this one time, he told me he just loved cunt. He loved it more than food and wine. He also loved threesomes and roped me into some very dodgy situations that had a lot to do with my first marriage ending.
Gina was the complete opposite; she was a very attractive lady, loyal and honest. And as I mentioned, he put her on a pedestal, and any form of deviancy was absolutely taboo in his marriage. Miraculously, I don’t believe that in those years, Gina was at all aware of what Jack got up to away from their home, and I’m certain she never came close to being unfaithful to Jack.
We did attend a New Years’ party with them that first year, though, and at midnight she pulled me out of the lounge and gave me a passionate kiss that will last in my memory forever. This was the start of a huge secret crush I have had on Gina ever since.
When my first wife and I separated after seven years of marriage, I moved away to Auckland. But if I were down their way on business, I would always stay with them rather than in a hotel. And during these visits, I would often be alone with Gina while Jack was working. We became very close, her on more than one occasion, pouring out her heart to me about their marriage problems.
Only once did we come close to stepping over the mark, but we both pulled back, as I could not sleep with a mate’s wife and knew it would mess up our great relationship.
On one visit, I arrived for a two-night stay to find that Jack was up in Nelson on business. And it was on this visit, sitting with her after dinner, that we got onto the subject of a couple of her friends that were having affairs. I asked her if she had ever played around. I was pretty certain her answer was going to be a resounding no but was surprised when she hesitated and then admitted to having something she wanted to get off her chest.
It took much cajoling over the next two days to get the story out of her. And so I relate to you what she admitted to, albeit maybe not in as much detail as I write here, but I think my rendition of the event is probably very close to what happened.
Gina told me that a few months earlier, some of her friends had arranged a girl’s night out to celebrate her fortieth birthday. They had booked a restaurant for dinner on a Friday, two days before her actual birthday, followed by a visit to a nightclub after.
She explained that she had gone shopping with one of her friends (Sue) to get something appropriate to wear out to a nightclub. Sue took her to one of the name boutiques where prices were way above what she would ever consider and tried to talk her into buying a little black backless number that showed a lot more flesh than it covered. No way could she have gone out in public wearing it, but she did let herself be talked into a sexy dark navy backless number that was slightly more appropriate for a woman of her age.
The hem was mid-thigh, so slightly longer than the black one, and it fastened around her neck, whereas the black number had thin straps holding up the front, which fell halfway down her boobs. But the navy one did have an opening hole just above her chest that showed a little more cleavage than she was comfortable with. Sue pointed out that she needed to buy shoes, a handbag, and a cardigan as it was August and still quite cold in the evenings.
The shoes that Sue insisted she buy had very high heels. They were black and matched the expensive handbag she was also talked into buying. The only item she bought that was not outside her comfort zone was the mohair cardigan, which she loved. When the bill came, she nearly had a heart attack. Jack and she were very comfortably off now the kids were almost off their hands, so she could easily afford all the items, but after years of scrimping and saving, she blanched at what she was spending.
And she found they weren’t finished; Sue then dragged her off to her favourite lingerie store, where she was again talked into a panty, bra and suspender set that was beautiful but way outside her comfort zone.
As the plans for her birthday came together, Jack arranged for the husbands to come to their place and play cards. He also asked their teenage children to stay the night with friends so that the husbands could lower their guard, let off steam, and enjoy themselves.
On the day of her party, Gina logged off work a couple of hours early and headed to the hairdressers before heading home to get herself ready. Jack arrived home from work at about 5:30 and found her sitting at her dressing table, putting on her makeup. She was wearing her robe, with only her panties, suspender belt and black stockings beneath it, as she couldn’t wear the bra with her backless dress.
At the sight of her, Jack immediately started getting frisky, telling her how beautiful she looked. She had to fight him off and explain quite forcefully that she was being picked up in half an hour and did not want to have his messy fluids leaking for the rest of the night.
When she dropped the robe and attempted to slip into her new dress, Jack again tried to grope and cuddle with her. He was paying her all sorts of ribald comments about her not wearing a bra and the suspender belt, which was one of his major fetishes.
Gina admitted to me that she was a bit disappointed at having to stop him, as there had not been much intimacy in the marriage for quite some time. She said she was really horny, sitting there in her sexy knickers and about to put on the sexiest dress she had ever owned.
Jack was quite pissed that she was turning him down. He got quite indignant and mouthed off about her getting dressed up for other guys and not him. Which got her back up, and she countered with some comments to the effect that maybe she should, as he hadn’t been much interested in her for the last few years. And she finished with an angry retort that she might just go out to get another man as he was being such an arsehole and ruining the night that she had been looking forward to.
Jack had responded that it was okay with him, as long as she brought the guy home so he could watch him fuck her.
As the banter went on between them, she started to realise he wasn’t joking about him watching her with another man, and she got really angry with him. Countering with, “Well, if you don’t know me well enough after twenty years of marriage and think I would ever play around. YOU DO NOT KNOW ME AT ALL!”
They were saved from it getting even more ugly when the doorbell rang. Jack fired in one last retort as he went to open the door. “I’m sorry, but we are in a rut, and I’m just trying to put some excitement back into our sex life.”
Jack opened the door to Sue and her husband, Pete. Gina explained to me that they had been friends for ten or more years but that I hadn’t met them. Sue was wearing the little black number she had tried to talk Gina into buying. She realised that Sue must have gone back to the boutique later and purchased it. She looked very sexy, in a slutty kind of way. Jack’s jaw dropped open, then he caught himself and, embracing Sue, exclaimed how incredible she looked.
Pete also had a second take when he saw Gina, and stepping forward and embracing her, he paid her some embarrassing compliments as he grabbed her arse. He was always grabbing her butt when they met. It had become a bit of a joke between the couples. But Gina knew it was no joke to Pete. He had been trying to get in her pants for years.
Gina pulled on her cardigan, as it was quite chilly and pulled a coat from the hook by the front door for later, then followed Sue to the car. Once the doors were closed, Sue immediately questioned Gina about the argument that she and Jack had been having.
“Was it that obvious?” Gina shot back at Sue.
“We could hear the two of you going at it as we got out of the car.”
“The bastard was going on at me about my getting dressed up to get another man. Then he had the audacity to suggest I bring him home so he could watch.”
“Oh! I wish Pete would suggest that to me. I’d bloody do it. I’m certain Pete has played around.”
Gina didn’t know what to reply to this, so she changed the subject and was glad a minute or two later when they stopped to pick up Molly and Angela. She knew both of their husbands would be at the poker party later.
She wasn’t exactly certain how many other wives were going to show up; it turned out to be a group of nine when they arrived at the restaurant. They had a great meal, lots of funny stories and far too much wine. So when they hauled themselves out of the restaurant around 10 pm, they were all pretty inebriated and had to get taxis to the nightclub.
Once they had found a table to fit the group, they all sat and started discussing all the eligible men in the place. They were mostly in their twenties and thirties, though only a couple of men were around their age. That didn’t seem to worry the guys, they were coming over to ask for dances within minutes of their finding a table.
She said that a young guy took a real shine to her and introduced himself as Danger Morgan.
She dismissed him after asking his age and learning he was only twenty-six. He came back, though and pestered her for a dance several times before she finally gave in and joined him on the floor. He was tall, with dark hair and ruggedly handsome. He was full of self-confidence and soon had Gina laughing and enjoying herself.
After a couple of dances with Danger, she was alarmed to find his hands starting to wander. So she excused herself with the excuse she needed to go to the lady’s room. And when she came out, she did a circuit around the dance floor to avoid him and get back to the table. But before she could sit down, an older guy got up and asked her to dance. She found him to be dull and, after one dance with him, was happy when another guy cut in. She danced with another couple of guys before the bracket finished. And as she walked back to join her friends, she looked around to try and find where Danger was. When she finally located him, he was looking straight at her and winked. She snapped her head away, embarrassed at having been caught searching him out.
Most of her friends had also hit the dance floor; some were having only one dance, then sitting a couple out. However, a couple of the wives had already latched onto a guy. Gina noted that Sue and Molly both had guys sitting with them. She heard some of the other wives being a bit derogatory about their morals and decided it was just as well she had parted with Danger, or they would have been talking about her too.
The Guys were buying them drinks. She had two Black Russians in front of her and tried to palm one off to the lady next to her, as she knew that on top of all the wine she had had, she would be legless in no time.
Being labelled easy was forgotten, though, when Danger came over to sit and talk. She felt a huge surge of excitement as he sat close and asked her for another dance. This time, as soon as they were on the dance floor, he lowered his hand down to her butt and drew her close. She knew she should stop him but was feeling light-headed and horny.
Besides, nothing much could happen on the dance floor, so she didn’t even stop him even when he’d pulled her other hand to his chest and then started tweaking her nipple with a stray finger. She just danced him far away from their table, where she hoped the more critical of her friends could not see them.
Soon though, she felt his hand on her butt move up to stroke her naked back. It was a caress that sent tingles of pleasure through her alcohol-soaked brain. But his fondling hand didn’t stop on her back; he pushed it down, inside the back of her dress and down her arse crack deep between her legs. A rush of desire racked her body, and she felt her juices start to flow. Never before had she felt such a flood of desire in her neither regions. He worked his fingers into her, and she was conscious that his fingers were being coated with her creamy juices. Her legs buckled, the emotion was so strong, and she would have slumped to the floor if his hand cupping her arse had not been holding her up against him.
She frantically looked around to see if anyone had noticed. In that brief second she got to scan those around her, she thankfully saw that no one was taking any notice of them. When his free hand moved behind her head, and he drew her into a hard kiss, she closed her eyes and enjoyed the effect the kiss was having on her. She then felt his fingers slipping out of her, dragging a trail of her viscous juices through the crack of her arse. Then to her absolute shock, he broke off the kiss and offered his fingers for her to suck.
Gina snapped her head away, disgusted, but at the same time, fighting the urge not to turn back and accept his juice-coated fingers into her mouth. She was shocked by the strong female aroma dangling under her nose and even more shocked when he popped his fingers in his own mouth and the delight on his face as he sucked them clean. Some of her thick creamy juices coated his lips, and she tried to pull away as he leaned in to kiss her again. But he held her head tight and kissed her again, this time forcing his tongue between her lips.
The taste and smell drove another wave of desire through her, and she reluctantly responded by forcing her own tongue against his and savoured her own fluids. But when she felt his hand forcing its way down under her dress again, she panicked and broke away from him.
Pushing her way through the dancers to the hall where the toilets were located, she saw Sue ahead of her. Obviously, she thought, she was going to relieve herself also. But when she reached the hallway and went to call out to Sue, she noticed the guy beside Sue was holding her hand and leading her to a door at the end of the hall.
She sensed Sue was about to turn and check to see if anyone was watching her indiscretion, and so Gina ducked into the woman’s room before she caught her looking. Once inside, she had a dilemma, as there were no flannels or paper towels with which she could clean herself, just fancy modern air-driers hanging on the walls. Luckily a woman came out of a toilet cubicle at the moment, and she ducked inside, grabbing a handful of toilet paper to clean between her legs. When she lifted her dress, though, she saw the mess her panties were in, she had no option but to take them off. She wrapped them in toilet paper and tucked them up under the waistline of her dress, as she had nowhere else to hide them.
After she had washed her hands and rinsed her mouth, she headed back to the table, extremely conscious of the fact she was basically naked, only her new sexy dress between her and the throng of people who all seemed to be bumping up against her.
There were only four of the wives left sitting at the table. Molly and Angela, she knew quite well, and their husbands, Sean and Clive, she knew, would be playing cards back at her place. The other two ladies, Anne and Tina, she did not know as well and couldn’t remember ever meeting their husbands. Angela looked up at her approach and asked if she wanted to go home. Angela was very strait-laced and informed her that they were not too impressed with the way some of our friends were carrying on. So they decided it was time to leave. Gina hesitated for a second, then decided, as it was after midnight, it was best if she left with them before she gave in to the craving that Danger had risen in her.
“But I need to tell the others I’m going.” And Gina looked around to see if any of her other friends were close.
Molly leaned over and whispered to her that she was staying, as she had her eye on a young guy she had danced with several times. She offered to tell the others that we had gone home. So they sorted themselves out and headed for the cloakroom before leaving to find a cab.
They didn’t have to wait, as there were a couple of taxis parked outside. When she sat on the back seat, her dress rode up, and she had to throw her coat across her knees, appalled at the thought of being caught with no knickers. The driver took note of all their addresses and informed them that he would drop Gina off first. It was then she became aware of the pungent smell of wet pussy. No doubt her own, as she was certain the other three were as dry as bone.
In the quiet that followed, her mind kicked into gear, mulling through all that had happened. She found she had mixed feelings now about leaving so suddenly. She thought to herself that she’d never get the chance to sleep with another man in her life, and if she did, he would unlikely be a patch on Danger.
When the taxi stopped outside her house, she tried to pay some of the taxi fares, but the other ladies all shouted her down, saying they would cover it and take it as their birthday present. So she hopped out, threw her coat over her shoulders and hurried up the drive to get out of the cold.
As she reached her front door, she could hear the sound of conversation and laughter inside. Bugger, she thought, very aware that she was in no state to walk in on a bunch of drunk guys. She wished again that she had not left the club. But discarded the thought, and she quietly inserted her key, thinking she would slip down the hall and up the stairs before Jack or the guys knew she had arrived home.
The door swung open, and she was hit immediately with the aroma of cigar smoke and alcohol. She knew that Jack had the fire lit, as the house was very warm. She turned to hang up her coat and was startled by a guy she didn’t know walking down the hall. He was zipping himself up, obviously having just used their loo. Pausing in amazement at the sight of Gina, he exclaimed. “Wow! Has jack arranged for a stripper? You are bloody beautiful.”
“This is my house,” Gina quietly snapped back. “And I’m sneaking upstairs so I don’t interrupt your party.”
“You and Jack! Well, fuck me, I wouldn’t have thought he would have had such an attractive wife.” He said, stepping up close.
He took her head in his hands and ran his fingers through her hair, she could feel his warm breath on her left ear, and it sent a river of heat through her. Then he drew her close and, fitting his mouth to hers, he took a long, ardent taste of her. She was astounded at the audacity of the guy, but her head swam, and she welcomed the exploration of his tongue.
She heard herself whimpering at the sensations he was arousing in her. Then she came to her senses and tried to evaluate what had just happened. She told herself it must be all the alcohol she had consumed that night.
But she knew it had as much to do with the fact she was so horny and that he was handsome, tall, and had such distinct blue eyes. He looked vaguely familiar, but she was sure she had never met him before.
Then as she was coming to grips with the fact she shouldn’t be kissing a strange man and felt his hands move down to search under her dress, Jack’s voice came from the kitchen. “You had better stop kissing my wife like that, Liam, or I may get jealous.”
They broke apart like acid had been thrown over them. But Jack was grinning from ear to ear and said. “Give her another one, Liam; I don’t seem to be able to get that sort of reaction from her much these days.”
Annoyed, Gina stepped away, and even though her anger had flared at his remark, she stepped into the kitchen and gave Jack a kiss on the cheek.
“Hello husband, have you missed me? I’m going up to shower and then to bed.”
“No!” Jack said firmly. “Help me with these drinks; I am making a last round for the guys. Our night is about finished. There are only five of us left, and the others went home fifteen minutes ago.”
“No! I’m going up to bed. I’ve had far too much to drink, and I’m tired.”
But Jack just put a drink in my hand and motioned me to go and meet the guys. I stayed where I was, wondering if I should defy him and head upstairs, but was conscious of Liam standing behind me, and I didn’t want to cause a scene. So I stood still, thinking about what I should do.
Jack handed a couple of the drinks to Liam. And with two drinks in his right hand, he took Gina by the elbow and with his other hand, he guided her through to the lounge where three men were standing around the fire. She knew them all, Pete, Sean and Clive, and their faces lit up when they saw her. Pete was the closest, and the second he saw her, he was over, hugging and grabbing her arse as usual.
Gina froze, her mind racing at the thought Pete would raise her dress and expose the fact she was wearing no panties. But Pete didn’t comment, so he could not have noticed the lack of them through her dress. Sean and Clive came over and welcomed her, and although their greeting was more subdued, they both mentioned how beautiful she was.
Watching her eyes flick between Liam and Sean, Jack spoke up. “Liam is Sean’s younger brother, and he’s here in Auckland for a couple of days,” I noted that although they were similar, Liam was substantially taller and much better looking. He was obviously much younger, and she was to learn later that he was only thirty-two.
They had music from the eighties videos playing on the TV, and before Gina could excuse herself, Pete grabbed her around the waist and dragged her into the centre of the lounge to dance. Jack picked up the coffee table and moved it against the far wall, making room for them to move around. When the next song started, Liam interrupted and stepped between them and took Gina in his arms. He held her close; his musky aftershave and his leg pressing between hers just brought on a return of the arousal she had felt when dancing with Danger at the club.
All thoughts of getting the hell out of there just left her head. And she lowered her head to Liam’s chest and let him guide her to the music. He was engendering just as strong a sexual reaction in her as Danger had done. When the number finished, Clive interrupted them, saying it was his turn, but Jack stepped in, handed her her drink and said he wanted to dance with his wife. Gina took a quick swig and felt the bite as the bourbon burned its way down her throat. It felt like it had almost no mixer with it.
Jack took Gina in a firm embrace, lowered his hand to her butt and gave it a squeeze. Then whispered in her ear that she had every guy in the room as horny as hell. “You’re the perfect finish to our night.”
After Jack, all the guys wanted a dance, they kept telling her how beautiful she looked, and she kept being offered drinks between each dance, most of which she declined. But she had a real good buzz going now, and the dancing, thankfully, was helping her in keeping lucid and still somewhat in control. But soon, the guys were getting more forward in their groping of her. And during a dance with Liam, she felt Pete move in behind her and rub himself against her arse.
She knew things were getting way out of hand. Liam had slid his hand down between them, stopping on her mound, just above her swollen clit. When she felt him inching her dress up with deft little movements of his long fingers, she panicked and broke away.
“I need to go to the lady’s room!” She cried. And headed for the door.
Jack intercepted her, took her elbow and guided her into the hall. As she went to turn left for the stairs that led up to their bedroom en-suite, he guided her to the right, into the downstairs bathroom.
“You’re not escaping that easily,” said Jack. “You have every guy in that room horny as hell, so you have some more dancing to do yet.”
As she went to sit down on the toilet, she involuntarily slid her hands up her legs to pull down her panties and then, too late, she remembered she didn’t have them on.
Jack exclaimed. “Where are your knickers? Have you been fucking another guy!”
She hesitated, confused with all the booze and his commanding tone, “No! Of course, I haven’t, but I did have a problem with one of the men in the club.
Jack pressed her for details, and she replied that she wasn’t sure where her knickers were, but probably in her handbag. Then with a more direct query, she proceeded to tell him what had happened at the club. Even admitting to Jack that Danger had felt her up on the dance floor and tried to put his messy fingers in her mouth. She also told him that some of the other wives had gone out the back of the club for sex, one of them being Sue and maybe Molly as well.
“I nearly strayed tonight, but I couldn’t, and instead, I hightailed it home with three of the wives that were quite shocked by the actions of the other wives.”
“But this guy got you horny?”
“Yes, I was the wettest I’ve been in years and smelt like a dog in heat. That’s why I had to escape to the toilets to remove my panties and clean myself up. Maybe I left my panties in the toilet.”
When they left the bathroom, Gina hesitated and tried to persuade Jack to take her upstairs and fuck her as she was very horny. But he shook his head and stared her back towards the lounge.
“Can I go up and put some clean panties on?”
“No! The guys and I are not finished with you. You have been a very naughty girl and need to be punished.”
His words, instead of generating alarm or anger, were more like an aphrodisiac, and she humbly allowed him to walk her back into the lounge. Entering the lounge, her mind was in overdrive, trying to sort through the conflicting emotions about the fact she was very likely going to get fucked.
There was a Donna Summer video playing on the TV. ‘I Feel Love’, a song that she loved. Her hips started to swing before she was even through the door. Jack was a good dancer, and he joined her in some seductive movements of his own as they moved to the centre of the lounge. They put on a show together that had all the men hooting and yelling sexy comments at them.
As the song finished, it rolled over to a video of Donna at another concert, singing ‘Last Dance’. This started off really slow, so she moved into Jack and put her arms around his neck. He dropped his hands to her butt, and she felt him lift her dress, exposing her naked derriere. She didn’t have the will or energy to fight anymore. In fact, she was turned on by it, and a strong wave of desire flowed up her body when he pulled her cheeks apart, exposing her to all and sundry.
She slumped down the acute need that had been building all night, now consuming her and turning her legs to jelly. Jack held her up and moved her over to the couch, where he pushed her down beside Liam.
She attempted to hold her dress down and clamped her legs together, still modest enough that she was concerned about the men seeing between her legs. Liam took her hands though and pulled her towards him for a kiss. She was very aware that her dress had ridden up and that the men were gathering around her.
Liam whispered sexy compliments in her ear and told her to open up. Confused, she opened her legs before she realised, as he pushed his tongue against her lips, that he had meant her mouth. As he played tongues with her, she tried to clamp her legs closed, but hands had already taken each ankle and were pulling them further apart.
She felt Jack running a hand through her hair and nibbling on her ear. He whispered that she was such a beautiful slut, and that he had never loved her so much. He had never talked to her like this before, but her flicker of defiance was quickly overridden by her carnal desires.
She gave up then, savoured the feeling of Liam’s kiss and Jack’s kissing her ears and neck. She gave a last little show of resistance when they each started kneading a breast, but any resistance was swallowed up in her lust to achieve the orgasm that she had been wanting all night.
She was aware that her ankles were being drawn further apart, each being held by a different set of hands. Then her shoes were removed, and they started massaging her feet. It was absolute bliss, and the fact she knew she was fully exposed as they pulled her legs wide apart didn’t matter. In fact, it just aroused her more.
When Jack moved his hand under her lower back and lifted, he whispered in her ear for her to lift up. “I don’t want it ruined,” he murmured. “We are going to go out and have a lot more fun with this dress in the coming months.”
The comment only inflamed her more, and her craving for release just multiplied tenfold. The dress was dragged down over her ankles, leaving her in nothing but her suspender belt and stockings. A white package fell to the floor. Clive’s voice broke through the elated emotions in her mind. “What have we got here,” and unwrapping it, he held it up, “it’s her knickers, and they’re in a hell of a mess.”
Everyone stopped and looked. Her sexy new panties had patches of white all over the crotch, and as Clive turned them inside out and stuck them under his nose, Gina could see that some of her earlier thick secretions had not dried and were glistening wet on the gusset.
With a cry that he needed some of that, Clive leaned down between her legs and inserted his tongue into her swollen labia. That was the trigger that broke the spell in the room; Liam leaned in and resumed his kiss. She was aware of Jack standing and removing his clothes and Pete moving around behind the couch, leaning over her and pushing his hands down between her and Liam to cup each of her ample breasts.
Someone was still holding her legs wide apart, and her muddled brain worked out that it had to be Sean. He was the quietest of the guys, and she had the fleeting thought that Molly, his wife, was one of the ladies the had gone out the back of the club and might at this moment be getting fucked herself. Her whole body tingled as she completely capitulated to her baser sexual needs.
Minutes later, Jack pushed Clive aside and lowered himself on her. She was so wet that she hardly felt him slide in, but when he crushed himself against her mound and started fucking her hard, she became aware of an intense orgasm building in her loins.
Nudging Liam aside, Jack crushed his lips to hers, mumbling that he loved her and that this was the best night of his life. Gina opened her eyes to check the expression on his face and how genuine he was, but she couldn’t read anything. As his eyes were open, but they were glazed with lust. She also noted that the rest of the men were now standing and disrobing as well, but she noted that all their eyes were locked on her, soaking up her naked body.
With a long tremor, she gave herself up to the fast-approaching climax. Then as Jack started hammering into her hard, it arrived. Her pelvic floor muscles convulsed, and small muscle contractions in her anal canal drove jolts of pleasure all over her body. Her eyes suddenly seemed to have a silky red cloth over them.
Slowly, her vision returned, and as the sensations became more bearable, she realised that Jack had not come and that he was hammering himself into her harder than ever. She tried to push him away with her hands, her cries of pleasure now turning to gasps of discomfort. She pleaded in his ear for him to be gentle as she was very sensitive.
Jack was too far gone and oblivious to her pleading. She had to grit her teeth and bear the agonising pleasure for another minute or so until he came. His orgasm came hard and swift; just as quickly, he slumped on top of her, groaning out how good that had been. And when he pulled out and tried to roll away, Gina dug her nails into his arms and whimpered for him to stay inside her.
But Jack was now too tender to continue, and he slipped away from her. Her mind was telling her to cover up, that there were men gathered around her, with greedy, hungered, longing looks on their faces. But her body was betraying her, a needy urgent feeling washing through her. She wanted more. She wanted to be fucked.
Liam came to her rescue, he took Jack’s place between her wide open legs, and as he lowered himself, she noted that he was bigger than Jack, which made her hot nectars flow again. She had never really thought much about penis sizes, so was puzzled at why his being a little bigger was pushing her button, but push it he certainly was. He eased into her gently, pushing his sex deep into her moist welcoming pussy.
As he took up a steady thrusting, she again felt hands grabbing her legs, one under her knee, the other holding a foot, and they bent her knees and spread her wide again. Then she felt them massaging her feet; it was wonderful, she felt the soles of her feet tingle and burn as her toes curled up with pleasure.
Liam went to town; he fucked her harder than she had ever been fucked before. She loved it and slammed her hips hard back onto him at his every thrust. She was amazed at his stamina, yet not at all surprised really that he was such a good lover. She finally felt a change in his movements, he became more urgent, and she knew he was not far from erupting.
Her next orgasm was building, she could feel it lingering around her very core, but she needed more time. They were both interrupted, though, as Jack knelt next to her and offered his sloppy wet prick up against her mouth. She had not given him a blow job for years but found she was eager to comply and turned her head to take him in her mouth. She faintly tasted his salty sperm but also the taste of herself. Instead of repelling her, she found herself hungrily sucking up every drop of the mess on his cock.
She turned her attention back to her own distant orgasm. It was definitely there and building, and she knew it was going to be better than her first. So she urgently pleaded with Liam to wait for her as she was going to cum again. But she saw in his eyes that her telling him that had just tipped him over the edge. She watched him try to fight it, he even tried to hold still, but she couldn’t stop the small erotic jerks of her hips, and this did tip him over the edge.
“Oh shit, I can’t hold out. Sorry,” and with a low growl deep in his throat, he really hammered himself home, again, again and again. He lowered his head and captured her nipple with his teeth and worried it, causing her to whimper with the pleasurable pain. Then, as she felt him ejaculate hot, burning fluid into her saturated cunt, she felt a delirious twitching of her sheath as it gripped his member.
She clawed at his back and urged him on, and yelled in his ear that she coming too.
But it was not the climax she was expecting. That was still there, a distant sensation hiding deep within her. She fought to keep Liam inside her, hoping he would quickly revive and bring her off again.
However, as Liam rolled away from her, she heard Pete cry out. “Look at her. The slut is desperate for more.”
She opened her eyes to see that Pete was already hovering over her. His face was red, sweat on his brow, and he was looking down at his prick as he thrust inside her. Gina was disappointed to see he was not very large. With all the bravado and sexual innuendos he had levelled at her over the years, she had imagined that she would be larger than Jack. She expected him to charm and acknowledge her, but there was nothing. He just pounded away, intent on his own pleasure. So she closed her eyes and concentrated on her elusive orgasm. Thankfully, he did not last for more than a few minutes, and she found she was disappointed with him and happy when he groaned and rolled away.
Gina looked around to see who her next lover was going to be. Drunk as she was, she realised that the analytical part of her brain was still working. Sean and Clive were both getting to their feet, so it had been them holding her legs apart. She hoped they were better than Pete, who had certainly been a non-event. She took in Sean first, there were similarities to Liam, but really he was nothing like his brother. He was older, of a much more solid build, and with quite a paunch, under which hung a much smaller cock than Liam’s.
When she shifted her head and took stock of Clive, she was startled to see he was hung like a stallion. He was probably the shortest of the guys in the room, had a stocky build and was almost bald. She had the fleeting thought that he might really hurt her when he attempted to insert that huge club into her. But at the same time, the sight of it made a hungry thrill of desire lurch through her body.
Liam and Jack were still sitting on each side of her. Both looked to be getting their second wind and getting hard again. That was a worry. They rolled her over, got her on her knees and had her lean over the back of the couch. Pete was standing there holding out his limp sopping wet cock for her to clean. She mumbled, “No Way” and turned her head aside, but Jack grabbed her head and told her quite firmly to open her mouth.
Taking Pete’s slick prick in her mouth, she felt Clive trying to push his prick between her legs. Clive’s breath was raspy in his urgency. She felt him grip his shaft and attempt to thrust himself home. But the angle was wrong, and it slipped along her slit and ploughed over her clit. Bringing her attention back to the orgasm that was still lurking, waiting to envelop her.
She let Pete’s cock slip from her mouth, dropped her head down to the seat and reached through her legs to help guide Clive home. Then watched in awe as Clive’s massive knob slowly spread her labia apart.
She felt a little stab of pain, but then the eroticism of what was before her eyes hit, and her sexual feelings and desire doubled. It took an age for him to get it fully inside her. She had watched as he pushed then withdrew only to push and gain another half inch. She pushed back against his thrusts, hoping beyond hope that she could take all of him.
Then he started a slow, deliberate onslaught, and the elusive orgasm that had been lurking deep inside her body burst to life, making every erogenous zone on her body tingle and twitch. She felt Pete trying to lift her up to resume cleaning his cock, but she fought to stay bent down, not wanting to miss a moment of herself being impaled.
When Clive leaned forward and whispered in her ear that he was close and wanted her to come with him. It brought on her climax with a rush; it felt like a rush of butterflies flowing across her body. Gina screamed as Clive’s cock plunged hard into her slick sex. Her body bucked in ecstasy as her climax tore through her. Her eyes rolled, her back arched, and her muscles clenched his massive shaft. Hot nectar flowed thick from her sex, and with every crashing wave that shook her very being, she felt his cum shooting out to fill her cunt.
She blacked out for a minute, and then when it seemed that her heart started again, and blood began to flow like fire through her veins. She slumped down to lie on the couch, gasping for air. She couldn’t suppress a yelp of disappointment, though, as she felt Clive’s beautiful organ slip out of her.
Jack leaned in and kissed her and said she had one to go. But she slurred back that she was done and to let her sleep for a bit. Jack started to object, but she heard Sean telling him it was okay; he did not want to and that watching had been enough for him and he was going home. As she drifted to sleep, she was vaguely aware of people getting dressed and Pete arguing with Jack about him staying the night.
Gina became aware sometime later that she was being helped up the stairs. When she was laid on the bed and felt her suspender belt and stocking being slid down her legs, she opened her eyes to see Jack and Liam bending over her. Jack took her into his arms, kissed her and told her he loved her and hoped she still loved him.
“Of course, I love you, but I don’t think we should do that again.”
Liam interjected that they should get her into the shower and clean her up. And they lifted her to her feet and supported her through to the bathroom. Once in the shower, she looked down at her body, her lovely firm breasts had bite marks on them, and her nipples were bright red from being chewed. She could not remember much of that happening. And looking down further, she saw that her cunt was an absolute mess—cum everywhere between her legs and running down towards her ankles.
Washed and dried, they helped her back to bed. She was slightly bewildered when they crawled in each side of her, then resigned herself to the fact that her night was not over. The shower had somewhat refreshed her, but she was not sure she could handle any more. However, when they both ran their hands down her body, to her amazement, she felt a surge of interest. And when Jack rolled her over to face Liam, she felt a small ripple of arousal spark to life.
God, how easily I get aroused. She thought. And as this conduct was nothing like her, she wondered if someone had put some aphrodisiac in her drink at the club.
Liam rolled on his back and pulled her half on top of him. Kissing her ardently, he caressed her breasts and tweaked her sensitive nipples. Jack moved close behind her, his hand reaching over her hips, and his fingers danced over her pubis, parting her outer lips and one finger making small circles around her clit.
Then she felt Jack move down the bed, and she felt a blast of hot, excited breath on her arse as he buried his nose and mouth in her crack. Pushing deeper, his wet tongue twisted and burrowed into her cunt from behind.
Gina thrust her mons against Liam’s knee, searching for added stimulus. Feeling her need, he pulled her fully on top of him, reached under, and lined his teasing member at her hole. A gratified moan rolled from her throat as Liam’s cock slipped deep in. As he built his pace, he took her hips and rocked them onto the thrusts of his pelvis, impaling her deeper and deeper onto his cock.
Her hips jerked forward as a cold trickle of cream squirted between her cheeks. Spinning her head around, she saw Jack with a bottle of lotion directed at her crack. She then watched in trepidation as he massaged the cream into her wrinkled bud.
Jack placed a hand on her back to calm her, then tipped forward against her haunches, steering his cock up against her reluctant sphincter. They had not tried anal sex for years; she had never been that keen on it. But this was different; the sheer indecency of what she was about to experience had her buzzing with anticipation.
Breathing slowly, she forced her body to relax and felt Jack’s cock slip into her puckered arse. The stinging bite as she was double penetrated brought forth a yelp of surprise, but it also brought a surge of carnal lust as well. She was filled with an insatiable longing as the two cocks found their rhythm inside her. Liam’s mouth searched out her own, and his hands roughly worked on her hanging teats. Jack’s hands had a hold of her hips, and he hauled her shanks down to meet his every thrust.
She became aware that Jack was yelling obscenities in her ear. Terrible language; he even called her a filthy little slut. Amazingly, this just sent an ecstatic burst of pleasure down to her trembling arse. And she yelled back at them to fuck her harder as she was going to cum again.
Her body, overfilled with the two contending cocks that were hammering into her, made her climax burst forth.
“Fuck, yes! I’m cumming!” Gina howled, then clamped her teeth onto Liam’s shoulder to stop herself from yelling out more obscenities.
Both Liam and Jack’s breaths were whooshing noisily past her ears as they grunted with their efforts. She felt both of them coming together, and as they rolled apart, she was aware that she was now covered in ropes of sticky cum again. Some of it was even splattered between her ripe breasts.
Exhausted, she rolled onto her back and lay still. She was relieved when Liam bounced off the bed and returned minutes later with flannel and towel. That was the last thing she remembered. She fell into a deep sleep.
When she woke, it was broad daylight. She felt a hand between her legs brushing gently around her thighs. She was immediately aware of the double sourness in her nether regions. But it was not unpleasant and brought back memories of the many orgasms that had wracked her body the night before.
She turned her head to her right and saw that Jack was still fast asleep, snoring lightly. Realising that it was Liam beside her, she turned to face her husband and backed herself into Liam, drawing her legs up so he would be in no doubt about what she wanted. As Liam worked himself into her tender cunt, she reached out, pulled the covers away from Jack and took a hold of his morning hard.
Jack woke slowly, then coming fully awake, stated that he badly needed to pee. Reaching over her and cupping her breast, Liam withdrew from her and then started working his shaft into her butt. Just as it plopped past her resisting sphincter, she heard a car in the drive.
“Christ! It’s one of the kids home already.” And she told Liam to get out and pretend to be asleep in the spare bedroom. Jack was coming out of the bathroom, took in immediately what the situation was, and guided Liam out into the hall.
Moments later, she heard the front door open, and Caitlyn called up the stairs that she was going skiing and where were her ski clothes, etc. Jumping up, Gina pulled on her robe, conscious that she stank of sex. She stepped out of the bedroom to find Jack about to head downstairs.
“I have to shower. Will you go and help Caitlyn? All her ski gear is hanging in the Garage,”
When she had finished showering, she found jack getting dressed in the bedroom.
“I have to run Caitlyn over to her boyfriend’s place. I don’t want you to sleep with Liam in our bed.” He quipped as he headed off downstairs.
So Gina waited until she heard Jack and Caitlyn drive off before she crept down the hall to the spare bedroom…