Sweat dripped down my nose as I approached the apartment building where Mum lived. Not for the first time, I cursed myself for being too stingy to pay for a taxi. The one and a half miles from Bournemouth train station are normally not that bad, but in that day’s blistering heat, it was murder. The block of modern, air-conditioned apartments never looked more appealing as I turned into Seaview Road.
Pausing to wipe my brow, I gazed out to sea. The English Channel stretched as far as the eye could see, and the bright sun danced on the wave tops, making them glint like diamonds. Further out, I saw the outlines of huge ships, heading for far reaches, their shapes distorted by the shimmering heat rising into the sky. Enough of the view, air-conditioning beckoned.
With a feeling of trepidation, I pressed the intercom button. Mum wasn’t expecting me and I didn’t know how she would react to my unexpected appearance. As far as she was concerned, I should have been at Cambridge, but I’d left there under a cloud of disgrace. Apparently, getting caught in bed with the wife of your professor doesn’t go down to well, as the Dean informed me while politely but insistently asking me to vacate the premises.
I should have gone home to Dad, but I hadn’t told him yet because all he would do was blow his top about me being stupid and irresponsible, and not giving a damn about consequences. Not that his ranting and raving could change anything. Cambridge wouldn’t take me back and I would be seriously depressed living under his roof in those circumstances. So, with nowhere else to go, I decided I could do worse than spend summer on the sunny south coast with glorious sandy beaches a mere hundred yards from the front door.
“Come on up.”
The buzzer sounded and I pulled the door handle. I wondered who I’d just heard. It wasn’t my Mum, for one thing, the voice was too cheerful, and another, the foreign accent was definitely a giveaway. My curiosity grew with each step and, unconsciously, I increased my pace until I was almost running when I reached the top of the building. Entering the galleria, one apartment door opened and a gorgeous looking stranger stood in the doorway. Although I wasn’t expecting Mum to open the door, I will admit to having my breath taken away by what — sorry, who — I saw.
A mane of long thick black hair cascaded over a pair of slim shoulders and sultry dark eyes watched me attentively. High, olive skinned cheekbones, a small button nose, and a sensual mouth, smiling invitingly, awakened more than my eyes. How to describe her body? I’ll just say she was perfect. Tall, due to the longest pair of tanned legs I’d ever seen, she was slim without being scrawny and I could see she obviously frequented a gym. Okay, some people may not like that sort of athletic body but I do. Her boobs weren’t the biggest I’d ever seen but they jutted invitingly towards me and I had difficulty averting my gaze. All in all, I reckoned she could give a dead man an erection, especially dressed as she was in a bikini with a semi-translucent sarong tied around her shapely hips.
My visual inspection didn’t go unnoticed and when I eventually tore my gaze from her killer body and back to her face, she was smiling. I stared, unable to utter anything sensible but definitely aware of my hot blood rushing down south.
“You must be Dan, or should I call you Daniel.” A hand shot out, taking me by surprise. “I’m Penélope, your Mum’s new girlfriend.”
Her accented English sent ripples of pleasure down my spine, and I briefly wondered what sort of filthy Spanish words she could teach me. I gulped at my own lewdness. I hadn’t even said a word and here I was contemplating what it would be like to get laid by her. Shame on me!
When Mum and Dad divorced, I was told they’d grown apart. I knew they were virtually living separate lives but, wrapped up in my own teenage world, I simply accepted things for what they were. I knew Dad had messed around a few times, notably with some of his secretaries. Arguments and fights had made that obvious. When they eventually split, I was still at boarding school, desperately trying to get into Cambridge, and I hadn’t realized Mum had sought and found solace in the arms of another woman. Whenever I went to stay, she was always alone.
Gaping at Penélope, I could see why Mum had befriended her. She was gorgeous and, aware of the physical effect she was having on me, I slung my rucksack in front of my shorts and reached out for the offered hand.
“Hello, Penélope… yes, I’m Dan. Pleased to meet you.” We shook hands. My palm was sweaty but Penélope didn’t seem to notice. “Where’s Mum?”
She smiled playfully at my distracted tone. “She’s just popped out to Tesco’s to get some lunch. Come in and make yourself at home. I’ll text her you’re here.” She turned away and I couldn’t help staring at her wiggling hips as she walked down the hall. Her sarong partially obscured the outline of her ass but watching it move filled my mind with lurid images of what I’d like to do to it. That definitely caused my cock to twitch.
At the end of the hallway, she looked over her shoulder and threw me a come hither smile and my prick grew thicker. If she keeps that up, things could quickly become embarrassing. I grinned ruefully. I needed to avoid being obvious. I felt sure Mum wouldn’t approve of me lusting after her girlfriend.
After leading me to the guest room, Penélope said she was going back outside to enjoy the sun. Leaving me there to unpack — and think about her naked — my curiosity, amongst other things, was aroused. Flinging my rucksack onto the double bed, I made sure I had my smartphone and tiptoed through the apartment. I moved stealthily: past the bathroom, past my Mum’s, and I assumed Penélope’s bedroom, and through the kitchen until I eventually reached the spacious living room. Peeking through the glass patio doors leading to the large balcony, I found what I wanted to see.
Penélope was face down on a sunbed. Her bikini top was undone to prevent tan lines and the sarong that had denied me a proper sight of her ass, lay abandoned on the wooden decking. Her skin glistened in the bright midday sunshine and I spied a bottle of coconut oil next to the discarded garment. From my vantage point, I could see between her shapely thighs up to the thin sliver of bright yellow bikini that barely covered her sex.
Tantalizingly disappearing between her gorgeous buttocks, the small triangle of fabric that emerged above her fleshy globes hardly seemed big enough. It hung loosely on her shapely hips and, in a gentle sea breeze, the sexy garment fluttered up and around her exquisite derriere. Again, I fantasized and my cock thickened as I thought about all the things I could do to her.
Not forgetting my real reason for going there, I took out my smartphone. I started the camera app and was rewarded with the sight of Penélope’s scantily clad backside gloriously filling my screen. I clicked off a few shots and would have taken more, but the sound of the front door opening interrupted my voyeurism.
Penélope must have heard it, too. Without warning, she twisted around to look in the direction of the hall. To my surprise, her bikini top fell away, exposing her delightful breasts. I was lucky enough to still have my thumb on the shutter button and pressing down, several clicks sounded, capturing the moment for posterity. Maybe Penélope heard the clicks or simply sensed me standing there. But, before I could make my hasty getaway, she turned her head and we looked at each other. Immediately, I retreated to my room but, as I turned away, I swear I saw her lips form a smile while she reached behind to fasten her straps.
Mum’s initial reaction on seeing me was one of joy and surprise. It wasn’t long before we were sitting around the small balcony table enjoying an alfresco lunch. However, her demeanor cooled when I explained the reasons for my sudden visit. Fortunately for me, and much to Mum’s annoyance, Penélope burst out laughing when she heard why I’d been kicked out. Apparently, my amorous adventure with the professor’s wife amused her and, while the most responsible adult bashed on about me being irresponsible, the Spanish hottie gave me a conspiratorial wink. Seeing this, Mum exploded. Words were exchanged, heated words in Spanish so that I wouldn’t understand, but it sounded like Mum telling off Penélope for siding with me. Then the younger woman playfully poked her tongue out at her lover, before turning to me.
“Don’t worry Dan, your mother just said I shouldn’t encourage you and that a good education shouldn’t be thrown away.”
“Well, it shouldn’t be,” Mum interjected, glaring at me. “And what are your plans now, hmm?”
“Let him stay, Andrea. Let him enjoy the summer. He can always go back to university in September, right?” Penélope looked at me, her eyes laughing, and nodding her head insistently. Not always the sharpest knife in the drawer, I finally caught on and began imitating my new best friend, trying to ingratiate myself with my mother.
Nodding wildly, I began babbling. “I’m sure I can help around the house, the washing, cleaning.” I received a skeptical glance at the word ‘cleaning.’ Undeterred, I carried on. “Or I can do any odd jobs and, of course, if you or any of your old friends’ computers break down, I can fix them.”
Mum groaned at the insinuation of old age. Penélope, despite there not seeming much age difference between them, laughed like a drain at my comment. Mum tried to keep a straight face; not easy with the two of us laughing but she put up a good show. If you knew my Mum, you would immediately know I was being facetious. However, it was Penélope’s reaction that surprised me most. Seeing this gorgeous woman laugh at my comment, made me fall in love with her even more.
Mum looked daggers at the both of us for a moment and then joined in the laughter. At forty-five, she was vibrant and attractive, her beauty timeless. “You little shit,” she said, running a hand through her hair, eyes shining. “Just don’t say anything to your father, or we’ll never hear the end of it.”
I nodded and promised not to tell.
Over the next few days, the Seaview apartment was an oasis of fun and laughter. During the waking hours, I got to know Penélope and my mother a lot better. Despite her obvious discomfort at me finding out about her being a lesbian, I was surprised at how laid back she had become in the last few years. She didn’t even mind when her gorgeous girlfriend asked me to smear the coconut oil on her back. Keeping my fingers from roaming over parts that were off limits, especially with Mum lying beside her, was probably the most frustrating thing I had to do in my life.
There were no such restrictions at night. Using the photos I’d taken on that first day, I spent a lot of happy moments pleasuring myself. Sometimes I could hear them making love, and was amazed at how Penélope was so uninhibited. Her moans and cries set my imagination on fire and every time I heard her, I grew hard. Of course, in my fantasies, we did everything possible, using each other for our perverse pleasures. But they were only fantasies. That said, there was nothing I wouldn’t have done to please Mum’s Spanish firecracker even though I thought nothing would ever happen between us. Boy was I wrong.
About two weeks after my arrival, we’d settled into a routine and, after lunch, I was smearing tanning oil into Penélope’s back when the memory of her erotic cries I’d heard the previous evening, suddenly flooded my mind. Distracted, my hands glided easily over the smooth skin and, without consciously thinking, I brushed the side of a boob. Startled, I realized what I’d done and almost froze.
It excited me and, because she didn’t seem to mind, I accidentally let my hands wander a couple more times. My cock got harder and harder and I was glad Mum was in the study, working. When I finished, I stood up, and my bulge was visible. I couldn’t disguise it and, though Penélope’s eyes were closed, I thought she’d seen my reaction.
At dinner, she kept looking at me, sometimes so intensely I felt myself blushing, and getting hard. Luckily, Mum didn’t notice. She was preoccupied with her own thoughts and, while playing with her food, announced that she had to go to some “ghastly civil reception.”
“Shall I come with you?” Penélope asked, also playing with her food and sounding a little disappointed.
“No, darling,” Mum shook her head, “it’ll be extremely boring. With Daniel being here, I thought you would probably prefer to stay at home. God knows, I’m only going because I have to.”
I’d looked up when Mum mentioned my name. She carried on, “At least you won’t be all alone and I’m sure there’s enough mischief you two can get up to.”
Maybe it was my guilty conscience, but I looked at Mum, anxious to see if she was upset or annoyed. I needn’t have worried. She was smiling sweetly at Penélope, who displayed an “only if you insist” expression before leaning forward to kiss her lover.
I turned away, still not entirely comfortable with my Mum’s displays of intimacy. Seconds later, it was back to normal — well, what we called normal — and dinner continued. When Mum adjourned to her bedroom to dress, Penélope and I sat at the table and kept up our harmless flirting. At eight o’clock Mum called out to say she was leaving. I started to clear the table and Penélope disappeared into the hallway.
After completing my chores, I returned to the lounge only to find it empty. I called out but heard no answer. A wave of disappointment washed over me. Penélope’s dress had been particularly fetching and I enjoyed looking at her. Deflated and a little frustrated, I decided there was nothing on television I needed or wanted to see and, knowing there was something infinitely more pleasurable I could do, I sought refuge in what had become my bedroom.
In there, I quickly undressed, turned on my laptop and began surfing for porn.
Reaching into my boxers, I grasped my growing erection and gently squeezed. Even though the site was one of my favorites, it didn’t hold my interest. I thought about touching the side of Penélope’s boob and that had blood rushing to my loins. Within seconds, my cock was hard.
Pulling my throbbing meat out of my boxers, I began stroking, then discarded the laptop and picked up my smartphone. Seconds later, I was staring at Penélope’s gorgeous ass. Slowly, I perused the various photos, each one sexier than the last, accumulating in the one where she was topless. Working my cock in a steady rhythm, I was really getting into the flow when suddenly the door opened. I froze, then hastily grabbed the laptop and tried covering myself as Penélope entered the room.
Without looking at me, she walked to the end of the bed before turning to face me. She looked spectacular — no, sorry, Penélope looked fucking fantastic — and, despite the awkwardness of my position, my cock was throbbing powerfully.
Wearing a short black kimono, which she’d neglected to secure properly, I saw through the plunging neckline to what appeared to be a matching lingerie set. The half-cup bra lifted her breasts and I could see nipples poking through the smooth fabric of the kimono. Lying there, watching her stare at me with a wispy smile on her face, caused me some confusion as well as embarrassment. My mouth dried.
“Don’t stop, Dan. I like watching guys masturbate. That is what you were doing, wasn’t it?”
I nodded dumbly.
“Come on, Stud, show me that big fucking cock of yours.” Her Spanish accent was pronounced.
This isn’t really happening.’ My brain refused to believe what I saw and heard.
“Is that a picture of me you’re looking at?” She pointed at my smartphone.
Until then, I’d appreciated Penélope’s direct approach but, being on the receiving end, I wasn’t so sure. She picked up the phone and studied the image. “You really are a dirty little bastard, aren’t you?”
A cloud of shame enveloped me. Unable to trust myself, because I had been caught in such a private moment, I didn’t speak.
“Well, come on, Dan, I know you masturbate; I’ve heard you enough times. Let me see it.”
Her voice was low, husky. The “it” was out of sight, hidden beneath my appropriately named laptop. Although I’d often dreamed about such a situation since meeting her, I was reluctant to expose myself. My hesitancy must have displeased her because the come-hither expression disappeared. Then, watching me slowly lift the computer off my lap, her smile returned, like the sun appearing from behind a cloud.
“Ha, oooh,” she gasped as my erection came into view. “My, my, Dan.
“Sooo, you think I’m sexy, do you?” she asked, undoing the belt. I nodded and watched the sexy garment fall to the floor. I hadn’t been mistaken about the lingerie set. It was obviously designed by someone who had a lot of understanding of the feminine form and I fully appreciated their hard work. The intricate lace patterns which were strategically incorporated almost revealed as much as they shrouded.
“Hmm, I love watching a man stroke his cock, it turns me on, muy mucho.” I didn’t understand the Spanish but watching a hand move across her flat stomach and glide inside the erotic panties, didn’t need translating. I watched fingers pressing against the inverted apex and my breathing got heavier. After a few moments, Penélope climbed on the bed next to me. “No te detengas, Dan, estoy muy excitado,” she mumbled softly. I did not understand a single word, but hearing this seductive beauty speaking her native language, and feeling a hard nipple pressing against my upper arm, was the stuff of which dreams are made. Penélope rested a knee against my leg, licked her hand suggestively, and then wrapped her fingers around my throbbing flesh.
“Do you know how it makes me feel when I see a man ejaculate?” I shook my head, not daring to speak. “It makes me hot, so hot I’ll do anything for them.” Her grip tightened around my shaft and she increased speed. “Do you understand what I’m telling you?”
I nodded even though I wasn’t really sure what she meant. “If you keep that up, Penélope,” I croaked, “I’m not going to last very long.”
“Don’t you worry about that,” she cooed and leaned over to plant her lips on mine. Our tongues started dueling and then she bit my lip. If it was her intention to distract me, it was working but, to be honest, I was too far gone and knew I couldn’t delay much longer.
By the way she was handling me, it was clear she wanted to see me cum. I suppose what we were doing was wrong, but it felt so good I really didn’t care. I decided to just go with the flow.
Her technique was exquisite and I felt my spunk boiling in my balls. I’m not sure if Penélope read my mind but suddenly she released my manhood and cupped my gonads. She started squeezing them while her other hand clasped around the sensitive rim of my engorged helmet. There was nothing for me to do other than enjoy what Penélope intended. As soon as I accepted that I had absolutely no influence in what was happening, my body tensed. Clenching my jaws in an effort to stop myself from roaring out loud, my muscles bulged and powerful spasms racked my body.
Penélope laughed wantonly when the first salvo of hot, thick seed spurted from my throbbing cock. “Oh you dirty boy,” she squealed when the creamy liquid splattered over my taut stomach. Her fingers flew up and down my excited prick, sliding over my mushroom shaped dome, increasing the spasms until a massive second load shot out. It went everywhere, covering us both.
“Hmm, keep cuming, Dan,” she shrieked and continued to milk me as if her life depended on it. Another load splattered across our bronzed bodies and, eventually, the last drops oozed from my dome. Only then did she seem satisfied.
I thought things would end there but, yet again, boy I was wrong. Penélope shoved a hand inside her panties and I watched breathlessly, hearing the erotic squelching sounds as she fingered herself. Then two wet and sticky fingers pressed against my mouth. Obediently, I parted my lips and I got my first taste of her. Just like I’d imagined, she tasted heavenly and I eagerly sucked and licked her digits.
Not to be outdone, Penélope leaned over my body and snaked her tongue towards my spent seed. Judging by her sounds, I guessed she liked what she tasted. Then she moved over my splayed legs and lowered her head towards my loins. Her tongue whipped across my sensitive dome and a powerful aftershock rocked my upper body.
“Hmm, my dirty little boy likes it when I suck his cock?” I nodded eagerly and her tongue pressed into my sensitive piss hole. It was only because she was sitting astride my legs that I didn’t buck myself off the bed. Torn between the pleasure and pain I tried relaxing, allowing Penélope get on with it.
Suddenly, she straightened up and looked down at me triumphantly. Using a finger, she seductively wiped her mouth and looked at me hungrily.
“Hmmm. Muy bueno, pero ahora quiero más.”
Again, I didn’t understand, but the hungry look in her eyes provided enough of a hint. She moved up my body, towering over me, like a predatory lioness, ready to devour her prey. When she brushed against my still erect cock, Penélope reached between us and grabbed my manhood.
“Pull my panties out of the way, Daniel,” she hissed, the small Hispanic lisp sounding especially horny. I grabbed her hips, hooking my fingers into the elasticated waistband of the skimpy underwear and drew the sexy garment over her firm buttocks.
Immediately, she lowered her hips and her sex opened up to receive me. Her pussy lips clung to my throbbing cock and her silken tunnel greedily accepted my invasion. I’d dreamed about getting laid by this Spanish beauty and now I was finding out. Her knees dug into my sides while her hands gripped and scratched at my chest. She kept uttering the words, “mas, mas mi Chico,” while riding me like an Amazon. She was so wet, her juices soaked my dark pubic mound.
The cries and moans from Penélope’s mouth could have woken the dead, and I was glad that Mum wasn’t around. The prospect of meeting any of the neighbors in the morning was filtering into my brain, when another tirade of incomprehensible Spanish, interspersed with even louder moans, resounded around the room. A small voice inside my head told me not to worry, it probably wasn’t anything the neighbors hadn’t already heard.
The moans evolved into guttural growling and Penélope’s supple body started to tense.
” Oh dios mio eres tan hermosa, Daniel. Yo acabandoooo.”
I had no idea what she was screaming but the manner in which she closed her eyes, the way her mouth turned down at the corners, and her heavy breathing, enlightened me. I reached between her legs, seeking her magic button. Wiry pubic hair teased my fingertips and then I found the little fold of skin. I pressed her swollen clit and watched fascinated as Penélope bucked wildly on top of me while powerful convulsions coursed through her body.
“Tu sucio bastardo,” she screamed, again and again, and came violently.
She slammed down on top of me, grinding against my pelvis while her legs trembled. Her upper body shuddered uncontrollably, her breasts moving in a truly memorable manner. I’d never seen a woman orgasm so powerfully and I felt proud, even though I’d basically been a passenger on this ride. While I was still basking in my prowess, Penélope leaned forward and we kissed. Again, I had the feeling I was a tool being used to scratch an extremely annoying itch. It was clear I didn’t need to do much to please this Spanish firecracker.
“Between our passionate kisses, Penélope asked, “Do you want to taste me?”
I got the idea that she wasn’t really asking, more that I was being told what to do next. I enthusiastically grunted and with the taste of her cherry red lipstick rapidly becoming a fading memory, my excited bedmate quickly removed her underwear and straddled my chest.
“Como, mi bonito niño.”
“You really have to tell me what that means,” I said, looking straight between her shapely thighs. She looked down at me, a self-satisfied, million-watt smile decorating her face, and began gyrating her hips.
“I said, ‘Eat me, my beautiful boy,’ because that’s what I want. Do you have a problem with that.”
I shook my head so violently, I thought it might fall off. The answer was exactly what Penélope wanted. Without wasting a second, she shuffled closer until her sex was a hair’s breadth from my face. The swollen pussy lips glistened with her fragrant juices and, automatically, I reached up to grab her ass.
Penélope responded by grasping my hair and pulling my head into her sex. I slid my tongue between her parted lips and sweet nectar washed over me. I drank it all, every last drop, flicking my tongue in and out of her sopping cunt like my life depended on it. I’d never tasted a woman so good and, clearly, she was pleased with my efforts. Dainty fingers topped off with long, bright red nails, pulled at the tiny fold of skin at the top of her slippery slit. Her swollen clitoris demanded attention and I was happy to oblige. When she’d had enough of me causing her body to jolt violently, she raised her hips and thrust them forward, setting her delightful ass on my face.”
“Como mi culo, niño malo… Lick my ass, Daniel.”
For a moment, I considered if that was something I wanted.
“Lick my ass, you bad boy and I’ll let you fuck it.”
Without further hesitation, I buried my tongue into her puckered starfish.
“Oooh I like it,” she squealed, wiggling her derriere onto my face. After poking my tongue as far into her asshole as possible, I swirled it around her sphincter, teasing her for a second before plunging it into her tangy orifice a second time.
“Hmm, you must want to fuck my ass very much. You’re doing this exactly how I like it.”
To be honest, I didn’t have a clue what I was doing, but it seemed to be working. Within seconds of me eating her, she was begging me to stick a finger up her asshole. I did — and was surprised that she was really tight.
“Use more saliva,” Penélope hissed, “or my own juices.” I followed the advice and massaged lots into her and, sure enough, my fingers disappeared inside with no difficulty.
“Now you use your cock, mi niño.”
She moved back until my erection bumped against her buttocks. She reached beneath herself and presented my manhood to her lubricated asshole. I never thought I’d ever see this, but Penélope seemed determined to let me watch my prick disappear into her rear sheath. I saw my prick vanish completely until her buttocks rested on my loins and my anal virginity was taken. Her head was hanging backward, her long dark hair almost reaching my thighs. I couldn’t know what she was thinking, but I could definitely feel her contracting deliciously around my cock.
She gradually raised her hips until I plopped from her backdoor. Again she fed my cock into her opening and said it was my turn to fuck her. Enthusiastically, I thrust upward and she gasped.
“Tranquilo, Dan. You are very big”
“Sorry,” I said, worried I’d hurt her and even more scared she was going to stop. “It’s just I’ve never done this before.”
That elicited a raunchy giggle. “Oooh, your first time?”
I nodded. “Yes. I’ve never done anal but I think I like it.”
Another filthy giggle filled the room. Then Penélope told me to carry on; slowly. With something akin to amazement, I watched her kneeling above me, letting me fuck her. Her expression was one of serenity and, not only could I see her pussy winking delicious at me, I felt her bum smoothly accommodating my length. Soft whimpers and murmurs reached my ears. “Si, si, es perfecto.” Encouraged, I moved my hands from her hips to under her backside and began thrusting harder.
“Ooooh, si, más, más,” she said, encouragingly.
She took more control, pressing down when my cock was completely buried, telling me to fuck her harder. “Come on my dirty little, Inglese,” she said. “Si, fuck your Spanish puta.”
I slammed into her and she fucked me back, employing every move she could muster with her gorgeous body. Guttural cries and moans competed with my grunts and they were accompanied by the sound of slapping flesh. Sweat covered us, droplets running down my face, my back and the sides of my torso. Penélope, a sheen of sweat covering her body, seemed to glisten under the glow of soft lighting.
I didn’t know how long we’d been fucking, but it seemed ages. In reality, it was probably only a few minutes but, to be honest, she was killing me. Penélope’s back passage was wonderfully smooth and I pumped my cock in and out but I sounded like a steam engine. Despite having turned twenty only recently, I huffed and puffed like the big bad wolf. Trying to keep up with the tempest that was called Penélope, I rapidly approached my second orgasm and knew I couldn’t hold out or last much longer.
She was like a wildcat, kneeling and leaning astride me, her forehead bearing down on mine, hissing and snarling fanatically, matching my every plunge and withdrawal. Obscenities, in both English and Spanish concerning my masculinity and the origins of my birth, were hurled at me. I seriously began to wonder if I was pleasing her. Despite all that, I felt my climax getting ever closer and desperately wondered if Penélope would forgive me for cumming first. I was worrying for nothing.
Suddenly, she pressed her head really hard into mine and her whole body stiffened. Eyes screwed tightly shut, a low feral growl grew to a screeching crescendo. She began shuddering uncontrollably while her knees squeezed uncomfortably into my side. Her nails were like sharp knives clawing into my scalp and her muscles clenched my manhood so tightly, I could have been mistaken for having sex with a python. She abruptly knelt upright and hands moved to her clit. Long moans filled the room and I watched in awe as this delectable creature experienced her second orgasm of the evening.
I must admit, it was all too much for me. I’d been concentrating really hard, hoping to delay my climax until she came first, and I’d succeeded. However, watching her climax so intensely proved to be the trigger that set me off.
“I’m cumming,” I grunted and tried thrusting my cock deeper into my Spanish firecracker.
The anguished wail filled the room and, incapable of coherent thought, I assumed I’d done something wrong. Opening my eyes to make sure everything was alright, I felt her hips rise and, disappointingly, my manhood waved unceremoniously in the air. However, the wanton look in her eyes was reassuring. She immediately gripped my pulsating member in her hands.
“I wanna see you cum,” she said in a thick, sultry accent. “I wanna feel you cum all over me, tu bastardo.”
Strong fingers encompassed my organ and began moving up and down the smooth, greasy skin. My foreskin was pulled back with each downward stroke, causing a slight wince on my part, but Penélope, in her erotic daze, never noticed. I felt my balls tighten and my seed rising. My tormentor kept up her wonderful assault and, after emitting another pathetic moan, I finally erupted. She pressed my engorged dome against her pussy and the first stream covered her neatly trimmed pubic bush.
“Si, si,” urged my beautiful taskmaster, her hand relentless in pursuit of her goal. Another glob of sperm joined the first and Penélope continued groaning. As if her handiwork wasn’t enough to drive me crazy, she began grinding my sensitive dome against her wiry pubic hair. My body jolted as if struck by electricity and more cream erupted. Despite her best efforts, my cream canon was empty and the last drops oozed from my one eye. Penélope rubbed my hot but wilting cock against herself, smearing my deposits into her sex.
That was it, I had nothing more to give and, apparently, neither did Penélope. She slumped over me and closed her eyes, muttering something incomprehensible into my ears. We lay for some time before she rolled off me and lay on her side, looking at my knackered body. As if it was an automatic response to seeing a naked penis, her hand returned to my flaccid member.
“Dan, your mother must never know about this…” her fingers encompassed my girth. “Ever! Do you understand?” I nodded, agreeing completely for both our sakes. Between my legs, her hand was doing a remarkable job and I felt a rise in my spirits — and something else. I raised my eyebrows at her, while she worked me, and was rewarded with a smile. “I’m not promising anything, Dan, but you definitely have something that I miss.”
Then, much to my disappointment, she got off the bed, recovered her discarded clothing from the floor, and walked to the door. “Maybe the next time your mother has to go out without me…”
She stood in the doorway, facing me, leaving the unfinished sentence hanging in the air. I looked at her with a mixture of hope and desperation.
“We’ll have to wait and see,” she said, seeing my expression. Then, taking a step backward into the darkened hallway, she blew me a kiss.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: The Spanish is obtained from Google translate. I apologize for any mistakes, and once again a big thanks to Jwren, for his tireless work.