L017: Lizzy’s story: Lizzy’s vacation 6

"Lizzy and her Daddy begin their new life together. A vacation first before it really begins."

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My Daddy and Maggie, Timmy’s Mommy, arrange for us to go to Babyland’s amusement park tomorrow before we leave the pool.  Timmy and I are so excited to hear this and jump and hug and squeal, then my arms are around your neck kissing you so hard.  My Daddy is so good to me.

(Timmy and Maggie, his Mommy, are a caretaker/adult baby couple we had met and are getting to know).

The Babyland’s amusement park is based on the children’s area of regular amusement parks but scaled to be the right size for adult babies and their parents.  Some rides, like the airplane ride and junior dodgem, but others Daddy can ride with me, like the twirl-a-cup, merry-go-round, and the junior coaster.  There are so many rides of both types at the park.

There is one point during the afternoon at the pool when you both hold us on your laps.  Timmy with a blanket over his head as his Mommy nurses him, and you rocking me as you feed me my bottle – umm, it is wine.

Timmy and I got to play together on the towels for a bit as you murmured between yourselves over our heads.

We say goodbye to them until tomorrow, and you hurry us home.  You know my diaper is soaked, both from leakage from the pool and me not being changed all afternoon.  You just put a towel under me and we are home before you know it.

You undress me and bath me to get all the pool chlorine off me, then do your wonders applying lotion all over my beginning to tan body.  Seeing my pale breasts in contrast to my tanned shoulders entices you.  You lean and suck one then the other, as you work lotion up and down my wet slit.

I’m going to have to add one more for me today to my daily chart.

After you have me diapered and in a onesie, you take me to the kitchen where you feed me my dinner.  Three new jars of baby food which I tolerate a little better.  Then on to the rocking chair where you feed me my second wine baby bottle. 

It is only as I finish this that we begin to talk about what was offered to us, though suggested for in the future.  We need to start to decide whether this is a direction we would someday want to go.

I tell you that I would so like to be nursed by Maggie, or someone, I think.  You nod your head in total understanding.  It is not something you can offer me, but my sucking more and more at your nipples, you can see this might be something I would desire to do, and you do not want to deprive me of anything.

I am frank with you that I do not want ANYONE else with my Daddy, you are only for me.  But at the same time, I am sort of curious about what it would be like with Timmy, rubbing our diapers together, exploring each other, and yes perhaps, even more, play with each other.  I know it is not fair if I don’t want you too.

You just hug me and tell me it is not anything we have to decide for a while, but it did open both our eyes to other possibilities.

I love you so much when you are this understanding and sweet to me.  I rub against your crotch as I kiss and lick your face until I feel that Little Danny has grown up.  I then slide to the floor between your legs and bring him out for a play date with him.

Little Danny is the best pacifier I could ever have, and I do so like to suck on him, lick him, finger him until I can drink all the cream from him.  Tonight is no different.  Well, maybe a little.

As I lick and stroke you, after pressing on your taint to bring you more pleasure my fingers move back farther and begin to circle your anus.  I lick my fingers to help make you wet there, and I begin to press into you.  You groan with pleasure.  I have not done this to you before and it feels so good.

I know you are enjoying this a lot from the redness of your face and your moans.  I press into you a little more as I take more of your prick into my mouth to suck.  Feeling me over your cock and up your ass makes you ecstatic, and a moment later I get my cream dessert.

After I clean you some, you lift me on your lap and kiss me, tasting the last of your cum on my tongue.

“Baby, where did you learn to do that?  It made Daddy very happy,” you murmur in my ear.

Softly and shyly I reply, “Timmy said his Mommy does that to him sometimes and I just wondered if you would like it too.”

“Well, perhaps we have a lot to learn from Timmy and his Mommy.  It did feel so good that you did that for me.  But tell me, would you like me to do it to you too?”

I ponder for only a few seconds and tell you I would like to know what it feels like, and if I do like it, then yes, I would.

We go to bed early to be rested for our big day ahead.  In bed, I face you, my head on your chest.  You reach down and unsnap my onesie and move your hand in to fondle my pussy and clit as I fall asleep.  My hand is holding Little Danny, gently squeezing as I begin to slumber.  There is a pacifier in my mouth which I just suck and suck.

In the morning we are up at eight o’clock.  Cleaned, diapered, dressed, breakfast and a bottle, we are ready to go.  I am in a romper again so I can get more sun while at the park, but you do put sunscreen on me.  My stroller is in the back, I am buckled into my car seat and we drive to pick-up Timmy and his Mommy.

At their house, his diaper bag and stroller are stored with mine, and you help put a second car seat in for him.  Timmy and I are in the back seat, and Maggie is upfront with you driving.  We look like a happy ABDL family on holiday.  I scowl a little at that idea as my Daddy and I are all the family we need. 

I am rather spoiled I know.

You can see my scowl, and wink at me in the rear-view mirror.  I giggle and smile.

It is about a forty-five-minute drive to the park.  Babyland did not have enough room at the resort or town, so they build it out in the country with tall fences all around so no one could see in.  The fences even enclose the parking lot for total privacy.  Once there you and Maggie place us in our strollers, diaper bags at the back, and push us to the entrance.  Our day pass comes with our resort stay.

We get badges to wear around our necks, mine has a princess on it, Timmy’s a train conductor.  Yours and Maggie’s just are denoted “parents”.

Timmy and I just gap at all the sites as you push us through the park.  As it is so exclusive, there are not that many people here today, as it is a weekday.  This allows us to get on all the rides without waiting in line.  And ride ones over and over if we want.

We are in heaven.  By noon we have hit so many rides.  Some with my Daddy sitting next to me or behind me; some just Timmy and I put it to a ride by ourselves, either alone or together.  You and Maggie are taking so many pictures of us. 

I see that Maggie check’s Timmy’s diaper as often as you do mine and in much the same way.  Timmy’s diaper sticks out some for a while after he is checked.  Hee Hee.

At lunchtime, you take us to a shaded area and throw out a blanket for us to sit on the ground.  Us both in your laps you feed us each a jar of baby food.  Then you lean me back for my bottle, and I just stare, with I realize jealously, as Timmy is covered with a blanket again as he is held against his Mommy’s tits to nurse.

Maggie sees what is in my eyes and smiles at me, “Lizzy would you like to watch?”

I nod my head at her as I suck my bottle of juice.  She lowers the blanket and I see her bare breasts.  Timmy is sucking hard on one, while his hand squeezes the other one in rhythm.  I see a little milk leak from that one before he moves to suck it. 

Both my Daddy and I are spellbound watching this loving and rather erotic display.  I could even see that Timmy was getting hard nursing his Mommy.  I feel you harden under me as you unsnap me and begin a thorough check to see if my diaper is wet.  It is a good thing no one else is anywhere near us.

We are both about to peak, so you quickly put me in my stroller, telling Maggie I need changed and hurry me to one of the family bathrooms and into a stall.  You plop me on the changing table, take off my diaper as you unbutton your pants and drop them.  You lift me off the table and slide me over your hard-upright cock. 

My legs cling around your waist as you move me to the wall so we can start to bounce and enjoy each other.  It amazes me that you can stand firm as you ram in me over and over, deeper and deeper.  We both are moaning with pleasure when we hear the moaning echoing.  You hold me still for a minute, and we can hear Maggie and Timmy in the next stall satisfying their inner urges also.

We laugh softly and then hurry back to satisfying our needs.

I am throbbing and clenching against you over and over as you thrust yourself up into me more and more.  I cling to your neck and waist as you ride me.  Oh, the feeling of you up in me.  I am dripping all over your cock, down your legs and onto the floor.  I hope not that much has gotten on your pants to show.

We bang like this for a long time, and we can hear them in the next stall keeping pace with us.  And almost in chorus the four of us all cum at the same time.  The moans and cries of joy have to be heard outside the restroom.

You put me back on the table and clean me up.  Using the wet wipe to also clean yourself.  Wiping down your legs and mopping my juices from the floor.  Your pants don’t look that bad as you pull them up.

You turn to diaper me, and as you always do when we have cum like this together, you take your time, gently caressing me as you apply baby oil and powder.  We are both trying to calm our breathing as you do.  A new diaper back in place, I didn’t really need one yet, but after all that, and you wiping my cum with the old one, it did need to be replaced.  My romper snapped again, you put me in my stroller, after kissing me hard and whispering, “thank you, baby,” in my ear. 

We leave the bathroom and head back to the blanket, we can hear Maggie and Timmy right behind us.

As you and Maggie fold the blanket and put things away, we all glance at each other and blush.  But there are such big smiles on all our faces.

We decide that perhaps the Merry-Go-Round would be the best ride for us right now.  You place me straddling a horse, as you hold me steady.  Even these up and down motions on my now tender cunt intensify everything I feel.

We go on a few more rides, then we get to have ice cream.  We save the roller coaster for last.  It really isn’t that big of one with rather mild hills, but it still looks exciting.  You sit next to me with your arm around my back.  Timmy and Maggie are in the front car ahead of us as he begged and begged to be allowed to sit up front.

The ride is exhilarating, and when it ends, Timmy and I both beg now to do it again.  Before we are completely happy and satisfied we ride it five times.  Then you tell us that it is getting late and time to go home.

We both are exhausted from one thing or another today.  So, we are agreeable about leaving, very tired, but agreeable. Timmy and I nod off to sleep for most of the ride home as I hear you and Maggie talking more and more.

When we drop them off, Timmy leans to me and hugs me hard, and kisses me.  Just a sweet kiss, as he tells me what a good time he had with me today.  You and Maggie just smile as you watch this. 

I am still so sleepy when we get home you have to carry me into the house.  You quickly change me into night clothes and diaper and lay me in the crib with a pacifier.  You leave the door open and the nightlights on as you go back to the living room. 

You smile as you update my calendar, remembering our afternoon coupling.  It amazes you how hard and wonderfully you come each time we do.  Your Baby Lizzy surprises you over and over.  You sigh thinking about what your life would be like if you hadn’t met me that first night, and all the developed so quickly.

You just do not want anything to ruin it.


Published 7 years ago

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