L016: Lizzy’s story: Lizzy’s vacation 5

"Lizzy and her Daddy begin their new life together. A vacation first before it really begins."

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“Baby, we need to go to the grocery store for some things, and then after that would you like to go to the pool?” you ask me as we lie recovering in each other’s arms.

“Oh yes, Daddy.”

You slowly and lovingly close up my diaper again and snap my romper back in place before pulling your pants up.  Both of us can feel our mingled juices still lingering in our crotches.  We just smile at each other enjoying the sensation.

You carry me to the garage and strap me in the car seat behind the driver.  It is like the seat I was in, coming from the airport.  I pouted a little as I would not be sitting up front with you, but you tell me it is not a long drive.

It’s not.  We are at the grocery store within ten minutes.

You help me out of the car and tell me to walk holding your hand.  When we enter the market, there are very special grocery carts at the door.  They have a kid’s seat big enough for an adult baby to fit into.  You lift me up and put me in the seat, so I am facing you as we go about the store.  The experience of not seeing what is ahead as we move through the store is different, but to be able to smile and look at your face the whole time makes it worth it.

We go about the store getting formula, wine, bread, butter, cheese and other basics for the next few days.  It is when we get to the aisle of baby food that the trouble begins.

You begin to scan the shelves for jars of food I will eat, reading the ingredients, putting some in the cart, others back on the shelf.  Unfortunately, on the other side of the aisle, and in my reach are chips and other treats.

Potato chips are one of my weaknesses.  I could eat a whole bag in one sitting if left to my own devices.  As my Daddy, you know this and do not allow them around often, and in only sparing amounts.  But as you are concentrating on the baby food, I reach and fling a few bags into the cart.  You turn and see what I have done and tell me that’s not being a good girl and put them back on the shelf.

As soon as your back is turned they are back in the cart, thanks to my nibble fingers.  Again, you find them and put them back and slap my hand telling me to behave.  But now I really want them.

When you turn away, I grab a bag, open it and begin to stuff chips in my mouth, sending crumbs everywhere.  You see what I have done and say, “Lizzy, you have overstepped the line.”

Without another word, you take the bag from me, put it in the far end of the cart, and quickly push me to the family bathroom.  You lift me out of the cart and carry me in.  You stand me by the chair there as you sit, and before I realize what is happening, I am over your lap, my romper unsnapped, diapers untapped and laying over my thighs.  No this is not going to be like the fun we had earlier.  I feel your hand land on my right cheek as the first spanking I have had in days start.  I cry out in indignation.

“Lizzy, what did I tell you more than once just now?” Spank.  Spank.  Spank.  Spank.

Each slap to my cheeks, back and forth, landing sometime on my upper thighs sting.  I am crying with the surprise of all of it, and my feelings of guilt that I have been bad.  I so wanted to be good on our vacation, and it was only hours ago when I was declaring to myself that I would be so well behaved while we are here at Babyland.

“I’m sorry Daddy.  I should not have kept grabbing the chips,” I cry.

The spanking continues, my bottom beginning to pinken.

“And?” you prompt me.  Spank.  Spank.  Spank.

Oh, my bottom and thighs are burning.  “I never, ever should have opened the bag and started to eat them,” I sob.

You continue on, and I begin to feel the wetness in my slit that always comes when I am spanked by you.  I am just beginning to enjoy the feeling, along with that of the feeling of you hardening under my stomach across your lap, when the door opens and a Mommy and her adult toddler boy walk in.

She has come in to change his diaper, but seeing your hand coming down over and over on my ass she just smiles as she pulls her toddler through to a stall.  The adult baby boy though is ogling over what is happening and turns and keeps looking back as his Mommy pulls him to the stall.

This has never happened before, being seen by people when being spanked.  And total strangers at that.  It is in a way arousing, and hearing the Mommy scold her baby saying, “Timmy, it is not nice to stare like that, do you want to be over my lap in the same position?  You will be if I catch you staring like that again.”

Timmy whimpered back, “No Mommy I’m your good boy, no spanky, I won’t stare.”

Somehow just hearing that conversation brings me to climax.  My ass raises up, I give out a howling cry and you see from the flush rolling over me that it is not only my bottom which is rosy now. 

You slow your spanks and begin to just rub my bottom for a bit, before closing me up and turning me to sit on your lap as you hug and rock me.  I feel your hard cock against my bottom now.  My crying ends and turns to soft giggles as you kiss my head and I rub back and forth across your cock.

“Are you going to be my good Lizzy now?” you ask me.  “We are going to have to buy those chips now that you opened them, but you may not have any for two days as the rest of your punishment.”

“Yes Daddy, I’m your good sunshine girl.  But maybe just a couple of chips when we get home?” I say as I look up at you with doe eyes.

“No baby, you need to learn to control yourself this way,” you tell me.

Timmy and his Mommy come out of the stall and he shyly smiles at me as they walk out.  You are holding me tight to you to hide your hard-on from them.

As soon as they are gone, you hurry me to one of the stalls and lock the door.  There is a small children’s potty like the one in our unit there and you sit me on it, fully dressed, but I know why.  I quickly reach and undo your pants, and Little Danny is in my hands and in my mouth immediately.

I suck you hard, taking you all in while squeezing your balls.  Then they are in my mouth as I jerk you.  Back and forth, cock then balls, for a few minutes until, firmly in my mouth, you erupt.  I gulp it all down, then lick your prick and balls clean.  Toward the end, you have to hold on to the wall behind me to keep your balance. 

Now, you stay that way for a minute or two catching your breath as I tuck Little Danny away and zip you up.  You pick me up so my legs are around your waist and kiss me deeply.  My arms are flung around your neck as we kiss and I can feel your hands rubbing my still sore bottom through my diapers.

“Well young lady, we have a few things to add to your daily tracking for today.  Two more times for both of us, and your first red palm.”

I am excited about the adding to our daily tally for the one part, but not so thrilled that my chart will already have a red palm.

Back in the cart, you just smile at me as we move to finish shopping.  When you stop by the meat counter, you take the bag of chips and hand me two. 

Yes, when I have made my Daddy happy like I just did he caves so easily.

While at the checkout line, I see Timmy in the next lane and he waves to me. 

He is a rather attractive man around mid-thirties.  He has a nice body and a handsome face.  He is dressed in a pink t-shirt and a green boy’s jumper – shorts with a front bib and shoulder straps.  He has on white socks with a green stripe at the top and sneakers which light up when he stamps his feet together.  His Mommy is about his age, maybe even younger, but tall and beautifully shaped.  She does have large breasts which make me wonder if Timmy gets to be breastfed.

Timmy is all smiles and calls over to me, “We are going to the pool this afternoon.  I can’t wait.”

I call back excitedly, “We are too, maybe see you there.”

My Daddy and his Mommy just smile and nod to each other.

Then I remember that I have been bad, and maybe the pool won’t be part of our afternoon.  I turn and look at you questioningly.

“Baby, I think you will need a nap first after what just happened, but then we will go the pool,” you smile at me, letting me know all is forgiven. Then you turn to Timmy’s Mommy and tell her it will probably be about two o’clock when we get there.

She nods in agreement and says, “Yes, Timmy needs a nap too so he won’t be cranky later, so see you both there around two.”

My first playdate awaits me.  Timmy and I just look and each other and smile.

Back home you carry me to my crib and lay me down with a bottle of formula to suck on as you unload the groceries.  I am determined not to go to sleep but sucking on the bottle in the darkened room and a mobile churns above me does make me very drowsy, in less than ten minutes I am gently snoring.

You come in to check on me and see I am sound asleep the half-empty bottle by my head.  You see me start to raise my thumb to my lips in my sleep and quickly press the pacifier to my lips.  I begin to suck on it as you lower my arm to my side.

While I sleep for over an hour, you update my record for today.  Yes, now there is a red palm added with a one in the center of it. 

Awake and carried to my changing table I see it on the screen that is by the stand and whimper a little. 

“I’m sorry I was bad, Daddy. I will be your good girl.”

“Sweetie, you will not always be my good girl, I know that is just how you are, so when you are not, your Daddy will spank you so you learn.  Only because I love you so.”

My Daddy does always know the perfect thing to say to me.

You undress me completely, cleaning me from my wet diaper from my nap.  Actually, I had wet it shortly after my spanking, but I don’t mind a little dampness as it usually is anyways from my juices.

Laying there in my birthday suit in front of you, my legs spread so you can see all my glory, you just stroke my slit for a few minutes as you enjoy the view.

You come back to your senses and wipe me once more with a wet wipe.  “Honey, do you think you can go diaper-less to the pool?  I have some swim pants diapers I will take if needed but would like you to just wear your suit to start.”

“Okay, Daddy, whatever you want.  I won’t pee while we are there.”

You place me on my potty and tell me to try to empty my bladder so not to need to.  You stroke my slit until you feel the pee run over your hand.  There is something enjoyable for you to feel my warm liquid running down your fingers.  You wipe me dry and we both wash our hands.

You dress me in a two-piece bathing suit, the top more like a sports bra, and the bottom coming up to just below my belly button.  It is pale pink with little yellow ducks on it.  I love how I look as I stand before the mirror.

You put a little coverall over me and a straw sunhat on my head.  You change into your suit, with a polo shirt over it.  You fill a beach bag with towels, sun lotion and some pool toys for me.  My diaper bag is filled including a couple of bottles, which I notice are wine filled.  I think I am going to be thirsty at the pool.

You put me in my car seat and we are off to the pool.  It is not even two o’clock yet.

At the pool, we find a spot where there is an umbrella if we need it.  There is a lounge chair for you and you spread a towel for me to lay on the ground.  You first lift me to sit in front of you and begin to apply sunscreen all over my arms, chest, back and legs.  I whisper to you to not put too much on as I would like to get a tan.  You just laugh and say it is not that strong today so I would be able too.  You want to see your little, tanned baby too.

“Daddy do you want me to put some on you?” I ask.

You hand me the bottle and I turn to sit on your lap facing you.  I lean you toward me as I lotion your back then lean you back as I run my lotioned fingers around your neck, down your arms and then carefully all over your chest.  Just squeezing your nipples as I caress the lotion all around them.

I look at your hard nipples longingly, and you know that I want to suck them.  You tell me that we can’t do that now, later, tonight, I can, but we are here to swim and have fun in the sun.  I giggle in reply for you knowing me so well.

After I finish putting lotion on your legs, we walk to the pool.  It does not really have a deep end, just a sizable area about four and a half feet deep.  There is another large part that is a splash pool for us babies.  Mommies and Daddies sit on the edge watching their babies and toddlers play in about two feet of water.

You take me to the deeper part telling me you want to teach me to swim.  Now I know how to swim, but the idea of my Daddy teaching me is enticing.  You sit me on the side of the pool, climb in, and lift me in your arms.  My legs immediately go around your waist, and as you hold me leaning against the side of the pool you lower me on you just enough so my cunt is rubbing your cock.  Oh yes.

Holding you around your neck I rub up and down on you feeling Little Danny grow and grow.  “Oh, my nasty baby, that feels so good,” you whisper in my ear.

“Do you want me to be your slut baby, Daddy?”  I whisper back.

“We better hold off on that until tonight too, but yes you are Daddy’s little slut,” you softly reply, “Let’s start your first swim lesson, as we will have a pool at our house.” 

This is news to me, a pool?  I kiss you all over your face, ending at your lips which I open and kiss you deeply.

You lift me to lay on my back in the water as you hold me in your arms, telling me to arch my back.  Now that is something I know how to do, as I do that often as you make me cum.  You walk me around the pool this way, moving your hands away from time to time to allow me to float on my own.  I just smile at you as we work our way back and forth across the pool.

Then you have me roll on my stomach to practice that way.  While I am on my back your hands are holding and caressing my ass cheeks and thighs and my mid-back.  When I roll over your hand is holding my cunt and breasts. 

Daddy, you are not making this easy for me to swim, but it feels so good. 

Moving around in the pool again, your sweet caresses and the semi-warm water of the pool have their effect, in not the best way. 

You have been having me make arms strokes as we go, and after we make about twenty passes back and forth across the pool, you suddenly feel warm wetness coming from my crotch.  You turn and wrap me around your waist, and hurry me from the pool.  You feel a little more drip out of me, and down the front of your suit over your cock.

This feels enthralling but you realize that I better wear the pool pants for the rest of the day.

You take me back to my towel and lay me on my back bring the diaper bag close to us, blocking me some from the others around the pool.  You take out a wet wipe, the baby powder and a pool diaper and lay them beside me.

What!  You are going to change me out here in the open with other people around.  While I blush, I feel myself begin to throb.  You lower the bottoms of my bathing suit, wipe me off, lift the diaper under me and begin to powder me a little.

Just at that moment, while still uncovered, Timmy comes running over to us, his Mommy following.  He stops in his tracks as he sees what is happening, and just stands there watching as you powder me and then lift my diaper up over me securing me.  You lift my swimsuit bottoms back up, they will be alright as they had been in the chlorine which was very apparent in the pool which must often see similar accidents.  You lift me up to stand, and while still blushing a little I pretend it is nothing and greet Timmy and his Mommy.

While she puts sunscreen on Timmy, you reapply some to me too.  Then you blow up a beach ball, then an inflatable flamingo and an airplane for Timmy and me to float on.  We carry all these things to the splash pool and while you and Timmy Mommy sit on the edge, he and I run around the water for a while before sitting down near you and tossing the ball back and forth.

You and Timmy’s Mommy chat as we play, but then Timmy brings his float close to me so we can talk quietly together.  He starts by apologizing for staring when I was being spanked, and just now when being changed. 

“It’s just I never saw an adult baby girl like that before.  I only get to see my Mommy naked.”

I giggle and tell him that it is okay, I have never seen an adult baby boy that way yet either.

He asks if my spanking hurt? 

I tell him honestly about it stinging, and me crying because I know I have been bad and deserve it, but am also very aroused.

He whispers back that he is the same way.  But then tells me that if he has been really bad his Mommy will jerk him to come first so the spanking stings even more.  And then the rush he feels is from shame and humiliation.

This is interesting to me.  “How long have you been an ABDL Timmy?” I ask him.

“It’s a year now, this is an anniversary trip for us.  I met Maggie, my Mommy, about a year and a half ago. We dated for almost six months and realized we were so compatible, though not for the Mommy and me yet.  I asked her to marry me but told her first about my desire to be her baby boy.  I was so afraid she would say no, to both the marriage and the baby thing.  But she just smiled at me in the kindest way and pulled me to her lap and kissed me and ask me to explain what I wanted.  We stayed up most that night talking about it, and how we could make it happen.  Oh, and she did say yes she would marry me and be my Mommy.”

Timmy went on with his tale, “My job allows me to work at home half the time so it is only a couple days of the week that I have to be a big boy on the job.  The rest of the time I am Timmy.  We began this lifestyle a day after our conversation.  We lived in the same condo complex next door to each other, that is how we met.  We fixed mine up as our baby house, with a private door between the two units, and Maggie’s is where we say we live and entertain at.  She does work part-time now too, but she works that around my schedule.  I was her baby when we got married two months later.  Even wearing a diaper under my tux.  No one knows about this part of us though.”

“Maggie found Babyland and we came here for our honeymoon.  It was the best ever.  And we came back this week to celebrate me becoming her baby boy.  We will probably come back in two months again for our anniversary.  This place is perfect for us to spend our vacations at.”

I was in awe of his story.  It sounded all so wonderful.  He explained that“yes, they had a very fulfilling sex life, and six months ago Maggie’s milk began to flow after them working towards that, and now she nurses him three times a day.

That boggles my mind a little.

I then tell him the story of Daddy/Daniel and me.  How we met, how he so quickly became my Daddy and me his little Lizzy and everything that has happened during our first two months together.  But I’ve told that all here before so will not repeat it again.

When we both finish our stories, Timmy leans and hugs me and kisses my ear and neck as he whispers shyly, “When you and your Daddy are ready for a more advanced level with this lifestyle, perhaps you and I can have an explore and play date while your Daddy and my Mommy get to know each other better too.  We have not tried that yet, but are considering doing it from time to time.”

I look open-mouthed at him.  I understood exactly what he was suggesting.  My Daddy and his Mommy together, and Timmy and me?  WOW, never thought about that, but then…

I whisper, “I don’t think we are ready for anything like that yet, but if we do, would you let your Mommy nurse me too?”

I suddenly realize that when Timmy mentions about his Mommy nursing him, I get so wet and throbbing.  It was something I would really like to experience.  But not for a while, even for all Timmy was suggesting.

I look over to my Daddy and I see he is in deep conversation with Maggie, and that he is rather red-faced.  A new dimension of what could be ahead for us has just been offered.

Boy, are Daddy and me going to have a lot to talk about tonight. 



Published 7 years ago

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