“Yes, Sir,” I said through the phone.
“Better take some now. I’m on my way home,” he said and hung up.
I set the phone down and picked up the pill bottle. I didn’t have time to worry if Master was in an angry or playful mood. It might not matter too much either way; it was clear that he intended to wear me out when he got home. I opened the bottle absently as I walked into the kitchen for water. My heart was racing and I felt the familiar flush in my throat and pussy. I had about one half hour to prepare for Master’s arrival. I straightened up and ran the vacuum cleaner. I took a brief shower and shaved the pussy he owns so it was smooth and soft. I toweled myself off completely and attached my doggie collar. I knelt by the front door and waited.
When Master unlocked the door and walked in, he ruffled the hair on the top of my head, but said nothing as he walked past me into the house. I knew he was taking an inventory with his eyes. He dropped his keys in the key dish and patted his thigh for me to come to his side. I crawled quickly to his side and knelt, my knees apart.
He slid his firm hand down my head and tugged on the collar. “Get up, my little bitch, and bring me hairbrush, the plug, the cat, and the bar. You may walk.”
“Thank you, Sir,” I said and went to retrieve the items Master wanted.
I still could not gauge his mood. I collected the items and wrapped them in a towel and brought them to Master. While I had been collecting the implements, he had collected the soft rope from the pantry as I saw when I walked back into the room. He was unwinding it with a look of concentration and amusement that made me slip one degree deeper in love with him. He glanced over at me and then indicated the bench with his head. I racked my brain for what I had done to be punished on the bench and I couldn’t find anything. I had been working so hard to keep to my routine, to follow Master’s rules and to do so with a cheerful attitude. Nonetheless, I knew there was always vast room for improvement .
I knelt on the bench facing the back. Master had rigged various hooks where he could attach my bound wrists and ankles. I spread my knees and tilted my hips up in an effort to please him. His silence was making me very nervous.
After he had tied my hands down, he ran his flat hands along the shivering contours of my body. He kneaded my ass cheeks and ran his nails along the inside of my thighs. When he took his hands away, my thighs clenched in longing for his flesh and anticipation of the brush or cat.
He placed the cool smooth back of the wooden brush on the inside of my left foot and ran it up my left leg and down my right. He traced both ass cheeks with it in slow swipes. There was a pause and he placed his left hand on the small of my back. I didn’t feel the first blow until a moment after I heard the bang against the meatiest part of my right ass cheek. He painted the globe from every angle. I never knew when the next blow was coming and I stayed as still as possible, but still wriggled to relieve some of the heat when he focused on the top part of the cheek. I started to feel the throb in my right side and I wondered how it must look—the right side turning a deep pink and the left untouched and white. He soon corrected that by moving to the other side and spanking the left ass cheek. Again, I couldn’t predict when the next blow would land and the heat grew into a throbbing that radiated through my ass and pussy.
I could smell myself growing aroused from the spanking and I still was not sure if I was being punished or not. In all the time Master used the hairbrush on me he said nothing.
“Tilt your hips up,” he told me when he stopped, and I tilted them. He reached under me and pressed his fingers into my pussy. “Ohh, so wet, slave. Why are you so wet?” he teased.
“Because you spanked this slave’s ass, Master,” I said.
“You call that a spanking?” he laughed. “That was just a warm-up.” He continued pressing his fingers inside me and then he drew them out and rubbed the vulva with the flat of his hand. He massaged the labia, tugging on them and then returned to a massage of the swollen, throbbing clit.
His caress ended abruptly and he brought his fingers up to my lips. I licked them clean. I licked his palm and felt the knotted tails of the cat on my warm ass. I tensed and drew in my pelvis instinctively. I remembered the last time Master had used the cat on me.
He spread my knees farther apart and attached the spreader bar and then tied my ankles to the bench. He ran the braided leather tails along my thighs slowly. I felt myself leaning into the strands. He took his time tracing my thighs and pushing the handle into the pussy he owns, wet and lonely. He pressed the plug against the asshole he controls and then removed it. I heard him putting lube on the plug and felt a glob against the opening and then inside my rectum. I took the plug into my ass easily. When he finally began laying stripes into the skin of my thighs, he did it excruciatingly slowly. He let the stings grow and mellow. I felt myself drifting.
I imagined that my Master was sitting on a throne while another man whipped me in the center of a great hall. As the punisher laid the stripes down on my back and ass and thighs, the king walked over to us. He put his hand up to get the man to stop. The man held the cat in his hands behind his back and stepped aside. The king ran his hands over my marks. He stood behind me and drew my hips into his groin. He grasped my tits and squeezed them tightly.
“What has she done?” he asks the punisher.
“She was discovered pleasuring herself when she was not at her station this morning, your majesty. It is the third time this week.” The king turned back to me with an amused smile.
“I see. This calls for extensive punishment indeed. This wanton slut shall reside in my chambers until she is rehabilitated. Hand me that implement, Sir. I will complete this portion of her punishment.” The punisher handed the cat to the king using both hands and bowed low, walking backward so as not to dishonor him by turning his back.
The king gazed at me, fascinated. “Spread your legs, slut,” he said and the moment I did, he flicked the cat at my clit. The knotted ends caught my engorged button. I avoided his gaze but he commanded me to look into his eyes.
“I want to see the eyes of my new diversion and watch how she accepts the lashings upon her greedy little pussy.” To emphasize his words, he landed the wicked knots expertly on my pearl. I gazed into his eyes and he smiled at me as he whipped me. When I cried out, he struck the insides of my thighs. I kept my eyes locked on his and silently pleaded with him to rub my roughened skin; a task I knew was far beneath that of a king. My eyes began to flood but I kept looking into his eyes as he commanded. I hoped I wasn’t imagining that I detected an admiration in his expression.
Master put his hand on my neck and said, “You seem distracted, pet. What is it?” His nuzzled my face and my question seemed hardly to matter anymore. I asked anyway, “am I being punished, Sir?”
“Did I tell you you were being punished, slut?”
“No, Sir.”
“Have you kept something from me that you need to be punished for?”
“No, Sir.” I looked into his eyes, alarmed. I used to pull that kind of deception when we first met, but no more. “But…”
“But what, slave?”
“But the only times before when you used the brush and cat so harshly on me were when you punished me, Sir,” I said.
“The thing is, slave, he said slowly, “I can do what I want to that body for any reason at all. You don’t have to know the reason. All you have to know is how to obey.” He smiled. I smiled.
“Yes, Sir.”
After he had untied me and removed the spreader bar, he laid a blanket on the floor and commanded me to lie on it. He knelt on either side of my head. I took his cock inside my mouth and sucked on it hard. I felt him become stiff in my mouth and felt very grateful to be allowed to have his cock inside my body. He began to thrust very lightly and I tilted my head so his cock could go deeper down my throat. I felt safe enclosed in his legs. I wanted to be able to take him as deep as possible, so I cupped his hips and pushed him slightly into my face. He continued rocking only varying the depth of his thrusts. I moved my tongue along the length of his rigid cock and sucked hard when he pushed it all the way into my mouth. I stroked and pressed his hips harder so he would thrust deeper into me. I was in heaven being used for Master’s pleasure, for the pleasure of my King as his toy, his slut and his slave.